r/Blursedimages · go ahead, kid. roll the dice.

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soon it will all be clean how's it going everyone and welcome back to easy peasy my name is Zac and today we're gonna be taking a look at our slash blur stim ajiz oh brother imagine just being these guys just doing your job and then these dogs over here they just yeah how to live to be 100 lived to be 99 then be very careful no oh no I don't like this I who I don't like giant woody head on normal body or Andy human head on tiny doll body yes who can forget Adolf Hitler and his anime waifu yeah he was a very big fan of anime back in the 40s Norton AntiVirus professional Edition not professional Edition although it's from 2003 so it might be outdated don't know if it's gonna protect you bud to casually approach child look he's just inviting him to the spooky club okay is that nothing wrong with this not weird at all you Aquaman the Aquaman she tells you not to worry about oh my god I forgotten how different are you Anna Grande looked as like backing on like victorious and stuff yeah this this is funny I'm not gonna lie okay love yeah as a friend oh okay oh this guy's got the bamboo sniper he's not messing around do not cross this guy's path oh no that's I don't know about this one this is not the best idea no water burb the Bourbon tops like what are you doing in there go top secret bottom secret these pigeons you in the wrong neighborhood foo if you think nobody cares if you're alive try missing a couple of car payments new message to my love we are done I am in love with your sister I'm typing with a carrot right now naughty cat of the week bit a hole in my brother's ear nice cat of the week did not eat garbage this week oh good job Dwight Milton maybe someday maybe someday you'll get on the nice cat of the week list don't worry so so hot too hot oh my god frickin there is a Chihuahua in this crust bread pizza I who is this cosplay you know what it checks out in my book okay it's Lightning McQueen as a Corvette I think but that's not the the elephant in the room it's um the sofa on top of it okay spending money again bro bro that's kind of cringe this tomato and uh it's an ally it speaks to him we are looking for graphic designer Jesus Christ they you know it's desperate when you got to go into paint also can you imagine a movie playing on that thing that'd be awesome tired happy grumpy desk besito detention for saying and hippity-hoppity women our property yikes what is this what is this a round dice or die it's it's one that this makes me want to die am i right good girl swallow by eating disorders i don't know about this one oh my god oh this there's just one not quite Pikachu in there hmm Oh dog oh you messed up you messed up you don't go on the ice I want to see what happened after this I want to see the the running up and then the instant regret door bells Frick shout Boykin really loud this is amazing mr. Crocker my name's Doug dimmadome and I can't get caressed without getting closer the love of your life will appear in front of you unexpectedly well better give him a smooch oh my god that these images always they're the best I love seeing the behind the scenes of them too I don't know about this why is he there why watch your episodes yes we found two faces in this image the soldier and the tree it watches speaking of trees this family tree I don't think this I don't think this lines up no this raises some questions save your family from bored I'm at Showbiz Pizza save your family oh my god why are their handprints I bloody handprints what kind of someone just throw tomatoes at Iturbe who this verse is a lot of questions why is it Finn from adventure time all you had to do was follow the damn train CJ why though the grete the whatever her name is I don't this image also raises a lot of questions holy cow yeah instead of using poker chips I mean they have some there but studies and poker chips the prizes are just toilet paper in these trying times all hail the garlic yes I too praised garlic daily george w bush but he's a a yugioh player it's time to duel get it on google play get gay gingerbread man you know what yeah yes you are you're the gingerbread man good job oh man this this image makes me sad I don't know why but it does poor giraffe if God loves me why can't I get a big titty goth girl gf well it turns out God was the big titty goth girl gf the whole time oh my god this this is an amazing theory Jack Skellington and zero are just the Grinch and Max but dead need a haircut I why is he under there han Solo and Shrek dress the same called on let me confirm this you know what yeah pretty much pretty much this is funny I like this this is death this yeah funny left ah yes my favorite gas station hell how to hide your weed cocaine marijuana hidden inside no one will ever know whoa Scyther suddenly hugged you know this guy pitching his kingpin cosplay be like it's a hell of a freaking cosplay you're gonna love this yes the ding dong glider fly be free oh no a kiwi bird please just put it back together oh my god the Krusty Krab it's real please select a payment method credit card octopus but up up up what fun fact this is a picture of the earth billions of years later when all the waters gone and the Sun just deep fries all of the countries yeah it's pretty gnarly new massage technology try it yep this is actually a how it works oh man I this is um I wouldn't like this I wouldn't like someone getting an old embarrassing photo of me strapping it to their face and then just surrounding me hey Vsauce Michael here where are your fingers she would like to know is this covert milk delivery oh my god that dog but a Minecraft dog this is Kirsten oh man out of all the cosplays I've seen this has got to be one of the worst I don't like it Netflix posters line up like this this is incredible welcome all colors all sexes all orientations on religions all cultures all abilities all ages all sizes except the Danish love lives here hello my name is Tom Riddle I see you have found my Nokia good luck destroying this Horcrux definitely not bees shake vigorously before opening I am NOT Bernie what how many people ran into him thinking it was Bernie before he had to get that shirt that's a weird-looking motorcycle in that parking spot but I'm sure he's fine the burb he requires chocolate each year in the United States more than eight thousand parrots are convicted of murder it's okay you're safe holy crap Lois its Han Griffin and the chicken from Family Guy but there's Boba Fett I don't fully I get the joke I've seen the whole Peter Griffin inviting the chicken thing but I didn't know it was in the Star Wars parodies as well oh the dog owes providing a he's being a stand for the phone that's that's adorable not sure how Shanna Terri it is but on the cuteness level it's pretty up there oh my god these comics oh that's awful this is awful do plant sneeze hypothesis plants probably sneeze experiment feathers pepper feet conclusion plants don't sneeze damn Billy Eilish plus Ricciardo equals Billy Ricardo Ricardo baila Sh I don't like this just before you die swallow a whole bag of popcorn kernals your cremation will be epic home generators powered by comma not a fan oh my god this reminds me of the movie spider-man from 2002 where like his fingers have tiny tiny tiny spider legs coming out of them super weird we're not spider legs but little like hook things you know the Mona Lisa or Putin my favorite album rain sounds that unfortunately include the frequent cries oh my god because you wouldn't shut up all those recordings yeah that's how it works whenever you close up your hoodie you're at your face actually gets smaller what what is this message supposed to say like Frick you satellites Frick you space it's just everything RTX off RTX I dislike this okay this is uh this is pretty impressive make a scuff on your carb actually look not accidental I guess people make 2d images like this 3d it just gives you a whole nother vibe you know oh yes the inverted PB&J the PB&J doughnut or bagel the loaf of bread sandwich and then the meat which with the bread in between to me security dog that's what that is yep yep I don't need glasses help all right I'm coming here I go oh no it's fake the Sharks they've become smarter [ __ ] [ __ ] you is fine person just making their future on the sims Oh risky move oh my god I love these images where it's clearly now what's happening here this guy does not have an arm that long but you know we can pretend oh I've seen this design for cigarette boxes and yeah yeah basically and well that brings us to the end of our slash worst images thank you all so much for watching if you enjoyed what you saw be sure to hit that subscribe button and the bielski notify time come easy peasy uploads and until the next one I'll see you around you you
Channel: EzPz
Views: 731,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/blursedimages, r/blursedimages reddit, blursed images, blursed reddit, cursed reddit, r/cursedimages reddit, emkay, ezpz, ez pz
Id: 3QykqzGNf0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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