r/Prorevenge Don't Mess With a WW2 Vet!

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welcome to our slash Pro revenge we're a world war two vet gets revenge from beyond the grave I really liked this girl for a while that I met at a lifeguard certification course and I talked to her while I was there and we I thought ended up hitting it off we exchanged numbers and social media and all that and we message for a few weeks before I asked her out to a movie which she accepted we've been going on casual dates nothing too serious and we weren't hanging out at my place at her place even though I had hinted at the idea for a few weeks before one of her friends someone was also at the lifeguarding course that I met and kept in contact with because he was cool sends me this screenshot aren't you and Opie going out now not really but as long as he keeps paying for everything I'll let him take me out more girl's gotta eat and why you got to do him like that sure egg emoji he said he felt bad for me because I was nice and that she often does this to other dudes after seeing this I asked her to go on a nice date with me to a hibachi grill restaurant 20 to 40 dollar plates and premium desserts are served here I got the most expensive thing they had and so did she we both got fancy ice cream and multiple refills on drinks I complimented her a lot and smiled consistently before getting up to go to the bathroom and leaving I was also her ride about 45 minutes later I get furious text from her saying that she had to have her mom come down and pay for it because she didn't have money on her and that we were done I know it's not a lot and it sucks because I thought she was actually into me but it felt pretty nice leaving her that way our next reddit post is from pika tiara years ago my mother and I had just moved to a new dog friendly apartment complex we had two dogs when was it Bichon Shih Tzu and the other was a terrier poodle mix because of them we were excited for the community dog park right next to our building also to note our whole building was filled with dog owners each with dogs ranging from small to huge our apartment was on the first floor in the back of the building all the way in the corner it was a nice private area for us with how the apartments were situated since one of our dogs is a terrier he can be a bit barky when we're not home though when we our home we have a clicker to get his attention and he's been trained to stop barking and come to whoever has the clicker due to our work hours I was usually home in the morning and mom was home in the afternoon leaving him alone for a few hours during the day after a month of moving to our new apartment we received a note on our door it was from one of the neighbors it stated dear neighbor I understand that you are new to this complex but it is rude to allow your dog to park it is ruining my sleep before I go to work and my job is extremely important I don't care how you do it but shut your dog up my mom turned in the note right away to the leasing office as she wasn't sure what to do with it that's when the office told us not to worry because he had done this to every dog gunner in the building they did ask us to see if we can find ways to calm him down when we're not home so we did we found out the kids in the neighborhood liked playing with the power station outside our apartment and that is who had been barking at so we closed off that area to him when we went out and no one was home we started playing calming music as a way to help as well another week goes by and this time we hear a knock at the door we go outside and we meet our angry neighbor he explains that our dog has kept him up every day and woke him up with his hours of barking both of us had been home that day and our dog had been a good boy and had not excessively barked I still remember what he had told us when I explained that I know what I heard if you can't control your dog then I'm going to call animal control and have them both taken from you I did it before and have no problem getting rid of your dogs - then I'll get you kicked out for not following your leads and I can do that because I'm very rich and the apartment needs my money so do something - shut your dogs up or else after that me and my momma apologize for what had happened and we went back in a few moments later I walked out to get the mail and discovered from another neighbor that he had gone to three other apartments and made similar threats after some convincing my mom told the apartment what had happened we were told not to worry and if he did that again please contact them we also found out that the apartment had offered him an apartment away from the dogs but he had declined since the dogs were the problem in not him however after what he done my mom began to show signs of anxiety and bought a lemon spray bar collar for our dog while I didn't like this idea it had put her at ease to go outside our apartment we did make sure to only put it on him when we were both not at home a month went by peacefully and then once again we get a knock on our door this time it was animal control they've gotten an anonymous report of a dog being abused and neglected in our home they explained that someone has said our dogs were barking because of neglect my mom invited the animal control lady inside and explained the situation we showed her everything we could to prevent our dogs from being taken away the nice lady noticed how playful and happy our dogs were and figured it was another false call she explained that they had gotten a few of those from an anonymous concerned neighbor four other apartments in this building the animal control lady left telling us that if they're threatened again to try to get it on record this event had turned my mom into a paranoid person who became afraid to leave the house thinking that if she did then she would lose her pups normally I'm the calmest person in my family never really letting anyone get to me but this neighbor had done this to hurt us so I did my research and discovered a few things that could legally help us with new information on certain laws and leasing terms I formed a plan during a weekend that my mom was visiting my aunt in different state I began my plan I started it by printing out a few things and then sat outside with my phone in the speaker I began to play a video of a dog barking really loud I figured out which apartment was his thanks to a few neighbors who were also tired of being harassed i sat there looking across the courtyard to where his apartment was I waited with a huge smile on my face and as I hoped for he stormed out and hit it over to where I was I turned off my video and turned on my recorder without him noticing his face is red with anger as he looks at me sitting there with a smile I'm sorry can I help you I asked him happy I haven't told you what I'll do to your family if you effing didn't stop your stupid mutt from ruining my sleep now I'm going to get them taken from you and get you kicked out for not doing as I said I gave you an effing chance I hope when they take your dogs that they're killed and you and your mom live inside a cardboard box I gave him a fake oh dear look and say so you're saying that I'm not allowed to make loud noises including my dogs barking between the hours of 7 a.m. and 11 p.m. and that I went against the law by doing so you know you did and you're telling me this from my porch at 2:00 p.m. in the afternoon this won't be your porch once I tell the leasing office oh noes that is a very serious threat for my dogs and my family isn't it yes it is I give him a huge smile and turn off my recorder from my phone the neighbors confused now and I asked him to have a seat I have a few things to show him I pull out my papers and hand him the first one it was the county's noise ordinance laws in our county a dog's bark was considered the same amount of sound is a loud appliance so they can bark between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. before he could talk I pull out another paper this one stayed that it's against the leasing terms to threaten another neighbor and after one warning that the apartment complex has the right to dissolve their lease he looks at me with an understanding of what he'd done now i silenced him and pull out why not last paper this one was another leasing term I'd found his face after reading this one had made him turn white this last one talked about how it was a complete violation of leasing terms to go on to another renters property and threaten them or their property this includes the renters outdoor area those found guilty of this violation will have their lease revoked immediately and be forced to leave the apartment within a set time the scared look on his face was priceless as I silently got up and walked back into my apartment after he finally left I called my leasing office and explained what it just happened and agreed to email the recording them right away a week later my mom came home with some news that she learned from the leasing office the man had been evicted from his apartment and would be leaving later that week I found out that my actions had caused the other dog owners of the building to come forward and admit what he'd been doing to all of them after that there was never another complaint and I threw away the lemon spray collar my mom still gets anxiety attacks once in a while but she's been getting help to ease those worries as for me I don't regret what I did I just feel bad that it had to come to this if this guy was so rich why was he living in an apartment complex what kind of idiot moves into a dog-friendly apartment complex and then gets upset when he hears dogs barking I mean what do you expect dude our next reddit post is from benign Reaver this isn't my story but it's a story of a departed uncle rest in peace Hodge backstory in World War 2 my uncle Hodge was an engineer with the Royal Air Force he rapidly climbed the ranks and ended up being the head engineer at a local base after the war he met his wife of 45 years Eve it was the typical post-war relationship without children though due to complications he quickly found a job at our village coal mine known locally as the pits he went from engineer to Foreman very quickly the man had a knack for leadership that's for sure he and Eve some of his RAF buddies and his sister my grandmother even went to Spain for holidays at least once a year before they all retired after that whenever they felt like it the family the unfortunate truth is that family isn't always nice my grandmother was his only surviving direct family Eve on the other hand had a large family very large the trouble with large families is that often there's a few bad eggs in this case it was quicker to count the good ones as Hodge would put it the trouble with eggs is you can only tell the good ones by spinning him quick or dunking them in water I don't fancy going to prison more often than not Eve's family would drop by and ask to borrow money not from Eve she had none Hodge had always been industrious saving as much as he could and only really spending what he had to other than the holidays of course the incident when I hit 18 the legal drinking age in the UK he took me for my first beer as my dad worked nights and had to sleep he didn't drink which was uncommon for him as he was a regular at the working men's club we were in I asked him Hodge how come you're not drinking I can't in good conscience drink your money without you getting a sniff well I suppose one can't hurt don't tell nip that was his name for my grandmother Sheila but I've just been diagnosed with diabetes type 2 don't want to take any chances I'll keep your secret but you need to tell her just on the off chance I'll tell her in good time kiddo now get it down before it goes flat neither of us took much notice of the people around us so we didn't notice Eve's nephew in the corner five years past I've seen him a few times less than I'd like because of work and him going overseas they'll build up I visited my grandparents one day to find my grandmother sobbing with Hodge sitting on the sofa put on the kettle kid I need to tell you something I make a coffee for granted granddad hot chocolate for me and green tea for Hodge now listen up I've not got long when this wretched planet but you're not to cry over me I've been diagnosed with late stage cancer and couldn't be effing happier to be leaving then he said to gran sorry nip I know you don't want to hear this but it has to be said you and yours will be looked after of course but you're not to tell Eve and her family then he said to everyone I've made up a new will I want everyone to go to the reading I prepared a little gift for the family shortly after this chat we found out he passed away we kept it from my grandmother that he'd taken his own life it destroy her let it be said that Hodge was always a man independent of others he made his choice so gran wouldn't suffer seeing him deteriorate over time the revenge we went to the reading as a family like he asked it's the only thing he ever asked of us we'd seen people we never met never even heard of so of course there were some sullen skal's across the table the lawyer said now that we're all here please watch this video Hodge has a message for you all then in the video Hodge said now then I imagine this will be a shock to most of you I had cancer if you're watching this I want you to know that some of you made my last few years pleasant others well we'll get to you he said to my side of the family not one of you came to me asking if I was alright or wanted anything doing instead you asked if I wanted a hand with anything for this I thank you I've never had anyone do anything for me unless they were my underlings in the Royal Air Force and I didn't aim to start when I found out I was on my way out you knew me better than most of my close family I'll tell you if something's wrong good on you now then let's get to the good bit then he says to Eve's family you lot where do I begin when I took our nips grandson out for his first plane apparently the walls have ears and one of you overheard me tell him I had diabetes shame you had to say it's a shame it wasn't cancer guess you got your wish a the rest of you whenever you visited me you asked more often than not if you could borrow money it's fine I didn't mind lending it to you but I did expect to get it back so here's how this is going to work I split my money and put it in a trust with my oldest friend the lawyer nobody is getting a thing till Eve pops her clogs so don't bother asking Eve can stay in the house I worked my butt off for until she either dies or has to go in to care for any reason the house is not to be sold until after she dies lazy as she is she's still my wife once she dies the house is to be sold at a reasonable price to the next owners and the money from that is to be added to the total for my finances and split with a family Eve is on her own and she can do with it what she wants other than added to my total my lawyer has been left instructions on this now here's how it'll be splits if you borrowed money from me and paid it back you'll get a fair share based on your age at the time of my death if you haven't repaid the money you borrowed you'll still get a cut minus what you owe me for some of you I hope you know I'm laughing at your squirming from beyond the grave serves you right nip my only living family you'll get the lion's share of whatever is there to be done with what you will if you're not wanting to keep it the lawyer has been paid for any services you may require trust them he's a good and save my butt on more than one occasion in the war nip sons will get a decent chunk to help with whatever you need and your children will be provided for as well - Oh peas mom not once have I heard anything bad about you you're getting a cut - like it or lump it Opie you've been a great help the last couple of weeks I called you unfairly at 3:00 a.m. to help me out of the bath after finally giving up getting myself out sorry you had to see that you didn't have to help the next day with the decorating either if you weren't already on your career path you'd make a fine tradesman will receive a cut to be determined by the near future events use it how you will - the rest of you I'm utterly effing disgusted to have known you I mentioned earlier that Eve can live in the house till she dies or is put into residential care if either of these happens nobody is to live in the house I don't want anyone I don't trust in there now quit your crying and go about your lives Hodge as you can imagine people kicked up a stink about this we not into the lawyer and left shortly after the funeral he went into a retirement home with her own money Hodges was locked up as per his request she had more than enough to keep her afloat for many more years a couple of months down the line we all got called back to the lawyer's office a little bit mused again were directed to watch a video Hodge said I'm not surprised that this video has been played some of you just don't follow orders if you're watching this it means that someone I don't trust was found to be living in my house I don't give a flip who it is the lawyer has instructions of what to do next but for the sake of his voice insanity whoever was found in the house against my wishes is now stricken from the will entirely if others feel they want to share their money with you that's their loss you'll not get a penny from me as it turns out my cousin who bullied me in school and her family as in her on-again off-again boyfriend two kids and a dog had moved into the house after convincing Eve to move out because they needed the house what they hadn't counted on is nosy neighbors Hodge asked him to watch the house and if they saw anyone new in there or any signs of moving to report it to the lawyer for updates in return they'd get a cut of the money he had they're good people the lesson don't screw with a war vets I mean that's good advice anyone who fought the Nazis is not someone I'd want to tangle with that was our / / revenge and if you like this content then let me know by hitting the like button because it really helps my channel grow
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, pro revenge
Id: exHw2g8eJV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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