r/Talesfromtechsupport STOP! Your Computer Will EXPLODE! Customer: lol no

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Several years ago my mom had bought a brand new pc. Monitor came with it. Three weeks later my stepdad had messed up the screen. He was on a site that needed him to sign in or something and he took a PEN and literally signed his name on the screen. And when the pen did not write.. did it over and over, scratching the screen. Mom was PISSED. He was banned from the computer after that. All he ever did was either play solitaire or check his email. Kinda what she does now. Had to talk her out of buying a new PC due to her not needing a new one for what she does. Browse web and solitaire.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Tiny_Pay 📅︎︎ Jan 17 2020 🗫︎ replies


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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ClickableLinkBot 📅︎︎ Jan 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

Day 126 of asking for an episode of r/antimlm

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Massive-Gas 📅︎︎ Jan 17 2020 🗫︎ replies
today's video is sponsored by Mack Weldon welcome to our slash tales from tech support where a lady causes her computer to explode I work in law not tech support despite this since I do know how to use Google I do tend to be the go-to person in our office when they don't want to bother the IT staff joy knocked on the door frame to my office she's a nice attorney but not when I see very often ah good afternoon do you have a moment not case-related no I just have a phone problem we don't want any ex parte communication so she can't speak to me about cases sure I have a few minutes so I just got this new iPhone and this selfie camera works but I can't get the back camera to work the clerk said you knew computer stuff would you take a look please sure but I think I see the problem from here would you take a close look at the camera there oh that's just how new iPhones look it's got a bunch of cameras on the back I sigh let me see this please at this point I removed the case to her phone then remove the paper iPhone shaped insert and put the case back on her phone I hand her the now encased phone and the paper insert you won't tell anyone about this right you wish now he's just gonna post it on reddit where it gets 3,000 up votes and then gets picked up by a YouTube channel with 1.3 million subscribers don't worry joy will keep your dirty little secrets our next reddit post is from mr. computer man I received a ticket from a company we provide IT infrastructure and support to the company is a marketing company with specific requirements and budgets so there was no going away from tower PCs one day I received a ticket from their department manager asking me to remove the ugly boxes as they don't need them I decided to call and explain about the boxes I call him up on the phone hello this is IT support me speaking oh good you're calling to arrange collection I would like the boxes collected in precisely one hour as we are going to a conference later we were talking about disconnecting about 40 pcs no I'm not calling to schedule a meeting but to explain that if we remove these boxes you won't be able to the computers do you think I'm stupid no I'm just explaining that you won't be able to use your computer without the computer being connected to this screen what are you talking about I don't look under my table to use the computer look you obviously don't know what you're talking about I want to talk to someone who knows about IT I also want your first name and surname so that I can make a complaint my name is blank I'm not giving you my surname for data protection and I dunno what I'm talking about trust me if you remove the actual computer the Box you're referring to you won't be able to use the computer watch the space and he slams the phone down I closed the job documenting everything a weeks gone by and we get an emergency call out stating that none of their computers are working we arrived to find all the computer towers have been cut free from their cages and removed what happened to all the towers I told you to watch the space I got a professional team to remove the boxes see it is possible no I don't see now you can't use the computers what a lot of nonsense just get the internet working so that we can use the computers again know what happened to the computers are you stupid or something they're here referring to the monitors okay what happened to the boxes they took them to the skip right you're telling me that you threw away least computers which are worth 1,300 pounds each I want to speak to your boss now he's in a meeting get him now this is very serious okay the morons boss comes out first you refuse to do your job and now you pull me out of a meeting we're all the computers by the way he threw them away and we need to get them back now as they have sensitive data on them where are the computers you mean the boxes yes they're heading to the garbage we drove to the skip but there was no record of these computers being brought in two weeks later the company suffered a data breach which along with the damaged bill caused the company to go into administration it was escalated I didn't write much about what happened because the entire situation was dealt with by my boss's boss who wasn't providing much information I'm told that the was arrested and that all the computers were retrieved by the police but that's where my knowledge ends so the fact that this company has no records that the computers being brought in probably means that this hired someone to come in and steal the computers he basically paid thieves to come in take the computers and then resell them again what an idiot our next reddit post is from puke forest I get multiple helpdesk emails over three or so weeks about a user unable to format their documents I keep asking for screenshots or more detail of course none are ever supplied finally the users manager gets in the loop stating it was unacceptable that we as IT professionals didn't show this user how to format documents etc notwithstanding the teaching users basic computer skills shouldn't be an IT scope I finally suss out users office location I had never visited this user before and strangely their location is one I had scarce been to I walk in introduce myself and the conversation goes as follows hi can you show me the issue so we can work on a solution he double clicks the icon for the word processor something strikes me as off with the clicking sure enough the user is clicking with the bottom of their pinkie see at this point I noticed the user is using the mouse upside-down I stare I stare in disbelief for a few moments then snap out of it amazingly user is as paid user is as fast using this method as anyone doing it normally the fix was literally click the square in the middle of the - + X so to be clear the user didn't understand how to maximize a window so he literally had to call IT to come down and show him to click the maximize button careful about the next utterances leaving my mouth I ask is this how you use your computer at home these are labs oh no I don't have a computer at home I'd never really touched one until I was hired here I didn't dare ask the question of whether the user had heard of things like appliances or furniture I figured I had a 50% chance of being right the user thanks me for my assistance and I walk away backwards and slowly close the door trying to process what I've witnessed I then open the door again ever so slightly making sure I didn't leave behind some doorway to another dimension then we have another story from profit get down in the comments back in 1999 we were replacing the VAX mainframe terminals with actual pcs and I was doing a training class for users who had never worked with the computer before I asked them to double-click on the icon and I noticed that one older lady had picked her mouse up and tapped it twice on the screen she was a sweet lady who had just never touched a computer before then 20 years later I probably wouldn't be quite so understanding a few months ago Mac Walden reached out to me offering to sponsor my channel and they even sent me a few articles of clothing for free to try out and I thought cool free clothes so I put it on and it was comfortable and the next day I wore it again and the next day I wore it again and the next day I wore it again not only is the Mac welding clothing they sent me super comfortable but they use some kind of black magic which Rhian it to make it so that it just doesn't smell so I get that these guys are sponsoring my channel and they're paying me money but I'm saying this because it's true not because they're paying me I wear Mac woven clothing around the house all the time it is my favorite brand for just like casual around the house attire and if you want something comfy to just sit back and you know listen to are / videos then you can't do better than Mac Welton and best of all you can get 20% off your first order if you visit Mac Weldon comm and enter the promo code slash plus you know it helps my channel out which is also cool but the main thing is just you get to wear comfy clothes our next reddit post is from the Lightning count so browsing through the ticket queue this morning came across a fun looking one that I just had to pull subject I need help hello I T this is a user at a branch and my laptop needs repair it just suddenly separated from itself I have included a picture please advise PS the laptop is really hot the picture she produced was a laptop that had the top part where the keyboard was separated from the bottom part I think to myself huh that's interesting Oh No yeah that's thermal expansion of the battery I call her up no answer call her cell number no answer I called her boss the boss replies it's a wonderful day at our company this is boss how may I assist you hello this is opie with the IT support team a certain user contacted us about a laptop issue yes she's currently with a client and I'll have her call you right back she hangs up I call back this is boss yeah it's okey again it's an emergency and I need to speak with this user immediately she's with a client I will the picture she sent us is a thermal expansion of the battery and is in danger of catching fire look she's with a client and they her laptop can catch fire I'm not joking it's vital her computer be turned off this very instant and unplugged I highly doubt that ok well I gave you the warning if the battery does blow out I'll point to this recorded phone call when HR has questions you're serious yes I wanted to say boy the boss shouts out our door hey user I have IT on the phone I need you in my office now she puts me on speakerphone tell her what you told me that picture you sent me was of something called thermal expansion of the battery you said the laptop was hot right he has your battery has expanded and is in danger of blowing out if this happens while you're using it it can lead to severe burns on your hands lithium buyers are no joke ok I'll go ahead and shut it down when I'm done with this clients do the words laptop fire carry no sense of urgency with these people I don't believe it can wait this is kind of do-or-die situation and that may not be a figure of speech given to circumstances okay I'll go ahead and unplug it and finish this loan on another computer I submit a ticket to purchasing for warranty and replacement and pull the call log I submit the ticket numbers for mine purchasing and the call log to my boss letting him know the situation I see seed his boss and the chief information officer I made sure they knew I did my job and that the user may decide to ignore me spoiler alert she ignored me two hours later I'm notified that an investigation has been opened regarding my mishandling of the repair process and that disciplinary action may be handed down I forward that email to my boss who responds with my notes call log and ticket numbers five minutes later the name on the investigation is changed to the managers name she continued to use it and it caught fire yes I have pictures no I will not share edit for those asking the laptop caught fire and burned both the user and the customer let that sink in you know exactly why I'm sparse with the details now well normally I would say that this woman needs to be fired but it sounds like she fired herself our next reddit post is from Dutchess patina years ago I worked in tech support for a large financial institution and my colleague took a phone call from an end-user who was struggling to input a wire transfer for her customer his encounter with the user was so epic my colleague knew instantly that no one would believe it actually happened so he printed out his submitted call record as proof of the conversation I kept a copy of it for years and when glanced at it every once in a while if I needed a good laugh here's a rough summary of the conversation this is tech support how can I help you yeah my customer is doing a wire transfer to New Mexico and I'm having trouble entering it into the system what trouble are you having I'm choosing the option for international but when I type New Mexico as the location an error tells me I have to choose to messed it for the type of transfer okay so what's the issue it's two new max why is it telling me to choose domestic my colleague thinks for a second wait what you're sending it to New Mexico yes okay so are you going to help me I'm not sure what your issue is ma'am you're sending it to New Mexico so that would be a domestic wire transfer but it's New Mexico yes New Mexico New Mexico sir Mexico isn't in the United States ma'am New Mexico is one of the 50 states if you're sending the wire to Mexico you can select international but if it's one of the 50 states which New Mexico is then you need to select domestic I don't understand why you don't understand what I'm saying it's New Mexico yes New Mexico if you want to help your customer then please select domestic and it should let you finish that wire transfer eventually the girl relented and submitted the wire transfer she was instructed it's still not clear to my colleague whether she realized her mistake or if she just did what she was told to so her customer wouldn't get angry with the amount of time this was taking y'all I can't help but wonder what was going through the mind of that customer watching this girl who was from Texas are you with tech support that a state right next door to her was a foreign country I question the quality of her geography classes in high school I was curious that this was a common misconception so I went down to the comments and found this empty Leslie work ads I'm from New Mexico I've been told my English is pretty good that was our / tails from tech support and if you like this video then please hit that like button because it really helps my channel grow in the YouTube algorithm
Channel: rSlash
Views: 979,030
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, talesfromtechsupport, r/talesfromtechsupport, tales from tech support
Id: ngcMaKysprM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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