r/Treelaw "He Paid Me $600,000 For Cutting Down a Tree!"

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welcome to our slash tree law where trees get revenge this happened a couple years ago in college in Nebraska a roommate his girlfriend and I were renting a small house just off campus and it was getting close to Christmas time and we wanted a Christmas tree being poor college kids we didn't want to pay someone for a tree and came up with a bright idea to just go on campus and cut down a tree illegally that looked somewhat Christmas tree shaped for those that don't know some cities and campuses got tired of having their trees cut down illegally around Christmas time and started treating their trees with Fox urine there is even an article about it here it freezes outdoors so the smell can't be detected until it's brought inside at which point it's too late to do anything about it and it makes your house stink they advertise the program of course to deter theft and we were vaguely aware of it but we didn't think much of it when we cut down the tree we didn't notice anything was wrong that changed fast once we brought it indoors after we propped the tree up inside the house a few minutes later I noticed a strange smell and as I tried to find the source it got worse and worse fast Oh God it didn't just smell like pee it smelled like the nastiest animal body odor you could ever imagine zoo stink on steroids mixed with ammonia fied cat pee and very very musky I was gagging by the time I came to the tree and saw liquid literally dripping from the branches as the urine thawed I screamed and got my roommates attention and we quickly shoved it out of the house but it was too late the air vents were spreading it all throughout the house and I swore it was still getting stronger after a few minutes it was hard to even breathe in there my roommates girlfriend who was taking a nap woke up and literally threw up from the smell we ended up leaving the house and asking to stay at a friend's place but we stunk so bad that he wouldn't let us in we ended up having to stay at a motel for the night and desperately called the cleaning company to do a deep clean of the house which made things worse because they of course knew what happened as soon as they arrived and notified the police who brought charges against me and my roommate after questioning us we avoided a jail time or anything serious but as if it was some kind of cruel joke we got sentenced to house arrest in a house that stunk to high hat and her community service was having to help apply the Fox urine to the trees next year seriously I had no idea what was on that tree but it couldn't have just been urine it was the worst smell I've ever experienced I actually have my own story about fox pee so in the last place where I lived we had a beautiful backyard that was backed up to the woods and our backyard had a really pretty garden with lots of plants and my significant other absolutely adored it she took care of it and she watered the plants and she got plants every summer but we had deer and the deer love to munch on her plants so my significant other was not thrilled about this and decided that she was going to take action and get rid of these deer once and for all so she purchased this deer repellent online little did we know that deer repellent is fox urine and when she opened that bottle it is I can honestly say the most disgusting smell I have ever smelled in my entire life like imagine taking a dump on a plate of fish and shrimp then leaving it in a dark place to fester for like two weeks I would rather take a solid whiff of that than this fox urine the second she opened it up we immediately started gagging and we closed the lid and got as far away from it as possible for some reason she was still motivated so she took that bottle of spray out into the backyard and sprayed our plants ha ha ha when she was done I literally would not let her back inside the house I banned her from it I actually made her go to the garage stripped down names dripped down naked put all of her clothes in a garbage bag give her new clothes wrap up the outside of her body in like a garbage bag I guess coat that we manufactured and then sand then sent her straight to the shower it was that repulsive and on top of all this bless her heart she is crying and begging me to let her in but I know that if I let her walk through the house with that stink all over her then the house is gonna smell for weeks so I just have to ignore her crying and begging as she strips down in front of me I can honestly say this stuff stinks so much I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy if you like this little personal story and you want to see more hit that like button also I want to hear from you what's the stinkiest thing you've ever smelled our next reddit post is from a tamer my curmudgeon neighbors very old giant ivy is strangling our 100 year old oak tree and three mature Japanese maples and he won't cut it back can we legally hack the ivy off our property quality diagram here posting from California and for those of you who are listening but not watching haha Opie included a diagram of death ivy and basically the ivy is originating on the neighbor's yard but the ivy is curling over into Opie's yard and it's kind of surrounding the Japanese maples and a giant oak tree and Opie is over on the side frowning because he's really sad and after getting some excellent advice from our slash legal advice Opie posted an update I took the excellent advice here and over at our sites legal advice and I called the city first to check on local ordinances about ruining my neighbors IV once I was transferred to the correct department and explained the situation the City arborist personally made out like a bat at a peck bureaucratically speaking to my house I guess protecting oak trees our priority for the city in my head I figured he'd show up ring the doorbell have a conversation with me give me some paperwork and leave me to the removal process nope let's just say this dude is better with trees than people I only discovered that the arborist had arrived because my dog went crazy barking at something in the front yard I assumed it was his nemesis squirrel instead I see a dude on my lawn a scowling at my tree the city work truck clued me in as to his identity I went outside and introduced myself he sort of grunted in my general direction and went back to muttering profanity about bleeping morons and their bleeping ivy what happened next was not what I expected the arborist stomps over to his truck makes a phone call hangs up and then pulls a machete out of the back seat proceeds to hack the bleeping bleep out of the ivy along the ground and well across the property line to the neighbor's yard at this point I just turned tail and winds side because this guy was scary I watched in morbid fascination from my front window as the machete monster then ever so gently removed the ivy from the tree trunk I am pretty sure he was whispering sweet nothings to it as he went when he was done he gathered up the chopped ivy and toss it into his truck bed then he just left so the ivy is gone the tree is still standing and I'm wondering what the heck just happened not a peep from the neighbor as I see it I can file this officially under no longer my problem thanks to all of you for pointing me in the right direction and the advice on what to do from now on to keep the mutant ivy from returning haha so are all arborist basically like the punisher but for plants or any of my viewers out there are boroughs can you confirm our next reddit post is from yet she my sister lives on a plot of land on a terraced hillside in eastern Tennessee and had a tree on the neighbor's plot above growing right on the edge of the hill sticking out nearly horizontally she contacted the neighbor above about it but he didn't care wasn't his problem she had one of the AG extension agents out to look at it and in his opinion the tree was living but its placement was an issue and it needed to be relocated she also hired a licensed arborist and in his opinion the tree was a risk and should be removed she sent copies of both reports certified mail signature required to the neighbor and heard nothing back about it two years later the tree finally came down and took a significant portion of the hillside with it landing onto her property and wiping out a large portion of her back lot several trees were taken out as well as two garden beds took some core time and a lot of back and forth but in the end the neighbor had to install a revetment wall along the entirety of the hillside below his property and pay to remove the riffraff and the slide from her yard and replaced the trees and garden beds his total cost was around three hundred thousand dollars would have been less but she refused to allow anyone on her property to do the work so it all had to be brought in from up hill and installed that way this is where our slash tree log meets our slash nuclear revenge also Wow I don't care that's not my problem well sir actually it is your problem this next post actually isn't a reddit post it's a news article but tree loss stories are so rare I had to include it Sonoma land trust stewardship director Bob Neil had seen pictures so he thought he had a good idea of what awaited him when he went out to inspect a protected piece of land on the North flank of Sonoma Mountain a few years back a concerned neighbor had reported heavy equipment and questionable activity on property protected under conservation easement thus intended to remain in its natural state but while photos conveyed a sense of it it's nothing compared to actually seeing it Neal a soft-spoken man said of the environmental damage he witnessed that day in 2014 I was not prepared Neal and an associate found a patch of private landscape above Bennett Valley scraped down to bedrock in some places and a trenched 180 year-old oak uprooted and bound so it could be dragged to an adjoining parcel to adorn the grounds of a newly constructed estate home according to court documents the heritage oak and two others a landowner sought to move over a haul road they bulldoze through the previously undisturbed site all died along with a dozen more trees and other vegetation according to court records the damage would eventually prompt animal and Trust to sue the property owners Peter and Tony Thompson a highly unusual step for the private nonprofit last month it prevailed in what representatives hailed as a landmark legal victory the court battle came well after the full extent if the losses was discovered on the thirty four acre conservation property grading for the haul road in 2014 removed more than three thousand cubic yards of dirt and rock the ruling found no permits were obtained for any of the work according to court documents the Thompsons had construction crews dredge an existing lake on their adjacent 47-acre residential spread known as hens tooth ranch and dumped the soil on the protected parcel extending the haul road to accomplish that work according to court documents it was said Neal a 25-year veteran in the open space field really the most willful egregious violation of a conservation easement I've ever seen in his blunt 57 page ruling Sonoma County Superior Court judge Patrick Broderick cited strongly with the land trust calling out the Thompsons for knowing and intentional violations of a legally binding conservation deal he said the couple had shown a persistent failure to tell the truth as the case unfolded and had demonstrated an organs and complete disregard for the mandatory terms of the easements Broderick ordered the couple to pay more than five hundred and eighty six thousand dollars in damages towards environmental restoration and other costs outlined in a judgement finalized last week Peter Thompson the couple's new attorney Richard Freeman said the dispute with the Land Trust snowballed have been demands to cover the organization's escalating attorney fees and other costs the day after the ruling came out the couple put their ranch on the market as well as the separate protected parcel which the Thompsons purchased in 2013 from another couple with the easement already in place the two properties are listed for eight and a half million even so the couple is filing for a new trial largely on claims at the top scens trial attorney could not supply proper representation amid a private family matter that arose before the 19-day court proceeding Freeman said Freeman said his predecessor had asked the judge to reschedule but his petition was denied and the Thompson's defense suffered as a result against a very well-funded and very aggressive opponent he said there are so many personal tragic issues throughout this case that were very painful to deal with and actually really affected the ability to tell our side of the story Peter Thompson said in our opinion there's a lot of evidence that our side of the story really didn't get a chance to explain but judge Broderick said the Thompson simply lacked credibility and made choices that drove up costs and restoration challenges he found they had sought to cover up the damage done to the property and obstructed the lands trust investigation the judge wrote both Peter and Tony Thompson displayed a market lack of respect for the terms of the easements the conservation values an extraordinary ecosystem that the easement protects and for the Land Trust as steward and trustee of those conservation values the property is relatively small by Sonoma land trust standards the group has played a lead role in protecting some of the largest undeveloped swaths of Sonoma County including a 2009 aqua in there preserved the Jenner Headlands but while the Thompson's were building their newest state home on their ranch in 2014 they apparently decided the oak trees from the easement property would provide a nice accent land trust representative said word of their removal reached the group in the spirit of collaboration at Neil said they tried for months to work with the Thompsons to resolve their problem and develop restoration plans until they concluded the landowners weren't operating in good faith if you guys didn't take so long we would have been under the radar read a text message sent at the time from Peter Thompson cell phone to Erika's his tree removal contractor it was entered as evidence and cited twice in the judge's ruling so let's recap this couple bought land and signed a contract saying that they wouldn't tear down any trees then they tore down the trees and tore down extra trees so they could move one torn down tree to a new location then when they got caught they blamed the tree removal service for being too slow and then when they lost the case they blamed their lawyer for not being a good lawyer these are spoiled rotten rich people who got what they deserved $500,000 and they had to sell their ranch ephah man they deserve it that was our slashed tree law and whoo news stories about trees could be so entertaining if you like this content hit the subscribe button because I put out new reddit videos every single day
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Id: GbNq2JPWD7c
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Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 31 2019
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