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special instructions send your cutest delivery boy yeah yeah that's a good boy right there hello everybody welcome back to easy peasy it's cougar here as your narrator and today we're gonna be reading on through our slash made me smile i'm hoping i can bring some joy to your life let's get to it frederick dennis gibbs you're late honey evelyn esther gives i'm here now dear i'm here now there is so much beauty in this picture it shows it races racism is thought it's not born so uh just remember that everybody my neighbors are hosting some sort of cherry event thing and they've got a live band going on and they're pretty good so when they finish the song i yelled out and then i hear is that a neighbor over the microphone you're really good i say because well what else do i say when i'm yelling over four acres of bushland during the night then i just get a really awkward reply of thank you and now i'm sitting outside in this cold listening when the song comes up and this one is dedicated to the random neighbor that is hopefully still listening to this for free ah goodness in the world you know i could eat every single one of you but why would i because you're so adorable my dad surprised my mom for their 30th anniversary and had a bench dedicated to her at the park where they always walk together damn dude damn i hope if i ever marry somebody a man woman whatever that i have this level of love for them bills making food full-time job family problems my mom how was your day sweetie thanks mom it was good thanks for letting me make youtube videos as a kid and yes i still plan to buy my mother a house she has done everything and allowed me to pursue youtube as a job slash passion slash being an actor and you know i will i will get our house one day that's a promise don't let me forget in the comments by the way hello thank you for adopting me oh look at the little wiener dog 12 year old makes bow ties for shelter animals helps them get adopted no joke i legit see our other narrator david the baker doing this he's just an awesome dude you guys should check him out and watch the videos with him seriously he's fantastic david you're a lot better narrator than i am and you're a good person i don't mean to brag or anything but your boy just freaking beat stage four cancer today let's freaking go take that you terrible disease here is a new challenge for all you board teams take a photo of an area that needs some cleaning or maintenance then take a photo after you've done something about it and post it yeah my generation's not gonna do this but you know what my dirt and local log park's pretty dirty i'm gonna clean it up thanks for this i'm not even joking i'm gonna do it after 30 years two brothers returned to chernobyl to find an old friend waiting for them oh isn't that sweet yes yes it is sweet that we are the radiation poisoning we might die this is why metalheads are some of the greatest people on the planet they don't care who you are what you've done anything they'll still rock on with you and you know they're just so accepting dude i'm writing a condolence card gregory5 asks what i'm doing i'm writing a note to say how sorry i am that my friend's mom died i say he pauses for a very fraught moment and then us oh so tentatively that's just to be kind right you're not the one who did it right right right husband stayed home from work because our dog was coughing we took him to the vet and paid 85 for him to tell us our dog was fake coffee look at the dog it just looks so guilty like i'm sorry i just wanted pets ah such beauty in nature that sadly people with instagrams would be like ooh i'm gonna roll around this and kill all the flowers like they did in la two years ago during the super bloom oh well still pretty ah i'm huggy bear i make what i call dew drop holders i make them to put in your garden so the fairies have something to drink their morning do from do the do my friend you are fantastic my dnd character hebraic finvine she's an all baking all all-embroidering all worries midwest and total druid based on my mom i love playing his turtles when i play dmd oh my god this is the best one ever look at the staff after surviving a fire he is now trained to become a therapy dog for burn victims i don't want to say his burns are cute but this dog is adorable no matter what you say pet him my friends pet him spoke to my ex after 10 years miss or mrs he asked doctor i said and he was jealous my cat is afraid of taking baths so in order to get him into one i have to fill it with rubber ducks oh my god i have never seen such a cute cat in water look at the last photo he's taken a nap a cat nappa with a ducky this photo is too beautiful not to be seen by everyone yes look at it look at the joy even better yet elephants think we're cute the same way we think cats are cute i love elephants young man helping an older man down an escalator ma dude you go you go ten out of 10. i respect you asked my baby mama for 500 a month to help with my son since she said she wasn't ready to raise a child and gave up custody she told me i ain't giving you crap took her to court and they said based on her income i'm giving 1750 a month oh burns and really sucks to be you sweetheart this fawn and bobcat were found in an office together huddling under a desk after a forest fire oh even murderers and non-murderers can be friends look at how cute they are three years later the bobcat's probably gonna eat the deer but still it's cute for now my dog was terrified of the fireworks so my cat went and cuddled up with her my heart is still crying it's okay mr muffins i mr mittens will protect you from the scary sky flowers i got up this morning to get ready for dc pride my grandma walked into my room looked at my bi flag and said oh this needs to be pressed out such a simple gesture but it holds so much love and meaning for me oh isn't that sweet my dad passed away when i was 16 from cancer and before he died he prepaid flowers so i could receive them every year on my birthday well this is my 21st birthday flowers and the last miss you so much daddy uh why you gotta hit me in the heart that doesn't make me smile it makes me sad but also happy damn it mom 22 year old me my favorite food which i asked her for i recently visited her she did all my laundry which i didn't even have to ask her for again mom if you're watching i'm buying you a house one day i love students as he drifted away i could just make out his final words it's okay if you just call me frankenstein instead of frankenstein's monster i really don't mind the end thank you for making a humble and very very friendly ending to frankenstein's monster great great ending my friend this cop comes to the same neighborhood after every shift with snacks and soda and chills with the kids who live here for at least an hour sometimes he brings a football and plays a few games in the summer when it's hot he brought slip and slides and water guns for the children in the winter he brought coats and hoodies well i just wanted to say i'm a huge fan ah thank you this is what a cop should do man he's protecting and serving his community look how happy this gecko is with his little gecko toy look at it it's like a little me i'm so happy and then god said who's a good boy i am yes you are little buddy was on my way to being a first gen college grad then my parents graduated five months before me proud son proud freaking son dude look at all the smiles on their face you can't beat that death note is the best it's an anime grandpa honey what is an anime love you an anime is a japanese cartoon like pokemon sailor moon and sonic i love you thanks for educating me lisa you're the best i'm gonna go watch the enemies now damn damn look at her arms i wish this was my grandma she could teach me how to bench press and do curls better jesus that's impressive julian massa i went through four years of high school without having a bad hair day i'm sorry but that's just so funny a little black girl at the gas station told me i like your big hair so i'm feeling pretty invincible right now to be honest she had a pineapple with the two braids on either side of her head and some glittery beads i told her i liked hers too and she said my daddy did it from youtube dude you got a 10 out of 10 dad right there tom holland dad act normal emma watson is coming is it am i doing it right son yes yes tom knows what his dad's doing look at the look on his face police officer spends his lunch break sharing pizza with a homeless woman get this man a promotion right now damn it can i talk to you about something always okay thank you about 1.5 months ago i realized i've been repressing feelings about how much i prefer to be a girl and i've been experimenting with female pronouns and a different name around the house and with a few friends and i like it a lot more than before i just want to tell you there's a chance you might have another granddaughter first of all i can always use another granddaughter secondly if this makes you feel better feel whole that i will happily walk this world with your hand in hand so what would you like me to call you hannah please i love you grandma thank you we love you too hannah ah i want to build other channels like beast gaming and beast reacts so i can run my main channel at a loss and grow as big as possible and then use my main channel's influence to one day open hundreds of homeless shelters food banks and give away all my money that's my game plan and if you don't believe me just watch i promise i'm dying with zero dollars in my bank account and i refuse to live a materialistic life dude no joke mr beat's an awesome dude just ask david the baker he was in one of mr b's videos and the dude gave him a butt load of money and to be honest no one deserved it more than david so seriously mr beast thank you for being awesome dude one year being myself you know as someone who doesn't really know who their self is yet what they want in life and stuff like that it makes me so happy seeing people being able to live this happily and i hope one day i'll be able to live as happily as my true self but until then i'm going to continue to read some memes and bring some smiles i cannot be happier for you my dudette slash dude whatever you want to go by to me everyone's a dude slash you do that but dude 10 out of 10. beach litter a free coffee if you collect a bucket of rubbish off the beach buckets available from the coffee shop every little bit helps don't you mean every litter that helps my sister's boyfriend is from russia and he just graduated from college so his parents are visiting from moscow and they speak very little english and i almost lost it today laughing because they absolutely love my sister's wiener dog like they were entirely amused by the dog and his dad was just sitting next to the wiener dog admiring him and softly saying in the thickest russian accent little dog small dog little dog you are comrade would you like potato yes yes no mask on your face you big disgrace spreading your germs all over the place no mask on your face you big disgrace spreading your germs all over the place yeah there's a mattress door that gives you a mattress for your dog when you buy a normal one outstanding move my friend outstanding move i will be buying a new mattress even though i sleep on a futon just so my dog brody can have a cute little matching one my mom pretending to like the macaroni art i showed her me pretending to like the facebook meme she showed me it's okay mom yup i love the minions i love them so much i really don't but i love you after an 80 year old man in england moved into a retirement home his 98 year old mother moved into the same home so she could help take care of him she said you never stop being a mum oh my god damn that hits home that's that hits home damn it's 10 out of 10 dude i'm a big raised by a single mom i respect the heck out of you lady yes i am the watermelon cat would you like some watermelon just ass nicely and give me little bit that dude my first nipple on skin i'll be covering this tattoo for free once it's healed i'm learning this so i can tattoo in surgeon's office and i help breast cancer survivors that had mastectomies okay i'm not gonna lie kinda creepy and i appreciate that you're covering up but i respect the cause 100 10 out of 10 my dude as a child montana beat cancer twice first at the age of two and then at 15. along the way she dreamed of growing up to be a pediatric nurse montana fulfilled the dream of returning to the place where she was treated where she helps so many other patients just like her i a 37 year old man make it a point to compliment my son's outfit my son is seven and my daughter is four they choose their outfits for the day under certain guidelines such as must-have pants shorts etc depending on whether anyway my daughter has incredibly cute dresses and outfits with frills bright colors and a multitude of options where my son's wardrobe is either pants and shorts and some kind of shirt normally superhero themed at the moment it took a while for me to notice but i started to catch on that he really paid attention when i commented on his sister's outfits more than his as a man i never received compliments like this until much later into adulthood and even still my self-confidence was so low that i automatically assume people were not being genuine it wasn't until i gave him his first compliment on a captain america shirt with brown shorts that i realized just how valuable that was for him to hear from his dad now every day he rushes to me and wants me to tell him what i think of his current outfit and i have to say it's one of the best moments of my day to be able to tell him i like it but more importantly how happy i am that he likes it straight up we need to do this more for a little for little boys because let me tell you my mom always did it and it boosted my confidence and when i lived with my dad for two years he didn't do it and actually banned me from wearing some of the pink shirts i had and well he destroyed my confidence by doing this but don't worry my mom built it back up in less than a year this is my favorite picture on the internet we've got a cute little boy homer simpson in the back and a doggie pulling the woof doo for the last time wake up you have to go to school uh dad you're yelling at a pinecone oh sorry son i have bad eyes night this is who i married i was painting my nails and made a comment that i forgot i don't have to paint my pinky nail on my left hand i simply forgot that i lost my pinky but is always kind of a bummer when i am reminded matt said i will be your surrogate pinky you can paint my pinky to match your nails for the rest of our lives and so we did i cannot imagine a sweeter kinder man no words adequately describe our love damn dude again i hope i marry someone that's just like this women are so adorable when you compliment their dress and the dress has pockets lol hey that's a really nice dress women thanks it has pockets and then she puts her hands in them to show you lol dude no joke i love when they do this they noticed there was a blank wall at mcdonald's so they decided to make this fake poster of themselves it's now been 51 days since they hang it up dude that's freaking awesome major love thin respect to the polish mbs who cruel originated their outfits to create a rainbow flag at the swearing-in of their homophobic president in rosetta doda my apologies if i mispronounced that true story i was told by a priest that i didn't have a choice to be gay or straight i was gay and i had a choice to be authentic about who i am or hide it and that god was really proud of the choice i had made that's literally how it should be for everyone because that's how god actually feels i think and this friends is the proper christian response to coming out i am so glad that you had this support ah i wish i had that support oh well stop feeling bad for outgrowing people who had to change to grow with you yes yes i can tell you this is not fun but sometimes necessary a sheltered dog named jenny rescued hundreds of injured stray cats abused herself and later adopted she searched alleys abandoned buildings and construction sites for cats in need once found she would alert her owner who would take them into care she saved over 900 cats in her lifetime and balto's got a statue and this dog doesn't let's get uh freaking uh ginny over here a statue please please a group of people studying to be mall santas yes yes my friends yes yes yes look at all the ho ho happiness in this room there was a seal at my dad's work today i'm going to lose my mind oh look at how cute the little ceilings i just want to paint it okay so my little brother has a friend who plays in the black metal band he and the band were going out into the woods and taking a photo for the album cover but just in that photo was taken our little friend slid in the snow here is a result oh it's so cold but so metal i'm happy little bush smiling so you can smile too socky shark doo doo doo doo doo socky shark doo doo doo doo i'm gonna eat your feet and look really cool you know i really need to write more letters like this to my mom even at the age that i am i'm gonna do one right after recording this that's a promise my little boy is in the process of being tested for autism he's three and raleigh speaks a word that's understandable anyway but he always says love you dad when i put in bed that will do me for the rest of my life those words mean the most out of any and who cares really i still love my son princess diana broke the royal rules for her son william by taking part in the mother's day running race at her son's school and she won damn straight she did damn straight again if i ever have a kid adopt a kid whatever and they have some surgery relieves a scar i'm getting a tattoo with that exact scar because this is like life changing to them in the hospital with flumia but i have my switch finally home from the hospital now i get to play my switch on my big screen lol i would like to thank everyone for those get well wishes nintendo communities are the best thanks everyone dude even got a hat he doesn't look much happier but still i bet he's happy four year old asked dad to grow a sunflower taller than the house he did and now it's the tallest sunflower in the uk thank you my friend thank you for being a fabulous dad in mexico school was cancelled because of the pandemic this teacher turned her pickup truck into a portable classroom she drives two hours a day to teach children with autism who don't have books or access to the internet thank you for letting there being good people in the world i love this i saw my parents last week complaining that teachers who don't want to teach in person should just quit they did and now we don't have enough staff to open for in-person learning we're going remote ah yes thank you so much teachers thank you so much this is ted he went on his first boat ride today hope you like his giraffe s he picked it out himself 13 out of 10. oh my god that is such a cute little good boy amazon tribe wins lawsuit against big oil saving millions of anchors at the rainforest sometimes there is hope in the world and god damn those amazon ladies for bringing it to him thank you bless my stepmom this precious cutiepie is convinced that i am the general from black panther why on earth would i choose to disappoint him yes 10 out of 10 let the kid have stream and lady you got some banging arms i wish i had some arms like that i love you we can't fly but we have each other here i made you this ha i'm just just lazy i can totally walk you buddy can't fly at all yeah it's so much fun bad news i accidentally washed a nice wool shirt that i really loved and it shrunk a lot good news the donkey looks fabulous with everything bad going on in the world i wanted to change my unhealthy lifestyle and in five months i was able to lose 50 pounds ah yes i also did this and let me tell you it feels great to be 30 pounds lighter well not fat lighter but i'm also heavier now for muscle but let me tell you it feels good march 2020 275 pounds august 2020 225. this is how you should be spreading your quarantine everybody if you feel like you want to lose weight now is the time to do it my amazing wife lived in a tent with me and our parent and our two dogs for three months this summer when i got an internship in another state and we couldn't find anywhere to rent we're finally back home her support always makes me smile please please please support your spouses and whatever their dream is trust me it's worth it it's worth it no matter how hard the struggle look at chronic conor mcgregor's wife she supported him in all the highs and lows and all the lows to the highs and they're still together and they're happier than ever this man lost an arm and decided to go as woody when his arms start to rip off for halloween my friend thank you you have brought good costume well all right partner there's a snake in my boot but i only got one arm but that don't make me any less sad i did it i got out of a toxic five-year relationship with my son's father got our own apartment i did it i did it i did it i did it by myself with no help from anyone we might only have an air mattress for now but i did it and i'm done being verbally emotionally abused dude yes bad relationship leave be happier trust me you may have to sleep on the floor i've done it i slept in my car for three months but let me tell you once you're out of there you're so much happier with life anyways hope i can bring some smiles to you guys and thank you so much for watching uh for fun fact about cougar i'm a much happier person this year than i was last year a lot has to do with my bosses at easy peasy thank you michael thank you lockheed thank you to the whole easy peasy team that i can't remember names because i'm so bad at it anyways feel free to like on subscribe let me know you like see more down in the comments below have a good day and remember try and be good people
Channel: EzPz
Views: 86,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/mademesmile, r/mademesmile top posts, r/mademesmile best posts, made me smile, made me smile ezpz, ezpz, ez pz, emkay, wholesome, wholesome reddit
Id: LnEND5182FU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 58sec (1258 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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