r/Rareinsults · DUDE... YOU KILLED HER

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Jeff Bezos looks like if someone tried to sculpt Howie Mandel from memory I've always thought they looked very very similar this is funny I like this how's it going everyone and welcome back to easy peasy my name is Zach and today we're gonna be taking a look at our slash rare insults she looks like she's on 2% battery Lord we need you right now I can't eat anything now eight man dying of coronavirus is opening cars while yelling at shiny cardboard this dude looks like the word Arizona don't ask me why it does Patrick Arizona mahomes the second I farted on your dad's balls my dad is dead yeah he died of ball fart come on he sounds like he's getting his nuts twisted into a balloon animal can't wait to take a dump on fanatic barely even a fart Beiber looks like a roofer that disappears on pay day after you give him this cheque he looks like he's stranded in your town and just needs a couple bucks for a bus to get back to Indiana I'm sorry Indiana Justin Bieber 2020 looks like he's trying to convince Justin Bieber 2009 to get into his van why does he look like a 30 year old lesbian millennial Albert Einstein I'm sorry pyrocynical I'm crying why is this a thing the third one looks like Billy Eilish okay but you're right one little piece of green I get it Billy Ray Cyrus looks like Kenny Rogers doing a George Michael cosplay Brian looks like he doesn't wipe after using the toilet who says he does his lap sounds like scooter off Sponge Bob when bubble buddy didn't dig him out by the tide oh no I'm amazed that buddy Giggs uncanny skill to talk for so long about many different topics and say absolutely nothing freaking nothing if he gave him a blank canvas a full color palette in four hours all the paint would be used in the canvas would still be white in my family we carry a specific gene that makes us at risk for cancer my mother god rest her soul contracted breast cancer at the age of 30 and as a child I had to watch her pass at age five it broke my heart to know my sister had been diagnosed last year and she's fighting to stay alive despite having a terminal diagnosis this year doctors have confirmed by some miracle that I don't carry that gene I've never cried so hard in my life knowing that I'll be spared despite this illness afflicting my entire family it's a real shame that this video gave me cancer anyway oh my god the buildup holy moly hi brain you obstinate Fricker I drank the clear splashy stuff I ate the green things I went that bright Fricker up there I did the thing with the moving and sweating and whatnot now make the happy chemical you love the Frick why does he seem like a Disney character had a mental breakdown started doing drugs and made a song I don't know they all look like they're playing dress-up with daddy's clothes with the fat ties and poor fitting clothes got him what a crap game you should eat the game then he looks like he's been sniffing the fumes from a bottle of Elmer's glue yeah don't do that he looks like the feminine version of Bruce Willis oh my god he does that I wouldn't have thought of that but yeah it makes sense Thanos and Triple H had a son and it's this guy why does he both look intimidating and friendly at the same time that's not an insult that's just it he's a gentle giant girl spend $70 on an outfit and curl hair and put on makeup just to hook up with a frat boy in a Hawaiian shirt who peed his bed last night she looks like a human yeast infection I'm all you need on Valentine's Day did you know anything that comes out of your mouth is in quotes it's 69 days until for 2020 how do you feel I want to know how long you've been waiting to post this as long as it took them checking their Instagram feed this morning holy crap you just killed him dude my man looked like he crawled out of a leaned Cup ooh the one in the middle looks like Liz oh if she was a ps/2 character man it's always the best ones are the ones when they say they look like video game graphics like old video game graphics dr. Phil looks like a lobster that can't poo properly hmm I don't know about that one that doesn't that one doesn't make much sense I think that's just haha funny random you look like a type of girl that's afraid of hormones and milk but would still take acid from a stranger God for real the type of guy to download a mirror app he looks like mr. Krabs without a shell you know what that might be him at 13 I saw my grandfather and my best friend died in a car accident I thought his screams of pain would be the ugliest thing I heard in life until I heard your music oh man you know you know it's you know it's a deep one a deep cut when they put in a personal experience you look like the type of kid who wants attention in a minecraft server you look like the type of dude to nibble on your foreskin when you're scared oh hey mom this is daddy's friend who buys me chips and chocolate imagine busting a nut now the nut is busting you Jimmy Fallon the only thing he should host is a parasite oh come on this guy looks like you could sit on a popsicle and tell you what oh my god the one on the left looks like that one kid that does all the things the popular kid does because he thinks it makes him cool yeah the guy looks like you swallowed a reclining chair I never thought about that but yeah it does you look like what a non redditor thinks a redditor looks like yeah yeah why does he look like Ryan Reynolds halfway done taking off the Deadpool skin effects makeup you know what yeah I don't know about that one this is I think this is a weak one why don't I look like a forty five-year-old dad watching his daughter's soccer team do their pregame cheer at center field I don't know but he look he looks proud of something he looks happy this guy looks like every single spider-man actor put together oh don't don't do my Boy Scout like that okay I'll head there then be there in tennis I'm here want to watch Star Wars later not really haha never seen any I don't think I'd like it Star Wars is mandatory for people to watch I don't know how you haven't actually seen it though I don't know I just feel like Star Wars is kind of like your ding dong the reviews are far better than the actual product oh that backfired on him if I announced I was giving a TED talk what subject would you automatically assume I was giving it on Funko pops Tessa looks like a tired single mom that's on the verge of a meltdown you know she does no disrespect but yeah yeah the weekend makes music for girls who cheat on in with your best friend while you're on vacation in South Carolina man you had to disrespect South Carolina like that someone said trippy red looks like Greta Thun Berg cosplaying a little Wayne and now I can't unsee it oh my god his personality is literally a tuna sandwich with a cup of water oh my stomach turn just reading that Tyler could post a video of him making out with a dude while holding a rainbow flag and straight dudes will still say he's trolling why Tyler look like a Neapolitan ice cream sandwich yeah you got that the chocolate the vanilla and you got the strawberry and also mint you look like the type of guy to go to a Mexican restaurant with his two kids and wife Jessica and at the end say well be kid I was ready to vamanos why does Lele look like a vegan soccer mom who's in the middle of a divorce Ronny looks like a big bag of walnuts Arnon looks like he's been designed by an artist by the way I think I broke my pinkie drink milk loser I know I've broke my wrist before by the way is my second injury sustained from basketball drink milk loser by Nesquik if you don't like the taste if you're lactose intolerant then drink pepto-bismol shots with each cup that's so funny I forgot to ask you don't have to ask a weak bone gesture oh my god I will fill your lungs with water and pop them with your nasty fingernail which of course will be plucked out by pliers of mace sprinkle a bit of acetone or rubbing alcohol on your finger after the nails are removed holy Frick what the heck does this mean can women just get off the internet that's a weird right oh right my brain real smooth like a polished rock a sweet river otter may play with what is the oddest insult you have ever heard a freaking weapon I recently heard by a Scotsman and it made me lose my mind laughing and well just like that we have reached the end of our slash rare insults thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed what you saw be sure to that subscribe button and the bell see get notified every time easy-peasy uploads and until the next one I'll see you around you
Channel: EzPz
Views: 119,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/rareinsults, r/rareinsults top posts, r/rareinsults best posts, rare insults, insults reddit, reddit insults, emkay, ezpz r/rareinsults, ezpz, ez pz
Id: 4lJqaWR4uf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 50sec (470 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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