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hello from The Philippines

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/XXXGEMNOMAD_639 📅︎︎ Jan 18 2022 🗫︎ replies

hello from brazil

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AmazingPressure1793 📅︎︎ Jan 10 2022 🗫︎ replies
oh what the ... macaroni with the chicken strips! i promise i just don't have a barber at 30  seconds good thing all that is fake literally so why didn't i flinch because the  laws of science differ fundamentally Subscribe please! guess what guess what okay gage i see what the name right there  all right look here slow down goldie oh   no we need to have a lamp boy on yourself yeah  why y'all put cheese on my cheeseburger i'm sorry oh guys guys guys guys guys hold up hold on  hold on stop stop stop stop i'm a potato um i think we got a shake too a shake shake that you have to ice hmm yo are you real you for real you might have that but i got that oh dear it seems as i have accidentally  done a flip can't wait to go to the   oh [ __ ] [ __ ] goddammit damn  it oh did you see what happened   to you we gotta be careful oh [  __ ] john let me get on your back just going to get payback i've been expecting that really you  have any last words yeah testicles oh my god oh that's right liz you crazy dog hello you know you're getting flame right  now bro but they caught brother i have so many jokes about unemployed people  sadly none of them work i just banked that hope thank you so much bro your dog's [ __ ] on  the carpet where right there it's not there hey get the [ __ ] out of here you crazy dog oh okay hey bro you see my oh   it's not what it looks like you lacking  is bad bro you're gay you're a homosexual get your filthy paws off my pizza that's what i thought how  do you stay warm in any room go to the corner it's always 90 degrees dad what sweet [ __ ] the package up here oh [ __ ] uh excuse me sir just fell off bro   you know i love you man on some real [ __ ] you  my guy bro you love me you're [ __ ] gay bro okay i'm just trying to have a moment dude  okay but you know what i'm saying man i   want you know that i care about me what's  going on a guy can do have a fast reflex oh [ __ ] i brought him to work it's the statue of litter b yeah i'm about to [ __  ] nothing else to do today i'm gonna play ps4 uh just grow legs and walk away you are like you you gotta hit that  move up could you want to hit it   you hit that [ __ ] do you like my buchi yeah  so i got this new bath bomb and it has charcoal   in it so that'll help me out a lot because i'm  a very oily person so here we go some action i'll tell you we didn't sleep much on  our honeymoon either if you know what i   mean yeah because this guy would not stop  snoring i do not snore yes yes you do yes bro shut the [ __ ] up and  play the game like take this   shut the [ __ ] up or i'm gonna [  __ ] just ask you i have a boyfriend anybody in the chat if you got a girlfriend tell  him this hey baby are you a toaster because i   would love to take a bath like if i was allowed  to cheat on you with one person and get away with   it it'd be like a young daddy yankee oh i guess  mine would be like a younger version of your mom   are you [ __ ] kidding me what what that's [ __ ]  disgusting ish that's my [ __ ] mother why is it   why is that disgusting what do  you mean why is that just my mom   okay okay i'll change it your sister because she's  like she's like a younger version of your mom
Channel: Rocky Memes
Views: 8,460,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Memes, Unexpected videos, Reddit Memes, Perfectly Cut Screams, Watch People Die Inside, videos I found on reddit, Try not to laugh, Totally Random, Cursed Memes, Cute and Funny Animals, Cute and Funny Dogs, Cute and Funny Cats, Funny Vines, Anime Memes, SpongeBob Memes, Spiderman Memes, Super Mario Memes, Gaming Memes, Among Us Sus Memes, Star Wars Memes, Twitch Streamer Memes, GTA Memes, Soccer Football Memes, Fortnite Memes, Music Memes
Id: chipNahLS6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 24 2021
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