r/Prorevenge This Professor Has a Genius Plan to Catch Cheating Students

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welcome to our slash Pro revenge where employees get revenge against their terrible boss so my fiancee at the time now wife we're driving around looking for dresses for her bridesmaids to wear for the wedding we've been going from place to place looking for something she liked but no luck we had just finished leaving David's Bridal and we're leaving the plaza it has been raining a lot so the roads were slick as I reached the intersection of where the plaza met the road to turn out another car came turning in unfortunately he didn't break soon enough and skidded into the front end of the driver side thankfully everyone was ok we got out of our cars and looked at the damage his car of course was completely unharmed and mine had a minor dents he looked about 45 ish and had his son in the car with him we exchanged names and phone numbers he let me know he was on the way to work and I told him we were just wedding shopping I was 22 at the time and very naive as to what to do in case of an accident he told me that we both seemed pretty busy and that we should just handle it ourselves since we were both busy we didn't call the police my mistake and he told me to get the damage looked at to see what it would cost I took the car in two days later and they quoted me $1100 for the bumper to be replaced I texted him and he told me he'll be getting scholarships in two months when he goes back to school and he'd be able to pay me in cash then I again naively told him that be fine a week later I followed up with him about another estimate I got which was lower than the original 900 bucks but I got no response I texted him again and again for the next few days and nothing at this point I realize he'd bailed I came up with a plan to find him all I had was his name a now useless phone number and a general idea of where he worked I searched for him on Facebook and was pretty sure I found him I searched under his family members and saw what looked to be his son my soon-to-be sister-in-law was 16 and looked about the same age as his son I decided to go full-on sleuth and go undercover I used her Facebook and change her last name to match theirs I then messaged the son and told him that I thought we might be cousins I asked him some questions about his dad like his name and his job and told him that my mom said I have been uncle down there by that name and worked at his guitar shop he sir yes that was his dad's name and told me that name of the place where his dad worked I was so relieved I was making progress the next day I drove back up near the accident and found where the man worked I found his car and took pictures of the license plate I then took all the info I had and went to the courthouse I filled out paperwork and handed to the clerk the clerk told me they could either mail the form to his work address or if I paid 25 bucks I could have an officer hand-deliver it of course I paid the 25 dollars just to embarrass him at his place of work a few weeks later we were summoned to court to see if we could work things out before going to an actual hearing he showed up and we sat down with a mediator she explained everything to all of us I told him I didn't want to do this but he stopped responding he replied that his phone was stolen so he had to get a new one in my mind a phone being stolen doesn't equal changing your phone number I knew he was lying the moderator asked him to step outside she talked to us and told us not to trust him because his story didn't make sense the mediator invited him back inside and we read over the terms I listened in the court documents he was to pay $2,400 I charged him the original replacement cost gas from driving back and forth my time for doing all this work and extra for being a butthole he said he would pay but didn't like that I went to his work and took pictures of his car I reply that I didn't like he hit my car a few months later he paid the full amount in cash and had to pay for our court costs as well I sold the damaged car and took the cash she gave me to buy another color fully in cash all in all I've benefited from it but next time I'll just call the cops and save myself the headache our next reddit post is from the system sucked I've had a long respectable career in game development a couple of years ago I have abandoned it for a cushy corporate job and now it's been most of my days missing game dev this story takes place about ten years ago at the apex of my career I was the lead on a triple-a project our parent company for which video games was just one of its many lines of business was going through changes we had to move offices three times in one year second of the three moves all to be temporary put us in the basement of an older building long occupied by satellite departments not involved with developments the basement we were given had been empty for years save for the most distant office you entered the basement through a dimly lit staircase then after you sneaked through a horror movie like a maze of corridors and interconnected small rooms you'd eventually arrive at the farthest room of all a golden plaque was on the door trademark compliance department literally no one I knew was ever aware of trademark compliance even though trademarks were a pretty important part of everything we did the department consisted of a single elderly trademark attorney and his fresh-faced college grad assistant / paralegal / whatever the lawyer flipped his freaking lid when he learned people were being moved into his basement for a couple of weeks he tried desperately to prevent the move getting all the way to the CEO the tiny leathery lawyer amazed everyone with his deep booming voice that would climb and climb and climb in pitch as he yelled and screamed and threatened so all his efforts being for naught our stuff was moved into the basement over one weekend we spent the following Monday and Tuesday dealing with all sorts of setup lows electrical outlets network connections breathable air on Wednesday - quiet 2d artists came into their l-shaped room the one with a fancy door to trademark compliance and found that all their stuff chairs desks computers everything was pushed into the far corner a walkway of caution tape was set up leading to the compliance door while we were trying to figure out what the heck happened a demi-god vp as close to the company's CEO as it gets walked into our lowly basement trailed by the beaming lawyer apparently our desk blocked his door he even had pictures the demigod hadn't seen them prior to walking down once he saw dozens and dozens of close-ups of the desk corner the VP's face grew less certain our desk was blocking his doorway by less than an inch on the side with the hinges the door opened away from the desk I'm guessing even when open at 90 degrees the edge of the desk was about as wide as a protruding part of the desk in other words it was technically blocking the doorway but no more so than the door itself non-committal as always the demigod instructed us to make sure all pathways were clear at all times and that he expected this would be the last time he had to get involved I'm generally a people pleaser I can even maybe sympathize with an old guy freaking out when a gaggle of man children and ironic t-shirts wreck his long-established way of life I figured it was time to modify the seating chart two people would be a pretty tight fit for that weird room and I also didn't want my quiet flower child artist anywhere near that loon I apologized to the lawyer and told him I was moving two people out and moving just one person in making sure it was as uncluttered as possible I had two potential candidates in mine and while leaning strongly towards one I considered a milder option in case the lawyer turned out to be an all right guy after all the lawyer answered my apology with a triumphant serve you right and that's what you get for messing with adults and welcome to the real world and this is far from over he then ordered me to wait right here and came out with a tape measure we snaked through his entire path on the staircase to his office measuring his clearance from desks and chairs and people's items and the lawyer booped deaths and monitors and garbage cans and pushed people sitting in their chairs as if they were garbage cans he crawled on the floor and marked out no-man's land in chalk no one was ever allowed to block his pathway or he'd have everyone's jobs once all the lines were drawn and the lawyer retreated to his fourtner's of smugness I knew our slightly unhinged physics programmer with his anime posters and the loud Clank of his mechanical keyboard would not be moving into the room after all my revenge was going pro now the issue of sound was discussed more than any other as we were planning the temporary move our sound designer had to listen to all sorts of sounds edie full volume on different types of speakers not just on his headphones if sound was designed on headphones and you played it on surround speakers you'd sense it our old office had a professionally soundproofed room even then that was a pretty unpleasant thing huge sounds couldn't be heard but could be felt like an inaudible earthquake it struck you with primal dread so we discussed this on and on and on I wanted to soundproof room management wanted headphones we eventually agreed on a compromise we just have to accept screams and explosions on speakers while we were in the basement this decision had also been approved by the same VP about a month before the walkway in chalk incident you already see where I'm going with this we made the walkway semi-permanent with construction tape I took pictures and sent an update email to everyone reporting that a we pledged to keep all pathways clear at all times and be the offending girl would have the two girls move out and only the sound designer move in the VP replied with thank you that's great see how the email listed the sound designer in an offhand way this was not my first rodeo we moved the sound designer and all his equipment into the room the next morning explosion started then stopped high-pitched screams were heard in the distance footsteps my door flew open and the lawyer ran in screaming what the f he dragged me across the street to the VP's office the VP wasn't there the lawyer screamed and jumped and stomped his little feet left voicemails then retreated to write an email to the BP with a CC list possibly going all the way up to President Obama and the Lord Commander of the Nights Watch I quickly replied that one sound design issues had been extensively discussed and were deemed a necessary evil to I notified everyone before the fact the sound designer was moving into that particular room and three if I had to keep moving people around every day I wouldn't be able to hit my milestones the VP replied the next morning saying he's right about milestones besides it's temporary anyway and so for the next seven months the compliance department was subjected to eight hours a day of non-stop explosions gunfire screams grunts engine roar and wet thuds once released our game sound was singled out for praise in multiple reviews I put the lawyers name somewhere in the midst of the thank-you section in the credits our next reddit post is remote so I took the final for an engineering class this morning usually one or two people will go to the bathroom during class however for totally unknown reasons about half of the class needed to use the restroom during the exam obviously a vast majority of them were looking up the answers on their phones this irritated me but I just stayed focused and barely finished since it was a hard exam I remember that there was one particular problem that was only barely related to the stuff we went over in class where Part A was fairly easy but I had no idea how to do Part B I didn't write over it too much though since that part was only five points out of 100 well our professor who's on the older side and I would have thought was somewhat ignorant of Technology sent us an email just now explaining his diabolical plan to catch cheaters many of the students in this class use check a website that has answers to lots of homework questions if you're not familiar to be fair I have an account too though I only use it for studying and checking homework solutions anyway he explained that he was tired of people going to the bathroom and looking up answers on their phones so he made the question I mentioned earlier as a trap he purposely made Part B impossible to solve and about a month before the final he got a TA with a check account to ask the exact question which was distinctly worded to be unique he then created his own check account and answered the question with ABS solution that seems right at first glance but is actually fundamentally flawed and very unlikely that someone would make the same assumptions and mistakes independently he said that out of 99 exams 14 of them fell for the trap and that everyone who had this wrong solution on their exam was given a zero and reported to the University for violating the academic honor pledge they signed on the front he also sent an email to all the other professors in our department giving them the list of cheaters then we have a similar story from ruff sauce I witnessed an incident once following a lab practical exam earlier that year the professor had mentioned that the exam stay roughly the same each year which is why we aren't allowed to keep our graded practical sheets after learning of our scores in the class following the exam the professor took us in one by one to walk through our answers and get feedback on what we need to study it went relatively quick with the exception of three to four students who walked out the back room looking totally why in the face turns out this small group of students had tracked down a TA from last year and pooled money to buy the answer key from the TA what they didn't know is that any TA who has worked with that professor is on a scheme to catch cheaters so they essentially revealed themselves even prior to taking the exam accordingly the professor wrote four entirely new and unique exams only for those students who he was made aware of or trying to cheat needless to say they failed the exams were outed and faced pretty gnarly academic punishment as a result the reason for him writing four unique separate exams was he could tell who actually ended up trying to memorize and utilize the answer key of the four involved only one of them remained in the class after that day so I'm guessing he was the only one who had the brains to realize how stupid cheating that way was he did however only score like a 65% the professor made those four exams in ordinate ly difficult and it tanked his grade so he did face some sort of fallout from the whole thing our next reddit post is from malindi this is a lengthy story that happened to me a woman around six years ago I applied for a job as a bar manager at a new rest Abbar that opened up in my area Ontario Canada the owner of this bar had some issues with her liquor license being revoked at a previous establishment and there was some sort of stipulation this part I'm not clear on where she was required to one not be on site or involved in the business in any capacity for any reason she was a prohibited person and I believe she made her husband the owner on paper but for this story she's referred to as the owner to hire a manager with over five years of experience and a smart surf certificate to run and be responsible for the bar both of these were required in order to get another liquor license after a short interview process I was offered the job and was told of these terms I accepted them despite already apparent red flags I was a very poor student when the restaurant slash bar opened everything quickly fell apart despite the owner not being allowed to be on premises she proceeded to micromanage both the kitchen and the front of the house she stopped scheduling kitchen staff to save money and was working in the kitchen herself food quality plummeted customers became irate at how long of a wait it was word quickly spread in this small town eventually a select few regulars became our only customers more hours got cut waitresses in kitchen staffer let go the owner was now drinking at the bar and at the same time was waitressing and cooking this was all in the matter of a month one night that month it was exceptionally nice out and we had a lot of boaters in the area we had appear near the bar where boats could dock and walk into the restaurant a large group had walked in on this night and they were both very clearly underage and very clearly over intoxicated I immediately cut them off to which they made a very large stink about it another the owners husband came over to ask what happened I explained that I'd cut the group off and wasn't going to serve them to which the owners husband decided to take their drink orders and serve them anyways obviously money was tight so they didn't care about the rules the next day the owner pulled me into the office and accused me of stealing fifty dollars out of the till the night previous I knew this to be a lie a lie that could be easily disproven because there's a camera located directly above the till that is synced to the time code on the POS I was fired on the spots i 100% believe this was because I was refusing to serve customers and thereby damaging their bottom line I was really miffed to be accused of doing something I didn't do and more upset that she used this lie she made up as an excuse to fire me because the stipulation of her having her liquor license was me working at the bar as manager I emailed the Liquor Control Board when I got home and informed him of the rules being broken at the bar a liquor inspector came to meet me later that week and took a statement he then paid a surprise visit to the bar and was able to witness all the other things that I informed him of including the owner both being on site and being involved in the business serving minors and serving intoxicated persons the liquor inspector slapped them with a very large fine north of $50,000 their liquor license was suspended and the owner was too broke to pay the fine and was forced to close the restaurant I receive death threats from her for a while after that but the revenge was absolutely worth it Opie you should report those ëthe Rhett's too and hopefully we can land her in jail that was our slash pro revenge and if you liked this video and want to see more hit that subscribe button because I put out new reddit content every single day
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, pro revenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 26 2019
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