r/Prorevenge I Caught Him Embezzling $15,000!

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welcome to our slash Pro revenge where revenge is best served cold I grew up in a single-parent family my mom me and my older sister who for this story's sake I'll call Lilith Lilith is four years older than me so the main reason I believe she was the way she was was because she grew up an only child with both our parents spoiling her and giving her everything she wanted then I came along and she wasn't the baby anymore then when I was two my parents divorced my dad moved away and my mom was left alone with us my sister was and still is a grade-a [ __ ] when I was growing up she used to bully me relentlessly she would call me names break my stuff blame my parents divorce on me and even physically abused me until I got old enough to hit back at school she used to get all of her friends to bully me as well and because a bunch of older kids were always cornering me calling me fat and ugly I never had any friends no one wanted to be anywhere near me because of her and she always made a point of letting me know just how much better than me she was when I was younger I believed she was better she was prettier wore better clothes had a ton of friends and was into girly stuff like makeup and fashion while I was still in my teddy bear Barbie stage you could just tell me that this is all stupid kid stuff but it only got worse as we got older by the time she was 16 I was just turning 12 and the bullying had never ceased because of the type of person I was I thought that if I did everything she said she might actually like me but this only encouraged her to take advantage of me things like cleaning her side of our room getting her drinks making her food doing any housework mom asked her to do and even giving her my pocket money were completely normal but despite doing everything she said she was always nasty and not just to me one of the worst memories I have of my sister is her screaming at my mom because she couldn't get the prom dress she wanted I watched my mom try to explain that she didn't have the money to afford the dress she asked for and that she'd have to get a cheaper one Lilith blew up on my mom telling her they would have the money if dad was still here and it was all her fault that he left she shouldn't suffer because my mom was too lazy to get a real job this really struck a chord with me because even when I was younger I always noticed how tired my mom always was she worked two jobs just to get us by and for lilith to act that way and say things like that really got to me she made my mom cry that night and I've never forgiven her for it sometime later my mom was dating this guy we'll call him Matt Matt was and still is great he was really nice to all of us bought us presents made a point to get to know us even took both me and Luth on separate days out so we could both spend some time alone with them which always made me feel special I was 13 when they got married and we moved in with him Matt made quite a lot of money so both Lilith and I now had separate bedrooms and I could not have been happier enter Matt's son our mastermind we shall refer to him as Megamind I hadn't met Megamind a few times before my mom got married to his dad but never really got to know him he was older than me but younger than Lilith so when we moved into his house I was terrified that Megha would be like Lilith however I was completely wrong Megha was and still is the best brother he never made me feel like I was unwanted he let me play in his consoles got me into reading helping me with my homework even encouraged me to make friends knowing how my sister's treatment of me affected my trust in people Megha was a sibling I always wanted and never got to have and love just kind of faded into the background for a while then some years later Megha brought a friend home from university his name shall be Nick Nick and Megha were best friends they did practically everything together and had the truest bromance of any two men I've ever met but there was evil lurking evil that wish to break the bromance forever the first time Lola saw Nick I swear there were stars in her eyes and she had to capture this innocent soul into her trap by any means necessary and poor Nick poor poor Nick despite both me and Megha telling him repeatedly what kind of person she was Lillith entranced this innocent boy with her look and her charms and they soon started dating soon whatever Nick would come over to the house to hang out with mega Lilith would show up and drag him away making it all about her she started our humans with mega about spending too much time with her boyfriend and that he needed to stop and leave them alone - which Megha always laughed in her face and told her not to kindly tip off mega wasn't like me he didn't take any of her garbage and I deeply respected him for that however this evil demon wasn't used to being disrespected so she hatched a wicked plan she started trying to separate mega and Nick if Nick came over to be with mega she would always make him feel guilty about not spending enough time with her she would start a fight with mega and then act like the poor victim over text - Nick Nick would didn't call mega all upset and angry and Megan would try to explain that Lois was just trying to manipulate him all of this I saw as a spectator Megan would tell me every time wolf did something sneaky to try and break his friendship with Nick and I believed everything he said because I knew what kind of person she was then one day Lilith and mega had a massive fight our parents had gone a couple's weekend getaway and had left Lilith in charge since she was the oldest I was about 15 at this time while Megha was 19 and loath was 20 because she was the one in charge she got given the money we were supposed to use for food but of course let's took the money for herself and bought a bunch of stuff just for her including I remember a pair of gold high-heeled shoes they were pretty but we couldn't eat them mega blew up on Lilith and a little bit shouted back that she was older better and deserved that blah blah blah mega got our parents on the phone told them what happened and they ripped into Lilith telling her to give her pocket money too mega so he could look after us and buy us food for the weekend Lula shouted and cried but eventually gave in never having successfully manipulated Matt in her life she handed the money to mega with a snarl then spent the next few hours on the phone with Nick wailing about how we were both being mean to her while her parents were away and could she please stay at his house so she wouldn't be bullied anymore Nick came running and started screaming a mega for quotes taking Lily's money and getting her into trouble meanwhile listed behind Nick with a smug look on her face while mega was trying to explain Nixon yells that meg has been against the relationship from the beginning and he didn't know what Megas problem was but if he was forcing him to choose between him and Lilith he chose his girlfriend now I know a lot of you will call Nick stupid but don't I knew how manipulative could be she was a master of making people feel sorry for her and getting them on her side even when she was horrible to them just like she did with me that night I had to listen to Megha cry for the first time since I knew him and I had enough I knocked on his door asked him if he was alright we ordered the pizza and we started to plot Megha was rather defeated at this point but I told him that if his friendship with Nick meant anything he had to get him away from that demon spawn before he lost his friend for good and so we plotted Lilith spent the entire weekend with Nick and came back all happy and smug robbing it and Megas face that Nick had chosen her but via our plan Nick said nothing back acted defeated and let her talk for the next few weeks that's all she did whenever Nick came over to the house she would spend time with him in her room and when he leaves she'd prance around mega bragging about how much Nick loved her and asking mega snidely if he missed his little friend every time she did this her focus was entirely on mega she never once looked at me and that was her biggest mistake finally the day of her 21st birthday had arrived Nick and Megha hadn't spoken in weeks and the few times Nick had gingerly tried to make things up with Megha Lilith would walk in screaming about how he had already chosen her and that if he wouldn't to be friends with Megha again then their relationship was over Nick would always look miserable but would always side with her nonetheless Megha had had enough the fact that loathe was making his best friend's so unhappy purely for her own selfishness something in him and he told me to put our plan into action this is where my part of our plan finally took center stage for her 21st birthday she had arranged to have her party at the house since it was huge and more than enough space for all her university friends our parents had agreed but only under the condition that there was no underage drinking and that both Megan and I were allowed to stay in the house my sister reluctantly agreed and thus the plan was in motion on the morning of her birthday I knocked on her bedroom door she looked annoyed to see me and asked me snidely what do you what I innocently told her I'd had the best idea I told her I wanted to record her for a 21st birthday I wanted to record her getting ready with her friends talking about her plans after leaving university record all her friends at the party then set up the recording on a big projector Matt had in his office so everyone could see it this was before the time where smartphones were everywhere so recording yourself was still something of a novelty and I was using an old-fashioned camcorder I'd gotten a few birthdays ago now despite the fact that she didn't like me her wrath had been focused on Megha for so long that she most likely never saw me as a threat and because of this both her and her friends seemed to love the idea I spent the entire morning with them recording them all getting ready putting on their makeup and of course introducing themselves to the camera my sister was lapping it up she looked into that cameras eye like she was a supermodel movie star preening and talking loudly about her successful future and how amazing her birthday party was going to be that day I reverted back to my old role as a servant fetched her and her friends drinks and food and made a grand show of complementing all of them and telling them how amazing they looked on camera and that they could all be actresses someday they were loving it so the party starts and my sister told me to stay out of the way I told her innocently that it was no problem that I just stay in my room all night edit the recordings and come down to set up the camcorder when she was ready because I wanted this night to be perfect for her satisfied with my answer she left my room and I did exactly what I said I'd do I edited my recordings a few hours later and her friends came to my room and told me she was ready I set up the projector in the large living room connected it to Matt's computer and started playing the recordings for all her guests to see the first part of the recordings were exactly what I promised my sister and her friends introducing themselves and laughing in her bedroom as they had been hours earlier I looked at my sister who seems so satisfied that all the attention was on her then I looked at Megha who was hiding in the corner of the room and gave me a subtle thumbs-up then the video started to change it started to play clips of little shouting atmega calling him names and taunting him about Nick it started showing Lilith snidely telling Megha that Nick belonged to her and that she was going to do her best to make Nick hate Megha so they would never be friends again it even showed clips of Lilith bragging about all the lie she told Nick and how he was so gullible every single argument I had recorded without her knowledge I edited it into this video everyone in the party was watching silently as well as true self was exposed in clip after clip while Lily stood there frozen completely unable to comprehend what was going on when she finally snapped out of it she turned on me and started screaming yelling at me and asking me how could you do this I never said a word I just smiled when the recording stopped Megha turned the lights on and everyone was staring at Lilith clearly having no defense she let out a loud cry and stormed up to her room slamming the door is so hard everyone heard it the next day Megha told me Nick had apologized for everything and that he was stupid too so blindly believe everything she said he even told me that Nick had thanked me specifically for helping him see what a monster my sister truly was when my parents came home both Megha and I were grounded for ruining Lily's birthday and for using that stuff without permission but neither of us cared Megha got his best friend back and a few months later Lillith moved out since after seeing the recordings of her behavior my parents were disgusted by her and they had absolutely no problems with showing it since she no longer had any leverage over anyone in the house she packed her bags and moved to stay in one of her college dorms I've never had any problems with my sister sins and to this day meg and I are close as two siblings can be and always laugh about the time we defeated the demon and saved us all from its clutches then Opie adds this in an update as for Lilith well I don't see much of her these days last I heard from mom she was living alone somewhere near this seaside is working in one of those arcade places and still gives as many flips about us as we do about her she only ever comes home to ask mom and Matt for money and hasn't talked to either me or Megha in a long while as much as I'd like to say she learned her lesson I don't see her personality changing anytime soon nonetheless Megha and I are still really close and Nick and I always joke about who's going to be the best man at his wedding so just for clarity Opie I have an older brother and my younger brother is about four years younger than me so I was also the only child until my younger brother came around and my brother and I are best friends so that only child excuse is total BS fundamentally she's just a selfish entitled narcissist our next reddit post is from sister cyst her background my older sister who I'll call Beth is married to her high school sweetheart who I'll call Craig Beth is a pretty laid-back person but she has one hot button trigger that causes her to have zero chill anyone treating her beloved Craig poorly Craig is very quiet and kind just in general a mild mannered good-natured guy who's not green is standing up for himself so he often attracts bad actors who view him as an easy mark and because he always assumes that other people have good intentions he's not great at realizing when he's being mistreated Beth is usually pretty relaxed about things but she will basically turn into a howling vengeance seeking banshee if anyone takes advantage of Craig which brings us to two to three years ago great works a white collar job remotely but he's an amateur artist slash craftsman as a hobby he does wood carving a little bit of light metal work and 2d art mainly pencil sketches and pen and ink illustrations he joined an artist collective slash makerspace where he could work on these hobbies around like-minded people and he absolutely loved it whenever I hung out with him and beth around this time crate would excitedly talk about the space and his projects there with infectious enthusiasm his eyes were practically beaming out of his head whenever it came up Beth joined to to learn / improve on her own hobby a fiber arts mainly weaving and dyeing but she was way less into it than Craig some time after this the president of the makerspace stepped down it was essentially a volunteer position though it came with a small mostly symbolic stipend since the makerspace had no actual staff being president of the makerspace was a huge undertaking that involved being a one-man show for everything for a start coordinating with the board keeping day-to-day operations going and chasing the grants that kept the lights on the current president just couldn't do it anymore with his full-time job and announced his intention to vacate the role Craig had come to love the makerspace and he figured he had the resources to be an effective president his job is entirely remote and deliverables based he can work whatever hours he wants as long as he's meeting his objectives so he figured he could work out of the makerspace on his laptop and be available there if anyone needed him and then do the heavy lifting of the role outside work hours so he threw his hat in the ring inter Jamie a recent industrial design grad Jamie was known to be flaky and very dramatic but he'd been a member of the makerspace for a couple of years almost as long as it had existed and he felt entitled to be handed the presidency because he had seniority he lost his freakin mind when he heard that Craig had the audacity to go for the same role and complain to several members about how Craig was massively overstepping this got back to Craig who didn't really take it seriously and it also got back to Beth who of course was already irritated that Jamie was stirring up trouble but kept it to herself long story short Jamie wouldn't a member vote by a small margin which crate was very gracious about Craig congratulated Jamie on the victory then settled back into business as usual Jamie was not so gracious he was enraged that Craig had gotten so many votes and made it known to everyone that he was trying to figure out who had voted for Craig and that they would pay many of the members who had voted for Jamie passively because he'd been around forever and they didn't really know Craig were shocked by this behavior and started private expressing regret to each other but it gets worse the makerspace had always offered members the perks of sponsoring workshops meetups and classes that anyone members or non-members could attend all you had to do was sign up for the space on a first-come first-served basis and kick up 20% of any profits of the makerspace if you charged a fee Jamie started preemptively canceling classes and workshops sponsored by anyone on his blacklist by blocking off all available reservations during the regular time certain classes would be held so Craig had traditionally sponsored a popular casting workshop on Wednesday evenings and suddenly all Wednesday evenings were booked solid before the signup sheet was even available he tried switching to Thursday but after just one rescheduled workshop suddenly Thursday evenings were out too he tried to x' days but because it was so early in the week no one could come craig was bummed but was still too good-natured to realize jamie was intentionally sabotaging him out of spite despite a righteously angry beth trying to paint the picture for him of what was going on Beth was pissed but she wasn't banshee pissed yet not until Jamie selectively told the people on his blacklist that member fees were going up by almost double he presented this as a makerspace wide policy but he made one crucial error somehow Jamie never picked up on Craig and Beth being married probably because he was never around both of them at the same time so Beth flew under his radar and he didn't trace her member fees just Craig's and some of Craig's known friends which confirmed to her that he was intentionally retaliating against Craig at this point Beth had steam coming out of her ears and went to go talk to the board since they had the power to site or even throw out the presidents they were uneasy about what she told them but they said that the president was technically allowed to set member fees and they'd keep an eye on things Beth didn't really believe the board that they keep an eye on things because Jamie was already dropping the ball all over the place and the board wasn't making a peep over it he wanted to be President because of the prestige but he was never willing to do the work so he just didn't do it and things were falling apart the makerspace was getting late notices on paid bills basic maintenance of the space wasn't getting done materials weren't being restocked as they ran out and the record-keeping was non-existent it got so bad that the previous president who had stepped down because he couldn't handle the time commitment anymore who would run the makerspace from its inception quit as a member altogether because he was so saddened and disgusted by how bad things have gotten he put his blood sweat and tears into this place and stepped down from a role he treasured because he believed it wasn't the best interest of the organization and now he had to watch Jamie run this place he loved into the ground out of sheer laziness Craig was also losing his excitement over the makerspace because he no longer had the space or resources to do the things he enjoyed there Beth at this point had gone from furiously angry to strategically angry suspecting that Jamie was being shady in more ways than one she spent a few days being friendly to Jamie and sucking up to him and then sprung on him the offer to help with the organization's bookkeeping and records still not realizing that she was Craig's wife but knowing that she works as a project manager in her day job Jamie saw a chance to get some skilled work done at zero effort to himself and he happily agreed and gave her access to the makerspaces Google sheets not the most high-tech operation for a little while Beth bided her time bringing the financial accounts up to date and continuing to be diabolically friendly to Jamie after a while of this she calmly pulled together six copies of documents comparing the official organizational income that Jamie was reporting to her with the actual income which Jamie was completely unaware she was tracking these documents prove that Jamie was not only skimming money off the top of class in workshop fees but was actively stealing money from the grants the makerspace was receiving which is highly illegal Beth gave the six board members her impeccably compiled proof of what was happening almost immediately the board fired Jamie and issued a lifetime ban from the makerspace they were afraid of losing their grants if news came out about the gross misappropriation so they didn't report Jamie to the authorities but instead gave him 48 hours to return the stolen funds the implication being that they would report him if he didn't he panicked and complied selling his car quickly to do it and scratching up the difference in a ton of quick loans from friends many of whom were makerspace members not aware what was going on no he never paid them back he's not persona non grata with all of his former friends and while he still has a clean criminal record word traveled pretty far in the local artists community which means he was blacklisted for most of the industrial design jobs in the area and couldn't use his degree if he wanted to stay in town as far as Beth and Craig knew he moved away about six months after all this went down but they haven't kept up with him and don't know where he is the makerspace board realized her setup was bad so instead of a single president they restructured to have a panel of volunteer officers running the operation Kraig is one of them and he's happily throwing himself back into woodworking and metal casting Beth still helps out with the books okay revisiting these events in this post got me curious about Jamie so I did some internet sleuthing to see where he is now he lives in Austin and he's still working in the food service industry for the same chain he worked at throughout college based on the info I've been able to find it looks like aside from an unpaid internship he did right before he took over the makerspace he's never worked a job that used his degree so there's that down in the Commons someone asked how much money Jamie embezzled and opie replied it was in the neighborhood of $15,000 when Beth tallied it up and for a tiny very scrappy nonprofit that's a boatload of money so embezzling 15k is a major crime I think we're actually in felony territory it's a shame they didn't press charges because I think that would have actually constituted real jail time especially since they came from grants and the grants probably came from the federal government so come on kids do not steal money from the federal government that's just stupid that was our slash Pro revenge and if you like this video then be sure to hit the subscribe button because I put out new reddit content every single day
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, pro revenge
Id: sD8QdUjAdcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 13sec (1453 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 01 2020
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