r/Prorevenge This Man Beat My Brother, so I Sent Him to Jail

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welcome to our slash Pro revenge where Opie destroys a man's business bank account and his family back when I was still in university I used to work for a hotel to make ends meet when I started the hotel very urgently needed new personnel so I could have deal with the old owner about getting to choose and pick shifts so I could visit my courses and exams speaking some extra foreign languages I also got a little bonus each month on top the old owner was a great guy he owned multiple hotels so I rarely saw him but when he was in the house he always made a point to have drinks with the staff and if we were free he even invited those at the front desk to fancy restaurants who were not on shift fast forward I had worked in the hotel for a few years now and was nearing the completion of my studies so it wouldn't have been an eternity until I had to quit anyway as I was of course more interested to work in my field of study as part of my deal with the old owner I mostly chose to work night shifts allowing me to visit my courses at university during the day to make up for my privileges I picked up the habit of doing some extra work in the dead of night other ships would normally have to do when I could have sat around and stared at the walls people were grateful for the help in the beginning and we became a rather tight-knit group but over time people rotated in and out when the old owner retired and his bottle of a son took over the business as a new owner I already fear the worst the new owner didn't like me very much I never found out the exact reason for that one I was at that point nearly the sole veteran left from when I started among the tests I had taken on was doing like lyrical tasks to ease the manager's job in the morning for that I generally had to use the managers Network account one night while doing my list I logged into the manager's account an email to do my job then I saw an email with my name in the subject line I know it's not nice to snoop but of course I read it turns out the new owner wanted to get rid of me I still had my old employee contract with the bonuses for foreign language abilities and was a lot by my contract to pick and choose shifts I can only assume these privileges are what made the new owner hate me no idea if he had other reasons because to be honest these seem very weak to me but he couldn't fire me without cause on top of that I would be owed severance if fired and generally there were not enough bodies in the [ __ ] rotation without me though the new owner didn't seem to understand that point as the email sold me I looked for more emails concerning me and found them there was an email chain between some of the employees the manager and the new owner I was of course Nazi seed as I was the hated topic the employees didn't like me hogging the night ships because those paid better and for every night you worked you got paid the night bonus the manager was the only one rather neutral on the matter and just curbed their enthusiasm to get rid of me as they needed me to be fully staffed the new owner and my colleagues actively conspired to make a hostile work environment so I would quit at my own volition I was furious I thought about a variety of reactions from egging their cars to burning down the hotel but I settled on a less crazy method of revenge I called my uncle at 2:00 a.m. asking for advice my uncle is a lawyer so for sake of proof I afforded myself all the emails I made photos printed them out made copies and filmed the whole deal just to be sure my uncle told me to sit tight and see if things got worse or if it was just bluster and so I gave it a few days and things did take a turn snide remarks about my looks clothing and so on were only the tip of the iceberg some of my colleagues were just as professional as before but the conspirators always left extra work for me or pawned the sucky duties they normally had to do on me I always kept a spare shirt and suit at work just to have a change which suddenly disappeared one guy even started to threaten me with violence but I kept clenching my butt cheeks I wouldn't give them the satisfaction of saving on the severance or giving in I'm a big boy after all I did however stop doing any extra work I was not obligated to do which in the end was the reason they used to fire me they still had to pay me severance the next day my uncle with bundled proof of the email and all documenting harassment by my colleagues served the hotel my lawsuit it started with wrongful termination and ended with harassment reportedly the manager went white as a sheet when he realized where the emails must have come from the new owner had been on vacation and had to cancel his expensive vacation in France to deal with this their counsel advised them to settle so I accepted my severance and a hefty bonus on top enough money to last me until the end of university without work but that was not all my revenge I had gone after the new owners money but in the next step I went after the hotel I had used all the spare time during night shifts alone to document every last violation of city county district state and federal law I could find that went from minor things like some harmless mould under the kitchen sink to substantial violations like modifications to the building the building was under a limited form of historical protection by federal law on the grounds of being built and inhabited by somewhat important historical figures a few hundred years back so every renovation or change in floor plans needs to be signed off on by a committee which can take ages there's also a grant paid to the new owner by the government for keeping the building intact as is so with my uncle's help ice and documentation of every violation I could find to the corresponding agency in one month everything from health building code fire safety to the finance and work police crawled over the hotel in the end it was the building and fire inspectors that shut the place down the new owner had done substantial renovations to the top floor luxury apartments which he used when he was in town so the new owner had to pay back the grant pay fines for unauthorized alteration to the building endangering his guests because something wasn't built right according to fire code and had to close down shop until the building was fixed I also tipped off a friend who had studied journalism and worked at a local paper the paper ran an article on all the violations accumulated which tanked the business once it reopened the newspaper article had led to horrible reviews in the end to afford all the fines repayments and building cost the new owner sold the hotel as the cherry on top all the buttholes who had tried to harass me out lost their job granted the people who didn't do anything to me lost their jobs too but didn't do anything to stand up for me to help me either so I don't feel too much remorse and the revenge cherry on top was that the new owner whenever he was in town used to bring home escorts which and my country isn't illegal but he was married it took some doing to get that information to the new owner's wife but one of my former colleagues who had quit before this at all happened had her email so I let her know what the new owner was up to when he was out of town I don't know what exactly happened but they did divorce in the end make of that what you will first you took his money then you took his business then you took his marriage Jesus Christ ope you do not mess around our next reddit post is from Sunol area my parents had me when they were plenty young they weren't teens anymore but had barely left that age bracket my mom and dad met in college that was also when they had me so while my parents were in their courses I mostly stayed with my grandparents the whole family lives in the same area and the college wasn't that far away my parents were still young and liked to go out with friends on occasion when the following happened I was a few years old on occasion they frequented a bar a drunk guy there groped my mom and did not take know as a no my dad intervened and stopped the guy and half an hour later all seemed forgotten the music was loud at the bar crowded and then someone in the crowd hit my dad with an empty glass pitcher square in the face he was bleeding profusely and collapsed but in the pressed semi-darkness and over the music no one knew who did it my dad got taken to the hospital he had a broken nose and a heavy concussion he also couldn't see who had attacked him and his memory between the alcohol and being hit in the head was also very fuzzy of course they'd considered the guy who had harassed my but they didn't know him nor did they see him anywhere leading up to that moment let alone have any evidence so they press charges against unknown but there was virtually nothing anyone could do but then a few days later that piece of garbage that had arrest my mom approached her on campus turns out he was in the same College as my parents he made a few veiled comments and left little doubt that it had been him that hit my dad in the face and the piece of garbage let my mom know that my dad next time should mind his manners and the little touching he had done didn't hurt anyone and wasn't that bad and if he wanted to do it again he would and maybe more and then the piece of garbage went on his merry way my mom was horrified of course she went home and told my grandparents my dad and his parents but no one could do anything it was a he-said she-said deal after all and my mom hadn't even gotten the guy's name my mom cried a lot at that time and didn't know what to do she also was afraid of going to classes or out alone I honestly only remember that time very scarcely I was just a little kid but I can remember my dad in the hospital and with his broken nose and my mom crying a lot my dad of course was just as angry and humiliated as my mom no one knew what to do and everyone was treading on eggshells around each other but that's where my uncle enters the stage my uncle my mom's brother lived on the other side of the country he was a private investigator and he was of course the last to hear the full story but the moment he heard someone had threatened his little sister he was on his way home after hearing the full story my uncle knew it would likely be hard to get the guy on the harassment the assault or the threats having no evidence my uncle had my mom point the guy out from afar on campus it took a few days to find him but then my uncle started to stalk that piece of human filth my uncle took sick days all his vacation and invested every second possible to find out everything about the harasser my uncle even approached the pig in another bar and became dranking buddies with him over several weeks my uncle had uncovered all manner of illicit behavior possession consumption and distribution of drugs theft and a few other misdemeanors and small-time stuff and my uncle could have put him away for that but my uncle always said when asked about it that if he were to send this douchebag to prison it would be for molesting my mom and hurting my dad and that's what he did one night while I with his new buddy drinking my uncle made the idiot piss drunk and they landed in my uncle's motel room he got the harasser to incriminate himself on video ratting off a list of illegal stuff he was up to my uncle of course pretended to be a crook to among the stories this douchebag told was a story of how he groped some chick and brained her dude with a pitcher of beer now something needs to be said in my country recording someone in secret is illegal and under some conditions like if the police do it it's not a permissible piece of evidence in court but as a private investigator my uncle knew the laws for that exactly but paradoxically the situation is different if it's not only audio but also has video and my uncle had the douchebag on camera confessing the next day my uncle turned himself in to the police with all his collected evidence because secretly filming people was still a crime but the video could be used as evidence in court as my uncle was not affiliated with the police or any other governmental agency when the criminal trial in the civil trial were over the douchebag got six years in prison and had to pay damages to my mom and dad and my uncle got slapped with the equivalent of a two thousand dollar fine for secretly filming this douchebag money well-spent he always said honestly I'm surprised that the prosecutor even wanted to press charges against your uncle I would have been like so let me get this straight you befriended a criminal and got him to confess on tape to all these crimes basically doing our job for us haha thanks bud don't worry I'll drop the charges but even without that I agree that is $2,000 very well spent our next reddit post is from Scott three four nine six I used to work in a disability shared accommodation agency it's a job where you support four to six people with disabilities who share the accommodation it's shift work to clients per staff member during the day one staff member on a sleepover at night the rosters are four week rotating rosters I was employed as a 0.75 meaning I work seventy-five percent of what is considered full-time acquitting to 57 hours a fortnight working shifts sucked but the pay was good I was working in a house I'll call Sun up Sun up had four residents and seven workers each house had a house supervisor they reported to the cluster manager who managed six houses cluster managers report to the CEO by company policy leave requests are first in best-dressed meaning you need to put you're leavin early to ensure you get it I was transferred to son up from a six client house due to my qualifications and situations I cannot legally disclose I worked for the first year got to know staff clients house supervisor etc there was an obvious click between four staff members each school holidays three would apply for leave and one would call in sick with a medical certificate covering the same amount of time they would always rotate who was sick to hide what they were up to they were friends outside of work and would party together after a year the house supervisor fell sick one of the clique members Karen was appointed acting supervisor and it went to hell she tried reducing my hours and giving extra time to a friend I pointed out that I'm contracted for 57 hours a fortnight so I'm getting paid for 57 hours a fortnight her friends got extra shifts we're given the best shifts and we're all around favoured by Karen in January I put in leave for March school holidays Karen rejected it on the grounds that others had already submitted leave her clique all applied for this time I let this alone in March I checked the leave calendar for the June school holidays each house has a leave calendar so management and staff can check who has scheduled leave it was empty I submitted leave again and it was rejected Karen said sorry you were too slow Karen said that a B and C members of the clique already submitted the next day the liebe calendar showed this in May I checked the Christmas leave calendar put in my liebe and sure enough got the same result this annoyed me as I have a family that I wanted to take on holiday I spoke to the cluster manager also a part of the clique who said there's nothing I can do note I taken no leave in two years January the following year the clique was on holiday we had a gastro outbreak across our facilities so we were short-staffed all available staff including the CEO were covering shifts I was rostered on with a CEO one shift during the shift he said to me Opie you have a bit of leave accumulated you should probably take some I put in three requests last year all were rejected as others apparently already applied for those dates now let's look in your leave now okay how about four weeks over Christmas I filled out the forms CEO signed off he filled out the leave calendar and put my application in Karen's pigeonhole I was on sleep over that night so I took my application photocopied it for myself and replaced it under the mountain of paperwork in her pigeonhole knowing she wouldn't see it for a few months in March I checked the leave calendar and noticed my Christmas leave disappeared replaced with Karen a B and C I didn't say anything as I had a leave form with a CEO signature fast forward to October the original house supervisor passed away and the acting supervisor was appointed to the permanent supervisor position by the cluster manager with a mandatory three-month probation December comes around first week of my leave I get a call from Karen where are you on leave I didn't approve any leave get your butt to work now I come in Karen choose me out stating she didn't get an application form Karen went on to say even if you submitted it I would reject it as you should know by now that we always take two weeks in December and January she wrote me up for insubordination I worked that shift when Karen left I emailed the CEO filling him in on what happened he called a meeting with me and Karen what happened Karen cut me off oh he took it upon himself to approve leave I wrote him up for skipping work actually I submitted leave in January while you were away no you didn't yes he did I approved it and edited to the leave calendar oh um we already had four staff booked on leave show me the leave forms um I destroyed them I handed Karen my copy of the form signed by the CEO Opie is on leave I'm going to Sun up and I'm investigating this situation Opie my apologies go home I'm extending your leave by an extra week I go home I come in four and a half weeks later to be told that Karen has lost her promotion she's on thin ice the CEO found out that Karen has been rejecting leave requests she shredded my request without looking past the date she deleted my leave from the calendar the CEO told Karen that this borders on fraud the CEO also separated the click two different houses he chained to lead policy to state that he must sign off leave requests in addition to house supervisor and cluster managers he ensured that all staff had access to prime leave dates Karen was fired two weeks later for failing audit requirements considering their job was to take care of disabled people who couldn't care for themselves I'm thinking it's probably pretty likely that they did a sucky job of this I mean if they don't show respect to their co-workers they probably didn't show respect to their clients either good riddance to bad rubbish that was our slash Pro revenge and if you like this content then don't forget to subscribe because I put out new reddit videos every single day
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Id: Wi_hpIuHUVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 02 2020
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