r/Prorevenge I Tricked a Porch Pirate with a TRAPPED PACKAGE!

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welcome to our / Pro revenge where revenge is sweet so after a year-long battle this finally came to a close maybe not my revenge but revenge on my behalf a little backstory I bought a house about five years ago and in three years it flooded three times it never flooded in the 40 years before things climate change finally after the third flood my wife and I were financially able to move out and sell the house for a loss we searched around and found our dream house or so we thought after living in the new house for about six months we noticed something very peculiar whenever it would rain hard the bathtub would back fill with sewage and the toilets wouldn't flush so we called a plumber the plumbers were awesome and told us that our sewer lines had broken between the house and the city's sewer line and while we could try a spot fix we would probably need to repair the entire line ouch having just dumped a bunch of cash on a new house and taking a loss on the old house we said to try and keep it as cheap as possible they dug up where the line was broken broken is an understatement the line had a hole put dissolved we were going to have to replace the whole line about five thousand bucks not the best time but okay let's do it once they exposed the line the best they could I got a call from the plumbers the line has broken up so badly they can't find where the residential line ties into our city line or tap now the homeowner is responsible for the residential line but the city is responsible for the tap in the main line I asked the plumber what's needed he says we need to get the city plans and dig to uncover the tap more digging equals more money at this point it's been two weeks and I just want to take a dump in my own house and take a shower okay dig the hole they take a 4 by 4 by 10 hole and find nothing we double-check the city's plans and they're right on where the plans say the tap is now we have to deal with the city we call 3-1-1 S directed and after sitting on hold for three hours a city official sends us the same plans with the location where we dug we call back and say we already dug there and there is no tap getting nowhere with the city my wife finally goes down to City Hall and after spending a vacation day hanging around waiting for someone it she finally gets in to meet with an official let's call him Richard Richard prints off the same plans we've already been given and says we need to dig where it's marked my wife takes out her phone and says look it's not there at this point he mutters to himself and takes out a pin and draws on the plans marking the actual location it shows the residential line dog linking from the original drawings and is about ten feet west of the initial location it was apparent that he doesn't want to waste his valuable cushy government job time on my wife it was pretty obvious he just made something up to get her out of his office plumbers come out dig a second 4x4 by ten hole read more money and surprise surprise the tap isn't there either fun back to City Hall and another vacation day wasted waiting for Richard at this point we don't want another hand-drawn map someone from the city needs to come out and Mark where the dang tap is they come out and I burn a vacation day to wait around for them to their credit they got down in the sewer did some digging around and Mark a new spot between the two big holes finally a real location plumbers come out and dig a third hole and if you think they actually found the tap then you'd be mistaken at this point the entire backyard is destroyed piles of dirt everywhere the lawn is dead the trees are dead it's ruined her beautiful new houses backyard is literally Shh back down to Richard's office another vacation day burned and we are livid we remain calm but insist that we must have not been tied to the city's main line there was no tap now you might be thinking how did we not know six months of sewage just piled up in our backyard in the backyard there's a large dirt mound that's been turned into a nicely landscaped forest you can see in the backyard picture lots of room to absorb the sewage that only two people would produce but if it rained hard the dirt was saturated and would backfill the bathtub and toilet wouldn't flush Richard doesn't accept responsibility but does send out the contractor who did all the works for taps in my area the contractor comes out and I get the full story two years prior while the previous owner was doing improvements and not living in the house the main line of the sewer was replaced basically they slide the new tubing into the old tubing underground and go in and install the new taps for each house since no one was living in the house they couldn't get into the backyard and told the city they didn't service our house I'm furious it's been three months over $20,000 and all the wasted time and vacation just because Richard was too lazy to do his job and make one call to the contractor to sort it out now remember how my first house flooded three times I learned my lesson dealing with people and once we knew we had to talk to the city we recorded everything every phone call every email I videoed the contractor and his explanation everything and all obtained legally in my state you have to have both parties consent to be recorded he installs a tap and I take the first shower at my house in three months I'm ready to act I go down once again to Richard's office I show him everything and want to file a claim I agree to cover the cost of the residential line as that's my responsibility however I want the city to reimburse the cost to dig the unnecessary holes I think I have a good case pursuant to our city we had to file a claim before starting any work and provide three estimates in writing to file a claim since none of that was done and couldn't be done after the fact Richard didn't hide the claim right there left without words I walk away completely defeated I perk up on the way home after calling my wife and being reminded that I have some lawyer friends surely one of them could help or know someone who can unbeknownst to me my state has something called sovereign immunity basically you can try and see the city or state but it'll be thrown out immediately and Richard knows this no credible lawyer will help me pursue this case because they know I would just be wasting my money I'm pretty much out of luck after months of calling around to try and find anyone to help I've resigned myself to defeat almost a year goes by the loans I took ad are about to start coming due and I have no idea how I'm going to pay for it all communication with Richard and his office is blocked I've also tried his boss and crickets I tried going back down there but Richard refused to meet with me I finally reach out to my council member in a last-ditch effort I include a synopsis along with all the evidence I have I didn't expect much one hour after hitting send my phone rings it's my council member and she's livid about how we were treated she has a meeting scheduled with the head of Public Works for later that week she doesn't promise anything but says she's going to fight for me until they kick her out of the building after the meeting she calls me on her way back to the office the head of Public Works has accepted full responsibility she wants receipts for everything the plumber paced up showing the vacation we took phone logs from time we spent on hold the quote from the landscaper to fix the backyard all of it she has them all in her inbox by the time she makes it back to her office that was about three weeks ago yesterday I met with the council member at her office thank you so much my wife and I can't repay for all you've done it was my pleasure we chitchat for a bit here's a check for what you're owed this is so great we can pay off the loan and finally get someone to fix our weight this is much more than we need you forgot to include emotional distress I added it in for you she winks at me oh and if you ever have any issues you won't have to worry about dealing with Richard he no longer works here just come to me I've become good friends with the head of Public Works oh my god you're literally the best person I know if there's anything I can do elections are in the fall maybe you could turn out in votes so I went home paid off everything and the landscapers are coming out next week oh and I'm volunteering for her re-election campaign so on the surface it probably seems like this council lady helped out Opie out of the goodness of her heart I've read enough Pro revenge stories to know what's really going on here I would bet anything that Richard has been pissing off his council women for years and Opie finally gave her the ammunition she needed to take him down this was an Opie getting Pro revenge this was the council lady getting Pro revenge against the co-workers she despised our necks reddit posts is from bagels for life back story growing up my father was an emotionally abusive piece of garbage who got off on religious authority and controlling every aspect of our lives Weaver kept so isolated and made to fear the police and Child Protective Services to the point where we thought it was normal after I went off to college my little brother came out as gay and my father started beating him unbeknownst to my mother and I when my brother threatened to tell my mom about this my father kicked the then fifteen-year-old out of the house my mother was understandably horrified by this and tried to get my father to see sense at which point he started hitting her long stories somewhat short I got my mom out my brother went to live with his friends and divorce proceedings were started it was nasty no one wanted to go to the police father was friends with the local small-town cops and thankfully my douchebag sperm donor agreed to a no-fault divorce while my mom was cleaning out her stuff from the house under the watchful eye of her amazing co-workers she found my father's discharge papers this is where the plan started you see my father spent his entire 25-year marriage telling everyone that he was a Special Forces vet who had been awarded a Purple Heart and Bronze Star which were coincidentally destroyed in a house fire along with all his uniforms and paperwork but here were his discharge papers and they clearly stated he was given an other than honorable discharge after four years in the motor pool not wanting to be seen as the vindictive ex-wife my mom quietly took the papers and didn't tell anyone four years after my father moved away to a new state to join a militia when she finally told me while tipsy this past year we hatched a plan over the next few months we snooped on social media to make a list of his former and current employers family major friends that we knew of and his new church she enlisted our extended family and my college friends from all over the country in November we each purchase Veterans Day cards and wrote out messages such as stolen valor motor pool Pretender etc everyone attached a photo copy of the page listing his discharge and then we sent them on the same day from the nearest major cities with a return address listed as his current church they arrived on or around Veterans Day from Atlanta Orlando Washington DC New York st. Louis Kansas City Seattle Portland LA Houston Ontario London and Edinburgh immediately my mother was inundated with calls and emails from people who had no idea and couldn't believe he would lie like that and we're sorry for not believing her and my brother my idiot dad since a nasty email implying horrible things if he could ever prove my mother did this which she forwarded straight to her lawyer along with the nasty letters from his more vocal supporters now most people in our hometown look at her as the battered spouse who walked away with her head held high rather than that [ __ ] who divorced such a godly man my little brother has no idea we did this he didn't want anyone to confront my father but later told me he got a random call from our pastor apologizing for kicking him out of the church over my father's lies and I can finally sleep well at night with a knowledge that his reputation is in shambles by our hands revenge truly is a dish best served cold great revenge Opie but you forgot one thing you really should have sent a letter to your dad's local veterans group I'm sure they would want to have a word with your father about stolen valor our next reddit post is from salty balls 2020 what's better than calling your cops on your sweet little old neighbors heroin addict grandson for stealing your Amazon package in July my elderly neighbor had her grandson and pregnant girlfriend move in to help them out she's a widowed lady in her 70s babbles a lot but sweet I have a soft spot for her years ago she cornered me a I was leaving to take my dog on a walk my dog was unhappily pacing waiting for the walk while we listen to her stories he peed on her during this story she's so senile she didn't notice just a few days later I'm mowing my backyard in the grandson walks past my house carrying an Amazon envelope weird an hour later sweet little old lady comes over with the envelope her grandson had this was in my landscaping I totally forgot I ordered my kids the movie leap what a terrible hall for the grandson see I have a criminal defense attorney probably the only one this lady knows if I call the cops my neighbor will try to hire me it'll get weird she's so sweet I'll be a witness he's on probation so he'll sit in jail for a while this will totally make me look like a snitch to my own clients in that same jail who are thieves headaches and burglars it's bad personally and professionally and it's not the biggest deal so I filled up an Amazon box with purple rain powder that was ordered to my office a dry die that gets darker and spreads when it comes into contact with your sweat that lasts a week on your skin think leaking pin times 50 why I want to shame him and it won't come back on me he's not gonna call the cops on me for stealing my stuff he isn't gonna tell his grandma he stole from me and if it makes a mess in her house it's still cheaper for her than hiring a lawyer and ping her grandson's court costs and fines yep package was gone in 20 minutes I walked past the home screams of anger from the pregnant girlfriend this stuff won't come up it's all over my grandma's house priceless the following day I give him the head nod as he smokes a cigarette and a hoodie in July he runs inside then I taught my kids to yell Smurfs when we walk past no snitching just shame our necks reddit posters from casino Dom for background I work in a very competitive part of the service industry it's a large enough community but at the same time it's small enough where someone somewhere in the industry knows you so it's important to not burn bridges as one day you might find self in a disadvantageous position I was in my position for a good three years as middle management no call-outs never laid always stayed after to help my team out worked on projects that belonged to my bosses etc except for one day where I had gotten into a car accident I was working the night shift and it was raining this is important later in the story and was unable to go into work as my car was undriveable and I had to wait for a tow truck and insurance and trying to find a ride late at night and early morning was very difficult at the time my director had been let go and there was a bloodbath pissing contest to see who would get his promotion for hierarchy purposes it's my director my direct boss is all on the same level of authority three of them than me one of the direct bosses let's call him dick decided he was getting the promotion and started shaking our departments restructuring projects changing people shifts taking credit for other people's work he was a real pain about a few weeks of this he had decided to switch me from morning shifts which I had gotten due to my seniority on the team into night shifts I didn't make a stink because we were very short-handed also important and the team needed help as we had newer members who had children and I understood how this could affect their life fast forward a few more weeks and I get into the car accident which made me call out this didn't sit well with him as I had made the team suffer because of my irresponsibility Lowell what I didn't think much of it since I knew it was stressful and people tend to say things they don't mean under stress soon after that I met some higher-ups from another department they offered me a job in a new venture the business was exploring I was a good candidate because of my experience in work traits of course I agreed as this would be a promotion in position and salary plus my network of contacts would put me in a position to grow even further I went through a series of interviews three in total and I was given the opportunity to take the position I signed my paperwork and shook the hand a couple of days later HR called me saying the position was rescinded and that it shouldn't come as a surprise I was shocked and asked for a meeting to understand the decision queue the day of the meeting I walked in and hrs sitting in the meeting room with day after the cordialities dick explains that he blocked my promotion because I had attendance issues which I had one call out due to my accident and HR chimed in saying this shouldn't deter me from applying again in six months Lowell okay I accepted defeat because I still needed my job and I didn't want to paint a target on my back a couple of days later a friend of mine that we're close to dick had told me dick had made the comment that he didn't want to let me go because I would leave the night shift uncovered and no one would easily accept that shift I was furious but decided to not act on it as I explained earlier it's a small enough business a few months later a competitor opened up nearby and a few of us left to go work there I was one of them I was hired by an amazing boss who I'm still friends with years after he offered me a great position and a huge raise in salary for hierarchy purposes it was my boss than me and my counterpart then our assistance I'd heard through the grapevine that dick had gotten rejected from the Director position and was leaving the company about a week or so later I was looking at new hires with my boss to fill out my counterpart position my boss calls me and says hey look this guy comes from the company you came from to my delight I saw dicks name I had been hiring people to the assistant position from the previous company so I guess dick thought he was next I told my boss the story about dick and how he blocked my promotion all my boss said was thank you but no thank you we didn't even give him an interview looking back at it we should have given him the interview and just said no it would have made it sweeter like I said before don't burn bridges if your industry is small Opie you didn't burn that bridge your douchebag boss burnt that bridge so yeah I agree you absolutely should have invited him to an interview the look on his face when he saw you sitting across the table with a big smile on your face would have been well worth it that was our slash Pro revenge and if you liked this video then let me know by hitting that like button because it really helps my channel grow
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, pro revenge
Id: rzPWFtvc-sw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2020
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