r/Prorevenge I Tricked a Cheating Student into Failing School!

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welcome to our slash Pro revenge where Opie causes a cheating bully to fail high school last winter around January me my family and close friends were staying at our condo in Vermont for New Year's to celebrate ski etc my dad owns the 8th unit complex our condo is in and all but one had people up for the holidays there's a decent amount of area for parking but when there's a lot of people all there at once it can get tight so one night after returning from the mountain we parked in the spot closest to the stairs to unload everything easier our parking lot isn't one with actual spots or anything because it's just gravel and dirt so it's really just I doubt and first-come first-serve a few hours later my brother went to the car to get something from the car where there was a cardboard sign left on the car the sign read reserved parking for unit 8 had he capped on both sides and yes they forgot the in and handicapped on both sides as well like I said there's no specific spots for anyone unit 8 was one of the smaller units on the ground level about half the size of the rest the couple that rented there was sketchy to say the least they had to be in their mid-20s but we never saw them much and didn't know too much about them let's just call them Rick and Tara another 20 minutes later and I go down to the car to get some forgotten gloves as I unlock the car the lights alert Rick and Tara that someone's at the car and through the window Rick starts yelling at me telling me I have to move the car by morning or they'd have it towed at this point I can also realize that Rick is on some things so I subsequently ignore him grab my things and head back up I get into the condo and explained to my dad the experience I just had with Rick at this point he'd had enough and decided he was gonna go down there himself to handle things himself so he goes down there to talk to him my dad was really the only person that met him before but it was briefly during the leasing of their unit he knocks on the door and it's about thirty seconds until Rick angrily answers the door he crankily asks what do you want and my dad politely explains that no spots are reserved and that it's first-come first-serve Rick instantly starts freaking out it's a handicapped spot and that they're gonna call the landlord they had little experience with my dad when they leased a place about a year before and in that time he was diagnosed with cancer and lost a lot of weight with that his appearance changed drastically Rick didn't realize he was speaking to the landlord and kept his rant going as my dad was going to lay it out for him he noticed on a table in the living area that there was a pipe of sorts paired with the behavior and appearance of brick at the time my dad concluded it was a pipe of sorts for drugs he back pedaled out of the conversation and returned back up to our condo when he got back in he called the cops explaining the situation and what he saw 30 minutes later cops full of and start talking to Rick going off what my dad told them about the pipe one of the cops noticed it but this time held in the open with a bag next to it at this point it was revealed that they were smoking crack and they were both arrested along with that my dad also evicted them from the property for violating terms obviously we ended up renovating the whole place afterwards because who knows how long they've been smoking that inside the upside is that the cardboard sign still hangs in the living room and gives us a laugh each time we pass it this story is the real-estate equivalent of I want to speak to your manager ma'am I am the manager our next reddit post is from dark linear back in the warehouse days we had an ever growing clearance section because of this the company employed a delivery driver to be solely responsible for delivering clearance items purchased by customers the delivery driver let's call him John was amazing he was a veteran of the industry had two trucks a smaller and a larger one did most of the heavy lifting always took the time to chat to me as I helped him load up his delivery run would bring me beer when it was an extremely hot day and knew I'd been busting my butt he'd worked for a bunch of high-end furniture stores but when the recession hit and companies went belly-up ER cut costs he found himself struggling for work the company I worked for had a problem with delivery drivers due to the fact the company was cheap and wouldn't pay the industry rates most delivery drivers charged John was happy to make a few concessions for cash in hand deliveries and naturally management took advantage of that after a few problems in the warehouse I asked John if I could get a few shifts working for him as his delivery offsider John immediately said yes as he had problems of his own with lazy employees I immediately fell in love with the work we would do a 4 a.m. start to get deliveries on the truck by 6:00 and if we scheduled it correctly we could be done by 2:00 2:30 I love the physicality of it love being on the open road and love swapping stories with John he would talk about his wife and kids and I'd make fun of his tacky scorpion tattoo the problem started when John would get his delivery run sheet from the store and would see delivery prices quoted to the customer from the manager to give you an idea the store would charge 95 bucks for a local delivery this was with a full day of deliveries and approximately 20 to 30 deliveries John would charge slightly more as he was doing maybe five to eight deliveries and they'd be all over the place as opposed to all being in a specific area John would go in and chat with the manager and that's why a customer was only being charged 50 bucks for a three seater sofa bid going up six flights of stairs when normally it would be a hundred and ten delivery charge and a hundred dollars for every flight of stairs past the first level the manager would just shrug and say she reduces delivery to close the sale we'd get other deliveries where we'd have to carry a 10 piece sectional sofa up seven flights of stairs because the customer wouldn't reserve an elevator or in some cases the goods wouldn't fit in the lift we get the sofa inside unbagging connect the sections take the rubbish away only for the customer to hand John 30 bucks in cash it was soul-crushing I remember getting the customer to sign off on the paperwork as John said he'd meet me in the back of the truck I grabbed the last bits of rubbish and made my way downstairs and jumped into the passenger seat John was trying not to look at me he'd been crying I asked if he was okay and he kind of broke down a little and confided in me that he was struggling to pay bills that the company I worked for was his only decent paying job that he was good screwed over by the manager that he might have to sell his trucks to pay his bills my heart went out for this guy he was becoming a fast friend and genuinely loved his job I began to hatch a plan based on my inside knowledge of the manager the area manager the general manager and the company in general I took John to a small bar and bought us a few drinks we sat in a booth and I began to lay out my plan for revenge I asked John why he didn't give the manager a priceless and charge more for his deliveries he said if I do that the manager said they dropped me as their driver and find someone cheaper I laughed call her now and quits I explained that we had seen the run chief for tomorrow we had a massive run ten deliveries and we already knew the manager had quoted ridiculously cheap prices like 20 bucks per delivery John wasn't sure look any other contract driver would charge 200 bucks minimum per delivery there's no way another driver will touch this company John got on the phone called the manager put her on speaker and quit right then and there the manager as expected talked a big game she said they'd be better off without John and that he just lost his biggest contract John hung up looking sick and panicked I reassured him it'd be okay I checked my watch the store closed at 5:00 p.m. it was currently 1:00 p.m. I promised John by 4:00 p.m. he'd get a call back from the manager in the meantime we said about creating a new list of demands that if they were to employ John they'd do the following one charge a preset price given to them by John to pay for John's offsider and gas three for any difficult deliveries balcony lives fire escape deliveries they charge an additional fee for that if they wanted to terminate John they'd have to give him an appropriate notice sure enough at 4:30 John's phone rings would you look at that it's the manager John answers and puts the phone on speaker the man the manager in a much more polite tone says that if John will do the deliver tomorrow she'll offer him a $50 gift card for this store what I hang up the call John looks at me and disbelief I tell him when she calls back you lay out your demands and that's that five minutes later his phone rings again it's the manager John answers and puts her on speakerphone the manager starts her spiel but John cuts her off John begins listing the problems he's having with the company at first he's nervous but then the months of being screwed over kick in and he lays down the law like a champion the manager laps off John's request and I encourage John to relay the next bit of information to the manager John says you know as well as I do no other contract company or contract driver would get out of bed for less than $250 for a delivery for what you're proposing you either sign off on my demands or good luck tomorrow fine fine do the delivery tomorrow and then we can know I'm coming down there now you'll sign off on everything then we'll load up the truck tonight and finish the delivery tomorrow he hangs up we go to the store and the manager looks pissed she keeps complaining that John has her between a rock and a hard place and that John is extorting her I can't help but point out that I'm sure John's kids would like to eat tomorrow John slaps a new contract he's written by hand in the truck and says sign it the manager signs it and John backs his truck into the warehouse we notice as per usual its sofa beds glass coffee tables the heaviest items the company sells the manager walks out to the warehouse and smirks as we struggle to load the extremely heavy goods into the truck as we finish the manager has a few snarky parting words John with his new contract just so we're clear you have to fulfill the delivery no matter what I say no matter what huh even if the customer isn't home I expect you to make sure the goods are there I don't want any goods coming back to the warehouse John says you got it it was a glorious delivery the next day 80% of customer goods wouldn't fit as the manager didn't explain to the customers that they had to measure the doorframes we had customers screaming at us abusing us saying it was unfair they had to now pay more than $20 and how dare we charge them more we just laughed and complied with the manager's directive we left every piece of furniture at their property some in the hallways other in the middle of doorways some we just left at the front door as some customers refused to accept a delivery as they didn't want to pay as any money at all for the nice ones who had cash ready and were happy to pay us for our obvious efforts we went that extra mile to get the goods in and make sure they had the best delivery experience possible update with what happened with John after I quit my warehouse shop and landed a few acting gigs I finally landed an acting role on a permanent series once at the job I managed to talk to one of the producers about John and John got a job picking up the sets from the studio warehouse and transferring the sets of the studio he would then work with the night crew to erect the sets and get them ready for the next day's shooting I see him around the studio a lot between setups and also most nights when I rap he's making great money and is comfortably supporting his family and putting his kids through school and there's still a good hard-earned beer at the end of the day and then down the comments Opie add some more information the manager had to call the customers and explain they'd miss quoted at delivery prices when customers refused to pay more the manager had to pay out delivery costs by invoicing the company which cost her a bunch of bonuses good I say she said on like a grade-a douchebag our next reddit post is from in-between student so this happened in 2018 when I graduated high school a quick overview of the Swiss school system normally you go to school until ninth grade if you want to go to university later you go to grammar school high school from 8th to 12th grade I decided to study in went to high school also in Switzerland in my state of Canton at least everything under 75% is a fail we have a really strict thing going on here there I quickly became friends with Chelsea my now girlfriend and Alisha Alysha is the kind of person that's funny if you don't have to be around her too much she's always the victim she can only talk about herself etc but if you spend too much time with her you're a mess she's also never responsible for things happening to her because she grew up in the foster care system whatever so this happened about two months before our finals now graduating means passing the finals obviously but not only them the finals are half of your eventual grade the other half is your last report card if I hadn't a in my final English exam but I seen my last report card my eventual grade would be a B and so on Alicia really struggled with that because her last report card wasn't that good she had to excel in most of the subjects to graduate so you would think she'd write as many notes as possible and study pretty early right nope she procrastinated until two months before our finals while chelsea and i studied our butts off now i was always the girl who offered her notes in our class group chat in case someone was interested this gets important later we had a fairly long list of things we had to be able to use in math and I wrote notes for every single topic and kept in a folder in my locker I only put some of them on the group chat just when someone was asking about a certain topic one day I went to my locker and they weren't there I was freaking out I spent weeks writing them I looked for them for an entire week and had approximately three panic attacks because I thought I wouldn't pass now and had to do all of it all over again that's when Alisha casually told me that she took them the other day when I asked her to get a book from my locker she actually hadn't planned to tell me at all because it's not like you need them anyway you had them long enough if he didn't make copies it's not my fault the blatant entitlement was enough for me to come up with a plan a vicious plan not only had she stolen my notes if I hadn't bothered her so much with it she wouldn't have even told me she had taken them she was only a high school friend anyway and I knew I'd never do anything with her again once we graduated so frankly I didn't give a single flip about what would happen to her her entitled self-centered way was enough for me to finally burst I apologize for making drama it's okay you're just like that sometimes I was about to lose it and just continued my school day now Alicia kept calling me about notes etc even before that especially my notes for various books she chosen the same book so she didn't have to study extra I started to give her a wrong analysis and started to fake notes obvious enough to figure out they were wrong if she think herself but not too obvious if she'd read the books she'd know it's BS I did the same with our English books and French she already had my math notes so I couldn't fake those but I could fake German French English chemistry physics and psychology now after I invested so much time in faking notes I watched it all go down a day before graduation we went into a pub with our teacher to watch a football game I don't even remember and she distributed our results I passed with a 5.38 in Switzerland the grades are from 1 to 6 6 is the best so about an eighth and Alicia went pale 3.21 a d-minus she failed all of her classes but math and psychology whoops it seems she really just read my notes she didn't read the book she was supposed to read she didn't read our textbooks I had to hide a grin my girlfriend things to this day it was cruel but seriously it was a damper for her entitlement and narcissism from what I've heard she's currently trying to repeat the year and try again hopefully without stealing her friends notes I'm really amused by the idea of this girl learning fake German and French and then like going into a French restaurant and trying to order food with made-up words that's that seems so funny to me that was our / / revenge and if you enjoyed this video hit that like button because it really helps my channel grow
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Id: Bw-JLwAiong
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Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 25 2019
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