r/YoungPeopleYoutube | Wait... This isn't fortnite hack...

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this is very fun tea what's up guys and welcome back to Ma my name is Damian here today we're gonna browse through our slash young people YouTube another sub ernit that I've quite frankly never heard of but boy wish I could say I'm excited but the name kind of says it all doesn't it I have an mom like if a grief I guess for people have moms in this comment section oh I hate this it's baby Hospital ethnic life and chica is pregnant and Freddy is the husband the father who remembers me I got hacked but I got this account back I like bacon and eggs and fries and Doritos if it's a girl call it chili if it's a boy call it Nathan well I guess that was a hot take lolli London cuz you got two people firing back in your replies this just makes me feel gross to read you're so effing hot I'm a little girl and I am saying bad words like F or crap ah I feel like I needed to play a full body detox after that that made me feel yucky that is that the joshed Rolston I drank root beer you're only eight mr. troll stone I salute you Bill Clinton the richest in the world mr. beast hold my beer thanks man hit this button if you love your mum sorry for begging 95 people love their mom oh my mom JK lag comment thanks I'll sub because you're being nice don't we wish that's how it worked slugs / snails IMO well said been you know what self encouragement is the best encouragement joke question why did the boy fart joke answer because he was a farty head I don't get it anime huge teats take off the bras No Eli Eli calm down man why are stupid Spanish songs reach billion of all but this masterpiece don't harlem shake' versus minecraft CaptainSparklez you've done it again hold up how come they have cat heads and human hands well Georgina that's a secret that I cannot tell you for now it's that bendy with a ruler and a student's crying my gosh that was so sad I cried and I'm seven years old that's why you cried let me walking down streets saws a coin ooh a coin a cadet Leigh pushes the lever ooh a cone that bites I'm gonna give this to my teacher what this is the ultimate cringe of all time yep hey look it's the Beethoven video please come to Toronto I'm your biggest fan Beethoven has died 37 absolutely incredible life hacks guy aunts mother effer did you learned it 14 minutes 23 seconds in that is indeed Barack Obama SpongeBob and Patrick are gay FLV baked sponge expat they're actually not gay because sponge rub is a girl and Patrick is a boy fight for bit on your dad's balls my dad is dead yeah he died a ball fight he's getting a lot of likes it's getting a lot of likes I was a fetus when I first heard this now I am seven and a half years old okay Garrett thank you I am looking for a sexy girlfriend in the Netflix community this is Netflix knotty harmony shut up and go outside and get some game uh the name of the game is your mom and let's just say I'm already playing it boom the person below me is gay if I trick you then you have to like read more well you couldn't trick me but yeah all here's your congratulations you played yourself but what of the funny dj khaled [ __ ] is that the effing evil tower at night knocks door licking G open whop this isn't fortnight hack people are still getting rickrolled hint I I love it um six what's hentai is it anime me doing homework got notification mom why homework is outside me no okay someone tell me what the hell this comment means what do the speech bubble say I don't speak weeb ching chong korean or whatever it is it's minecraft is YouTube general name is Horton Davi on my youtube channel name is Horton Davion I have n I phone 10 I have an iPhone fart thanks Annoying Orange gaming let me let me become the voice of the Annoying Orange hey hey Apple could be scary sell its voice just draws by like three octaves oh well I get it because black people are ironic they're what ironic I miss xxx tain't ASEAN so much me too thanks this is why I don't allow Google in my nation after you Kim I hate carrier my favorite comment from a leaving YouTube video ever wall by poop man nobody likes you nobody loves you nobody thinks you're pretty nobody wants to talk to you nobody wants you to live but don't worry my name is nobody your name is Paul Pawloski one plus one equals two five times five equals 25 ten plus ten equals twenty like if all of these are right uh one plus one equals eleven five times five equals fifty five ten plus ten equals one thousand ten duh stupid you are dumb I meant five times five equals twenty five not fifty five noob you are ugly I hate you you are never going to be smart do you ever go to school you are a baby for someone with a number three profile picture you were nothing but mean wither more like don't keep reading it's for your own good Hitler passing Thank You blueprint top hat whoa whoa whoa low low low low lo lo lo lo lo lo al I was bored did that one like equals one person gets on board thanks Nick t series passes PewDiePie nine-year-olds my Siri just activated because I said T series T series passes PewDiePie 9 year olds were in the end game now yo mama is fat Logan you told me you make money by your fans watching ads well I just watch some ads just for you cuz super mario logan needs all the support and i'm trying to help like if I was your number one fan thank you you're an amazing fan suck my penis for creepiest people caught on the catch a predator that's my math teacher lol guys I regret to inform you that PewDiePie is suffering from cancer but he doesn't want his subscribers to know because it would be too sad for them hmm what no liar I am serious I am his doctor and diagnosed him with it hmm sorry why does everything bad ever happen to me reminds me of my grandma who died in a house fire in 2015 I miss her so much like if you agree yo mama's so stink fat one spongebob sniffer he died ha ha that's funny thanks Nick Mercer both times I am 9 years old and I got a boyfriend and his name is oxygen I cannot live without him edit pls like you to get the joke thanks for the like if you did like my comment you can read this part for you to understand this joke means I love oxygen it is the air we breathe in and then when I said that I can't live without it because I will die if I have no oxygen 774 likes when I was 7 years old but didn't understand her pain but now I am 9 years old and now I understand I really do PewDiePie help pee a sticky and white in need of medical attention hun we are going to the mall why because because it's not an answer that's a lesson folks plants and pants in Indonesian the power of marshmallow like what spank me daddy I'm going live soon it website hashtag 18-plus come to Daddy um come of age first please for you ever write something like that again mr. goo nice fan what's been his both song me a nine year old kid oh no what do now meanwhile let's do it opens VPN eye congratulations let's save PewDiePie 69 plus 31 equals 100 mind blow Shawn thanks Shawn I'm extremely emo and by that they mean emotional what am I doing with my life edit okay - whoever's giving this common of mine likes you may or may not have a sick sense of humor that joke was literally about my depression and anxiety I am 12 and I believe for tonight represents one of the seven deadly sick its greed loved it hotter skin's ever will make the boobs more seeable when I see the skin it makes me have sex - five star reviews I'm 52 and this is how I remember Michael a beautiful black man racist imagine if he had sleep paralysis and VR what hallucinations would he see in Minecraft but creeper hire a yarn i am a fastest people excuses me sugar honey iced tea crap crap law don't say that word yeah fix this black people are so cool because they are not Justin Bieber ain't that the truth James Charles just kissed you like to undo well with what we know now about James Charles I hope he didn't I can't wait to get this in two days do you have it Luigi dies in fatal driving accident wrists in peace Weston piece fixed it for Joey hot as hell hand lefty lucky wife by the way great video hi you guys who likes cake I'm about to kill my son why do you hate xxx 10th at coin so much this is the most badass Doukas Akeem Corrine this is your mom dunno use the word badass and yes I agree it is the most and that brings us to the end of our slash young people YouTube and I hope you enjoyed nip you did leave a like down below if you're really and good and want to see more subscribe and as always I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 721,081
Rating: 4.9437094 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, r/entitledparents, r/choosingbeggars, r/choosingbeggars top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, sorrow tv, rslash, giofilms, fresh, r/youngpeopleyoutube, r/youngpeopleyoutube best posts, young people youtube, emkay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2019
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