r/Mildlyinfuriating | needle in strawberry? who does that?

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hey you've got post please do not bend [Music] fanart fan art hello there another fan art for mk enjoy this damien dark rubber not jack or whoever is narrating today thank you for specifically highlighting me max does art and stuff who is showing off their very talented drawing skills just love that use of shading if any of y'all like his stuff you want to support him further may i suggest checking out their instagram please join he is alone and don't want to be alone please don't be creeped out by the fact he likes to lick holy crosses we here at mk are accepting of all weird kinks but seriously max draws stuff lemail on instagram follow him give him some love now enough about them back to me hello welcome to mk as we clearly established my name is james mack and today you shall join me in a whimsical adventure in frustration as we check out some mildly infuriating stuff i looked at this post and what it was asking about and i immediately reacted what are you talking about there are no numbers and then i realized that's the point that is the problem here condensation caused my cups ink to run where the hell do you live for that to have happened dude i'm in sunny as hell australia and my cups have never had to deal with that sort of condensation levels i don't know maybe we have thicker plastic or something to help with the condensation but that is horrible someone thought it would be funny to place a bunch of mud on my saddle if i could choose this or what happened to me when i used to have a bike where someone literally just stole the seat after i went to work i would tolerate the mud besides at least mud's got exfoliating properties don't know how that would apply to your butt but a year ago today i went to the grand canyon for the first time i still haven't seen it though oh this is why you always check the seasons for when you want to go to some amazing natural wonder i've been told norway is a beautiful place to check out but in winter it's just all you see is white fog everywhere and you get daylight for maybe like five hours of the day i don't know i need to recheck that fact guess which one i need oh i could so relate to this i always end up losing the exact one i need to use like forget the little goblins or gnomes who steal your socks and underwear that i swear they're stealing tools now their little thieving society is evolving this tick sucking my blood after coming home from a nice sunset walk compared to the other mildly infuriating things on this subreddit i feel like this is at the very low tier level my glass door shower shattered for no reason in the middle of the night hmm having a bath on danger mode we ordered the largest sized dog pool it said it was 160 centimeters wide and this is what they got oh boy at least he can wash his toes no i i really can't see the bright side of this that dog's day is ruined and it's all because of this company it's their fault sue them where's the nearby karen i need to hire them to complain about something for me went to cheesecake factory for mother's day i ordered a side of broccoli and got this sexy boy oh that is one sexy boy honestly got a question though why a cheesecake factory is selling broccoli i mean are they not completely different things that said i do love my broccoli so i wouldn't exactly be complaining about this unless it's like raw and not boiled that would be a problem so the mother's day gift from sherry's berries arrived nearly a week late berries are rotten and chocolate is completely melted oh wow pretty sure i saw this in another subreddit they're rotten too that's even worse but hey at least the top two in the corner looks somewhat fresh i'm desperately trying to see the positive to this 1 000 years from now an archaeologist will open my dry dishwasher and with little surprise state yup his plastic and silicones are still just a bit wet oh my god if this ain't true i genuinely have a small hand towel not a kitchen towel a literal bathroom hand towel to soak up the little bits of water that are stuck onto the containers still you soapy water from the dishwasher making the water turn into glue instead of water how my family uses a tape line how can i make this thing more difficult to use seriously though is this legit does your family know how to function i am concerned someone had a bonfire on a public beach and threw glass bottles into it then covered it with sand this right here is why we can't have nice things if you see any of your friends do this when you ever have a little bonfire yourself on the beach i want you to forcefully make them walk on the glass themselves after all modern problems require modern solutions my bike broke in half eight kilometers from my home how my god sorry to laugh at your expense but my god get a new bike so i'm sure you could catch an uber and just chuck that in the back that'd be fine with it well that actually worked thanks what did you say what did you say that actually worked why did you delete it see i purposely avoid looking for this kind of stuff whenever i move into a new house because the moment i see it i cannot unsee it and i just have to leave like my god was it that hard to put a simple spirit level on top of it you've earned a gold award for this amazing comment that you will never see you will never see this comment you were too slow to join in this conversation and for that you must be punished by suffering from fomo i edited the comments so you don't know how i got this many likes yeah well you know what baby yoda you're not getting my like so take that my like's more important than your 6200 shipping method free shipping for 14.95 ah i feel like there's something wrong with that sentence invalid age the age you entered 19 is out of range valid age is between 18 and 95. how silly of me of course 19 comes after 95. i'm too old now i deleted my son's steam account because of his grades and now he won't speak to me i feel really bad and want to make it right how do i get the account back i can guarantee those 100 plus answers of them constantly saying you're a terrible parent i think they don't realize that they've just thrown away their own money as well like i'm pretty sure that kid didn't buy all those games themselves but if they did ho ho there is a guarantee they will not want you in their life the moment they move out ah that's famous saying lilly b or sophie's forty youth apes nat p hand to who it took me far too long to figure that out for those who genuinely can't read it it says life liberty and the pursuit of happiness yeah that's what it's trying to say because i ain't happy that clock definitely looks like it was put there last minute because they realized they should have put a clock there because it's a giant tower thing it's not gonna fit anywhere i don't care make it work i wanted to want a clock there i could center it here oh no don't center why not this is derek charvin he killed george floyd each like adds one year to his prison sentence this is real life not something to get likes from i think the worst part is that people actually engage in it look at that 6 000 likes it's the exact same amount of likes as baby yoda that but that's what his original comment was hashtag baby odor is over party what an amazing business opportunity go to youtube download videos re-upload them to your channel monetize those videos and make money from them oh i can't wait till your video gets reported and your entire channel itself gets removed because everyone loves it when you completely steal other people's creative work and effort that sign says thank you at the top of it but i'm pretty sure it's not referring to this person parking their car here also how the hell did you manage to get out without just climbing through the window like surely there's plenty of other parking spaces around let's see we have 10.64 in our current wallet and the price for this item is 9.99 plus 60 cents tax plus a one percent funding amount so the total purchase of 10.65 come on just get rid of that one cent you know you don't need it well we're chuck full of that sweet delicious flavor oh sorry you thought we meant flavor no we meant disappointment this is your brain this is your brain on drugs don't do drugs kids and then from right to left this is your butthole this is your butthole in prison don't steal your height was measured at five foot and 2.99 inches frickers couldn't even give me five foot three how does that even happen whenever i see a cat with a collar i take it off i do this since childhood the cats are always thankful and if a cat decides to leave you in your household a collar will not hold her back anyways you are single-handedly the reason why there are feral cats in your community and if your local animal population of like wild birds and stuff suddenly decrease at a rapid rate to the point of endangerment it is also your fault ah they just think they're so righteous and they're not favorite color charts oh yay pie charts they don't actually make any sense yeah let's use blue for red sure why not and red for green because hey i hate things making sense seriously i imagine this is what satan uses for his business meetings question is this case compatible with a wireless charging pad i can give you an answer to that no idea so no then like do you want me to buy your product or do you just want to stand there and leave me clueless looks like somebody's just started work at domino's what is that slice kentucky woman cuts hole in masks to make it easier to breathe you know i've watched tiktok videos where people who have literal issues with needing a certain amount of oxygen to breathe before they could possibly faint on the spot wearing a variety of masks and testing themselves to see how much oxygen they're getting in their body regardless of if they're wearing a mask or not and surprise surprise it doesn't make a difference to how much oxygen they get so these idiots chucking tantrums about the fact of how terribly difficult it is to breathe in these things cannot just verbally but scientifically shut up hi needing to come to the bathroom i see no don't be afraid of me i'm simply sitting here on an empty toilet roll yes you guessed it right your housemate is responsible for me being here they could have simply replaced the empty roll but no they put me here to stare at you as you poop no don't be shy you go ahead and poop with all your delight oh yes i am real don't worry your therapist was actually lying when they said that inanimate things can't talk now hey what say you and me secretly plan to murder your housemate then we can burn this entire house to the ground doesn't that sound fun yes it does jimmy now tell me apart and clean yourself i can smell it from here good work burying that body in the backyard jimmy but we need to get rid of this dirt on the floor quick grab the dustpan yes clean up the dirt jimmy uh jimmy you missed a bit no jimmy every time you sweep with the dustpan there's a bit of dirt that just stays there jimmy don't forget that bit there meanwhile in amazon answers is there a way to order replacement pieces like the clasp ours broke it fell yes there is you purchase a new product that's that's not a way to replace it what's the size of the grinder it's about the size of a grinder i swear this person does not even want to bother making a sale did you mean ew europe or america shower thoughts there will come a time when almost all thoughts have already been conceptualized and thus nobody can post here user auto moderator commented you appear to have submitted a comment or unoriginal oh god it's already happening i personally love being woken up by the sun because it's more of like a natural alarm thing for me so i actually don't find this a big deal german chancellor angela merkel's address speaking in german good good input there youtube captions thank you thank you for your assistance fun fact about this whole issue with like pressing x and then it's in a different spot with every bloody controller it's actually because their copyrights are the design of their controllers so they can't actually put the x in the same spot and things like that it's a weird thing i know but it's actually completely untrue i don't even know if that's a thing i just made that up but you totally believe that for a second without even looking for a sauce you ready to go out yet stacy hang on girlfriend just gotta get my purse full of pasta oh okay we're doing this again i thought photoshop was the fancier one why is it smaller well good things come in small packages yeah yeah no i use that line too when i used to use tinder google removed seven million one star reviews from tick tock okay but to be fair were they just spam botted and like lacked any actual legit complaints in their reviews though clearly there is some favoritism when they do this for one app stop tenants and visitors if you have exposed tattoos body art or body piercings do not enter this is private property disobeying the rules is trespassing to enter everything must be covered all of it all of the time apparently this is at an rv park didn't realize those places were so conservative let alone disgustingly discriminative thank you so much for watching and if you're new to mk why not subscribe if you hate my voice don't worry we have other narrators on the channel for you to enjoy instead but with that all said my name is jack bye [Music] you
Channel: EmKay
Views: 717,288
Rating: 4.9315205 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/mildlyinfuriating, r/mildlyinfuriating emkay, mildlyinfuriating emkay, emkay mildlyinfuriating, extremelyinfuriating emkay, emkay extremelyinfuriating, r/extremelyinfuriating, r/extremelyinfuriating emkay, unsatisfying, facepalm emkay, facepalm, r/facepalm
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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