r/Dankmemes | that food is quite hot.

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me browsing i'll slash all human child human child human child [Music] good morning good day good afternoon good evening human beings and reptilian overlords we're inclusive here welcome to some more fun on mk i'm your toasty host jack and you're about to be spanked with some dank that memes specifically i don't know what analogy that was i was just trying to make weird try march 13th 2020. let's go in and out two-week adventure march 1st 2021 [Applause] some good memes though yeah a lot of good memes hard algebra problem comes out as a whole number question round to the nearest tenth no don't turn popular memes into math questions i don't understand them i wish all the people not horny for outcasts a very pleasant evening helium is a rare element and we will run out of it in 2045. also humans i make buyers just think of all the birthday parties you've been having and all that potential currency you could have been saving up me after accidentally stepping on my pet's tail i'm sorry my pet's crushing my balls well maybe a few me more oh harder what what every single superhero batman also joker every single super villain they're just mean for each other a boy does not mature into adulthood until they stop having an irrational hatred towards the color pink we're gonna need a bigger prison this is officer bus drivers when they drive past each other's be like all along canadians and anime canadians in american tv canadians and canadian tv what's wrong with the guy on the right is it is this shirt too tight for him my tv at full the sound of me eating chips nobody text on the cigarette box i'll kill you mom your little brother burned himself me who told him blue fire is cold you have two choices return to monkey or evolve to crab meanwhile try hard entrepreneurs be like i build my own path and you can't do buy my mentorship course teachers when they see someone wearing a hoodie i smell crime my brain at 2am the cringe thing i did 10 years ago i'm in my mid-20s and i assure you i still experience this it never goes away so life advice if you're ever afraid of accidentally embarrassing yourself good okay no that's actually a joke please please do try things in life my girlfriend happily telling me she is pregnant me feeling sad because i know how it feels like to grow up without a dad meanwhile elon musk joining a business meeting after tweeting some dank tweets really the 12 of you don't like what i said compared to the 40 000 that do on twitter a girl complimenting me me wondering who could have dared her to say that argues with mom door slams at this very second you're on a narrow ledge between life and death time to test your reflexes dodges the little knee hammer finally someone got it just a reminder that this game takes place between 2021 and 2022. oh what game oh oh that game i stole money took drugs and murdered someone we disagree with that [Applause] he's got to be innocent now me trying to hide from the enemy with low health oh my god come on without potion where's the health posture what's the health magic everywhere i go i see her boobs mom why do you only study the night before the exam well everybody knows that the best way to learn is under intense life-threatening situations me every morning when i realize i have to go to exist no little water firefox if minimalism didn't exist yes and taxidermy thrived dog food me wondering what it tastes like my dog who just wants his food facts things aren't free if you have to put in your credit card information to access it russia's entire defense strategy how i remember old games detailed fascinating to look at how they really are well that explains why we weren't as traumatized by ps1 hagrid until now historic photo of a pre-online gaming era oh wowzers this is uh taking me on a bit of a trip my grandfather at 25. on my way to my own house to see my wife and 10 children after working for 13 hours at the factory mia 25. why does youtube have so many ads my hair in school my hair at home my hair before i'm about to shower okay squidward there's your problem buddy you don't have hair boys be like ugh girls are all the same also boys when the halo theme comes on [Laughter] when you buy a pair of high-end headphones and listen to your favorite songs and you hear sounds you never heard before and thus began my audiophile addiction me logging in after the new update oh cool okay goodbye five-year-old me misbehaving at the store my mom wait till we get home me listening to electronic music i just don't get house's appeal me at 2am looking at the pile of clothes on the chair that's a human person give me your bones little child i bet he's thinking about other women man one more baseless accusation from this chicken i'm out indian men in american cartoon indian men in japanese cartoon indian men an indian cartoon yet shout out to japan for making us all feel hotter than we actually are instagram thoughts and pictures when you tell a joke to the entire class but you're the only one laughing and everyone is offended that's okay i know the way to the principal's office mom if your friends jumped off of a cliff would you do it too me who would actually be jumping first i am not in danger skyler i am the danger oh too many cues hmm there's more like it but this is the top quality what disney thinks kings look like what kings really look like oh my god i have two kings this feels weird i need to wash my kings the guy who faced wants mike and sully i tipped my hat to you one legends to another the guy who photoshopped aunt cass the flash the guy who built in lego commercials i had dark mode first no i had it first i had dark mode by default you guys have light mode this woman saw a lion in a freaking train station and her first instinct was to beat the living hell out of it how long we thought the lockdown would last for guys how long it lasted welcome to minecraft a girl asking me if she can borrow a pencil for the essay me instantly thinking that she is in love with me medium rare steak indeed medium rare chicken oh god men women are so picky also men yep this is still not recognized as a clinical addiction i'm going to sleep why'd you never see an advert for a microwave a drop of water in your glass of milk a drop of milk in your glass of water my friend's mom asking if i want something to eat me wanting to say only if it's daddy's come on babe i know you'll get sent to jail but that's the fun of it seven-year-old me finding a village in minecraft a great place for our nuclear test how i feel 0.1 seconds before i knot how i feel 0.1 seconds after i not look at what they've turned me into oh those perverts that's nothing i used to be a nine foot male dinosaur turtle and i used to be a planet i heard she has pockets big enough to hold her phone in her jeans you've seen too many aren't cast memes today take a rest here and continue your travels remember to drink adequate amounts of water me risking my job career and future to get extra sleep i'm doomed but i'm happy rtx off rtx on when an indian scammer opens youtube and sees a video titled trolling indian scammers featuring himself in it oh no it's like what i'm doing is wrong or something me and my school graduation yeah no big deal me at the big chunkers to announce with her party suited up me scrolling reddit on phone with spotify playing on the background every single gif on reddit shut this audio list file does not require your presence me gaming late at night saying i'll be fine with three hours of sleep destroy this voice me in the morning ugh same time tonight boys younger me being a smartass older me remembering those cringy memories hey on the bright side we all have memories where we find cringe when your dad smashes your ps5 so you smash his daughter boogie woogie when you're the only one in your friends who doesn't smoke i am just waiting for that orange slice to be projected out frick soccer all my homies call it football forget belts too am i right james bond the world's most famous spy him also being the world's worst spy my dog after barking non-stop at a squirrel for two hours thread neutralized got it guys you stay you're safe now you can eat and dinner you can eat in peace it's all good third world child starving and dehydrated national geographic oh yeah do that yeah come closer to the camera and beg can you be motivating and demotivating at the same time oh say no more be brave enough to suck at something new zoom noise suppression discord noise suppression china voice suppression when your mom sent you to college to become a functioning member of the society but you came back as a high-functioning alcoholic instead surprise mother me being in america for the first time drinks tap water dies um why what is in your water america explain me presenting this template to reddit reddit is browsing in new reddit when someone expresses their opinion and then there's reddit when someone makes the same joke for the 1000th dime on a different template it is time to go was i a good meme yes oh come on man the guy that has to light up every candle in every dungeon cave or tomb that have been untouched for ages in case someone has to come in here be like real the hero's already gone through the lower level dungeon so don't have to worry about him going back to those i travel a lot for work i deliver pizzas hard to swallow pills youtube is slowly turning into tv shut him up someone shut him up right now shut him up my clothes my underpants my dad who wants me to become an engineer my mom who wants me to become a doctor eight-year-old me already deciding to become a vacuum cleaner when you uninstall reddit and still stay a virgin did i miss a page my skill wi-fi blocks reddit me uses vpn and says i'm in zambia wi-fi i'll allow it no one the wii u getting an update in 2021 oh i didn't hear no bail disney watching their data show a spike of people watching big hero 6 and pausing at 37 minutes and 42 seconds something's wrong i can feel it meanwhile dank memes i said we horny today okay i get it boobs but i honestly i just i see a man's butt reddits right now be like oh for god's sake world deadly virus spreading rapidly lockdowns people losing their businesses meanwhile the internet because what would you expect something that makes sense stepping out of the university after graduating be like diploma yeah yeah caffeine dependency porn addiction dirty clothes enormous student loan how youtube should be no this isn't child friendly remove it tell your child to use youtube kids instead how you should is okay i will demonetize and remove it today's beautiful fan art in the finale corner of the video is by gentleman gadora okay your next task is to draw that for me it's their first fair knot now if a tree falls on a mima which narrator is there to mock it the answer is me barry i'm the one who made the tree fall reverse flash joke aside lovely artwork pretty morbid but hey relatable thank you for the artwork gentleman gadora seriously again i'd love the idea of that and as always folks if you'd like to see your fan art in the next video you can do that by posting it in the mk subreddit now golly gee you've made it to the end with me well done you should like this video to prove your worthiness to join my cult of people who watch the end of this video it's a great cult we have cookies and there's vegan options anyway seriously thank you for watching to the end of this video i hope you had some fun and if you got the time why not check out some more videos on the channel plus you know make sure you're subscribed because if you're not then what are you doing with your life not subscribing to the people who give your life meaning no don't don't give us that kind of power seriously love your faces my name's been jack i look forward to rambling at you once more again in the near future bye-bye
Channel: EmKay
Views: 315,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, Dankmemes
Id: Y6mzbJcTvc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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