r/Cursedcomments | oh no

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this picture has more money than my country and more plastic than the ocean fan art time today's beautiful work comes from meme or be eliminated with the weirdest title i've read yet it's given me some weird modern shakespeare vibes eat yout i'll now be gone and eat off this mortal plane best thing since hamlet now does it relate to anything with what they've drawn i have no idea we've got a groovy mk cartoon who's holding a piece of paper that i can't read because it gets too blurry when i zoom in on it but i'm going to assume it says i am sexy thanks meme or be eliminated remember if you'd like to see your fan art on the channel be sure to submit it in the subreddit on well read it now let us not dilly dally anymore longer my name is jack you all know that and it is time for some cursed comments do hand jobs from girls who can speak sign language counters how to delete someone else's post do blow jobs from women who talk smack count as anal oh no sex robots will eventually be capable of murder well good thing i'll never be buying one finally some uplifting news with 2020 that has got to be the most sarcastic comment i've seen spiders have sex in your house oh my good boys is it cool to watch them spider-man homecoming what's the worst possible response to i'm pregnant not for alarm let me just load up the clothes hanger 3 000. ask reddit men who are into extreme graphic torture prawn why reminds me of my childhood oh the memories and the pain yeah mommy i've been alrighty boy ask read it again i feel like this is gonna be a common thing on prawn sites why aren't there any native american prano well they've already been fricked enough [Laughter] take a shed load of muscle relaxants take a deep long breath shove the entire titanic up my butt why me why my post that by far has to be the most unique sentence i've ever read out loud in this thing sweet home alabama when she texts you parents aren't home so you rush upstairs our slash jokes i once dated a girl with a twin people asked me how i could tell them apart it was simple jill had green eyes and bob had a cog and bob had a delicious [ __ ] it's like no matter what the moment you add a verb before that word it just it gets much worse why do girls have these holes in their back now you press both of them to reset to factory settings clearly your experience of women only comes from all the sex robots so they're gonna murder you one day my girlfriend's dog died so i tried to cheer her up by getting her an identical one it just made her more upset she screamed at me what am i supposed to do with two dead dogs on how kinky you want to get no i support the death penalty for bad surprise victims hashtag yes to death penalty but she's got a point though it says bad surprise victims did i stutter add this emoji after a harmless sentence to make people think you're up to something have a wonderful day i hope you don't die today shower thoughts kids want to be batman adults want to be bruce wayne yeah i want to be bruce wayne's parents i'll never forget my grandfather's last words to me stop shaking the ladder you little grant i would rather die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather than screaming in terror like his passengers oh imagine a person attacked doug with a knife and doug disarms him and stabs multiple times while pointing out blade's floors that's not a stair these are stabs you see you've got to get the angle right much blow my mind hmm sleeping is an eight hour free trial of death and we love that stuff time to pirate the full version it's time to stop uh what toradora you deserve the death sentence dora turns to the audience can you tell me where my legs are meanwhile in morbid questions oh that one exists apparently if somebody gets decapitated do they get their heads sewn back on for the funeral yes not an easy task by the way to show you the power of flex tape i sought this guy's head off pig head or is it a pig hat with a cute face either way i'd freaking both a blurs last meal death row inmate eats an entire bible as his last meal yeah with that face tattoo i'm kind of not surprised at least he'll have a holy poop yeah okay but he's death row he's i don't think he's gonna get a chance to defecate it when your mom doesn't stop the car for free blow jobs oh i'd say you suck but you don't we're not stopping for [ __ ] we have [ __ ] at home [Music] when your uber driver doesn't say a single word to you for the whole ride but it turned out to be fake taxi skipping you six stars this is your captain speaking fasten your seat belts and prepare for september 11th no this joke is disgusting my uncle died on 9 11 at least he died doing what he loved flying planes wait what non-smoker lungs vs smoker lungs hey black lungs matter forgot to give my little cousin a blanket last night how do you forget to take care of a kid okay yeah at least the kid's a problem solver at least you can ship them faster stop it what was your proudest gaming moment when i noted to a gta stripper at 12 years old it's interesting didn't know there were 12 year old strippers in gta this is why you use grammar people are you winning son yeah dad yeah i must there india has this usa has this your country has my country has the people who did this i mean that kind of wins let's be honest though is this something you want to win would you use this toilet personally yes i'd find it to be an interesting experience i mean probably not that interesting but hey you only casually perform exhibitionism once unless you're into that thing then you perform it all the time i would stand outside it and shove my face against the glass to make the person inside feel super uncomfortable okay yeah nope i changed my mind shower thoughts long ago a wolf explains to his son eat a man and you'll be fed for a day whimper and roll over and play dead and he'll feed you for a lifetime and the next day the wolf woke up to find his balls missing me after looking at medusa's eyes [Music] i suddenly become a tall muscular tanned bald man like i mean is that really a loss somebody gets me a medusa i too become rock hard when looking at 500 year old women curse comments everybody ruining everything ask granted because of course people have read it who don't swear what the frick do you say during sex nothing i usually just cry and pay the nice lady guys don't talk during sex my friend used to talk all the time and i never did guess whose voice she identified in front of the judge no oh my god when you're old enough to go to a freaking war but you can't buy a beer well that's why you've got to move to australia mate yeah you can drink when you're 18. it's great you know if your parents are lenient enough maybe when you're 16. yeah we actually we have a real problem with alcohol use where i live you can start driving at 14. where i live you can smell crack at four oh where's that i have no idea oh notice the good abandoned the dead i mean both work really if i had a son and he came out as trans i wouldn't have a son anymore because i would respect her decision and fully support her going through changes to be happy with herself or mal idiot if i had a kid i wouldn't even be there no matter what gender they are no discrimination [Laughter] [Music] that is not a better option the three ways of peeing shower soaker jet you can change settings by twisting your balls do not try that at home or anywhere in general that doesn't mean do it in public are you addicted to masturbation reach out to me and we can beat it together jesus a very poor choice of words the coming of jesus well i'm never gonna be able to take that phrase seriously again really says a lot about his recharge time if he's taking this long for his second coming i mean geez just rehydrate yourself do a few stretches come on mate everyone's waiting for you oh boy belle delphine's music video that's a thing how is it on youtube i how it's high typing this with one hand because the other hand is jamming a fifty dollar over for the roof i'm not pulling the trigger i just got some food stuck on my blow my mind again if you cut the head off a giraffe due to the amount of blood pressure the resulting spurt of blood would shoot three meters in the air verb i know what we're going to do today the absolute worst way to recreate a family photo no thanks to popular prawn searches on the internet you mean burst people girls can't be simps me an intellectual ah yes the perfect german soldier blonde hair blue eyes and the untiring ability to work at every job available at first i thought that guy was being abusive but then i realized that the kid is his stepchild take my upvote and leave what game is he playing what game is he playing my little pony oh cursed comment explains a lot this toilet is currently out of order please use the children's ball pit ronda mcdonald's secret place [Music] why is it sound so uncomfortable hey kid let me gargle on your chicken nuggets in my mouth wait you're not meant to piss there oh freaking hell who put my butt on a statue zace i'm trying to sneak up and kill medusa but i'm dummy thick and the clap of my godly ass cheek has awakened her monster's new sales rep hey kid want kidney stones piss rocks out your pee hole joke's on you i get free snacks oh if this goes on cursed comments let me be in the photo and so god will actually the person who just screenshotted this made it so dear men please don't drive too fast you will lose your hair or die drying like paul i hate that this makes sense if you're 28 plus and a man is taking you to red lobster as a date then you need to re-evaluate the kind of men you're dating if you're 28 plus and you're still evaluating men based on where they take you out to eat rather than the quality of time spent you need to re-evaluate your life this is one of the reasons why men don't date anymore i'm 85 i'm telling you i would completely suck for red lobster admirals beasts and biscuits oh i hope this isn't a troll account as as disturbing as it is to read that i would find it hilarious and adorable if an old lady was saying this hey you fantastic being thanks so much for watching that does us for another bit of mk today hope you enjoyed all the cursed commentary if you liked today's video please thumb me until it's turned blue god damn it if you are new to the channel why not subscribe as well click the notification bell so you always see the newest mk content we post on the daily here so if you'd like to see some other videos feel free to check out the channel but with all that said i'm of course going to scoot off now and stop dragging this on so you all have a good day afternoon slash evening morning even as well my name's been jack you are amazing as always and i will see you next time bye bye
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,255,006
Rating: 4.9562502 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/cursedcomments, cursed comments, cursed comments reddit, ezpz, ez pz, best reddit posts
Id: krqFyHaj1tQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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