r/MildlyInfuriating · boneless toothbrush

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victorian dress shirt in transit it goes there and back there and back there and back and i lose my mind hello everybody welcome back to easy peasy i'm cougar and today we're going to be diving into r slash mildly infuriating there goes my chipper attitude let's get to it you know what you and your four space taking up truck can go drive off a cliff that's what you can do ah yes that's what i've always called it the alcohols excuse me honey i'm going out to the store to buy the alcohols for tonight's dinner party okay why do you got to put the zed and then an s down below make up your freaking mind over here experience asgard thor live from asgard 10 hours you're short by 10 seconds buddy not 10 minutes i could live with 10 minutes but 10 whole seconds ah yes i don't know which one i'm more angry at probably the one on the right because he pulled him forward the guy in the back i'm like eh backing up's hard sometimes especially if you're broke and don't have a backup camera whichever one you did this he's gonna get the fork in the eye eat the ends man that was point three over man point three just let it buy google just let it buy and my question is what is python 3.82 x i'm so confused my birthday in five days july 20th for those who can't make it my cash up is blankety blank blank blank anything is fine i'm pulling out the special voice for uh this one right here uh i see that a lot of you liked this yesterday but no one dropped anything in my cash app let's try it again smh if i tagged you that means i consider you a friend let's make it happen why on god's earth can i do that voice moving on just get a slightly longer curtain my man ah yes this is perfectly cena not driving me insane at all just just break the box apart dude just take it step on it shove it in the trash can good to go lights are off center and i'm losing my mind slowly someone said help i don't know who you are but you're not only a monster for eating this disgusting cake but why do you gotta take it out of the center in a square cakes are supposed to be triangles with round bottoms i don't know what that shape is called don't ask me i went to public school i'm not smart another person just eat it in order please or at least cut it evenly look at the bottom of like the left in the middle why do you got to do that just cut it in a straight line warning this product contains a chemical known to the state of california to cause cancer and birth defects and other reproductive harm then why do you make it username carlos too many users have this username please try another okay carlos one why just just line up the lights it wasn't that hard just make it aesthetically pleasing and why do you put two security cameras right next to each other come on man ah i see you have chosen infuriating me at my airbnb this just sucks cause gogurt or whatever ripoff goger that is is delicious whenever i see a cat with a collar i take it off i do this in childhood the cats are always thankful and if cat decides to leave you and your household a color will not hold her back anyways and a color will not hold him back either no colors hold anyone again it hurts data can do that nothing like playing some square basketball achieves wash my measuring cup and all the lines and numbers come off you know what's even more infuriating than them coming off is you spelling it come off instead it came off learn how to spell okay if you're this big of a comic book fan like me at least put them in order and either open them all or keep them all sealed man don't do half and half because you're reading them out of order and they're just not lined up fix it what climbing conditions would you expect in the desert hmm a very wet b very dry cold and wet hot and dry hmm i'm gonna go with either b or e oh very wet is the correct answer okay i guess we uh hopped in a time machine and flew back in time when deserts with oceans but sure sure thanks castle learning for ruining my test grades even now okay you broke your flathead screwdriver you broke the door and why one of the other you don't need to break both i don't know what's going on in this photo but it really hurts my brain mario kart double dash okay see you next year everyone ah yup game doesn't play that's about my luck too all the classic simpsons episodes on disney plus are all cropped in widescreen format this means you miss out on tons of great visual jokes like how duff duff light and duff dry all come from the same tube original disney plus i mean hey this is why i don't have disney plus well that and i'm too broke to afford it ah i still use these headphones whenever i'm editing a video and yeah this is uh this is mood oh no that's got to be the worst headphone experience in the world listen about if i'm using enotes i'm in high school just give it to me for free man i have enough problems in life 38 thousand dollars 32 000 ah yes 32 000 can be in a bigger bag if it's all singles show your strategy win the war i wouldn't call that strategy i'd call that open please come attack me for one second i thought this was really cool and then i looked at the ipad and it it just something's wrong here whoever designed this schedule you need to be fired and hire someone else i have no idea what this is but it could be hail it could be white dog poo i i don't know man but it picked me off you know i've been noticing more and more as i work on a house this happens a lot and i've just learned to live with it and let it haunt my nightmares only this right here is why i don't play minecraft anymore stuff like this always happens and ruins my day just give me three more points game then kill me then kill me my mom buys 1500 gaming setup me plays with it mom oh my god you're using that it's brand new yeah that's what a gaming thing is you play games you had one job make the house look appealing not this travesty good luck finding employees better than us oh that hurts my brain to whoever did this and didn't put it back in the right spot you need to find a cliff and just jump off it university of guam tritons um okay i'm too stupid to understand what's wrong with this one but i'm sure something is the handle of my serving spoon snapped turns out the henna was full of sand and it ruined my delicious turkey stuffed leftovers well this would make me angry but hey just give it to some relative you don't like and say oh it's covered in brown sugar you're good to go oh you'll never get into those handkerchief softs ever that's what we get for buying kmart brand to all my fellow skater bros who wear hoodies this is the plight of our existence so many dead strings man so many ah dude this totally harshes my mellow that was a fresh incense stick dude that's incorrect correct answer 20 log a z squared your answer 20 log a z lowercase z squared i am going to find whoever made castle learning and destroy them one day that is a promise this right here makes me shed a tear this just is wrong man wrong oh and this is just bad luck i've done this though and it sucks because not only is your juice box leaky sorry juice bag but you also get it on your leg when you stab it through you're a monster kylie jenner you're a monster the amount of labels attached to my underwear it's already plastered on the inside and the outside why do you need a tag to make my butt itchy too come on calvin klein last name should be a minimum of four characters well it's not you care to explain yourself there uh paleo's pizza cafe canada oh no not the snack pack man this brings back so many bad memories from my childhood this is only infuriating if you're not color blind so i'm fine that's uh that's some thick unwindy dental floss you're gonna stick in between your teeth have fun with that buddy did i say teeth this is another reason i stopped playing minecraft this crap right here like father like son husband always leaves medicine cabinet open and picasso always opens the cabinet door hey man he's got the good jeans leaving it open so that he'll have fresh access to it in the morning good job picasso meet up download the app now meet people to chat with 23 plus find old friends or make new one ok i'll make some hot girlfriends i suppose i want to be mad at this but if this is a real thing it's kind of cool if it works and also this is the way to end the console wars man just make the mouse flipping all three and good to go ah yes youtube updates always infuriating that's incorrect correct answer f your answer f well you know what i've got no f's left to give you are doing that too much try again in nine minutes all right i will do that reddit bot that's just a big waste of money why do you gotta buy that many lottery tickets yes that is social distancing at its finest state how you find the number of elections from the above picture you have to must be a number okay 42 final answer invalid word ok is not in our dictionary okay i think you need to update your dictionary santa paula organa leaves santa paula basil if someone turns these around it's gonna make me so angry because i'm gonna use the wrong one ah wikipedia always doing a great job aren't you pal oh my pants feel normally help my pants feel right after taking a shower you are not wrong they do get sticky to you if you don't towel off correctly one piece you are missing one piece just i i i cannot say word this guy right here is a big old basshole yup just a big old basshole i'm sure that's a healthy tower system with that plastic on it please use uploaded logo our company now has 900 of these pens well i hope your company's name is please use up loaded look that just sucks 22 servings per container serving size 1 slice calorie 70 per serving per 2 slices 130 yes that is how math do don't you ever compare pokemane to the god that is pewdiepie don't sully his name ah yes quid thank you for the hourly update on the stick is available don't tell me how to cut my pizza no but i will tell you to go find the nearest cliff and throw yourself off it for doing this travesty this is why the plan is dying this is why the planet's dying we're all doomed shop two two pokey coins 480 1480 1480 2.99 okay couldn't just make them all pokey coins but whatever ah yes nice to know if i'm running away from fire and i'm blind i'm i'm pretty much dead thanks building in the desert rain is considered a benefaction because male reigns can destroy wildflowers this sentence uses the word benefaction correctly this sentence does not use the word proquest correctly i mean yeah it doesn't it's not there what is missing from the last computer image the purple car the purple car or the purple car hmm i'm gonna go with the purple car i don't know what's worse the fact that you filmed it in polaroid or that the replay button is over the kid's face both of them just infuriating me on so many levels reunion planned for june 27th no matter what the world thinks we will be at the lake yay can't wait i am thinking blank and i might head your way for that yes this is good map good map indeed thanks amazon thank you so much ah the most infuriating rubik's cube on the planet rules you do not have permission to view the message history of hashtag rules okay then looks like i'm not joining this discord server and also clear your 28 notifications please yeah there's just a lot going on here that's a samsung phone that's an i home shia for samsung galaxy s5 299 one of these things isn't like the other my brain after reading this sakura you're that kid who's like i don't want this throw it on top that'll be fine someone will take it what's something that seems obvious within your profession but the general public seems to misunderstand that 35 dollars that scientific journals charge you to read a paper goes 100 to the publisher zero percent to the authors if you just email us to ask for our papers we are allowed to send them to you for free and we will be genuinely delighted to do so because that is capitalism at its finest okay i think i'm done with that voice for this episode you know there is a little tiny tab right there to pull that off yeah right there there you go okay yes you got all these dvds but then you got obviously three bootleg copies of the newest ones down at the bottom and it angus me as a star wars fan i mean this sucks but uh hey that's a pretty bomb bathtub and it kind of looks like he's watering the wall flowers on his shirt that's funny don't you speak that blasphemy in here shrek is a hero shrek his love shrek is life uh if you're gonna use a round circular sink please just put it at the center of the circle man wow that's a lot of ads he got there just to try and read a news article but uh yep that works perfectly stop speed limit 40 miles per hour i've spent my entire life looking for a sign like this and if i ever find one myself i am taking that off and taking it home i really want to be mad but it's just impressive that this was organized but if this is just photoshop you're a terrible person this is what it's supposed to look like this is what they delivered i mean come on it's not that bad i'd accept there's still some pretty nice looking flowers sorry something went wrong too many recent subscriptions please try again in a few hours i just want to subscribe to all the youtubers like easy peasy mk and crisscross they're my favorites let me subscribe to them all and you all should too now i am not electrician but i would say it would not be hard for the experienced electrician to make them all down off on up you know don't have one be different please it is infuriating those cords need to be burned and whoever let it get this bed needs to stick fork and i once again castle learning is ruining the education system that's some yummy tea right there some nice uh you know paper with it some nice speckles floating around good macbook pro 16 unboxing i literally don't know barely anything about tech you also don't know anything about grandma sweetheart why you've got the chain length just make them even let the loop hang in the center why do you do this someone's gonna smack their head dude this wall is gonna give me a brain aneury oh god someone call an ambulance cougar had an aneurysm from looking at a terrible wall design me and my sister had an argument and she's chopped the bristles off of my toothbrush why all i know is that he's a pretty that's a pretty good way to get back in someone because they go to brush your teeth and like why ain't this working take it out oh no brushy brush why couldn't you just replace the toilet you know my brother does this to me all the time and i'm so angry looking at this i'm sorry please lady stop walking in the middle of the street let me pull into the parking lot and get your kids under control cause someone's gonna get hit by a car i i don't know how to express how angry i am at whoever plastered this or whatever they did onto it to the wall just drives me insane that right there is a perfect way to cut your water open for drinking purposes nothing wrong there dude you need to fix your frames picture frames that is and uh or i don't know dude just just fix the pictures ah yes don't know what's wrong with this one but for some reason it makes me angry probably because everything is gray in the picture pretty much okay people who do these videos are terrible because you know they just shove the animal down the hole and like oh i'm gonna pour some soda and some mentos on it and get a million views they should be banned from youtube that's a good house design right there nothing wrong at all just some crappy window design and some crappy door placement and a crappy driveway placement too the real worst thing about this image is the fact that you can see in the reflection the guy taking a poop with his pants down look at the reflection dude oh come on man just make them all go in i hate you so much you're a fake zelda fan throw that in the garbage or give it to me if i had this bathmat i would have lit it on fire and thrown it out the window hey everybody thanks so much for watching feel free to like comment subscribe let us know what you like to see more of in the comments and also from me and everyone at ezpz thanks so much for watching have a great day be safe and be good people
Channel: EzPz
Views: 95,355
Rating: 4.9131069 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/MildlyInfuriating, r/mildlyinfuriating top posts, mildly infuriating, r/mildlyinfuriating best posts, ezpz, emkay, ez pz
Id: EhxX99lE--M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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