r/Entitledparents Karen Tries To Steal A Disabled Person's Seat!

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welcome to our slash entitled parents where an entitled karen yells at a disabled person our next rated posters from i'm sad i want help some quick background i had a tumor on my spine a few years ago luckily it was removed and i'm pretty healthy overall now but not so luckily i can't walk anymore last week i had a doctor's appointment as a follow-up to some issues i'd been having normally my parents would take me to the doctor but they were pretty busy so i figured i'd take the bus luckily my city overall has a very accessible bus system they also have specific buses meant to assist people with disabilities but my route from the house to the doctor's office aligned pretty much perfectly with one of the normal bus routes so i figured i'd just use it all the normal buses are equipped with wheelchair ramps and a place to secure it when there isn't a wheelchair user on the bus there are seats over top of the area that's used to secure a wheelchair i can't be anywhere else as it's a safety hazard to have a large metal chair wheeling around haphazardly so the driver lowers the ramp and i board the bus due to kovid the bus was pretty empty during this whole thing i was wearing a mask and i also got tested last week so i don't worry about my contact with the driver there were a few people in the back and a woman with her child who was probably about six years old seated at the front over the wheelchair securement area which is fine that area has a notice saying that people with disabilities have priority seating but the general public can use it if nobody else needs to normally it would be a simple hey could you please move i need to secure my wheelchair but not this time the conversation isn't exact because my memory isn't perfect but here's my best recreation of the encounter i stayed quiet for most of it and luckily the bus driver was absolutely amazing and stood up for me the bus driver said hey could you move no my daughter and i are sitting here you need to move to another seat so i can secure the passenger's wheelchair they can sit somewhere else no that's the only area with proper securement they can just take the next bus no they have a right to use this bus you need to move no my daughter and i are staying you can't make me yes i can you can either move seats now or you can leave i say if it's really a bother i can take the next bus i'm very non-confrontational and i would have been late to the doctor's appointment but i don't like bothering people the bus driver says to me no you can take this one see the [ __ ] even says she doesn't need it you can either move seats or wait until the police arrive you can't make my daughter and i move this is harassment at this point the bus driver begins to call someone i am unsure if it was actually the police or what but the entitled mother ended up moving two seats over thankfully and i got secured to the seat she spent the rest of the time glaring at me but honestly i don't mind there are some complete buttholes like the entitled mother but there are also some great people like the bus driver when i was getting off he apologized for entitled mother's actions even though obviously they weren't his fault in the end i got to the doctor's appointment on time so all was well i just hope the woman's daughter learns not to be a butthole somehow man that woman's stupid it's like lady either i can lock my wheelchair into a moving bus or i can just turn this wheelchair into a mobile battering ram that pinballs around this buzz and hopefully doesn't crush your precious daughter which is it lady our next reddit post is from neoprene joe i'm a 15 year old girl and i have scars on my arms they're fully healed but they're still very prevalent when i go for runs on trails i often run in t-shirts or tank tops because i live in an objectively warm environment i never really thought much of it i was just living my life i wasn't ever blind to the stairs people gave me and i'd be lying if i said it didn't hurt one day i was there at the same time of day i always am i paused for a minute to tie my shoe and just as i was about to continue my morning run a lady approaches me i recognize her and recall that i've seen her a couple of times there with a little boy i could clearly remember her covering her son's eyes while giving me a death stare i always ignored it she proceeded to say something along the lines of hear that b-word that took morning walks away from my son i was sincerely confused so i asked her what she meant by that she said that my scars are disgusting and that she doesn't want her son to be exposed to such satanic ways she expressed her anger towards me for making her feel like she could no longer take her little boy with her while trying to back up i said that she was the one endangering her son if she keeps coming close to strangers who could potentially be carriers this obviously pissed her off and while she was trying to tell me i may never come back here again i told her that i will continue to run at eight in the morning every single day with my arm showing and if she doesn't like it she can come here with her son at a different time and i started up the rest of my run wait how on earth is having scars satanic i mean cra correct me if i'm wrong but isn't there like a really important person in christianity who was whipped and then nailed to a cross wouldn't that guy have scars too our next reddit post is from catwoman lover my fiance and i are gonna get married in a few months and we've decided that we don't want kids at the wedding kids are loud they run around they break things and we don't want to have to deal with that on a day that we're supposed to celebrate our relationship we've assigned the roles that are usually performed by children to our beloved pets my dog will be the flower girl my fiance's dog will be the rain bearer and my two cats are co-maids of honor our friends boyfriend sister and my brothers and their parents think this is adorable alas our other relatives do not share this enthusiasm my boyfriend's parents said they thought it was strange and were hoping that his cousin would be the ring bearer but they've accepted it because they want us to be happy my parents threw an effing fit and accused me of placing animals above children i calmly explained to them that this was my and my fiance's wedding and it really wasn't their place to decide who would be a part of it our pets are well trained and well behaved which is more than i can say about our relatives kids my parents aren't coming to the wedding because i refuse to follow a certain sexist wedding tradition my father giving away the daughter my dad told me that since i was robbing him of his moment there was no reason for him to be there good effing riddance one of their friends i've known since childhood is a mother of three and was going to be one of the bridesmaids she was horrified when she learned that my dog and cats will be in the wedding party surely her three ill-mannered kid should have had that honor she threatened to not come to the wedding i made it easier for her by taking her name off the guest list my cousin who has two kids told me rather smugly that she would bring her kids anyway when she and her family were actually there surely i won't be able to do anything about it i told her i would have her her husband and their kids escorted out by security that shut her up my fiance's friend asked him to make me replace my dog with his daughter as the flower girl he was warned to never bring it up again this wedding will be a special day for my fiance and i and we will not let other people's entitlement ruin it as someone who was once a kid i can safely say opie that you are doing them all a favor as a kid weddings are the most boring events imaginable our next reddit post is from solar soul my parents own a small business where a pack and chip store that also sells stuff for some local artists we also do some other services such as faxing fingerprinting printing and copying shredding and notaries my siblings some friends and i work at the store i was at work about two weeks ago and we were very busy during lunch time which is pretty normal for us my brother mom and i were all there and both my brother and my mom were handling their own things and i was disinfecting the counter this plump piggish lady with the classical karen haircut walks in she'd look like dolores umbridge if umbridge had a karen haircut i finished disinfecting put the rag back into the bucket of disinfectant then went to the register to help her she was pleasant at first she told me she needed to print and sign two large documents then scan them and email them to herself normal stuff for our business so she emailed the documents to us sometimes verizon phones struggled to connect the data within our store and our network is secure because of safety and privacy for our customers she had a verizon phone and was instantly frustrated with how long it took for it to send around this time her daughter came in apparently in a rush her daughter barely spoke while she was there but karen had mentioned something along the lines of her needing to go to work soon she seemed much nicer than her mother so i finally got the email documents they were pdf files that required a password so i disinfected the keyboard and gave it to karen to log into the pdf so she could print them she typed in her password and hit enter wrong password so she typed it in again wrong password i lost count of how many times she tried to type in the same freaking password and kept getting the wrong password by now all other customers in the store have come and gone another batch has come and gone finally i sheepishly asked if there was a different one she could have used that's when she started to get nasty i know my password it's the name of my daughter i exchanged a look with my brother then quietly said okay ma'am try different combinations then she tried the password a few more times while i just waited awkwardly her daughter was wandering around the store looking at things we have for sale i was watching her as i waited then karen cleared her throat so i looked at her why are you just standing there like an effing idiot and her daughter glared at her mom from across the store i was a bit dumbfounded and frankly exhausted so it took me a moment to actually register what she said i just quietly apologized and stared at the counter she kept grumbling about how i'm so unhelpful and i should be helping her more finally after what felt like an eternity i suggested again to try different combinations she did that snarly side thing that grouchy teenagers such as myself do she typed in something else and suddenly we had access to the documents she grumbled something along the lines of effing finally then called her daughter over i tried to print it and it came up with an error code so i called my mom over and she helped me riddle it out but then it printed absolutely tiny so my mom and i spent a few minutes finagling with settings that's when i noticed that the printer was set to receipt size so i set it to letter size and printed again perfection karen's face lit up and she said you're so smart thank you oh the irony we got a call about 40 minutes later after karen left my mom picked it up because my brother and i were handling customers it was karen's husband he said that they never got the email and that karen wanted to send it to his email as well so we sent the documents to them again and everything was fine then the husband stopped before he hung up and said did my wife cause any trouble while she was there she keeps saying the customer service there was awful and i don't believe her my mom told him what happened he thanked her and hung up i'd like to believe that karen got chewed out but who knows so to be clear karen got said at op because op didn't know her password [Laughter] lady that's literally the whole point of passwords our next reddit post is from sue habe so i work at a cashier as a pizza place and i've had my fair share of cairns including one that called the cops but today was special it's super busy and then comes this douche family complete with a darren a karen and their offspring no mess of course so karen's already making a fuss that they have to hurry and the line's taking too long but i ignore them and continue taking orders and eventually it's their turn darren starts rambling on about how i'm too slow and that they're in a rush but i silently just take it and take their order their order rounded up to 27 bucks and when i ask them how they'll pay they say cash then karen pulls out her coin pouch and dumps an avalanche of change on the counter so now i'm fuming because i hate this type of stuff and when the order is 27 effing dollars it'll be a pain she slides the change to me and says that'll cover it so the cogs in my scheming brain start turning i decide to be a good cashier and count the change slowly just to make sure i have the right amount and then i accidentally ended up messing up and had to restart karen was fuming at this point but i just told her with my customer service voice sorry ma'am but i need to make sure that this is the correct amount i could hear snickering from the other customers who already paid and thankfully the douche family was the last to order so i decided to punish them for their entitlement a tad bit more i then dropped the change and took my time picking them up and handed them their receipts the duchess spent more time ordering than waiting for their pizza was i being a dick yes did they deserve it yes our next reddit post is from professor spitfire in the city where i live there's a botanical garden it's private property but most of it is accessible to the public for free in the middle of the garden there's a small cafe and yesterday my girlfriend our daughter and i met up for coffee there with another couple and their daughter right next to our outdoor table there was a small tree that a bunch of children aged approximately four to eight were climbing in we'd been there for about half an hour when a gardener or something came by and told the kids politely but firmly that they were not allowed to climb the tree in the garden the trees are from all over the world and most of them don't grow here naturally so i imagine it would be quite expensive to replace one should it get damaged the kids didn't seem too upset about it and ran back to their respective parents two girls aged around four years old ran back to their mother sitting around 60 feet away sipping wine and the gardener went about his business about 10 minutes later one of the mothers approached our table with a sour look on her face and the girls in tow and the following dialogue ensues are you the ones who told my daughter she can't climb this tree no it was some guy who works here oh i see well did you see where he went no i'm afraid not she turns to her two girls if you want to climb the tree here that's fine if they don't want children climbing the trees they should have a playground she then returned to her wine me and my company were a bit baffled but didn't intervene as frankly none of us were in the mood to come between a karen and whatever her precious kid deserved but just five minutes later one of the girls fell out of the tree and hit the ground face-first with a good thud we asked her if she was alright but before we finish the question she started wailing as if her head had split open luckily she didn't fall from very high up and was probably more startled than her but even so that's some karma if i ever saw any that was our slash entitled parents and if you like this content then check out my podcast where i publish the exact same content also hit that subscribe button because i put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 803,475
Rating: 4.933641 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, entitledparents, r/entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, entitled parents fail, r/ entitled parents
Id: ZI51Mo6yWyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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