r/Entitledparents A Crazy Entitled Mother Rips Off My Prosthetic Arm!

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welcome to our slash entitled parents we're an entitled mother rips an arm off of a disabled person so I've been told to share this not sure if anyone will be interested this is about my adoptive mother my adoptive parents are British citizens who moved to my country in the EU they adopted me actually expecting mental disabilities but I was just profoundly deaf you would think that would be easier so I grow up I get enrolled in deaf schools where I learn sign language but my mother decides it's too hard for her to learn sign language and actually bans me from using it in the house I had to mime or point at things until I could start writing upon which I carried around a notebook everywhere if I did try to sign I was called disrespectful for not including her in the conversation in a strange way this made my written language skills very good as well as my lip reading skills which many deaf people have challenges with it was very difficult and upsetting living with her my adoptive father was nice but he just listened to whatever she wanted so he became a bad parent too I went to university and limited contacting them the one time I tried to visit them for the holidays I returned to a house with a stranger family my adoptive parents had moved back to Britain without telling me who does that this mom was probably like oh I left you a voicemail didn't you hear it our next read it poses from cryptic broccoli chapter 1 the backstory getting right into it my parents aren't exactly on the best of terms actually they haven't been on remotely decent terms for a while now after their 22-year marriage they got a divorce back in mid 2013 when I was in sixth grade the exact dates are a bit hazy but I'd say it was around April / May at that year it was quite bitter I don't think the things my parents said to each other in the court rooms are appropriate here but long story short they effing hated each other after the divorce proceedings started I live with my mom at her old house she started spewing a bunch of BS accusations about the fact that your father is the worst human being on the planet he's corrupting your mind and a lot more hateful untrue stuff but I was only 11 which was way too young to know that it was actually BS I just blindly accepted it as fact because that's what I'd been more or less raised to do but this was only the beginning at this point the monitored visit started happening this wasn't about early to mid March 2014 also if you're wondering why they were monitored it was because on a scale of 1 to 10 my parents a level of trust and each other was at a negative 11 t7000 million anyways for a few hours every Saturday I was handed off to my dad and we'd hang out somewhere like k1 speed or his parents house then I was given back to my mother and I'd go about my existence as an annoying as hell 11 year old not ashamed to admit it I was pretty weird then a plot twist happened more like life twists but you get the idea over Thanksgiving break in seventh grade my dad got full custody of me I went to live with him in his bachelor pad and I thought that was that but my mom was livid I had to say it whenever we had visits she would try to pull me to the side and tell me not to listen to my dad to tell him I didn't want to live with him or some other BS but the monitor would step in because that wasn't allowed just like the rest of the stuff she did after this point I continued middle school my grades got heaps better and monitored visits started again but this time with my mom only the visits were a little different important later me and my dad drove to a drop-off point a park close to my mom's house I was given to the monitor then we drove to my mom's house did stuff then went back to the drop-off point and I went back to my dad's place it was also at this point in my life where I learned to not blindly accept things my parents Attis fact unless it was actually true duh this was because I learned that what my mom said about my dad wasn't true I started questioning her reasoning but I didn't tell anyone in hindsight I should have I didn't really know who to trust more or who to listen to life was somehow as normal as it could have been for someone in my situation that is until Monday April 6th 2015 maybe all this wouldn't have happened if it wasn't a Monday I think to myself in my fevered imagination chapter 2 the part where it gets interesting on this fateful day was when everything got turned completely upside-down at first it was just like any other Monday visit I went to her house only she wasn't waiting on the porch as usual she was in front of her house in her car I thought okay that's a little weird and thought nothing of it when the monitor pulled into the driveway with me in the backseat my mom pulled forward and blocked the monitors car in when we got out of the car she was yelling at me to get in the car which I stupidly did because I didn't know any better the monitor rushes over and says no you can't do this this is against the rules my mother responds with no I'm protecting him from his terrible father or something along those lines I don't know I was in the car and couldn't hear apparently from what I learned later on she physically assaulted the monitor before getting in the car and driving off as we pulled away I don't remember exactly what she said but it was probably something like we are going to start a better life for ourselves somewhere where we can forget all our problems and start over or some other BS we get to LAX about half an hour after the visit was scheduled to end and she asked me where I want to go I say Washington DC because I'd never been there before but we ended up hitching a flight to Chicago for some reason I will never forget what I said to myself as we took off there goes my life as I know it and wouldn't you know it I was right when we landed we were called off the plane and detained for questioning my mother and I were put in separate rooms but the whole time I could hear her repeating I had to do what I had to do to protect my son I got no sleep that night because those words were haunting me the whole time the next day I was sent on a solo flight back to LAX that was my first time flying alone but before I left my mother said to me when you get there tell your father that you don't want to live with him anymore deep down I knew that the proper course of action was electing to ignore that stupid decision but me being the idiot 12-year old I was I said I'd do that you know like a liar on the way back home from LAX my dad told me that the incident had made the news in the clip that he showed me my dad summed it up perfectly it's worse than hell I don't know what hell is like but this is it for me the next day at school ever was like whoa what the heck happened we saw you on the news last night and thought you died and in some twisted way they were right for the next few years my mom would be in and out of geo for repeated violations of a court-ordered restraining order because she kept trying to sign me out of school I'll never forget how on the edge I was when she did this for the first time but as the years went on she did this throughout my freshman sophomore and junior years I became sort of uncomfortably numb to her repeated special guest appearances in my life the last straw was when she showed up at my house over this past summer not once not twice but on three distinct occasions now it was my turn to be livid on a court-mandated Skype call on a Tuesday night with my mom's older sister and her mom who are unlike my birth giver sane my mom kept poking her head in trying to see me at that point I'd had just about enough and I exploded I finally called her out on her BS in hindsight there were some other things I should have said and maybe some stuff I shouldn't have said but that night was one of the best of my life I finally felt that I had a sense of closure and that she finally understood how she was affecting me except for the fact that she didn't understand that Saturday me and my dad spotted her on the main road next to my house again we immediately reported it to the police and she was picked up soon after she currently resides in jail Chapter three epilogue the ending to this debacle is somewhat of a bittersweet one sweet because she'll be in jail for the rest of my senior year and thus I don't have to worry about her showing up again the bitter part is having to figure out how to prepare for when she's eventually let out and the aftermath that may or may not ensue shortly thereafter it's well a debacle more than anything but its life not a good life but live nonetheless my dad and his girlfriend have been extremely supportive of this matter and I can't thank them enough as for me I've been trying to live my best life and after a significant bout of depression and a suicide attempt I feel like I'm coming out on top if you read this which I doubt you will you mom Opie the main thing I got out of this story is that you've got to stop beating yourself up you can't blame yourself for me dumb decisions when you're eight or ten or twelve or whatever because you were eight or ten or twelve or whatever people that young can't possibly expect it to make adult decisions that's why they've got adults in their lives who are supposed to make those decisions for them so I'm glad you're finally out of that situation but honestly you have got to stop blaming yourself because what happened to you was not your fault our next reddit post is from the barker so this story takes place somewhere in the late 90s early aughts backstory my mom was in an accident when she was 14 and lost her right arm she has about 1/4 of that arm left that she calls her stub and to be honest the loss hasn't done much to derail her she drives she has a joystick esque thing which sticks out of the wheel and she turns it like she's steering a ship she calls it her knob loudly and in public she worked for a long time until she started having issues with the arm she does have and she's generally been the person in the family - host / prepare all events and do all the labor honestly she's my hero but you're here for the story so here goes mom and I go to the supermarket at the busy hours on a weekend because we couldn't make our usual after-school weekday trip when things were less crazy we go around the whole parking lot twice as do a row of cars behind us and we finally managed to nab disabled spot right by the entrance because someone was leaving as we approached now my mother rarely uses the disabled parking even though she's permitted because she always says people who can't walk at cetera need it more but again she's permitted and there weren't any other spaces after we park and get out we hear our car honk a few times followed by excuse me as a woman runs up from behind catching us just before the entrance to the store this woman literally left her car running in the middle of a busy parking lot causing a massive pileup so Karen that's her name now catches our attention with her shouting and when we turn around were greeted with her can I speak to the manager haircuts 90s edition and about half a dozen kids ranging from goth tween to a toddler in her arms Karen then goes on to explain how the spot my mom just parked in is for disabled people in an accusatory tone my mom was wearing her prosthetic arm underneath her long sleeve denim coat overly big so the fingertips of her prosthetic were bare visible so it was an honest mistake even though it was a little odd the way she'd abandon her car and ran up to us with her entire litter still my mom smiles and proclaims don't worry I'm allowed to park there and we turn back around that answer wasn't good enough for Karen suddenly Karen and her kids are in front of us and she's given the taller to another one of her children just so she can fold her arms and pouts as you can see she gestures towards her kids I have a lot going on and I need that spot more than you do you only have one child now I must have only been six or seven but even I knew the difference between disabled parking and those spaces reserved for parents with small children I said something along the lines of you need a disabled badge to park there it doesn't matter how many kids you have in six to seven year old lingo and this woman took a major offense she goes off on a major rant about how being a mother of all her children was hard and how she was having an awful day slash week slash month and it's not fair that my mom who looks perfectly fine had tricked the government into getting a badge that lets her park in a spot that Karen should obviously have instead as she rambles about this she looks around garnering the attention of other shoppers and is doing that don't you agree with me thing that people do to validate themselves but never gave anyone a chance to respond because she was already on to the next person my mom grabs my hand and tries to leave me around Karen ignoring her entirely but Karen keeps stepping in front of my mom demanding her spot she's getting increasingly annoyed and loud I remember asking my mom several times if I'd done something wrong because my response seemed to have triggered this rant but she kept reassuring me that I was fine and that I should just ignore her which annoyed Karen even more this goes on for about five minutes a very long five minutes before my mom finally snaps I have one arm silencing caring mid-sentence I used to wonder why she didn't just tell Karen the specifics earlier but as I've grown up I've come to realize that it wasn't anyone else's business and I can see why my mom wouldn't want to take off her jacket which is kind of a chore for her and pop the prosthetic just to prove something so we begin to walk around Karen again barely make it five feet before we hear her go be ass what happened next is seared into my brain Karen storms up to my mother and tries to undress her the denim jacket and it's just shaking my mother and calling her a liar and my mother goes into full fight to the death mode because physical altercations are obviously more intense and scary for her she starts scratching flailing kicking and even tries landing a headbutt on Karen and as she does this one of Karen's children attempt to jump in and help their mom which leads to me jumping in to help mine and suddenly I'm brawling with her kids this couldn't have lasted longer than 30 seconds it was enough time for people to stop and gather but not enough for anyone to react / put a stop to it I can't imagine what it must have looked like to women in their 30s fighting as their children do the same by them but it all came to a stop when somehow Karen manages to yank my mom's denim jacket from her and off pops her prosthetic with it crashing to the ground and resulting in a universal gasp that shook the entire parking lot okay exaggeration but it was definitely a moment all that slept on my mom's arm at this point is a suction pad and a sharp nail like hook that slots into the prosthetic it looks like a blade sticking out of her stub and without missing a beat my mom raises it to Karen and in a sarcastic tone goes come on then I wish I was old enough at the time to realize how hilarious that was a woman from the crowd that gathered around us stormed into our little fight circle and picked my mom's arm up and handed it to her before going off on Karen who looks smaller than seven-year-old me at that point people start shouting to get security etc and Karen rallies her spawn and they all run for her car I still remember her kids yelling for her not to leave them because only her oldest could keep up with her running away as the rest trail behind my mom was visibly shaken by the incident but wanted to save face for me in the crowd that was suddenly hounding us she insists she's fine she doesn't want the police doesn't want the fuss and we go about our shopping when we got to the checkout about 20 to 30 minutes later a few of the people that witnessed the whole thing had gathered and insisted they pay for my mom shopping which she reluctantly accepted they helped us take all the shopping out to the car and when we get home my mom tells me she doesn't want me getting into any fights ever again then she lets me have way too many donuts then Opie shares another story about his mom in the comments since everyone seems to love my mom as much as I do now I just want to share this little unrelated story in the comments so my mom lost her arm due to playing on the train lines when she was a teenager I won't go into the specifics but yes hit by a train not sucked under butts in flying from what I've been told anyway after she stopped working she was Restless so she volunteered for the Cubs group which in the UK is the younger version of scouts think Boy Scouts in America she'd often talk about the hazard of playing on and near train lines and at one point wanted to go around schools and Scout groups doing talks about safety etc especially seeing as hanging out near the train line was still a thing teens did in our town in the 90s this was still when my mom always wore her prosthetics so a lot of kids in the Cubs group would argue as to whether or not she actually had a false arm because she always wore that long-sleeve denim jacket I was constantly hounded about it because kids are stupid and find this stuff interesting it was never really something my mom addressed then it just so happened that the big talk she'd been planning to give that take up the latter half of our cub meetings also fell around Halloween yes this is going exactly where you think it is everyone sits down around my mom and listens for a good 30 to 40 minutes about her experience and what happened to her the coma physical therapy spinal issues she suffered with for a long time etc she's hamming it up to make it more interesting the lights are dim and she's got generic Halloween creepy music playing on a CD player beside her but she hasn't mentioned her arm loss even though a lot of people are mumbling about it loudly parents are arriving and standing at the back of the hall waiting and most of the kids are getting quite restless and rude at this point finally someone asks loudly if my mom really only has one arm and she responds by reaching into her jacket she'd purposefully not put the arm in his sleeve and just hidden it under the jacket and then tears it off and waved it around in the air with a scream one kid cried parents got worked up I died laughing and my mother was asked her to give a speech again Opie honestly your mom sounds awesome and to be honest that Karen sounds like she's more disabled than your mom is that was our slash entitled parents and don't forget to hit that like button
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,901,837
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, entitledparents, r/entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, entitled parents fail, r/ entitled parents
Id: 6psecTuNaRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 55sec (1075 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 27 2019
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