r/Entitledparents Entitled Mommy Gets TEETH KNOCKED OUT!

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welcome to our slash entitled parents we're an entitled Karen literally gets her teeth knocked out our first reddit pose is from puff Minaya backstory I'm a single parent I have a beautiful girl that's turning five in August the past year I've been fighting with my ex who tried to keep my kid away from me lawyers aren't cheap and being single doesn't exactly help with my finances couple of months ago I won the lawsuit and I finally got to have my kid at my home again for the past few weeks she was saying she wanted a bicycle but still recovering from the lawsuit bills I wasn't able to afford it past week I got my summer bonus which finally gave me the financial boost I needed so yesterday I finally was able to buy my little girl her bike she wanted so badly I enjoyed my time with her riding our bikes but then it was getting time for dinner which I still had to make so we hit back home and parked the bikes in the backyard we go inside and I start making dinner after about ten minutes I spotted movement in the corner of my eye through the kitchen window that's on the side of the house I see this kid guessing six or seven years old just casually strolling by with the brand-new bike I just got today my heart dropped and I run to the front door hoping I'd catch him before he rides away I was lucky I did I yanked the bike out of his hands and freaked out at him saying it was mine and he had no right to just walk into other people's backyard and take things I was pissed I forced him to get the freak off my property and set the bike inside my front hallway thinking it's over boy was I wrong after comforting my little girl who never saw me this mad poor thing I returned at the kitchen to continue making dinner fifteen minutes later the doorbell rings it's the kid and his evil mother you give my boy his bike back he found it it's his he found it in my bag yard I got it for my kid today you should try teaching your dang kid some manners he shouldn't trust pass on other people's property to take their things don't tell me how to raise my kid give me the pipe back or I'm calling the police I laugh call the dang police and I slammed the door in her face by this point my four-year-old is crying her eyes out and I get to comfort her again as she's thinking she's losing her brand-new bike her sobbing finally over I try continuing to make dinner yet again with the preparations done I'm about to put it all in the stove when the doorbell rings again I flip out storm to the door violently open it getting ready to just explode into this woman's face guess what she actually called the cops I instantly calmed down when I see it's the police and invite one of the two officers inside while the other stays with the evil woman I explained the situation and show him the box the bike came in along with the receipt that has my name on it he shrugs and apologize for the inconvenience assured me I won't be bothered again I let him out and close the door with a smug smile on my face I checked the front window to see what's happening and I see her go into full tantrum it ends with her in handcuffs and in the backseat of the patrol car Bob I don't know what happened to her and I don't care I finally finished dinner and my kid still has her bike that's all that matters to me boy what a day this lady has a very interesting definition of found it it belongs to my child he found it in the bedroom of someone else's house and clearly finders keepers our next reddit post is from diving enthusiasts my aunt who I'll be referring to as SB for a stupid jerk is one of the worst people I've ever met she doesn't just believe the world revolves around her she basically believes that she is the world she has this super toxic my word is law attitude because she's the only religious person left in the family from what I heard the rest of the family would often cave in to her endless whining and demands just to get her to shut up that was until the newest generation came along as in me my two siblings my twin cousins who were both girls and my one male cousin who's the same age as me stupid aunt also has a daughter but I don't recognize her as a family member because she's also a piece of garbage we were all born around the same time that being 2,000 203 my guess is the moment we came into the picture the whole family went into defense mode and raised us to not make the same mistake they did was stupid ons and taught us differently that being don't take any flack from this crazy woman at her kid stupid aunt didn't like any of us from the start solely because we weren't religious or in her words godly children this is where the first encounter comes into play my parents had cut contact was stupid aunt a few months before I was born because she wouldn't leave my mom alone she kept hounding her over the importance of teaching your children about God and whatnot so when my parents revealed to stupid aunt that they were atheist and would be raising me to be agnostic they might as well have set off a nuclear bomb stupid aunt had a meltdown over the news and demanded that my parents teach me to be religious they laughed in her face and then of course cut her off a month before I was born stupid aunts husband divorced her he was a perfectly sane individual and just couldn't put up with stupid ons flak anymore everything he did had to revolve around making her happy this since stupid aunt over the edge the rest of the family had not cut her off but they were distant regardless with nobody to direct her anger or boss around she decided to lash out at my parents once again I was three the day she pulled up in our driveway and started pounding on the door demanding to see her nephew me she didn't get her wish and my dad told stupid aunt through the locked front door that he would call the police if she didn't leave stupid aunt went into a freaking frenzy while her own daughter watched her from the car I mean this grown lady was jumping up and down throwing herself against the door all while scream crying stupid aunt ends up exhausting herself and stumbles back to my car while cursing my parents out apparently she said she hopes that I die before I reach for my own freakin aunt wished death on me my parents fought a restraining order and that was the last time they ever saw stupid aunt and her stupid kid for seven years while growing up during that time period me and my siblings who were two years younger than me were always told that if a woman named stupid aunt ever came to the house and they weren't home we were not to answer her and call the police fast forward to 2010 at this point I'm ten years old born in 2000 and both my siblings are eight years old it was Christmas Eve and the majority of my family was at my aunt and uncle's house not stupid aunt but the aunt of my mom's side who I actually respect my mom was one of four children stupid on being the youngest stupid aunt was going to be at the Christmas party this year and my parents were very hesitant to take us because stupid aunts comments were still fresh in their mind I had no idea who's stupid aunt or her daughter who I'll just call in titled kid were at the time the moment my aunt laid eyes on me she gave me this disgusted look that sent me running the other way she did the same thing with my siblings the whole dang party all stupid aunt did was talk about how amazing entitled kid was and got angry whenever someone right to talk about something else she had this awful how dare you not pay attention to me attitude still does today along with this she would whine and moan about my aunt and uncle not accommodating to entitled kids desires she single-handedly ruined the whole mood of the party and made everyone miserable entitled kid didn't bother me until later that night at dinner remember when I said that stupid aunt was crazy religious well she spread that same poison into her daughter's mind I'm glad that stupid aunts husband is free from her but at the same time entitled kid has nobody around to teach her right from wrong there was no grace at dinner which stupid aunt was furious about so who do stupid aunt and entitled kid decide to take this out on that's right the kids right before I was about to eat entitled kid asks aren't you gonna pray not knowing how to respond I just show of mashed potatoes in my mouth entitled kid gasps like I just murdered someone stupid on opens her mouth to say something but instead just glares at me she stared daggers at me my siblings the holding dinner Lowell she throws out her whole plate afterwards and when my uncle asked her why she says I think I lost my appetite in this really accusatory tone after dinner me and my siblings went to play on the Wii with our cousins upstairs stupid aunt and entitled kid watches from afar and being an oblivious kid I think nothing of it I see stupid aunt was for something to entitled kid and she gets this big grin on her face I keep playing until I feel entitled kids shove me from behind I fall over an entitled kid goes into a long tirade of name-calling and other hurtful stuff calling me fat and stupid and telling me my mom must have done a terrible job of raising me if I turned out like this I look too stupid on for help the jerk was recording while laughing I couldn't believe my freaking eyes my own ond who up until now I thought of his family was laughing as her daughter bullied me and my siblings entitled kid was four years older than me so there really wasn't much I could do however my mom wasn't having it she heard the stuff entitled kid was saying and stormed upstairs my mom flings a door opens sees my aunt recording the whole thing and screams what the f are you doing sidenote stupid on is terrified of my mom my aunt is a foot shorter and not athletic at all I guess stupid aunt was intoxicated and her normal fear of my mom didn't really apply in the situation because when my mom asked stupid aunt if she was gonna punish entitled kid for picking on us stupid on smirked and said why would I punish my daughter for telling the truth with that my mom gripped stupid aunt by the hair and dragged her downstairs I heard a loud crash and then sobbing from stupid aunt her an entitled kid left immediately I heard from my older cousin years later that my mom had dragged stupid aunt into the kitchen and smashed her mouth down on the counter knocking four of her teeth out a lot of you might consider this an extreme overreaction and maybe it was but to be honest I am very glad my mom did that she defended her children an entitled kid never tried that stuff again for years after witnessing what happened to her mom after this incident stupid aunt despised me my siblings and my three cousins and made it her personal mission to come after us at family gatherings from this incident to 2015 I only ever had small run-ins with stupid aunt and her daughter almost always at family events entitled kid learned quickly that I wouldn't just sit back and let her pick on me after I punched her in the face at a summer party for calling one of my cut mentally disabled another incident occurred when my aunt followed my sister around and called her a for wearing a normal tank top my sister said I might be a but at least I'm not a stuck-up grunt like you stupid aunt ran to my dad and complained about my sister's behaviour screaming about how she wasn't ladylike my dad laughed and told her to cry about it to someone who cared during this time my aunt was basically losing her mind before me and my siblings came along she got whatever she wanted and everyone listened to her but now that there's a bunch of rowdy teens in the family she's finding that her previously unchallenged entitlement means absolutely nothing and she hates us for it there were a bunch of small incidents that occurred between 2013 to 2015 the big one happened in January 2015 when a big family reunion was hosted at our house including stupid aunt and entitled kid my parents only invited them because they assumed my aunt and her demon daughter had learned from their past mistakes that we were not to be taken lightly and wouldn't hesitate to retaliate against the ravier we thought wrong stupid aunt an entitled kid arrived very early I greeted them at the door and they didn't even acknowledge me this didn't surprise me though because they've done this before at this point I was 15 and my siblings were 13 making entitled kid 19 she still hadn't moved out and her mother completely coddled her she was spoiled as anything and got everything she wanted my parents made it very clear that neither of them were allowed in our rooms stupid aunt scopz at this and says that rule is stupid my parents don't care and tell stupid aunt that if she has a problem she can leave the rest of the family arrives and stupid aunt spends the whole time pouting in the corner me and my brother noticed that entitled kid is gone and start to panic that's when our sister whispers to us that she saw entitled kids sneak upstairs we go up and lo and behold entitled kid is in my brother's room trying to steal his computer she's unplugging the wires and tugs it free from the wall we stayed quiet and planned to jump on her when she's walking out until we hear did you get that stupid computer yet from down the hall this was effing planned the only reason they even came to the reunion was so they could steal stuff from us my brother loses his cool and starts screaming an entitled kid to put it back and get the eff out stupid aunt waffles over and screams right back at us saying they deserve the computer and I kid you not said it's the least you can do for being godless children my sister starts shouting for my parents and receives a hard slap from stupid ons all freaking heck breaks loose I kick stupid aunt hard in the gut she screams and rams into me knocking me to the floor my mom my dad and two of my eldest cousins who are both huge guys come barreling up the stairs and tackles stupid on who was on top of me my mom starts beating the ever-loving freak out of stupid aunt right on the carpet while my dad and cousin restrains entitled kid and have to pry the computer console out of her hands my mom stops wailing on stupid aunt who now has a black eye and a bloody nose she gets up and starts shrieking about how she's gonna sue my mom tells her to go ahead and try and also that if she ever comes back my mom will kill her stupid on fleas the house while dragging her 19 year old daughter who's in the middle of a tantrum night goes on as usual after that that about wraps it up I haven't seen stupid on an entitled kid in four years and hopefully I never have to see them again if I do have another run-in with them I hope it ends with me slamming the front door and stupid on space while she's begging for money this story isn't a warning against Opie's aunt this story is a warning against Opie's mom oh my god that woman is savage talk about a mama bear that was our slash entitle parents and this is our slash puppy bloopers it was Christmas Eve and you go are you done and my parents were very hesitant to take us and my parents were who are you okay but I had no idea who's stupid aunt or her daughter I had no idea who's stupid aunt or her daughter who I'll just call untitled kid or at the time who I'll just call entitled can I help you who I'll just call entitled kid were at the time the whole dang party all stupid the whole you go I guess stupid aunt was intoxicated and her normal fear of my mom didn't really apply in the situation because when my mom asked stupid aunt if she was gonna you go another incident occurred when my aunts another another incident occurred when my aunt followed my sister around and called her a for wearing a normal tank top dog another incident another incident occurred dog stupid stupid on stupid aunt right stupid aunt ran to my dad during this time period Hugo during this time period my aunt was basic during you go man you go during this time period my aunt was basically losing her mind dog man [Laughter]
Channel: rSlash
Views: 2,212,490
Rating: 4.9323368 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, entitledparents, r/entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, entitled parents fail, r/ entitled parents
Id: rwQ7kQ0-_yg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2019
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