r/Pettyrevenge Park Like A Jerk? I'll Encase Your Car In Solid Ice!

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today's video is sponsored by raycon welcome to our slash petty revenge where op gets revenge against a jerk face who parks in handicap parking our next credit post is from little miss bunny woman several years ago my mom had to have knee surgery leading to her being in crutches with limited mobility for several months she was granted an accessible parking permit my mom went to the market to do her shopping and use a handicap spa that she normally wouldn't even use but it was the dead of winter and super icy out when she came out there was a car with no handicap sticker on it and this young kid getting out of his car parked right next to her car making it impossible for her to get in unless she climbed over the passenger side she was polite to the kid who had just left his car she said hey can you move your car so i can get into mine and the kid flat out said no i'm just going in shopping i don't have the time and he just started to walk into the store my mom said i can't get into my car then the kid said too bad and just took off also worth mentioning it was freezing temperatures outside at the time well this really pissed my mom off so she grabbed the bottle of water in her basket and took her keys to push open the lock hatch on each door and poured a healthy amount of water in each lock she managed to get into her own car through the passenger side door then she moved her car and waited when the guy came back he tried to open his car but you guessed it each lock was frozen solid my mom watched him struggle for 10 minutes and left with a smile on her face my mom is kinda evil our next reddit post is from rosemary fetus i was waiting for my greyhound bus to get here i got to the station pretty early so i was hanging out waiting for the doors to open and for them to check my tickets i could tell that it was time to board soon since more people started showing up i took that as a sign to get up and stand in line since i was there early i was basically the first in line all good then this crotchety old grunt rolled up and deliberately cut in front of me in line i politely told her the line started a ways back but she shooed me away fine whatever clearly she was in a rush so a minute or two later we board the bus and i see that she took one of the window seats close to the front door i tend to go to the front row too to avoid having to wait for everyone else in front of me to get off the bus so i can see why this would be appealing it's also nice to have a road to yourself since people are less inclined to sit next to you if there are other empty rows available her sitting there would deter most people from sitting next to her then i had an idea i took the aisle seat right next to her just a spider no road to yourself now lady not for the next two and a half hours anyway and since i had nothing better to do you bet you're sweet but that once the bus stopped its journey that i didn't leave my seater move over until the rest of the bus cleared she asked me to move but i shoot her away she can beat last this time our next reddit post is from abcd's nuts i take the train to work each morning and then again to get home i like to sit in a quiet car because it allows me to think and do a little extra work each day on the train ride home today a woman in front of me kept talking on the phone even after people nicely asked her to be quiet the conductor also came through and informed her that she was on the quiet car the seats that were in have very little support so someone behind you could push your seat and you'd feel it several other passengers decided that it wasn't worth it and switched cars i decided that i'd had enough and slouched far enough back so both of my knees were firmly in the back of her seat pushing fairly hard she cocked her head around and told me to put my knees down i closed my eyes and fake slept she got up and moved to a different seat there was a person behind her and guess what he did knees to the back of the chair people started catching on and she chose a seat with no one behind her another rider changed seats behind her and she got some more knees the conductor came through again and was unaware of our little revenge she came up to him and told him that people were putting knees into her back and stalking her to each new seat the conductor put his index finger to his lips and said shh this is a quiet car she moved to a new train car stories like this of someone being just like a petty little jerk always makes me think back to like cavemen times i always have to wonder if some ancient caveman was kind of a jerk to everyone for no reason did everyone just tolerate it or did they like kill him or just exile him from the tribe so he had to go hunt animals by himself you know like when there's only 20 people in a tribe and one of those 20 people it's just a douchebag to everyone would they just kill that person i have to imagine that some of the times yeah they would our next replies from parkship pirate we bought a house a couple of months ago and the sellers insisted that we pay several small fees that are typically covered by the seller the total was 187 dollars and compared to the house price we weren't gonna walk way over something so small we renovated the house and there was this table slash credenza thing that had been built into the entryway after doing demolition we were planning on just throwing it out then one of the neighbors noticed that we'd put it outside to be thrown out so the neighbors texted the old owners to see if they still wanted it because it was something they had said they'd loved about the house the old owners text me and say since we're getting rid of it anyway surely we wouldn't mind if they came by and picked it up instead i told them that interestingly we had recently gotten an offer from someone else to buy it for 187 dollars since it was theirs originally i told them we'd be happy to part with it for let's say 188 bucks they dropped the check off and picked it up a week later opie i love that you up sold them by one dollar that's truly petty our next reddit post is from valiant freak in my last year of my industrial design degree i scored a paid contract to the australian government scientific organization even though i was only in there two to three days per week i was shown into a large empty office and told that i could base myself there this office was normally used for students but since i was the only student on the project i had the whole office to myself the office had about six desks naturally my first task was to find the best desk and put it in the best position since i was going to be there for a while i stuck some posters of my project on the wall behind my desk and i even brought in some retro decor from my home to add a little personality to my part of the boring brick cavern all went well for a couple of weeks until a few other students moved into the room our paths rarely crossed because they were working on their own projects two of them were perfectly reasonable and set themselves up on other desks the third who i'll call jerkwad because that was probably his name decided that he liked my desk i should point out that all the desks were the same and mine had no better view than anyone else's mine had my stationary on it my posters on the wall around it a clock a telephone everything was mine in fact the telephone wasn't even plugged in i just brought it in because it was an erica phone and they look cool so one day i come in and jerkwad is sitting at my desk while the other students were at their desks my stuff was packed up and pushed to one side to make room for his stuff i made some comment about it being my desk and his response was yeah i won't be here for long or some other blow off to pursue it further would have made me look really petty in front of the others since all the deaths were basically the same i set myself up at another desk that day although over the next few days i could tell my stuff had been moved around and unless i got to the building by a certain time he would steal my desk again unfortunately for jerkwad one of the things that i brought from home was a talking wizard calculator clock it's this cheap gimmicky thing basically a black plastic box with a button when you press the button it would say it's 9 05 am when you open the box there was a calculator and when you pressed each button it would say the number and read out the answer unluckily for jerkwad the clock also had an alarm when you said it it would say beep beep beep it's 905 a.m beep beep beep it's 905 am and they would keep repeating this for 30 seconds very loudly i set the alarm to go off mid-morning put it in my desk drawer and locked it for extra pettiness i also changed it to the wrong time these were sturdy desks 1940s era made from silky oak with inlaid green vinyl tops it's not possible to dismantle them or open them with a different key i then took the key home and didn't come back for another three working days when i returned i sat at my desk open the drawer and turned the clock off before it could go off when jerkwad came in he saw me and said can you turn that bloody clock off there's something locked in the desk and it scares the bejesus out of me every day and it won't shut up i was about to smash the effing desk apart with an axe i said something snarky like sorry it does sometimes go off when other people sit at my desk he never stole my desk again our next reddit post is from away location i was watching lord of the rings last night and i remembered this my family has been fighting like vultures over who has my grandmother's ring for the past six months she died last year and all of her kids who are over 60 years old think that one of them took it while she was sick one aunt says it was promised to her and her daughter but there's no mention of it in the will and she thinks my uncle took it because he was around my grandmother the most i am treated like the black sheep of the family where i don't really get invited to weddings or family events in general i try to put my best foot forward but usually i end up feeling like i'm being taken advantage of the last time i got invited to be involved it was because i had money i also inherited my grandmother's house and they left it trashed and ransacked after her funeral including locking her senior cat in a bedroom with no food or water luckily i came by the next day so he's still alive when i furiously asked who locked the cat up and why the answer i got was basically oh i don't know that's so bad so if you find that rain can you mail it to me what none of them know is my grandmother gave me the ring before she started getting sick and she didn't tell anyone because she thought it would start a fight our next reddit post is from fixer of things a few weeks ago my co-worker was negating some minor protocols which left some equipment down overnight he also didn't send emails to some of our remote teams regarding downed equipment so i did him a solid or so i thought and sent him and only him an email telling him what he did wrong the very next night he did it again and i brought it up to him again because no one wants to be a snitch to the boss right wrong the very next day i failed to charge my phone and woke up to realize that my phone was dead and i was late to work so i got dressed in boogie my sorry butt to work which was only a five minute walk for me i apologize for being 50 minutes late and he seemed cool about it until i found out that he called the boss after only 25 minutes something no one on our team had ever done in my years of working there claiming he was just concerned for my well-being even my boss told him to just wait it out and that he was sure that it was just an accident and that it happened sometimes because my boss is epping cool like that my boss even told me afterwards that it was no big deal and he couldn't imagine why my coworker would call him like that at 7 10 in the morning on a saturday when there was literally nothing he could do about it then he asked me about a piece of equipment that had been left down for over 6 hours so i had to come clean i told him that i sent the coworker an email about it and then it happened again the next day he asked me to forward the emails to him so he could address them with a co-worker he also asked me not to shield a co-worker from incidents like this because it made the whole team look bad and he needed to address it with my co-worker personally so now every time i catch a mistake that this co-worker makes which is far more often than i thought i forward the information directly to the boss so he can see firsthand all the mistakes this co-worker makes i haven't talked to this co-worker much since the incident i'm curious about his well-being though our next reddit post is from planner de namur i was sitting in a food court quietly eating lunch minding my own business it was crowded so strangers would share tables there was this one soul person sitting at a four-seated table next to me every couple of minutes someone would approach that table and ask the table hog if it was free to sit he always replied sorry my colleagues will be here soon the entire time i was there no colleagues came and sat with him nor did it appear that he was looking around for them as most people waiting for others to join will look around and wave them over he just quietly finished up his lunch and left it seems he just lied to have a four-seater table all to himself when even people on two-seater tables were sharing with strangers well that's just not right a couple of days later i saw him in the food court again i was in a bit of a mood so i brought my lunch and pulled out the chair to sit at his table as i was sitting down he told me he was waiting for his colleagues i replied that's okay i'll move when they arrive i won't be long he shuffled uncomfortably in a seat as i quietly ate my lunch i felt very uncomfortable and my heart was racing but i was pissed off at that table hog and i had to do something if you choose to have your lunch in a busy food court you don't get to live in your own little bubble our next reply is from xyron benedict so earlier the shop where i work had an unexpected customer search and our paper bills for change ran out then there was a customer who paid a 1 000 peso bill for a 600 peso item since we'd run out of paper bills i asked him if he had a smaller bill he sneered at me and said the customer shouldn't adjust to the cashier's problems so once again i asked if he had 100 peso bill and if so i could just give him a 500 peso bill he became furious and screamed at me saying that he would like to speak to my manager well i am the manager but he refused to believe that saying that i'm too young to be one i'm 24 but i look much younger than my actual age because of my asian genes even after the other employees confirmed that i'm the manager he's still really doubtful he even claimed that hr probably made a huge mistake of hiring me i'm really offended at his remark but i maintained my calm demeanor while silently planning for my petty revenge i went under the cashier and grabbed a bag that contains packs of coins with each pack containing 100 one peso coins i grabbed four packs and gave them to him he was so horrified because these things are heavy he began verbally assaulting me until the customers behind him got mad and asked him to leave already he's still throwing a fit meanwhile the customer behind him are laughing at his meltdown working as a store manager isn't the best job ever but petty revenge moments like these give me short-term entertainment i know that a lot of my fans listen to my content in the background while they're doing other things like working driving or cooking so if you're one of those people who listens to my content without watching the video then you could definitely benefit from having high quality earbuds i recommend raycon earbuds and not just because they sponsor my channel but because i personally use them my wife uses them my brother uses them pretty much everyone in my family uses them they're so comfortable that my wife even falls asleep wearing raycons because she likes listening to shows when she falls asleep these things have over six hours of playtime seamless bluetooth pairing and plenty of bass plus if you like to wear earbuds when you exercise you can pretty much do a backflip with these things in and they won't fall out if you want to get your own pair you can get 15 off your order by going to buy raycon dot com slash r yt you get a good deal and on top of that you'd be supporting my channel so it's a win-win that was our slash petty revenge and if you like this content check out my patreon where i publish extra episodes also hit that subscribe button because i put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 507,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, pettyrevenge, petty revenge, r/pettyrevenge
Id: 3byjr1YTHWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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