r/Maliciouscompliance BUT YOU CAN'T FIRE ME, I'M YOUR BOSS!

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welcome to our slash malicious compliance we're a racist douchebag gets unexpected karma this happened to me circa 2004 warning this story is not funny malicious compliance of a different color changed my life for the better still gives me chills I'm working at the McDonald's drive-through no speaker there's two order windows in a third pickup window Charles is working window one I'm working window two Charles's black ripped tall huge has prison tats all down his arms somewhere around two ounces of fat on his body picture Terry Crews with darker skin and black tats to the wrists Charles's equal parts charming soft-spoken humble and ambitious he knew where he'd been and was determined to change his life probably one of the best men I'll have ever met inter green minivan we've both taken orders at the same time and mine was long gone Charles's order was taking forever probably four minutes just taking the order before payments I came over to check on Charles before I get close I noticed he's blocking the frame of the window so I can't hear anything it's an awkward position for him and blatantly obvious he moves his hand out to me out of sight of the van and gives me the stop sign back off I got it time passes the manager on duty comes out to check the issue he waves her off she protests I tell her to wait and see something is deeply wrong suddenly Charles points the van down to the other window and leaps into action he slams the window shoves past us without a word and races to the third window the manager and I look at each other check for other cars there were none then follow at a distance the manager had been running the order but Charles took over and personally handled every part of the order with the speed of a madman and the quality of a five-star restaurant he grabs a new batch of fries he has to cook triple check each burger he breaks a cardinal rule the store and shows the van all the kids meals toys we have for personal preference drinks and condiments are handed out and Charles gives them a genuine smile and enthusiastically thanks them for being customers have a great night we'll see you soon Charles waits until they're out of sight before returning from the window and visibly shaken walks back to his register the manager starts to fuss about an explanation she's owed but Charles just says he can't yet his Legendary's in calm is severely damaged after a few minutes to get a drink wipe the sweat off his face and compose himself he opens up the van had rolled up Charles had greeted them with the usual welcome to McDonald's what can I get for you this evening and his winning smile the white father driving waits for Charles to finish and with a loud sneer head turned to his wife and for all to hear said Ye order hon I don't talk to in words the wife turns to the two young kids probably eight in ten impressionable learning watching they'd locked eyes on Charles they've seen his tats they'd listened to the hateful authorizing of those people from birth Charles decided that he had it within him to reach for something better father be damned he's long gone Charles decided that he had a message for those boys the wife patiently and sheepishly took the excruciating Lee and needlessly complicated order from the father and then had to speak past him to Charles same for the kids light mustard three pickles etc perfectionism Charles reached on inside himself for something that neither I nor the manager possessed and he gave the wife a genuine smile as he whipped out the order the father knew he had been served a dish he thought impossible to serve it was served with kindness and compassion and a compliance that defied everything he told them about those people the kids both waved to Charles from the back of the banister father pulled away they liked their new friends man Charles is an impressive guy if I were in his shoes I don't know if I would have had this strength to not cuss out the father so major dibs to Charles our next writer posted some Solaire not a few years ago I worked at a kiosk in a local shopping center a mall for Americans that applied a phone protector to phones these protectors were absolute garbage for the price they were asking if I recall the iPhone 10 came out the Christians before I started and it was a hundred and fifty pounds to get it applied so I wasn't all that keen about aggressively pushing the product my supervisor who was a friend of a friend we'll call him Alex was tasked to write up a work rota every Monday for the next week this is important because I'd asked Alex if I could have four days off but make up for them later as I was planning to go on a holiday and propose to my fiance and he spoke with everyone else to make sure they were okay working more days in a row if it meant that they got more days off as I caught up with my hours one important note is that Alex would have to send the rota to the owner of the company we'll call him Randy for a verification in an hour check as legally we weren't allowed to work over a certain amount of hours so Randy accepts the hours and the fact that I have days off but make up for them right after I get back which I did agree to because it was absolute hell because I was working from 9:00 to 5:00 doing double shifts to make up the hours I'd lost all in high temperatures with heat guns on full blast a black hoodie as it was part of the uniform and nothing to drink or eat because it was against the rules to eat or drink at the kiosk looking back on it I wasn't even allowed to have lunch during that week along comes the weekend and all of my fiance and my close friends want to go out drinking to celebrate the engagement and considering the hellish week of work I had I was down it gets to about 3:00 a.m. and I've been drinking heavily since around 7:00 p.m. and I receive a phone call from Randy demanding that I work the next day which means that I would have worked more hours and I was legally allowed to which wasn't even on the rota I explained to Randy that I'm extremely drunk and in no fit state to be going to work there had been a few times someone had come into work after smoking a bit of weed but this was an entirely new realm Randy then tells me he doesn't care how drunk I am and if I keep drinking he just wants me at the kiosk at 9:00 a.m. I continue drinking throughout the night because I wasn't in the right mindset to be making smart decisions but I remember clearly that Randy wants me at the kiosk for 9:00 a.m. I get to the kiosk at 9:00 and Alex is already there with everything set up and can see that I'm clearly drunk and sits me down while he calls Randy asking why I'm telling Alex that I meant to be there at 9:00 a.m. which I just keep muttering Randy is furious that I turn for work drunk and basically demands that I'm fired which Alex refuses to do because I technically hadn't done anything wrong the next day I was routed in for it I walk up to the kiosk and Randy is there and fires me on the spot for yesterday which he actually wasn't allowed to do because all I done was fulfil his request I ended up with a huge payoff because as it turns out you can't fire someone for following orders provided you haven't broken the law our next reddit post is from ships in the night I'm a student in Italy right now we're all quarantined because of Cova 19 but universities are still holding lessons using Google meat we've been in contact with professors during the last week via email whatsapp and stuff and today at 9 a.m. we started our regular lessons as if class was in session this morning our main professor the one holding the most important lesson of our course since an email around 10 a.m. telling us he'll be holding his lesson tomorrow we already knew this because he told us already multiple times in multiple emails and in his message he wasn't asking for a reply he sent this while the whole class was already connected with another professor and following her lesson so we didn't reply right away after an hour he sent another outraged email asking why no one had replied to his super important message yet considering we're all home and with nothing to do we were literally following another lesson all of us here the malicious compliance 50 to 60 people replying sorry professor I was following this other lesson got it see you tomorrow at the same time in our whatsapp group after the first 30 he just replied ok I got it you made your point I told you it was nothing special but were easily entertained during this quarantine our next reddit post is from Maddie our jobs my buddy from work got laid off for three weeks yesterday he tried to tell HR in leadership it was a really bad idea because he was also in charge of a high-volume third-party logistics facility well they did it anyway and gave him the choice of filing for unemployment are using vacation time he decided to use vacation time fast forward to today customer service calls our offices saying that nothing is shipping from the aforementioned third-party logistics facility and at school shut down at least eight different customers my boss informs them that the person handling the 3pl is laid off and sorry we don't have access to that facility in our ERP to help them for checks and balance reasons the vice-president hears about it then my boss's boss then HR my boss's boss comes in my office a day to ask me to take over the 3pl for a few weeks and I lay out why I can't realistically do it on top of my normal job I ask him why we can't just bring back the guy who did it in the first place because this sounded really important his shoulder slump and with a deadpan expression he tells me he won't do it he's on vacation too long didn't read don't lay off critical employees just to save labour I have a sneaking suspicion that over the next like two months or so we're gonna see a lot more stories like this one and we have a similar contribution from forefinger fillet down in the comments my company laid off over 50 people myself included they got rid of some of the smartest and most important people in my opinion and then asked the team still there to one work seven days a week and to cut their salaries by 30% during this I'm predicting they shut down before all this is over I'm glad I don't work there anymore our next reddit post is from hello I'm a supervising cashier at a hardware store the store closes in five minutes a cashier comes up to me and asked me to find an SKU for some dryer ducts that have no barcode I can't find the accurate SKU so I decided to walk over and ask the customer what the price was what the length was etcetera I go up and started asking him what the price was and couldn't even finish the first sentence before in a very aggressive tone they say I already Fe told her I don't know the price now if it's gonna be this goddamn much of a hassle either give it to me for free or I'll just go I said okay to him and to lead the store and took the ducts towards the return cart he responds with really you're gonna do this yep I sure AM have a great night he stormed out the door our next reddit post is from night Sabre while I was at university I worked in one of our students halls basically a two-story bar that was subs by the government because of the subsidy it was the cheapest place in town so we would get a couple locals come in to prevent this we were supposed to check everyone had a student ID but no one minded as the locals were usually polite and handled their booze better than most students my manager who was a local himself would encourage locals to come and would either discourage ID checks or simply not inform new staff of the situation he would often steal from the bar and would give free drinks to his mates one night he had a bunch of his buddies in town come in have a drinking session at the bars expense paid for maybe a fifth of the drinks till way past closing and beyond our license this resulted in the police being called for a noise complaint and his boss the halls head finding out to cover his butt he claimed that the group were locals that we the bar staff had happily allowed to stay and then budge the accounting for the night to make up for the free drinks because of this he himself demanded we check every student ID and the hit took away some of our employee perks the Sunday after all this went down the pool tournament guys come in these guys rotate which part they go to every week between a list of maybe six that have enough pool tables in lounge space I personally served them a half-dozen times they make their way over to the bar and the first guy is well into his 40s hey man before I can serve you I have to see your student ID he chuckled and said something along the lines of do I look like a student and proceeded to order look I'm really sorry but I've been told that if you haven't got a student ID I can't serve you he started to realize I wasn't just messing with him and looked to the other members of the staff who reiterated the point are you serious we've been coming here for years yeah sorry the manager is cracking down on the only students rule I can grab my supervisor for you if you want my supervisor was also a student and explained the situation he said he was sorry for the inconvenience and that if he had any complaints to call the head my managers boss and even gave out a couple of his cards that were in his office the pool guys left which meant no one was really in the building so we ended up closing early next morning I woke to my manager screaming down the phone at me but it was my day off so I hung up and didn't go to work as a customer till past noon I did my co-workers couldn't wait to tell me what happened my manager had come in and had a shouting match with my supervisor in front of everyone grabbing a morning coffee the head had indeed received some complaints and scheduled a meeting with the manager that morning now wanting to face it alone he took my supervisor with him I imagine intending to throw him under the bus as much as possible the head was pissed because a all these 40-something man had called to complain to his personal number on a Sunday and be because these 40-something men by their own admission had been coming for years at the invite of the manager whom they knew well my manager tried to save face and claimed they were associated with the University that they were in fact lecturers that it was the bar staffs failing to check for student ID all this time and then turning on my supervisor saying he'd given them a bad reputation cost them money by turning them away and closing early as well as laying bare every other mistake he'd ever made my supervisor explained that it was never explained a staff that customers had to be students as the manager actively encouraged locals to come in that even lecturers get a form of student ID and explained to the head about the managers drinking with his mates and the dodgy accounting he'd do this led to the CCTV being checked when the hid saw that it was in fact the manager and his mates that the bar staff rarely put anything through the tills at his request he suspended him on the spot he then said the accounts would need to be audited and that he would likely be terminated and even prosecuted after a sir really got our perks back they hired a new manager and eventually they installed locks in the door that could only be open with a student ID no idea what happened to the old manager but by no means a loss that was our sloshed malicious compliance and if you liked this video then let me know by hitting that like button because it really helps my channel out
Channel: rSlash
Views: 843,130
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, maliciouscompliance, malicious, compliance, r/maliciouscompliance
Id: KRwqYPjLr1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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