r/Blessedimages | he looks very nice

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Texan bees in the spring hello you lovely people and welcome back to Ma my name is Lexi and I'm new to the MK Channel hoping to bring you some laughs in a decent helping of what the heck did I just read I also do product reviews and general wholesome chaos so for my youtube and tech talk channels so if you have any interest feel free to check out at the Lexi kitty today's menu of Internet delicacies includes our slash Blessed images which is bonus wholesome as you can get so I automatically approve let's get started and first hop in it probably came from Etsy is a slice of bread made into a bow tie I'm not sure if it's actual bread or like resin but it looks amazing and delicious and I'd probably wear it not for one hundred and five euros though I also really like the fact that the creator's name is Rami - mommy that cat looks so attentive for a game of Monopoly he's to sit there like I can't has Boardwalk what monopoly also what edition of Monopoly is this that is clear cuz I want this this could be a cute furry demonic Lovecraftian SCP and I wouldn't care I'd let it stare into my soul and steal it I'd have no problem with this and I probably give them a boob afterwards sorry he's a very good boy I'm really sorry if this entire video is just me gushing over cute animals but come on Oh cute little guy we still love you even if you do have the aim of a stormtrooper oh so this was the prototype for monorail cat nice to meet you sir yeah that's me in the mornings if these adorable cuddling cat twins aren't named double stop and Oreo I don't want it I'm done I need it don't worry little guy one day you'll get marginally bigger and here we have the wild snoot cloud with its keepers fully visible seriously though I just want to ruffle his face like that's that's all I want in life right now oh yes cats introducing us to more ways to sit than we ever thought possible oh yeah I've had those days to supper I've had those days too and bonus points Benham left i totally thought this was a fox for a second just the the coloring and everything and the little tail tug oh [Music] also a wonder if you like moves with the sunlight I know my dog does that it's a chopstick sighs Boop noodle actually actually I think this is a vine snake actually me I'm not sure it might be a vine snake those are really cute that look is nothing but pure joy and not giving a frak about anything else may I present Gandalf the snuggly but oh my god that's so cute I don't know about you guys but I for one am fully for a helpful for it I can't tell if this is a dog or a bear or really enthusiastic overstuffed armchair but it's adorable me I'm not drinking tonight me three hours later no thanks man I told you I'm not drinking tonight we stand a good wholesome meme in this house it's a tiny squishy Kirby I can't handle this yes I have a Frappuccino with wit for mr. Buchan mr. Buchan uh could you please pick up your drink duck says hello friend I say hello back the goose trauma however never leaves is it red panda having a snack enjoy snack red panda so this person's mom works for nursery and one of the kids centered this letter art thing which is freakin adorable I love it wholesome one hundred perfection oh oh this breaks my heart this facility created a 1950s town to care for Alzheimer's patients oh that's so sweet oh that hurts keeping the original meme or replacing Drake with a good boy yeah this format wins also 10 out of 10 on the blip look I have this foot this entire video is just freakin cute overload I can't uh it's a baby fluke ow I think these things are in like Scotland or something but so I would fly to haggis country just to hug that if Jesus isn't playing like Heavenly Sword this is a missed opportunity also I can't tell what that kid is playing but if he is you gotta admire the guts of somebody that's willing to play against Jesus Christ my name is dog I have just met you and I love you this catches vibe and ain't nothing to see here he's just vibing i frakking love doom and animal Crossing's pretty good so I will be forever in love with this mashup also the tiny little blush lines on do guy's helmet aren't the best thing I've seen all week I'm sure there's askew to many people but it's a bug no no but okay hmm this is a little blurry but that stuff to you baby elephants just look so just like comfortably endeared with life I love it if this isn't a scene out of a live-action version of Aristocats I don't want it tiny Amazon pupper even as a stuffed animal too freaking cute I can't even handle this ah so freaking okay I'm back we'd love us a flying squishy potato yes we do only cute animals can pull off these poses because like if you are a human people would just be like you're eating your hand do you I need to get help now I'm on one what's your emergency my owner has been gone for point zero two seconds have you tried eating the couch it is the only logical solution scratching intensifies look I know it's like scratched up and stuff but like this is gonna be my new ride like I just needs to be shown love 4:20 p.m. 69 % battery we should all strive for this level of perfection in our lives I'd like to present the new visual definition for the word soft this this this is all you need that's that that's it the longer you stare at this the more it looks like something out of Minecraft and it's really cute this painting makes me happy that light somebody put this much effort into it but also the cat is cooked why is the cat crying what is it want I will give it anything these plushies are just hanging out having a good time and this cat's in the corner is having an existential crisis like this oh god it's so cute I wonder if they're like actual jobs for them or if it was just a stray they adopted hide away this is adorable a perfect yangyang of cats do you do you really need anything else from the internet this good boy better get nothing but upvotes no I don't care only the upvotes excuse me universe I want to hold a deer snoot please let me hold a deer snoot before I die oh my god it's a box of fluffy nuggets I I'm allergic to this level of cute okay as somebody who lives in New York I kind of want one I would totally wear that I'm both happy and intimidated about the fact that guven milk security uses cat Lowe's as security agents like it's adorable but what is it capable of dwarf hamster eating cheesecake nothing I say is going to make this any better than it already is it's a poor campster eating cheesecake honestly if I had a stuffed Fox that cute yeah I would I would let it share my bamboo mat as well your box of one cat was delivered please rate your delivery today it was it was 5 out of 5 I fully enjoyed the box cat no no this is too freaky I cannot freaking tiny tubing's when people comment sauce in the comments to get the sauce you must defeat no sauce boss oh my god there's a lot of oh no the one on the right all the poor guys getting kicked in the face Oh also that cat behind it looks vindictive attack human please do not bother me I am reading your story that's about to be Alan six foot tall dog still thinks he's a puppy and won't stop sitting in owners lap I believe it also can you imagine the hugs from this dog they would be depression fixing I don't I don't have anything for this it's just too cute I can't ah my heart is this Deadpool delivering this is Deadpool delivering food okay I faith in humanity again hello yes this is Accounts Payable taco I would like your invoice please it's a fluffy potato with a sour cream deer on top that's my phone I lick you honestly that's that's just a very good threat holy crap that's a rat chunk why eat garbage when you can eat a whole door landfill it's an Ohana pepper it's an Ohana pepper we don't deserve this oh I'm not sure this is what like alligators actually do when they're happy boys this little guy looks so overjoyed to be covered in butterflies I'd really freak the heck out but I also don't have the bravery of an alligator he's really happy to be there he's just waving to us small snail does a big crunch enjoy your snack small snail or chew fabulous I've never met somebody that wears lettuce quite as well as you sir oh my god the official cat chunk shark we have a fine boy he chunks a heck and junk hefty chunk mega junker and finally oh hey comet he doesn't want that sandal no no he does not know he's looking somewhere else very pointedly he doesn't want the sandal I promise he doesn't he wants the sample kit the good boy his sandal mother I crave the lake and violence were you playing with the vacuum cleaner hmm this is my hiding spot go find somewhere else to hide mouse dog oh that's literally the entire post it's a mouse dango possibly with two legs I can't I can't handle real animals with stuffed animals like my heart are inchworms cool inchworms are cool but they are insects for me the two are mutually exclusive I don't like insects but you know your do you there better be a video version of this with the rocky theme playing in the background and if there's not internet I'm disappointed in you he munch he crunch he has his lunch I freakin love bunnies they're like one of my favorite pets they're taco sauce is my favorite food and adorable freaking oh my god I need these I also really appreciate that they put the herbivores in front of the lettuce this videos gonna completely kill my voice yo you think she has anything that can defeat my Charizard those eyes those eyes will do it I just want to go play pokemon with my dog now nobody important none of you informed me that I could play pokemon with my pet why not I put my Stuart in the grass and I am secret dongle you can't see me but I can see you contemplative tube cat contemplates why they are in fact in a tube this has been Channel 5 News just a good boy just a good boy having an outside do an adventure good boy you thought that was a cat you fool that is a snake boy he's getting sleepy you have a lovely rest little puppy sweet dreams if you see this post and you do not believe dogs are just rays of sunshine that humans don't deserve I can't help you it's right there proof is right there oh we probably just missed this the moon venus and jupiter will all align to form a smiley face on May 16th 2020 the only happy thing to come out of 2020 ah this guy's got it he's got the skateboard and the bandanna and the endearing cleft he's ready for the world huh I'm sorry that's that's all I can hear when I look at this just a hoss newsy puppy I love him I want to poop is smooth but I but I want him to keep sleeping you rest well tiny pepper oh okay then I see the grin that's going on there but uh it pairs up there's a lot going on there that's a lot of art for one face just face planted directly you know what that's a mood that's all whole mood are those are there's clouds but snow I think there's a clouds wow that's an amazing shot the timing that's that's beautiful that's a gorgeous shot I swear I've seen this in another video is still an amazing shot that's not popcorn that's popcorn infinitely better also close your eyes imagine snuggling a puppy that smells like popcorn oh my god it's gonna be hard to clean up but for that one second it will be amazing oh my god that's right in the feels oh my heart if this isn't like a balance or downy like promo shot it should be just saying ha ha ha big white boy I'm not sure if there's something else I'm missing like in the marble or something like that but these are really cute happy snoot does you a boob have a lovely day sleepy buddy pup sleepy bunny pup that is that's what you need to take into this world today is a sleepy bunny pup why isn't this a Pokemon it this needs to be a Pokemon now it do be like that though it do be like that cuz every cute dog Oh deserves the long stare oh my god is a family portrait I think these are called Scottish folds but I'm not sure oh my god they're so cute though snow dog Oh also known as Nagas found some grass looks like he's having a lovely adventure it's so small I can't I can't that's just so cute such a good little demon Chihuahua yes you are yes you are looks like he's hiding behind the pillow too like this is my defense really freaking cute shark plushy slightly disturbing that the teeth are accurate like there's multiple rows of teeth not sure about that part but otherwise really cute Corgi just wants to do the butterfly a boo or a hackin hello you keep trying Corgi you keep trying oh my god is that a baby turtle I grew up near Turtles that's so adorable Oh actually might be an adult turtle but still he's just enjoying the sunset good boy deserves scratches very cute 13 out of 10 it's the tiny baby ode it's the tiny baboon if you I there's nothing I can add to the cuteness of baby Yoda there there really isn't you enjoy the presence of baby Yoda you have an inexplicably better day the end that is how baby Yoda works and here we see the wild cat looking longingly for a can of spare tuna I know there's a dog here I just up there's the nose there's the nose I'm glad I found the nose because that thing is one price tag away from being sold in the cleaning aisle of Target buddy looks content with his burb friend see this is the level of happy I aspire to be like one day I want to be as happy as this dog in this field so freakin wholesome I'm sorry all I can do is look at this and think what is the average airspeed velocity of a laden swallow you're doing a very good guard there dog you doing a good job sorry I really like buddies look at that little pupal snoot such a good safe boy obeying the speed limit and everything but I don't think you're wearing your seat belt dog oh please do that I don't oh you have a good day bird I hope you are you look like you're having it excellence no go behold luminous cat this is definitely a shiny type totally a shiny type cat I don't think I've ever seen a cat that freakin happy in somebody's lap just this cat is having the best day of his life Oh the entire litter forms a tiny circle you taking care of your kids mom I approve this is the sleepy face of a dog that's enjoying the sunlight but definitely wants to go outside fairly soon I know I have a dog just that hopeful stare towards the window like walk maybe walk walk hello do not be scared there was a demon under your bed but i vanquished him such an accomplished little puffer good job okay this is doubly cute because he's laying on like a jacket or a blanket or something and ten-to-one it's because that smells like his owner that's totally something a dog would do I don't know if that's actually the case here but that's my head cannon let me have it you can't see cat but I'm waving right back at you you keep having a lovely day in the words of zefrank keep high-fiving the universe oh no this is either a giant dog or a tiny oh it's a stuffed dog oh thank god okay I'm much more approve of putting Bread on your stuffed animals huh that's all I can see when I see this it's just it's a catfish giving a concert you sit down and you enjoy that concert and you applaud but he's done oh he's like a much more stylish Jedi I approve having a lovely cuddle inside his blanket look all I'm saying is when the rainbow tells you to grill and chill you go to Dairy Queen you do not question the rainbow you do not want to piss off Lucky Charms let ya me to puff me - oh these are Maine Coons aren't they the big fluffy ones he's so cute looks like he's doing a little stretch that's very adorable oh he looks really attached to this blanket I really hope he's like one of those dogs that just carries around when their fame like them because that that just melts my heart I love that you can clearly tell that the owners have put these step stools specifically there for the dog just so the dog can look out the window our dog climbs up onto like the back of our sofa just to be able to see out of the window and she absolutely loves it this picture sums up Monday is unlike a personal level I understand this dog I understand this pain I don't know wait oh that's a dash of a car wait does this work I love I love s'mores does this actually work oh my god I have to try this is summer cooking marshmallows on the dash that's such a good idea I don't even care if that wasn't what the post was about that's what I got out of it and I have to try this now she's a mighty battle and one of the only sports I would ever watch would be just narrated dog play fighting like that that just sounds adorable and hilarious and that brings us to the end of our slash blest images I hope you smiled at least once and if you enjoyed the video go ahead and give it a like also if you haven't subscribed damn kay yep go ahead and poke that red button my name is Alexa kitty but y'all can call me Lexi I hope you guys of the freaking victorious day tomorrow and I'll see you guys in the next video you
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Views: 490,489
Rating: 4.8944397 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/blessedimages, r/blessedimages emkay, blessedimages emkay, emkay blessedimages, emkay blessed images, cute animals, cute dogs, cute cats, animal compilation, blessed, wholesomememes, wholesomememes emkay, r/wholesomememes, r/wholesomememes emkay
Id: GtAEa5_AXHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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