Risking My Life to Beat a Speed Record

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[Music] we're gonna be attempting a land speed record in the most ridiculous vehicle imaginable and since we'll be doing it during speed week at the bonneville salt flats in utah we're gonna have to take our wagon from this to this in under seven days here's the backstory the existing record for fastest radio flyer wagon is 30 miles an hour but if you ask me that record is garbage and should be thrown out like the trash it is because it doesn't even use an actual wagon like look at this thing that's not a radio flyer wagon that's a glorified go-kart you do know that record was for charity oh well the children deserve better look of course you're gonna have to make some changes but the only changes should be additions not subtractions i'll obviously have to add a motor but the body wheels and axles should all stay the same at least that was what i wanted to do but some of the people in the discord weren't so sure this wagon could handle it oh yeah the steering's not that bad and this is a legit radio flyer right like this is what the current ones look like so hold up this is actually way better i actually fit right in here i don't know what's up with this guy who puts the like tiny ones on there these this is way better we hooked this up to a two by four hanging off the back of my buddy ross's car to test whether the wagon would get speed wobbles or if the wheels would like fly apart at high speed let's try it let's just take it to 25 let's keep it chill i'll let you know if something sketchy starts happening [Music] it's all good it's rock steady oh tip you're good stop stop stop stop all right next test me in the back seat just kidding we're not doing that yet there's no chance not yet because of their small diameter at 40 miles an hour these wheels will be spinning at over a thousand rpm so before i could get in this thing i needed to run some tests with my good friend stumpy it's good out of the wheels look a little minor road rash i'm sure he got dirty he's been dunked in a river he's gonna get dirty i think we're totally gonna be able to run this thing stock dude i gen it is so much more stable than i think anybody could have anticipated with these promising test results i felt confident enough to start ordering parts a month in advance to the king of random house in utah which was generously lent to us as a base of operations for our record attempt while i'm placing an order for a 4 000 turbo jet engine i just want to thank current for sponsoring this video and more importantly this purchase oh my gosh dude obviously this video is starting to get really expensive i've been telling people for months that i'm not making any money on this video and that is still true but as a kid who grew up watching mythbusters i really don't care i've always wanted to do insane projects like this and current was on board to help me make it possible look i can bore you with all the fancy features but it's really pretty simple current is banking all on your phone with great cash back tools to help you save and no hidden fees or bs so hit my link in the description to go check it out and after you sign up go comment your current tag on my latest instagram post where i'll randomly send one of you 100 bucks just for checking it out to give you a little shove to help make your dreams come true or buy a hundred bucks worth of fruities like i don't care it's your money just like the big dogs i wanted to run my wagon during speed week when all the fastest cars in the world come out to attempt speed records so in early august i flew myself out to utah and when i realized that attempting this alone would be absolutely insane i also flew out my buddy joel creates to help me i'm here to collaborate with the greatest youtuber ever lewis wiese before we did anything else we headed out to the flats for the first day of speed week to check out the terrain and rendezvous with my friend steve who is going to be there racing his truck you're saying that the previous record was like 152 and you can that's our record that's your route 52 is our record okay so now 164. there's no way our wagon was going to pass a safety inspection but we needed the prepared extra smooth surface that speedweek uses to make our runs possible so our plan was to run it exactly one day after the official event to give us the best possible surface without any red tape to worry about of course after spending our first day out on the flats we only had five more to get this thing from bare parts to functional vehicle so we headed back to the house a little early to give ourselves a head start well i mean the one thing i think we could build today is i think we should build a wagon oh oh wait a minute oh we're idiots dude this says all-terrain cargo wagon so does this one bruh all right that's uh that's not a great start to this i'm gonna hop on craigslist i placed two separate orders two of them for amazon listings of this wagon so that even if something was wrong with one we'd have the other to fall back on and yet that's garbage what if we just start calling up stores hey there um i'm trying to get a radio flyer wagon like asap we are literally in utah the clock is ticking down and without a wagon we literally can't make progress that is in no way worth 325 bones we had to find one asap in drivable condition or this whole thing was gonna be a bust okay so we found a lady with a radio flyer wagon for 50 bucks so we are starting the day but getting up heading 55 minutes and then immediately turning around and going back the vintage wagon we found wasn't perfect but it was the right size so we came up with a plan to use this as a prototype while we ordered a brand new one with the fastest possible shipping which we'd use for the final tests armed with that knowledge we started shopping for the pieces we'd need for our mouth we hit the hardware store for fasteners a metal supplier for specialty parts and a local hobby shop for a battery charger where we first ran into jason we have a turbine we're running a small jet turbine okay we didn't know it yet but that accidental meeting would become one of the most important things we did all week because jason was about to become an indispensable part of our land speed record team but for the time being we were focused on building the mount mount this to the wagon and then start mounting things to it considering that when we mount things to it we're mounting them to both it might make sense to pin down pin it down somehow maybe the way to do that is just do the four corners for now that makes sense to me dude that looks so sick she's like just look at this thing that's insane oh i'm terrified already all right you know what else this aluminum is good for protecting your activist blows up i'm glad that you're concerned about the safety of my butt i think a lot about it huh what with the motor securely mounted to the chassis it was time for a bench test so we filled up the tank with gas we plugged in the battery and um like how certain were you that this was the right orientation i mean have certain i am 90 certain that that is the right orientation since we didn't get anything let's double check our connections or that there's some sort of startup thing we need to do like hitting a button is this a button no are the connections like high resistance or something is there like oh no do we call our rc man do you think it's worth it if you want you can call them and then i'll glance over the manual just to see if you take a look at the manual real quick i don't i didn't see anything hey there uh is jason in today hey jason this is uh this is louis were the guys from with the turbine from yesterday yeah we can't figure out how to like get the receiver to turn on if we brought this thing over to the shop do you want would you be able to just sort of like help us maybe like troubleshoot some basic stuff figure out what might be wrong with it [Music] all right jason work your magic this isn't turning on we don't know if it needs an additional signal besides just power to turn on like do right i don't think regular rc planes have thermocouple input okay there we go there we go okay so we do need this okay we're gonna buy one of those right here awesome jason the absolute legend managed to get this thing working in like two seconds flat that's a massive shout out jason homie canyon hobbies it turned out we just needed like a transmitter battery which we bought plugged in and filled up our fuel tank for a fresh attempt um so what could blow up literally everything oh the truck the truck the truck we got to move the truck what no we don't yes we do what's it gonna do it might melt it no i'm gonna look into that you just don't blow yourself up so first it has to ignite it'll stabilize at about 30 000 rpm i believe what that's only 10 percent we're only ten percent there stage two holy [Music] [Laughter] oh [Music] [Laughter] great news the motor works but as of now this thing still has no steering and that desperately needs to change we're gonna be going highway plus speeds with this for you know at least relative to what it's supposed to do you can feel like if you put too much with one foot it like it's it's flexing the steel it's pretty straight pretty straight we don't care about five feet at one mile an hour you're right oh now that's steering with a functional but limited steering system a shroud to protect the motor from debris and a full race suit to protect me in the case of a crash we were ready to give this thing a first low speed run now we're trying to hit 88 miles an hour holy this thing is gonna fly dude [Applause] dude that was so fast [Applause] yeah it worked it's actually really smooth you have to give it at least like a solid amount of throttle overcome the initial uh yeah dude i mean did you see the amount of like when it kicks up you're like wow dude that's awesome we're totally gonna do it dude we're gonna do it it's gonna work yeah i do this is a 50 year old wagon the wheels turned the wagon drove we just needed to finish up some final touches and we'd be good to go for a saturday launch except for one slight issue tell me tell me what's going on joel we thought that with this wagon the reason that the wheels were a little wiggly was because they're just sliding side to side that's not the case they're actually wobbling because they're bent at this speed you can see it very obviously now imagine it's spinning 100 times faster than that the wheels were warped and the new wagon we ordered still wasn't here but we needed those wheels for this run and by some divine providence i actually found a set guess what all right brand new inbox radio flyer wagon some lady order didn't want three days ago in orem utah half an hour from here really yes how'd you find it ksl oh my gosh pulling everything together at the last minute we just didn't have time to swap everything over so instead we took the new wheels and axles and put them on the vintage wagon's body this feels sturdy now you know once the wagon was finally completed we realized it literally wouldn't fit in the car we had so jason came through a third time offering to come out and help us with his truck to bring ourselves our wagon and all our gear out to the flats for our date with destiny saturday august 11th our goal is to hit at least clear 30 miles an hour we got to beat out the kids who have gone down hills i don't know how many runs we're gonna get so just two one that's we're gonna go faster than that hopefully that wobble you had it looked i was a little concerned it wasn't wobble it was steering a little bit of steer guy wants to steer a lot i'm gonna get her cued up [Music] three two one no i don't know about you people but i'm pretty sure i just read 45 miles an hour hell yeah and your wheel fell off and you're leaking fluid everywhere oh get off get off get off holy sh your heel came completely off there's fluid everywhere dude look at the rim holy you're i said i call that a dub man holy sh so we're gonna frankenstein this guy and we're gonna take these off-road tires that we have throw them on there and see what we can do i wanna ride this you're good [Music] so yeah what'd you get 53 what yo let's go joel 53. i knew you were booking dude how bad it was dude that was did it insanity that was such a rush that was so awesome thank you so much oh yeah and if you want to try to bake the record be my guest
Channel: Louis Weisz
Views: 2,687,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Louis Weisz, radio flyer wagon, radio flyer, turbojet engine, kingtech turbine, land speed record
Id: smOXezkkXow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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