r/Letsnotmeet I Caught Someone Watching Me Through My Ceiling! 😱

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welcome to our slash let's not meet where Opie almost gets abducted by human traffickers my best friend is an influencer not big time but with a big enough following to get free stuff and has gotten too sponsored trips she still works a full-time job but does the Instagram thing on the side mostly because of the perks she's not big enough to live off this yet anyway this was her first trip a little boutique hotel from Miami contacted her by Instagram and DMS and offered her an all-expenses-paid trip to Miami for memorial week in 2018 in exchange for her to be in the hotel and take pics and do a couple of stories she was told she could bring a female friend with her if she wanted to and everything would be covered for this was her first time doing this so at the time she wasn't really sure of how it works they sent her a bogus contract for her to sign and it said she'd be responsible for paying for a plane ticket to Miami and that she'd be reimbursed for it later this was to prevent a no-show meaning the influencer gets the tickets purchased by the hotel and the influencer never shows up it seemed reasonable she invited me a gay dude instead of a female friend because she was nervous about the whole thing we figured it wouldn't be a big deal and worst case scenario if they don't want to pay for my plane ticket she'd just cover it for me and that's it we were supposed to be picked up by the hotel at the airport so the day comes and we arrived to Miami there's a guy holding a sign with her last name and the paper has the hotel logo we're greeted and were escorted to a black SUV here is where it gets weird as soon as we're gonna get in the car the driver is visibly upset we thought he was talking to the guy who walked us over but he was talking to my friend he had a very thick accent and was wearing dark shades he was telling my friend that she wasn't allowed to bring her boyfriend me and that she said it was two girls two girls Hotel told me two girls know one girl one guy two girls he was demanding to see where the other girl was we were speechless and confused the guy who walked us to the car looked to know got in the passenger seat and started to fight with the driver in Portuguese it wasn't Spanish then he turns to us and asks where the other girl is that my friend tells them very upset by now that there is no other girl that she is at user name and that I'm just a friend coming with her on the trip the big guy in the passenger seat gets out tosses our luggage out of the car and says something like this is effing BS gets in the car and they take off that was it we were in shock utter and complete shock my friend immediately emails Melissa the PR person we have been in contact or email with to tell her what happened no response we decided to take a cab and show up to the hotel when we show up is when everything made sense the hotel had been rebranded and had a completely different name owner and staff we showed them the Instagram and this is indeed the Instagram of the hotel it used to be but not the new one they never contacted us never did anything whoever was in charge of the old Instagram account for the old hotel dead or whoever got ahold of it dead mind you this was a somewhat big hotel account with 10,000 followers it was real but upon further inspection we realized that pics were really old and so were the posts my friend felt like an idiot and would not stop crying we called the police met up with a detective but nothing ever came of it they investigated who was running the account before or who had access to it none of the people who used to run that account had anything to do with it nothing ever came of this it's upsetting and scary to know that whoever wanted to abduct my friend or any other girls by using this old hotel Instagram knows who my friend is that Instagram has since been deleted and we never heard anything from anyone ever again but to think my friend would have been kidnapped had she gone with another girl instead of me sins chills down my spine what's really scary is that this took place in Florida and Florida is well known to have a human trafficking problem opie it sounds your friend was about to be sold as a sex slave our next reddit post is from ligament er II and it's important to note in this story that opie is an older woman I was watching my daughter's kids while she and her husband go out of town they have a teenage daughter let's say her name is ELISA at like 3 a.m. I'm woken up by a weird rustling sound and look out the window and see movement I saw a boy emerge from the bushes on the side of the house I saw a bike tossed on the lawn that definitely wasn't ours my first thought was that it was a burglar casing houses but since he looked young and came through on a bike I figured scaring him straight would be enough for him to decide to hit home didn't wanna ruin a teenager's life by calling the cops straightaway so I went out on the porch flipped the lights on and said can I help you in my classroom voice the guy looks surprised but not nervous he was wearing a letterman style jacket but once I got a clear view of him in the streetlights he seemed much older than my granddaughter gruff and more wiry than athletic he walked up closer to the house and said yeah I'm looking for ELISA I gave him a disapproving glare hoping he'd realize he came looking for a girl late at night and a grumpy old person answered it's time to split I'm thinking what must have happened is alyssa knew her parents were going out of town and maybe before she knew I'd be staying over told a secret older boyfriend to come over it was late and I was alone with several kids so I didn't want him coming any closer to the house I also thought it was weird he came so late and wanted to be sure ELISA actually wanted to talk to him so I said I'm sorry who and he said ELISA you know ELISA last name this is her house I thought he knew her full name they must be at least friends I said you wait there he started to walk up and I felt a sick burning in my guts instinct kicked in I yelled no stop freeze then readjusted and said you stay right there this is private property don't take a step closer wait there so I go in and Elissa is asleep just one room over from where the rustling first occurred and I wake her up and say something to the effect of I don't know what the big idea was to have friends over this time of night but you tell him to go home she has no clue what I'm talking about I say there's a guy outside asking for you confused she gets up and goes to the window she sees him and goes why does a sheet he asked for me yeah by name yes call the police I've never seen him in my life I call 911 immediately but as I was on the phone with them ELISA started tugging at my arm he's coming up I had younger kids in the house to think about so I kept the door latch and pulled it just open enough for the latch and yelled I asked my husband and none of us know when ELISA last name leave my property or I'm calling 911 got angry and started yelling for her to come out thankfully the police came pretty quickly and when he heard the sirens he grabbed the bike and ran off I watched where he was running and he jumped into the passenger side of a car without headlights or front plates and sped off the police followed in the same direction once I pointed them but they didn't get him they advised us to take all her social media details offline if she was sure she didn't know this person and said they'd had a couple similar reports recently and we're looking into it I got a heavy duty lock and she slept in my room for the remainder of my visits the fact that this guy had a bike but escaped in a car made me think he was intentionally trying to look younger than he was and the fact that this guy got into the passenger side door probably means that there was a second man waiting there as well our next reddit post is from art what so this happened in 2013 and I was 17 my family was looking at this house and the owner showed up and talked with my parents seemed like a nice older man built the house himself it's a pretty nice two-story house overlooking a river anyway I was standing back watching everyone talk and as the owner is talking and laughing there's a break in the conversation where he turns away from my parent and his expression completely and instantly changes from happy to the most sinister and hateful scowl I've ever seen I don't think he noticed me watching I probably appeared to be on my phone as my head was down as soon as he turned back he instantly went back to smiling it was so creepy and honestly made me feel sick I told my mom who said it was weird but maybe he's just awkward so we got the house we moved in and the next weekend my family's going to church but I don't feel like going so they'll leave me at home so it's Sunday morning about 11 a.m. when I hear really loud banging outside it's rhythmic and coming from the side of my house I was on the other side of the house on the second floor honestly my stupid self thought it was maybe the wind it was stormy that day and didn't think much of it it stopped after about five minutes ten minutes later I hear walking around downstairs chairs moving kitchen cabinets opening and the fridge opening I immediately quietly go lock my door grab my baseball bat and call 9-1-1 while I tell them my address I text my mom and tell her that someone is in the house and then I've called 911 the 9-1-1 operator said that someone was 10 minutes out I tell her Shh cuz I heard steps walking towards the stairs basically the house is so thin I could track where he was in the house at this time my mom responded that she's on her way she's thirty minutes away so here's a seventeen-year-old five-foot 200-pound girl hunkered in her room full well knowing that if he came in he'd overpower me and take the bat I was effing terrified I heard him walk down the hallway towards my door I saw the handle turn and stop it was locked and I heard him stand there he didn't move I could hear his breathing it felt like forever but really I think it was about ten seconds I heard him turn and go back down I heard the back door open and shut and about three minutes later the police pulled up the 911 asked me if I could let them in or if they needed to force it I knew he'd left so I let them in no one was there no sign of forced entry nothing when my mom got there she looked at my stepdad and asked if he had changed the locks he hadn't I think the creepiest part and what really validated my story was that my mom had just vacuumed the hallway and there were a shoe prints that were larger than anyone in our house and the police hadn't been up there and they stopped just outside my room the former owner died about a year after that please don't forget to change your locks and if you're wondering if you should take Opie's advice and change your locks basically every single comment in this thread is someone's story about not changing their locks and having some bizarre encounter like this story from here for L&M when I bought my first house it was from the estate of a woman who had died so I was actually buying it from the three kids one was a 50-something deadbeat who lived there and didn't wanna sell but the other two were done supporting him I signed the papers and they handed over the keys a couple of days later I showed up with my movers and all of my stuff and he was living in my house he said that he'd put all of his stuff upstairs and that I could put mine and downstairs wait what I was completely terrified because normal people don't do that but I tried to hide it and just seemed really angry instead I called my brother a police officer for a little legal advice and he said everything left in the house is legally mine so I told him to either get out and leave everything or pay my movers to move his stuff out before they moved mine in he chose the second and I had the movers literally put his stuff on the back curb and I made sure a locksmith came before the movers left he then tried to leave with a gate remote and I had to stand in front of his car until he gave it to me I loved living there but he would come around the neighborhood frequently and visit people I avoided him like the plague so yes I second the lock changing suggestion our next reddit post is from deleted this just happened a few days ago and I'm extremely shaken up some backstory I live on second floor of a three level apartment we have a crawlspace that connects all the apartments we aren't sure why it's there but we all have stuff in it and none of us would ever attempt to go inside of it so we feel pretty safe the other night the Sun was setting but it wasn't pitch-black out or anything yet I'm walking through my living room when I see a short woman on my fire escape looking into my windows this is extremely bizarre considering it still semi light out and she had to literally get on to our fire escape somehow we have two windows that the fire escape reaches and she was looking in both but didn't see me I crawled him to the ground and my heart was racing as I watched her try to open the windows I didn't know what the F to do because my phone was in the other room after what seemed like an eternity she finally left I went into my room to get my phone to text my landlord and call the cops I came back into the living room and was looking out the windows to see if I could locate her when all of a sudden I hear a weird noise coming from the ceiling we have one of those tile ceilings made out of separate slabs of cork slash wood I look up to see one of the slabs lifted up and two eyes staring at me I have no clue how she got into the crawlspace so quickly but I grabbed the nearest thing next to me which was a broom and started hitting her with it through the ceiling and called the cops as soon as she crawled away they showed up in searched the place and didn't find her until a few days later when she was on someone else's fire escape the cop said she was definitely on some hard drugs and that she was violent towards them I'm glad she's gone but whoever that crazy lady that came through my ceiling was let's not meet again thanks Opie I'm really looking forward to trying to fall asleep tonight with the image of someone staring at me through a crack in the ceiling our next reddit post is from deleted at the time I just turned 17 and was still pretty naive I live in England so it's legal to work in a bar and serve alcohol supervised but not to drink alcohol not that it's off to me I worked in a working men's club filled with middle-aged elderly people most were really nice I sold bingo tickets twice a week from my dad's cousin and I was pretty good at it it's not typical to get here but I earned more in tips than I did my actual wage on a Saturday my dad would come with me to have a drink with my older sister while they played competitive darts and the main bar overlooking my booth this one particular night there was a middle-aged average looking guy a little on the plump side but generally unnoticeable on the first round of selling tickets he was at the fruit machine opposite the entire time looking over at me occasionally the second round he approached me asked what I was selling how bingo worked etc clearly had never played before but hey everyone starts somewhere right he bought some tickets and offered to buy me a drink I declined and informed him I was underage by now I had a bit of an uneasy vibe and didn't want to take a drink from a guy I didn't know he then offered a cola complimenting me a little too hard again declined and went on my way to help with the game in the main hall part of my job third time he sit against the wall adjacent to me and just watched me work he waited until the queue calmed down and bragged about how much money he had and how he wants to be my sugar daddy how cute I am commenting on my figure my chest my butt etc I was trapped in my booth I was late into the main hall so the concert chairman the guy who calls the bingo numbers and gives out winnings comes out and asked what was going on this guy claims we're just talking I apologize you the chairman and he walked with me into the hall said he could tell I was freaked out so I told him everything he made the bar staff aware who also made my boss my dad's cousin aware also last round of selling tickets he doesn't even wait for me to get back in my booth he grabs my butt telling me how he wants to be my sugar daddy once again tries to push me against the wall and is suddenly spun around not just by my dad but by my boss and numerous staff members and customers who heard / saw what went down he started arguing his innocence and tell my dad not so politely introduced himself he knew he was screwed my dad punched him in the nose blood running down his face everyone picked him up like a plank of wood and rue him out the closed door never saw him after that everyone checked up on me to make sure I was okay my sister covered the rest of my shift and I was bought so much to drink I had a free bar tab for two months so creepy guy that wanted to be my sugar daddy let's not meet again Opie I'm glad that your boss and your dad was there to take out the trash that was our slash let's not meet and the only thing scarier than these stories is people not hitting the like and subscribe button
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,068,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, letsnotmeet, r/letsnotmeet, lets not meet, let's not meet
Id: wHiACb-sGPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 16sec (1096 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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