r/Letsnotmeet My Encounter with a Serial Killer!

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welcome to our slash let's not meet and on today's special Halloween episode we have horrifying real-life encounters from reddit users I'm a girl my mom was a horrible addict she barely took care of me as a kid at the time of this incident I was around six or seven so my awareness and understanding of things happening may not totally make much sense this happened in the 90s one night my mother and I were on a car ride I wasn't sure why we were driving but it was late at night I'm not sure what time it was but I assumed it was really late because there weren't many cars on the street and I was sleeping in the backseat I don't even remember getting in the car my mom drove up to some sketchy house and left me in the car for what felt like forever suddenly the car door swung open and someone violently grabbed me by the arm and yanked me out of the car I started screaming and crying until the man that grabbed me looked in my eyes and said be quiet and don't try to run or I'll kill you he had a scruffy beard and looked like a madman I was scared to death so I listened he held me tight on my arm shut the car door and walk with me down the street I looked back at the house my mom was in hoping that my mom would come out the last second and save me I looked at the house as long as I could as the man dragged me further and further away as we walked down the street I wanted to cry but I was in shock and in fear I didn't know what to do if I sniffle door cried the man would tighten his grip and yell at me I can't even explain how scared and confused I was we walked for a little bit and ended up in the projects the projects were a bunch of buildings crammed together in a sucky neighborhood we walked into one of the buildings and walked up a flight of stairs my legs and feet hurt like crazy but I was too scared to stop moving or complain we walked up another flight of stairs when I saw some random guys smoking a cigarette in this their way then without warning the guy that kidnapped me fell to the ground it happened so fast I didn't know how the kidnapper fell to the ground so fast but the next thing I remember is the cigarette guy punching and kicking the kidnapper in his head and face the kidnapper was out cold cigarette guy picked up the kidnapper by the back of his jacket and threw him down the stairs you have no idea how scary and violent it is to see an unconscious man fall down the stairs to this day I still have a fear of falling down stairs he bled everywhere I still have no idea how cigarette guy knew to help me but I'm glad he did maybe he could see tears in my eyes maybe he just picked up on something and had a bad vibe but he acted instantly the first second he could he attacked my would-be kidnapper cigarette guy starts pacing back and forth swearing at himself gritting his teeth and clenching his fists I thought he was mad at me so I started to cry he looked at me and said ok ok ok ok shut up shut up he had an attitude so I listened to him out of fear I wasn't as scared of cigarette guy as much as the bearded guy but I was still in fear of him he started to ask me questions with an attitude why are you out this late where are your parents why would you talk to strangers I was in so much shock and confusion I couldn't answer the man's questions correctly he asked if I knew my way home and I told him I didn't I told him a broken story about what happened and somehow with the information I gave him he knew where my mom's car was the only thing I remember about the road is passing a house with Christmas lights on it despite Christmas already being over I think he knew the area well enough and figured out where I needed to go from that information but I honestly don't even remember telling him about the Christmas lights anyways he told me he would take me back if I promised over and over that I wouldn't tell the police that I saw him or anyone that looked like him and made me promise that I wouldn't eat tell the police anything he had an attitude I didn't care what he asked me I just wanted to go back to my mom so I agreed I followed him down the stairs the bearded guy was still laying on the ground bleeding at the bottom of the stairs that cigarette guy threw him down he wasn't moving at all for all I know he was dead and I hope now that he was cigarette guy stepped over the bearded guy and I followed we walked outside and cigarette guy looked around panicky I remember him telling me the police don't like me we walked out of the projects and my feet still hurt cigarette guy was walking fast in a panic and I had to basically jog to keep up with him I started crying and he asked what was wrong I told him my feet hurt and I remember him sucking his teeth and picking me up with an attitude he awkwardly cradled me in both arms he walked down the road for a moment then I remember him swearing and running behind a house or building a cop car was driving down the road he put me down and told me to run to the police car I tried to run but my legs could barely move and I was scared the cop car kept driving and rode away without seeing me before I could even remotely get close to it he kept swearing to himself as he picked me up again and ran down the street he took me behind a lot of houses and hid from every cop car that drove by I assume now that the police are looking for me he carried me in both arms running fast on the road when I saw my mom at her car in the distance she was surrounded by police cigarette guy put me down and told me to run to the police I got so excited the pain in my legs disappeared he put me down and ran away I ran towards the police and my mom my mom picked me up and hugged me tight the police started to ask me and my mom questions I don't remember too much about their questions but I remember my mom telling the police some convoluted story that just didn't make any sense she basically told me not to say anything and I didn't say much but cried a whole bunch we went home days later my dad picked me up and knew something was wrong I told him everything I never lived with my mom again when I grew up and had time to think about that day I never forgave my mother not too long ago I asked my dad what he remembers about the situation and he told me what he thinks happened from what I explained to him from years ago he said my mom was on a drug binge I got kidnapped someone saved me but the person that saved me had warrants and wasn't mad at me he was just frustrated with the situation that he had to deal with imagine being a criminal on the run and now you have a kidnapped girl with you and you just beat a guy up half to death if he would have gotten caught with me he could be in jail for my kidnapping with my mom lying and me being in shock and confused I wouldn't be able to tell them that the man helped me because while it was happening I didn't even notice he was helping me - the man that saved me thanks to the man that tried to kidnap me let's not meet and then opie adds this in the comments my father said the kidnapper very well could be dead if he would have been killed in the projects the police wouldn't have even investigated open and close case no witnesses no cooperation my father said there would have been more cooperation killing and disposing of the kidnapper than there was to assist the police in the investigation in that area at that time also I was thinking maybe cigarette guy knew something was wrong because Opie and the kidnapper were different races so it looked unusual but Opie clarified that she and the kidnapper were both white and cigarette guy was black can you imagine being a black guy carrying around a scared little white girl while presumably there's blood on your knuckles and a warrant out for your arrest but you're still such a good person that you're willing to risk all of that to save this little girl not all heroes wear capes some smoke cigarettes our next reddit post is from I am just you back in about 2000 or 2001 I was driving by myself from visiting my mom righto back to Arizona I was in a station wagon and had a desk my mom had given me that was my grandfather's I've always been scared driving at night that there's someone in my back seat that's going to get me this might be because of too many scary movies or because my mom's paranoia rubbed off on me I was in the army and drove back and forth a lot to visit her she would get mad at me for sleeping at rest stops or gas stations and tell me someone was going to kidnap me and kill me but I just didn't want to be bothered with the hassle and the expense of a motel most of the time I digress so I'm driving an empty stretch of highway late at night with no other cars around this red truck comes up behind me flashing his light and honking his horn at me I was thinking to myself that there was something wrong with my car or maybe there was something wrong with the desk in the hatchback because why else would he be so insisting on pulling me over so I pulled over I was in my mid-20s and still a bit naive and get out of my car as I'm getting out of my car he's directly behind me and still flashing his lights and honking his horn I got to about the middle of the car I planned on going to the back to see what could have been wrong with my car when it hit me why is he still honking at me when I'm out of my car that's odd then he gets out of his truck that's when I knew something just wasn't right I jumped back in my car and sped off the next exit was 45 miles or so away he followed me the entire time I take the first exit and go to a crowded grocery store with the laundry mat next to it there was an ambulance parked in the laundromat with its lights flashing and I was next to it I figured if there was an ambulance then eventually a police officer should come the man stayed in his truck in the grocery store parking lot watching me the entire time I was terrified I didn't want to get out of my car and felt like an idiot if I would have had to tell someone what happened I waited about an hour and he finally left after he left I waited a little longer before continuing my drive back to Arizona I was paranoid and watchful for any raid trucks the entire time fast forward about five or six years I'm watching unsolved mysteries or some similar type crime show with my hubby at the time he knew what happened as we were dating when it happened and what story pops up one about a man on the exact stretch of highway with a red truck they used those exact tactics to get a few women to pull over and murdered them I really am glad my gut told me something was wrong and to get back in my car and drive our next reddit post is from banlieue ill so a little background here my father was in the Army for 21 years retired and moved to a very small town in Central Florida he got bored after a couple of years and even though we didn't need the money between his retirement what my mom was making as a bookkeeper slash tax prep he wanted to go back to work he started working at various gas stations and it being a small town the owners wouldn't care if I came there and helped him out with stocking the coolers or even running the register as long as I didn't sell any beer or smokes this all took place in the late 80s and early 90s the actual story I'm going to tell took place in 1990 and I remember the date well because it was shortly after my birthday and being 15 in Florida I had just gotten my learner's permit and my dad would let me drive him to and from work just to get some experience on the road both a day and at night I was sitting in my usual spot at a table that was set up along the windows booking hand-feed propped up and a mountain dew on the table along with some snacks I would generally spend most of the evening that way reading books getting up to run the register / doc the cooler at different times I remember glancing up because something caught my attention that was unusual and I realized that a lady was walking up our parking lot from the direction of the interstate the gas station was right on i-75 this in itself was really strange because where we were located you didn't get many people walking and definitely not walking from the direction of the interstate I figured she'd broken down somewhere and was coming to use the phone to call for a tow truck or something I was completely wrong she came into the store looked around for a few minutes and I remember getting just a strange and creepy feeling about her she walked up to the counter and started telling my dad a story about how she had gotten stranded and he did a ride to the next big town up north from us Ocala was a town this is important my dad lets her know that he's working and there's no way he can take her she turns and looks at me and while she's looking away from him my dad catches my eye and subtly shakes his head no I was confused for a second but then she turns back to my dad and points at me asking if I can take her my dad responded back that I only had a learner's permit and wouldn't be able to drive her anywhere and then drive back normally I would have done it even though it was illegal because I didn't a few times before already I didn't argue with my dad since this was completely out of character for him he was normally chatty with the customers but for whatever reason he was almost Curt and dismissive of her turns out he had a bad vibe about her from the minute he had seen her walking up the drive well she cusses him out for a minute and he basically tells her to get out of the store she slammed the door open I thought the glass was going to break from how hard she had slammed it and then she stalks out of the store and down the driveway I keep an eye on her and continue to watch as she makes her way back up to the interstate and then starts up the northbound on ramp almost a year passes and I'm in my bedroom less than a week before my 16th birthday I hear my dad yelling from the living room son get your butt in here and look at this I quickly run to the living room and see my dad pointing at the TV and look at the mug shot of the lady up on the screen and immediately remember the lady who had been in this store turns out I almost gave a car ride to Aileen Wuornos who was later convicted of being a serial murderer and that later put to death still have nightmares about what could have happened so I had to look this Eileen lady up and apparently she's a diagnosed psychopath who murdered seven different men in the 1990s so considering that Opie in this story is a male he actually fits her victim profile apparently she would strip the guys down naked and shoot them and leave them dead on the side of the road so if Opie had given her a ride it was probably the last time he would have ever driven a car that was our slash let's not meet and the only thing more horrifying than these stories is you not hitting that like button
Channel: rSlash
Views: 375,953
Rating: 4.9511795 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, letsnotmeet, r/letsnotmeet, lets not meet, let's not meet
Id: l-FO37EuKPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 31 2019
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