r/Entitledparents "Mommy? PLEASE Don't Give Me To A Stranger!" Funny Reddit Posts

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welcome to our slash entitled parents where parents literally give their little girls to complete strangers and then blame other people when their little girl goes missing I used to work in a small chain of bookstores and stationary shops we'd sell books pins papers and so on it was a quirky little store straight out of a romantic love novella or a Stephen King book if you prefer this happened a few years ago and I can reconstruct it from memory while trying to be as accurate as possible I can't guarantee it entitled mom walks into the store with a little girl it's rather early in the morning entitle mom looks around asked me if I could watch her child I say oh no I'm terrible with children sorry entitled mom tells me that it's not for long and I shouldn't be such a fuss about it I still politely refuse it's not my job to watch children I'm afraid to do something wrong what happens entitled mom leaves the store who do I find hidden in the corner little girl who seems to be rather shy and fearful this happened back in a time before everyone had smartphones the kid obviously didn't have a mobile on it I suspected the mother also wouldn't wasn't too surprised that little girl didn't know the number of their landline I sigh what are you gonna do if something happens to that kid while being in the store and you being the only present employee you're gonna have a bad time hey girl what's your name blink I give her my name the little girl happy like only kids can be if they think they did something smart or they knew something says my surname is blink now this ring a bell I had a good customer with the same surname it turns out that it's her dad I didn't get paid enough to babysit in fact I didn't even get paid enough to do my normal work I call her dad at his workplace since we saved that number in our system the call went along these lines hi a nice dad it's me from bookstore blank oh hi how's it going I don't remember having any open orders yeah um look listen do you have a daughter uh yes why do you ask what's her name I just wanted to ensure it's really her dad and not just a stupid coincidence if I think now about it little girl told me it's her dad so know why I wasn't sure nice dad apologizes for entitlements behavior and tells me he's gonna pick little girl up as soon as possible while waiting for nice dad I picked up one of our sail books a box with damaged books that we try to sell with huge discount before throwing away in this case a picture book from Disney little girl tries to read a little I read a little nice dad arrives the little girl runs to him and hugs him crying that Mommy was mean to her nice dad sues her and thanks me for babysitting her he gives me a bottle of wine and buy something small from the store nice dad says if entitled mom shows up again could you not tell her that I picked up little girl what why if you don't feel like it you don't need to it's rather complicated and you already did so much for us nice dad leaves in the evening entitled mom shows up just to point out she dropped little girl at about 9:00 a.m. it was 5:45 in the afternoon where's my daughter me already chugged about half the bottle of wine and thus a little boost your what my daughter I dropped her in the store and you were here me way too drunk for work but already decided to go for another job or be homeless both would have been better you're what entitle mom was on the edge thus I did what I thought was the smartest thing to do a guy came into the store and picked her up he seemed nice gave me some wine for her at this point I expected her to explode or attack me but she just left the store a few weeks pass and nice dad and little girl come to the store both happy to see me nice dad asked me if I got a few minutes unexcused not to work obviously I took the time for customer service gave little girl the same book we had last time and had a talk with nice dad entitled mom and nice dad were in the middle of a divorce when entitled mom dropped a little girl at our store one of the reasons nice dad wanted a divorce was that entitle mom wasn't nice to little girl now in my country as a male it's rather hard to get custody for your child no matter what little girl wanted to be with nice dad but that doesn't matter entitled mom dropping little girl in our store was a gift from the heavens nice dad took little girl to a sister overnight entitled mom pretended that little girl was sleeping at one of her friends nice dad wanted to call them just to ensure that little girl is fine entitled mom didn't want that little girl's friend didn't know where little girl is entitled mom claims she dropped little girl at little girls friends nice dad faked panic and involved the police entitled mom insisted that little girl's friend kidnapped little girl police asked nice dad and entitled mom separately and nice dad told the police what happened entitled mom still insisted on her dropping little girl at little girl's friends nice dad had proof of it being otherwise since he already called the police when he dropped little girl at his sister's house now in court nice dad apparently said something like and title mom can have all she wants even my wine collection I just want to be with my daughter entitled mom knowing that nice dad didn't have any money left and had some quite expensive wine agreed daughter ended up with nice dad a mother paying alimony what entitled mom didn't know nice dad was replacing his wine collection before the divorce with the cheapest wines he could find at different discounters gifting away the expensive ones he knew that entitled mom either is gonna take everything from him or will break his wine collection we both laugh I gifted the book to little girl who seemed very happy when entitled mom dropped her off she was shy and seemed small and now she had such a big smile on her face and was curious for everything she could read much better than a few weeks ago she seemed like a bird taking off to fly towards the Sun I absolutely hated my job but situations like these make me a little nostalgic somehow I missed direct interactions with customers on the other hand I don't I obviously don't can I just point out how this entitled mother is literally a pedophiles dream come true hey you total stranger I've never met you before but I demand that you watch my underage daughter for several hours completely unattended while she has no way to contact me hey that sounds perfect we can go play in my tickle basements good and I'm so selfish that if something happened to her I would just blame it on a family friend which would mean you're totally safe to keep doing whatever it is that you do in your tickle basement it sounds fun down there yeah lots of fun here's the background I live in a predominantly white suburban neighborhood in America this neighborhood is so different portion utley white that I would say 90% of the people I know are white and I will seldom see more than ten nine white people in a day I really don't mind this fact and I've grown to be very fond of this neighborhood race doesn't really matter to me and I consider myself privileged for living the good life I live 99.9% of the people in this neighborhood are very nice and caring it's just the point oh one percent that this story is about I am a Korean American teen living in America who immigrated from Korea when I was about six I speak English fluently I'll be 'it was a moderate Korean accent which I have had pointed out to me over the years often in a derogatory way doesn't help that I'm in a neighborhood where people aren't used toward and I've been teased before doesn't really bother me as I can't really refute I have two names my American and my Korean this is important later on now to bring in my friend we'll call her friend for convenience now I've known her for a while and she recently moved to America from Korea about a month ago to my town keyword recently moved she knows practically no English aside from what school's taught her back in Korea her vocabulary consisted of simple words like sorry hello how are you please etc she's very unconfident about speaking English to other people and naturally doesn't say much for fear of not knowing what to say because I wanted to hang out with her and talk to her I invited her to go to a cafe which had a staff that had another Korean person in it I was good friends with the staff and I wanted my friend to meet more Korean people so she could talk to more people than just me one day we decided to go to our local cafe together and it is here where we met the entitled parent me and my friend were just talking about regular stuff mostly how have you been and long time no see talk as it's the first time I've seen her in a while amongst all the unpacking and business and moving my friend says in Korean I don't think I could ever get used to America everything's so inconvenient here getting used to it would be like plucking a star out of the sky Korean saying four impossible besides why is internet so slow here I could take a shower in the time it takes for me to search something up at this point entitled kid comes walking along and notices us talking he stares at us while walking with two coffees in his hands before coming to a stop at our table you should speak English me taken aback I'm sorry what you should speak English this is America not China friend not understanding the situation and thinking we did something wrong says sorry why do we have to speak English here we aren't even speaking to you my friend says to me in Korean what did we do wrong I say nothing it's just this kid wants us to speak English are you making fun of me my friend says sorry I don't speak English very good me laughing and in Korean hey you've gotten good at English a huge mistake at this point entitled kid is convinced that we're making fun of him and stomps off visibly angry what did we do wrong why do you apologize don't apologize to people like him we were doing nothing wrong don't worry it's this common in America I started to reassure her that this was the first time this happened to me and it's not at all common this is when entitled parents showed up entitled kid at her side I hear you've been making fun of my kid no we weren't we were just speaking to each other I'm not someone you want to lie to you are making fun of my kid in Chinese were you I told you we weren't stuff this BS I know both of you can speak English and deliberately chose to speak Chinese in front of my kid what were you saying ma'am my friend doesn't speak English she moved from Korea a month ago and barely knows it that's why we were talking in Korean the entitled kid points to my friend no you're wrong I heard her say sorry to me in English I know she can speak English at this point my friend had enough and I could tell she was on the verge of tears imagine someone accusing you and yelling at you in a language that you can't even understand and not being able to defend yourself the sight of this made me especially angry and panicked and I lashed out just because I know how to say hola in Spanish does that mean I know all African Spanish please leave us the Freak alone at this point this was causing a commotion with some of the other people at the cafe you don't speak to me like that with that language apologize to me right now what do we have to apologize for we did nothing wrong why do I have to speak English just because you're here you will not disrespect me or my kid in this way this is America you should be speaking English English do you know how rude it is to everyone around you if you want to speak Chinese go back to China at this point my friends started to cry a bit and at this point one of the staff the Korean one I talked about earlier finally overheard the situation and came over he says ma'am is there a problem here yes these two kids are making fun of my child and Chinese he says do you speak Chinese no but they should be speaking English they were laughing at my kid they both speak English they should get kicked out of the cafe for this he says in Korean gently hey were you making fun of this kid my friends surprise and relief she could finally say something no we really weren't he approached us first the entitled parent not understanding Korean and being a genuine idiot are you siding with her in this ma'am you know people have the right to speak whatever language they want here right they have the right to make fun of my kid in whatever language they want even when she knows English if they want to say something say it's in my face the co-worker says to my friend do you speak English you're much more comfortable in Korean right what happened don't worry about language I'm Korean too just tell me what happened my friend proceeded to explain everything that happened ma'am my friend here is saying that your kid was the one who bothered them first that's a complete lie because if you want I can check the cameras for you you know just as double-checking entitle parent was adamant and entitled kid visibly reacted to this how dare you accuse my kid of instigating this situation let me see the evidence right now the co-worker says instead of yelling at kids kids over this why don't we find some tangible evidence and citizen claims the entitled kid whispered something to entitle parent miss if you keep this up we might have to call the police for harassment and disturbance of public peace it was then that an title parent suddenly changed her mind look lady I don't have time for this I have a meeting to get to she glared at me this was a huge waste of time goodbye it was obvious she was just trying to leave the situation we didn't try and pursue her as we didn't want to poke the fire and ruin our day more than it had been ruined on the right side I never saw her again I know that compared to other crazy stories here this one is pretty boring and it's just a stereotypical cliche case of racism perhaps I was just unlucky but let's just say that because of this situation my friend started America on the wrong foot heck even on the wrong leg oh well I guess things like these happen I feel like in this situation the best thing for them to do was just double down and then start actually making fun of the kid and the mom in Korean because I don't know what it is but when you think someone is making fun of you in another language it's just one of the most frustrating things in the world so to all my viewers out there you speak another language I want to hear from you in the comments writing your comment in another language what would you say to this entitled parents that was our / entitle parents and to be honest I think the parent from the first story is one of the single worst parents I've ever seen on this YouTube channel any parent who would give their little girl to a complete stranger for like six hours honestly deserves to be in jail do you agree or disagree with me we hear from you down in the comments
Channel: rSlash
Views: 2,034,338
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, entitledparents, r/entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents funny, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, funny entitled parents, entitled parents fail, r/ entitled parents
Id: 8cqvRQjx4Z4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2019
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