r/Entitledparents "I saved your son's life" "POLICE? ARREST HIM!" Funny Reddit Stories

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welcome to our slash entitled parents we're stuck-up parents call people who save their kid's life a murderer for some reason I never thought I'd be posting here but this just recently happened about a week ago I am almost graduating high school and I have a job at the supermarket bagging items stocking merchandise etc but I am still shaken up and decided this place would be a good place to put my experience this day it was pretty rainy so there were barely any people in the store and I was fixing any products that were out of order I was just chilling since there was barely anything to do cute entitled parent and entitled kid comes strolling into the store and I don't pay mind to the woman because she has that can I speak to the manager haircut I am already kinda wary of this woman so I tried to mind my own business and do my job she seized me and rolls her eyes muttering something about lazy teenagers even though I have a job but whatever and she asked me rudely without a please or anything where the drinks are I tell her which aisle and she loudly exclaims excuse me are you gonna take me there or what take me there now or I'll speak to the manager this is why you get paid I only nod and don't say anything so I take her to where the drinks are and she doesn't say thanks or anything only scoffs and pushes me away so I'm fixing some stuff that fell into the floor not too far away and I see entitled kid climbing onto the ledge where the drinks are excuse me we just mopped the floor so it's slippery and plus your son can't be climbing that it can fall or he can get hurt I say this as politely as possible and I don't want to get in trouble because of some kid you know applying to colleges with a record won't do me any good she gives me a nasty glare and snaps don't tell me how to raise my child mind your own effing business her kid is still climbing the ledge where the alcohol is and I'm getting more anxious just looking at this kid so while this mom is busy I go to him and ask hey can you please get off you can get hurt he starts screaming for his mother and she comes running like a mad bull she asks him if he's okay and if I hurt him and he tells her she's not letting me play she starts yelling at me and insulting me calling me stupid and whatnot she threatens me that she knows the manager and she will get me fired she tells me to F off and continues to shop for wine while her kid is climbing on that ledge and I get this bad feeling when I see him jump down hard and everything starts to shake I run and tackle this kid to the ground to push him out of the way then right at that moment the whole drank display falls into the ground there is red everywhere since it was part of the wine aisle and I see myself badly cut this kid is crying probably because I pushed him and the mom comes running and she starts shrieking like a banshee this stupid teenager tried to kill my son and I told her that I had literally saved her son's life since he could have been crushed or hurt badly by the glass my thigh is bleeding since I got cut and she grabs my arm digging her nails into my arm you are not going anywhere I'm pressing charges and calling the police you murderer I think I want to cry because I'm losing blood and she has a strong grip of my arm the police arrived and I'm literally about to be escorted as the entitled parent watches me smugly when the manager comes running I explained everything to him since he's known me since elementary and I'm not an evil child killer he tells me he has everything on camera and I almost cry in relief the entire parent seems to go a little pale but is still insistent on pressing charges at me in the store demanding that I be arrested for assault of her kid the police review everything and even an eyewitness who saw and heard everything pitches in the manager in police said I did the right thing and say I can press charges because entitled parent hurt my arm pretty badly she's still fuming and now is threatening the police so she's taken away and arrested the kid is picked up by whom I presume is his dad and I'm taken to the hospital to treat the glass shards in my leg if I'm badly hurt for a few shards of glass I can't imagine what would have happened if the kid was still there climbing I don't think I could forgive myself I had let him get hurt and it thanks for the gold and silver stranger also to those asking if I'm pressing charges yes first she hurt me pretty bad her grasp lost some marks and a bruise and the manager is pressing charges too because she left over five thousand dollars in damages by breaking a lot of expensive alcohol once again a flawless entitled parent logic how dare you save my precious child's life this reminds me of an actual event from history there was an ancient queen of Siam named suit named I'm gonna butcher this sunandha Kimura Ratana I don't know how to pronounce that but this queen was drowning and no one would touch her because they were afraid of touching the Queen because it was apparently against the law so this Queen fell in the water and she just drowned while all these guards just watched her drown and die and this is literally what this entitled mom wanted to happen like she would rather people just stand around and watch hundreds of pounds of glass fall onto her little boy yeah that makes sense so backstory I babysit this girl who will call him him is by far the sweetest girl in existence and even though I call it babysitting I have stopped charging her mother and just come over and hang out with her for the most part mom still calls it babysitting because M is 8 and I'm 23 I used to work with her mom at a coffee shop and that's when I learned about M story M was born with some sort of compromised immune system I don't know the full details or what it's called but I know that she has grown up most of her life in her house she can't go to a normal school does have a private teacher person though and can't really play with kids her own age her mom is a single mom and one day for work she had to bring her daughter in because her normal babysitter canceled last minute I was actually finishing my shift so I offered to bring her to my place it was close by and keep her safe from germs and stuff since then we've hit it off to the universal tool of love and connecting with kids Pokemon and I have gone over to her place to hang out with her ever since I do get a full on disinfection bath when I hang with her she's gotten a bit better though as before I had to wear almost a sanitary suit but now just a good hand washing and some special spray stuff will do admittedly a bit overboard but ins mom is super protective and loving because to my knowledge she is the only family she has left ok so sort of main story stop now they live in an apartment with no patty or condo park I don't know how come these are in other places but here a lot of apartment and condo buildings use their roof as sort of a public background and I was hanging out with him when evening playing Pokemon when I noticed she was looking outside a lot she'd never experienced snow before and her favorite Pokemon is Glaceon and general ice types I started scheming and came up with a solution for her to enjoy the snow I've presented an idea to her mom about going to an untouched spot of snow we lived near a few dog parks that also serve as nature preservation spots and I knew of a spot where dogs don't go and there was a bunch of untouched no it's not too remote it's near some houses but it's got a bunch of trees surrounding it I pulled out my full-out anti German snow suit idea using duct tape to seal gaps and using my snowboard goggles to protect her face and keep her mask more tightly put on she loved the idea and agreed as long as we went during the day when there are less people around cuz they are at work or school we told them the idea and this sweet girl started crying with so much joy the day came that we were going out she could not keep her excitement we disinfected everything I got my anti German belt Sparrow mask sanitizer other anti germ stuff and put it all on her everything was a bit too big on her and she had an awkward time walking but she was still having lots of fun I put us under the germ field it's an umbrella with plastic all the way around that goes all the way down to the ground again her mother is a bit over the top but I understand and we made it to the untouched spot we had such a blast making snowmen more like snow Pokemon as she really wanted to try to make a Glaceon out of snow Oh making snow angels and so on everything was great until I hear a sudden excuse me and see entitled parent and her boy coming towards us mama Ursa rain came out and had em stand behind me hello is something I can help you with I was hoping my son could play with your daughter he's sick and had to stay home from school today and he saw you two playing that's okay right nope nope nope a big nope keep that germy child away from my girl also didn't want to bother correcting her on the daughter thing as if he didn't meet us we would seem like a mother and daughter sorry we're just having an us playdate also if your son is sick shouldn't he be resting her son by the way legit looked like he was dying sluggish coughing and sneezing as well as white as the snow my son will be fine he needs to work off the illness she then almost pushes her son towards M and we back up him here can get sick very easily and I just want to protect her M gives me a look of I don't want to get sick and die let's leave if you want to play here we will be on our way then why does she get sick easily is she vaccinated yes she is that's why the vaccines probably ruined her system shame on you for putting your daughter through that she's going to get autism my boy is healthy and vaccine free nope nope nope nope nope and on that note we're leaving now you should be letting her get sick that's how they become strong the entitled son I want your mask it's a Pikachu mask right I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it how much for the mask it's not for sale you can get plenty online and probably a much cheaper one than this I know it's like a super dense high-quality mask or something I don't know just give us the mask blank go get the mask the boy runs over to him literally reaching for the mask I step in front and gently push him away but this boy was so sick he sneezed and got snot all over me I immediately start disinfecting and the mom just scoffs look how ridiculous you are let my son make your daughter sick we're trying to walk away but as I mentioned M soot limits her mobility and because I just got sneezed on I can't pick her up now without risking her getting sick entitled parent catches up grabs him and the son goes in closer I admittedly don't quite remember the next part as I just saw read all I know was entitled parent was on the ground her son crying and I had em in my arms I am sorry I'm Canadian but you can't just how dare you I'm calling the police you probably abused your daughter etc etc now am being the smartest girl in the hole gosh darn cute averse replies and I will tell the police you attempted to kidnap me and stabbed Opie I looked and now realizing she had pulled out what looks to be one of those many switch blades you put on your key chains entitled parent just got out and grabbed her son and left I brought him home and we had a big disinfect party I told the mom what had happened and apologized to the point I lost my voice but thank Arceus that em did not get sick and despite what had happened she still says it was the best day of her life I did ask him what happened when I started seeing red she said she didn't quite remember herself other than I stormed forward and grabbed him entitled parent tried lunging towards me and I punched her the boy got scared and started crying she started yelling and pulled out that blade thing and I kicked her away I seriously doubt that happen but she said I was a superhero and whatever I did clearly stop the situation and potentially saved m's life post story I went through my coat jacket a few days later and found a wallet in my coat it wasn't like an adult wallet it was clearly a kid's wallet I didn't recognize it as one of him so I looked inside and saw a if lost returned to entitle parents house address but I didn't realize it was entitled parents son so I went to the house to return it an entitled parent opens the door moment of silence but I handed over the wallet and she started bursting into tears I tried calming her down and got a bit more information also apparently I got the wallet when the kid dropped it and I went to pick it up and she shoved me away so I must have just autopilot put it in my jacket apparently her son was more sick than she realized and was in the hospital in critical condition she became terrified of the idea that she got em sick and also potentially sentence someone to death but was relieved to hear that she was okay she wasn't sure what happened with her son so me being the good sucker that I am decided to help her Google more information about it it was some sort of flu and behold it is preventable with vaccines she also explained she hasn't been thinking straight because she is pregnant and having hormone issues I talked with her for a while and strongly encouraged her getting vaccines for both her children I gave her my number if she wanted to talk more about it she did call me to let me know that the son is making a recovery it's kind of a relief to hear that not all entitled parents are terrible human beings and sometimes they're just having a bad day but seriously what kind of logic is that sick kids are healthier kids yeah I don't vaccinate my children instead I regularly stab them with rusty needles that I find on the side of the road that's the best way to make them sick which is the best way to make them healthy right so this happened about five years ago when I was working as a newly qualified social worker I know Lynch mommy I don't anymore it was a nightmare it had been a rough morning and long story short I had spit and vomit on me as pretty standard practice I kept a spare set of court clothes in my car so I had something to change into but I felt pretty disgusting and wanted a shower so I took an early lunch and went to the gym near by the office to shower and change I showered came out and put my hair up into a towel turban and walked to go back to the lockers changing area was empty except for one kid a boy about eight or nine a bit weird for him to be alone but I assumed his mom must have been in the only occupied stall so I didn't think too much of it I smiled to acknowledge him and got to my locker to grab my things to change into at this point the boy entitled kid looked at me pointed at my towel turban and said what's that oh it's a towel turban pretty neat huh it stays it better than a regular towel cool and he started to reach for my head excuse me what are you doing I just want to see it ernõ I'm using it sorry at this point in my life I'm pretty used to kids being a bit inappropriate and it's my job to make sure they understand but I wasn't expecting much here he looked a bit pissed but went back to his or his mom's phone I get dressed quickly and get my thing is to go over to the mirror and take the turban off - hair drive my hair I'm flipping my hair around to get it dried and I noticed that this kid comes up to the mirror then leaves again I think nothing of it and finished drying my hair turn the hairdryer off reach for my turban and it isn't there I know what he's done and I whip around and look at him and he's turning a shade of red but staring fixedly on his phone so as to ignore me I'm trying to remain calm but Christ I've been spat at vomited on and now someone has stolen my towel turban I walk back over and do my best I have had enough of this BS re voice and say please return the turban now he keeps ignoring me so I repeat please return the turban now he's gone a huge shade of red refuses to look at me and mumble something like I didn't take it I've had it at this point so I go over to the only occupied stall and knock on the door excuse me is this your son out here entitled mom opens the door and looks at me thoroughly annoyed what is this your son he's taken my towel turban I've asked for her back but he is not returning it please ask him to hand it back and I'll not inform the gym staff what the f is a towel turban I start to explain but entitled kid says it's a hair towel that stands up better than a normal towel we both look at him and she says ok so what do you want I want my towel turban back please well he obviously wouldn't just take something you obviously just lost it you shouldn't go around accusing people because you lose things me getting annoyed well he will have no problem than emptying his bag if he has it he can just hand it back and if I'm mistaken I will apologize entitled mom looks at entitled kid and it's obvious to anyone that he's lying but she just says don't be a being stupid I'm not letting you rummage his things like he's some kind of thief look at you you are harassing a little boy in a changing room I inhale to try and stop my eyes doing a 360 degree roll and say I'm not asking to touch anything I'm asking for you to go through this bag for my turban that is all if you are not willing I will go to the staff and ask them to sort this out I know it's just a freaking towel turban but that does that and it's pink and cute so I'm not letting anyone have it so you're threatening me now I know a circular argument when I hear one so I go to the door at lean out and call for someone to come and sort it out inter gym trainer dude what's going on he looks between the three of us and the kid has gone back to staring a hole through the phone and entitled mom positions herself between the gym trainer and entitled kid this crazy jerk is harassing my son and trying to go through his bag she needs to be thrown out she that isn't what happened her son has taken my towel turban and I would like it returned I just keep looking at this kid and gym trainer says okay so what happened mate did you take the towel entitled kid mumbles something about how I must have lost it and entitled mom jumps in and says see he didn't take it he's so traumatized he can barely say anything she then bends down to him and hugs him saying it'll be all right and she won't let me get away with this very dramatically I look at gym trainer and explained the whole event and he says okay so why don't we just check his bag entitled kids starts dramatically wailing an entitled mom starts ranting about how this is harassment gym trainer looks uncomfortable and says that's literally the only way I can think to solve this entitled mom then stands up and tries to push past me but I am NOT moving and the room is small so she fails she started swearing and thrust the kids backpack at gym trainers saying fine check it he hasn't taken anything and when you don't find it I want her thrown out you to apologize and get the manager the entitled kid Wales gym trainer obviously finds the pink wet turban towel in the bag he picks it up and kind of just looks at it entitled kid wails even more and tries to grab it but gym trainer holds it out of his reach right so this is yours yes thank you I stuffed the coveted towel turban into my bag and get out my car keys and ID lanyard as I put the lanyard over my head something audibly clicked in the title mom's head that's a social worker ID she Yang's entitled kids arm snatches the back from gym trainer and I moved to let her pass gym trainer looks super confused and I explained that she must have just been embarrassed that her son stole my turban but I knew she was panicking because she realized what my job was and that her son was out of school stealing pink wet turban towels I'm gonna take my son out of school and let him steal things from social workers though one group of people who has the authority to take my son away from me what can possibly go wrong that was our slash entitled parents and as you may have noticed I've had to start blurring out the curse words because even though I don't curse in my videos I'm still getting demonetised so I'm trying to make my content as friendly as possible to be honest I don't know what else to change because I kind of feel like my content is already kind of tame it's just reading stories so I know there's a lot of censorship on this channel but trust me it's kind of necessary
Channel: rSlash
Views: 4,353,285
Rating: 4.9221802 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, entitledparents, r/entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents funny, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, funny entitled parents, entitled parents fail, r/ entitled parents
Id: hwqmv8KgZWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 25sec (1285 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2019
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