Riot Games built me a ONE-OF-A-KIND Puzzle Box!! - Legends of Runeterra

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This is so dope from Riot, One of the best puzzle boxes I have seen.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 25 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Suizooo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I've watched a bunch of his videos, and this is definitely my favorite puzzle box hes opened. Really awesome.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/theprophetx πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Chris Ramsey is one of the best magician youtubers! It’s so awesome that Riot Games partnered up with him. If you guys like magic even a small bit or want to learn definitely check him out! One of the best slight of hand magicians and Cardistry masters out there!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ultimate_spaghetti πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

That was crazy. Good job riot, what a video

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/shobot11 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Looks cool

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Riverflowsuphillz πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is so crazy cool. Never knew puzzle boxes were a thing, but glad I learned.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Petipuf πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Man this was so weird seeing him on this sub, Crazy awesome

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RedPandarin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Jnbee πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SewerRat75 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
- [Narrator] This video is sponsored by Legends Of Runeterra by Riot Games available on Google Play. - [Deep Male Voice] From Damasia to Noxus. Ionia to Freljord. Piltover to the shadow Isles. Centuries of war plague the magic earth. Warriors turned to their swords. Tinkerous to their technology and majors to their spells. A battle to control the world runes and the power they possess rages on in the world of Runeterra - [Narrator] So Riot Games sent over this puzzle box to celebrate the latest expansion of Legends Of Runeterra. If you've never played it, Legends Of Runterra is brought at free to play online card game available on PC and mobile. It's got a ton of great art, awesome animations and it was the inspiration for this puzzle box right here. You wanna go check it out if you're not playing it already. Linking the description you can download it and play Legends Of Runeterra for free. - What's up guys and welcome back. So this is it. This is the beast I've been waiting for by Riot Games to promote Legends of Runeterra. This is the first ever product placement that has actually built me a puzzle. So respect to them and respect to their whole team for putting this together. Absolutely insane. I'm excited about this. We got both angles. We got this angle. We got that angle. We're good to go. So we got to open this thing. So this comes off. Not so easy. (dramatic music) It's like it gets pushed in here. There's buttons. (dramatic music) You got buttons on all sides here. (dramatic music) I'm not sure what moves around and what doesn't. I don't wanna break anything. Why is this? You see this? This right here has got a gap and it kind of pushes in. Oh. I don't know what to do. (chuckles) I don't know what to do. Oh, it's a key hole. I need a key though. Just gonna maneuver these pieces around. They're all kind of glued on so I'm not sure if I should be tampering with them. Oh, here. Oh. (soft dramatic music) This was come off. Oh, it's magnetized. So yes, can't see anything in there. Something going on. So if that's how it comes off that must mean. Oh, That just moved. Okay. All right, something's blocking this one from opening. (soft dramatic music) Is this the key? No. There is a magnet though, here somewhere. Huh, it's like a pin here. Oh. Oh my God. What? Look at this key. Look at this key. How dope is that? Wow. All right. So Wait, what? Come on now. (soft dramatic music) How do I get the key off? It doesn't reach. They could have give me a longer chain. It doesn't reach to the key side. What the heck? Okay. Where's that attached to? There's like a lock or something here. There's just something about the key that's special. Should we take it apart? Do I rip the key off the chain? (wooden board scratching) Why? Why do I have this? (soft dramatic music) Which is the part that moved here. I'm certain that this one didn't move. This one won't come off either. (soft dramatic music) Oh. This moves. It feels like it's attached to this. (soft dramatic music) Okay. This part came down. No problem. This part over here however, does not wanna come down. Oh. I see. (continuous rhythmic clicks) A what the heck just happened? You guys see that? (laughing) What? It unlock this? That's insane. I don't know how that unlocked. What? That's kind of sick. All right, here we go. (soft dramatic music) Okay, that doesn't fit in there. Is there something blocking it. Oh, the button with a. It is a sequence. Okay. So I light this button up but as soon as I hit another one, it turned off. So I'm lighting this up. Turn it off again. Lighting this up. Turn it off again. Lighting this up. Ooh, this one stayed lit now. Now we've got two that are lit up. This one and this one. So number three. Let's try this. Nope. One, two, three. Nope. One, two, three. No, one, two, three. No. One, two, three. Yes. So one, two, three. No. (soft dramatic music) Four. So, one, two, three, four. No. Maybe the bottom one. No. One, two, three, four, five. Five is there. No. One, two, three, four, five. No. One, two, three, four, five, six. Guessing seven. Yup. And eight, here we go. (dramatic sound) What? That's so dope. The top came off. (sighing) What? Look at that. What the heck am I looking at? Okay, what is this? We've got cables that need to be plugged in. They have numbers attached to them. You can't see that 'cause of light. Hmm, can we bring the light more this way? We've got numbers here. One, two, three, four, five, six. We've got a cylinder here with a crystal in it. Okay. We've got this tool. This tool. Which are the same. You got a random screw, here and here. (chuckles) We've got this. (laughing) I'm just uncovering so many things. And a button here. We've got this over here. We've got like a... What's in here? Nothing in there. Okay, all right. So first things... oh, that moves. First things first. First things first. Let's get this out of the way. Don't need that I think. These have to plug in somewhere. There doesn't seem to be anywhere to plug them in right now. So let's leave them aside. We got these tools here. And we've got this tool here. And we've got this crystal. This is crazy. It's actually crazy. Let me zoom in here. Here you go, lets see a little bit better. Yeah. You got a button here. This thing turns. Might come out. I think this is where we start here. This guy here. There's like spaces here for things that I don't have. Try to make connections here as I see this as this. Does this fit anywhere? Oh, this goes here clearly. (soft dramatic music) (click) We need another one of those here. Another crystal is what we're missing. Maybe. No, not in there. Really kind of lost now. What would these do? These look like handle. Like Oh. That's where those go. Those aren't random screws at all. (soft dramatic music) Try just lift this up. Ooh (dramatic sound) What? What is this? (chuckles) This is insane. Okay. I don't know. Oh, wow. This is nuts. We've got symbolism on the sides. We've got whatever this is here. Would this come out? Lets have a look. (soft dramatic music) Oh my God, look at this thing. What is this? Look at this. What is this? This is a mini puzzle box. (soft dramatic music) Oh. (soft dramatic music) Ooh! Look at that. Look at that? It's my first card. This is amazing. This is like the actual game, but in real life. Okay, this puzzle box, by the way, it looks super dope. Let's put that aside. Okay, so because I am in Runeterra and I am battling, I suppose I should put them on the battleground. We'll see. This is our first character. Wait, are there things to do here? Oh, there's the diagram on the back. Okay, I probably gotta match that diagram to somewhere. Here, if we take a look on this side here. So you've got this, which was here. (soft dramatic music) We've got this here. Wait, we did have a giant tool for that. Oh. Okay, something happened there. Something's happening. On the other side. (soft dramatic music) (chuckles) Wait, wait. Why won't this come out. There's another card stuck in here. Do you guys see that up there? It's really hard for me to get all the angles and the lighting right so you guys can see everything, but there's another card that's over here you can't see that on that camera. How can I get this out? Okay, so that's kind of stuck in there. I can't pull on that. There's a drawer that came out on this side that has another card and it's stuck there for now. For now. Oh, we have plugs over here. We've got plugs, baby. Right over here. These holes are all plugs. How do we know which one goes with which? Gotta be in order somehow but I figure I'm just gonna bypass the system here. There should be some type of cipher to follow. I'll just put them in order of which they're in. I guess I'll finish plugging these in. I'm not sure if anything's gonna happen at all. Nothing of course. (soft dramatic music) I'm not sure what to do. Like this drawer hasn't come out the entire way. Pretty sure I gotta figure out... Oh, here we go. This move now. Didn't move before came out. I don't know if it does anything. What does that mean? Is it the plugs that do that? Do I have to figure out the correct plugs to push it back in? Take them all out. Maybe there's some type of signal that I'll get when plugging things in. Is there something that tells me what numbers these are? Is there something that tells me what numbers these are? And this as well. In the back of this, which fits somewhere. Huh, there's gotta be some code here that I'm missing. Wait. There are symbols here. Four, three, and five. There are numbers here four, three and five. So we got one through six. So four, three, five are the first numbers. That makes sense to me. Four. So I'm putting in four in the first one. Three. And five, which is this one That makes sense to me, right? This is three, four, five. I don't know, maybe that's just a guess. Seem like a good educated guess to me. Okay. These patterns are repeated here but in a different order. As you see here, it goes, sword dragon, ice thing, fire, sword, eyeball. And you're a go sword dragon, cogwheel, ice thing, fire, eyeball. Those are all very technical terms by the way. Look it up, all right? Oh. So, these pegs here, they should come out but they don't. But when I push this in, a peg comes up. I can push it in some more. Wait, does that mean the cards out? Almost. (soft dramatic music) I mean, it's so close to coming out. Missing a step here. The second peg hasn't moved at all. You get that second page will move we are in business. It doesn't move at all. So I know there are multiple entry points here because if I push it goes in. It's locked. Comes out. Oh, here we go. (soft dramatic music) Boom. I mean, that's pretty much out, right? (soft dramatic music) There it is. We got it. I think I got to push it some more. This is a crazy maze that's in here. And I have to... there we go. That is definitely out now. Yeah, here we go. Boom. And boom, we have our second card here. Ooh la la. Now forgive me, I didn't play League of Legends. I started playing this game a couple of weeks ago, but I'm not too caught up on the Lore. But there is this person now. Again three, four, five. Oh, but different. So three to summon. and then five health. Four attack. And that is another piece of the puzzle. That is two pieces now. I'm guessing these puzzle pieces have to go on here eventually. This is the game board where you play on, right? Next up. Done. This is intricate. It's pretty dope. If you haven't left a like. If I haven't deserved the like by now you're just not liking any videos. Go and like this one. Ooh, this comes out. Hello. Aah. What is that? Some type of prong? Which fits in here. We're just discovering all sorts of things right now. Oh! Another crystal baby, let's go. With another one of these things. Another little prong. So we've got two of these prongs. And we have this crystal. This crystal fits here, guaranteed. Whoa! It just lit up. The board just lit up. You guys see that? The lights illuminated. Okay, these lets this just go back in here like this. I don't know what I'm doing. Okay, we have some type of little prong things that need to fit somewhere and I'm not sure where they need to fit. So for now. Oh wow, it lit up on the inside. Of course, a little bunny that's where the light's coming from. Dummy. So we'll leave those aside for now. There's so many things lying around. I mean, now that the game is lit up this should be. (soft dramatic music) Next thing we got to figure out is what these runes symbols translate to in terms of numbers. Is there anything that can tell me on this box? Oh, the crystal is now. Oh my God. What? You get a load of that here it. Let's see if I can film this real quick for you guys. Oh, that's hard there something blocking the light. So in there. In here there's a light that shun and now there's a code and it's two, one, five, three, four, six. But where do we start? So it has a rectangle and it has numbers around it. And then it has two R symbols. So the R symbols are here. Right which we know. The R. So three, four. Wait, is that that's the symbol next to the R? No. What would that be? Five and six. This would be six. Why would this be six? How many symbols are there? I see. I get it. Okay. So there are five symbols here. Five symbols here. Five symbols here, five here, here, and here. We have a diagram on the inside that gives us the numbers. So whatever crest is missing, and by the way Lee helped me out. Those are faction crests, by the way. And whatever faction crest is missing, that is the number. So for instance, let's say this one is two. Okay? We know that over here we don't have the cog symbol. Right? So the cog symbol is gonna be number two. So, we're going to take number two of the wires and place it in the cog symbol. Okay? Follow me here. Over here we have one. Which one's missing over here. We're missing the sword with the wings. The sword with the wings is one. So we got one sword with wings. And I know they have faction names by the way, again I'm new to this world. So forgive me if you're out there and screaming it at your computer. All right I'm doing, I'm putting the work in though. We got six over here. So six, which one are we missing over here? Can we see? We got the cog. We've got the sword. We're missing the circle one. The circle dragon. This one here. They're getting really technical with these names. That's six. This is six. Six goes here. Oh, this is awesome. Four is over here. Four is gonna be the one that's missing here. We are missing this guy here. So that's four, which is here. Three is over here. Yep. Three is over here. Which one are we missing here? Missing this one. So that's three. Three, which means the last one has to be this one. (dramatic sound) Oh! Boom! What did that do? Oh my God. That's another card. (soft dramatic music) All right, lets pluck it here. All right, cool. This thing's getting wilder and wilder. I don't know about you guys. We have this one, this one and this. So these are, it seems to. Is there any way to know, maybe that these act. Oh. (soft dramatic music) This one goes here. (soft dramatic music) This one is here. (soft dramatic music) And this one matches up to that. (dramatic sound) Oh. What? (soft dramatic music) Victory here. That is insane. Look at that. I won. We did it. All right, what do we got in here? Let's have a look. How does that even work? Puzzle Box Creations. So thank you to Paul from Puzzle Box Creations for making this entire thing. And now we've got this little special box in here. Let's have a look what's in here. What, its a deck of cards. It's a deck of cards. Look at that card box. That is dope. It's a deck of cards. It's a Runeterra deck of cards. (sighing) Actually handled pretty well. Ladies and gentlemen, we have solved the legend. The legendary Legend of Runeterra Puzzle Box. What a ride? Wait. What are these things for? Oh, this is just for decoration. I'll try and for these just for decoration. These prongs here. Just to look good, hey? Well, they did a good job of that. I mean, the fact that you put these cards down and it opened. Like, I don't even understand how that works but that's really interesting. Antoine actually has had a big part to play in this. He set up this puzzle for me. So when I get these giant crazy, you know, expensive and and intricate puzzles, I need someone to sort of set it up for myself so that everything goes smoothly because a lot of these a lot of these require a lot of setup and electronics. And so thanks Antoine for really setting this all up for me. What a sick puzzle box. Come on guys. That's gotta be one of the dopest puzzle boxes I've ever tried. One thing I really liked about this is that they did such a good job incorporating the actual game into a puzzle box. Which blows my mind because if I were to make a Legends of Runeterra Puzzle Box, it would look like this. It would just not interact in this way But they did a great, great job incorporating the crystals here, the cards, the lens was really dope. The fact that you lifted it up. The mechanics of it I mean just a great, great genius design. I can't say enough good things about this whole thing. - [Antoine] (indistinct) - Ooh, can we? - [Antoine] Yes. - All right guys, hold on. Bonus content, Antoine says we can show the insides of this thing. I just lift it up? - [Antoine] Yes. - Oh my God. Oh my God. Wait, I need to get a zoom in here. Guys, if you ever wondering what the inside of an intricate puzzle box looks like? And you're wondering why they're so expensive and why there's so much work going into it. That's why. I have no idea what I'm even looking at. It scares the hell out of me to even stare at this. I just wanna put this right back and pretend that doesn't exist. Holy, amount of work here is insane. Well, hot bang. There you go. That is the Legends of Runeterra puzzle solved. What an amazing journey that has been. This has been months and months in the making. A special shout out to the whole Riot Team for helping it out with this puzzle box build. And especially Paul Bremen, who's the creator of this puzzle. He's got a YouTube channel Puzzle Box Creations. You can check him out as well. Guys, if you enjoyed this content, leave a like. Subscribe if you're new here. Happy new year. This is the last video of 2020. What a way to end it. And we're coming back in 2021 with another really sick puzzle. You wanna stay tuned. So see you then. Peace. Wrap. (upbeat music)
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 1,963,027
Rating: 4.9744711 out of 5
Keywords: chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, puzzle, puzzles, legends of runeterra, riot games, riot, lor, card game, puzzle box, how to solve, solving, solved, solution, hard puzzle, hardest puzzle, puzzle master
Id: rQhfDY6e_2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 16sec (1576 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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