Solving The Mysterious SCRIPTUM CUBE Puzzle Box!!

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- [Announcer] The labyrinth, home to a beast. Clergy have been feeding it women and children for decades. The rich eating the poor. That ends today. (eerie music) - Yo, what's up? Welcome back. Look at this thing. This is (knocks) actual metal. Not fun to wear by the way, it hurts my head. How cool was that intro? Come on, you gotta at this point if you're watching you gotta leave a like all right that's all I'm asking for just leave a like. If that didn't make you wanna subscribe already, I can't help you you probably aren't subscribed to anyone. Anyways, welcome back guys, today I told you it was gonna be an epic one, we're looking at the Scriptum Cube. The same guys that made the Mecanigma that's right here is the Scriptum Cube. So this whole thing is based on Greek mythology, the Iliad and the labyrinth where Theseus has to penetrate the labyrinth to find the Minotaur as so that he can slay him to free the people of Athens, the Athenians. So that's what this whole cube is based on and we just sort of ran with that with the whole theme as you can see. I'm really excited about this puzzle, I think it looks great. This is exactly what you want a puzzle to look like is just mysterious and weird and lots of like weird writing going on. Reminds me a lot of the Codex Silenda that we did. Without any further ado, let's get into solving it. (long whistle) (box plops) This thing is pretty substantially huge, I like it. Same guys that made the Mecanigma puzzle. These things are super uncomfortable but how cool do they look, right? (roars) All right let's start the timer. (timer beeps) Let's go. So we got this thing here, this doesn't move, none of this moves. Oh! Oh that just moved, let's go, got something there. Any of the other ones here? Oh, okay. Okay. All right, oh wow. Oh those go both sides? How do I know which side? Oh maybe I have to line them up with what's written here. That looks like it might make sense. Maybe, I don't know. How about here? Oh no, it's already lined up. I don't know. We'll figure it out. Okay let's put 'em all down, how about that? There we go, they're all down. Now it opens! No, oh this thing did spin though. Did it not spin before? (relaxing music) Oh there's this side that didn't spin. (eerie static) - Listen to me, I need your help. - What about these things, what does this have to do with anything? Oh on the inside you have numbers. There you go. A-ha and shapes and shapes and letters. Numbers, shapes and letters. What do you suppose that means? There's clearly something on the inside as well. Okay so there's, oh right here there is an order of shapes. Okay. Okay and there's nothing on this side so they're all over there so that gives us clues maybe, perhaps. Okay. And every side has the same shapes in the same order, okay? Oh, one, two, three, four, five. Right? Because the amount of sides, look, there's one side, two, three, four and five sides. So therefore, one, two, three, four and five. What does that mean though? What does that mean though? Oh so three has to be on three, right? There's three sides. That seems to make sense. Any other numbers here? No, these are letters. I have no idea. All right, let's put everything back to the way it was. See if this thing still turns. Indeed it does. Okay. Scriptum Cube, Scriptum Cube, MKD, those aren't getting us any clues. There seems to be writing all over it. We have these things here that you can actually move around to line up somewhere else, right? But what? I don't know why. I like the feeling of this though. It's very satisfying it's like click, click, click, click. I like that a lot. One, two, three, four, five. And the writing's on the other side so it's this way. Then we gotta put one up first. That's four. This is just one, three, and what letter's that? Is that 10 or an A, a backwards A. I don't know what that is. Over here. Oh okay, so the corresponding symbols correspond to letters. Let's see if they match up. Four, no see they have different letters that correspond to them, I don't understand. One, two, two, three, three, four, four, five, five. So there's two of each symbol, like there's two squares, there's two triangles and two V's. There's three of these ones. I probably have to find the ones that go up but also why would they go down? Like I don't understand why they would go down here. There's no writing on the bottom side, why would they go down? They would probably go down to line up. Oh, okay, all right maybe I understand. So here for instance, triangle has this little symbol that's actually readable here. The V has like a, what is that a G or a Q, some weird thing, right? So that V, that two sided one, if I can find one of them that has the G or the Q... Not here, not here, no. The V has a G. Maybe on this side. No that's an A. That's a B. Maybe on the opposite side of it. Ah, here it is so that symbol was here so maybe I wanna line that up. But first I have to see what's written on there. Okay, all right, okay I gotcha. Let's try this out. So let's start with the one here, so the single line which is this symbol here lines up with what looks like a two, what kind of looks like a two, you see that? So we're going to find that two somewhere on, here it is, and we're gonna bring it down to one. But before we do that we're gonna find out what's on here so that's like a square is like an S, like a weird S shape, right? So we're gonna bring this down to one and now the square that we're looking for with the weird S shape is next. That kind of, oh here it is. So that goes to the square but before we bring that down this one here is like a triangle with like a thing here, like an A almost, right? So this S has to go down to the square. Now we're looking for the triangle with like an A. There it is. And that one is in a square and it has like an N all right, so we're gonna bring that this symbol down to the triangle. Was it square? Oh geez. It was a triangle. And then the N goes on the square, so this goes there. And the N goes on the square, the N goes on the square. There's the N, the weird looking N. Is that what we're looking for? Yeah? I think so, correct. Or is it this one? Oh man, all right, let's go back to that last one where do we have that triangle in there? Yeah, okay. So it's like an N with a giant line on it. An N with like a bigger line. So that's going to go there. Now we're looking for this one to go on the square but before we do that, we're gonna have a peak. It's gonna be the number two goes on the one. So that goes there. Number two goes on the one. We've already done that, so now what? Okay. Three goes on the one, let's just try that. Three goes on the one, before we do that the Y goes on the V. So three goes on the one. All right and now the Y goes on the V. Y, Y, Y, Y, Y. Here on the V but before we do that the three goes on the one, we already know that. Close 'em. Okay, so now how about the A with a one? The A with the one, the A with the one. Where's that A? Where's that A? There. Goes on the one but before that that's the like the Q with the V I guess, right? The Q with the V. So the A goes on the one and the Q and the Q goes on the V. Q goes on the V. The Q, the Q, the Q, that's an O, that's a U, the Q is here, goes on the V. Before that though the U goes on the five sided one. So the Q goes on the V now the U goes on the five sided one. The U on the five sided and that one is the K on the triangle. This one stays on that one and now the K goes on the triangle. The K goes on the triangle, before that the A is on the one, we know that, the K goes on the triangle. What are we left with? Oh the circle like the little sign here right goes on the V, goes on the triangle. So if we find there goes on the triangle. Before we do that the B goes on the five sided one so we do that. Looking for the B. Looking for the B. Goes on the five sided, it's already there. Circle and triangle, I think we have that. The K and triangle. I think we have everything. Just to make sure. The K on the triangle, where's that one? It's right here, it's already there. Okay. (crack) Oh! Whoa. That just moved. (cracks) Whoa, whoa, whoa! Whoa! Wow! (intense music) Did you guys hear that? Dun, dun, dun, dun. Oh my gosh! Oh look it, look it, it's the Minotaur. Congratulations, you have defeated the Minotaur but are you sure you have unlocked all the secrets of the labyrinth? Geez, I don't know. I don't know have we? There's the inside of it. What are the other secrets of the labyrinth? Wait, so this thing turns here. What do you mean? Wait, so this thing turns independently from this so this turns but also this turns independently. The same amount of distance here. What does that mean? Are they just messing with me? Oh this is locked now. Oh! Oh, oh, a double secret. There's a false bottom here. Oh my gosh this is so cool. Okay, so this thing I don't think comes out, oh yes it does. Does it come out? Underneath that false bottom was this. (gasps) This is it's in fil d'ariane which is the, this is amazing. So after he defeated the Minotaur, Theseus, before he defeated the Minotaur he had Ariadne's string that led him into the maze so that he could find his way out so use this before he went into the maze, killed the Minotaur and then to find his way out he had to have this. So yeah, obviously we defeated the Minotaur but we wouldn't have made it out if we didn't find the string that we had left which is so great. Let me try to get this out here. So that's the false bottom here which turns. That is spectacular! What an amazing puzzle. You know, not too difficult, it does take a little bit of, you know, you're kind of going down it blindly much like a labyrinth where you're like I'm just gonna follow my gut and see where it leads me and obviously it led us to the Minotaur and then led us back out. Wow this is so cool! This is so sick! Really, really, really, really cool. I love the second solution, I think that adds so much value to this puzzle. Obviously finding something in it is pretty cool but then adding to the story with the string makes so much sense. What a well thought out puzzle! Super genius! This thing's awesome! Holy cow! All right, so I'm gonna attempt to put it back together so this goes underneath. Have to fit into these notches on the side here so it has to go in this way. That is now locked into place. We then replace the Minotaur which is awesome, and we replace the top. These things have to be slid back into place, I guess. How cool is that that they unlock like that. Look see, okay that one locks that one, this one comes back and locks that. This one here, this one here. Like how satisfying is that when you go, boom. Boom! Boom! Like that is so cool, that's probably my favorite part of this whole puzzle. So boom, bam. And it won't do it unless you have that configuration, that is really wicked. Wow, what a cool toy. Oh, so cool! Well hot dang! I think I broke the table. Should have taken that helmet off while I was solving I mean that was a nuisance. Just kidding, it was off the whole time. I can get used to this though, look at this. This is a summer bod if I've ever seen one. Abs hard as steel. I am so thoroughly excited about that solution, this puzzle, the second puzzle that's within a puzzle, I think that's great. Also follows the theme of the story with the thread leading back plus it's a labyrinth, the Minotaur, just super well thought out. If I'd have opened this and it was empty I'd be sorely disappointed I believe but the fact that they added that Minotaur and added the second little puzzle, just a little kicker, a small thing I think is really, really great something I'd love to see in more puzzles. Anyways guys, if you did enjoy this go ahead and like the video. I left the link below where you can buy this puzzle if you wanna purchase it for yourself and we'll see you guys on the next video. (Woman speaks in a foreign language) (upbeat music)
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 1,126,958
Rating: 4.9608164 out of 5
Keywords: chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, puzzle, puzzles, how to solve, solving, puzzle solving, solved, solution, puzzle solution, mr puzzle, impossible puzzle, puzzle solver, hardest puzzle, scriptum cube, puzzle box, puzzle master
Id: 94EeGpKpTKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 28sec (1228 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 01 2020
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