Solving The ZELDA Master Sword Puzzle!! (Lego Puzzle Box)

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This may be the coolest thing I have ever seen.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/HanBrolo82 📅︎︎ Jul 25 2020 🗫︎ replies
- [Woman] Hero of high rule chosen by the sword that seals the darkness. You have shown unflinching bravery, and skill in the face of darkness and adversity. And have proven yourself worthy of the blessings of the goddess highly where the sky would bound or drift in time or steeped in the glowing embers of twilight, sacred blade is forever bound to the soul of the hero. (dramatic music playing) - Yeah, what's up? Welcome back. Epic little Lego puzzle today. I say little, this thing's kind of big. Look at the size of this thing. I got this in the mail from a fan who actually also has a YouTube channel. All right, look at this beautiful piece of work. Okay? This guy's only got one and a half thousand subscribers on his channel and he builds a Lego puzzle such as these. Like, look at this epicness here. This is a replica of the Master Sword of Zelda of Link. He went ahead and built this and sent this to me. Go give him a follow, I left the link in the description. The Traveler and Vega is what he is called, and that's his little calling card, certificate of authenticity. He's got a little magician there with a little crystal and the cat. Pretty cool, the channel's called the legolamaniac, legolamaniac. And Instagram it's @Val_ legolamaniac. Lego puzzles, time-lapses, full length builds and a cat (chuckles) is what it says. To Chris Ramsey, I hope you enjoy the puzzle. Included is my signature figure, which represents me and my cat. It is something we often share with each other in the Lego community. So there you go. Goals here acquire the master sword and become the hero of time. Secondary objective discover the green time crystal. I mean, I figure that this is the green time crystal that he's referring to ,but I'm not sure. So that's it. Oh, one more thing, if you guys are looking to cap yourself some new merch, we still got the five panel hats. Look at these beauties. This one's all dusty. We've got five panel hats, we've got the long sleeves, the white and the black. They look pretty dope. Link in the description let's go. So without further ado guys like this video, subscribe if you're new here, and let's get into solving this amazing looking puzzle. Look at this thing. This is beautiful. Definitely the most beautiful Lego puzzle I've received. I've mentioned this is from the legend of Zelda, the master sword, sword that holds all the power. And we're going to try and figure this out. So this was also done on Mr. Puzzle's channel recently, I saw. I didn't, however, look at the solve. I wanted to enjoy it for myself and hopefully solve it. Here we go, we'll start the timer. I've got a little bit of a different angle set up because you know, top down is weird with this tall thing here. You're not really gonna be able to see what's going on. So we got this angle. So that way we can spin it and turn it in the different directions here. One thing to notice before we start, like this thing obviously moves. So that was already there. There's these decorations on it and as mentioned, we can't really remove anything. So anything that happens here will be loosely placed. So all of these little decorations are going to remain there, okay? So let's go. I'll show you guys the time as we progress but it's gonna be here for now. So this thing comes off but we're not gonna remove it. We're gonna leave it there because that's apparently, I mean, everything really comes off. This has made a Legos, right? So there's these, okay. There's a lot of little squares here. Like this thing looks like it shifts out and it looks like it grabs that top part here. But not yet. This thing there's like, Oh, see here, look Boom. I don't know what that does. Does anything we're gonna try and find little squares that we can push in I guess. Looking over here is another one. There's another few squares. I don't know how many moves are involved in this but it looks pretty complex. Little jail house here, which is sweet. You guys can see that right there. Flipping it around again. Oh, so this came out of here. Okay. So that was pushed out from the other side. Okay. Oh, here we go. That one's pushed in there. This one looks like it wants to slide out too. Right here. That's that sliding piece here, which doesn't move yet. Just doesn't move yet. I don't know what this a little and the engineering here is really cool. Like to think that somebody just took Lego parts that were already out there and created something so specific is really cool. Like there were no plans for this until he invented it. Oh, now this one moves. Okay. Which pushes this one out. All right. Oh now, okay. Now this one moves. Hello? What's in here? Oh, it looks to be, I don't know if you guys can see in there. There's a little cog wheel. You can't see. It's far down, but there's a little cog wheel that looks like there's an instrument that can twist it. Now this one moves here. Boom. Just push that all the way through. Oh, this came out here, and that came out over here. I mean, this is cool so far, this is really a sequential puzzle. Meaning that the pieces only move like this one was here and I expect it to move eventually. The pieces only move when another part moves. Oops, rats. One of my flowers fell. This doesn't move yet. Go back to here. Bring this camera a little down a little bit So you guys can get a better view. Maybe something on the top here, not yet. We're at four minutes and 13, by the way. Funny, these don't push in anymore. So not only did you have to move certain ones to get them to push out. Once you move other ones, they stopped pushing in. Well, for the most part, which is the sign of a real sequential puzzle, which is really cool. This looks like it might come out eventually. I guess we're looking for a tool. There's a tool that we're going to have to use in which to rotate that cog on the inside. (upbeat music) And now we're back here. This one definitely moves. Just haven't found out how yet. What if we start pushing them? Oh, that goes out this way. Hello, Okay. That's cool. So it was pushed out that way and then it goes out this way, which might release another thing. This one as well, pushes in, let's see. Oh no, maybe I shouldn't have, I don't know. I can push that back. Okay. We did make something happen. That's good. That's a good sign. So that one went that way then it went this way. Spin it, no?. This whole section looks like it might slide out out here as well. Right here. But not quite yet. Oh yeah I don't wanna force that, being stopped somehow. All right, we're at almost 10 minutes. Well almost nine minutes, just going around in circles here. So the last move that happened was this one which went all the way in and then went all the way out here. No idea what the reason for that is. Hopefully it unlocks some other mechanisms somewhere. What will you guys attempt right now? Let me know in the comments. So you can be like, "I told you so Ramsey, I'm smarter than you big brain." This one's the really only one that seems to wanna move. Okay, I don't know really where to go from here. Let's see if one of these things slides out of the way. Like this last one didn't even move yet. It's not like it can move anywhere though. This gate down here looks like it can slide to the left but it's being stopped by something right now. Underneath maybe? Let's bring it back to the beginning here. First things first we have this attached to here which we moved and this went in, this one over here went out. Once that one out. This one that went in all the way. No, that one here is gonna have to go back in. Oh, that came out further I feel. That came out, wait that didn't come out before. That didn't come out. So that's good. Did it? No it didn't. Wow! That kind of scared me. So this part here is spring-loaded, very cool. This one here. How did this one open again, can this one slide somehow? Yeah, there we go, that's slid open, maybe now the top ones. Okay. So we did have some something move in here. It's top one. Still doesn't want to slide off then maybe this one slides. Ladies and gentlemen, we have a key. That's amazing. Okay. I think we know where this key goes, goes into that little blue thing. Right, like this. Right? Oh, look right here. Right here. Okay. Oh, now the top slides open. Hello. Ah, there seems to be this crevice on the top of this hole. Maybe I can turn the key more now.? Not that key goes in. Just goes out one way, which is so cool by the way. What was the other part that we needed to, that we want to move earlier, it was this one, right? So it's just this. Maybe some more of these blocks need to start moving around. This one here looks loose. I don't wanna just yet start pushing things back to where 'cause I will get incredibly confused at where we are. We're at 25 minutes, 25 minutes here. This is cool, man. Oh wait, does this start to come out now? No. So something goes in there or something comes out of it. How cool is it that, that key turns in that and then it's spring loaded. Like I got attacked at the guy made this knows what's up. This whole side panel slid out, that's what? That was hidden, the key, is this new? look, this is new, no, is there anything else up here that might slide or push in or something? That's one thing that we haven't moved yet Oh the jail. Oh wait. Yes. Ah, what? Look at that. That's pretty insane. Jail slides over. Hello, there's a treasure here. How do we get the treasure out? Oh, push this from the back. Right around here and outcomes the treasurer, push that all the way in, but my fingers are too fat. I'll get a pen. Here we go, nice and plumb. Look at this. This is incredible. It's a little basketball. In treasure box. Well, I think I know what we have to do with this. We're gonna put it up here. We'll get like an angle here to make sure I get everything. Oh, I see it there. It's right there. It's right in that crack here, well, how do I maneuver it? Not sure if I need to push the jail all the way in, where's that lever? Hmm. Oh. Oh my God. Do you see that? I pushed this one in which was spring-loaded and it just popped the walls off. Well, that's insane. Is that the end of it? Well, that's pretty nuts. That's super nutty. What? I was just chilling there, like can we put it back in here? Hey, that's so cool. Does that release anything though? Is there anything in here that I can now grab? 'Cause although it did punch these walls open, I don't feel like it prevented anything from being stopped and being movable now, if you catch my drift. This here, this is a little drawer here, look That came out, which Oh, now this one gets to, be pushed in. Okay. Which is over here. And now the sword is released. look at this? Wow, how sweet this puzzle is. This was one of the funnest sequential discovery puzzles I've probably ever attempted. Holy cow. And the fact that it's just Lego and made by somebody individually, this is stellar work. Just look at the aftermath here, And what we're looking at. You got treasure chest, we got projectiles, explosive walls, keys, I mean 10 on 10. Holy cow, this is dope. All right, let's see if we can put it all back together real quick in a nice little time lapse, perhaps? (gentle music) And there we are back at the beginning. So the setup here proved to be quite easy. I mean probably under a minute and then the solve time took me about 35, 40 minutes here, about 30 minutes actually, very cool. 10 on 10, very dope. What dang, apparently we're not done. See you thought this video was over. Apparently there's another step because this little green crystal that comes with the, the SigFig is not the ring crystal we are looking for. Quickly, I'm going to redo this puzzle. And I think, I mean, I think I'm pretty good here at getting all of this done. Pretty sure anyways. Key. Opens that one, here this top opens the jail, opens, that threw the ball. And here, here, you're then gonna have a look at this thing here, because we're gonna push the spring loaded one here. You're ready? Boom, crashed through this little handle, hold out. And then for the final step, this here and sort of released. So there's like a little hole here where that sword gets held onto. Now we're gonna look for the green crystal. Right here that piece we've had since the beginning. I can kind of move it from the inside of this. It also seems to kind of be stuck. Oh right here. Yeah, it goes in now maybe I can grab that. Oh yeah. Here it goes. Okay. You see this rock. Oh baby. And in there in here, you've got the secret crystal. That is so cool, that there's an extra bonus. Are you kidding me? That makes this 10 times better than it was. Well, there you have it. We found the extra crystal we've released the sword, which is a mighty sword may I add, this is a really, this is the best looking Lego sort of ever seen in my life. Go follow this guy, man. Legolamaniac on YouTube. You won't be disappointed. I mean, I'm clearly not disappointed. This is one of the funnest sequential discovery puzzles I've ever done, and I've done quite a few. This is right up there with, with this one here, just pure joy for any age of difficulty level, I would say like it's pretty difficult because not only is it sequential, you got to go backwards and that makes it, that takes it up a notch. So I would say difficulty rating of about seven and a half to eight, maybe even nine in some cases, but definitely at least seven and a half a fun-rating of 11 on 10. So definitely check it out. Thanks for watching guys, like this video, subscribe if you're new here and we'll see you on the next video, peace. (upbeat music)
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 1,430,256
Rating: 4.9442596 out of 5
Keywords: chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, puzzle, puzzles, puzzle solving, how to solve, difficult puzzle, zelda, master sword
Id: zATDD7jyG8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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