Solving The GAME OF THRONES Escape Room!!

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(enchanting music) - Welcome back, brothers, to Westeros. Winterfell. I'm the King in the North. Welcome back. Today, guys, we have set up the most epic Game of Thrones escape room, thanks to our buddies here from Mobile Escape who put together this custom escape room just for us today, representing the seven seasons of Game of Thrones. Now, quick note, there are no spoils to the series finale. Today is Sunday, it is airing tonight, so we have no idea of the outcome of the episode, so if you haven't watched it yet, no fear. So the whole point of this escape is to start in season one, make it to season seven, and at the end, one of us, hopefully, will be sitting on the Iron Throne. We have exactly 68 minutes and 20 seconds which is actually the average runtime of every episode in season eight. I left their link below, you guys might know them from the Houdini escape which we did. They do custom escape rooms but they also do just mobile escapes where they come to your house and they deck out a couple rooms and bring the escape to you. So check out their link below. Their website's below if you need their information or their Instagram. Today let me introduce you to a few of our characters. Jon Snow, King in the North. We also have Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen. - I can't believe I'm dressing like that, dude. At least I can win the five grand though. - No, there's no money man. - Right. - Freer of Slaves, Breaker of Chains, Mother of Dragons, Alex Boyer. Also, the Hand of the Queen, - More wine! - Yeah. Tyrion Lannister over here. One of us three will hopefully make it out on the Iron Throne. So, without any further ado guys, maybe let us know what to expect. - So for this escape room, we're pumped. So Chris challenged us 13 days ago to do this room, and of course, as you can see, it's separated into the different seasons of Game of Thrones. So every season is separated by a chain. Every time you get access to that chain and you unlock it, you can move on to the next season. The eighth season is a bit different, and you'll see where it goes, where the story goes, once we get inside that eighth season. Everything that you find inside the escape room is used for a puzzle and you'll find a bunch of different locks. So Nick is gonna go through the different types of locks. - So again, very quickly, key lock, pretty easy, a block four-digit lock like this, make sure to enter combination on the side windows, top to bottom. There is also this alphanumeric lock. So again, line up your combination with the Master logo. There's a directional lock, I don't have it with me, but to reset it you press twice. - Yep. Last question, do we get any hints? - You will get two hints. - Two? - Two hints and, as Chris mentioned, 68 minutes and 20 seconds to accomplish this escape. - Two hints? - Think you can do it? - (laughs) No, but we'll try. (laughing) (intense music) - [Coordinator] 68 minutes, 20 seconds. - Ready to go? - Yep, go! All right boys. - [Wes] Woo! - [Chris] So, first things first, we got a couple dragons here. - [Alex] Yeah. - We got three different colors. - [Alex] Four actually. - Lookin' around, - [Alex] No? - lookin' around, nothing here. Okay, that's all we got. Oh, we got this. Oh, here we go. Direwolves. What does this say here? Direwolves are efficient solitary hunters and are extremely intelligent. They grow larger than ponies. Only a few known facts, direwolves are explained in Game of Thrones, among others, it is known that Robb named his direwolf Grey Wind due to his fast speed. Ghost enjoys tugging Jon's hand back and forth as a game. Lady bonds with Sansa Stark and trusting nature. Arya kept Nymeria as close as possible. Shaggydog attacked Luwin, but it's stopped from doing more damage by the intervention of Summer. Okay, and there's numbers here. - [Alex] Numbers as well. - Right, so I'm thinking here and then we just put those numbers in order. - [Alex] Yeah. - [Chris] Yeah, so. - [Wes] So Grey. - [Chris] Grey Wind would be eight. - [Wes] Grey Ghost. - We got a lock here? We got two and we got this. - Okay so, maybe try the numbers. - Wait, is this upside down? Three wrong attempts, 20-second timeout. (exclaims) - Six wrong attempts, five-minute timeout. - Uh, that's really good. - Damn, all right, I think we should try this one. This says the content of this box can only be touched by a flame before a transformation occurs. - Let's try it. - Isn't this all about season one though? - There's a key in there so this has to be, yeah, this has to be-- - [Wes] Solving the one for-- - [Chris] This number, okay. We're gonna get a timeout for shooting the first one here. - [Wes] So, Grayhound, Grey Wind. - [Chris] Grey Wind, eight. - Eight, five, seven, three, four, two. Eight, five, seven, three, four, two. - [Chris] Eight, five, seven, three, four, two. Eight, five, seven, three, four, two. (machine beeping) (dramatic music) (beeping) (clicks) - [Everyone] Yay! - [Chris] Got a lighter. We got a key and a lighter. Okay so-- - [Wes] Woohoo! - [Alex] Okay so, we've got a key here. - Wait, wait, the contents of this box can only be touched by a flame before a transformation occurs. - That's all right. (lock clicking) - Oh, wait. You're serious? (dramatic music) (latch clicking) - [Wes] Oh, all right. - Yeah, I think you gotta do this, Daenerys - Okay, let's do it. (lighter clicks) (flames roar) (exclaiming) - [Chris] We got some eggs here. Wow, that's hot. - [Wes] Are we allowed to touch them. - [Chris] Yeah. (exclaiming) - [Chris] Rhaegal, Drogon, Viserion, two and that's a zero. A five and a zero there. Which order was this? - Yeah, so five. - It's all right. It's on here. - [Chris] Oh yeah. - [Wes] In this order. - [Alex] Oh, Wes, pretty good. - [Chris] Smart. - [Wes] Yeah, this is it. - [Chris] So what are the numbers? - [Wes] Eight, five, two. - [Chris] Eight, five, two? - [Wes] Yeah. - [Alex] Oh, Wes - [Chris] Eight, five, two, yeah. - [Alex] Great. - [Chris] Padlock's off, we got a door here. - [Wes] That's a good one. - Right away, what the hell is this? Recreate season one's famous execution. (laughing) - Love this! - Do we have a knife? Or do we have a sword? All right, boys. - [Wes] Hold it. - [Alex] That's so cool. - [Wes] Let me hold it. - Ready? (sword clinks) (dummy's head knocks on floor) (laughs) - No! - So sad. Oh, four, two, eight. - [Alex] Great. (sword knocks on wooden counter) - [Chris] Boom. - [Alex] That's it. - [Wes] Oh. - [Chris] Next season boys. Season one completed. - [Alex] Done. - [Wes] Wooh! (enchanting music) - The time has come for the Battle of Blackwater Bay between the Lannisters and the Baratheons. - [Alex] The time, so we-- - [Chris] Oh, the time has come. Is this a clock? It is a clock. And we have-- - [ALex] What's written in it? - [Chris] We have wild fire here. - [Alex] Wild fire in this? - [Chris] Yeah. Something's here. - [Wes] What? - [Chris] Is this glow in the dark? (dramatic music) What does that have to do with anything? - [Wes] Turn that to the right. This whole thing. (glass scraping against wood) (wood knocking on the floor) - [Chris] What is that, that's not a time. - [Wes] No. - Like the-- - [Chris] Oh yeah, Baratheons versus the Lannisters. - [Alex] And there's number two, maybe if you put the-- - [Wes] Oh jeez. - [Chris] Lannisters is a lion, right. No a dragon or, yeah, no, this is Lannister, this is Lannister. And then Baratheon is the elk. So here it is, the time is five and eight. - [Alex] 39. - Therefore. (laughing) Well, okay, what's the lock we have to get to, this lock here? - [Alex] There's another one there. - [Chris] And have we got a lock over here? - [Wes] Oh, around this side. - [Alex] Oh, shit. - [Wes] Here we go. - [Chris] Anything else to look for, have a look quick? (lock scraping) - [Alex] Nothing. - Nothing. (lock scraping) - [Chris] Okay, all right, so the time has come. - [Wes] Yeah, so-- - [Chris] We even tried that number. - Well, it could be five, 40, it doesn't have to be five. You know what I mean, it can be like a clock. - [Chris] Yeah. Try that time maybe. - Yeah, that's what it is, five, 40, yeah. - [Chris] Is it, okay nice, nice. - [Everyone] Oh! (laughing) - Oh, this is so good! - Oh my God, we got a flashlight here boys. That's a black light. - Ah, you're right. - [Chris] Ah, numbers. Oh, line them up on this thing. - [Wes] Ah! - [Chris] Bring them over here. Actually, you know what, we'll bring this over there. - Yeah, (laughs) thank you. (laughing) Ah, this is so good. - [Chris] Move these locks outside. (locks scraping) (locks hitting the ground) - But now it's definitely this way, 'cause we're gonna sit them down. - True. - I don't know, am I crazy? Like this you get the right heights. - [Alex] Yeah exactly, that's actually-- - [Chris] That's the height of water and the height of the lid. - [Alex] Boom. (plastic tapping on wood) - [Wes] That one there. - [Chris] Two. (Wes mumbles) (plastic taping on wood) - [Wes] Yup, that works. - [Chris] Two, seven, three. - [Wes] Two, seven, three. - [Chris] Two, seven, three. Daenerys. This is, so good! - [Wes] Freakin' good man. (upbeat classical music) - [Chris] So two comes after one. (lock clicks) - There we go boys. Bam! - [Wes] Wooh! - [Chris] Season two completed. - Yeah, boy! (dramatic music) - I love the wild fire-- - Reference, okay! - That's, this one, this one. - Dude, hold on, first of all - [Wes] Right away. - Right away, I know, okay, Red Wedding, Blackwater Bay, green wild fire, white walker. Red, black, green, white. - [Wes] Whatever that means. - [Chris] There's a poster there. Open that up. - [Alex] Here. - [Chris] There's a lock, there's two locks here. - [Wes] Two locks over here. - [Chris] And we have this screen here. - [Wes] Oh, yeah, yeah. - [Alex] So, we have a map here. - [Wes] We got a map? - [Alex] Yeah, we have a map. - [Chris] Westeros. The Wall, Winterfell, Pyke, Dragonstone, King's Landing, Pentos. Okay, there's nothing here, just watching the intro. - [Alex] What about the order of the-- - [Chris] The order of the-- - There's nothing really going on here. - [Chris] Yeah but the order of how they show them. - Yeah, okay. - [Alex] Maybe. You guys check that out. - Oh, these are notes. Second, fifth, eighth and ninth. (mellow music) - [Alex] Second. - [Wes] Okay, so put that on the keyboard. - Whoa, whoa, hold on. - [Alex] Second. (Game of Thrones theme tune) So second. - [Chris] That's the second one. So the first one is. (light music playing) (playing on keyboard) - Nine. (playing on keyboard) Does that mean second note equals, oh, the second note. (playing on keyboard) - [Alex] So that's two. - Two. (playing on keyboard) (Game of Thrones theme tune) (playing on keyboard) (Chris vocalizing) (playing on keyboard) - [Alex] All right, got it, got it. (playing on keyboard) I got it. (playing on keyboard) (laughing) (playing on keyboard) - It's nine again. - [Alex] You think? - Listen. (Game of Thrones theme tune) Yeah, three, four, five. (playing on keyboard) Yup. - [Alex] Okay. - So that's two, nine. (Game of Thrones theme tune playing) (vocalizing) (playing on keyboard) Seven. (playing on keyboard) Hold on, hold on. (playing on keyboard) Seven, four. Two, nine, seven, four. - Yup, it worked! Nice, it opened it. Nicely done man, that was crazy. All right, that was so good dude. No! Oh okay, I thought it was empty, it was this. (laughing) - [Alex] What is it? - Another map of Westeros. Oh, here we go, numbers, easy, easy, easy easy. Okay. - [Wes] All right. - We gotta find the order in here. No, you gotta watch this, that'll give us the order. - [Alex] Oh, what about this though? We have a map with names on it. - Yeah, I know, but look, this gives us the order. So we have to find the names first. Let's wait till this intro restarts. - Why does it have numbers already? - Because otherwise, what order are you gonna put it in? - Oh. - It has to be in the order of the intro. - Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. - We've got 16 choices, I think, there, so. - [Wes] Yeah, well, I'm a pretty good guesser. (lock clicks) - [Chris] You got it? (laughing) Let's go, next one. - [Wes] Oh my goodness! (laughing) Seven, zero, five, nine, I'm hilarious. (laughing) - [Chris] Oh, here we go. Flip it over, paints. - Boom. - There we go, next one is. - Red, black green, white. - Three, five, eight, one. - [Wes] Eight, one? - [Chris] Yup. - [Wes] Booyasha! - Yeah, boy! - [Chris] There we go, season four-- - [Wes] Wooh, flying fellas! (dramatic music) - Oh, this thing's cool. - [Wes] I'm sorry. - Drop the scythe boys. Oh, this is the scythe when they had the battle on the wall dude. - [Alex] The what? - [Wes] Okay, so whenever it hits, right? So put it in the middle to this one. - [Chris] Wait, okay, yeah, so drop to here. - [Wes] Then pull it through there. - Where is that one? - [Wes] Right there. - Oh, that is cool. - [Wes] No, I think go to the middle, I think go to the middle. - All right. - [Wes] Or no, maybe it's the point, I don't know. - We'll try the middle. This is two, two if we're looking at the middle. - [Wes] Yeah, okay, not in the middle then. - And if we're not looking at the middle, this just hit a one. - [Wes] One. Okay, one. - Okay well, so, we'll do one. - [Wes] Yeah, one. - Oh no, drop kill's here. - [Wes] Oh, perfect, so one. - [Chris] Oh, so then we have to, yeah. Okay, I see, so here, eight. - [Wes] Eight. Oh, this is awesome! - This is so cool. Eight, where's this one here, right here? - [Alex] Eight. - [Wes] One. - [Chris] One. And then that symbol. Eight, one. - [Alex] Eight, one five. - [Wes] Eight, one, five. - [Alex] Where's a lock? - [Chris] There's one here but that's, this is a directional lock, here. - [Alex] Okay. - [Wes] I love that-- - [Chris] What else do we have here? - [Alex] Maybe another one, yeah. - [Wes] Yeah. - [Chris] Eight, one, five. - [Wes] Eight, one, five. - [Chris] Now we might have to re-evaluate how we look at that. - I love that idea. - [Alex] Watch my dragon dude. - You gotta hold your dragon man. That's the deal. - [Wes] Eight, one, five, it works! - [Alex] Good. - [Chris] That is cool, that is cool. - [Alex] Great. Yeah, that was a great idea. - [Chris] That was so dope. - [Wes] What's this? - [Chris] Oh no, not this guy. Thirteen moves were perfectly executed to finally kill Joffrey. Are you able to replicate them? Okay. - [Alex] Oh, so this is the-- - [Chris] The direction. - [Alex] The direction, yeah. - [Chris] Right, so. - Okay, go to the directional lock Alex. - [Alex] Yeah, this is it. Right, down. - [Chris] Or is this? - No, it goes, laterally look at it so it's right, down, for sure, for sure, for sure. - Right, down. - [Alex] Yeah. - [Chris] right, up, right. - [Alex] Yeah. - [Chris] Up. - [Alex] Yeah. - [Chris] Left. (lock clicks) - [Alex] Yeah boy. - [Chris] Up. (lock clicks) - [Chris] Left. (lock clicks) - [Chris] Up. (lock clicks) - [Chris] Left. (lock clicks) - [Chris] Down. (lock clicks) - [Chris] Right. (lock clicks and taps against box) - Wooh! - That was cool. (claps) - Ah, that's so cool. - [Alex] What's in it, what's in it? (dramatic music) (bell rings) - Oh, Cersei! - I don't know why. - Shame! - Ah. - Shame. - Okay, so-- - Season five bro. - I love that, full frontal. - [Alex] Hey, try not to (mumbles) - Oh shit. - Oh okay, oh, cool. - One, two, oh, oh! - [Chris] Okay. (growls) - [Chris] Like a game of guess who. (laughs) Wait, so you got the red ones, I got the black one. - Okay, hang on, let's look at it like this. Let's set them up and knock them down and see what numbers we get. - [Chris] Oh, okay. - [Alex] So which ones are missing? (plastic clicking) Let's see which ones are missing, those will be the numbers. (plastic clicking) - This is so good and confusing and I don't understand. - [Chris] Yeah. - [Alex] Yeah, you need to put down everyone that there's-- - [Chris] You're in yellow, I'm in black. - [Alex] So put down Robert. - Right, oh, dude, you're killing it. Okay, Robert yeah, thank you. - [Chris] So that one's Jon Snow. - [Wes] Which one, right here? - [Alex] Okay, so just name the guys you think it's. - [Wes] Okay, so Jon Snow. I have a three for Jon Snow over here. - [Alex] Wait, do we know that? - [Chris] Jon Snow's here so Jon Snow would be-- - [Wes] Well, I also have Jon Snow. - [Alex] Six. - [Chris] Number six. - [Wes] I have a three for Jon Snow in this one. - [Chris] No but yours is different 'cause you're in yellow. - [Wes] 'Cause I'm in yellow, okay. - [Chris] Oh, Cersei! - [Alex] Cersei. - [Chris] Hold on, guys. (bell rings) Shame. (bell rings) Shame. (exclaiming) - [Wes] So good! - [Alex] For sure. - [Wes] Ah, that's really good. - [Chris] Not hard enough fellas. - [Wes] Oh, I'm getting there. (laughing) Boom, edit that out. (exclaiming) You said it right away too! - [Chris's Watch] I found this. (laughing) - [Chris] Literally, my watch just said, hey, I found this. - [Wes] Literally, there's one right there. How did we not see that guy? - [Chris] And look, my watch found a picture of Cher. (laughing) Okay, we got this. - [Alex] Okay. - [Chris] I'll take care of this one. We got the blue here. (scraping along the floor) So we know that Jon Snow's that. I can probably help you with a few of them that we don't even need this thing for. Oh, here we go. - [Wes] Yeah. - [Alex] You know what, I think we need to put down the ones-- - [Wes] Oh, we need to put them down here. - [Alex] Yeah, yeah, for sure. - [Wes] Okay, they give you clues. Okay cool, cool, cool, cool, cool. - [Chris] My house is represented by a crowned black stag on. So that's Rob, no it's not Rob. Stannis Baratheon. - [Alex] Okay. - [Chris] It's a Baratheon house for sure. - [Alex] In the blue then. - [Chris] Yeah, I would think so. - [Alex] I'm not a man, I have-- - [Chris] I am not (mumbles), I am not a descendant of House Lannister, I have a crown on my head. Oh, I married King Joffrey Lannister, that's Margaery. - [Wes] In the black. - [Chris] Red, I am not a Stark, I am not a descendent of Aegon, I am not of House Arryn, I am still alive after season five. - [Wes] Oh that's-- - Wait, no, Robin was the little boob, the breastfed kid. - [Wes] Yeah. - [Chris] So he is in a lineage of Stark so it would have to be Jon Snow, right, because Jon Snow, technically, is not a Stark. So it would have to be Jon Snow. - No, this is it, this is it, 100%. - [Alex] How come? - Just because. - [Alex] Because, right. - 'Cause he's dope and I'm dope and I'm the guy. Five, okay. First number's five, last number's four. I'm gonna start just guessing. - [Chris] Sure, go for it, it's good for me. - [Wes] Last number, four. (lock clicking) This lock's open. - Okay, we got it (laughs). He's got the luck of the Lannisters. All right, next season boys. (dramatic music) - You guys have 40 minutes and 20 seconds left. - [Chris] Jeez. - Gonna murder this room, murder! - [Chris] Okay, we got something here. - [Alex] Okay, we got a bunch of stuff here. Let's gather everything together. - [Chris] Yeah, you gotta make a poster with that obviously. Oh! - [Wes] Oh. - [Chris] That's yours. (Wes exclaiming) Hand of the King bro. - That's real nice actually. I made this one, okay. (plastic pieces clicking) (laminated paper flapping) - Everyone knows that I'm good with puzzles. - [Chris] Oh, it's a crossword. - [Wes] Yeah. Stop handing me things. (laughing) This is a sword, this is a deck of cards. - [Chris] Alex is just gonna come in here and burn everything. (laughing) I like how he doesn't understand that joke. - [Alex] No, not at all. Oh yeah, because of the dragons. - [Chris] Yeah, right. - [Alex] Yeah. (laminated paper pieces tapping against each other) Here you go boy. - [Chris] There's a marker here so-- - [Alex] Yeah, here we go, this is right. - [Chris] You're gonna be in charge of writing things down. - Gotcha. - [Alex] How about this? - [Chris] So one. - [Alex] What's this? - [Wes] Oh, that's-- - Yeah, that's Jon Snow, that's me. - All right, what's number one? - [Chris] Number one is, it should be Tyrion, T-Y-R-I-O-N. Yeah. - [Wes] R, oh my God, this is harder than it looks. - [Alex] Just write it on the side. - [Wes] It's fine. - [Chris] Yeah, just write it on the small square. - [Wes] Oh, thank you, way better, okay, yeah. Oh, that's way better here, on the one side. - [Alex] Okay. - [Chris] Okay. Down, three: how many times did Jon Snow get stabbed? It has a picture right here so one-- - [Wes] 17. - [Chris] Two, three, four, five. - [Alex] Five, for sure. - [Chris] It'll be five. - [Wes] Okay, where do I do that? - [Chris] Where there's an R there. - [Wes] Yeah. - [Alex] No but it would be, this would be three down. - [Wes] Three down so five. - [Chris] Yeah, five. Across, Jon Snow's last name represents him being a bastard form the North. - [Wes] Right. - What last name is given to a bastard from Dorne, from the Dorne? Let me Google it real quick. (laughing) Okay, hold on, let's go to the next one. - [Wes] Oh, no it's, okay yeah. - What part of a horse did Khaleesi eat? Number four. Heart, obviously. (clears his throat) (laughing) It doesn't start with a D or a B. (laughing) Five, season six, Game of Thrones got 94% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. - [Wes] Rotten. - [Chris] We can start guessing here, use the squares that we need. - [Wes] Yeah, okay, so V-E-R-N. - [Chris] Something. - [Wes] Something. - [Alex] Oh, would it be, there's four letters in that last one there? - [Chris] Yeah. - [Alex] Dorne - [Chris] Dorne, it would be Dorne or-- - [Alex] No, Dorne's five letters, it wouldn't be that. - [Chris] Sand, sand would work. - [Alex] Yeah, okay. - So we call it an A. So we got V-E-R-N-A so-- - [Chris] Yeah, Dorne, Sand, yip, that would work. - Okay, sure, I like it. If you're a bastard, they call you a piece of sand? - [Chris] Yeah, I guess so. - Ah, I guess, okay. - [Chris] You son of a sand. - Does that spell someone's name? - [Alex] Yo, do you have a key? - Raven, raven. - Raven, okay, what do we do with this? What do we do with this information? A raven, we have to send a raven. Oh, it's a word, it's a word with five letters. - [Alex] Raven. - Wooh! Sorry, I'm already celebrating and we haven't even opened the lock yet. I'm pretty confident though. - [Chris] R-A-V-E (lock clicks) - [Alex] Got it baby. - [Chris] Boom. - Booyakashana! - Onto season seven. (dramatic music) - Shiny. Oh, Jaime Lannister. (clicking) Mysterious Dagger. - All right, get a load of this. This is all gonna be blurred out. Okay, so on here, we got pictures of breasts and I guess we have to associate the breasts to the people. Time for sexy time, I like this. - [Alex] It's pretty much the only thing I've watched in Game of Thrones, the sex scene. - Heartsbane, so they have a name in the back of it, I think, right. - [Wes] Yeah. - Heartsbane, Jaime Lannister turn around. - And Widow's Wail. - [Alex] And we have another sword-- - Widow's Wail. There's an ice wall here. Look at this ice wall, that's pretty dope. Okay, so what do we do with this information? - I don't know. - Oathkeeper, Bryn, this is Mysterious Dagger and Arya. I thought she had Needle. - She had Needle but she also had the Mysterious Dagger. - Oh right, 'cause that's how she kills the guy, yeah, okay. All right, so-- - So. - Which one of these is Jaime Lannister's boobs? (laughing) - [Alex] Okay, so. - All right, let's put this here, just to see what's up. (sword scrapes against scabbard) And this one has question marks behind it. - Five letters to figure it out. - Heartsbane, Heartsbane, Sam Tarly? - [Wes] That's not enough letters. - T-A-R-L-Y. - [Wes] Oh. (exclaims) (lock clicking) - [Chris] It's the Tarly House, it's the sword of the Tarly House-- - [Wes] Negative, there's no T to start this thing. - And we're in season seven, right? Season seven was, okay, before this season. Who are big players in season seven? - Does Hound have a sword? - [Chris] This was-- - Does Hound have a sword? - Wait, I know, no, no, no but try Hound. But I think it might be, dude, who had the disease. - [Wes] Oh! - He was given the sword by Sam. (exclaims) (lock slams against box) - [Wes] Cow. - [Chris] Davos, no? - Bob. - [Chris] Davos, is it? - No. - [Chris] Jorah! - Yes, that'll work, I'll take that. - [Chris] That's only four letters. - Oh, damn, well I'm gonna spell it differently. - [Chris] Yeah, Jorah. (laughing) - [Chris] Here's the answer. - [Wes] No, is that his name? - [Chris] Yeah. (lock clicking) Yeah. (lock knocks on top of box) - [Alex] Great. - Oh, it was an H! - [Chris] Yeah. - Who knew? - Oh! This is so funny! So, I guess, who these people have slept with. Jaime Lannister, Khal Drogo, Jon Snow. Here, Khal Drogo, you know who sleeps with Khal Drogo. - [Alex] Yup. (laughing) - Yeah, those are hers. - No, those are definitely hers, yeah, yeah, for sure, for sure. (breathes in deeply) (clears throat) Wait, hold on, that's one. Jon Snow, oh, that's the lady. - Wildling. - That's, yeah, the Wildling. That's definitely her. (lock clicks) Yup. (latch clicking) - (laughs) This is actually disturbing. - Yeah, yeah. - Jaime Lannister, his own sister. - Man, why are we making no mistakes? - And Grey Worm. - Oh, this is so weird. - Which I hope isn't a reference. (laughing) (wooden boards knocking against each other) - Oh, what, this is awesome! - Oh, there's numbers here. - Yeah, we'll hold them up, we'll hold them up, we'll hold up. Here, Alex, grab one side. - [Chris] 32, why are there so many numbers? - There's too many. - [Chris] Zero, six, 20. - [Alex] There's maybe other locks as well though. - [Wes] Oh, no, 'cause one's gotta get us out. - Oh, wait, what about the walker kings, try that. - [Alex] So those ones? - [Chris] Those three dudes. Wait, yeah, try them in order. - 32, six. - [Alex] Yeah, 32, six and what was it? 20. (lock clicks) Yeah boy! (exclaims in triumph) (light enchanting music) (laughing) - I think we all know what to do with this. No, this is actually not you because this is not your dragon anymore. - [Wes] Hey, scrolls. - [Alex] Oh scrolls, okay, let's open the scrolls Chris. - Congratulations Chris, your team has reached the ending of the seventh season of Game of Thrones. As you all know, the eighth and final season is all about who will reach the throne. From now on, your character is Jon Snow and your goal is to reach the throne before the other players. Once inside the eighth season, each character will go to either, to their respective corners and try to solve three puzzles before finding the last five-letter combination you need to claim the throne. As you may recall, season seven finished with white walkers bringing down the wall with the help of their ice dragon. To enter season eight, you must burn down the wall using fire. May the best player win. (dramatic metallic vibrations) - [Chris] Here we go boys. - I love it man, so cool. (flame roars) - (laughing) Good luck. - You got three puzzles bud. - Oh yeah (laughing). (flame roars) (wood clicks) - Yeah, there we go. (laughing) (exclaiming) (dramatic music) - Whoever reaches the throne, the time stops for the whole team but now it's a competition between-- - [Chris] All right, let's go. - For that combination, once you get there, you only have one try. If it doesn't work, the two other players have their first try as well until you get a second try. So make sure you have the right combination if you want to go to the throne. - Ready, three, two, one, go. (scraping on floor) (dramatic music) (mumbling) (scraping along floor) (clicking against wood) - [Alex] What's this? (knocking against wood) (dramatic music) (knocks into the floor) (wooden tiles knocking against wood) (lock clicking) (knocking on floor) (dramatic music) (lock clicking) (dramatic music) - [Wes] Can't lose $5000. (dramatic music) (lock clicking) (talking indistinctly) (laughing) (wooden tiles knocking against the floor) - [Alex] 'Cause I know nothing about Game of Thrones. (wooden tiles knocking against wood) (dramatic music) (wooden tiles knocking against wood) - [Alex] First (talking indistinctly). (paper rustling) - I know guys, I know. (dramatic music) - [Wes] No. - [Alex] S-P, this is for the page number, this is for the line and this is for, this is the first one. - [Coordinator] Right, so Chris, you're doing your first try? - [Chris] Yes. (lock clicking) - Alex and Wes has one try. - [Wes] This is such a cool way to do it. - [Chris] This is correct. (dramatic music) Oh, so you're saying this is a clue. (dramatic music) Yeah, you guys are way behind dude. I've already got my word and it's not working. - I done it wrong. (dramatic music) - Mother. (dramatic music) (knocks on wood) (dramatic music) Wow, seven and four. (talking indistinctly) 22. Oh my God. - Sounds. - I'm such an idiot (laughs). I don't know why that would be. (laughing) (paper crumpling) (pen scratches on paper) (paper scrapes) Well-played boys. (clicks pen) (slams against floor) (laughing) - [Coordinator] They gotta figure it out in eight minutes and 40 seconds. - Can't wait. - Alex. - [Alex] Yo. - We're gonna be here forever. No, you got it. - No, I'm almost done. - [Chris] Yeah. - I'm gonna win. - [Wes] Okay. - [Chris] Well, Wes is just going for the guess. Wes, just going for a hard guess, hey? - Yeah, why not right? - [Chris] Oh buddy, yeah he got it. (lock clicking) Wes just guesses it. - I got a W over there and I said fuck it. - Do you know what I had? Look, look what I had. - [Alex] I nearly just finished on this man. - [Chris] Ctown. (laughing) - Crown. - [Chris] Yeah, but Wes got it. - It's crown. - [Coordinator] Time only stops once the head touches the crown. - Man, I thought that was-- - [Chris] Oh, I got it, no! (laughing) (exclaims in triumph) - Hey, Wes. - Wooh! - Yeah, I had Ctown. - I had M-R, space, W, space and I'm like, W. - I had Ctown. (laughing) And I was like, Ctwon, is that a anagram or is that like a Casterly Rock. And they're like, no, that should be the word. I'm like, Ctown doesn't work man, it's crown dammit! - Yeah. - [Chris] Wow. - Next hand, I'm calling it right now. - One hour and one minute and 31 seconds guys. - Well done fellas, well done. That was amazing. (talking over each other and laughing) - Can you believe it, Wes guessed his way all the way through. - Oh man, $5000 too. - Yeah, that's how much that'll be worth on eBay. All right guys, hey, that's the video. Like and subscribe if you did enjoy this video. I thought this was a lot of fun so yo. First of all, hats off to Mobile Escapes. I gave them a challenge to do this within 13 days so they came up with this whole escape, all the props and all the puzzles and everything else. Props to these guys who put that together. Definitely go give them a follow, check out their Instagram and their website if you're interested in having an escape in your own home or creating a custom escape, whatever you guys like. Thank you to Alex Boyers/Mother of Dragons. Thank you to my little friend over here, Tyrion, Wes Barker. Definitely check out their channels as well. So look at this, this is the eggs. These look like actual eggs. Guess what they're made of. How did you make these? - So it's a styrofoam ball and we bought a bunch of pins and we pinned one after the other starting from the top and then went all the way to the bottom. - It has scales dude. - You started from the bottom, now you're here. (laughing) - You could legit probably sell these on Etsy and just make a living. - Well, not anymore 'cause they just told everyone how to do it. - Yeah. (laughing) Congrats Lee. Our camera guy, Lee. - Thanks. - [Chris] Thank you so much. You guys work really hard. - Cheers! Wooh!
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 899,134
Rating: 4.8990479 out of 5
Keywords: puzzle, puzzles, escape room, escape, mobile escape, chris ramsay, got, ramsay, chris, full, solve, solved, solution, solving, how to solve, mr puzzle, puzzle master
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 4sec (1924 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2019
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