Solving PUZZLE FURNITURE That Belongs in a Museum!!

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Ironic this is actually another one of my favorite channels

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Hi5_Fan62 📅︎︎ Nov 05 2020 🗫︎ replies
(suspenseful music) - [Goblin] Foul swine thinks he can take my key. I'll show him. Opening, open my door. (door creaks and rattles) Open the secret door. (dramatic music) It's looking for, looking for me. They'll never find it here in my vault. Disgusting, disgusting dwarves. Dwarves are so disgusting. (dramatic instrumental music) The craftsmanship, the craftsmanship on this is astounding. He'll never find it. They'll never find it here. A goblin can hide anything here. Be warned, anyone. Be warned anyone who dares open this box. (dramatic instrumental music) Few surprises lay in wait for you in my box. (suspenseful music) - Yo, what's up, and welcome back. Sorry to frighten you ladies and gentlemen. It hurts so much. This is a heavy mask. Thing weighs like 10 pounds. Look at the detail on that, though. Hope you guys enjoyed that intro. We had a lot of fun shooting it. One of the reasons we shot that intro was because the box, the chest, the dresser that we are going to be attempting to solve today, the back of it is sort of exposed and reminded me of a, remember in Harry Potter when Harry goes down into the vault at Gringotts, the bank with the goblins? The mask reminds me of the goblins, and the box itself, the back of it reminds me of that big door to the vault when it goes (vocalizes machine sounds). Today, we're lookin' to solve the Secretum Cista. But before we get into that, I have a quick favor. As you guys may know, Neil Patrick Harris, NPH, the legend himself, he's releasing, I heard he's releasing a board game, and for those of you who don't know Neil's work, Neil's a magician, but he also collects puzzles. And I would love to have him on the channel. I would love to get ahold of his board game. So, I've been reaching out to his PR team. They haven't answered me, so guys, if you want to do me a quick favor, hit up NPH on Instagram and just at me. Tag me on his latest posts. And let's just go spam him for a bit. I'll apologize after when he responds to me, but just, you know, just so we can get past the barrage of people already trying to contact him, and make some noise. So, if you want to, I left the link below. If you want to see that happen, please help me out. Okay, so, today the Secretum Cista by Jesse Born, this is a puzzle unlike any other puzzle I've solved because it's a dresser. It is complete with 18 drawers, basically 18 separate puzzles built into one. It's crazy how well it's built. You see the dovetails here. This puzzle was lent to me. It is not my puzzle. Only a few of them were made and they were sent out to the people who paid for them. But if you guys want to check out Jesse Born's work, highly encourage you to do so. This guy's really creative., I left the link below. So, without any further ado, let's solve the Secretum Cista. Well, here we are the Jesse, this is kind of a weird angle. I like this. You got the back of the puzzle over here. We've got the front of the puzzle over here because we're gonna be tinkering with these drawers. But as we're tinkering with them, as you can see, the contents of all the puzzles are back here. So, you guys are going to be able to get a little behind-the-scenes view of what the heck's going on, which is really dope. None of these drawers actually open. In fact, when we received it because of shipping, it shook around a little bit, and actually one of them did open and we had to repair that and make sure it didn't before we went into solving the puzzle. So, we contacted Jesse and he let us know what to do. So, as of now, all of these not open. There is a different amount of resistance in all of them, so some of them have a little bit of give. Some of them have none whatsoever. And some of them feel like they're on like a spring like this one. So, the only thing that does move here at first is this. As you can see on the back of the puzzle, it's got a bunch of holes here, almost like a flute. On the other side it's got like notches. So, these little holes, I'm guessing, will act as some type of key. When we get like a piece, we can put it in here. We can go in here and then we can perhaps unlock something else, so we'll see that. So, because none of the drawers open because, you know, we don't want to force anything. I thinking the handles might be a little bit of a clue here. Like this handle here is super loose, and I'm not sure if that's normal or not. Ah, there we go. This one does as well. Oh. Interesting, this come out. That's very interesting. On the inside of here, there's like this peg, so this, oh wow, magnetized, so there's a small puzzle here in this drawer. You got to push this in and just turn that to open it up. You've got some type of groove here, some type of line. I don't know what that's for, but there's a hole that goes all the way down through it. Oh, I can't show you this. This is weird. Underneath this drawer, there is a sliding mechanism, so I slid that forward, and then there's another sliding mechanism that goes this way. So, kind of like inner latches. It goes here. And then once it's there, this piece goes in here. What does that accomplish? you may ask. I don't fully know, to be quite frank. Huh. 'Kay, maybe that goes back in. Oh see, because it, oh, now it's unlocked this one. Okay. We'll leave this one there for now. We've now opened the second drawer because of these things that we had to click underneath it. It's kind of cool. There seems to be a pattern on the end of this one, as you can see here, a bit of a pattern there. Nothing really else. Huh. Okay, so with these, with this little pattern here, I'm wondering if the end of this comes out or something. (mellow instrumental music) Oh. Boom. So, that slides up. Now, I'm not sure, obviously, I'm not sure which drawer to pull out first. This one here seemed to be a bit of a dead end to me as there's a pattern on the inside. But aside from that, there's nothing else. So, I don't know whether this unlocks another one, but over here. Oh, and that gets pushed in. You can see it on your screen here, as that gets pushed in a little bit further, there's almost like a lock that wants to drop there. Just having a look at this door. Maybe the door holds the key to something else here. This handle twirls. This one here. If you see me glancing over like this. I'm staring at the monitor, which shows me the back of the puzzle. Hm. (mellow instrumental music) Aha, there is a tiny pin right up here that is going to slide over, click, like that. And now I got to bring this thing back up here. Oh, look at that, look at that. Very cool, oh, we have a little artifact. White and brown square. My guess is that this is quite possibly magnetic or of alien origin. One of the two. Was it made for this? Huh. Right now, I'm just using it and sort of brushing it alongside the puzzle to see if there's any type of magnetic attraction here. So, now we're gonna have to find a use for this magnet. The magnet stuck right here, so that's one possible use for the magnet. I also don't want to shortcut the puzzle, meaning I don't want to skip ahead in steps. Puzzle creators, sometimes they make really complicated sequential puzzles, and I've had the fortune or misfortune of solving them prematurely because I've figured out a way to jump ahead in the steps without knowing. I thought that was the way to go, but that often happens. You'll see that happen sometimes, in which case, I don't think, you know, honestly, I think that that's perfectly acceptable. I mean, you made the puzzle, that happened, should have been foreseen. So, right here, this whole thing is metal. Boom, so I've used the magnet, and right here on this pin, it was connected magnetically. Somehow used the magnet to undo that right here. So, this pin would have been up here like this, and then the magnet released some locking mechanism. That's how that opened. Okay. Looks like we have the very same drawer as this one with the pattern inside. So, these two drawers both have this pattern. I'm not sure what this means. Let's try using the magnet. Oh, definitely some metal back here and definitely magnetic. I'm wondering if, okay. Let's see, let's see on this one here, if this is also magnetic. Indeed it is. What if I pushed that back? Wait, why is it stuck now? I'm just trying to see in behind this puzzle. Trying to see by attaching the magnet to the back of the drawer, if I push that back in, if there's something that might happen back there, but it doesn't look like it. Why would that be magnetic then back there? Is it just due to there's a screw? I'm really curious on how this one... Okay, now that locks. Oh, there must be a magnet grabbing the top of that thing in the back. The top of the back of the drawer, to the top drawers here, the bottom drawers here, when the top drawer goes in, there's a small magnet that grabs the latch here, which allows this one to extract. Again, still running this magnet here. There's gotta be a reason this drawer opens, like these two drawers here, maybe I have to open a third one, and then it gives me some type of design that I have to follow. I don't know. (mellow instrumental music) That scraping you're hearing is simply the pin, this pin here, scraping on that wood. Now there's gotta be something to do with this turning. There's nothing to do on this particular puzzle here. I mean, it locks down here, maybe... I guarantee you one of these things unscrews. That's gotta be it. One of these things has to be an extra tool. What a wasted opportunity if we didn't use one of these handles, one of these little knobs here as an extra tool. Now, although I say that with confidence, I can't find... Was that coming out before? I believe it was. Oh, hello. There is a little internal maze here. So, on the top of this drawer here, there's a cylinder, and in that cylinder, there are grooves and there's probably a peg somewhere, and I have to maneuver those grooves, just like a maze outside this drawer here. Better view here. So, as you can see, there is some type of maze in there. That is the mechanism that was locking this drawer. Aside from that, it's pretty much, pretty much it. Maybe from time to time, I'll just grab this camera off the sticks here to give you guys a better view of what it is I'm looking at, you know? Got another opening here, but now we're stuck. Now we're completely stuck. It will not come out. It will not turn. So, therefore I gotta push it back in a bit to perhaps find another groove, and now we're stuck in another dead end. Maybe I push it back even more. But now we're back at the beginning. (mellow instrumental music) Hey, there we go. Wow, look at this. Kind of strange, but I had to move it like, as you can see, there's some traps here. These are all little traps that you get trapped in. And I had to maneuver it through there. See, that's where I got stuck, and then I had to go back through here, then I'd go down and get stuck, so I had to push it back in. So many little traps and twists. Very cool, very well done. It doesn't seem to be anything on the bottom, anything on the top. Definitely doesn't come out. This one here looks like it might be attached to the one under it. So, now that we've done these two top ones, I mean, logically, this is the one that should come out. The only thing I can see on this one here is this line, ah, and there you have it. So, there's a reason. See, there's a reason for everything, every little design here, there's a reason for. This one definitely shifts to the side, which allows it to open. How cool is that? Why? Small little lock on this side here where when it's put in there, just locks to the side here. So, now if that one's released, what does that mean? I'm not sure how that top drawer, I'm not sure this one effects anything. Like, what's the point of opening this one? I don't see how it's connected to any of the other ones right now. Crazy what's going on back here. Still these. Still these ones here with the little patterns on the inside, which I'm not sure what they do. (mellow instrumental music) All right, so this middle drawer here is connected to the one that's under it somehow. And there's gonna be a way to move this little ladder out of the way to let that pin go up so that the middle drawer can come out, and I'm sure it has to do with how this one's done, so what we're gonna do is simultaneously... Oh, what's this? Just found that here. I'm not sure if that's supposed to be stuck in there. Okay. So, this pin probably goes in here somewhere. Is there a hole? Ah, yes, right here. There is a tiny hole, much like the one that was over here, we're gonna stick that pin in here, and now... (mellow instrumental music) (gasps) Let's go. Okay, what's up with this drawer? Oh, weird. There's something on the inside here. Here. There is like this wave, as you can see, that's there, and that's about it. I think I can get it to move. Maneuver that thing. My hands are so big, I don't know. So, it moves like this much. All right, so, that little wave here needs to be shoved in. (mellow instrumental music) So, I've moved it more to the side now, which opens this drawer here. And in here is a little piece of wood with a hole that looks like it fits this thing, actually. Have we created another tool? Under this guy here, we had like a hole going through here. Okay, so we're going to take this. We're gonna place it in here. I'm guessing that this part here, once it goes in, will, there we go. Nice. So, that opens this one. So, that little pin here would basically pop this one up. Now we have another tool. You have two tools. You still have this one, too. I still feel like these drawers here, this one, these here, I'm still wondering where this goes. And again, all I can seem to think is that this goes here. I have an idea. That magnet is now in there. This magnet actually lifts up that little slider here. 'Cause there's two sliders on this one, as you can see. Here, what if I... That's just so complicated. I wonder if I can do this... Might be able to see what I'm doing. (mechanism clicks) Oh, okay, we got it. Wow. Oops. Oops, this is not supposed to be falling out, I think. And now here on the inside of this guy, let's turn it to the light a little bit. So, right here, there's another dowel, another little notch here. And it seems to be able to move up. So, now this one comes out. So, this lock here, this little notch here, there was this that had to slide up for this to come out. Why did that come out? Well, that's what we've got to figure. Is there anything underneath? Does not seem to be anything underneath of any particular value. Oh. It's also a magnet. I've got this tool, this thing, which I don't know if it's a tool yet. We've got this. Oh, you know what that looks like? This looks like it might fit in there. This seems like a large key that I can turn. Now it's to figure out, of course, that fits in there. Okay. Wow, that's crazy. All right, on the inside there, you got these pins and those pins are like little tumbler locks, almost like a lock and key. And by turning that cylinder, they will knock up those things like boom, knock them upwards or downwards. Gonna do one at a time. (mellow instrumental music) Okay, so these keys are, they're individually lifting up like a lever, like a switch. However, that switch is constantly dropped as soon as the key is done turning, so I turn, and it goes click, and you hear it fall back down. So, my guess is that I don't use that one key, but my guess is that I need more of those pegs. As you can see here, which you probably can't. There is a small, tiny hole right here, a hole, in fact, big enough for this pin. This pin has been a lifesaver. So, the pin, when I push this drawer in, the pin is entering another space, but there's no give there, so I don't know why that is. We're gonna figure that out right now. Ah, there we go. Something here on the bottom. There's something underneath this drawer, a small, almost looks like this one, so I'm trying to figure out what that is, and it rotates a little bit. Well, my fingers are a little too big to get in there. And there's also a hole on the side here, as you can see right there. So, I'm guessing the peg that is here... More stuff. Oh, that looks about right. So, this is going to go in here. This one is going to fit into this hole here, and we're going to play around with it here to see if we can, yes, yes. Oh, aha. That is two parts to the key. I figured this one probably requires this little magnet as well, wherever I put that little magnet. Right, I just spent the better part of 20 minutes trying to find this, and it was actually when I brought my camera down to the table, it was actually stuck to my camera lens right here. Click, careful when you're handling magnets and cameras, apparently. What we're going to do with this, the reason I wanted this, because we probably have the same situation here (mellow instrumental music) as we did last time. So, we had this drawer come out now. Again, that peg was magnetized. What's going on in here? We got a little, oh, oh, well, there we go. Boom, baby. An empty drawer. Nothing particularly special about but this row. This lifts up. Hold on. Hey, we've got another key. So, one side has a magnet. The other doesn't. I'm pretty sure you want to make it's on the magnet side when you put it on this middle thing so that they don't fall down. What drawers would we have left? We got this middle drawer here and we got these bottom drawers here. Oh, this one opens. Let's get this out of the way. Oh, well that was simple. We have another part of the key here. This. I think this drawer needs to open. How did this one open again? Did we have this one open before? How did this one, oh yeah. There we go. This one should open now. Yes. So, in the back here, these ladders, this one is connected to this one. This one is connected that one, and obviously that one's going to be connected to the last one, so let's put this in here. Move this out of the way again. Missing one peg for the key here. One peg, which is going to be in that drawer, which means this one and this one have to be completely open. And then that one opens. How cool is that? Can we see the mechanism behind that? Let's close that. So, that one is now locked on the bottom. Wait. That one is now locked. How is that connected? Can we see that? Ah, look at that ladder move up and down. Isn't that cool. And that allows that to open. Wow, that's ingenious, so ladies and gentlemen. This is the final, the final peg as we move this in here. (pieces knocking and clicking) Tada! Oh wow, look at this. "Secretum Cista, August 2020, limited edition, 16 of 30, wenge, holly, purpleheart. So, it's got all the wood names, and in here's a key. And this key, I was told, would open the back. Really feel like this thing needs to be pried open. There we go. That is the back of this puzzle. Here you go. Here's some of the internal mechanisms. As I said, these things would be pushed up due to those drawers. I mean, the craftsmanship is pretty stellar on this. I would say definitely an extremely difficult puzzle. Roughly what time is it now? Hold on. It is 12:02. About three hours of solve time to get here, and it's probably gonna take another hour to put all these things back. I'm probably gonna have to go look at that footage and figure out how to put this all back together. But that was a lot of fun. Hot. Almost three hours of solving time to get this thing done. I still have yet to put it together, by the way. I'm kind of staring at it and then dreading that part. That's my least favorite part. You know, some puzzles are meant to be put back together, and some, it's like you solve, you get the prize, you're like, yay. Everything's great. (crowd cheering) And then you turn around and you have this big pile of tools and wood. And you're like, I gotta go through it again. I have to send this back to Jesse or to whoever purchased this, so I got to pack it all up. But guys, if you enjoyed this video, and you like what we do here, let me know by leaving a like. That's all you gotta do. Drop a like, subscribe if you want to see more of this. Every Wednesday, we're uploading epic puzzles, so you guys can stay tuned and get notified if you choose to. And yeah, we'll see ya on the next one. Peace. (bright music) ♪ I don't understand why ♪ (bright music)
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 1,237,312
Rating: 4.9572835 out of 5
Keywords: chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, puzzle, puzzles, how to solve, puzzle chest, puzzle box, puzzle dresser, puzzle furniture, solution, solved, jesse born, puzzle crafter, crafting, chest, fun
Id: 9H71pplTwdE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 29sec (1709 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
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