Solving The EXTREMELY DIFFICULT Vending Machine Puzzle!! (Solution is GENIUS)

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(playful music) - Ladies and gentlemen, we have another puzzle, by Daniel Ultraman. Now this guy sent me some custom puzzles. He's an army veteran and he got inspired to start building puzzles. This is the third one he sends me, so this is hand crafted. By the way, if you're interested in this, I think he has five for sale, follow the link below, I've dropped it there. This is ours. I might have Antwone actually set this up once we get through this. I got to, I got to watch out, I'm allergic to peanuts. Peanut joke and I'm not actually, so it's a bad joke but what ever. This is plan B, okay so plan B in case. Gotta love packing peanuts. Is there anything else in here? Get this outta the way. You got a knife over there Antwone? Thank you. Daniel stepped up his game a little bit here I gotta say. So, the insides looked rattled for sure, because of how it was sent, so we may have to reset this and I may need Antwone to go ahead and reset it. Reset it. So there you have it, Antwone has set this up. This is the back of the puzzle and we had to plug it in, so it's plugged in to, over here. It's little USB thing and this is the front of it. How cool is that? We should probably get a lower camera angle on this for the solve. While we setup the lower camera angle, enjoy some of this B-roll. (electric music) Now that we've got all the cameras sorted out, we can see what's happening cause I accidentally moved a piece here, but before get into that, I just wanna kinda focus on the contents of what's inside here, and you can see there's, there's a vial right here with a key inside, something behind it. What is that? Something behind it. Looks like magnet, no it's a tube, and then we have the snack, looking like a hot snack right there. And also, I noticed there's a little vial on the inside here, so those things. There's also an opening here, just like a vending machine, you know, you gotta reach your arm into, that's kinda cool. You can't get anything outta there. You got this, what we got here? We got this. What ever this is, looks like maybe a tool I can unscrew, I'll check that out eventually. We got the knob again, probably not supposed to unscrew that. Now, let's take a look at this top part here, cause I don't know what's going on. So we got this. Oh it's like a little magnet here, look at that. That's all that does. Huh. And that doesn't come off, okay. So that's all that does, is just shift side to side, none of these move. Next what we're gonna look at is, this here. This looks like it can be a, I don't know if I'm supposed to unscrew this, but here I am, it is a magnet. What do we use this magnet for? I think, I think I got an idea. Oh, this is cool, I like this though. Can we, I don't wanna get that lost in there either. I attract anything with this magnet? Huh. What does that do, does that do anything on the inside? Can I see? Don't see anything there. Should I just shake it and spin it? (laughs) We gotta find out what this magnet is for. Is there anything in that hole here, no. Can I see? Nothing in there. I have a feeling like, I should attract that with this magnet but it's not working, not strong enough. Some felt here. Huh. Let me get a different angle here so you guys can see what I'm doing. Okay, so that vial is stuck there. Looks like there's an actual clip onto that vial. You can kinda see that little metal, that little metal clip right here, looks like it's hanging on there, and the snack itself is also leaning. Nothing's happening. I'm tryna figure out where this magnet may go. This is a lot more difficult than I expected. I thought there would be more, more things to go on. Maybe I'm just not inspecting it properly. Let me, nothing underneath. And back, we still have this button, right here. It does nothing right now. Spring loaded button. Oh, okay. So, if I push this button, I can probably pull this up, but my guess is, I need a tool to be able to push it in all the way so that I can, I can pull that window up, cool. Still no clue what this does. There's gotta be something. Oh wow. Strobe lights. (laughs) My hand is too fat to fit in that gap. I don't wanna hear any innuendos in the comments, all right? Promise internet that you won't miss interpret what I said, thanks. Okay, so this unscrews too. Do you just unscrew it? Hell with it, why not, we're unscrewing things. Okay, maybe this and ah ha. There you go, we put the magnet on the knob. I don't know what I'm doing. Okay. I'm really enjoying the cool of this puzzle, it looks super sick. What would you do, what would you guys do in this instance right now? Would you, would you tilt it upside down? Okay, it's called snack brake. Brake, B, R, A, K, E, like a brake, like a hand brake, right? Like braking, like stopping. What could that mean? Snack brake. Brake the glass, no. So normally in a vending machine, you can just do this right? Rock it back and fourth, maybe. I still have no idea what this top thing is for here. We got a magnet and there's a reason for that magnet. There's a metal thing on the key. Like this little, there's this little metal piece holding that key, if I could attract that to here, it might fall and I might be able to grab the key and unlock this, retrieve the snack. Again, what is this for? Is it just red herring? Why is there a tube there? Why are there things in there? What, how do I get that out? Can this slide down? I'm just gonna keep running this magnet around the entire puzzle. I think that's the only thing that I have so far other than this moving piece. That's the hinge. Attracting to the hinges. What's this felt piece? Oh. We've made, we've made a new tool. But, literally doesn't do anything other than just adds, adds a piece to the existing tool. I almost think like, he did that on purpose though, like it fits too nicely to not. I feel like that's also this here, fits like almost perfectly into that felt spot, right there, for no apparent reason but it does fit. Brake, brake, brake. Kinda stumped. What if I unplug this? No. Thought something might be like, oh as you unplugged it, it fell. Lee just suggested to me the color red for braking. Oh, here we go. Okay so that's red. What does that do? Just makes it red Lee. Tryna listen. When you brake, you go from yellow, orange, red, right? You go from yellow, orange, red, green, greens go, yellow, orange, red, purple. (laughs) Man, oh man, oh man. None of these move. How long's it been? - 18 minutes. - 18 minutes and we've barely cracked the surface. (grunts) I'm not gonna result to actually shaking it because I know that, that could cause a problem, but I did wanna just kinda tilt it, you know like a vending machine, when you're like hey my snack is stuck. That's kinda what I wanted to, to do there. Not gonna go any harder than that. Why the magnet and why this magnet? Ah. It says here, can you read on that vial? It's way too small for you to vial. That little vial has a piece of paper there and it says extract magnet with tool. Extract magnet with tool. Extract magnet with tool, what does that mean? Extract magnet with tool, there's a, there seems to be a magnet in there, like holding the vial, right? So, behind it, if you have a look behind the vial, there seems to be like cylindrical magnet, or like a little disc magnet. There is this button in the back, but I feel like I don't have the right tool, so this button is preventing this plexiglass from lifting up. I can't push it in further then the plexiglass, and this part of the tool is too wide to push that in as well. I don't wanna use an external tool to push that in, that's, that's what I'm trying to avoid here, is what I'm saying. Cause otherwise I can do that, I can just push that in and maybe that's how I have to extract the magnet using a tool, once I'm back here because there is a hole right here, right here, there's a hole with a copper tube and I think I have to feed the magnet through that copper tube some how through the back, but I can't get to the back because I don't have a tool that allows me to push that in. Yeah, no, there's no way I could lift that out without a, a another tool to guide me. It says, extract magnet with tool, and it has number one written beside it, like it's like the first step. Checking the monitor to see if anythings gonna move if I move the magnet back here, but doesn't seem strong enough to do anything and still this, I have no idea what that does. Extract magnet with tool. There's a magnet here, there's a magnet there, there's a magnet here, which magnet are we talking about here. And which tool? This is, this is giving me a run for my money here. Why is there a gap? The gap is there because. Okay, here's what I'm thinking. So, there's this copper pipe back here, once we open the back of this thing, the magnets gonna get sucked through that copper pipe, thus releasing the metal object that is attracted to that magnet on there, that's gonna fall through here, I'm gonna open the vial, unlock the lock, retrieve the snack and I think that's how this whole game works, that's how this puzzle functions. The only thing I'm missing currently is a tool that allows me to push that little button in the back so that this plexiglass here can move up. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to this thing here. Seems to be absolutely nothing, however the mechanism could be hidden. Thinking for some reason there might be a tool in here, but that's ridiculous, I'm just reaching it. Reaching it, tryna guess here. I had some sort of magical tool that would help me push that pin in the back, that would be really nice and I'm sure that magical tool's hidden somewhere, probably inside that vial? I'm not flipping this thing upside down either, I think that might be a mistake. Okay, I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. Just wrote to Daniel on email because I wanted to make absolutely sure that I wasn't allowed to use an external tool or to push this in with my fingers as far as I could in order for this to lift up and he confirmed that no, there should be another tool hidden somewhere that will allow me to do that. And that's all the information that I've got, so I'm keeping it one hundred. (gentle music) I feel like this magnet should be there to, extract magnet with tool. Are they talking about extracting this magnet, that's on this screw top here? Cause that doesn't come out. That vial's attached to this door, I can see it moving. Can you see that vial moving when I move this door? It doesn't say no banging either, like normally, that is made clear with a lot of puzzles, no banging, no swearing, no having fun. (growls) Like a half-n-hour right? 30, 40 minutes so far and we've gotten no where. Well not no where, we've just gotten barley anywhere. Okay well, also why would you give me this? Why would, why would this not be inside, right? That's a good question. Why would I have this? Just to change the color of it? Also the colors here are orange, yellow, red, red, yellow orange, so maybe that's the thing. Yellow, orange, orange, yellow, red. Orange, yellow, red. The yellow look green to you or is that just the glass? That's the glass. Is this the extra tool that I have to use? No. Man, oh man, oh man. Why is, why is this giving me such a hard time here. One, extract the tool with, extract the magnet with tool. Extract the magnet with tool. Ah huh, no, no idea. Just thought I'd say that out loud, felt good, ah huh, got it, see, see how good that felt. Found it, nope? I am utterly stumped at this moment right now, there's nothing, I have nothing to go on. Absolutely nothing. It doesn't do anything in the inside visibly. Again with the colors, orange, orange, yellow, sorry, orange, yellow, red, red, yellow, orange, red, yellow, orange, orange, yellow, red, red, yellow, orange, orange, yellow, red. I don't know where I'm going with this. There's always that fear, as someone who solves puzzles, there's always that fear of either having a like a, like a defect puzzle because you're stumped, you don't have an explanation left, you assume it's broken cause that's the only way my mind can comprehend how this works. Kinda like a magic trick, when you ant figure it out, you just give up, right? You're like, ah it must be something, right? But with a puzzle you're like, okay if I can't figure it out well it must be broken, but honestly it's probably just I haven't thought of something and when you get ah huh moment, that's, that's what you're looking for. Just gonna go back to the email he sent me, initially with the details of this puzzle. The video below will give you a preview as well as an outline of objectives, my only rule is to solve the puzzle standing up right as it's shown. No clue. Well, you know what, at least it makes for a nice little decoration, that we could throw up on the shelf, and just leave it at that, what do you think? Here's the thing, okay, another little thought that popped into my mind, is that, that little vial with the message on it, if that's a clue, then obviously I need to get that out before I open this door, otherwise what the heck's the point of putting a clue in if the puzzles already solved, right? So that vial needs to be the first thing to come out guaranteed, guaranteed that's how I see this thing. How that vial's extracted, I don't know, but that vial I believe allows me to get a pin, which then pushes this back in. I'm figuring this puzzle out, I'm just missing the one piece, the one piece which helps me figure this out and that is how to extract that vial from this crack here. You get what I'm saying, you catch my drift, you're picking up what I'm putting down? How come there's a magnet up here, that also throws me off completely. I don't know what to do right now. Swapped the camera angle a little bit, so you can actually see the living frustration in real time. I'm a this point now, this is where I'm at, okay? Cause why else would you give me the remote, right? Ha, ha. A battery. (gentle music) I wanna keep trying to mess around with using this magnet on the back of the thing, hopefully that does something, it's all I can think of right now. (gentle music) I'm gonna keep using this tool. I'm gonna unplug this by the way. Oh. There's a magnet here. Oh, look at that, there's a little sliver, can you focus on that, there's a small sliver right here of something and that, let me just make sure, yeah, oh here too. Oh, listen. Something's stuck to the magnet. Oh here we go. I got it, I gotta, oh here we go, okay. Get ready for this, this is gonna be hype. (gasps) Did you hear that? Okay, what the heck's goin on? I heard a bearing, I heard a bearing, a bearing fell somewhere. You guys heard that. Okay, there's something here. Look, listen. Okay, maybe and it stops there. It's like stuck here, okay. It's almost like I pass it through this tube and then it rolled down but I don't know where, so it's like stuck here now. That is, is now caught here. Okay, where is that hole. Okay that copper tube looks like it's going up. (gentle music) I think we're moving it up. Yep, That's good. So, we're gonna bring it up to here. Okay, we're here now. Now what? Maybe this thing? (gasps) What. That's insane, that's insane. Okay, what you didn't see. What you didn't see, there's a ball bearing, right there, smacked that magnet, which then released the vial, and so there, this is insane. Wow, that is so cool. Okay, so we have the key, the key is here. Wait, why doesn't the key fit? Huh, why doesn't the key fit? You're supposed to fit. It's not the right key, it's not the right key, it doesn't fit. There's a little hook on it, maybe the hook is the key, maybe I can lock pick it. Never lock picks a lock, oh there we go, just about to say I never lock picked a lock using a hook. Why wouldn't you, I don't understand why he wouldn't put the key there though, cause that was, that was a little bit confusing, but here we go, the grand reveal. Dun duh duh duh, that is pretty, look how pretty that is. Here's the snack, we have retrieved the snack. Oh, there's something in here. Just a magnet. Why would there be tape there? Why would there be tape there, anyone? Why would that be there, if there's no magnet. Oh, wait, here we go, bing bing. Okay, so these I guess are the clues. Place both to the side, reset machine, claim your prize. Is this the tool, like I feel like there should be something in here. None of these seemed to be, there's gotta be something that I'm missing here, that's what the problems is. Maybe this felt comes off? Oh, oh, hello. Oh hello. Stoked, link it up. Oh my god this is cool. I am actually stoked, this is exciting. This guy doesn't disappoint with puzzles let me tell you. Yo. What the actual. Oh look at the inside of that. What does this do? There's a lot of work that went into this, let me tell you, that's pretty insane. So we have a deck of cards here. Cool deck of cards, thank you very much Daniel. Daniels literally adding to my collection every time. So, let me get this straight. This is nuts, that's what's happening right now. All right, so where's that, where's that bearing? We're gonna pop that bearing. That bearing is now hard stuck to the, to that magnet as you can see. But can I extract that bearing then using the other magnet? Yeah. Why does that happen? Do you see this? Is this a magnet as well? So the little hook inside, actually serves its purpose to hold onto that there, but as soon as this magnet touches, look what happens, that comes off. I don't know why that is, but its science and that's cool, I like science. So, that goes back there, just like that, that was there. And, and this little, this little vial, that's it for here, we can, I think we can lock this up, I actually won't lock it up because I wanna keep it open for a second to see what happens here. So, I'm guessing here, is where you want to put this metal bead. So this is tricky cause here, I'm gonna use this, the metal bead is now at the bottom of this copper wire. I'm gonna use this magnet, bring it up, there it is, you can actually see it through there, in the hole, can you see that? You can see it, right there, little bearing. The bearing then has to climb up, go through here and that's where it fell down. And it falls down there and the reason it falls so slowly, is because with in a copper tube, it'll actually drop a lot slower, so it creates this auditory illusion which I didn't understand. Once it's here, you bring it through here. So the only reason this top part, which we see here sliding back and forth, the only reason that was there, was so it could move out of the way, so that this bearing which is now caught here on the magnet, would fall through here and watch what happens when it falls through, we'll turn this around. What. That is so, so sick. That is so sick. Daniel, you've out done yourself again my guy. That is truly, truly nuts, look at this. Daniel this is one of the coolest puzzles I own by far and I thank you for that, really, really cool, aesthetically the most pleasing of your puzzles, but defiantly the most genius as well. This is honestly one of the dopest puzzles ever. There's, there's actual physics that are at work here, using the copper piping and as well as those double magnets to push off the vial with the key here. What a fun solve, so much fun, so beautiful, if you guys wanna check out Daniels work, he's got a few of these for sale, not many and I'm not sure how many left, you can click the link below. Guys, thanks for watching, hope you enjoyed this. Don't forget to leave a like and subscribe for more of this content. Every Wednesday we're dropping new puzzles and we'll see you on the next video. Peace. (upbeat music)
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 5,560,842
Rating: 4.9122038 out of 5
Keywords: chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, puzzle, puzzles, how to solve, snack break, vending machine, puzzle solving, solving, solution, puzzle solution, level 10, difficult, hardest, hard, hardest puzzle
Id: xKGwiWDQnC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 23sec (1643 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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