Solving The MOST Beautiful Puzzle Ever Created!! - VERY DIFFICULT Level 10

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Man I'd like to own that. I can't pledge for one at the moment but I'll eventually get one somehow. I'd love to build that kit. I pledged for the mini steampunk kit so that'll do for now.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/temporaryKr3 📅︎︎ Mar 24 2021 🗫︎ replies

So, if you have to assemble it yourself does it ruin the puzzle?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/divingknight 📅︎︎ Mar 25 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yo what's up guys and welcome back finally back here in the office i feel so good and i couldn't wait to get back you know i i don't consider this work this is something that i do because i'm passionate about it and i'm really glad to be back here so thanks for joining me and boy what a banger we have for you today we're looking at the architecto puzzle by nkd this is not yet available this is only available on kickstarter i think only 44 of these will be hand assembled because they are intricate this whole thing is based on escher and asher's ladder and that type of thing sort of an illusion but also looks like a chris nolan scene from inception which is kind of why we went with that intro i hope you enjoy that they're available for the next five days only so link below check it out on kickstarter it's got little lights and every single little detail on this thing is just beautiful and pretty when inspecting it you'll find something new every time that you'll fall in love with mine a ride in this beautiful briefcase with all sorts of little items that came with it such as a magnifying glass a ruler a caliper a blueprint and all sorts of really really cool things this is my favorite looking puzzle by far out of all the puzzles i've ever done this is number one aesthetically i can't stop ranting about i can't stop talking about it but i'm going to have to right now because you guys want to get into the solve so let's solve the architecto puzzle this box is absolutely beautiful and inside this box we have check this out look at this look at this beautiful display here this is absolutely incredible i mean this is just gorgeous you have all sorts of little architecture things such as this beautiful ruler a stand you've got this little hand which i feel might come in handy the packaging here is just incredible and to boot there is a box which is stuck inside here there is a package and there is a lock with a combination so i figure we might have to figure out what that combination is uh in order to retrieve what's in there and of course the blueprints look at that how beautiful is that okay look at this beauty i mean i i probably spent a good 10 minutes just staring at all the little things that are going on here as you can see these are all little houses and here's the best part ready for this this little cityscape lights up you've got little street lamps here in the houses you can see little lights i mean every part of this puzzle is absolutely insane yeah this is definitely the most intricate puzzle i've ever seen the most probably beautifully presented look at this door even opens here there are little people hidden everywhere you look it kind of has like a an escher feel to it where it almost looks like an illusion as well and even in here this is crazy there's a little there's a little mirror in there which makes it look like this this hallway goes on forever i mean there's just so many things to look at look at these buildings here you've got you've got this over here which i don't even know where to start and this side here which has a level a little arm and a crank here we want to start by finding there are numbers i see numbers here like this number 16 here we want to start by finding the first number that's that's where we want to start so looking for number one we have 10 here we have eight looking for number one that's where we're gonna start i see 14 over here it's just something to behold on every corner the plants everything is just so beautiful take a look over here we got some stairs we also got letters like x and y number seven is over here a little shop right here look at these staircases look at this intricate little staircase here um still looking for number one this oh wow this this is a sliding maze of the oh my gosh this might take me a little while probably get the timer up oh did my battery die the battery on my timer just died you've witnessed the death of my timer next time i get a new timer what do you guys think i've been looking for a new one anyways so this this as well oh this is well can move eventually still looking for that number one probably i would guess it'd be on top wouldn't it oh is that one no that's eight number ten now i did charge this thing up but i don't know how long the battery will last for so we'll test that out we got 15 17. we got this thing here which does not rotate only this does oh look and there's a thing here that says num so as a number and i guess oh so it points to different wow i don't even 16 over here this thing pushes in kind of slides over not sure we'll get to that seven i see seven oh wow see little diagrams on the inside here when you pull this it'll reveal a different picture on that maybe it's the door here there's just a little man chilling in there um over here then okay doesn't seem to be super easy to find i mean i'm guessing i would start at the top so let's just see if anything moves around here this here see this even moves out here eventually that'll move wow xyz this turns this thing will eventually go in there wow even the little rocks here a little rock garden oh man this thing is so beautiful where to start for these things to move here i'm guessing this thing has to get out of the way because otherwise there is no place for them to slide to this is like one of those sliding puzzles okay how about over here back to back to square one really this thing will eventually move as well wow i am just enamored by this piece right here okay so nothing again i'm back to the top back to the top here because this is all made of like a thin wood you want to be careful with absolutely everything you're touching is there a clue on the blueprint to show us where number one is number of movements for opening current configuration 116 possible starting points two number of moving parts 68 total number pieces 901 wow so it tells us nothing but there are 116 moves okay and two possible starting moves so this does turn but right now it's blocked by this little man that's sitting on the edge here little man here is preventing this from turning so that is not the move this is spring-loaded here this let me see if i can put it down over here to show you this side actually does move like this which gives you different indications here i'm not sure what those indications serve but there are lots of numbers appearing and lots of little symbols as well okay that's the end of it these are all the little houses that are on top these diagrams here those are all the little houses found on top so okay this one here matches with that oh so this one you see the symbol here which is like a little arc it's hard for you to see that but there's like a little arc here next to a number five next to this house that house is represented by this little diagram it looks like and i have to go to that little arch symbol here this symbol here there which means that's that and this house which means that line would line up with this house here right this little line with that house here and if we put it to the top it does indeed line up with this one here so that is correct we have now correct things and what does that tell us does that show us anything else it shows us that it is 75 degrees here what does that mean does that enable us to do anything to the puzzle now that we are set in the correct variation see how all these little houses which are found on top match up to these little symbols that are beside so this uh this light symbol would be beside the other thing which which doesn't necessarily mean that we have to start at number one because there is no number one here as far as i can see it starts at number four what would that mean the stop is ten is the stop ten now see the stop isn't even there that's the stop would be that house no any of these things move maybe this thing now no maybe this thing no what does this mean they are giving us numbers right so it would be oh that's the number oh so the arrow points the symbol which connects to the house now the number would be the arc should we write these down i feel like we should let me go get a piece of paper okay let's take some notes here as i mentioned this little arc which corresponds to the roof that is slanted which is this one is number five right and which order they go on from top to bottom or bottom to top let's start bottom to top that's five this one which is this house here is next and that is the number can we find that little tire symbol [Music] it is nowhere to be found this little tire symbol where that number arrow is pointing to is this house but to i can't see unless it's on the inside cannot see on the end there's nothing on the inside to observe should we just go and look for the tire symbol then or do we skip the tire symbol for now and jump straight to the electric light bulb do i see that anywhere i do not the line however is eight and then the window okay so let's try and figure out what that unlocked if it unlocked anything at all so also we have on the bottom side here these knobs they turn okay oh this makes sense yes okay um which one do we have okay see the little houses here they are matching symbols which represent what we had on that diagram okay so the flat roof was that which was number five that is the flat roof on top which was this one here which is number five so the flat roof is number five flat roof here [Music] number five perfect not sure if you guys are catching my drift here but we'll keep going uh and then we had the number eight and the number eight corresponded to this line here so that line which is the house with the two slanted roofs which is this one is number eight so the house with the two slanted rooves which is this one here would be number eight we have two numbers are there any other numbers on top of here there is 10 where the stop is but we don't seem to have the stop here we have a number 14 here we have number 17 and 15 here so 14 which is the uh sort of spherical symbol that you see here which would be this one which would give us also the house with the flat roofs [Music] there's a configuration in here there's a configuration looking through this window you can see a configuration however wow this is really masterful i really want to try every number on that last one just to see if i can open it which is this one here no okay back to square one i do believe that whatever i saw in that window is going to be the code here which is in this window here but i do have to move these and i feel like i have to move this out of the way something is definitely stopping me from moving this and i do not want to break it there's an arrow pointing here as well it's a very tiny arrow pointing right here i mean it shows me that i have to move it okay so a few observations that i've made just now this maze here which we we know we have to shift these pieces around but there's one piece that needs to come out and it's actually this piece here this is the fifth house that appears on the other symbols and this can actually spin upwards but it is being stopped by the stop uh so this pin needs to be either it needs it has an arrow here so it needs to be pushed in so that this one is free to come up here don't know how to do that yet i noticed that this might be the thing blocking it here there's like this turny uh little keyport however uh xyz the only other place we see x y z is right here x y and z now this looks like it can come out however this is being blocked by this wheel this wheel and this wheel so now these sort of escher ladders have to be twirled in a way where this can be released thus probably giving us a key for this which in turn will hopefully unlock this so that house goes up that's the observation that the observation that i've made so far but again nothing's budging this as well can shift upwards again not moving as soon as this moves then i can start moving these guys this one here seems to this little man over here if i can push him in somehow but that's also being stopped by probably this over here which is being stopped by this man sitting here which i don't know what's stopping that but something stopping that as well so a lot of dead ends still still nothing i've been on this for almost an hour still have not even cracked the first move but i i feel like once we get the first move going everything will start running smoothly so back to it little man right here let's give you a good look in here it's really hard to see but this little man just moved down so he was up here and he just moved down what does that do what does that do you say i don't know ah so it unlocks this maze here which does what ah this is a maze look at this so we have to navigate [Music] we have to navigate this guy all the way through [Music] this is cool [Music] was that what that little fingers for [Music] once i got the first step everything afterwards falls into place okay so that's there that's at the end of its rope here which allows us to see this here what does this have to do with anything oh it says 90 in that little square so in there hard to see oh maybe hold on let me have to take my word for it it says 90 in there it also reveals that in here we have a little uh the little street light symbol which is number two i'm actually gonna write those down it's a whole lot of symbols okay let's figure out what that did now that we're here and it looks like it's able to fit in that placement there oh here we go whoa cool oh there you go the little tire is six and this comes out what do i have to use this for wait let's turn that light back on maybe there's something we're missing why would this come out okay so six is there we got two we got six so let's go back to uh this here our sort of cryptex and look at look at what that gives us so if we do we have all of these symbols lined up somewhere what was the latest one it was the tire okay so we have as you can see here there's the line we have that the light bulb do we have the light bulb i think we had the light bulb somewhere oh yeah the light bulb was seven so tire six light bulb seven line is eight curved thing is five so the pyramid would have to i mean logically would be nine or four [Music] and that's no as well okay i don't think we're meant to open that side yet then let's keep going down the road here why would this open what does that give me gave me a tool where would this tool fit looks like one of these corner pieces so maybe does it fit here somewhere it doesn't really fit anywhere when you look at it why would they give me this just straight up baffled right now does this turn now no can i move no oh this guy slides out all the way here what does that do goes from here to here yes this moves up so this went from here to here which now allows this to turn let's go and where does this turn to oh it gives us it gives us more symbols boom window is 11. window is 11. okay cool oh i see so one two and three these three wheels here have to align so that this piece can come out it looks like that can't turn yet has this unlocked anything over here so this this pin uh right here needs to move upwards but it is blocked by something here this guy clearly is going to move in or out which will allow me to slide these ones not yet time for you either is it time for you over here not yet time for you either again the stop here is going to push in as soon as this is removed and this will be removed as soon as x y and z are removed over here um and that is only going to move until when these stairs are moved we've moved one of them we want sorry we want to make sure all the diagrams which are here are available in number form we just got that window which is there but we're missing that window still as well so we haven't found that okay okay so so far we've done quite a bit and we've successfully moved one of these and still need two of the other wheels lots of other things going on here obviously okay so it looks like this actually this angle calculator might actually come in handy we can now calculate the pitch of the rooves and if we do that they will translate to the degrees here which it says degree right there which will give us our combination here so let's try this oh wow and it looks like it fits perfectly within there so as you can see that angle fits perfectly in there so let's find the pitch of this roof here which happens to be 65 on this roof so if this roof oh this is really genius so wow so if that's 65 let's go to 65 which is here that roof was the triple roof the triple roof is here which is the light bulb and so the light bulb is seven so if the light bulb is seven the triple roof is seven boom triple roof is done next this looks like a place for this right about here yep that one's there 20. this one with a little carport is 20. so the little carport here 20 is here carport is ah we don't have a number for that one yet we haven't found that one yet okay that little symbol has no number yet can i measure this one again the angles were 65 for the triple roof 20 degrees for the carport uh there's also this house which is over here which i cannot yet move therefore i cannot yet calculate that either so this one looks like it's 50 would be the beans hmm we don't have the value for the beams either so although we found a use for this it doesn't necessarily help us out at the moment we have a measurement here measurement here love that idea if that's if that's a thing if this here is the thing with the angles which gives us the values that would be nuts for now we've only really got one of those down which is this one here okay because it does fit perfectly in there like that's that's a perfect fit in there that is 100 true the light bulb is seven so we have to calculate the angles of the roofs here but some of them are not accessible like this one is accessible and that one is 20. so that one as well as 20. so this one equals light bulb which equals seven this one 20 just to make sure here this is the one with the carport this one which is this thing which equals we don't know yet and then 50 we assume it's 50 it's the closest one i can measure which is the normal house which is the beam of iron in which we don't know the value of that either okay [Music] oh here we go so this moves oh okay here we go this comes back so there's another labyrinth right here that we have to navigate through just like this and boom which now let's use that little hand where's the little hand here it is this probably goes up yes because that goes up this can now go here and the window is 18 the other window here that is 18 cool nice which unlocks this thing and we still have one left to unlock which is this side here now because this moved does that open anything else up for us yes this guy here finally gets pushed in [Music] so therefore now we can start sliding these things around [Music] oh what [Music] [Music] so we've moved this up as high as it goes seems to be a little button in there [Music] oh oh hello [Music] hello here we go oh the square we now have the cube which is one which is right here and we have the angle which is here little protractor thing whatever that's called i don't know and that goes up and out like this and that is number 13 13. what does that do oh oh i can slide this now so this went from here to here that goes up this now turns that window is now six why does that say 18 oh it's a different window and this should be able to come out now [Music] we have a key key goes into this hole over here let's go [Music] yes this house now comes up click which then oh little map here i'm guessing we have to replicate that using this here so those are the top down schematics wow that is unbelievable that is insane oh my god this is awesome okay here we go oh we got the cog wheel there which is 12. i'm just gonna write cogwheel cause i can't draw one 12. and here we go we have to replicate that house this one has to be over there oh pyramid is four tetrahedron sorry is four that's the middle one that one is on this side that one has to go on that side [Music] [Music] boom [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] boom [Music] oh is that a button in there so when i push down on this middle part these two pegs stick out right here i have all the variables now i actually have that last angle of this house as well so maybe that's it maybe the key here is to somehow measure out the angle of the last house yeah that angle is 35 which equals and that roof is this one here which is the lightning symbol [Music] 35 which is the lightning symbol which equals 17. this one we have now which is 13. we still don't have the iron symbol which is the stop sign which is stop sign is 10. [Music] so the only one we're missing is the iron beam do we just miss it somewhere is it just like hidden in plain sight so i mean we can at this point probably guess what the last one is by turning the other ones yeah let's have a look so triple pitch house is seven got it the one with the carport is 13. got it a 35 degree angle which would be which one should be that new house that we just measured which is this one here which is 17. got it and this one is 10 [Music] got it so now all we're missing is that last one which is the iron which is which one the the house looking one this one here and look iron's got to be okay we got one two three no three okay four five six seven eight it could be nine ten 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18. it could be three it could be nine [Music] oh it was three here we go so this came down was that unlock yes there's a little slit here which it unlocks that goes into there what does what does that unlock down here so here this switch here just went here went all the way in there because this one was up here it had to have unlocked this last one is there another combination i have to find because i have all these other combinations left we are very close what if i push let's go oh my god ladies and gentlemen the architect he's there in his lab and he's making things how freaking dope is that that's those are the symbols that i've been seeing earlier those just throw me off they're just like posters on this guy's wall wow ah unbelievable so wait oh wait [Music] those there the box that we had we had a combination lock this is actually sick we had a combination lock and we had a lock box here let me put this aside for now in his living room he had tire square light bulb right there six one seven six one seven yes oh wow [Music] and kd playing cards no way so je de carte beneficient so this is an original deck made entirely by wood um the best birch that uh best quality birch and made entirely from sustainable resources [Music] wow that is actually incredible any jokers there you go they're the jokers double backs got a blank card there and a joker and another joker wow well hot dang we did it we solved the architectural puzzle probably oh there we go hot dang uh we solved the architecto puzzle this thing is amazing i mean look at this just a work of art it probably took me would it take me 10 minutes to put back together four hours almost in total but three four hours to solve in total uh 10 minutes to put this thing back together so that's one of my favorite things about puzzles when they're hyper complicated because they're actual steps and it's not just random but then you just retrace the steps real quickly and you can put it back and there's a beautiful little stand it comes on we're going to prop it up here for a second i'm guessing this goes like this voila you can turn it on here let's look at that beautiful beautiful presentation the architecto puzzle by nkd 100 my favorite looking puzzle and definitely top three puzzles i've ever solved what a way to come back to the channel very happy i got to do this very happy you guys checked it out don't forget to check out the kickstarter that they left below follow them on instagram do all that lovely stuff i'm gonna take a break my brain's a bit fried right now i'm not gonna lie i'm trying to get some videos ready for uh later this week and next week so guys stay tuned subscribe if you haven't already we'll see you on the next video peace i hit that accurate dude
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 1,094,629
Rating: 4.9533768 out of 5
Keywords: chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, puzzle, puzzles
Id: BmnL5CvFbgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 54sec (2154 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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