Solving The PANDEMIC ESCAPE Puzzle!!

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the federal government says it's making progress on an evacuation plan when Canadians will be airlifted Elaine's unclear at the center of the outbreak a massive new hospital is up and running that's the first time the virus has been identified in Europe so much of the health risk to the military's readiness capabilities tests in the UK of so far proved negative the facility will report a little less spread to other countries but we're taking no chances [Music] really impact on the economy we actually don't even know if it's gonna get worse you have no idea how long it's going to go on [Music] still time yo what's up Wow yeah yo what's up don't panic all right do not panic I probably instilled some fear in some of you with that intro and a lot of you're probably say mister click baiting them with via with the virus this is an interesting puzzle we got going on today first of all pardon my insensitivity to the whole virus thing going on some of you're gonna say you know you're probably pandering and then you know click baiting because of coronavirus outbreak that's happening and to that I say you're not wrong however it just quit this I ordered this probably like month and a half ago I'm not even sure like the corona virus was around just so happens that that we now live in a state of fear as I receive this puzzle just want to make a cool video and we have this we have this puzzle so what this is I found this on eBay is a guy who turns these retro vintage voting booths she turns them into a sort of escape room slash puzzle this one just so happens to be themed around a pandemic this opens up and everything else they also gave us a this is uh this is what you get with this by the way it's called iOpener read this first it says your eye-opener box has been set up to play upon arrival your first challenge is to open the lock on the outside of the box which is this lock here your eye opener box has built-in legs but they're locked inside at the moment you would normally put the legs on before letting players play for now you will need to set up the box on a flat surface once you open the first lock and over the case remove the legs side the side good luck if you don't want the challenge of figuring out the game in your own you can find a full walkthrough in the enclosed envelope which will we will not be opening inside the instruction envelope is a clue card that you can optionally put in the box for your players of fine so no thanks we won't be needing that now this is a 1 to 4 player game it says normally takes about up to 45 minutes of play we'll see if we can beat that time sort of an escape time I think this is a really cool idea these things weren't cheap this is about 600 bucks on eBay I just thought it was really interesting in a different type of puzzle that you guys including myself may have never seen before so that be further ado I think it's time to to solve the pandemic and find a cure to this virus whatever the Buy in here is let's go alright so this is the first lock that we have to unlock and then it opens everything else thing is this is weird gives us a bunch of words we have to line them up at right here however there's no clue it just has a bunch of words these are some type of clue here now you'll need to set the box with the player first game once you open the first lock once you open the first lock I mean there's there's so many words that I get this makes no sense doesn't exist okay so if the word virus is here I'm pretty sure that would that would be it what about it's gonna be one of those maybe it's written here national look things are going clink clink in there biohazard there's a sticker here nothing on the back some type of word somewhere oh here we go okay B is underlined our BR d BR D is in D over here that's underlined BR d oh this sticker here god I should've ripped that up oh and Oh DRDO maybe not in that order so there's no D here so BR oh they brood BR ood that makes sense was that mean yeah that was pretty clever I like that so now we got to open this thing but we got to set it up on some legs so we're gonna move this table out of the way and we're gonna set it up and get started on solving this puzzle like so I guess well it's a little plug there's like a light and stuff in here so the outbreak can you stop the spread you stop the spread of a worldwide pandemic find patient zero and create the serum that saves the world procede open the side walls fast and wing locks and then solve remaining tasks okay so here we go this is what it looks like even a little light in here which is pretty sick I'll give you guys another view for the camera so we're not only gonna have this top down we're gonna have something else in a second let me hook this up boom how cool is that look this looks so cool by the way so here you go this is basically the other view that we're gonna have so on the sides here we have this going on we have this going on and we have this going on we'll grab this camera well we need to film some of the side elements here but for now let's concentrate on what we see okay so a little ziploc bag bolt it's got a little combination here that's cool we've got some blood vials let's open these up to blood vial Rachel Ryan T and Mandy kay Rachel Ryan Rachel Mandy and Ryan let's start the timer see how long it takes us to find a cure here we also have some more vials Russell and Jaden I've got a combination lock here a combination lock here patient one patient to patient three and patient before okay interesting here isotopic catalysts formula patient zero doesn't belong one two three and four patient's ear it doesn't belong okay not sure what that means something to do with these blood vials I'm sure over here we've got some cards as well this is patient man DK age unknown blood type unknown element C element Hg okay so these are all the different patients use the vials and so I see so patient one two three and four and there's patient zero so there's zero to four which means five patients we have five vials five cards here this is starting to make sense okay so let's see if we can see we can figure some of this out oh so we have to number them here okay right okay so we've got numbers here so we're gonna figure out who is patient what then we have over here molecular reorganization codes not sure if we're gonna need that periodic table of elements might need that element C let's say element C which is let's see number six carbon the six okay it's not sure what that means either okay Mandy kay age unknown so some of them have their ages some of them don't their blood types guarded unknown this is a threat elevated lowest and threat unknown okay isotopic formula patient zero doesn't belong and there are codes here I don't know what any of this means I don't know what any of this means okay so there are numbers we have to find numbers to open this right one two three and four now these are the ages are they okay so patient one two three and four that will give us the code to this I believe let's take a look at this you can replicate this here maybe different heights of the blood versus this so the lowest one seems to be that which might be Rachel but it also might be patient zero alright and that's as patient three the highest one again might be patient zero or it might be Mandy seems like these two would go here again unsure but that's kind of what my guts telling me to do right now oh they have different heights here okay weird so deep the deepest one oh man this is so strange highly confused at the moment now let's look it's like these are highlighted stable isotope ik elements see so that I think is going to give us a number right so let's say for instance C was six hg hg on the periodic table so hg is 80 okay so we have six we have 80 not sure what this is for also not sure what this is for huh I think first things first is figuring out this here clearly this goes in all of these these have different heights like different levels like this one is much deeper than this one just like depicted here however they don't match up oh wait the deepest ones here that's the deepest that's the shallowest then that and that okay so this is kind of backwards these fit exactly like this but why would it say patient one here if patient one is over here is like let's say for instance Mandy here is the fullest vial which would go in the deepest lot but why does it say patient one when it's the patient for you see what I'm saying and what does that give me that give me numbers what did those numbers give me because here these are single-digit numbers that are here so the element table wouldn't make sense if the element was 10 it's a single digit number also this has a three digit number three yeah unknown unknown forty five seventy four and unknown kind of uh kind of confused here molecular reorganization is over here why but these blood types they wanted to know it's not blood types so let's say patient one here is this one there's a one here what one single number would correlate this with the number that goes here what single number would work in that case I don't know and if we look at Mandy's right here element C would be six oh maybe six okay but that's not going to work for all of them oh the levels are actually equal the levels look like they're equal here look the levels are equal so we got to level out those so that's actually correct let's try to see if we can that's gonna be a No yes that one and that one that's it yes figured it out that is absolutely level just like these are level okay the fact that we have the order what does that tell us it tells us what numbers they are so patient zero would be Rachel Rachel will be patient zero what does that mean so what's rate and it says because it says here patient zero doesn't belong so she doesn't belong her isotopic element is FM s and looking for FM over here I haven't looked at a periodic table in years FM 100 100 this has to be 100 Oh on here come on that's got to be right okay so it's not right how is that not right that should be right that makes sense to me that she would be patient zero and if that would open this FM is 100 Rachel slog thing broke and you think that's got to be it I don't understand that's not it and these numbers are 1 to 9 what information do we have within all of this that gives us 1 to 9 numbers so we have patient 1 2 3 & 4 oh so maybe 4 is 1 because according to this so let's go 4 is 1 / 3 is 4 is 1 3 is 2 I feel something turning no that's not it either oh my god it's so frustrating okay so maybe maybe this one needs to go somewhere else no clearly clearly this is correct and clearly rachel is patient zero what the hell does that mean what does this mean I have no idea molecular reorganisation code [Music] it's tough stuff probably easier with another player add one I'll come help I don't want this is a one to four player game not gonna rely on the clues but maybe getting an extra pair of hands here hi say hi hi fade like this okay so far we'll be figured out here the sequence okay these have different depths and the one thing that these have in common is that they're all a line at the top okay so these I've lined them all up so they're aligned you can see which leaves it says here patient zero doesn't belong Rachel Rachel doesn't belong or Rachel so I went into Rachel's file and Rachel's stable isotope ik element is FM which on the Periodic Chart happens to be 100 right so I thought extinct ibly uh 100 and then I thought here 100 that doesn't work okay okay I also found magnets don't know what they're for but those are there and that's all we have so far and then I thought cuz look here it says patient 1 2 3 & 4 right sure but then the thing is it's backwards so patient for is in patient ones thing so then I thought okay 4 is 1 right 3 is 2 2 is 3 and then 1 is 4 right like backwards he said that could be that doesn't work either ok 4 3 2 1 so we have hundred here right here but that doesn't give us anything really this is a bunch of numbers here maybe you could try all those combination there's probably a way to find out which one those are all four numbers it has to be that's the only combination with four numbers correct but it with the however this also has four numbers here right that's where at so you're saying go down the list here where it says yeah good good to try a child in the area but but that's not likely reorganization codes it doesn't say isotopic element like why would that have a correlation there there has to be a link between the undred FM and this or that comes to my play later with whatever's going on in here that's also an option like I mean it would make sense that 100 row up in this bag but this looks broken right maybe nope hey try bringing it down one do it again did you force it no at all that's kind of how it camp I swear it Chris did you force it and huh that's how it cam I noticed at the beginning what about those bags this just had the blood vials on okay try the oh one yeah yeah I've tried though one here and here so here it says plus plus plus plus it does so what numbers do we have that are this this makes more sense now Mandy Mandy Mandy Mandy Mandy Mandy here and stable isotope is C which is 6 so 6 plus there you go yeah now we got it 6 plus patient 2 is Ryan poor is it the opposite way because look it's opposite here whatever so I'll give you plus anyways right so Mandy so 6 plus HG is HG is I think 80 80 so 86 plus n a what was n a so 86 plus 11 is 97 plus any which is 10 107 I think we got it well first let's try it here 107 yes boom okay cool oh here we go okay interesting petri dishes okay now that wind is deep aha look at this look at this that's smart eight nine five eight nine five on this oh that's so smart look at that it's so cool eight nine five this makes more sense right once we I think once you get on walk in the first part a we got left 15 minutes left eight nine five boom we got this black leg seems like oh here we go patient zeros DNA strand so no make sense yeah there's a red DNA structure sequence right there right on this side on the right so on this side over here we've got a DNA structure and then we've got these little cards and patient zero is red thread Y Zed Rx is red why's that our X over here Y Z or Z if you're American our X right Y Zed our D was a d D D - 4 0 D 2 4 0 D 2 4 0 D 2 4 0 says D are we sure it's a D the D isn't is there something else on the left side no there's something I just told you to unfold it D - 4 0 maybe deism for 1z last one - t yeah we were busy okay so I think we're done with that I think it has to do with the molecular reorganisation codes show over here there is a D but they're all four numbers after that mm-hmm don't know things though but here look so we have D D 2 4 0 right here oh there you go D 2 4 0 that should be 8 - 3 2 guessing the test of code here 8 2 3 2 1 limb here 8 2 3 - yes wow you have succeeded in creating a serum salvation Y Zed rx humanity thanks you so good dude that was awesome that was so sick blanket right so normally all right what's I mean 35 minutes not too bad I mean with help I probably would have solved it within 15 minutes I think you're a big help and that would have been out have been amazing all right let me know in the comments do you guys like this wah dang there you have it so okay this is an experience this is uh we like to do this on this channel sometimes is change it up try different puzzles try different types of sort of board games or escape games I just figure if I'm into it you guys might be into it we have similar tastes let me know in the comments what you thought about this and if you want to see something like this again I think I thought it was interesting on a scale of 1 to 10 and difficulty did take me a long time to figure that first part out but after that smooth sailing anyways just wanted to I just wanted to change it up a bit thanks for watching again and we'll see you on the next video
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 1,360,247
Rating: 4.9363236 out of 5
Keywords: chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, puzzle, puzzles, pandemic, virus, game, escape room, escape, how to solve, solving, solution, puzzle solution, puzzle solver, mr puzzle, puzzle master, escapes, board game
Id: VWRHA4i0bY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 39sec (1359 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 05 2020
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