Solving a One of a Kind Mechanical LEGO Puzzle!!

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[Music] why you always talking like you no sign yo what's up welcome back today really cool puzzle as you can see another lego puzzle i've always enjoyed doing the lego puzzles and this one even more so with this puzzle by the way by the way first of all that's cool so this is by a guy named riley who has a youtube channel which you should definitely go check out called brick science so he does everything from like the iron man actuator to how to build your own little among us characters really great quality looks like a really dope dude super smart obviously and does a lot of really cool stuff so if you enjoy legos definitely go check them out i left the link below so riley sent me this but then he also sent me this which has some numbers on it let's say dash dash dash 32 and this is an sd card and here's what was on it hey chris it's riley from brick science i just finished designing your lego puzzle box and it took about a week to finally get this thing up and running anyway here's just a few rules to get you started first there are no components in the hat except for the lights turn the light switch on that turns on the eyes pretty cool feature second if you see any pieces with holes or pieces that won't move yet you will need a tool to move those components you can use tools more than once in different places if you need to tools are located inside the puzzle box but are freeable if you use your big brain the last rule is try not to break it seriously to be real though if these pieces are supposed to move they will so don't worry about it if it's not moving already it probably will later or it just isn't supposed to move at all oh and also one more thing that's super important actually this puzzle box and it's super important can you hear me hello chris my name is anarchy i know you think this will be easy but you're wrong so i'm going to give you a little challenge i want you to solve this puzzle and two more that i'm sure he'll be making for you three puzzles to prove one's mastery solve this puzzle and i'll upgrade and send you another one i took this puzzle straight out of the brick science lab just so i could add just something a little special to it unlock this one and find the key to solving the next one oh and one more thing find me the numbers there you go we've been given a challenge and and i love how riley created a little universe i love that he was inspired by my videos to to sort of have that and and sort of breaking the fourth wall that way with the glitches and everything super creative and i look forward to at least attempting to solve this puzzle so ladies and gentlemen without any further ado let's get into it here we go look at this masterpiece uh really refreshing to see such a dope intro from a fellow creator really professional setup i get i get a lot of things shipped to me you know things that are of quality like that i mean kind of rare so feels good man okay so first things first this kind of looks like freddy krueger by the way let's turn the lights on there we go everything's lego there we go lights on put this guy's hat back oh gotta love lego something so nostalgic about this this thing is heavy by the way and i don't know if it's just due to the battery or maybe the internal mechanics here but it is very heavy okay so we are ready we want to poke and prod feel around see if anything pushes in slides in okay we're noticing little things here can't trust legos you don't know if they're fixed or not you know wow okay whoa oh what what is that doing is that doing anything it doesn't seem like it now he did say this was difficult and i do believe him looking at legos i mean a couple of last lego ones to do were actually really hard just because you didn't know what pieces were supposed to move or not like this could push in you wouldn't know that just by looking at it so you kind of have to try everything even on the hat here underneath maybe doesn't look like anything underneath what if i gently put them down here what if i do this and do this so this only turns so it's this bottom one that turns here there we go oh no no oh it's this bottom one here so you've got three cogs here you've got a small one here which is turned by the red thing you've got another one there which is connected to when this one touches and they spin things there but there's like a cog wheel missing between those two like i can go up here but that doesn't do anything so my instinct tells me that this may do something not sure what orientation that has to be in for it to do something having a look having a look something's gotta give something's gotta give okay something's gotta slide here this maybe so this looks like there needs to be a tool inserted here okay what about here does this open up it does not and you can tell that oh this definitely moves okay it shifts ever so slightly but i'm not going to force it once again not to break it i'm literally just feeling around this this guy here [Music] what about the other ear the other ear doesn't move at all man this is something else because i've i don't see anything moving at all oh okay this goes down look at this his mouth does open but that only if i force it wait does that open if if i do this no i'm wondering if that crank in the back had something to do with this hopefully i don't have to spin this because i don't i wouldn't know where to begin so we found one moving part at least well two if you consider the cogs and this here really i i it seems like that might be the last move to do is opening his mouth i bet and this thing okay i can't pull on it i can't turn it hmm very tricky tricky tricky okay what about the hat let's take a look at the hat here hat might be sus ah there's a little sus why would you have a such a big hat what are you hiding good sir you're hiding under there doesn't seem like anything on the hat moves whatsoever everything's fixed into place okay this here wiggles ever so slightly can this be my first move somehow like it's turning those those small little circles in there but i i don't know where that leads me i don't see anything coming from turning this non-stop so i'm gonna stop doing that i resort to it because the only thing that is moving turns just a little bit all right he wasn't kidding this is a challenge finding the first move oh hello okay maybe that wasn't supposed to come out maybe it was this a piece here appeared and it says shake this came out a little claw so what is that claw for what is that for okay first clue looks like it might be able to fit in here okay maybe not here [Music] hmm don't think so don't think that was supposed to come off um okay so those little knobs there's some down here but they look like they're stuck there now that we have our first piece i i mean the only place i could see this going is here but then again we're not using the actual claw part unless we're using it as some type of lever and that seems to be stuck in there i don't want to pry on that too much huh okay quite the conundrum we found ourselves in so the thing is this does come off yeah but that's not meant to can't be meant to because it's stuck there where else would this go where else would it go so i think i was right i think that these cogs back here actually uh luckily somehow we're attached to this and then me playing around with it put it in the proper configuration so sometimes it's just blind luck guys yep as you can see i'll see if you can get a little bird's eye view there so if you look up his nose i don't know if you'll be able to see that probably not okay there's a small pin and when rotating this here that pin then uh goes forward and eventually retracts okay so that's that that is that our first clue secondly this thing still moves up and down where'd this go again i'm not sure if this should be here huh it's your reason for that hole being there other than probably sticking you know something a little longer through it because if i push this in it just detaches this part which is attached there and i feel like that would be cheating going in there so i mean if you're gonna give me something that fits somewhere i'm gonna put it there i am at a loss any under okay so again the only things we know is that this one moves here slightly and then these here okay really nothing that moves on this thing what if i all right [Music] oh okay this came out it did take some force [Music] not sure if i should have done that what does that do oh when i push this this thing moves here so maybe i was supposed to take this out let's go so there are pieces that can be broken off i guess that's a little tricky uh yep there you go something is stopping this eye socket from being pushed in further what does that do do i do the thing so that gets pushed in a little bit right here which pushes this thing out which until now i thought was a mistake so again i don't know if this is another tool or if this has anything to do with anything maybe that'll dislodge the ear no the mouth no so still giving us nothing but a hard time here oh now it's all the way in okay now i've pushed the eye all the way in what does that do what does that do what does it do it allows for this to come out sort of okay i mean i i would think that this eye being pushed in would free something up this way i would imagine looking at it that something should be freed up that turns freely this little pin here nothing attached to that really so what did that do oh there's another pin there's another pin that came out and now i can rotate that pin it's it's it's just short of rotating wait oh yes i can spin it now it spins [Music] so something something's happening so i can rotate it like this and like this but it stops either way it gets it gets halted so now it's it's at its max ear doesn't move anymore and then it did eye doesn't move mouth doesn't move what are we missing what are we missing so we've we've spun it to its max turning point this way sorry this way now we're going to spin the other way i mean it seems like as far as it wants to go huh well well what do we have here [Music] you ever try spinning a lego head unsuccessful okay okay come on chris come on chris i want to be worthy something's got to give oh oh here we go the ear is now off oh look at the mouth [Music] i just opened the mouth with the ear that is insane is that it oh there's an sd card and another crank wait a second the puzzle continues this isn't this is the first time i've ever in my life had an sd card now he was looking for the numbers i remember him saying so 441 and there's this crank where does this go do you think it looks like it goes anywhere here okay we're gonna put this down for a second that is so cool the mechanics of that is really insane this guy's this guy's really good but let's go have a look at what's what's on this sd card i'm really taking it back right now hello chris i see you've solved the first one the easiest one i'll need you to send me those numbers it's very important but there will be more i'll send two more puzzles assuming you know your audience enjoys this one oh and don't lose that you'll need it and make sure you subscribe to brick science too it's really important see you around there you have it that is uh what a pleasant little surprise that was and i'm guessing because to reset this isn't super easy oh there you go closes it up and it opens that mechanic right here is really special that is really really cool dude i love this kid's grind this is obviously this guy's super creative and a hard worker let's go ahead and pop the top and do as he says so this is where the uh the battery was at the beginning [Music] here we go i i don't know what this last tool is and i'll be i'll be frank here um when i had that sd card i was really like i obviously love that little video he did at the end the outro is very dope i was half expecting the puzzle to continue um online throwing it out there i mean just even if there was like some type of uh hidden message within that or something i mean that would have kept that would have kept my curiosity peaking that's for sure but either way really cool oh wow it's really hard to have a look in there maybe i can get my iphone light here hold on yeah so there's a lot of cog wheels a lot of pipes turning i'd have to undo this whole thing to really have a look let me try to take this piece the center piece off here yeah i fee i feel like this is all glued in yeah yeah definitely glued in um so i can't really fully appreciate all the inner mechanics so i really wonder what this is for i wonder if this is to reset the puzzle boom and boom a voila my only note you know you mentioned not to force any pieces but some of these pieces i.e this one i did have to force now it felt like i did a mistake and so i was very hesitant in pulling that off so but that's also what made it hard i understand that so it made it a little bit more difficult because of that but the directions were not to pry anything so i i would i would have made that a little bit easier as far as this goes although this came off pretty easily this piece here it was still connected so if there's a way of having that slide out through another mechanism or to where it's just not connected because i feel like as soon as i unconnect the lego things holding it i feel like i'm disassembling it and it makes me want to stop not stop the puzzle but it makes me want to like really think about what i'm doing and because i did figure that out but then i thought it was a mistake because it uh it was a piece that was connected so those are my notes but i'm really being picky here this thing is really beautiful thank you so much i would love to uh try this again with your next one i'm very intrigued of how the story is going to unfold you guys let me know in the comments this is something you guys want to pursue do we delve deeper well hot dang we did it that is the i guess freddy krueger puzzle i don't know it
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 663,856
Rating: 4.9404249 out of 5
Keywords: chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, puzzle, puzzles
Id: mJX_r95uT3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 42sec (1062 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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