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G of W you use wherewithal in essence and no one understands what it means was I born in the wrong century what's up guys and welcome back to NK my name is Damian today we're looking at our slash I am very smart I got a 93 on my algebra final this doesn't sound very impressive but I'm so proud of myself I've always struggled in math receiving FS DS and C's and for once in my life I've done well maybe math isn't so bad after all nice job that's awesome it is an impressive accomplishment nah what's more impressive is that I was able to keep straight A's on all of my quizzes and tests and the fact that I always use my laptop and never paid much attention in class what's impressive is how far your head is up whoa whoa whoa and that's where the post cuts off we only see more of that haters gonna hate I might be an idiot but I got a full ride in college 100% tuition covered on an academic scholarship edward j blasting distinguished scholar never studied for a test i never gave a crap about the number but in retrospect now that I'm an adult I wish I had been told earlier how different I was always thought I was just a little smarter than the average bear hmm but now as an adult I continue to grow in my interests and pursuits while many around me seem stuck or stifled where they are both the domes the minimalist and polymath have been used by another's to describe me thanks for the info on Stephen Hawking I used to think I was crazy for sitting on top of mountain for hours at a time pondering stuff like what really is a photon but in light of your new information I suppose it's normal behavior have a nice life that's all yeah $1,000 annual scholarship I am better than you I'm smarter classier more interesting I care about the world I have deeper emotions then those shoes are pretty I don't care about that yes I am an elitist but last time I checked the elitists ruled the world not the mindless masses you buy things that are in fashion even when they look awful and you claim to care about beauty but don't put any thought into it and speaking of thought went what was the last deep thought you had and you you live a drama-filled teenager you are so typical I could scream I'm going away I'm going to college so I can find people who love to think to read to write to be themselves to dream not to be stuck in some little nothing down thinking nothing thoughts and I'm not religious I don't believe in God God getting allergic to all this pretentiousness and I'm not religious I don't believe in God and I don't pray you're a hypocrite and it gets to the point where I can't stand sitting with you or what's Hawking to you can I even speak with you what shall we speak of bags shoes how good this tastes what about art what about passion and injustice see and violence what about the world yeah stay in your place stay in it you couldn't crawl out if you tried study me I never get bit my wife gets eaten alive mostly because I've optimized my biochemistry after studying a bit of molecular biology a uniform with your name on it is waiting for you we're hiring I'm too nice to be a police officer however as a coder I could basically create a black web search bar that would find most criminals easily or people trying to do bad stuff like bully me online last night confirm brands dark is one of the more useless overrated characters in television history one of the most boys typically used when relating to things most do when relating more than two things especially if you're gonna say one of the you're definitely referring to more than two things I biessed 3,700 words creating an entire company's extranet not giving a crap it was worth 300 points got a 300 out of 300 and my professor told me it was genius okay lady whatever you say I mean I guess having this high IQ of it makes my BS genius oh well I'll take it oh god this is make me out of breath I hate this guy I hate this these people these these pretentious little low worms my brother who chooses to get seized today my teacher told me that despite being in seventh grade I could read in a college level I didn't need her to tell me that since my IQ is so high and everyone kind of knew y'all are so lucky I choose aunt high I bet it makes conversation easy when you don't think when people get bored in school they draw a random graph I got bored and drew most to the periodic table of elements from memory I am smart I would rather cuddle than smash if you're good at grammar you'll get it Wow an angel me of course you're the most beautiful thing I've seen are you not afraid of me do you have disgust of me no no you're very cute that's adorable it's an adorable little comic someone posted this and asked what people thought about it my answer Toxoplasma gondii parasite one of the world's most common parasites I'm so much fun at parties I'm not in it's a contraction you see one keystroke shorter than I am you on the other hand attend to get by with in a meaningless word I am not even sure how to respond to that foolishness eat a wiener do you know how to respond to that this video was about 65% acknowledgment in 35% rebuttal when the discrepancy is that wide its 100% damage control from being roasted why do I waste my time with these big words the majority of these videos have an audience who has 60% of an average intelligence drug-dealing actually doesn't pay that well a lot of drug dealers ought to actually don't have a good business acumen sometimes I would consider the game given my business education and background but upon business analysis my specialty not for me they refuse to compete with me on an intellectual level because that is a battle they know they will inevitably lose ok venom how about Einstein is wrong he is given e equals MC square proof ever multiple roof differential calculus mathematics is impossible to apply on mass mass a state constant at speed of light mass change only state of matter you dummies that is worse than seeing your post already has 28 votes in half a minute but after that it stops I don't actually take part in sharing posts via reddit as I do not care about the karma points I regularly browse reddit only to spread my knowledge and be useful the fact that people care about fake points makes me very angry why not try doing something useful instead for example learning Latin I didn't become successful by posting on reddit most of you by most I mean all won't become as successful slash riches me but please at least try doing something better mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell false mitochondria are the powerhouses of the cell mitochondria it's plural the singular is mitochondrion if that's the only thing you learn from school I'm sorry to say you messed that up too I've done this with at least 15 games easy I've never finished this game and it's been a while since I played better start over I usually finish games within a few days of getting it I guess while everyone is able to figure out the fastest ways to finish games I usually look for patterns in level design and identify the fewest things I had to do to get from one level to the next this is just how I always was I'm able to get through 10 to 15 each month but I could do more if I felt like it me nobody uses law anymore me uses law 282 million seven hundred six two thousand four hundred seventy five times that our law just wondering how old are you you're creepy although yes this is funny math isn't on your side assuming it takes two-tenths of a second to press one key and it takes estimate leo point sixty seconds to type lol there are 3,600 seconds in one holla taking 3600 divided by 282 million seven hundred six two thousand four hundred seventy five you get one point two seven three one five three II - five Oh in words you understand point zero zero zero zero one two seven three one five three this number represents how long you would have to take exactly to type lol in order to fit 282 million seven hundred sixty two thousand four hundred and seventy five lols in one hour assuming it takes six tenth of a second to type the word so yes blank law is overused but 282 million times in one hour is just impossible here's another fact if you counted one number greater every second it would take 12 days to count to 1 million to counted 282 million seven hundred sixty-two thousand four hundred seventy-five that would take three thousand to hundred seventy two days or approximately eight point nine six six three three nine two six years fun fact - it would take thirty two years to count to 1 billion by the way just wondering how old are you in no brain in the heads to understand what I'm saying to them when I was seven I tested at 111 IQ comparatively smarter than most adults not even my age over 120 IQ was smarter than most adults into the adult gifted range not the child gifted range the adult gifted range as a child I was genius level according to the two freaking intelligences out of eight I could have even been good at age seven and even then after evaluation I think I hit me a genius level at seven of the eight even today it does nothing for me when I was 19 and marked at 134 IQ on the wasp 3 which is mental level intelligence and only serves to show I was in the 4th percentile of adults that had been tested in the world and toward African intelligence is the measure which is a load of bullcrap even though I'm pretty sloshed and I can still write a big old post with mostly correct grammar and be fine some folks see me make a post somewhere while drunk and see my responses and go oh wow that's pretty coherent welcome to being smart mother effer nothing gets me away from my own brain welcome the heck most folks while sloshed can't do this I tested this way of adderall buspirone micro Justin propranolol in a bluff eye all things that combine to make my disorders mostly disappeared make me 95 percent more functional than I've ever been now at 27 I'm suspecting now it'd be ingenious love likes you at the age I am now at least I know the difference between foot and feet well perhaps you're one of those gay Spelling freaks leave the law of physics and fluid dynamics to more intelligent people like me y'all think it's funny to reinforce the socio normativity implying that platter normative society is funny while oppressing marginalized platonic oriented people such as a platonic s-- this is a form of a phobic alla normativity strictest suppli tis amande vera phobic cedex ism bro what language is this Sisyphus works from home please understand that only educated people this already fresh encounter to the Arnold Reno education post so fashionable lately I am smarter than the president most elected Republicans a crapload of elected Democrats apparently the two most powerful members of UK Parliament before today and last week I managed to accidentally destroy my electronic car keys while hitting golf balls this should scare you interestingly and insultingly enough they make you line up like cattle be your own waitress and fetch your own water not a very sophisticated way to serve customers it's fascinating to observe how intellectually limited some people are and yet still survive good for a takeaway coffee in a quiet chuckle at their lack of awareness please don't complain to me about how life is so horrible because you can't watch Game of Thrones that day it comes out I'm over here calculating the Big Bang probabilities so your crisis is literally too miniscule on the scope of things thanks Big Brain when people ask me what my GPA is I say I don't like to talk about marks this is not because I have a low GPA but because my GPA is really high and they'll feel bad about their marks in a way I am withholding my marks from others as a public service you're welcome hello how do I know you know I was just on the FB and I found your picture so I sent you a friend request I hope it does not bother you as long as you're real and don't hack my page I could give two craps why dude I have a 157 IQ and don't trust you already okay by completely different take on it based on personal experience first I will tell you my personal experience and then the theory so I'm kind of smart I'm gonna overthink er they can figure stuff out pretty quickly a great logical thinker and a good memorizer but I have a huge problem I am a procrastinator so I recently started drinking coffee is the word schwifty in here and it had pretty schwifty effects on me oh I hate you so much I hate you I hate you I hate you I started being less lazy and even smarter I could easily do tasks and homework pretty quickly without even thinking a lot I can also like feel literally known lane or laziness while doing homework I just do it while thinking about literally anything else I can also still memorize even if I'm not focusing on the subject it also enhances my memory thinking and reaction speed and it makes it easier for me to redirect my over thinking and thoughts - the problem on hand so that I can fix it quickly and efficiently so anyways I am already smart but coffee makes me even smarter and better as a person in general by the way I also have this effect habit of me rarely without coffee and it felt so good so a shot glass all that effect coffee had on me very smart honestly I feel the same as this kid as Aikido is about the same age as he is I too have tried on numerous occasions to determine alternatives to the speed of light be it through redefining the permeability of free space to not just do a vacuum to change in the del operators for the equipotential services along electric potentials this is a joke right for your feeble mind anything but crane art would be too advanced for you I'll bet you have no idea what I just said did you I'm reading up on a lot of vector calculus friend do you even know what a vector gradient is I thought not s mhm look at your user name pathetic yes harass spectacle of an r slash I am very smart person posting off slash I have every smart without realizing the irony ash hyperbolic as a phenyl lexicon aficionado I'm quite impressed with your Penelope of words finally another soul whose wherewithal is similar that out of mine in terms of vocabulary WTF are you on about virgin this is the worst school in America it doesn't care for its students only the principal cares for themselves and the teachers and mean and humble trustworthy in the embarrass you in front of class and the assignments are bogus yes I used a big would cuz I'm that smart and that brings us to the end of our slash I am very smart listen my IQ points are through the roof I hope yours are too leave a like on the video if you enjoyed and subscribe to NK for more content and as always I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 472,815
Rating: 4.9308724 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, sorrow tv, rslash, giofilms, fresh, r/iamverysmart, r/iamverysmart top posts, r/iamverysmart best posts, i am very smart, reddit very smart, r/iamverysmart emkay, emkay
Id: 4atYSvUfM6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 19sec (919 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2019
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