$70,000 Extreme Hide And Seek - Challenge

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this is $70,000 and whichever one of you i find last keeps it this is a rundown amusement park with countless buildings and literally infinite places to hide there's a timer counting down from 20 minutes good luck Oh $17,000 don't forget we're doing it we're not going out first that's my only go I am extremely nervous why is everyone walking in about 19 and a half minutes we're gonna go looking for them and as I said whoever we find last gets seventy thousand dollars Chandler don't hide in the bathroom I'm not hiding in the bathroom I already pooped twice today I think this would be my spot from now we got 15 minutes I'm not gonna run we face a call yes we can't think I'm gonna go under this game you guys it's a little Danner's but I think it's worth it I'm gonna hide in here don't know how long I can stay in here I'd rather lose my legs than lose this game right behind this couch I got nothing this is a bad idea hey yes theory what's your theory I'm winning not much of a theory right now trying to figure it out this is terrifying just a quick reminder that $70,000 is on the line there's a lot of things you could do with this that would buy a lot of bananas you can buy a lot of bananas three two one $70,000 on the line Carl we're coming for you the game has officially started let's do this and so the hunt begins I smell them there are so many places they could be hiding right now I guess it makes sense to just start off with this building Oh is someone under here ah okay Chris you searched the chairs I'll search finally counter someone's in here nope you gotta check all these cabinets no okay what'd you find there's a trash can there's a box who lifted ah it would've been a good spot alright this buildings clear let's go to the next one let's go go go good go you go first I'm scared breech music this is gonna attract okay be careful there's an icemaker and nope okay I'll let that slide for now it's so scary why is this broken this place is massive and this is just one of like 50 buildings any luck over there nope we've almost cleared two buildings haven't found anyone yet we're coming for you guys don't worry they're in here they're in here radars going off oh I do see some disturbance on the lease of course you want to search behind the counter nothing in here that's a good spot Brooke did you search in this cooler yeah I know where some of this back here yeah thirty minutes Cody you're the first one out that was my only goal not to be first without your help first Google now you have to spend the entire day in prison welcome to Joe so on and the doors right there and I'm gonna have to close the door behind you enjoy your stay good job we promise to bring other people good Carl yeah attention attention cody is out and he is in jail I'm sorry for you Cody I'm also kind of happy about it you probably formed it again that means I'm not the first one out and that's like you're about one down nine more to go we're coming for you none of you are safe if someone hid in this trash can I'm sorry for what I'm about to do there's footprints back here somebody might have tried to hide there we've searched most buildings in this town now the crazy part is this town isn't the only place there's two other towns so this game is literally gonna take an entire day all right here's the second town okay Chris there's a room there's got to be somewhere wait I heard a noise back here I swear I heard a noise back there you can go under oh this is sketchy this is terrifying wait it's someone in here they're like someone's in here Bri kick and before we go any further I need to tell you about the sponsor of the video dragon city how much money does the winner get seventy thousand dollars which is why dragon city is the sponsor of this video dragon city is a free game available on iOS and Android last year dragon city made me my own dragon and guess what Chris what they did it again double two dragons Chris plays dragon city all the time how many dragons do you have a lot normally what we have gold we give it to waitresses but in this game when you have gold you can use it to buy food to feed your dragons and also help train them you can train your dragons to make them super strong or you can just breed them to make new cooler ones and you can take your beefiest boys to fight in PvP modes like arena or lead and to celebrate our new dragon there's a quest in the game and if you complete that quest you're automatically entered to win one of three iPhone 11 pros all you have to do is get both my dragons and feed them to level 15 once you've accepted the quest and completed that your automatic my dragons will only be available until March 19th and the winners will be contacted in game on March 25th if any of this interest you click the link in description go download dragon city you can get my two new dragons you could potentially win some iPhones and all around it's a fun game click the link and download now and back to hide and seek and no one around back you walked right past it's been snowing for a three hours straight now the final town is up here we're gonna go check it out let's talk some more people go Jimmy what is that what is this what pop it under there there's a worm but we're good no under that I hope not these pac-man machines open up they have enough room in them for someone to hide no one's in this one I don't see anybody in this one that's a book bag it feels like a Chandler I see whoever is gonna be last it's gonna be so freezing I don't know gels that warm either did you Cody you have a friend let's make the announcement attention everyone we have found a second person matt is now out no I'm not hard man two down eight more to go I'm still in this what is this they're all in prints all those those are welcome that's kind of new they lead up to that building it's a creepy hominis we know you're in here dick backwards I'll check the stage the Bulldogs wait Chris did you open the door that door just slammed I left it open Christmas really silly right there so in there I heard I know someone's in here oh they blocked off the pass real hard someone's up here Chris oh no [Music] I literally hate you so much you always find me okay we found Chandler up there eating pretzels we bring you guys a new friend their head on it sorry welcome to jail here you hear you three people are now out we have found Chandler Chandler say something so they know three Oh baby there you go I can't believe I survived Tyler what do you got Chandler was supposed to be a mystery though that was the point and now it's time things get interesting as I told you there's three towns we're gonna close off one of them we're gonna drop our walkie-talkie so what we're gonna do zone three will be closed in 15 minutes and then we will find all of you I've been hiding in the zone three this entire time they've just decided to shut it down this is the worst shout out to everybody in zone three I hope you get caught moving like I did last time underneath the skee-ball machine now I think are laying in asbestos a little itchy you know how we had you guys all carry on the book bag yes in this book bag was a sleeping bag under this sleeping bag was an alarm clock glued shut bra that goes off in approximately four minutes they can't turn it off everyone a surprise that's about to happen very useful in trying to play hide and seek thanks Jimmy all right let's go search come on Chris let's go find him Oh Chris come here it run yeah ha ha here so when you heard it was it like more back over that way somewhere around here yeah maybe I should just I just started pulling everything out of that backpack so let's take you to jail while we chitchat I've never been there before oh the alarm clock scheme worked and we found someone Vince was found Ben's reign is over that means one of you guys left actually has a chance of winning $70,000 now but we're coming for you got the phone again it's good thing I didn't Benji's gone out and that's massive he was the only person that was between me and $60,000 last time been the reigning champion is out which means there's a new hide-and-seek champion best news I've gotten all day all right we're searching again we're gonna go hot and quit whoo we are about to find somebody I'm feeling it I have a strong pull to this area right now I feel like Carl's here I know Carl's here you might as well give up I know you're in here Carl oh so here we are was Mary Lisa who just got fat how you feeling very Lisa just thought someone else means we're down to five halfway through the game how do you feel now that you've been found this is the real walk of shame all right welcome to prisoner five people are out in five people remain Mary Lisa has been found Thomas other Thomas Tyler Karl and Kelly you guys are all that remain Chris yeah Godspeed someone's in here come out come out wherever you are you know I don't think you check this room yet so little convenient that this is on top of the dryer [Music] [Applause] I might have found somebody what's your location over come to the jail meet me there Oh I just want another person that means there's more people left and I'm one of them Kelly is out four of you remain Thomas Thomas Tyler and that Carl did currently there are still two quadrants left we're thinking about closing the second one how many of you think that's a good idea we had the prisoners vote and they voted in agreeance to shut off quadrant number two in twenty minutes it'll be do or die in the town four of you know because of that I'm screwed [Music] trying to look for ways that Carl's little squirrely body could climb oh so bold Tyler Gatlin no you trying to get that good shot yes I saw your camera lens hey Jimmy I caught a little sneaky snake Tyler they was trying to film me they just found another person that means there's only two people between me and $70,000 person us my god hoping it's not dog Tyler was the seventh person out three remain Carl it's you versus the two Thomas's are you really gonna let the Thomases outdo you and I'll tell you what the pay is Carl Cody is telling us that you're kind of close to the jail is that correct [Music] don't see anybody in here you know so I'm grabbing been out of jail to help me find people where do you think someone would be hiding I think someone probably uses it I see some fresh footprints here these are definitely new wait what about you don't come back this way at all dude it is blizzarding I'm determined to search over here I think someone's in here I can't Bakula hey buddy you traitor you're a drag I've been here for so long really were you here when I walked by earlier yeah really there's footprints right here somebody might have tried to hide there that's a really good spot dude good to know like I didn't think anybody would come looking over here and eat cold I'm freezing guys guess who we found [Music] mr. Thomas welcome to jail there is one Thomas left and the Karl Karl how do you feel now that you are in the final two Thomas what's run into your mind you took 60 grand from Karl are you gonna do that again I would never do that again cuz I'm gonna take 70 grand from you there's two people left but this town is massive very hard to find them : Thomas we cannot find you so you guys have ten minutes to move to a hiding spot in a different building you're doing ten minutes to go find another place okay I'm in a different spot now as you can see I'm sitting literally in snow so as you guys know Chris has been helping me search and then I recruited and now we're recruiting a fourth person Tyler we are the search one search what hey Karl and Thomas Jessie you know we sent Tyler and been out looking as well there's currently four people looking for you good luck good thing I moved because Tyler knew or my last hiding spot was I think I'm safe it's just a matter of time before one of us gets found behind in here pick those building the forest away from them where are they karl-thomas it is freezing where are you we cannot find these guys usually want to help us find people come on we now have two more people searching that is six total you to team up try and find them how like how did they have such a great spot and then move and then have another great spot both of them with a swap spots where are they I don't understand how they could hide this I don't think I've ever been this frustrated in my entire life at least it stopped snowing what's up Cody you found somebody everyone to the church to the church Cody found somebody no way we literally tried to please [Music] but yeah we found Karl which means Thomas is the only one that remains Thomas you just won $70,000 Karl say hi I beat you oh my god I feel like we need to be better friends boys hang out tonight I'm kind of busy sorry lizard you [Music]
Channel: MrBeast
Views: 33,178,889
Rating: 4.9417458 out of 5
Id: _mdKvblL_8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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