How Did We Hit 100% PERFECT Traffic Flow in Cities Skylines??? #TeaVille

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oh my goodness me absolutely no why hello everybody welcome back to the next episode of City skylines with me be firm and here we are in T Ville we are gonna be building in a brand new a beautiful looking area today but first of all I would like to show you a few little things little little tweaks to my road network that I've been doing between episodes just been relaxing doing a little bit of tiny building here and there and I thought I would show you this is one of the new additions here but we'll come back to this road this area as we know this teeny tiny little industrial area nothing much to it so much traffic comes out of this one and we had the big L about remember that here look at that it has changed we've still got this big oval about here and we've still got this intersection here coming off the highway but we haven't got this L about coming down here connecting to that going all the way back up here we just need you to separate the two things so and I've just spotted down here oh look at that applying place to use one of the new features let's just upgrade that road to go to directions and we're gonna use this one here ping sort add the arrows oh I love sorting out the arrows that's good and yes so instead of everybody having to go around the whole thing to get to where they want I've just separated these two out which meant that this road this connection that we put here coming from our new sporty area that we've been working on and gets fairly busy but they can get out of here a lot quicker and then a few little upgrades to this section so I've now got these two little roads instead of this four-lane road going smack straight into there I've got this little extra road in this little extra road and it just makes it run so much quicker of course when you do this and have two roads going in to one like this that Lane here will automatically try and go around the corner so you just need to use your lane arrows to say no you can't do that and I've done the same over here and the same over here so this is very busy when they come on and off it goes a lot quicker slowing down a bit let me just do yeah you go through things on okay this here this one here gets quite busy obviously that's the main connection from the highway so I've done the same there and he just speeds it up I might do the same here as well not quite enough room but anyway that's going okay and then coming onto the highway I've done the same so this little Lane going in and out just to keep things moving quickly and then I realize that tons of cars so as I do I use the in-game tool here oops selected this road and as you can see most of the cars coming from down here coming from up there all just basically want to go down the highway they want to go this way so it meant they had to go through this whole junction which is interfering with other traffic so what I did I did this little off Lane off-road what we're looking for a slip road slip lane you know my words this morning it's early in the morning we're blowing hasn't quite taken in enough to yet this little slip lane here so you can go there underneath underneath and then it just joins the highway and I quite like the way this is worked it's like a little extra slip Lane in the middle of the highway and they can join from the other side and it's just enough room to do that after this Junction off and they've got these guys coming on and then there's enough room here they can maneuver to come off of that slip plane and it and it just works well if it gets too busy because there's one node in between here and here what you could do is I could just move this slip lane a little bit further down so if I need to do that that's fine and that has helped so so much Oh autosave Zippity so now this area is constantly moving constantly free of traffic as always we don't have the despawning turned on to the traffic is what it is 85% and it pretty much seems to stick at that 86 percent ago it's gone up that's good and then I've just sort of done a through here because we started to struggle with this place through here and I noticed that these two roundabouts didn't have three lanes on and you could really do with those but the three lanes on set those roundabouts all up you know how that works and yeah it's just been working really well and then I've got a slew using the new little Lane alo tool thing that we've now got so if you've got like this Junction here I'll just show you once for those that don't know see this little layin our here goes on and lights and coming from this direction goes on and left if you control click in the middle of the junction ping now got dedicated turning lanes and I've been going around tom two junctions and doing that there we go we'll do this one here and anyway that's too busy and we've got you know just one lane coming out I've gone through and I've upgraded it use asymmetrical roads I've done it all over the place in the city I keep spotting new ones and it makes such a big difference during your lane management it's amazing so yeah 85 86 percent enough of that where we going to build next we are going to build next ping over here look at this look at this lovely idyllic spot now what I would like to do is to try and have this connected to this but have this is a small little area that's only really using the green buildings so that is the plan so tonight we're gonna do I'm gonna just mark all this in a big though now Mont Heights doesn't that sound really posh that is the idea really posh area and let's get this little island but it's not an island oh I'm sorry you can't be part of Baumann Heights whoops only the Pasha's Islands can be part of Oman Heights there we go why don't we start off with the ferries and if we can get a nice ferry stop we could even had blimps and do that as well that could be interesting so let's see we haven't done anything with ferries so I'm thinking this little spot here could work out quite well we've got this road that comes down here there's one little slip line coming off to the highway but we could change that and have it go two directions if it gets too busy coming through that roundabout we could even add a second Z round of aerion edge you know what I think that might just actually be a good idea let's just do that we're gonna upgrade that load there we go that's working a lot better and now we've got a nice little separate side street where we are gonna put our ferry so let's get back to that again we're gonna need a ferry depo as well I'll look for that in a moment well I'm certainly helping put the fire out no I'm flooding a load of people as well that is not good there we go fantastic and then I'd like to just add a little teeny tiny car park in here before a load of houses get built yeah let's use that one there and get that fitting yeah and it's just an asset that you can get yourself on the Steam Workshop there we go there we go that'll do so now they've got something to park I've got so much you use this and then that line is gonna go over to here somewhere I think here on the main island why in this spot would be good there we go we're gonna go for that large one like that excellent let's just connect uh-oh I need to put in the ferry Depot as well I'm gonna put nuts ah here we go look I think that fits in really well there with the other industrial type stuff that we've got excellent let's just get that connected to the road over here there we go very good so rubs in your water pipes and things I will come back to that and then we can set up our loops so and let's just do our we've got to draw in our pathways first of all as well there we go and now we can just set up our route go in format there and back again excellent so that is gonna get people coming into here I will is this little this a ferry sailboat Oh an updated ferry I've obviously got some assets from somewhere that looks absolutely fantastic I like that a lot oh poor little fairy sailboat he survived terrain so I would like a little centerpiece for our Islands up here and I really like this clock tower and we're gonna get visitors coming to it as well so I think we should definitely have that set up in the middle over here and what better thing to put it in the middle of than a nice great big roundabout as well so uh autosave as soon as I start recording one second I'll be back so let's do what we do and start whacking some roads down and see where we think more or less the central points would be I reckon here is as good as any and then we can connect some of those roads up yeah that'll be good let's get this one we're gonna go for a nice big one I don't want a free cursor there we go and that is gonna be let's use this three lane road first of all we could possibly change that to make that look a bit nicer later on and then we do need a road coming in here for the clock tower to sit on so I'm just thinking maybe this little two-lane gravel road and I'm hoping this doesn't get too busy in here I guess we will sort of see yeah that'll be good and then let's drop this on there and then I would actually like that all lined up in the middle so the move it mod now is gonna come in and help me and also thank you for the tip and the people have been giving me on this I always of these internal off one at a time apparently double-click the one you want there we go I'm just gonna get rid of all of these trees there we go that weird lines all over the map excellent there we go I think that will work nicely in there let's just make sure our roundabouts all set up bish bash Bosh I think that'll be a nice centerpiece to build off of win it yeah excellent so let me run some more loads and see what sort of shapes we can come up with here [Music] [Music] mmm thinking a gave us a pattern like this with the coldest sack I quite like those you can have the houses built around it like that so three or four houses and then little ones at the end that might work out quite well what I've got to do before I forget is to make sure that we set this to be organic and local produce commercial buildings and the houses are all going to be where is the one here's the last one yes this is the one isn't it self-sufficient building so we get nice and green stuff going on here [Music] [Music] so I'm gonna mark these out with houses all around each cul-de-sac but I may come back and slightly adjust how many we have because I was thinking you know this is like a a place if you've got absolute ton of money if you're one of the elite people into evil and you want to come and live somewhere nice and posh spend your Millions even making selling tea and this is where you would come and you know what I really need is I need a name for this island that's tea related gives the idea of wealth let me know in the comments below and we will rename that next time and I promise I will do my best not to forget like I just have remembered that I've forgotten about renaming the university yes I should look up the name suggestion she gave me for that - doing that but anyway let's set these up like that and we're gonna want some shots and things and we've got this nice little spot along the front here we could have a few shots there not too near to the houses we could have a couple more in this little square at this little Junction there maybe that's a bit too close maybe some there yeah that should do so let's just yeah do that little section there also parks and things I'm just thinking whether we could squeeze some in let's just do that first [Music] oh of course while all this is going on at something I've forgotten is they're all gonna need schools I'm gonna use sign these green schools that we've got so let us just pick a little spot where we could do those I'd like them centralized if we could so I'm gonna put one here yeah I'm gonna remove that building that's there we're gonna put that there instead everybody on the islands happy pretty much I think that might do for now we are gonna need a larger school we've got a creative arts school and the MTI I might just pop this one just down here for now and well at least they've got that if they need it that counts as a high school good good good good good and then of course we're gonna need some services so I'm just gonna put a little services area let's have a look off of this road here I'm actually gonna put the cemetery over here because I dunno it's one of the needs of the people and they don't mind actually living next door to something like that so I can squeeze that in there there we go and then we'll just put on one of these as well crematorium there we go and make all the people happy nice nice nice so while this is building up let's take a look at Belmont Heights and the policies so there's a few things that we want to do on here we want to give an education boost just because I want to and we also want to do for fir fairies wonder whether we can add on a ferry route going along here I'm gonna do prefer ferries and then we're gonna have a look at doing that and we also want to do let's go on to City Planning encourage biking heavy traffic ban and I think we actually gonna need that's not going to get to a two-piece is it VIP any shelters no we don't need to do that combustion engine ban yet we're going to do that one as well we're gonna say you've got to have electric cars if you're not taking that your bikes and I think that we'll work rather well yeah we could have a ferry coming across here from one side to the other so they don't all use this road if we could squeeze one in just down here that would be fantastic [Music] yeah I'm just wondering whether we're gonna need to make some of our bridges taller so we can have other ferry routes that go around the island as well which would just be fantastic I've got to join that up to there so we can get I'm also gonna go from there to there just to give a little shortcut so the ferries can come from the Depot over to here but for now let's just have this little route that goes backwards and forwards from there hold you know what now go on let's just do let's drag that all the way around to there there we go and then we'll add a stop in here as well excellent so people can now get a ferry over to the main island switch over and then come round here and I think I'm just gonna make these bridges a bit higher two turns that we've got these little ferryboat things that are really tall the normal ferries fit under there but these of course are really big I'm not sure where I shouldn't do anything about that cuz I I'll hang on look cruise ship ah it might just be an asset that I need to uninstall let's take a quick look on here yeah I think I'm gonna just uninstall that asset as nice as it looks I don't like the way they don't fit under the bridge like that [Music] so another thing we need to do is we need to try and make sure we can get goods over here to this area - I'm just wondering whether to put a little cargo Harbor on here rather than have a load coming straight over I wondered whether that would just just work let's have a look in our boats section which is this one here so it's gonna have to be one of these isn't it cargo harbours cargo hub this small one I think that would work quite well and we can sort of attach it to this road and then that road connects to everything else or maybe just here yeah let's do that and then we can have all of our goods being bought in by this and to make sure there's no traffic and have a symmetrical roads going in there going in whoops there we go and going in there as well as we've got dedicated lanes for turning and I think that should be okay and that now should automatically connect to any cargo that needs to be brought over let's just keep an eye on that and see whether we get any cargo ships coming in here [Music] whoa I don't believe it average traffic flow a hundred percent no D spawning on I haven't cleared the traffic look you can see there's cars everywhere there's part as cars moving around anyway look is that is that a trick of my eyeballs or is that actually I think we've got everything running so smoothly I've actually hit 100% traffic nothing is slowing down oh my goodness me absolutely no way no way and it's just staying at 100% traffic Wow I promise you hand on hearts there is absolutely no trickery behind this at all everything is moving look you can see it because the red is the fact that the road is busy but nothing is stopping a mover I mean there's like these cars slowing down here which I can easily sort with a quick one of these let's just pause the game upgrade that roads now they've got a lane for where they want to go we'll do the same go in the other way I have also gonna do the same for that one as well there we go look at that lanes for every direction although I made it worse Oh [Music] [Laughter] although that was unbelievable there we go it's all moving along quickly again 100% traffic flow I think I've only ever hit that once before and that was an issue where all the cars just disappeared off the map but I didn't do that wow that is that is amazing let's just take a quick look over our island how it's going on over here so we've still got some more growth that we need to get in here I made the bridges higher for these little things to get under but I'm liking the way these little colder sacks look I'm gonna put some trees in the middle of some of these as well just to help it along bats it's starting to look like a real sort of ponch everywhere you might come and leave out on these lovely little islands you've got some local shops if you need some healthy weeds or something like that then this is the place to come look at that and then we've got some if you come over here this is the start of our more not industrial I'm more sort of city centre area there's gonna be more built up just in the middle here maybe some touristy stuff got a few offices here with our rubbish collection police and that in there and then over here we've put some offices down by the fronts yep where our cargo comes in and then over here I've put this to be let's have a look some high density residential just for this little arm down here just to beef up the population and also I've turned off the policy education boost because we actually want people to go and work in our in our shops and they were struggling for people to go and work there I'm thinking of this area here being a park I'd like you to let me know in the comments below would you like to see a zoo would you like to see an amusement park would you like to see a city park or would you like to see the Nature Reserve let me know in at the comments below and we're gonna make this area into one of those just notice looking at the view of the city from here that we've got the pyramids over in the background here pyramidal - I don't know anyway so what do you think - my Island build if you enjoyed it leave a thumbs up and check out the other video on the screen as well and I will see you all very very soon thank you very much for watching take care everybody bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 441,435
Rating: 4.939476 out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, how to fix your city cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, cities skylines roundabout mod, cities:skylines, cities skylines traffic management, teaville biffa, teaville city skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, city planner, biffa2001, 100% traffic, 100% traffic flow
Id: _ivblpzjQ6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 23sec (1343 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2020
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