"Retail Workers, What Was Your ""I'm About To Lose My Crap"" Moment? (r/AskReddit)"

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redditors who work or have worked in retail what's your I'm about to lose my crack moment you had with a customer this wasn't an incident that made me angry but rather I was going to lose my crap in the sense this interaction made me feel like I was losing my mind I worked at a weird Starbucks at was drive-through and woke up only there was no indoor seating there were signs on either side of the walk-up window displaying a menu with a photo of each project that was listed if I was working at the walk-up window I couldn't see the menu even if I leaned out the window as much as I could one day a woman came to the store asked me a question about parking or something and then ordered she pointed at the menu and said could I have that one I'm sorry which drink are you pointing at she points again that one I can't see the menu from here could you tell me what drink is is that one I really can't see the menu can you tell me what it says that one what the frig maybe she doesn't speak English no she asked me something in perfect English earlier maybe she's embarrassed to pronounce the drink name wrong maybe she's illiterate what color is it that one do you want a hot or cold drink that one do you want something with coffee or maybe something sweet that one did he want a Frappuccino that one it went on like this for a while until I gave up and just rang her up for a grande iced caramel macchiato she seemed perfectly happy with it when I handed it to her I worked at a department store I was in charge of the truck and Stocking usually this included making the department our work look good raffled in clothes straightening stacks sizing the clothing racks etc I just finished the juniors department when I turn around and see so many clothes on the floor there was a teenager picking up folded shirts to look at them and then she was just throwing them on the ground it was a particularly bad day for me as all but two of our truck team had called in I didn't have time for this crap at all I politely asked her to stop throwing the merchandise on the floor it's fine if she wanted to just set the stuff back onto the tables but seriously stop throwing it on the ground this turned into her proceeding to throw piles folded clothes on the ground picking up hanging items and just tossing them so I asked where her parents were she refused to answer so I paid overhead asking for the parent of said teen I described her clothing and hair to come to the juniors department as their daughter had something amazing surprise for them it wasn't long before a lady walked over with a smile on her face and then it just fell into the most Piaf disappointed disgusted look she looked at me then her daughter the girl tried to say I was the one that did this and was trying to blame her for being bad at my job her mom was having none of that mom apologized profusely for her daughter's behavior and asked me to show her how we folded the clothes I tried to tell her not to worry about it I just wanted her kid to stop she insisted Sony showed her the fold we used on shirts and the ones we use on pants I started picking things up and noticed that the mom had gone to work telling her daughter how to fold everything eventually she told me I could go do something else they weren't leaving until her daughter fixed everything I had other things to do but I came back later and they were finishing up daughter was in tears saying she was humiliated and that this wasn't a job mom just kind of stood there chuckling and said it's your job right now you make a mess you pick it up rules don't stop at our front door they apply to anywhere you go started off as one of the worst experiences but ended on a high note for me at least I wish more parents would teach their kids this I've heard so many tell their kids to put stuff wherever because the employees will clean it up this crazy woman was already a known problem customer in our store being one of the managers and a longtime retail veteran I usually helped her when she came in one particular day she came in wanting to return a clearance item she'd bought three months ago I knew she knew our return policy and pointed out the final sale note on her crumpled receipt the day she'd bought the item in question had not been a fun encounter to begin with she started screaming that she should be allowed to return it because she has cancer and I have no idea how hard that was I nursed my grandfather through stage 4 lung cancer so had some idea but simply gave her calm reassurances I did stick to the policy though sides note she'd been a nightmare long before she became ill and probably should have been banned already for some of her antics after more back and forth she asks that I let her just exchange it as she's giving me a headache I agree inform her that the exchanged item would not be able to be returned or exchanged and reminded her of how much credit she had she comes back with another item and slams it onto my counter lo and behold there's a dollar and change difference between her original item and the new one she's furious shouting that she shouldn't have to pay it and don't I know she's suffering I firmly insist she coughs up the difference as that's how exchanges work she responded by pulling a fistful of change out of her person throwing it at my face a nickel bounced off my glasses I saw record calmly counted up the change slid the excess across the counter which he threw onto the floor and she stormed out there had been a young couple in line behind her who promptly approached the counter and asked if I was okay the head manager took over the register and sent me to the back to calm down when I came out she told me that the crazy woman had caused a ruckus at our sister store a few doors down and was now finally banned from both stores I quit the store and took a job in an office a few weeks later great answer sorry you had to deal with people like that I'm glad he got a new job and hope you enjoy it more I worked at Target in the clothing department for about three years one night I was on the closing shift 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. if you work the closing shift you spend pretty much the entire shift zone in your assigned area for me that meant folding clothes for five hours this particular night I was assigned the women's area which is the largest around 8:00 p.m. a woman probably in her late 40s approached me she asked if I could help her find maxi skirts I happily walked her to where they were she then asks my opinion on which skirts are liked the best again I happily told her she grabs every single print we offer in the skirt then she asks me to come back to the fitting room with I obliged when we get back to the fitting room she wants me to stand outside the dressing room as she tries the skirts on she comes out after each one and spends about five minutes going back and forth on does this look good as I go right sighs I don't like it actually I do like it she asked me to fetch different sizes for different prints but she also has an attitude while she's doing all of this telling me that it's my job to help her this went on until about 9:30 finally I think she's done she now has about 20-25 skirts in her dressing room she leaves them all sprawled out in the room and proceeds to tell me that she doesn't want any of them then she tells me to have a good night and leaves leaving her mess behind it took everything in me to smile back and to say have a good night as well also about two years later my cousin was working at an office and some lady came in there when my cousin was telling me about the lady and how she was a pain in the butt who kept going back and forth on things and was being so rude we discovered it was the same lady I had helped before so apparently this is the norm for her she sounds like a psychopath looking for attention Congrats to you for still acting professional worked at Kmart sporting goods and toys to be specific during my high school and early college years and people would often pull the I found this product under this tag for a lower price so does I mean I get it at that price well this one woman did this and would not let up she had a football that rung up $30 but wanted it at the price of their tag where she found the product for $5.00 which was a fishing lure I told her that I could not price match based on that what can you price match based on I tell her so you won't price match this even though it was sitting there under the wrong tag no I cannot I am sorry I've had it done before I've seen it done before so I know it can be done explain again how the price match policy works we go round and round for about 10 minutes before she pulls there let me speak to your manager at this point I am pretty angry but reserved I call my manager and then leave briefly to go get him and tell him about the customer and their complaint we walk back to counter and she tells him the same things she's been telling me he says sorry about that mom and does a price override and gives it to her for the five dollar after payment the manager walks back the customer gives me a snarky flick you look and walks away with her purchase Fricke Bruce Frick you me I was just doing my job and then I ended up looking like the butthole no wonder Kmart failed that crap pisses me off to no end a manager should never undermine their employees like that had a woman come in and request a large drink in a small cup I asked her to repeat that she reiterated she wanted a large drink but in a small cup I told her that wasn't possible this went on and on her yelling that it wasn't that difficult to understand I'm trying to tell her that they are different volumes eventually I filled up a large got a small cup and denied her while pouring the large in until it overflowed and went all over the counter 100% the only appropriate response guy slammed a hot-water bottle down on the counter and loudly exclaimed with wife nodding in agreement behind him that he'd put cold water in it three hours ago and it still wasn't hot she's nodding in agreement law too dumb as heck people found each other and I bet they had a few Damas had kids what a love story former Blockbuster employee here there was a woman who not only absolutely refused to pay her late fees which were legitimate she became so enraged that she threw her stack of tapes at me hitting me in the face she then marched around the store and knocked every cassette DVD and Cover box that she could reach off of the shelves some with her hands some by swinging her purse while shouting obscenities my manager got on the phone and called the police when angry lady finished trashing the store she demanded to know which cars out on the parking lot my coworker and I drove when we refused to say she spit at us and knocked all of the candy shelf talkers e.t.c off of the counters and began stomping on them I don't know if it was divine intervention or lark or what but as angry lady was spitting and stomping on the candy another woman walked into store this woman just happened to be my next-door neighbor and a police officer officer neighbor lady approached angry lady and identified herself as a police officer as she attempted to ask what the problem was angry lady shouted where's your freaking badge be spit at officer neighbor lady and attempted to flee officer neighbor lady grabbed angry lady before she could reach the door and a scuffle ensued in a blink officer neighbour lady kicked angry lady's legs out from under her and she went down like a sack of bricks I'll never forget the smack sound her face made when it hit the concrete floor satisfying while she held angry lady down officer neighbour lady asked me to go get her purse out of which he pulled a pair of handcuffs as the cuffs locked around her wrists it was then that angry lady finally realized what trouble she was in she began to sob and wail loudly she promised to make nice pay her fee and begged to be let go two uniformed officers arrived and hold angry lady away screaming and crying like a lunatic turned out angry lady was actually the mother of a student at my school I was in high school at the time he avoided me for the rest of the year felt terrible for the guy we found out later that angry lady was not under the influence of any alcohol or drugs she was just a volatile childish butthole she was banned from every corporate blockbuster store oh and the late fee she owed $12 this is my favorite story so far $12 with just the nail in the coffin I had to take a break from laughing idk if this counts as retail but I was an intern at an aquarium and while working at the touch tank a kid swallowed a handful of sand I told his mother and she told me that he was only four he proceeded to swallow another handful of sand when I was a kid I worked at a fast food restaurant and opened on the weekends toward the end of the breakfast rush some guy comes through with a huge order we were getting ready for lunch and didn't have anything he wanted already made so it took us a few minutes to get it together he starts cussing at me that he is late for church and I need to hurry the heck up I explained that I will get his food out as soon as the cooks are done but that's not good enough for him I finally reached my limit and told him he should probably leave the house earlier next Sunday dude frickin throws hot coffee on me through the drive-through window my manager sees this and asks me how much they're foodies he then pulls that amount out of the register throws it at the man and tells him to get the Frick out of his drive-thru the guy threatens to call the cops and my boss told him they were already on the way and he needed to leave if he didn't want to get arrested for assault I still wonder if he made it to church on time obviously hypochondriac woman comes to my till wearing surgical gloves with her things in a bag states she can't give her things to me because of money hands with a look of absolute disgust before reaching round and scanning her items but she then says she's paying in card and would like cash back and I explained she needs to put her card in the machine and not use contactless if she would she says yes but then still pays via contactless and is then completely shocked when I explained she can't have cash back unless she makes another transaction with her card in as I'd explained she then had a massive go about how I should have told her before kind of glad she stormed out of the shop so quickly and I didn't have a chance to properly lose my crap I wonder what she would have done have you been able to give her the cash since she was afraid of money hands I worked in a gas station where we had a notorious customer we referred to as can guy every month our station put coupons in the paper for 1.00 of free gas one coupon per customer per visit can guy would collect these coupons and then come park his car on the adjacent street and then go post up on one of our pumps and get gas one dollar at a time he'd pump a dollar come in and give us the coupon and go walk out to the sidewalk off the property and then turn around and do it again for hours as a pump attendant we have to approve every pump by pushing a button so every three minutes four hours at a time we'd be stuck standing at the till doing the same transaction over and over the longest I clocked him doing this four was two and a half hours corporate added an addendum to the coupons because of him pulling that crap I ain't even mad at this this is next level commitment some of our freezers went down and we had to pull stuff out er put it in the storage freezer we had pallets and trying to get everything done fast it was a whole ordeal I was cold wet annoyed this lady an electric card that smelled like crap got mad because we were in the way and said I'm so tired of the laziness in this store this is bulls and before I could stop myself I just yelled well you smell like crap I'm so surprised I did not get into trouble I would completely understand if I did smack home run through a pile of jackets at my feet and exclaimed now you have something to freaking do I was mid transaction on the tail while working at Lowe's a guy tried returning an item with no recep it turns out that item is only sold by Home Depot so I told the customer we couldn't give him a store credit he lost his crap saying he's 100% sure he bought it at a hardware store yup not this one wouldn't take no for an answer so I brought up the item on the computer and showed him it was sold by Home Depot then showed him our website where the item didn't exist he got P and mid Saturday afternoon yells are you freakin stupid I wanted to punch him right in his mouth I feel your pain were close customer service for five years I always loved that my brother didn't need these 20 saw blades for a project yet sure a girl asked me to get her a Buzz Lightyear toy from a shelf done five minutes later her [ __ ] parents are complaining that I gave her a boy toy personal feelings and rage aside I tried to descale it with yes I suppose buzz is a boy and a toy never got written up so fast in my life dang one of my fav toys when I was a little girl was he-man shirtless riding his Mastodon loved the 80s not retail but a restaurant I was working as a waitress and a woman stopped me as I was passing her table she told me she got to rip in her stockings from one of our chairs this was according to her 100% my fault because I did not want her about our chairs she asked me if I had any clear nail polish on me or anywhere in the restaurant I told her that I was sorry but I did not this was to her so very strange how could we not have nail polish in the restaurant she got very angry wanted to talk to someone else who could fix her stockings I got my manager who also said sorry but there is nothing we can do about two stockings he got told the same as me and how can we not warn people about the chairs this went on for about 10 minutes because she just could not believe that I didn't have freaking nail polish in my back pocket she accepted her stockings fate at last but I got angry looks from her all night when a woman sat down cash on the counter and I went to count it but she slapped my hand hard because she was looking for the change what a fricking bee I am angry for you worked at a clothing store a woman tried to return something she clearly worn washed and ruined we told her there was no way we could accept it and she demanded to speak to the manager manager came out told her the same and this woman left screaming that she hoped the store would burn down with us in it I worked with a guy who punched a customer once he was standing at the register and a customer came in to return a set of tools and literally threw the set down on the counter causing screwdrivers and tools to fly across the counter and hitting the employee our friend worked at a really busy McDonald's and one time a customer kinda threw the money at her disdainfully because I had taken too long to serve her my friend let her anger get the best of her and threw the change back at her the customer asked to speak to the manager to complain and after she told him what had happened he said that she shouldn't have thrown the money at his employee if he didn't want the change thrown back at her the woman was outraged and threatened with vague consequences if the manager was like what are you gonna do boycott McDonald's I think the company will survive the hard blow brah frickin though this needs to become the norm all the retail fake smile does is make customers like that think their behavior is somehow acceptable when it's not I used to work at a video rental place living the dream as a 19 year old and a customer comes in and asks if we sell movies I say yes so she starts walking along the wall of clearly marked rental movies pointing at titles they want I start telling them the ones we have in stock for purchase and the ones I will need to order in they eventually comes up to the front and begins to pay I tell them the total a lot more than the listed rental price and they get really confused as it's a lot more than they were expecting I'm in the middle of explaining that there are new releases when it hits me they don't know this is a rental place buy explain this kindly and carefully and letter I have had to order them in at this point they drop all pretense of niceness and in front of customers and my shift manager give me a look of pure disdain you are an idiot they say yeah well at least I didn't walk into a video rental place and try to buy the DVDs they roll their eyes and Huff out of there wish I could say my clientele only got smarter after that but that would be a lie worked at a gas station in the early 2000s this guy pulls up and tried to pump gas while holding a cigarette in his hand this is normal in my country leaving the engine running and smoking I worked in a couple record stores when I was young so I've got a ton of stories but one stood out that applies to your question we had this one guy whose last name was a common vegetable this dude would come in once every couple weeks and go through our import singles and dance sections find a small handful and bring them up to the counter but no not to buy them no sir he would first ask for his hold pile that was around 30 discs he'd then sort through them pick out a few to purchase and then have us put all the remaining back on hold the whole time he'd be doing this he would not allow you to leave his side this process took up to 45 minutes I know the first question you're thinking is why even hold them put them back out well we tried that he would come back in and we'd tell him that we put all the hold back out he'd crowd quite a bit and then go out into the store and refined them all bring them back up and buy a few and place the rest on hold if we refused to put them on hold he'd go and hide them in the store if we followed him around to make sure he wouldn't hide them he'd browse until we got busy with another customer and then hide them we got to the point that we nearly ignore him and we just threw them in a box that we left behind the counter he'd come in and we'd heavily drop the box on the counter and asked bluntly what he plans to buy today nobody wanted to be the unfortunate soul that got stuck with him it was an exercise in temper management bug Joseph sweet potatoes strikes again old lady poked a hole in the last six or seven green peppers we had left they were already on sale but she knew we sold damaged past its prime produce for a big discount I just threw them away and said we can't sell them it made me so mad she was a pain in my butt at that store all the time you have been visited by the source chihuahua he will be blessed with good pasture but only if you comment simmer well Papa simmer well Papa like and 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Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 65,965
Rating: 4.8801584 out of 5
Keywords: retail workers, customer service, customer freakout, customer, customer service funny, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: xyHYR_H6h_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 16sec (1396 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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