Heartbreaking Real Life Moments

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what has been the most heartbreaking thing you've personally witnessed it was about 2am on a rainy monday night and i was driving home through empty suburbs in sydney suddenly i turned into a smallish road and was blocked off by an ambulance i was about to reverse and find another way when i see two paramedics bring out an old lady on the trolley who was very much dead these three were followed by a very old man probably 80 plus who followed behind trying to hold the woman's hand he was bawling falling over himself getting soaked by the rain and shouting he was shouting she's my soul mate what do i do now what am i supposed to do something about an older proud man brought to their knees kills me crap okay here shows my age but as the cool kids say whatever back in about 1992 i was walking to a friend's place when with no tire scream there's a horrific car crash i ran over to see a car had tea barred another at a roundabout canberra is full of them seeing as it was about 1am and at the time this being nothing more than a sleepy hollow a few people came out to investigate at this point my saint john's training kicked in and i told someone to go call an ambulace the situation is thus the driver who rammed the other car smells like a brewery and is dead he's also the driver who caused the accident by pushing through the roundabout i get to the other car and there's a girl she's pretty messed up the steering column has puncture her in the chest there's blood everywhere there are no crumples zoned so her own car is smooshed against her i tell her that i know first aid and that i'm not trying to grope her as a joke trying to figure out the extent of her injuries but i can feel all her ribs on her left side fricked up and even at the lightest tough she's hurting so i start talking to her saying everything's all right well it's not that the ambulance is coming and start making crappy jokes at her to keep her awake then i hear the ambulance in the distance and tell her she's gonna be all right she looks me in the eye and says why didn't i meet you earlier and dies turns out 30 seconds can be an eternity i've walked the same 40-minute route to work for about five years now every day i pass the same old guy and his german shepherd walking beside him with no lead carrying an old battered tennis ball i figured he went to the corner shop for morning paper or whatever anyway a few months ago there was no dog and the guy was carrying the tennis ball and has done ever since this is sad and very touching my mother died in july 2009 from a massive heart attack she was in the hospital for a few months because of mental health issues and her cancer had come back i remember laying on the couch the morning she passed because i had fallen asleep the night before and kept hearing the phone ring in my half asleep stupor i just went upstairs i remember thinking as i got into bed wouldn't it be weird if it were the hospital calling i laid in bed and just listened as the phone rang again i thought my dad would pick it up because he had a phone in his room but he was out cold i finally got out of bed because i couldn't get back to sleep and answered it someone from the hospital was indeed calling and asked for my dad i knew exactly what they were about to tell him i just went upstairs knocked on his door and handed the phone over to him i then went downstairs and sat with my brother who had fallen asleep on the other couch and i felt absolutely numb because i knew what news was coming my father came downstairs and just said that my mother was gone and we had to go to the hospital my brother and i got dressed and we all left to go pick up my older brother at his apartment we just drove there in silence we arrived met a nurse and they took us to her room my little brother and i sat on the other side of the curtain because neither of us could bear to see the body my older brother and father stepped around the curtain and the nurse pulled the sheet from my mother's face the next sound i heard was the most heart-wrenching as my father let out a soul-numbing scream and started crying i could hear his heart breaking in that scream which broke mine as well to this day it is the worst sound i have ever heard in my entire life and i still hear it whenever i think of that day a few years back a guy sat by me on the bus home he must have been in his late 70s early 80s he starts chatting to me for no reason which i don't mind because i like chatting to the elderly they've got wicked stories anyway i notice he is wearing a butterfly brooch on his cardigan so i commented it that it was nice and unusual clearly because it was a woman's but i thought he was giving zero fricks and wearing what he wanted he responded that he bought it for his wife that morning in the town but then remembered that she was dead but he wanted to keep it because he knew she'd have liked it i wanted to take him home after that two of my friends in college were high school sweethearts due to a freak heart malfunction the guy suddenly died while we were sledding my sophomore year the girl remained close with his family still calling his parents mom and dad 10 years later she was finally getting married to a new guy but invited her high school sweetheart parents as they are still close the parents sat in the back row and the father shook with sobs as he watched the wedding that should have been his sons i finished my phd last year and just had my graduation ceremony last week four ages before it my parents had been fussing over me but i didn't mind they were just so proud and excited and to be honest i was feeling pretty good about myself too so anyway the ceremony rolls around and the university registrar is reading out all the names one course at a time when i notice there is one name on its own in the program receiving the posthumous award of phd mr on behalf of his daughter doctor as they read out the names all of the university higher-ups gave this chap the biggest standing ovation you could tell he was so deeply proud of his daughter thankful for the reception of the whole graduation team and absolutely heartbroken and tearing up at the same time there were so many people visibly crying in the audience and it seemed to resonate really strongly with me it was such a big day for me and my family and seeing the pride and sadness on this man's face really made me realize how important it is to appreciate family while they are still around amazingly i'd held back the tears through this whole thread but do you go and ruin it about 10 or so years ago i was sitting in the computer room doing internet things when i heard the doorbell ring my friend neighbor from across the street was looking for his four-year-old brother as soon as i said that i had not seen him a blood curdling scream filled the air followed by call nine one one call nine one one their neighbor had forgotten to lock their front door that day and the mother found the boy drowned in the neighbor's pool he had been in there for at least 30 minutes and was about as blue as the sky that day followed by the funeral was the most heartbreaking i had been friends with a girl named alice as long as i remember our parents were neighbors and also really close we both had big families with lots of siblings and we were the oldest kids so we kind of clicked in every way she was my first best friend so it was christmas time in 2004 i was visiting her we were talking about how she had a crush on my brother and other usual things that 13 old girls would talk about i was drawing a horse for her she loved horses and i loved drawing it was a nice evening then we started about talking what we got for christmas i don't remember that i got anything special but she got a vacation to thailand i was so envious that she got to go to ko lak with her family but i was happy for her and wished her a wonderful trip after a few days there was tsunami both parents died two of her siblings were never found she and her small sister barely survived the double funeral for her parents was heartbreaking i remember the moment when two daughters walked behind the coffins to the altar and the look on alice face i lost my breath she wasn't the same anymore she had lost everything there she was saying goodbye to her parents while comforting her little sister who didn't understand what was happening she didn't have the chance to say goodbye to her baby brother or to her other sister she didn't even cry that was the last that i saw of her she moved to another country to her grandparents i did send her a few letters with drawings of horses and saying how my brother is also missing her she never answered i think of her every time i visit my parents and see their house we have a lot of good memories of us there but i don't know where she is now i can only hope that she and her sister are doing all right my granddad crying as he kissed my mum's cheek and stroked her hair about 15 minutes after she had passed away my mum was my grandparents only child to this day i have no idea how they have managed to carry on you i had this favorite regular customer he was this old war veteran that came into the store humming singing and always in a cheery mood i helped him with the groceries because he couldn't read his wife's scribbles i hadn't seen him in a long time i thought maybe he had moved to a retirement home or whatnot when he suddenly comes through the door and i am so happy until he asks for a job i ask why he would need a job and then he explains he just came home from the war and needed money i ask how his wife is doing he she has moved to sweden for safety it quickly dawns upon me that he has dementia he thinks he is 19 and before i have time to do anything he is out the door i had to go to the back room to cry because i couldn't help him and even though i only knew him a little so that person was totally gone when i was a patient at research psychiatric center there was a woman who had been there for a few days before i taken in and who remained there for a week after i was out she would rarely talk was completely unfocused and they were switching so many medications around on her that she spent most of the day sleeping in her room eventually in one of our group sessions she began to open up about what it is that brought her to the hospital this woman was in her early 40s and had two daughters the first one died six months prior to her entering the hospital then a week before she came in her second daughter was killed in a car wreck and two days before she was taken to the hospital her house caught fire due to faulty wiring and everything that she owned was lost we all tried to console her as best as we could and by the time i left two weeks later she was actively engaging in conversation and even smiling a bit she even spoke of how she was working with a friend to try and open a small business the amount of tragedy this woman had gone through and her ability to survive it all put things in perspective for a lot of us when i was a correctional officer i would often times escort inmates to and from the hospital for medical treatment there was one inmate fredericks was his name i believe who had been diagnosed with a heart condition he was about 50 years old and are born again christian as many inmates are he was always quoting scripture and seemed so sure about his place in heaven over a period of about six months he shed about 150 200 pounds he went from being a relatively heavy set guide to skin and bones i would usually be the one to escort him to and from the hospital another officer and i would sit with him for 8-12 hours a day at one point he had to be transferred to another larger hospital so i rode in the back of the ambulance with him while the other officer followed us in the prison van i still remember the conversation we had to this day i was known for always carrying jolly ranchers in my pocket he asked me if i had any that i could share with him i told him i didn't but if i did i would certainly share them with him that was against the rules but i don't think anyone would have said anything about me sharing a piece of candy with a dying man i could see his hands were shaking and i could hear the handcuffs and chains clinking we had to wrap the belly chain around him twice because he had become so thin he looked at me and said i'm scared i could tell he was holding back tears i didn't know what to say so i just told him that he was gonna be okay after i got relieved from my post i told him i would see him next week as my days off were coming up i never saw him again he died a few days later i heard the state buried him because no family ever showed up to claim the body i wish i had been able to give him some of my candy i was eight or nine riding in the back seat of my dad's car on a really rainy day heading home from my grandma's house and we passed this bus stop which is right across the street from the mcdonald's and has a stop light between the two we're stopped at a red light next to this bus stop and i'm watching this father and son trying to cross the street to get to the stop with their bag of mcdonald's in the heavy rain with no umbrella the dad let the kid run ahead so he could get under the little shelter thingy before our light turned and they wouldn't be able to cross safely so the dad is stuck on the other side of the road as the cars start to move and the poor guy gets hit with a tidal wave from a car passing him completely soaks his food to the point where the bottom of the bag fell out i will never forget the look of the feet he had on his face standing there soaking wet having just lost his and his son's dinner and then they still had to wait for the bus i think that was the first time i ever empathized with someone i didn't know i felt so terrible for him see thank god i kept thinking the dad would watch his son get hit by a car or vice versa still feel bad for him though equals a few months ago my stepdad the only father i've ever known told me he had to go into hospital for a few tests nothing major within a few days the doctors informed me and my mum that my dad had to have a small low-risk operation no one was too worried but for some reason i just couldn't stop crying which is completely out of character for me i remember seeing him off before he went into surgery where he looked into my eyes and told me he loved me and to look after my mum i was being terrible and harassed my mum to take us home to get some rest before my dad came out again only to get a call from the doctors to say the operation had been delayed and my daddy wanted to see us unfortunately by the time we got to the hospital he was already taken in they said it would be in four hour operation it was after the six hour we really began worrying and when he came out we were told he was in intensive care due to some unforeseen circumstances we waited by his side for days until eventually very early in the morning i watched his heart monitor flatline and his lips turn blue i think the worst part about it was that i denied him the chance to see us one more time because i was tired he was scared and we weren't there for him the most heartbreaking moment was walking out with a bag full of clothes when only days before i walked in with the most amazing dad thanks reddit i really needed to let it out but i don't feel as if i can talk to my friends about it as a lot of them abandoned me when they realized i didn't have the motivation to go out anymore and i don't want my mum to think i'm too hurt by it because she's only just begun to recover and needs me more than ever honestly i really appreciate it your friends are idiots for not trying to support you i give you all my internet hugs a little one that always stuck with me driving home and seeing a woman putting her recently hit by a car dog into a cardboard box that crap hit me pretty hard still not as bad as the next one though in iraq a father brought his son to her base for medical attention he was very ill turned out the son had been bitten by a rabid dog if you know anything about rabies you know that once symptoms show it's 100 fatal watching the medical officer explained to the translator who relayed to the father that his son could not be saved that was rough the other one the worst one working at a checkpoint we open up a trunk as usual and find the body of a young girl i don't really talk about that one i do some volunteer work with a special needs school near my home where they do some special olympics type field day events twice a year most of the kids are developmentally disabled but a few have physical disabilities like cp after helping with the events for a few years i got to know some of the kids better than others and there is this one kid named andy who has severe autism mostly relating to sensory dysfunction he rarely speaks to anyone but this kid is freaking bananas about baseball he memorizes stats and players and team rosters and can rattle off the most obscure baseball stats ever and they are all accurate it's incredible anyway andy is raised by his mom and grandmother as his dad bailed out when he was very young two or three i think one of the events we did at the field day was a kind of modified baseball game on a little field with big base baths for the kids in wheelchairs and big soft balls and bongo bats andy had tried to participate in the game for years but could just never do it he would just get too overwhelmed it was too much he would wind up watching from his chair and you could see that he wanted to be part of it so bad last fall i spent a couple hours before the baseball game trying to get him mentally prepared for the game so that maybe he would be able to actually take an at-bat i walked him through what it would be like and just tried to get him calmed down and i gave him my hat to wear and a lead vest to wear like the ones you wear when getting an x-ray it calms him down i didn't expect that to change anything really but to my surprise and delight he wound up actually getting to the plate and staying there unassisted holding the bat up and staring wide-eyed at the parent that was pitching his mouth was a gap and he was breathing so hard i thought he might pass out the parent lobbed the ball up to him and andy threw all his weight behind the bongo bat and freaking crushed that crap to right center it cleared the cones by 30 feet using cones for fencer line i was so happy i was about to bust and after he was helped around the bases and stomped on the plate he came back over to me and i high-fived and fist-bumped him and congratulated him over and over then he stopped and i could tell he was trying really hard to compose himself to say something and he says can i come back later and do that again so next time my dad can see i kept a smile on my face but couldn't stop myself from bullying like a goddamn baby when i heard that freaking crap crying again now kids need their goddamn dads that one got me wow sitting in the waiting room at my gino's office for my yearly lady checkup a visibly pregnant woman comes out of the offices back into the waiting room she's crying and on her phone leaving someone a voicemail saying please call me back as soon as you get this they can't find a heartbeat they are sending me to go get another ultra sound please call me back i need you right now i'm so scared i looked around the waiting room after she walked out and realized that every woman in there myself included had started tearing up absolutely heartbreaking when i was about 14 my mom was bringing me and my friends back home from school we all lived about four blocks from each other we noticed there was an accident on the street before mine after we got home we all excluding my mom walked to the accident to be idiot spectators we approached a group of people that had already gathered and asked what happened it turns out that a guy was riding his motorcycle back home because his wife's baby shower was winding down well as he was turning onto his street a driver plowed right into him and he was killed instantly he was about five houses away from his home his wife was just sitting on the side of the road in shock we left after that i've never felt so bad in my life for being curious about a traffic accident in my life thank you for reinforcing my decision to never ride a motorcycle way too many idiots to worry about out there my grandmother had a stroke about 15 years ago she wasn't the same since we would visit her at the hospice and she was like a zombie sure sometimes she would be somewhat lucid she would recognize family members she often doted on my father which is weird since he was only her son-in-law she would often yearn for home and if my grandfather was there she would sit and listen to everything he had to say not matter the pain that she was in that she couldn't walk and talking was more or less grunts while looking at pictures anyway flash forward four years and my grandfather gets a quick diagnosis of bone cancer it was a death sentence and a quick one of that by the time he was in the hospital he was given less than three weeks to live we did what we could to get him into the same hospice as my grandmother but they couldn't work fast enough and he passed away within a ten days but my grandfather's wishes she was never brought to see him in the hospital my mother aunts and uncles held a private viewing just for my grandmother she kind of knew what happened she acknowledged to my mother that she knew that he was dead but she remained strike on the ride to the funeral home she was wheeled in and up to his casket and it seemed to hit her he was gone she for the first time in four years actually stood up and reached into his casket to kiss him it was like the physical horrors that she suffered didn't happen she held his hand for 10 minutes crying saying love you i miss you and see you soon when she said it it wasn't perfect but you understood what she said and that was incredible to us after that she calmly got back into her chair and she asked to go home she meant her real home and we knew it so we did it my uncle carried her up the stairs and put her to sleep in the bed that she shared with my grandfather for 46 years they were married for 50 years when he died but she spent four years in the hospice my mother my aunts and my uncles stayed with her while the grandchildren and the in-laws went to the internment the whole experience brings me to tears just thinking about it i don't think my words did it justice i think you did your grandparents justice by sharing the story it made me think of my grandmother when she passed away i had to leave the room to not startle my wife when i started crying after reading it a few years ago a 13-year-old kid was hit by a car right by my house i saw a couple of firefighters tell his suit-wearing dad rushing over from work i would guess that his son was dead the poor guy just collapsed and the firemen were holding him up by his arms like you would a wounded military person my family's best friends had twin sons and one was born without a brain he died after several hours spent being held and loved my mom is a nurse at the hospital where the babies were born and our friends asked if she could be the one to escort the baby down to the morgue i held him after he died and then my mother carried him away the last thing i remember after walking out of our friend's room is the mother in the hospital bed her husband with his arms around her both quietly sobbing as they held their remaining son i went with my own mom to her office where she laid the baby on a piece of ugly blue material that was all the hospital provided and gently wrapped him up she had to put baco stickers on him as if he were a piece of faulty merchandise i just remember sitting quietly with tears streaming down my face as she gently placed our friends beautiful baby in a metal cart and wheeled them away i'll cross post something i actually just posted in another ask reddit it's far more relevant here when i was a teacher one of my first graders asked do you have any kids after i said that i didn't and i didn't even have a wife or a girlfriend he said that's too bad do you know how i know you would be a good dad you never hit me god i spent so many lunch hours crying in the staff bathroom at that job i was driving down my street one day and there was a dead bunny in the road right next to it there was another bunny just looking at the dead one i had somewhere to be so i couldn't stop about three hours later i'm coming home and still the bunny's looking at the dead one in the exact same spot i can't be sure but i have a feeling he never moved i went home and got some lettuce then walked back to the bunny i was sure he was going to bolt but he stayed still i sat down gave him some lettuce and talked to him he ate the lettuce almost absentmentedly just staring at the dead bunny you could almost see the sadness in this little guy's eyes after about 10 minutes i decided to give him some privacy as i got up to go i notice in the mess that was the dead bunny were what looked like little baby bunnies the poor thing had been pregnant i cried as i walked home the next day the road people had gotten the dead bunny and the guy i gave letter had gone broke my heart oh god why the frick did i open this thread watching my father descend into the grip of alzheimer's he's been battling it for the past six years they don't tell you the truth about alzheimer's in the books or in the movies they don't tell you that the person who has it has a complete personality change my father was the greatest dad any child could have loving caring wonderful he now is mean and physically abusive he and my mother were passionately in love throughout the 40 years of their marriage he recently ran her out of the house threatening her life they don't tell you that they go crazy at the end of the disease they don't tell you that they see and talk to people that aren't there they don't tell you that they can't go to the bathroom without help at the end i'm only 27 years old my father is 72 and he's completely gone we've had to put him in a psych ward for dementia patients they call it senior care he hasn't said my name in over two years he has no idea who i am and it breaks my heart every single day this happened to my sister who described it when she was still very upset and shaken about it she was 22 at the time studying to be a teacher and putting herself through college because her parents are manipulative pieces of crap she was at a busy intersection at a red light an elderly gentleman was driving and suddenly he was knocked from behind by another bigger car because he slowed down a bit the car proceeded to start to somehow flip over and the elderly man was ejected from the car he wasn't wearing his seat belt my sister knowing cpr and was certified on it got out and ran over as did multiple people to check on him no one else knew cpr and he wasn't breathing so she performed cpr on him for a long 15 minutes trying to help this guy eventually an ambulance came and took him away she learned later that night he was pronounced dead i listened to her tell me all this and i could tell how sad she felt she was sobbing on the phone and talking to me all night about this guy she wish he would have lived how if things would have been different maybe he would have lived and maybe she didn't do a good enough job to save him i just comforted her as best i could she never talked about it now it affected her for a long time when i was 19 my father passed away after a very short battle with cancer at the church funeral my sister and i walked my mom to our church pew and all she keep saying was i'm too young for this crap this is not happening this cannot happen wake me up i'm too young girls this can't be happening right now take me out of the church this isn't happening she wasn't crying or yelling just speaking very calmly my mother was sexually abused as a child by her stepfather because her mother late told him to my dad myself and the rest of my family just found out about this a little over a year ago the night we all found out she began texting me before it all came to her head saying i shouldn't come home and that her and my dad who absolutely never fight this night is one of two or three of their actual fights we're getting a divorce i'm panicking as i head home once i'm home i try and sort things out and figure out what's going on the fighting and yelling escalates mom says she doesn't love dad anymore and he leaves as in not coming home again leaves i'm completely baffled because the things she is saying don't make sense any time i try to defend dad she turns on me almost completely out of the blue she begins wailing and sobbing it was the most tortuous sound i've ever heard she nearly collapses to the floor and she's pushing me away crying about how she is dirty and doesn't want to contaminate me eventually she says enough that i've put all the pieces together and someone has called dad it's impossible to describe how much that one moment destroyed me to see my mom so broken and hopeless thankfully my dad was only about five minutes down the road and came home soon my mom is in therapy and doing much better so basically the most heartbreaking thing i've ever seen was watching my mother relieve her childhood abuse i was on a train to london across the aisle was a family i was sketching away in my book enjoying the ride when i started picking up tidbits of their conversation do you see the two kids in the 612 range were with their dad who was divorcing their mum they were having a heartbreaking conversation about why and i scribbled down so many nuggets from that conversation unfortunately i lost that sketchbook a long time ago but one thing will always stick with me but why the kid yelled at his dad why are you breaking up because we don't love each other anymore the kid desperate close to bowling urgently grabs his dad's shirt and chokes out but you got married if you got married it means you have to love each other oh man big misty i trained right there if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 15,409
Rating: 4.8964882 out of 5
Keywords: heartbreaking, heartbreaking moments, heartbreaking video, heartbreaking scenes, saddest, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, reddit stories 2021
Id: wQk8444qh3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 21sec (1881 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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