"When It Backfires" 2 Hour Reddit Compilation

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have you ever witnessed someone say if you don't like it leave and everyone left what was the story a former industrial job i used to have said that during an all hands meeting we were understaffed underpaid and overworked and everyone knew it instead of the two-stroke one ratio of two machines to one operator for safety reasons we'd have four six eight because people were getting paid less than most retail jobs to bust their asses in some of the most disgusting work i've ever done you'd come home covered in moldy coolant metal shavings and stink machines started breaking down because they'd never shut them down to perform maintenance on them so we'd often have massive problems which of course meant even more over time to make up for the broken machines and people started quitting the management's response was to tell us that they expected us to work harder because they couldn't get more help in one of my co-workers who generally gave no fricks asked in front of everyone in that room why they didn't try raising the poor wages and see if they could entice people that way the response was for not having that conversation right now if you don't like it you can quit who buddy was that the wrong thing to say as soon as word got out to the other shifts what can only be called a freaking exodus began we lost half of each shift within the week i stuck around for a few more weeks until i had a conflict with my schooling at a time since one of my classes got out about 30 minutes before my shift 30 minutes away so i warned them in advance that i might be a few minutes late one day a week maybe and god told that i needed to decide what was more important my school or my job so i quit and giggled my butt off at the sign in the hr office that said we had an almost 80 percent turnover rate i never did find out what happened to that hell hole but i can't imagine anything good with losing that many people the poor hr rep seemed like she was just so freaking done with everything and seemed so very apologetic as she took my badge i never understood that what's more important school or the job thing seriously if job was super important to you you wouldn't be studying of course everyone will choose school over their job every year the military has this event they host named the warrior games it's like the olympics for men and women who were injured while serving i'm a decent cyclist so i was selected to represent the marine corps team in that event i'm not sure where they hold the event these days but the year i was selected they flew us out to colorado springs when i got there i quickly realized that 99 of the marines competing was still active duty i had retired a few years prior so it was weird being around marines again almost immediately after arriving the senior leaders and officers in charge began demanding that i get my hair cut and to shave my beard at first i laughed it off and thought they were joking turns out they were quite serious the lady who was in charge of the marine team was a major and she took me off to the side and ordered me to get a haircut i reminded her that i had retired a few years prior and was no longer required to abide by active military grooming standards then a light bulb went off in her head and with a smirk she said well you either get a haircut or you can go home your choice so i smirked back and said guess i'm flying home they had already prepared cased our airplane tickets home so all i did was call delta explain what happened and the lady on the other end transferred my ticket to a flight home the next day i had taken a few weeks off work to attend this event so i just went back home and enjoyed my time off with my hair and beard when i was a kid i stayed at a friend's house for the weekend my friend's mother was one of those parents who at the dinner table required their kids to eat everything on their plate come heck or high water i had been served way too much food and said that i can't eat at all the mother said to me you can either finish your food or leave the table i promptly left the table this totally blew the minds of my friend and his siblings it had never occurred to them that leaving the table was actually a viable option when my mother picked me up the next day my friend's mother told her what had happened and said i was the rudest little boy i think my mother was actually quite proud of me my boss said don't like it try finding a job like this one with better pay and benefits so i google it and now i just had my 14th year anniversary of the new job my great grandmother is notorious for being a mean old b it was thanksgiving at her house and much of the extended family were there she started hopping on my mom's cousin for something like she always does and my mom's cousin was like grandma can't we just have a nice dinner for once and great-grandma was like if you don't like it leave and every last cousin aunt uncle and all of their food disappeared to my aunt's house lol i want to know what happened after this lol i had an insufferable supervisor once and we'd have these 15-minute pre-shift meetings dude would just stand in there and lord over everybody for the duration and talk about how bad we were doing the phrase we suck was one of his favorites finally one day he's really on one and summons the testicular fortitude to say if you don't like it there's the door his second in command got upset at this and walked out he stood there stunned for about five second and then ran out the door after him he later ended up having some mental instability and quitting the second in command is now the supervisor i survived all of these beating by default assuming he wasn't talking to me comma summons the testicular fortitude i am stealing this line for future use it must have been easy for him to have that much testicular fortitude considering he sounds like a massive testicle himself my husband worked at a really toxic job for a while as staff got fired or quit they weren't replaced to cause costs and instead the remaining two employees were worked to death finally the owner who was a crappy boss and terrible businessman called a meeting with the two to try to force an attitude adjustment the employees tried to be constructive and talk about things they saw that needed to be improved upon to make things work better and of course this egotistical butthole owner wouldn't have it he told them if they couldn't handle the expectations that they were free to levs so they did both of them left immediately and never set foot in the store again i don't think the owner was expecting that at all he expected them to grovel and beg to keep their jobs and thank him for the opportunity to work 70 hour weeks under his tyrannical rule my husband called me after that meeting and was so upset he couldn't hardly tell me what happened he was terrified he was so sure i would be angry at him for quitting his job when we really weren't in a position that i could support us i wasn't mad at all i was so proud of him for not taking the crap that was being doled out to him and doing what is best for his mental health he's a dang good man and deserve better you're a good wife he's a lucky guy to have that kind of support worked at thai restaurant owner's daughter who was manager left town for a couple weeks and we realized once she left that she was stealing our tips tipping us out well less than herself for over a year if working there with her when she got back we confronted her at the end of the night during her shift since she refused to meet with us in an official group meeting the four of us servers called her out and she said if you don't like it then get out or sue me we were all 18 20 years old and didn't really know what to do so three of us quit on the spot in that moment and walked out the door i'll never forget the look on her face sad to hear that thai people are usually nice and very hospitable not exactly but my sister had a habit of picking fights with people and when it wasn't going her way she'd tell them she was removing them from her life she's done it to boyfriends longtime friends sorority sisters she did it to me twice the first time i rolled my eyes because she's younger than me after the second time my sister told me i'm removing you from my life you're toxic and unfriended me and told family i was toxic in reality i wasn't letting her be toxic selfish and under the influence of whatever she was on with to me my spouse or my kids so she decided to was a good idea to threaten us i said okay fine but her usual routine after a few weeks she came around and wanted to pretend she never said the things she said i didn't respond she claimed it all was a joke and she had a right to be in my kids lives i haven't spoken to her in two years i honestly do not miss her drama and it was the best decision for my family it highlighted how bad the generational dysfunction was in my family and how it was expected to just overlook bad behavior and people please for everyone else's comfort i realized that i didn't want my kids to repeat that cycle i vowed to always put my kids first i'm not popular in my family right now but i've never been happier and this was the first year i got to enjoy holidays without having panic attacks or dread when someone walks out of your life let them i thought you were talking about a child aged sister until you mentioned your kids back in the mid 90s a co-worker was under a great deal of stress he was performing a low skill role in a high skill industry during a tremendous crunch that was very important to the company entry-level staff more a job that's a stepping stone than a career despite that he was an integral member of the team with institutional knowledge background that couldn't be replaced overnight actually it couldn't be replaced at all during a team meeting to go over status progress etc he asked our boss for some help as he was overwhelmed and simply couldn't keep up anymore boss said if you can't handle it there's the door dude just stood up and without a single word he walked right out boss ended up having to do his job until completion of the initiative probably bitched and complained about how hard it is to find good help these days after my lecture wanted us to have an extra class online after the exams because we had missed a lesson during the semester we asked him if he could at least move it to the afternoon but he insisted it be at 9am so everyone logged into classroom but only two people were answering his questions he then decided to take the register and everyone was present then he said i'm not forcing anyone to be here if you don't want to participate in the lesson go everyone logged out immediately except me because i had gone to the bathroom when i came back i found him calling for my name he later logged out and sent me the ppt of the lesson i feel sorry for him when i worked third shift at walmart the management tried to change a shirt policy overnight they all the sudden decided that we had to wear blue collared shirts and not blue t-shirts anymore one of the managers named jackie who was a total bee came up to my two friends and myself and told us we had to either go buy new shirts right then or go home we left frozen dairy didn't get done that night and we got to go home and play destiny all night next day they never said another word about our shirts frick walmart by the way unless you're wow raider this probably doesn't apply but i've been in a number of raid formations especially back in the day where the raid leader announces some wonky loot rules that disproportionately benefit himself close friends and would then say if you don't like it leave yeah we left my mother is well known for her christmas easter whatever tantrums she threw a particularly good one when i was about 14 and yelled the infamous line my uncle and aunt piled themselves their daughter and myself and about five of my siblings into their 4wd and we all left to go to their place picking up kfc for lunch on the way don't know what kind of christmas my mother had but ours was pretty good in the end so glad we didn't get pulled over we had a similar situation with my aunt back in the day only said aunt was already being investigated by child services and when my parents took my cousins home with us it was about four hours away and she didn't try to get them back immediately dss came a week later found out we had the children and asked my parents if they'd adopt my cousins they said yes and now i have two sister cousins i used to be the co-owner and station manager for a small online radio station we were all digital so i rarely met any of our staff in person and we were online 24 stroke 7 so if i was awake i was pretty much always working we had a dedicated team of assistant station managers about six of them in charge of various things and we would have once weekly meetings with me the asms and the other co-owner none of us were paid this was strictly a volunteer gig it cost the co-owner and i money to keep the station on the air but it was a labor of love at one point i began to get close to one of the asms and we started dating the co-owner of the station got jealous and began to give him crap about his work demanding that he read the graphics and coding over and over and over even when it was perfectly fine he laid into the azim at one of our weekly staff meetings and i lost it i told him that he needed to stop his behavior or i was going to walk fine he said this is my station if you don't like the way i run it leave i quit on the spot so did half of the assistant station managers then a large number of the djs within two years the whole thing had to shut down because no one could work with my former co-owner because he was a petty tyrant who had to have things his way and couldn't let people live their lives i've never felt such petty glee as when i saw their off the air blog post new management was hired and took over scheduling from me who was covering for a now gone manager without understanding any of the intricacies of scheduling after two weeks we had an all-staff meeting to address grievances based on her incredibly poor method of scheduling and she refused to back down dropping the famous ultimatum out of the staff of 40 or so employees i think maybe half a dozen stayed i find it amusing there's a quarter dozen people complaining that you didn't say six if they don't like your choice of words maybe they should just leave i was a whistleblower at my workplace i witnessed my manager mentally and physically abuse a 101 year old woman i worked in a care home i raised the alarm and stuff above the manager didn't deal with things quick enough and over worry of a bad name press had gotten a hold of the story they were trying to keep it quiet and we're going to allow this manager back to work on a final warning we were a small team about eight of us when they told us that all of us reached into our bags and threw our notices at them it was all of us or her a week or so later and then paying her 15 pounds k she was gone worst thing is we were a charity care home she basically got thousands and thousands of pounds for abusing a vulnerable elderly woman i know she got away with it but what you guys did was 100 the right thing and very admirable well i wasn't here for this one unfortunately but my high school english class had this scenario the senior ap english teacher was notorious in my graduating class for not really giving a dang about a lot of the students from the way i was told they were going over quizzes to which the teacher started going over some vague subjective response and how it was wrong the students started arguing and the conversation came full circle to where the teacher started agreeing with the students once he realized this he started backing off that answer and correcting students again causing more frustration this resulted in a student saying there's no point in learning this if we're wrong even if we were right at one point well if there's any of you who don't find this valuable you can stand up and leave the classroom two students of 28 remained i was absent cause i was sick but what a sight it would have been it's always when you're not there that something exciting happens had a teacher nobody liked paul the old if you don't want to behave you can leave my classroom on a classmate the whole class got up and left things hadn't been going well in this class since he had started teaching us the main problem was that he was a really bad teacher like he seemed to have no knowledge on his own subject history or at least was incredibly bad at transferring his knowledge we didn't have any respect for him and he tried to keep us in line by being extremely strict but in an unfair way wouldn't let anyone ask questions anymore because he could never answer them scream dad students if they quietly asked their neighbor for a pencil that sort of stuff i don't remember what my classmates did that angered the teacher but it was something minor we were all fed up with him so when he told my classmate to just leave we all did felt really rebellious and like i was part of a bigger plan or something it was great we got into trouble for it but also got the teacher fired so it was worth it had my first job as a massage therapist my friend from school also got a job there the business was taken over by this lady who decided to also hire her friend who hadn't even graduated massage therapy school the owner's friend would start sessions way earlier than necessary if the clients got there early which meant that sometimes my friend and i would sometimes have to scramble to get ready for couples massages with her for example my friend was still commuting and was a few minutes away and the owner's friend tried to start having the clients get ready it was frustrating because we'd have no time to talk to the clients before the sessions like we were supposed to one day i politely told her that my friend wasn't there yet and she should wait to put the clients on the table until he was actually there so he could talk to his client she got super mad and told the new owner i was being rude to her well the new owner clearly got a different story and started texting me telling me i was in trouble i didn't ever find out what the actual issue was directly from her but i knew it was because of her friend because of how quickly it happened after i told her friend to wait to start that session i tried to set up a meeting in person to talk about it but she kept refusing and said we could talk about it over text i decided i wasn't going to deal with that unprofessional behavior from a manager and walked in to tell her i quit turns out my friend also quit that day because of her friend's nonsense the business owner was left with her unlicensed uncertified friend and a stand-in that was extremely unreliable on a really full schedule when i was in high school i was part of a frc robotics team the coach decided that no one who missed a practice during the last week of the season would be allowed to attend the tournaments of course the band class had a mandatory concert during one of the meetings so when i brought up that i wouldn't skip the graded band concert the coach gave the ultimatum about a third of the team got up and left including all the captains coach backed out of that really fast at an off-campus college party the host a tenner voice major in the music department started playing wagner and verdi opera's full blast when those attending asked him to play something else that they could all like he said you all need to learn to like opera if you won't give it a fair try you can always just leave and with that everyone left i like opera but if everyone else is asking for a change at a party then you better believe i would change it grade 8 language arts class to preface this i was never an aggressive student generally the teacher's pet the person who if a teacher was away for the day would be tasked and their notes to the sub to be able to assist and give them directions the time 20 some odd years ago shortly after the columbine shooting this context is critical to the he story to location middle of nowhere alberta a small country school so our regular teacher was out for the day and had left a note directing the sub to ask me if she had questions about what had been covered sub comes in reed's note and opens the titch's weekly planner then begins writing our words for the weekly spelling test on the board except she opened the wrong week instead of the current week she had opened the prior week at this point being the goody two shoes that i was and much to my classmates dismay although our teacher would have corrected us when she was back so it wouldn't have helped them i raised my hand and politely informed her that i believed she had gotten the page wrong as we had previously covered this material what happened next i couldn't make up she lost her crap she started ranting about how teens in general and me specifically were a danger to her how she didn't know who were her friends and her enemies in the class we'd never had this sub before how she had every right to fear for her life she then capped it off by saying she was the teacher and if we wanted to think in her classroom well there was the door we were welcome to leave i was never a popular child so i wasn't really expecting one of the popular kids and my sometime bully to stand up collectively with everyone else pull me to my feet and we all walked out now i mentioned above that we attended a small country school there was no place to go so we just sat in the hallway until the principal came down to chew us out for not being in class the sub was gone by the start of the next period and the principal taught the rest of our teachers classes that day the freaking bully was like no one talks like that to my victim i'm kidding but that's really cool of them i work for a hosting transport contracting company at a large refinery and for the most part it's very relaxed basically it's more cost effective to have more than enough people just in case something goes wrong so a lot of the time we just sit around waiting for something to do my foreman for some reason doesn't like this and thinks we all have it too easy even though he is totally redundant and literally not needed at all here and was telling one of the guys one day that maybe he needs to go to the yard our hq main office we are dispatched from and all our equipment is stored and see what a real job is like so he did he called the office and transferred there permanently and our foreman on site lost his freaking mind he didn't even say anything about it for weeks but we all knew what happened one day i even asked if guy that left was on vacation or something he just mumbled yes something like that hoisted by his own pet hard okay maybe not everyone left but my mother-in-law got me involved into a charity first i was a volunteer then a secretary to the board and back to volunteer again things started changing people who got on the board were no longer true to the organization's mission and at times ethically challenged that is using high school volunteers for the charity in a political campaign using artwork obtained through contests beyond scope of the contest rules without pay anyway during one of the meetings which was meant to be planning for a big annual event but was more like hazing to be honest i asked myself why the heck am i allowing anyone to treat me like whipping girl so i openly ask the board members if this tone is the new standard of the organization's interactions with people volunteering their time and talents to them the president told me i was being impertinent and rude and if i could not stand the heat to get out of kachin to which i replied that i quit volunteering he told me then i had to submit my resignation in writing in order for it to be acceptable i sat down scribbled my resignation on a notebook page and presented him with it he told me he won't accept it because it was not submitted according to the bylaws i told him he was incorrect and reminded him i wrote the bylaws they were too cheap to hire a lawyer to write them and they clearly state that volunteer resignations do not require board approval and i left i was to pee to drive home so i went to a cafe across the street few minutes later two other long time volunteers and all the high school volunteers walked in they all did quit effective immediately as well the annual event did not take place the board was sued by the entity it was supposed to be solely supporting for mismanagement and misappropriation of funds the charity later involuntarily dissolved by the state due to reporting failures custodian was appointed who allocated the remaining funds in hindsight it was the right time to jump the ship for me best part was the board let the insurance lapse guess who normally kept track of the renewals so the legal expenses and part of the judgment went out of their own pockets talk about heat in the kitchen volunteer resignations do not require board approval good luck making an employee require employer approval to quit much less a volunteer position what's one rule that your school workplace has implemented that absolutely backfired during our general meeting last week the owner of the company went on a bit of a rant about negative reviews of management on a popular jobs website with a green logo he demanded that we stop posting negative reviews immediately and shamed anyone in the room who had done so as you can guess people doubled down and posted their grievances on the same day as the meeting the green logo company doesn't take too kindly to that sort of behavior seriously they will terminate service if management is caught doing that report it because of rumors of a drug problem in the school there was the administration decided to drug test students the media jumped all over that violation of our civil rights or something the initial statement was that anyone who failed the test would be kicked out of school after the 40th or so kid failed they changed the policy to mandatory meetings with the counselor after the 100th kid failed they hired another counsellor our school just brought in drug sniffing dogs that would randomly come into classrooms the thing was the sheriff's department would always be parked in front of the school before the first bell with clearly marked k9 cars so anybody who had drugs would see the cars and just skip school that day absences increased massively my high school banned girls from wearing any shirt that exposed their bra straps because seeing a bra strap would give high school boys evil thoughts most of the girls in school responded by wearing the same shirts they'd always worn without bras as a teenage boy it was a happy couple weeks the school tried to then mandate that all female students wear bras until a male teacher asked a 15 year old if she was wearing appropriate undergarments or not she called him a pervert her parents who thought the whole dress code things was as stupid as most of the students threatened a sexual harassment suit against the school everybody in charge panicked and it all went back to the way it was before they tried to change anything calmer until a male teacher asked a 15 year old if she was wearing appropriate undergarments or not this is my favorite tale of the thread the thought of the awning chasm that open up beneath this rules are rules and makes me chuckle my old boss tried implementing an incentive scheme for the underperformers while anyone who consistently did well received nothing three of us quit within a month we used to be allowed to stream music etc on our computers spotify was an approved program and would come installed on your computer someone complained about productivity despite us always doing our work and so the band streaming of any kind on our computers but now everyone just listens on their phone so you walk around the office and nearly everyone has their phone out now so it looks even worse when sponsors come into the office yo pandora spotify and youtube are easily my best work friends banging out emails all day without listening to music would be borderline unbearable work instituted a point system for being late or calling off sick a crew too many points and you get written up fired if it continues they doled out the same number of points whether someone was a minute late or called off altogether and if an absence lasted up to five days it was still only one absence so anyone who overslept or encountered heavy traffic and was running late would just stay home for the rest of the week after several months they decided that being late was only worth half a point in our office we're not allowed to have more than 14 consecutive days off so one guy booked a cruise for a month booked off 14 days then one day back then another 14 days off he called in sick on his one day back we weren't allowed to be friends with kids in grades above us but we could be friends with kids in grades below us that rule didn't last long turn to your left and shake hands with a person standing next to you at an industrial site i used to work for they introduced an absolutely no overtime policy the people that most commonly worked overtime were the maintenance guys they had to cut out their preventative maintenance in order to make their hours while being available for all shifts it took three months of daily breakdowns before they decided to try something else how more maintenance would be a good compromise to that rule boss insists that lunchtime is from 12 o'clock 12 30 p.m no exceptions lunch is not paid time the second day he comes in hot to trot with something for me to do between 12 o'clock and 12 30 and needs it done right away i look over at my clock which says 1209 or whatever and say you said yesterday that lunch is from 12 o'clock to 12 30 no exceptions and went back to my sandwich if i don't get paid from 12 o'clock to 12 30 there's no way in heck i'm working for free college removed chairs in cafeteria so people wouldn't hang around now people just don't eat at the cafeteria it's a ghost hall and most of the food is thrown away daily really sad god forbid anyone socialize in a building or the college they're paying for while eating food they are also paying for lana de la 14 school in lonadell mo late 80s early 90s are fairly small rural school went from k-8 so we split lunch times in our gym cafeteria for some reason our school actually invested in a noise control system because we could apparently be quite loud during lunch and i guess the teachers got tired of trying to keep us kids quiet ish and eat this new piece of equipment was mounted high on the wall and looked exactly like a stop light when it was green we were free to talk if it became yellow we were to be careful of how much noise we made if it turned red it would buzz loud like when the game clock runs out at a basketball game installing this thing almost immediately had the opposite effect they desired it became a game to us we would only get quiet in order to make it go back to green then as a large group we would progressively get louder we would stall it out at yellow before surging our collective voices to make it hit red and bu zed zzzz at which time we would all cheer laugh and get quiet again to reset it to green good times that's why they frown on putting breathalyzers in bars turns it into a competition any support call lasting longer than 25 minutes must be reported to higher-ups for review i.e if you have too many no matter if it's your fault or not you get a disciplinary review i implemented the rule of politely hang up on a customer as close to 25 minutes as you can and call them right back i am sorry i am experiencing a small issue with my phone is it okay if i call you right back gotcha outgoing calls are not reported or recorded it's amazing any software related to job whether written inside or outside company time belongs to the company but me so if i write and release malware at home it's the company's problem the clause was immediately removed outside company time that has got to be illegal my friend worked as a technician at a place that did installation for telecom sound cable pretty much anything tech related really the techs were paid by work order completion each job had a value that got paid out when you finish the work order the experienced techs could finish more jobs in a day and made some seriously good money they were motivated to work fast to get more jobs done but also to do it correctly because having to go back within a certain time window and fix a problem didn't pay out so it lost money well some new management came in and decided to change everyone to hourly wages their idea to make techs focus on getting the job done right and not rushing it all the really good tech saw a massive pay cut from it and immediately quit the rest of the tech suddenly had no reason to finish jobs quickly since you got paid the same whether you did two installs or 10 installs in one day so everyone just started slacking off within a few weeks the orders were backed up so bad install dates were pushed out for a month or more and when people finally did get their stuff installed it took all day instead of a couple hours that one change completely fricked over the company nothing like greedy management to completely freak up a good thing no cell phones in high school security collected them when you walked in put them in ziploc bags and locked them up they lost like five people's phones lost had a fellow at my old place of work that was promoted to sales manager within a few days he drafts up a document which he tries to get all of us to sign basically stating that we aren't working to our full potential and that to make profits all we would have to work even when we weren't working aka taking calls from customers no matter the day or time this resulted in an almost immediate revolt and about 10 plus people bypassing him directly and going right to the owner he was demoted then later fired within a week pizza place i worked at in high school implemented a zero tolerance policy on employees taking home any food home that wasn't paid for at non-employee prices any screw-ups or unpicked up orders trash the local homeless population started flocking to the store and calling in bogus orders because they knew there would be free pizza in the dumpster every night our process integrity people decided every international order over 100 thousand dollars needed to be approved by a manager at the purchase requisition stage before the sales order could be processed the problem purchase requisitions only generated after the sales order was completed this meant it was impossible to complete any international order worth more than one hundred thousand dollars and they launched this policy unannounced two days before christmas i ended up staying in the office until nine at night trying to get out data people to create a way for me to order three hundred dollars k in parts from sweden before the holidays i was told this story when i was in the army by a parachute rigger the work day in the army is nine o'clock four thirty riggers packing troop shoots had a daily quote of 35 shoots once they got good at it these guys could be done by 2 30 which is a very nice work day indeed well they got this new captain who decided that since these guys are getting 35 done by 2 30 then obviously making them work until 4 30 would increase output even more so of course that units numbers went wild down and the 35 and you're done for the day was quickly reinstated from another perspective parachuters might have preferred when the riggers were taking their time rather than rushing through the process to leave early no backpacks in the classroom which led to hundreds of backpacks in the principal's office one morning no one gave a frick about that rule in germany you need a paper from your doctor when you are sich at least three days they enforce that you needed one even if you just are away for one day so everyone had to go to the doctor if not feeling right and of course we were away for weeks we have the same here in finland my superiors accept that you call them if you have fever or something minor one two days often mark them as normal working hours rather than going to doctor and get one two weeks of sicklys works for me works for them a big shipping company i worked at for a couple months said we would be working 7 am to 4 p.m they didn't tell all the new employees including myself that holiday hours we're going to be 7 a.m to whenever the frick we feel like telling you to go home around 10 to 11 p.m naturally people would get in five to seven hours of work and go on break then just not come back that led to we can no longer allow lunch breaks me and roughly 50 70 other workers quit on the spot the deputy head of our school banned fidget spinners and rightly so in his defense they were everywhere on the final day of year 11 someone hacked his school intranet login and edited the bulletin leaving a notice in his name saying that fidget spinners were now not only unbanned but mandatory and that aficionados could come to his office and learn tips and tricks from him real world heroism stopped giving kickback for walk and sales i work at a hotel and the high management had the bright idea not to give us anything for charging walk-ins late checkouts early check-ins and upgrades so now we give them for free whenever we can then summershat will leave that fear satisfied as they wear and charge 4x after talking to why in their tripadvisor review it was actually my rule when i was managing a store my rule was that the closer had to do all the closing work and mark the checklist and i would check it the following morning however i put a loophole in if you close tonight and open tomorrow you can come in early the following morning i was really the only one who closed and then opened the following morning and i knew that on many of those days i worked 10 hours with non-stop managerial work so instead of staying late to clean i like to come in early and do it in sunlight well one day i followed my rule and the next morning i woke up sick and had to call an employee to cover he showed up to a dirty store opted not to clean and then got written up when the owner made a surprise visit i didn't close so it wasn't my job and the owner said you work here and the store is dirty so it is your job i then had to go tell the owner that it was my fault and he still responded regardless of what you did or didn't do he came into a dirty store and did not clean it that's not acceptable i removed my rule change and just made it mandatory to clean before leaving lol a few years ago we weren't allowed to stand in groups bigger than four at our school because this old teacher told us it was gang behavior and encouraging gang violence one day my entire year of like 100 plus people got in a massive group screaming gang gang and throwing gang signs on our school field so they had to bring every single teacher out to try and split us apart for a straight 20 minutes best school day ever we did a massage around the flagpole then spend three days holding any hand of any person you walked by this was after they told us we could not touch anyone a nursing home in our area thought it would be a great idea to bring back the traditional white nursing caps they made it mandatory for all female nurses to wear during their shifts or be written up and eventually pointing yourself out male nurses were not included about half of the staff quit within the first two weeks several started working at my facility the others that stayed said that the residents and families of resident laughed and made fun of the nurses constantly pretty degrading and sexist comments basically about three months after this all went down someone from corporate came in and fired all the directors who implemented the uniform change and everything went back to normal several nurses stayed with my company but a few went back when the rules changed used to work in an impatient treatment facility one of the perks was that meals were provided to staff members the new ceo decided that it was far too expensive to feed clients and staff and put the kibosh to it in an effort to trim the food budget the food at this place used to be decent with a competent cook who knew how to use fresh ingredients now the food provided is processed and gross last i heard the cook quit and they have the handyman preparing meals the kicker the food budget has gone up because now the food is all pre-made frozen the clients hate it and most of it goes in the trash no swapping shifts without a shift swap form immediately backfired when the manager had a stack of shift swap forms every day to approve and update the digital roster my middle school tried to prohibit students from bringing backpacks into class you could bring a purse bag etc however just not a backpack they wanted students to either stop by their locker before every class period impossible without being late or carry a large stack of heavy textbooks around all day due to the latter reason the rule got cancelled within a week this was in 1998-99 so i'm not sure what they were trying to achieve with this rule one job i had had a nails should only be in neutral colors rule every rule was enforced rather strictly except for this one because per the words of a manager every woman would get written up ruler at my workplace ws that if you were late you had to bring donuts for everyone people quickly figured out that the cost of being four hours late was to bring doughnuts as a result if you were running late you just had a slow easy morning and stopped by to pick up donuts on your way in our boss who had put the rule into place thought it was funny and just let it continue he was an easygoing guy and really good at motivating people letting them get away with this sort of thing meant they stayed late or showed up after hours for emergencies not me but my friend's old place my friend was one to show up a half hour early before work and was a commission-based salesman with salary just like the other salesman who would always show up barely on time two hours late friday night comes along and management decides to hold a meeting to announce the new policy if you're late you go home for the day and if you're late three days a month you're fired the weekend goes by and everyone is on time during the week a few people call out sick right as the store opens the weekend is coming up and my buddy is scheduled for saturday but not sunday or monday and he's going to disneyland with his wife who has saturday sunday and monday off friday night he packs his wife's car saturday comes along and he's in the parking lot a half hour early he pops in his favorite cassette fires up a joint and proceeds to hot boxes car he walks in five minutes late wreaking off pot looks at the clock and then to his boss in front of the whole sales floor and loudly says oops i'm late guess i need to go home with a crap eating grin on his face the bosses started backpedaling the policy and started to tell him it wasn't for him and they'll let it slide he loudly stated that it wouldn't be fair if they made an exception for him and that he would see them tuesday when he got back to work on tuesday the policy was gone same company years later hired some absolute genius of an accountant who sold the idea to management that employees were making more than management and that they should go from commission to salary all the top salesmen jumped ship asap the reminding bottom feeders got a raise compared to their normal salary and commission and they didn't have to do crap all day to get it less than a year later they shut their doors for the last time jesus christ waffle thinks it's a good idea to completely remove the incentive for selling things that's how you go from a place of business to walmart ffs one of top managers for my work decided that everyone who's worked there for seven plus years had to do a special online training course that consisted of two 400-plus page volumes of leadership training followed by a 20-25 question test for each volume you were expected to complete this within one year of being automatically signed up for the course failure to pass the tests or to complete the course by the end of that year and are you ineligible for promotions and almost guaranteed to be laid off within a year so many people tried to take the guaranteed severance package option by not doing the course that they had to change the rule that you wouldn't get laid off or not promoted but you still had to do the course people still didn't do it that guy finally left shortly after and a new guy replaced him and promptly chucked that course and the whole idea of it into the garbage when my school moved to a newly built site they also tried to establish a new rule or suit for a new generation or something the first one because they loved their fancy new building so much was that nobody was allowed to leave the building until the end of the school day including breaks the front door would literally be locked unless there was a fire alarm suffice to say either nobody turned up or a lot of fire alarms were pulled before the rule was thrown away there were also military style uniform inspections at random throughout the day and they looked to us i was in sixth form to set the example for the kids however they were so overzealous and dictatorial that it became comical and we all very quickly stopped caring and told them to send us home or get lost and stop treating us like trash there were more stupid rules like this but our first group of sixth form ended up tearing them all down in a couple of months i didn't reach my sixth form until much older in life great workhorses phones should be stowed away in a box in the front of the classroom everyone was like me we'll see how it goes in other words number yeah like i'd leave 800 pounds sitting in a box in the front of a classroom full of people still learning morals programmer here management implemented an agile work tracking system that measured programmers by the amount of feature requests they completed we quickly figured out how to gain that system by breaking everything down into the maximum number of feature requests we could imagine we'd make separate feature stories for make new button make button blue make button respond when clicked make new page for the new report run business logic to get results display results in grid set font for grid make grid sortable make back button return to previous page we became great at dividing a one-day task into 21-hour tasks management loved it our team looked 20 times as productive and became an example to show off our process as the best performing team despite producing far less actual work and more useless form filling for some reason my department started a rule having to keep phones in their cars or locker eventually the supervisor said frickit cause no other department was told this no n words in the huck finn our high school teacher made us buy the censored version for his class and numerous parents complained about the censorship as well as the added cost since our school library had sets of the original we could have read for free it's history embrace it accept it don't repeat it oh gosh in school back in the day we participated in a diversity-driven activity carried out in the form of the wall of tolerance or something along those lines basically we had to write down stereotypes and put them up so we could tear them down it ended up looking like the wall of racism it was super bad i'm just glad we didn't end up on local news way back in the antediluvian days of the 20th century i worked as a government inspector in one of the larger u.s states this was before the advent of government employee unions each fiscal year the personnel department will come up with proposals for reimbursing employees for official travel discuss it with an employee association and send it to the state legislature for rubber stamping one year someone came up with the bright idea that travel reimbursement should cover more than overnight trips employees who were required to travel more than 25 miles from their headquarters should get a lunch allowance my guess is that no one looked hard at the proposal and those that did were thinking of staff who went to occasional meetings not people who were on the road every day well my agency had the state divided up into districts inspectors in the districts were on the road almost daily in my case it was a combination of overnight and day trips it was pretty common to be more than 25 miles away from my office and my colleagues and i discovered that it was easy to change pretty common to almost always multiply that by not only my own agency staff but staff in every other agency that did field work we cleaned up on the lunch allowances the state budget for employee travel was completely blown before the year was half over and as soon as legally possible the rule was changed to cover only specific emergency conditions when i was in eighth grade my school implemented a new ipad program we were recognized as an apple certified school or some bulls like that the problem was that students were just using them to play games administration didn't have any way to crack down on it and teachers had no clue how to implement it into the classroom but we constantly played 2048 in class since it was impossible for them to block all the different iterations for it and when they made it an instant demerit to be found playing it even in lunch and homeroom we just switched over to browser tetris it was so bad that one kid who sat right next to me didn't even try to focus on school he would spend the entire period playing on his ipad then constantly complained that he kept scoring 50s and 60s on his tests worst part of being a kid was not having adults take you seriously when you knew what you were talking about what is an example of this that happened to you as a child i once bought a game and when i opened it outside the shop it had no disc in it i went back and they didn't believe me so i argued with them for at least 30 minutes before they tried to kick me out saying i was scamming them after about an hour they kept telling me to leave and get out of the way and trying to then ignore me in total i got em to check the cctv and the manager hadn't put the disc in the case they were separate to stop thieves without a word he got a copy and threw it at me and stormed off complained about stomachaches every morning for a week and my parents thought i just wanted to skip school the next weekend they wanted to set me straight so i was taken to the doctor turned out i had hepatitis a one of my best friends committed for over a year and the doctors told him he was faking it's anxiety it's attention seeking massive brain cancer tried to tell them my knee was bothering me was told it's just growing pains finally going about two years later got a scope done and doc says man if we wouldn't have caught this earlier we could have avoided the surgery i had a birthmark that was displaying all the classic signs of skin cancer but every time i tried telling my mum about the concerning symptoms she brushed me off she didn't even look eventually after three four weeks i was taken to see a doctor and the situation then escalated very quickly long story short i ended up having a cancerous tumor the size of an orange removed from the area below my birthmark the doctor had many stern words with my mother after that and i was monitored for a while not really as a child but when i was 14 i had severe side pain from a kidney stone and my parents didn't take my pain seriously until after a few days and by that time i was literally on my knees begging them to take me to the air if your kid starts begging you to take them to the air please listen to them i begged my parents that we stop in paris as we drove back to the uk from our holiday and whilst we were there we visited the eiffel tower we parked nearby and from the top i could see our car being towed i told my parents but they wouldn't listen they thought i was joking and being young i assumed their response meant it wasn't a big deal luckily our car was some 4x4 thing not good with the breeds of cars so the towing guys were still trying to move it they told us to get out of the city asap as it was about to be locked down later in life i discovered on that day there was an assassination attempt on the french president i remember being into space as a kid and telling my mum's drug addict boyfriend that the sun is a star dumpsy refused to believe i was right [ __ ] face the sun is a star everyone knows that when i was in middle school i needed glasses because i couldn't see the board i told my parents they said i was looking for attention i brought binoculars to school so i could see they didn't take me to an optometrist until the school nurse did rudimentary eye exams on every student in the school and wrote my parents that i needed glasses same thing happened with braces my dentist had been hinting for years that i needed braces and they didn't take me to an orthodontist until he wrote a referral to one who was just down the street i had had crooked teeth and an entire adult set for years at that point my sister faked bad eyesight when she was young because of which they believed i was lying as well it was only after every single teacher of mine said her child is blind after they got my eyes tested i've been wearing glasses for 10 plus years now and i can't see crap without them in kindergarten we had different skills to learn and after learning each one there was a poster that we got to write our name on if we learned the skill these were things like being able to tie our shoes or butting a shirt one was for if we knew our own birthday there was a mix-up and the teacher had my birthday written down for a different month i knew my correct birthday but was told i was wrong even after it was proven that i knew my birthday i still didn't get to put my name on the poster same but it happened with the spelling of my own name begged my parents to not send me to school as i wasn't feeling well it was photo day so understandably they sent me because they thought i was lying to get out of it got the photos back and can see the chicken pox around my neck that's kind of wild to me i don't remember feeling at all ill from chickenpox just incredibly itchy in the sixth grade i fell on my roller skates i was sure i'd broken my wrist but my mother a radiologist technician the woman literally takes rays of broken bones for a living told me i was just faking it for attention a week later and it was still swollen i couldn't write correctly and my pay teacher wasn't letting me participate and he sent home a note that finally prompted my mother to take me into the doctor come to find out i definitely had broken my wrist and was in a cast for eight weeks felt sick as heck but forced to go to school ended up throwing up and having severe food poisoning for the next few days those were some bad nights it became a boy who cried wolf scenario for me i would regularly try to fake being sick to get the day off from school and when i actually had a bad case of the shoots they wouldn't budge and i ended up spending half my school day in the nurse's room running between the bed and the toilet my grandparents went to australia for a year whilst they were gone my mother was asked to drop by to check on their house but would often just wait in the car and have me go in one time i noticed that the next door neighbors who were building an extension had taken down the dividing fence and put scaffolding into my grandparents garden i told my mother who brushed it off as imagination the next time they'd fully started to build on my grandparents land destroying my grandfather's prized rhubarb patch i told my mother and same thing happened by the time my grandparents came home the extension was fully built and had been for months my grandma was so annoyed at my mother for not doing anything to stop this but i think they were so kind they didn't do anything about it and the neighbors got away with it dang shame if someone accidentally lit that extension on fire dang shame and to think the owners are in australia kindergarten needed to pee teacher no you don't teacher five minutes later struggling to peel off myp soaked stockings also kindergarten needed to throw up teacher no you don't immediate result bright orange vomit on christmas green carpet to this day i find the obsession with preventing kids from going to the bathroom at school really fricked up i'd always hoped it would make sense to me when i got older but it doesn't it's just messed up pretty sure i have mild to raters head and neck jerks at absolutely random times and it's gotten progressively worse parents decide to mock me on it and apparently if i concentrate enough i'll be able to control it it's been two years now and i still haven't gotten the diagnosis yet i come from a family of doctors that mock you for getting sick or just in general having any medical issue could be an essential tremor i've been looking into it recently and it sounds like what i've been dealing with too i told my mom when my dad was abusing me and she didn't believe me or didn't want to and since that was exactly what he had said would happen if i told i never tried again then when i told her again in my 20s after i cut him out of my life she asked me over and over if i was sure and didn't stop until her constant asking caused the worst panic attack i've ever had in my life thank you to the couple of people who will read this comment it feels nice to know that somebody knows and hopefully somebody believes me i have always loved reading and i loved to apply what i'd learnt about writing techniques spelling and grammar to my schoolwork we had a substitute teacher for a while in primary school who once read penned marked as wrong my work for using the punctuation combo and the word accumulative she also didn't believe me when i wrote about fox gloves being poisonous to many animals and wasn't interested in seeing the botanical book that proved it ignorant much i'd love to see what she shares on facebook okay not really i was maybe four or five years old and my mum took me with her to run errands we ended up at the mechanic where my mom was getting her car repaired she places me on the counter i tell my mum i don't feel well mum she ignores me i tell her again mum i don't feel very well she waves me off disregards me and takes out her credit card to pay i pipe up once again mum i don't fee i throw up on the counter child vomit all over the counter the clerk turns to my mum and says oh is she not well today as my poor mother picks up a dripping credit card number i don't think she is replies my mum still processing what just happened a fun mixture of disgusting surprise on her face power to her she never disregarded me or ignored me ever again after that when i told her i felt sick so there's that at least that my parents were abusive all their friends thought they were just normal people it wasn't until my mom had a mental breakdown from me moving away and cutting contact because she couldn't control me anymore that people started to realize that maybe they were a bit abusive still to this day i get a few oh they weren't that bad or they did it because they love you from random people who had good childhoods and couldn't even possibly wrap their narrow bone headed minds around the fact that a parent of anyone can be abusive i would constantly feel sick after every breakfast and lunch at school my stomach would hurt so badly and i would have to go to the bathroom i just knew something was off i told my mom and asked to go to the doctor and she said it's fine it's just anxiety i lost 12 pounds and found out at my annual physical for school that i have celiac disease and my small intestine was just destroyed i tried using a second hand reclining chair we just got and it collapsed around me i was still small enough to get wedged in the pieces called out for help as i was stuck in the chair and all i got was if you want to talk to me come here and speak properly spent an hour in a chair fun my mom was convinced earthworms were the same as parasitic worms and called me a rude smart butt when i tried to explain that the earthworm i was holding was not gonna burrow under my skin i tried explaining to my mother that not all snakes especially the ones at zoo are not poisonous and they do not want to kill everything it sees but she still fears them and calls me smart but when i was five or six i was looking down on the balcony when i felt wind on my left ear and saw a solid freaking red brick falling and then crashing on the floor to dozens of pieces i immediately look up and saw my neighbor with his brother 15 yo at that time laughing there off when i told my parents they laughed and told me that i watched too much cartoon they still don't believe me 25 years later your neighbor's brother is a dong growing up i notice i couldn't hear properly became more apparent when my mom was hoovering up and i only needed to cover one ear parents didn't believe me teachers didn't believe me they just said i wasn't listening i was in high school when my parents realized there might be a problem the doctor said it was common for kids to fake it for attention and my parents could try clearing my ears out another two years before a doctor did a full check and found that i was completely deaf in one ear and mostly deaf in the other with likelihood of going fully deaf and they cannot find the actual cause it's essentially a natural degradation of my ability to hear and it's likely genetics since my gran on my mother's side also had it starting with the left ear same as me my mum on the other hand has a degradation of sight starting in her left eye and apparently she was just terrified of me being deaf because it would be her fault grade 2 teacher initially refused to let me do a diorama on the epoch for an animal project because she didn't realize it was an actual animal took me bringing in a printed article on it to convince her to let me do it to be fair to her though i didn't use its more well-known name of the water possum to be more fair i've still never heard of it tried to tell my mum that she was in a horribly abusive relationship it had been 80 years by that point they would regularly fight and she'd take me round to my grands her mother for a few days she'd always say this time i won't go back and i'd say yes you will i was miserable and i never gave up trying to tell her to leave she told me that because i was only a teenager my brain was still developing and that i was literally incapable of empathy i had never known love i would understand when i was older anyways now i'm nearly 30 and i haven't spoken to her in years my siblings had built a wildly coyote ladder of random stuff from our backyard to get to the roof so they could jump from the roof onto our trampoline i asked if i could do it but being like six they said no that i would get hurt and because i was six i decided this was grounds to tattle i went straight inside and told our parents exactly what was going on and it was so ridiculous that not only did they know believe me they didn't even bother checking they wouldn't find out for another seven years when i brought it up again as a fun memory during dinner let me guess when your parents finally did check the ladder had already disappeared because of an evil scientist which was intended to help take over the tree state area my family was the i went to school no matter how sick i was so you were two types but they were also the we can't take time off or we might get fired and it's illegal to leave you at home types which also goes hand in hand with the prescription medicine is expensive and if you don't go to the hospital you'll get better and save us some money types i don't know what the heck i had but i think it was some kind of lung infection bronchitis or something no idea i think i did end up getting some pills over the weekend so i wouldn't have to stay home on monday the school wasn't happy lol in seventh grade we had to do a report on the revolutionary war and include different items one was a poem that i had fun writing and the teacher liked it and read it to the class when we were doing research in the library afterwards the librarian came up to me and said tell your dad it was a good poem with a tone that implied he thought my dad wrote it for me another teacher didn't believe me and pay running laps that out of shape me couldn't breathe she told me to keep going i tried but ended up hyperventilating and twisted my ankle she finally let me sit down the librarian portion makes my blood boil what a miserable butthole one time i was like 13 and i spent an entire afternoon cleaning a pool for a pool party a family friend was having when im just finishing up some random guy shows up and says oh look at the kids having fun and pretending they're being helpful i'm 29 and still salty about it honestly i will be too i've got to master in electrical engineering my parents until recently refused to let me fix things a professional should do it like wtf did you spend all that money on my education for i was home sitting for two weeks and when they returned i had repaired several things that were bothering me i tend to stay there a lot my mother was genuinely impressed with something she should have known to be true for more than 10 years now she actually asks me to fix stuff same with computers here although mostly my grandparents that still don't trust me after seven years of computer science they also still try to understand virtually every button i press so the one time i did help them it took hours of explaining my mom never believed me when i said we shouldn't water our indoor plants every day especially not in winter three pots of dead plants later she might have started to come around but i kinda hated her a little more by then begging my parents for help with my mental health at age 12 i knew i had anxiety and depression i told my parents and they shrugged it off it took a suicide attempt for them to realize it wasn't anything they could ignore i had the same experience and my mom's response was i can't deal with this right now in a condescending way fast forward 11 years and i'm good now i made two attempts in that time span but i still haven't forgotten about that it sucks to not be listened to when you need it most in primary school we had a quiz year five versus year six i was in year six age ten one question asked was which was the first motorway built in the uk my older brother had told me this bit of trivia only a few weeks prior so i raise my hand immediately and say the m6 i was told i was wrong and then year five answered with the m1 and was told they were correct i was initially confused thinking my brother who always knew random trivia and was never wrong about things like this must have got it wrong or told me wrong i protested but to no avail and my classmates mocked me for getting the question wrong i went home that day and asked my brother who confirmed that it was the m6 preston bypass this was before internet was readily available so i wasn't able to say for certain that my brother was the authority on this sort of thing so i was confident i was correct and now more annoyed at the teachers went into school the next day and a teacher came up to me and apologized and said i was right they looked it up afterwards shame they only said that in private and not with the rest of the class listening and finding out that i was actually right me telling my father that standing up to and fighting the school bully is the worst idea ever i ended up getting stabbed in the crotch on the school bus to be honest it's generally the better idea to stand up while avoiding to ridiculize him or anything that could cause retaliation if you don't react they will continue picking on you forever i started a lot as a kid so no one ever knew what i was talking about i got bullied by students teachers staff members my brothers and their friends even my own freaking parents who thought discipline would help instead of actually helping i will always remember my mum saying jesus will you stop doing that stupid i i think it's really freaking annoying fell on my arm when i was 12 13 hurt like heck got told to quit the whining four days later it still hurt whenever i tried to use my hand day five at the doctors they told me i had broken a bone in my wrist i do not whine anymore though i have a rare genetic disorder that causes tumors in the smooth muscle that contracts pores my first and most aggressive patch of tumors cropped up on my leg when i was 12. they are very visible and very painful i showed them to my mum and she was like oh you're just being self-conscious because you're getting older that's just acne i continue to complain about this same patch of tumors for several years i was not taken to a dermatologist until i was 17 my mom being satisfied with a vague diagnosis and an overpriced foaming ointment which has zero effects on actual tumors i was not properly diagnosed until i was 19 after a year of the tumors being blamed on me not properly using the ointment and a year of me living abroad unfortunately the only way to deal with the first and largest patch would be for me to have a skin graft so far in my adult life i have not had time for this i definitely could have managed it as a kid had i been diagnosed at 12 i am 27 i am in pain daily parents in their 50s both in poor health decided to build a new house in a crappy area instead of taking my advice to buy an existing house in a nicer area popular beach suburb i found nice places on the internet and took a day to drive them both around to inspect instead they dropped 500k on a newly built double story townhouse around the corner from social housing no walk to beach no walk to shops complaints about unsavory characters in the area inability to climb stairs due to back injury that's been a problem since 1983 to cap it all off they asked me to sell my things car horse partners cat etc because they needed the money because the pension didn't pay much they failed to plan for their future i reported to my parents and anyone who'd listened that a big bulge had developed in the bottom of the water tower atop the hill above our neighborhood they just smiled and said i was too young to know what a bulge is and that it was just part of the structure shortly thereafter the water tower burst unleashing a torrent of water and flooding the neighborhood below when learning to drive my parents had this thing where revving the car passed 3 000 revolutions per minute was somehow hurting the car or being reckless do you know how gutless cars used to be a 92 1.6 l corolla is one example plus they only ever had manuals so they would be constantly laboring the engines and only shifting down when absolutely necessary but i was the one thrashing the cars note it's not like i was chasing the redline or anything but a small four-cylinder car need some spin to get up hills man that i didn't trust my head teacher when i was in primary school and that i didn't feel well when at that school it was due to anxiety i fast forward to the age of 17. i now know that the head teacher threatened to lock a kid with down syndrome in a cupboard she has a kid with down syndrome she covered up a teacher locking an autistic kid in a cupboard she's reported my family along with many others to social services because my parents were causing my brother to cry all the time he had a diagnosis of vibes and his tics he has two ates were incredibly painful and no one believed that he had two ray ttes at that school even after it was diagnosed same with the ibes they also reported my family on the basis that they caused my autism and that my younger sister she's autistic was showing signs of copying elder brother basically they gaslighted my parents when they treated my brother horribly i had left at this point i'm now on medication for life to sort my anxiety depression and stress my parents feel so guilty that they didn't listen to me when i begged to be homeschooled i'm now home educated regardless of the pandemic and going on to my levels they get emotional whenever i bring up my time at primary and now listen and take me seriously one night when i was sleeping i heard some movements in my house i freaked out and called my parents who were sleeping in the next room but they didn't listen to me and thought that i had a bad dream the next day we woke up to find that our house had been burgled i was a paranoid kid and complained to my parents about leaving doors unlocked at night but we were in a safe area and i shouldn't watch so many crime shows they said took my mom's purse being stolen one night for them to listen honestly lucky it was just stuff and not way worse i was 10 and it was like 3 a.m i was sleeping alone in my bedroom when i heard a knock on my window i was too scared to check so i hid in my blanket but the knock won't stop then i quickly ran to my parents bedroom to tell them about the knock they came with me to check but the knocking sound was already gone my parents told me that it was probably nothing and i was imagining things so i went up to bed again but this time i left the light on literally two minutes after my parents left i heard another knock on the window but this time the light were on and i saw the face of a man looking at me i immediately ran to my parents bedroom and told them what i saw but this time they didn't believe me my parents closed the window in the curtains and instead turned on the air conditioning then went back to sleep the knocking stopped but i still didn't sleep that night sorry for my bad english your english is better than mine coming from a native english speaker what's the edgiest thing you've ever done to make yourself look cool but that actually made you look stupid when i was deep in my emo phase i got the webbing of my hands pierced and then cried when my dad had to remove them with his tools two weeks later then both my hands were so infected i could barely move my thumbs i used to be sunglasses indoors and at night guy okay corey i was a mall goth in high school and when i wasn't dressed head to toe in hot topic gear i would wear bizarre mismatched outfits carried many invaders in lunchbox as a purse wore cat ears to school oh my god and pants under skirts god this is so relatable that it hurts i really liked pants under skirts though i had few skirts that were too short for school dress code that i used to wear over my games i also wore mismatched chuck converse sneakers one black one orange the orange was duct taped together at the toe people used to tell me daily that my shoes didn't match tried to jump a fence and i ended up clearing it but something like my shoe or shoelace got caught and i ate crap in front of all my friends when i was maybe around 16 i wanted to have a cool anime facial scar so i deliberately cut myself down the bridge of my nose and between the eyes over the course of a week or so it bled scabbed over then disappeared without a scar the art is to have a deep wound that is treated badly and heals badly in case anyone read this don't do it you'll look more like a car crash survivor than like your favorite anime character except it's a car crash survivor i used to wear two rings in middle high school both on my right middle finger one ring had a skull with axes and the other was some ancient rusted thing i found when i was a small child that had one dark green gem left in it and no one was impressed comma some ancient rusted thing i found when i was a small child that had one dark green gem left in it that actually sounds really cool i met a kid in a trench coat at a college party who told me his friends call him nails because he doesn't screw around then he looked at me for a few seconds in silence and we both walked away when i was around age 10 i thought it was the coolest thing ever to wear my bangs in front of my eyes like an anime character like both eyes i couldn't see and it wasn't cool when i 24 m was younger around 12 14 i was alone at home one day i lit a candle at some point and started playing around with the melted wax it was a white candle i don't know how i got to doing that but i started applying the melted wax to my face i was using my hands and by the time it touched my face it wasn't unpleasantly warm anymore i covered my whole face with thin layer of wax and i thought of the movie house of wax and how tough creepy i must look i took a selfie with my crappy camera was 10 years ago and i figured i ought to share it with the world so i uploaded it to this team dating website i was visiting it never got approved later it hit me how it looked and why it was not approved i'm glad it didn't although at the time i was disappointed i won't elaborate further but the picture did not look creepy in the way i hoped it took me a second to realize it looked like someone came on your face i remember one lunch break in high school just sitting in the rain during some depressive phase and i'm pretty sure i thought it made me look brooding but in actuality it was just really stupid because i got drenched halfway through the school day i'm sorry but i read depressive faces depressive fart and laughed a bit for about three years i wanted my hair to be spiky like i saw in some cartoons or anime shows not in vertical spikes but more like claws instead of bangs at least that's what i thought of them and that's what i thought looked cool i had almost forgotten about this thanks read it thy past sins shall not be forgotten smearing black dark grey eyeshadow all over my eyelids when i was 13 looked like a freaking idiot i was also homeschooled at the time lol probably creeped out the neighbor kids i thought eyeliner was meant to cover the entire eyelid as a kid and my mother let me go out like that in elementary i wanted to be a badass so i convinced my mom i had to wear a full suit for grade 6 class pictures pulled up totally out of my element and deeply regretting it i panicked and told everyone my mom forced me to do it my teacher made me stand where he would stood and sat with the rest of the kids very uncomfortable day but totally brought on by my own need to be edgy and cool my school had a uniform but there was always one guy who dressed like he was going to a funeral on casual clothes day reading these comments makes me realize what a profoundly negative impact naruto had on the budding social lives of so many innocent children great show to watch terrible to use as a blueprint for being cool tried to spike my hair didn't work out all that well and instead of looking like a ug rmc i just looked like i had majorly sticky bed head my grandpa's deck has no pathetic cards caber but it does contain the unstoppable exodia not super edgy but i would always do stupid dares like run directly into a brick wall at full speed or jump off of a small cliff 1520 ft or run and jump into a patch of thorns and poison ivy stupid stuff that no one else had the balls to do there's always that one friend in a group omg chilly i went a variety of things one show more cleavage to emo stage where all black even my lipstick and eyeshadow three and i used to draw tear drops under my eyes and come to find out that was a gang sign but i saw ice cube with it and that it was an awesome look until people kept telling me that i look real dumb yeah the teardrop is probably something you don't want to fake i wore spastically printed avril lavigne abbey dawn pants a skin-tight tee furry vest and black knock-off uggs to school i had also just messily chopped off my hair i topped all this off with a garishly fake lip ring and a singular fishnet glove i thought i was a punk rocker a lashina i look like a proper idiot so i first glanced at this and thought i read apple lavinia downton abbey and was really curious as how one would combine the looks redhead here streaked my hair black resulted in being called spalding by co-workers was box dye it lingered for a long while also a redhead i tried semi-permanently streaking my hair blue and pink the blue washed out immediately the pink stayed for months pink and ginger not a good mix currently 15 and trying to grow out my hair to be really long i'll come back to this in a few years when i can cringe at this this is an uncomfortable level of self-awareness i definitely wore a homemade floor-length black cape to high school a few times also sprayed myself great to look like a ghost on spirit day because apparently i knew there was no chance i'd ever fit in and decided to embrace it i can hear some pimple face teen shrieking hey guys cape guy painted himself in eighth grade i saw the anime movie a clearer and thought a satin jacket with the sleeves rolled up and a pair of snow gloves would make me look like a badass yeah many a young weeb fell for that trap this was way before i developed a sense of fashion and my outfits were horrible on every aspect i started dressing more in dark clothes and constantly dying my hair when i was around 12 13. one time i wore a black and white gothic lolita skirt with an ugly plain black top to school and don't forget the stupid hat i wore with the outfit it had cat ears enormous eyes and whiskers on each side this idiot look was completed with wonky thick eyeliner which was my first time ever using eyeliner 2 and it did not look good thank god i didn't continue down the gothic lolita path it's so expensive now i just go with regular emo less expensive and way more comfortable i woulda been friends with you that hat sounds amazing i used to wear a fedora and my t-shirts were all rick and morty themed luckily i found reddit and what a neckbag was so i cut that out pretty quick you sound like a guy i met at university once oh so many in middle school one tried having bangs my front hairs grow straight up and part strongly in the middle i had to hair spray them into a shield to get them to stay but sadly i had gym first period and immediately they would part in the middle and stick straight up the whole day two let my mom wax my eyebrows because everyone waxed their eyebrows my mom loved skinny eyebrows back then and waxed mine into tiny lines that were separated from one another by two inches i look sick and so many photos during middle school because my eyebrows were seemingly non-existent lol 3 shaved one of my arms and hand in entirety i have more than average hairy arms and hands more hairy than my fiances at the moment i used to hate it so i tried to shave one arm to see if it looked better it was so prickly and i was so nervous a cute boy would bump into me and find out i shaved it let's just say i learned not to fight my natural hair growth the hard way i was the kid that was really into paper clips in fifth grade i would stretch one out and fit it around my teeth like a crappy retainer to make it look like i had braces then in eighth grade i stuffed them through my ears like makeshift gauges i thought i was super edgy and cool but in reality i was just a skinny dorky girl with paper clips in her ears i used to wear silver eyeshadow around my eyes top and bottom with no other makeup it took me two years to realize how strange i looked alien but make it fashionable trying like and but told to be a cool kid in high school didn't want to smoke drink or do drugs so i thought my thing would be pornography i found some of my dad's hustlers and penthouse mags and brought a couple into school to show my friends word got out a teacher confiscated them and i did not end being cool i got the reputation as a pervert luckily my dad never found out the school did not notify my parents guess they thought the humiliation was punishment enough and i was only at that school for another year before moving you wouldn't have gotten a reputation as a pervert in my school there's literally a kid who pulls down his pants in science class and just sits in the back of the room in his underwear freshman year of high school i dyed my hair pink green and blue i get stared at in public anyway so i figured i may as well give folks something to stare at it was truly cringe-worthy but i thought it was edgy i was a stupid kid or hey that doesn't sound too bad you were just trying to rebel against being treated badly my friend peppa sprayed herself in the mouth to look cool you're fine omg in sixth grade i had a little bf we were in band together and were at our end of year concert i distinctly remember being told that after getting up to bow we'd go off stage because concert was over i was always a nervous little thing worried i'd do the wrong thing even after being told how to do it so i was one of those kids who'd wait for other to move before doing anything having a boyfriend all of a sudden gave me confidence so instead of my usual waiting for someone else to move first i stuck my nose in the air and started to walk off stage while doing what i thought was a coy over the shoulder look towards him as i passed him he wasn't even looking so i obviously took offense to that and turned a little more to tell my friend who sat next to me only to see no one was following me and they were all motioning for me to go back apparently i misheard or misremembered because we weren't supposed to walk off stage we were supposed to sit back down and wait for each row to stand and bow and then wait for official dismissal i scurried back and sat down red in the face and embarrassed a high heck apparently though my myro was the only one who noticed i walked off i mentioned to my parents how embarrassed i was for walking off and they had no idea what i was talking about nor did my teacher when i apologized the next day i still think about it every now and then though i feel you on the last sentence the awkwardness ptsd is the worst i have bangs that cover one of my eyes and had one red eye contact that i put my bangs over i don't do that anymore but i'm still too lazy to cut my hair i really have to cut it since i've been assumed to be an emo girl for the last three years of my life since i basically look like a girl in every way and i'm getting tired of it so if i cut my hair it's reduced the chances of me being assumed to be an ego anyone remember the emo trend of taking a black and white selfie and editing in a big x over the mouth well i did that with a black jim beam label i also had the headline hello my name is twilight c and i'm an alcoholic on my myspace i was 14. i dyed my hair what was meant to be a shocking blue but it turned out kinda turquoise and the semi-permanent dye never fully washed out leaving me with hair that looked like it had mold for months not me the student i taught he was 14 the kids were on a 10 minute bathroom stretch break i tore them for a block of two hours straight and a boy comes running into the classroom and says miss hep 632 k is in the bathroom and he's bleeding all over i ask what happened and apparently kaye was showing the boys that he had pierced his own scrotum with a safety pin they didn't believe it was a real safety pin so he pulled it out and apparently that's when the bleeding commenced i cannot speak to the actual amount of blood because i solicited the help of a male teacher to deal with k's nut sack bruh i wore a purple yuri doki doki wig and all black needless to say that didn't go too well i just got laughed at parents thought i was dumb uh l e x h o l f d e m o n one three h r t e s h u m r n i t y p r e n t s d i e d s i n g l e e y e s t u r r n b l r c k w h e n m d my teeth turned to dust from cringing too hard in middle school i thought i was cool and edgy because i read this one book series so whenever anyone would try to talk to me like a normal human being i would look up and show them images of creepy versions of those characters and thought that they were scared and thought i was cool how embarrassing teenager we hear a loud noise like a car backfiring and someone says jokingly was that a gunshot and then edgy almighty decides to say haunted and mysterious number i know what a gunshot sounds like b you're from the home count is the only place you've heard guns is in a royal gun salute of some medieval castle after the first matrix movie came out i went out and purchased a 150 black trench coat and waited patiently for casual clothing day at school oh god the cringe when i was in sixth grade i had had black cargo pants that i could unzip the legs on and turn them into shorts i would unzip one leg but not the other because it reminded me of cloud strife's outfit from all the ff advent children amvs i watched on youtube that had my favorite techno music i'm going to go throw up now after typing this oh god the flashbacks in elementary school and start of middle school my mom used to cut my hair with a flu bee for those who don't know what that is it's an attachment that you'll hook up to a vacuum keeper and it like sucks your hair into it while cutting it it was actually terrible and i hated it between that or the bowl cut i had for a while i have no idea which was worse the 90s wear a lawless land i'll see if i can find a picture lol trigger warning when i was in middle school a lot of kids were cutting themselves i thought it was cool but i didn't have enough guts to actually cut so instead i used a safety pin and basically scratched myself i got sent to the guidance counselor and they called my parents there was also a fad of carving boys initials into your skin now that i'm older i find this all so sad that self-hurt was a fad to us when in reality there are people who do this for different reasons when i was in elementary school i would wear fake clip in pink extension things and i thought i was so cool but really they were cheap and you could tell but it didn't matter too much bc i was only like 10 but then i actually dyed pink streaks into my hair during my middle school emo phase can't say i've changed thought bc i'm planning my hair again so idk maybe i look stupid but i feel pretty cool good for you you gotta do what makes you happy exploring an abandoned building with ngf i attempt to cool guy break a pane of glass with my elbow end up cutting through all three layers of my clothing and deep into my flesh resulting in ruined clothes epic amounts of blood and a deep permanent scar i used to do archery thought it would look cool to look away as i let go of my arrow after getting my aim right arrow completely missed the target bowstring got caught on my arm guard and the pain from that made me drop my bow breaking one of my stabilizers as it hit the ground the way it broke left the screw portion inside my riser and had to get it removed by a professional told people i wanted to be a vampire told people i had a girlfriend who died so they would stop saying nobody would ever want to be seen with me soon after i got my reputation as a compulsive edgy liar nice divorce lawyers of reddit what plot twists or crazy antics or demands have you seen go down from either spouse took the couple two hours to decide who would get the groceries left in the fridge estimated value of the groceries was around forty dollars two hours of my time opposing council time and mediator time added up to about one thousand dollars it all came down to a costco sam's club-sized jar of peanut butter who keeps peanut butter in the fridge this is what happens when you negotiate on an empty stomach i had a couple arguing for three hours over who got the kids on christmas day only to discover at the end that they were both jewish i had another woman who said that her husband drained 60k dollars from their community bank account to pay for a sex change operation that he never told her he was planning to do i hate it when i find out i'm jewish i was a clerk for a law firm in marin county the husband grew weed in the house the town was supportive and even let him redo his electrical panel to accommodate his crop long story short in the divorce she demanded half of the weed proceeds today it doesn't seem like a big deal but 12 years ago i was shocked to see that in a court document my dad was a divorce attorney for some time he said people would argue over 150 patio furniture for hours on end at a 300 hr8 each side it's not about the patio furniture it's about sending a message to your b of an ex-husband wife i had a case where the estranged wife was calling my client's employer repeatedly accusing him of theft and other white-collar crimes to try getting my client fired the thing is the children were with her and she was also demanding child support which is based on his income for the job from which he was trying to get him fired fortunately the employer was on to her bs and my client wasn't let go the ex-wife did his artwork works he had purchased long before the marriage and in mediation she tried to sell it back to him and then not necessarily a crazy divorce story but my dad is a lawyer and his friend has been married three times so my dad has been his divorced lawyer twice and his best man three times i love serial grooms brides i have an uncle who has been married so many times five that his own parents didn't even travel to his last two weddings grandma i'm so excited to see you at pete's wedding sorry kid i've got a bowling tournament that weekend and i've seen him get married plenty of times my now ex-stepmother was getting an 80-stroke 20 settlement and refused to agree until the agreement was revised include a bag of old beer can coozies and a dry rotted pool float she was crazy which is why dad was paying her to go away i'm not a lawyer but this is a story about my uncle and it's quite brilliant my uncle has been a lifelong videographer and still works to this day as a news photographer during the early to late 90s he stopped shooting news and started shooting freelance this was before everyone and their mum and their moms had a camera editing software whatnot eventually he became a sought-after photographer in the 80s when he was working as a news photographer he met and married a reporter news anchor of which he would go on to have two children with after leaving the news business to freelance he decided to start a video editing business with his wife that went extremely well for a while and they were making money hand over fist he would be asked to shoot four channels such as food network and hgtv diy etc and then edit it into the show she would work as the middle woman for his clients and as bookkeeper eventually she would turn out to be a secret substance abuser and adulterer and their marriage ended in divorce at this point my uncle was making a couple 100k a year with their business she decided to sue him for adam any mostly because he was worth a good chunk of change but also because she helped him build his business her demands were ridiculous something like 75 of the business for the next so many years or something crazy my uncle's lawyer was afraid she was going to win because she had played such a big role in building the biz fast forward to court day her lawyer stands in front of the judge and lists off what she wants in the divorce once he is finished it's my uncle's turn he blindsides her and offers to give her 100 of the business the judge and both lawyers are confused and ask him if he is sure without him shooting and editing there is no business so basically she would be left with a heck of a lot less than she asking for by asking for x amount of profits the judge reasoned that his offer was fair and that she could take it or leave it she was p her lawyer was p and she ended up getting nothing tl dr my uncle started a biz with his wife she turned into a cheating drug addict divorce she wanted x percent of profits from biz and divorce he offers her the entire business total awesome dong move he is a forgetta so she can't do crap with biz because she isn't a photographer she gets nothing your uncle is a genius i love to read stories like this i was in a mediation where it took the couple an hour and a half to split their personal property retirement accounts real property and custody of their six-month-old son the rest of the day about four hours was spent arguing about how to split the time with the dog for the kid they just put as agreed upon by the parties but the dog had a strict calendar schedule working out holidays and strict pickup drop off times i was ashamed to be a part of that unbelievable display my parents stayed together for years because they couldn't agree on who got the dog when they divorced they announced to my brother and i that they were divorcing the day we had to put the dog down my friend's ex-husband tried to force their daughter to have to choose which parent she would live with every year on her birthday the daughter wanted to live with mom dad is always out of town for work anyway the judge told him that in no way was he going to force this girl to disappoint one of her parents every year on her birthday her ex-husband is a dong not a lawyer but i work in a law office we had a guy who cheated on his wife transfer all of his money slowly over time to his girlfriend before the wife found out about their affair and file for bankruptcy to avoid having to give his now ex-wife anything in the divorce that dissipation of marital assets in the court would have ordered it returned also bankruptcy judge has no authority over division of marital assets child support etc not a divorce attorney but i clerked for a judge that handled divorce cases we had a couple that were both lieutenant colonels in the air force they had one daughter that was about 11 or 12 both had gradual degrees and were generally intelligent people while the husband had an affair and things went sour with the relationship the daughter was at that age when her relationship with the mother was starting to get a little strained and she mentioned how she wanted to stick with her dad because he was about to be stationed elsewhere and the parents would be going there separate ways the mother absolutely freaked the first thing she did was go to the local police department and claim the father had been molesting and raping the daughter they investigated and couldn't find any evidence so they dropped the case the mother still furious then goes to the air force office of special investigations and reports the same thing the air force then suspends the husband from duty and conducts their own investigation same result no evidence of wrongdoing and the case is dropped the mother then goes to the next state over where the husband is about to be transferred and contacts the local police there with the same story about molestation and rape they of course do their own investigation but same result cases dropped of course this whole time the daughter has been interviewed a dozen times by psychologists various therapists the police the air force and who knows else the daughter is straight up traumatized by this people constantly asking her if her dad had been touching her raping her and so forth not to mention the harm it did to her father's career he was basically screwed from any possible promotion just because of the allegations as well as the fact that infidelity in the military is a big no-no but that was his own doing well once word of all this gets back to the judge he is furious he's a former air force jag and still has contacts in the ranks well anyway the couple comes in front of him one day for a hearing and he outright tells her she better stop this behavior or he is going to hold her in contempt of court for the maximum amount of time he can lawfully hold her in a cell contact the door and recommend the filing of charges contact her air force superiors and recommend reprimand to the fullest extent possible and basically anything and everything he can do within his power it was one of the most messed up things i've seen during my relatively short experience in the legal world surely she belongs in jail for such repeated extreme slander when my parents got divorced my dad had written in the divorce decree that my mother could not make any religious decisions for me including regular church attendance baptisms etc my mother was raised mormon and my father was pretty adamant that i would not be raised in that religion too as a lawyer who did a stint in high asset divorce law this is pretty standard i've written this clause into settlement agreements a lot a father and his friend go to pick up his child for some time together he rings the buzzer of the apartment no reply he phones too no answer this is odd because he is there at the scheduled time and the mother never misses an opportunity to claim that he doesn't care about spending time with his child and that he routinely misses scheduled times together the father and the friend figure that's odd let's walk around back to the parking lot to see if her car is still here they go around to the back to find the mother and child sneaking down the back stairs to leave the building the child sees the father yells hi daddy then turns to his mother and says see i told you dad was coming to see me today i was a clerk for a family court judge we had a woman try to get an injunction to keep the father from taking the daughter on a trip to disney world to play in a concert it was sad this is a true story and it happened in new jersey guy getting a divorce becomes suspicious and insanely jealous that his separated wife is having an affair he secretly follows her to a bar and waits outside in his car she comes out many hours later in the dark and follows another car to her house husband follows her staying back and parks down the block he gets out sees the house her car is parked at and goes around into the backyard he's sneaking around looking in windows and finally opens a sliding glass door and enters the house his wife and the guy she is with hear him moving around lock the bedroom door and call nine one one he starts pounding on the bedroom door and shouting at his wife and then the cops kick in the front door the cops get everyone downstairs to sort this out that is when the guy realized for the first time his wife was sleeping with his own divorce lawyer the lawyer got in lots of trouble definitely one of the most entertaining ethical board decisions of all time one of my uncle's ex-wives actually hired a hitman to kill my uncle so she could collect his life insurance the hitman was actually an undercover cop she did four years for the crime if this gets any response i'll tell a more in-depth version of the story some crazy crap happened in all honesty i've never heard of a hitman hired in the last 30 years that wasn't an undercover cop or an informant or a con that turned the client in maybe i haven't looked hard enough but you'd think that the legitimate hitman market would be hit pretty hard from the trend of police in their ranks not a divorce lawyer but my sister just went through a nasty divorce it sounds like a movie you would see on lifetime they split up after 28 years of marriage because he fell in love with a lesbian stripper half his age he emptied their savings and borrowed against their 401k so the lesbian could start her own lesbian bar which was bankrupt after six months there are many more sordid details which i'll go into if anyone is interested first of all my now ex-brother-in-law is the least likely guy to do something like this imagine mr cleaver from leave it to beaver cheating on mrs cleaver totally unexpected my sister found text messages on his phone the lesbian in question already had two children yes i know not a very good lesbian and was pregnant at the time she met my bro in law the lesbian would show up at his work approximately once a week and get a check even though she was not employed there he bought her a car and rented a house for her for a year paid in advance even when all of this came out my sister wanted to reconcile at the first counseling session he gets up after 15 minutes and says something like nope not gonna happen and leaves so her divorce lawyer requests financial documents from his business to decide aluminium child support i forgot to mention they have four children together the youngest of which is in college right now anyway he didn't want to release any of the financial documents pertaining to this business so my sis says fine i get the house and car and you get all the debt he agreed to that which makes me want to know what he's trying to hide by not releasing the documents anyway the divorce was just finalized and my sister is devastated this is the only man she's ever been with they met in college and now 28 years later nothing the worst part is if he asked her i wouldn't be surprised if she took him back i would lose all respect for her and do my best to talk her out of it it was a real shock i know the divorce is common but not in my family mum and dad were married 49 years before mom passed and none of my numerous siblings went through a divorce big scandal more sordid details are required to accompany my morning coffee while i pretend to work i'm late to the party but here goes there's this rich couple that are suing a company for something or other a guy on the jury is hanging out with a friend one afternoon and his buddy starts telling him about this cougar he's banging supposedly she is a giant controlling bee but she spends a lot of her husband's money on him so he puts up with it part way through the convo he drops her first name and the jury dude goes wait is her name friend replies yeah do you know how it turns out it's the rich lady from the case he is on the next day he had to recuse himself from the case because he couldn't look at her the same way the couple's lawyer demanded an explanation as to why he was dropping out in the middle of everything so he had to tell the judge the lawyer the lady and her husband akwood anyways that case was put on hold for a long time because they had a divorce to get to oh and i've been a piece of crap lurker for like a year and a half and this is my first post so yay my parents had an amicable divorce agreed fully that joint custody was the best option for my brothers and i and spent 18 years living near each other so my brothers and i would not have any issues traveling between they treated each other with respect and respected each other's rules if i was grounded at mom's house i was grounded at dad's house too at her house her rules and you will respect them was dad's response one time when i was complaining about how unfair life was they never spoke critically of the other in our presence never attempted to use or indoctrinate us against the other they were flexible with custody times for vacations and whatnot and even jointly cooperated on major life celebrations such as graduation parties and my brother's wedding all of which to say the least is apparently absolutely crazy behavior for divorced people also i probably don't appreciate my parents enough my two favorites from working in a legal office one husband and wife get divorced wife went into the marriage with her own house and three cars him with nothing she mortgaged the house in her name as the bank wouldn't give her anything if his name was on it too to let husband start a trucking business buys all his trucks for him and pays off the mortgage herself he becomes successful they divorce she just wants enough money from him to square her mortgage he can have the business and everything else he sells everything to his friend for ten dollars next to nothing so that he's got nothing on his name and doesn't have to pay her squat she's now going to lose the house too custody battle over two children father threatened the mother with a shotgun cut her phone lines got charged for assault on her she flees town with the children he demands she come back and she agrees to visitation so the kids can see their father during one visitation he punches her brother in the face at the changeover point and tries to steal the children visitation stops and he chucks a fitter she's stealing his children and she's lying about being afraid of me i did nothing the court psychologist signs off that he'd be an emotionally abusive soul parent when the court says no to his demands that he gets sole custody he verbally abuses the judge his lawyer his barrister the psychologist and the independent children's lawyer in front of the entire courtroom he narrowly avoids arrest and the whole time this case is going he's always yelling and screaming in the office that the court system is biased and only women get custody it's a mummy's court you're all sexist against men etc etc no you're just a douche three man his wife and three kids everything in his name finds a younger model dumps her by text message changes the locks and goes into hiding wife has a chronic illness that means she can't work and now she's stuck with three kids and to robert and he's changed all the bills and payments to her name mother's address and mailed her nearly ten thousand dollars worth of accounts and no one can find him he sells everything to his friend for ten dollars so that he's got nothing on his name and doesn't have to pay her squat i don't know what the law is like where you are from but that really doesn't work anywhere that i know such a sale would be voidable on multiple grounds undervalued transaction and transaction to defeat creditors being the big ones let's see one i've had a client come in to file divorce only to realize that the other party already obtained a divorce he lied and never properly served her and she defaulted had to under that one two put three fathers in jail for contempt they had a sudden case of raids recently acquired income deficiency syndrome and refused to pay support to their dependent spouses and or minor children three had a guy completely sandpaper key the finish of a brand new maserati that was given to the wife pursuance to settlement agreement because he hated his ex so much also took off the tyres four had a guy who funneled money over to his girlfriend thinking he was slick hiding it from his wife girlfriend broke up with him and kept it five have a guy who got a half million dollar settlement and so he pre-paid all of his expenses up front for several years so he wouldn't have to pay up six had a guy put all of his properties in the name of business partners so as to put it beyond the court's reach and thus the wife's reach had another guy claim he was unemployed but moved his paychecks to a friend's bank account seven had to get x party orders to inventory safes when i knew people had cash-based businesses and injunctions to freeze bank accounts so forth sometimes by the time we got it it was too late and money was removed eight absentee dads sorry to be gender specific suddenly become fathers of the year now he attends parent-teacher conferences now he goes to doctors visits and soccer practices never gave a dang before date of filing nine men with midlife crises spending tons of cash on the girlfriend vacations jewelry etc yet cries poverty when it comes to aluminium long-term marriages where the wife was a stay at home for the past 35 years 10. one guy faked a divorce decree from another country to avoid paying a lemony 11 guy was adamant to the point of tears that he never had sex with that woman took dna test was the father 12 people wanting extra visitation just so they can get a reduction in child support then once the case is concluded they leave the children with a nanny even though the other spouse is home and willing to care for the kids 13. had a guy stage a break-in at my client's home stole her personal computer and other relics then presents us with photo evidence he obtained from the computer about our clients infidelity i have seen it all really had a guy who funneled money over to his girlfriend thinking he was slick hiding it from his wife girlfriend broke up with him and kept it loved that one i'm not a lawyer but my parents divorced when i was 17 and it didn't finalize until i was 20. when i was a minor my mom was saying i was living in another country with her when it was clear through school records i was not out of the country she made up stories that my dad abused me and didn't feed me when in two months of living with my dad i had a much better life than 16 horrible years with her after i turned eight turned eight turned eight turned eight and they turned eight and they turned eight and they turned eight and they turned eight and they turned eight and they turned eight and they turned they turned eighteen well yeah once you're eighteen it's adult napping everyone knows that my ex-husband and i got divorced after four years we had no kids we were still dirt poor so we went to a divorce center paid a couple hundred bucks and did it ourselves we are still friendly three years later people we know genuinely think our friendly divorce is one of the weirdest divorces they have ever seen i know i'm late but this story is too good when i was young my parents had milk delivered to the house each week it was a good deal the milk was from a local coop and the delivery routes were privately owned the owner of our route was got divorced and told us the story of his mediation she and her lawyer had calculated the value of his milk delivery business to be two dollars and fifty cents million mind you this was the mid-80s she of course is seeking half that amount his lawyer begins to book that their estimate is unfair it was probably legitimate when you calculated assets inventory balance lack of debit and revenue and they would never agree to it but he is cut short by his client our milkman then looks across the table and says something to the effect of i agree to your estimation go ahead and cut me a check everybody shows up at six you'll have to be there by five to have everything ready for them he then tosses the work keys across the table as he sits back down they eventually agreed upon a more reasonable number frick yet chicken milk my favorite i've worked on precisely two divorces they were both awful the first was just a terrible abusive situation sadly too common and not a good source for stories the second though was a mid-forties dink situation upper middle-class engineers nobody was gonna go hungry at the end of it of course we presume that it'd be a quick painless negotiation nobody told us the husband was a raging alcoholic with no social skills nobody told us that the wife was very attached to the dog we divided up the house all possessions the bank accounts everything in under a week except for possession of the dog she was convinced he'd put the dog down he kept saying it was man's best friend not woman's this case got slated for trial over who got the dog i mean that's downright extraordinary that a divorce goes to trial at all is weird that it goes to trial with no kids is weirder that it goes to trial where both people are financially stable and well-off is like comed hitting you unlikely that it goes to trial solely over the possession of a dog is so far as i can tell from talking to other attorneys unheard of so pre-trial conference and the judge is richard that any of this is going on he orders a final attempt at mediation to begin after lunch the husband sneaks away from his attorney to have a dick with lunch and comes back absolutely trashed starts yelling about how he's going to go home and kill the dog to deny her it tries to jump over the table assault to bailiff runs out through an incession court with the presiding judge on the bench i never did find out how that one ended as my internship ended before the case did but i'll always remember it as the moment i decided that i didn't want to do family law but fortunately for me my current boss doesn't take those cases whatsoever i had a batch it crazy client once involved in a dissolution of domestic partnership not married but had been together 20 years she had an insane amount of stories about the opposing party drug dealer he had killed a man and all sorts of other wild accusations no idea what was reality versus what she made up they had millions between them and were fighting over every last native american artifact household item etc at one point she offered me gold nuggets as a gift because she liked me so much which i had to ethically refuse as a non-dame enemies gift from a current client i eventually got off the case when i changed jobs i think it's currently under appeal now so i can't give any further detail but there was some pretty crazy stuff involved in this case including accusations that the opposing party was sleeping with his attorney which shockingly had some basis in reality when investigated but i got off the case right around then when my parents got divorced my mom told my dad she only wanted me and not my brother and sister dad laughed and said she should try that in court and see how the judge takes her only wanting one child while abandoning the others my dad got full custody she also stole all of the money from their shared account and left us for like two years while my dad had to beg and borrow money to feed us and pay bills after she drained the account she didn't even show up for the hearing and the judge even asked if my dad wanted child support which he declined assuming collecting it from her would be more hassle than it was worth my mom is a crappy human being 16 years later and she hasn't changed a bit i work with a woman who is a devout christian she met some guy from nigeria online and fell in love he was working as a christian missionary in singapore she flew to singapore they got married and she helped him get us citizenship etc eventually she got pregnant and they had a daughter together as soon as the girl was born the father began getting her a passport and money together to take her to africa so she could get circumcised he eventually copped to marrying her solely to obtain us citizenship she divorced him and was able to limit his supervised visitations to one hour per week due to his insistence on taking her to africa to get the procedure done he's still adamant to this day that his now four-year-old daughter should have her clitoris clipped i worked in divorce law for a bit more than a year and then got the frick out some highlights of what i've seen guy cheats on wife with wife's best friend wife steals 6 million dollars from his bank account and disappears guy gets multi-million dollar inheritance during divorce he spends it all on strippers literally the whole thing couple has over five million dollars in assets spend over three years getting divorced couple has liquidated retirement and sold their house still not divorced lawyers have millions of dollars this is largely the reason i'm done with this crap ethically i can see why you are done but financially it was a terrible move based off bullet point three a couple of years ago my parents got a divorce they're both very friendly people and they were always very cordial throughout the entire divorce process in the end the only thing they ever seriously argued over was who got to keep my pet rock from when i was in elementary school they still argue over it to this day that's really sweet actually i'm not a lawyer but i am in the process of getting a divorce it's been quite messy and that's without kids being involved about two years ago my wife was cheating on me did not know until she filed for divorce she actually does not even know that i know still anyways much of last year she filed for divorce we had been separated since april of 2012 for work reasons we talked every day saw each other on skype and even visited each other on vacations twice in a 10-month period for 17 days each time overseas contract work nice pay but time apart the plan was to save up for two or three years and then buy another house and move into that anyways after she filed i tried to kill myself a few times did not eat any food for over a month i was so stressed that if i tried to eat i stupid eventually throw it up i could not keep food down for more than an hour or two it seemed just water and the occasional binge drinking we had all of our personal belongings in a storage unit we were living in a 2400 square foot house it was full we also had a few bank accounts now i won't give an exact number but we had six figures saved up low six figures but six during the divorce process everything was fine aside from me wishing i was dead i had devoted nearly seven years to her for nothing we were coming to an agreement on who got what from our storage unit and how much money each of us would get from the bank accounts plus the division of the vehicles it was looking pretty fair she was getting a lot more than i was because i just wanted it done so i was pretty much letting her pick out what she wanted this was prior to court involvement i had not even consulted an attorney myself even though she had won then just before we reached a deal in july of last year she went nuts it was the third of july while i was away at my family cabin she drained all of the bank accounts every single penny was gone she went to the storage unit and cleared all of the belongings out even my personal things like clothing pictures my important documents medical records everything i owned and had accumulated during my 28 years of life except for a bed a desk and my computer with a few changes of clothes she said i don't deserve anything since i want to be dead anyway and just took off had no idea it happened either until i got back from my cabin it's still ongoing we had caught last month it was hilarious i hired a lawyer after she drained everything she was breaking her own agreement no assets were to be moved during divorce proceedings my lawyer said he has never even heard of someone trying to disperse the amount of money she did even with millionaire clients i'm on the phone so i can't do too much for details but that's what i got for now i'm not a divorce lawyer but my dad is a lawyer and he's divorced so wth my dad was a real gem when he divorced my mom he had my mom served while my sister was in the hospital with neuroblastoma she had meditation and chemo and was in isolation because she had no immune system to speak of the process server had to go to the children's hospital go to the cancer ward and break my sister's isolation seal to serve my mom the papers the nurses had to escort him out also it was christmas eve and my mom's car was stolen that night after she had just moved out of his house and had it filled with all our stuff and christmas presents this one is so horrible i just don't believe it if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 118,827
Rating: 4.8141375 out of 5
Keywords: when it backfires, backfires, backfired, rules that backfired, regrets, biggest regrets, plot twists, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2021, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: kiQ2dTfRhpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 17sec (7637 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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