How Do You Know They Are AMERICANS ? (1 Hour Reddit Compilation)

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besides their accent what's one way you know a tourist is American when visiting Paris my wife and I learned they don't seat you at restaurants you just walk in and sit down at an available table we figured it out after standing around at the entrance a few times then we started noticing other American tourists doing the same while in career I was casually talking to a friend on the bus in regular speaking voice not even a minute later the lady in front of this turns around in her seat and says very casually please calm down I guess American volume is noticeably louder not everyone but in general if you are at a restaurant or a bar you immediately can hear who's American when they introduce themselves they never say they're from America mostly the state city they're from saying hi how are you - the barista servers retail workers my country doesn't quite have that culture so I find it really sweet the absolute fearlessness of asking anyone on the street about anything being called african-american while living in the Netherlands a black mate of mine from London was once haltingly referred to as a British african-american by a tourist went to Russia once and they knew because I smiled too much those pearly whites are a one-way ticket to the gulag my dad had born and raised Egyptian is a proud American immigrant when we go to visit family in Egypt he wears cargo shorts a hawaii shirt a hat with nick on it and speaks english to everyone even though he speaks perfect Egyptian Arabic when I went to Italy with a friend I couldn't figure out why everyone greeted me in English before I said a word I don't wear running shoes outside of the gym I dress pretty posh I can't remember the last time I owned a baseball cap and I try to have a basic grasp on the local language how can they tell I'm American my friend told me it's because you're smiling at them some of your house are way more polite than expected whenever I hear someone say mom I know they're American like one time I was in littles and there was an American family asking someone who worked there if they sold cellphones and when the woman said they didn't they were all oh okay thank you for your time man have a great day which is much more cheery than the average Scott till we have a monopoly on baseball caps trying to interact with strangers in public areas most American tourists I've come across are really friendly and talkative they always seem to be genuinely stoked to be here Hannah they get amazed by old things girlfriend used to work on a farm and in estates in the UK and would often have Americans in awe of the old buildings one once said some of these buildings are older than my country that's why we find that interesting to be honest and my mom is from England so we've visited the UK constantly since I was a kid I still find the old buildings really interesting if you see an American in Japan they will frantically look for public trash cans the absence of trash receptacle is something unfounded at the US and we become confused at the idea of having to hold it for extended periods of time I lived in Japan when the World Cup was there in 2002 there were plentiful trash cans before the World Cup not as many as in American cities been quite a few but a few weeks before the games began they pulled out a substantial number of trash cans out of terrorism and hooliganism concerns they never came back it was really disconcerting asking for the restroom I mean obviously the accent was then heard too but in my little village in Scotland I was in the pub and a woman politely asked the barman where the restrooms were he didn't know WTF she was all about and then it obviously clicked you mean the toilet I had its juiced backer tipping Americans will try to tip everyone even in countries where tipping isn't a thing is considered a serious insult I'm half-japanese and I live in Japan basically we automatically assume any white person is American they're looking for a store open at like 11:00 p.m. even if in most European countries stores closed at like 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. and Americans will be wearing sneakers extra rice and their drinks this one is funny to me just because as a dual citizen US dad UK mum I see both sides Americans are obsessed with ice but at the same time Brits seem to miss the benefits of it first time I took my wife to England she was like wTF is the deal with Brits and no ice or if they actually give you ice it's one cube law they are very outspoken at my local aquarium the other day I heard a lady very loudly say have the Penguins gone to bed can we not see them yeah all the Penguins have gone to bet y'all missed em Oh typical southern attitude I live in the south this is common I hear that us Americans can easily be spotted in the airport by the fact usually we're used to taking off our shoes and SAR baseball caps and shorts I'll make sure to bring my finest collection of snapback trucker hats with me to Europe on my vacation this summer baseball caps University spirit wear cargo shorts free t-shirts from events with ads and texts all over them and for the older Americans they always seem to just kinda stand in the middle of everything looking around holy crap that's such an incredibly accurate description of us in the wild I was at a beach where music was playing and Sweet Caroline came on I told my sister we are both Hispanic but I love in the US hey if you are wondering who here is from the US you are about to find out ten seconds later PAP a partner British people love that song confidence I have never seen someone walk so confidently in the wrong direction like an American can yer dang right we will in scotland baseball cap bum bag shorts and sandals halfway up been nervous as an American I'm told we're loud apparently where my in-laws live in Brazil they consider us relatively quiet which is nice confused cause most of this stuff applies to me and I'm from the UK nobody actually noticed when I was in the US till I opened my mouth Americans recognized other Americans in most countries because they smile a strangers on the street having conversations with family at a level appropriate to a rock concert hey Sandra would you look at this to quote from my second highest comment to date I was traveling in Bali Indonesia and caught my reflection in the window of a storefront big old white guy six feet four inches 230 plus lbs bright blue and orange Hawaiian shirt shorts farmer's tan USS New Orleans LP age 11 bow cap and sandals with black socks I was carrying a carved elephant statuette it was 11 a.m. and I was drunk you're there Canadian flag patches sewn on upside-down okay so I got off the train and Ghent Belgium and was super hungry so decided to get a muffin at the coffee stand the nice cashier said something to me in Flemish and I answered in German I'd been in Germany the past couple of weeks and it just kind of naturally popped out he responded in broken German including a bunch of hand waving and pointing and random gestures we successfully completed our transaction and he turned to the guy making the coffee and said in entirely unaccented American English hey could you hand me that I looked at him and said you know actually I'm an American and speak fairly fluent English he stared at me for a second and said that's not funny it actually really was this is going to sound made-up just because of how ridiculous this is I wouldn't believe it myself hadn't I have seen this happen myself back when I lived in Poland there was a couple standing in front of me in the line of McDonald's who were outraged that McDonald's didn't accept US dollars as a form of payment but McDonald's is American actual quote from the guy just a reminder this was in Poland I'm not 100% sure but I think they were American if they buy peanut butter it sounds very weird but everyone who buys peanut butter where I work turns out to be American when they comment about the driving it's 80 degrees out there how many miles that's two pounds honestly it really isin't their fault imagine coming to America and saying it's 30 degrees Celsius I was in France once in a very famous and classy art gallery and saw a wildly overweight sweaty man with a shirt on that reads something like vegetarians are just bad hunters or something along those lines with a huge picture of a dinosaur I turned to my friend and said that's definitely an American sure enough he then called his kids over in a very southern twang and it was the funniest thing I've ever seen it would have been funnier if he'd called his kids over in flawless Parisian French absolutely no problem with long car bus drives standing on a street in Beijing and a woman started waving from across the street so I waved back then she shouted good to see another American and I shouted back I'm from New Zealand she gave an exaggerated shrug and kept walking base cargo shorts and very very white legs I don't have much experience in foreign countries as an American but I heard we measure distances in time X it is four miles to our destination versus it takes seven minutes to our destination that's because if you live any American city I'm in the Seattle area you know that actual distance doesn't have jack crap to do with how long it'll take to get somewhere the way they like to say oh you call the techs we call that why in America or something along those lines the only one of those that I've heard that baffles me is lemonade sprite is not lemonade you can't tell me otherwise and I think you are wrong and your life is wrong Europeans I've read it what is a dead giveaway for American tourists in your country my great-great grandfather was from Island white socks ankle high white socks with running shoes and shorts themed t-shirt baseball hat even when it's not sunny fanny pack then again I saw loads of Brits like this in Florida maybe it's just the international uniform of tourists talking to people I live in Sweden we don't talk to people here unless you speak the law which there's not much you can do to hide where you're from just be American you're exotic to us cause you sound like the TV you're exotic to us cause you sound like the TV I don't know why but that made me really happy I used to work at a tourist information in northern Norway I would talk to tourists all day help them and sell them some small figurines of trolls as well its stereotypical but Americans get so interested and excited by other people it's insane I've traveled all over the world and never have I met another people who actually really cares about complete strangers it's nice I had a family just asking me for directions and the dad started talking about the figurine crap we were selling and I casually mentioned that it's cute for tourists but my grandfather used to scare us with stories of them and the dad just ignited he was so stoked about hearing about my grandfather and I told him some of the stories he was ecstatic and at the end he asked how my granddad was now I said something like oh he died 10 years ago and the whole family actually got kind of sad so from the Americans are like crazy interested in you your story and super emotional if you travel to France and get to talking to someone and casually mentioned that your granddad died 10 years ago they will toss you a sorry for your loss but not really care if you are an American jig L the high tones of your voice when you greet someone Oh hiiiiii glass shatters also I hate talking to the ones who end every sentence on a high note like everything is a question compared to Europeans Americans have a way greater sense of wonder of things it's pretty cool Europeans might take for granted the ability to take weekend breaks anywhere in Europe whereas an American family might take one trip in their lifetime to Europe I think it's great I sit on the steps of st. Paul's Cathedral during my lunch break and barely look at it while there is an American standing opposite me amazed that this is older than their country it reminds me that it's pretty cool to live in London also why would you want to blend in be respectful of other cultures try and learn but I think people should embrace where they're from in Ireland it's the very thought out and planned outfit windbreakers rain jackets fanny packs often on older American tourists guides to Island books maps and finally the confused look on their faces your accent and your volume hearing Long Beach's dopers frickin that unmistakably Californian accent was the biggest giveaway I've ever heard or seen IT is dope as Frick actually most Americans you don't notice it's just the stereotypical loud brash ones that you do I remember one time visiting a castle that was mostly ruins I suddenly hear a young kid with a strong US accent man mum this place is nuked very funny don't worry for the most part Europeans love having Americans and will be interested in where you are from be respectful be willing to learn about something new and have a good time that goes for all tourists in foreign countries not just Americans that's the best part of traveling also I'm an American but I've been living in France for a bit if I see a group of two three plus girls with long straightened hair looking like they've spent more than five minutes on their makeup and are wearing tall boots instead of short ankle ones they are American I've never been wrong French women tend to have him I didn't try to look good but I do think going on they also almost exclusively wear short boots I'm not sure why I was in Paris with a group of girls before Christmas we got dressed up one night to go out in the town we are Irish bTW and we felt like faking drag queens accent hard to miss volume you can hear them a mile and a half away coupled with accent acts as an early warning indicator in Ireland wearing of Irish themed clothing or hats attempting to pay in dollars i crap you not i have watched this happen more than a few times there are other indicators I will cover later I have an exam now it's a rarity of seeing young Americans in Europe for some reason so the average American we see here is the 40 plus slightly fat years old American with a very loud and slow English also the neck for some reason Americans and Canadians can go spend a week at an all-inclusive resort in the Caribbean for less than the cost of airfare to Europe most opted for this I experienced this while being a waiter in a fairly popular restaurant in nürnberg Germany we had a lot of American tourists they're ordering bratwurst and sauerkraut you could always distinguish them from other tourists by the fact that they all seem to think all Germans are obliged to wear lederhosen all day and everywhere deer was hilarious how often I've been asked why I didn't wear them to work it was a fancy place so we all wore white shirts black slacks but that apparently made no sense to the Americans that was the adorable thing far worse were the tourists that treated our waiting staff like they were [ __ ] I spend a part of my life in London so I have basically no German accent while speaking English still there were multiple occasions where Americans would immediately stop speaking in a normal voice when I came to their table and speak to me like one would with a kid that's mentally handicapped even after I answered them in proper English they would sometimes talk to each other normally and then addressing me like was handicapped again do not do that crap don't get me wrong there's other tourists like for example the French who more often not just expect everyone they encounter to speak French but at least they would still talk to you like a sensible human being these are the same people that talk to their servers like they're handicapped back home to source I'm so sick of waiting on people you hear them before you see them apart from accent I believe it's probably that you are all by and large polite friendly and optimistic all rare commodities where I live Australian and London I always try to be open-minded and polite if I'm in your country have no idea what I'm doing and only have a loose grasp on the language I'm probably already kind of a burden and nobody is going to show me any neat crap if I'm yelling and being a dong Canadian here I have lived in Europe and honestly Americans get a bad rap sure a bunch of them have no idea where the million-plus city I live in Canada is on a map but the other 90% doesn't are actually very nice people Americans 10% ruin their reputation for everyone else to fit in don't wear board shorts with flames on them or wife beater basketball jersey around if football is showing on a nearby TV the male's of the American tourist group show no interest a major one once you get to actually talk to an American is how they treat Europe as a single entity and in Europe and I need to figure out the European way to do things so Europeans will like me I guess what the things you learned in Amsterdam in Stockholm really won't hold up in say Portugal pretty much no one self identifies as European I know it's common on rigid to start to question with Europeans of reddit but that's already a dead giveaway European nations are not comparable to US states in this way the cultural differences are much larger and people will take offense if you try to group them together as Europeans if you're looking to blend in start talking about individual countries I don't think it's that we view Europe as a single entity it's more that when we travel to Europe we typically visit several countries if I'm taking a trip to England France and Germany I say I'm visiting Europe if I'm just going to France I say I'm visiting France I hope I don't be too rude but once I saw you as tourists in a German McDonald's and boy was he furious he ordered exactly 20 packs of ketchup with his three burgers and needed to pay for them in the US it seems normal to get ketchup and mayo for free as much as you like here you have to pay for the crap so he was ranting about some euros he had to pay but I have to admit he was pretty clever he was arguing with the manager about the packet prices while eating the unpaid burgers after he was finished he just left a confused manager with an empty tray behind the counter , exactly German confirmed while on a trip I met a sweet young couple in a small bed-and-breakfast in Scotland they were really nice and talkative and we chatted for quite some time I think I instantly recognized them as Americans because they were just a bit too nice for me as a German don't jump on the grumpy German bandwagon I think it's very exaggerated but they were just so overwhelming happy always grinning giggling that they just fitted perfectly in my American stereotype everything they visited was just great and awesome it was really funny so no fat and loud American tourists stereotype for me it was really a nice cliche yelling does anyone here speak English I had an American ask me if there were any hobbits in the city or if they all lived out in the country I couldn't for the life of me tell if he was kidding or not so I told him they usually avoided the city as their foot hair gets stuck in escalators Musil and if hobbits didn't give it away 95% sure he was joking after all the negative comments Americans are actually some of the nicest people to meet when you're broad I definitely agree with this every time I've spoken to American tourists in London they have always been very friendly and lovely to speak to generally they are old don't seem to get many young yanked tourists and they have white socks pulled up really high I've met a bunch of young Yanks on my travels bill generally they do the city thing staying in hostels and hanging with the back parking hostile crowd Barcelona in particular had a American tourists population you're like the Chinese you take pictures of everything Huah pigeon as an American living in Europe everything but mostly volume but here's the thing it's okay not to blend in you'll meet more people and have more fun sweet here American tourists tend to be louder than other but they also tend to be very nice and open-minded one more thing about American tourists that stands out is their talk about visiting Europe Europe is not a single country in the different countries often have languages and cultures which are vastly different from each other and I don't know that guy Sven from Gothenburg that you met 15 years ago in Aruba as an American 21 wire who's been studying in Spain for the past few months I've come to be able to accept the fact that I look American t-shirts shorts bow shoes and that people are going to stare at me on the metro no matter what I do I've also come to be able to recognize other Americans off the streets we just look different it's hard to place why but mostly from our very casual clothes Spaniards dress rather formally it sometimes bothers me when I feel obligated to put on something more than sweatpants just to go around to the corner store why can't I just wear gym shorts and flip-flops also I can hear other Americans from across a Plaza I never realised we spoke so loudly we don't mean to be obnoxious that is just our normal level of speaking I consider myself a rather quiet and low-key guy but sometimes I'll be speaking and then feel very shocked at how loud I sound my voice will boom across the entire metro car or restaurant I'm looking forward to returning to the states to see if everyone is actually just yelling at each other all the time as for the limited language knowledge I myself speak English and Spanish I agree that yes Americans have invented many modern technology and therefore modern terms are English with many cooking and political terms tend to be French and Italian and legal terms are still Latin so I don't think that's an excuse for people to know English it would have more to do with the globalization of today's world paired with a American innovation I'm sorry if that sounds pompous the biggest reason I think that Americans don't speak many languages though is that yes English is pretty standard across the globe but we just don't have any reason to learn another language we don't come into contact with people who don't speak English in the States many immigrants yes but not populations of people during my travels in Europe I see people in say Madrid who are British Italian French etc Europeans like to be distinguished by their country of origin but they do travel across Europe with the same no barrier policy as Americans can travel in between states Europeans speak many different languages and they area will interacting with each other constantly you travel over a mountain and all of a sudden the language is completely different I can't imagine going from New York to Chicago and all of a sudden everyone speaks some different Germanic or romantic language if the US had never gone through the Louisiana Purchase or had lost the Spanish and weakened war maybe there would be a general knowledge among the popular South French or Spanish this is a lot to read I just felt the need to add my two cents gooo DJ Rob I once saw an American family walking down a street in Stockholm passing a 2l bottle of coke between them in January I crap you not well at least they were sharing and 2l is usually cheaper than separate bottles now if each one had a 2l till that Europeans think America is completely comprised of baby boomers well from the looks of it they're the only ones with the money to afford a trip to any country in Europe remember that the taxes included on the pricetags menus Europeans offered it what about America makes you go thank goodness we don't have that here what about those Housing Association thingies that tell you what color your fence has to be and find you if your doorbell is the wrong shape or whatever they sound awful homeowners associations or hellas my grandma owns a condo and still has to pay around 400 / month to whatever the frickin hoarders in a condo complex except there they can also tell you what is acknowledged a to do inside your own owned home that gap in the bathroom stalls wTF is that about even as a Canadian who has watched American TV my whole life it's the ask your doctor if this medicine is right for you slogan like the doctor recommends pills I never have to ask my doctor about medicine also pharmaceutical ads on TV yesterday I read a post by a chill free woman who was happy about the luxury she had that she could take one of her five sick days when she was sick without worrying about the possibility of a kid getting sick and having to take them for that apparently co-workers who were parents just came to work sick because they couldn't risk it I can't wrap my head around how anyone could feel lucky with only being allowed to be sick for four more days this year my husband works in a blue-collar industry he gets four days off paid time off year forty hours total he works ten hours shifts and he has to use it for both vacation and sick leave it's disgusting and should be illegal the work culture some of the stories about people working 80 hours a week scare the living bejesus out of me a colleague Eastern European of mine was asked to join a wind farm installation project in the US he was the told it would last six months when he asked what the rotation was ie four weeks on two off he was told it was six months straight and twelve hours a day of physical graft although they would probably be doing more hours than that naturally he turned it down Florida man to be fair Florida man is generally a man that happens to live in Florida tipping the whole thing is BS and a con from the businesses they've managed to con you all into thinking it is normal for the customer to be directly responsible for the service staffs financial well-being meanwhile they get away with paying the staff below minimum wage yes I've been absolutely appalled when I first heard about the tipping culture a cave maybe recent but that the election is like the WWE Trump comes out of a cloud of smoke while the Undertaker music is playing spouting crap but wait here comes Hillary dabbing you can't see her her time is now crap like this really divined as a country and I hope the upcoming election will be more civil but I doubt it law Bernie enters the ring and raises his fist to the sky causing the whole audience to cheer Hillary bashes him unconscious with a chair sit as you have to drive to get anywhere I expected it in rural places then I visited Florida and found that some towns don't have sidewalks and they had an outdoor mall where several shops were connected by parking loss with no way to walk the fifty meter from one to the other you had to drive to every single one your food quality European food security standards are way stricter than the American ones and I want to keep it that way cries in UK leaving the EU and negotiating with us business on food standards or health care or just anything at all your health care also tuition the health care is one thing the one that would worry me more is the sheer number of people who exhibit Frick you I got mine when it comes to talking about health care reform the u.s. seems to have lost that thing where you want to take care of your countrymen health care system is the most backwards I'm ever known I'm an American living in Australia and I'm a citizen I just had Quincy infected tonsillitis and had to go to the hospital cause I legit couldn't talk I was so worried for it's my first time in hospital in the eight point five years of being here I go in quick op I stayed overnight and got a crap-ton of antibiotics given every four hours of my stay great food for hospital standards and great staff when I asked about the bill the nurses were confused then I explained I'm from the USA and they laughed saying it's all covered by universal health care like no cost my intent drugged an OP with an overnight stay cost me nothing frig it was like a hotel treatment the McDonald's ice cream machine being broken that happens constantly in the UK - going to go with a bit of a list here I know there are great things about America so really I'm not trying to hate on you guys I'm from Island bTW your health care system is worse than ours and that's a pretty big achievement v18 not being included in the price of goods the work culture with minimal holidays shite house and where it's acceptable to work late regularly having to drive everywhere I'm 15 and I probably won't need to learn to drive until I'm in my twenties and won't buy a car for quite a long time public transport is not great here but at least it's better than in America also how easy it is to get a driver's license I'm not completely certain how it works you lads but here you need to take a written test then do minimum ten lessons and then take your actual driving test a lot of things about your government seem messed up your two-party system and I can't imagine not having single transferable vote share the amount of walls you get involved in I'm from a needful country so maybe that's why it's so hard for me to understand and also how your veterans are treated if the government treats them like crap that the public hails every one of them like heroes the education system and college systems here college is free and you just pay three thousand euros also people pick colleges based off the college and not a course I don't fully understand how it works with majors who admit the patriotism it's on a whole other level making a pledge to the flag is just weird no offense the amount everything varies by state either you are one country or not make up your mind not being able to go to another country easily that really sucks for you guys having guns so common when I go abroad and see so many police with guns I get a fright never mind people that have not been fully trained not being able to trust the police and people being afraid of them I don't know how I'd get on if I couldn't trust the people there to protect me so much sugar in bread I'm not picking here but I've heard that bread has about twice the amount of sugar as usual the healthcare system makes me the most angry people go in lifelong debt or become homeless or worse because something happened to them that they have zero control over how can anyone defend that it always breaks my heart to see monthly bills at high three-digit prices for things like insulin but something people need to just not die your fricking system of Fahrenheit and not using the metric system the UK isn't exactly 100 percent metric the roads are in miles yards and it's common to encounter pints and feet the two-party system militarized police crappy internet that's super expensive child beauty pageants imperial unit system of measurement drivers tests that let every man woman child blind person quadruple amputee house cat and wooden spoon have a driver's license NAMBLA creationism museum megachurches crappy internet that super expensive cries in Germany file go were the biggest reasons I could not live under that health care system for every comment I see saying just get good insurance I see a story about how their insurance company deemed some vital medicine they need it is not necessary and refused to cover it or someone who had coverage with their job got fired because they dead actually try to use it I married an American woman and her family always asked if we're going to move to the USA because our wages would be higher but what's the point of more money if a single medical issue can wipe out your savings another is the work-life balance I see too many stories about companies expecting you to put work before private life and too many Americans defending this idea I like probably most Europeans work to live not live to work I'm a Brit living in North America and the life to work thing here is brutal there barely is balance at all even the weekends fly by your lack of time off work I get 26 days of leave plus eight bank holidays I also get 26 further days off a year for working an extra 30 minutes a day I'm Australian Blair in Eurovision now so it counts I'd have to say school shootings as biggest one for me you can keep those all to yourself I probably should change the question to Eurovision participants no mayo I saw the video of an American police officer who smashed a window and was dragging some dude out of his car because the dude wanted to know why he was pulled over in the police officer refused to tell him until he saw identification people in comments were defending the police officer in the UK the police would only get that violent if the person was actually a criminal who was being dangerous to others how one ounce of water is not one fl oz of water in the EU one milliliter of water is one gram of water the blurring of the Trias politica how judges have to be appointed by the President and Senate or how the president tries to influence trials or judgments on Twitter makes my blood boil this independent judges is one of the fundamentals of my country it's really shocking that a Western country like the US doesn't have independent judges having to go back to work just six or eight weeks after having a baby I'm not budging anywhere until that kid is at least one and a half and if you're in the Scandinavian Belt dads and moms get the same amounts of leave so the kid is covered for like two years your health insurance seems to have more in common with a scam than something that is supposed to provide care your whole gang health care system does prices are seriously overinflated and that's accepted and okay there wake up a bit and look at the rest of the world no one else does that just America yet but the people getting screwed over by it generally don't get a voice against it because they can't afford one every single aspect of human rights in America has become monetized nothing can be given like health care or education without profit having the utmost importance does education really have to be that expensive does the ibuprofen really need to be $20 a Pilon hospitals like WTF that whole thing you have with gigantic gaps around toilet stool doors what's the reasoning behind making sure everyone can see you take a crap is it fear that someone might shoot up in there I'd heard about the toilet gaps before I visited the US and it still shocked me when I first encountered them literally zero point people preaching in public I visited NY once and I was boarding a boat and there was this guy yelling about Jesus here people are not that passionate about religion where I live you would probably get fined here gas fine for being too loud and bothering people that's probably due to how our First Amendment is interpreted generally it's viewed as speech alone is allowed but the law gets involved when there's physical interaction I know there's more nuance than that but it's late having children pledge allegiance to the flag holy crap that is some evil brainwashing I've heard people defend this by saying it's not mandatory well neither is standing and putting your hand on your heart for the national anthem but look at the crap storm that went down when that football player took a knee land of the free jefra cough when I went to school no one ever told me it was optional elected opposed to appointed hired promoted judges Sheriff CTC ie basically making these jobs depend on popularity and wealth campaigning rather than qualification unaffordable university fees education costs ie no upward mobility for poor people no mandatory and for poor people free health insurance ie people literally dying of preventable diseases minor injuries easily treatable chronic illnesses et Cie only for lack of money people feeling offended by everything and everybody this attitude that everything that I don't like or agree with is an offense towards me personally is nowhere else as bad as in America in my experience death penalty literally life long imprisonment well we do have this option here but it's extremely rare in practice the whole prison and probation system in general sugar in everything even the most basic foods I was shocked how sweet everything is overseas even stuff that's not supposed to be sweet from a European perspective like most bread or even some vinegars and the locals don't even notice it they'll tell you it doesn't taste sweet while for a European it's like candy the food in general is overall pretty bad there are of course exceptions I'm speaking generally and about the normal food that the average person has on their plate not just the sugar but all the other stuff that must be in it too a loaf of bread should not have a shelf life of two weeks lawsuits of course you can sue in Europe but the system is different so we don't see each other at the drop of a hat I always thought it was weird how readily Americans see each other until it dawned on me that a payout might be the only way they can pay for treatment after an accident or something obvious answers are things like health care but goddamn I'm so glad we're generally far less religious I do understand and respect that for a lot of people religion is very important but it appears to have such a profound and insidious influence over American society that's led to so many unnecessary problems and in justices frankly it just really creeps me out here in the UK even the religious people we do have tend not to be that religious insane medication prices I've looked it up and I literally could not afford to exist in America that is kind of messed up most hair will be more abstract things though I would like to add my personal grudge when I am in the USA the food you can get proper food but that's expensive normal place to eat are just not good the bread is light and fluffy cheese feels and tastes like a chemical substance chocolate it's more like brown sugar and the beer seems to be watered down happy to be home and get my bread at a bakery instead of the walnut after spending a semester abroad in the US it's not your oversized toilets or your Imperial system or your lack of labour rights no it's those fricking l.l.bean boots Jesus Christ why would anyone wear something this ugly they're the fired multiply off shoes that's rich coming from a resident of the [ __ ] that gave the world Birkenstocks with socks I'm so glad that we don't have absurd lehigh medical bills having lived in both the UK and US health care Frick give me the NHS any day I'm lucky enough that I'm able to get a fairly decent insurance plan for a fairly decent price with premium tax credit taking a chunk out of it but the simple thing is you don't need that in the UK you just register with your nearest GP and you're set because everything is on the government there's a lot of dim saying that the NHS is on the verge of collapse but seriously the only reason I'd take US health care over UK is because the doctors here are a little less hesitant to give referrals if it's a dodgy call in the UK it's a government problem in the u.s. it's the insurance company's problem and that becomes my problem and for some care I need I'm happy with that gun laws ok in interior Alaska running into a polar bear or angry moose is sort of legitimate concern but generally I liked it when I could broadly assume most people didn't carry a pistol round due to them being highly illegal term a university tuition I mean wow in the UK the tuition cap going from three thousand two hundred and fifty a year to nine thousand a year cause walkouts and protests here it's just accepted as reality I've seen social media posts where people proudly say this shouldn't change because they personally joined the army to pay their way and that is not an argument in favor of this food EU regulations on additives were nice I don't think my diet has changed too much but I've gained like 30 pounds since moving and getting it to Fripp back off isn't easy that's a few things the views are better here though also I mean yay snow in Scotland our uni and college tuition is freebie I shudder at the stupid level of British politics over the last few years but US politics takes it down to a whole new level of heck and inanity two-party system like we've got nine parties in our Parliament and though it also sucks I will take their constant small arguments over to parties violating the country and people being afraid of voting for anyone else also Electoral College sucks being pulled over for a broken taillight potentially being your last day on earth being fined or ending up in court for jaywalking having to drive hundreds of miles to vote register to vote also wise skin color race political affiliation required on voter registration forms why not just name address dog health care people die end up homeless or in crippling debt because no one can afford preventive health care the people rationing medication or putting off health needs until the last minute it's too late that's insane to imagine how much money the country would actually save if they let people see a doctor food before it become a stay in the iku I have two herniated discs in my neck and can't get treatment until I pay $500 I'm a single mom I don't have $500 that's literally three stroked four of the money I have to make it a whole month after bills so I just suck it up and try to get my sick little one to understand why mummy can pick her up right now the obsession with their flag then again I'm probably riding a wave of oh crap we've invaded and colonized loads of countries and forced our flag religion and way of life from them so probably better not do that anymore being as I'm from the UK people obsessed with the Union flag or st. George's flag here are generally looked down on as being pretty scummy it's gotten to the point that if I see the English some George's flag my first thought is EDL and not just England our own flag hasn't got a great reputation in its own country was waiting for this the one thing that I always hate about us so much is USA USA USA USA double quote especially in situations when it's not even relevant to be nationalistic houses that break when you punch into the wall ones chlorinated chicken luckily our welfare standards are good enough to mean we don't get as many horrible germs on our raw meat chlorinated what now I feel blessed every day to have a free school education and free health care I couldn't imagine how it would be like if I would be in debt just because I go to school broke my leg non Americans who have been to the US what is the weirdest thing about America that Americans don't realize is weird that there are a lot of squirrels some of them are terrifyingly bold drive-through everything even liquor stores in some states as a Canadian the Raptor sized turkey legs sold at amusement parks lol that's funny I remember the first little turkey I saw was when I was in Canada just a little personal turkey in a plastic box I laughed and laughed all the commercials for lawyers on the side of the road in television in hotel rooms okay the last one was only in one hotel room but most of the time you couldn't go anywhere without seeing any ads for lawyers and so so many pharmaceutical ads the spacing I know the US is a huge area and of course big cramped cities like NYC are exceptions but the size of the roads and parking loss just seemed really strange as a Central European it's because the cities and roads were built with modern vehicles in mind and tend be relatively new in comparison as a Brit having traveled America extensively I don't know if I find anything about America that weird anymore your media and politics are insane but day to day life is just rather normal and toned down average American is a lot less loud and annoying than their average politician or TV host I guess one thing that's odd is that the average American seems a lot more attuned to the outdoors than we are I've seen Americans sporadically ask their friends if they want to go on a night hike or go hunting generally a few hunt animals in the UK you're part of the nobility I miss Cabela's a co-worker of mine visited the US and stayed over my house from the UK oh my god you have a mailbox just like in the movies dafuq yeah we have just a letterbox in England my girlfriend is Japanese and she was hanging out with me at home I have a fish tank there and well one fish wasn't doing so well anymore and he had finally swam to visit Poseidon so I did what anyone would have done scooped him out of the tank tossed him in the toilet and sent him on a final watery voyage with a few respectful words the GF looked shocked she said why did you flush him that's just what you do it's a fish I then showed her a few videos on YouTube showing people doing the same thing she thought it was the strangest thing ever in fact when she went back to Japan she brought it up to her mother who had a similar shocked response I guess I'm supposed to bury a fish or something fish the flushable parrot spent a year in the US and came back for a few more weeks because I like you guys I know you don't give a crap when you ask how I am doing that it's still nice to be asked that sometimes Oh we do give a crap that's why we ask we just don't want to get into a discussion if the answer is bad your lack of inhibition with strangers I spent a month traveling from east to west and stayed with my best mate in NYC for a few weeks while there I decided to top up my red hair dye as it had seriously faded one disaster later boring story and my hair actually came out a luminous pink red instead I'm talking pretty out there from my usual red but I thought Frick hit it'll fade soon enough and I'm traveling why not just rock it for a bit what I did not expect was for all the comments on it by complete strangers I live in Scotland and we're a fairly friendly cheery chatty Bunch when we want to be but it's usually during an ongoing exchange such as when you're being served by someone in a shop or restaurant after having established base contact who might then venture out with oh I love your hair clothes bag whatever it's pretty rare though not unheard of for someone to just pass you in the street and make comments like that I was blown away by how often it happened over there I'm a fairly sociable person myself and enjoyed it but it constantly surprised me I'd be walking down the street in my own world and I'd hear a hey or some hair from someone just passing me it was great I would probably regard this as an asset as opposed to weird but I don't know if you guys realize just how different you are in this respect I read this in a Scottish accent I didn't understand a word I bet you've got some sweet hair though bro commercials for antidepressants and surgeries generally advertisements for prescription drugs ask your doctor about tick Vidura we're not going to even tell you what it does just trust us you need it if your doctor doesn't give it to you sue him I remember clearly this one guy playing some shooter game in a Greyhound Lobby he was so into it like nobody was watching then this random black guy came to look and shout at the guy words of encouragement I was also really surprised how American America really is just like from the movies you're pretty lucky to have spotted a wandering hype man they've been known to cause spontaneous dance competitions and the most unlikely of places I'm from the US but when speaking to the Spanish exchange students when they came to my high school told us that the meals tasted sweeter corn syrup smiling at strangers I'm American but after living abroad and speaking to people from many different countries I realized that the small talk overly nice attitude toward strangers Americans have is considered odd and often faked to non Americans most likely because in other countries the way it works is that someone is distant at first meeting but it gradually becomes your friend over time in America strangers will act like you are great friends but in reality they don't think you guys are friends they are just being nice and this is something Americans are used to and accept as normal no one thinks the guy behind them in line who strikes up a conversation wants to be your BFF but I think this confuses people not used to that kind of culture thus the most common American stereotype I heard even more than that and loud is that where fake I think my cousin from Europe lost if when she saw backi inflatable tube man for the first time in America flags flags I know a guy from Germany and he was in Orel how long our lines are at the supermarket he said in Germany everyone bags their own stuff and the cashier just scans it and slides it the lines move really fast are yes I work at an Aldi which is a German grocery chain we do it that way and now that I'm used to live I can't stand waiting in line of Kabul target the gaps between the doors in public restrooms you could look someone in the eye through those a bit too comfortably also I only noticed this in Florida and not when I was in NYC mattress shops and so many adverts for mattress shops I feel like they're not something that people buy regularly if anyone can give me an answer to this it will make my day for your information I'm from the UK one thing is food delivery since one of the American stereotypes is that everyone is fat and lazy this one was actually a big surprise where I'm from every single place delivers I'm combining the experiences in two adjacent countries so they are very similar even McDonald's and Burger King and even every 5-star exclusive restaurant in one literally 95% of places deliver in the other country most do it for even those that don't we have a service that basically acts as a middleman they compile the menus of every single restaurant in the country or at least within a large area into one large menu book anything you want even if you want five things from five different restaurants you Cal them and order it they charge a small added fee I don't remember what it is maybe 16% but in these countries everything is so much cheaper than in the US so it's not really a lot more but so anyway when I moved to the US I was pretty dang surprised that so few places deliver but mostly just crappy Chinese food or pizza or sushi a few extra random places that's basically it God held this country if McDonald's ever delivers having tax added on when you get to the till that is price tag says five dollars you take a five dollar bill out of your wallet then BAM you're asked to pay five dollars and 86 cents or whatever met some Swiss guys at a house party after a mutual friend's wedding they couldn't believe that we were all that chilly drinking out of Red Solo cups it blew their minds they kept on taking pictures and saying it's just like the movies that's actually kind of cute I remember in high school some Japanese students came for like a week and they took a picture with just about every blonde girl in the school and they thought every blonde was a cheerleader because of movies they were so excited probably not the weirdest but I recently realized Americans have to register to vote in here it's just you're 18 you can vote in many states registering to vote means checking a box when you renew your drivers license or filling out a form at City Hall or on the internet you'll booze alcohol and gas are really cheap also you sell alcohol in gas stations very dependent upon where you live it can vary wildly from County to County even where I live you can buy beer only in grocery stores not gas stations but you can only buy hard liquor and specialized stores for the next county over you can only buy beer and gas stations not the grocery stores and you can only buy hard liquor from the county owned liquor store asking strangers how are you without expecting an actual answer it always felt so weird to answer with a how you myself and the huge bottles of pills I bought one thousand aspirin for like six dollars and could barely believe it my now retired parents take golf holidays in the u.s. from time to time things they noticed is different in or odd one many areas have no sidewalks to the size of food servings in restaurants is 50 100 percent bigger than in Europe of three outside off city centers you almost never see public buses or people on bikes at four houses in new a bit upscale developments are huge compared to Europe who'd want to live in an 8 bedroom for bathroom house two people and two kids my mother said just think of the cleaning 5 so weird being in a supermarket not knowing how much things actually cost tax v80 is added at the counter often at very different numbers for different items six Americans are extremely friendly almost to an uncomfortable degree for some when my parents got slightly lost and had to ask for directions after five minutes twenty people with huge smiles were surrounding them trying their utmost to help of several offering rides back to their hotel how your toilets are full right up with water how's the guy supposed to pee quietly in public places urinals are a thing in private places the side of the bowl my friend Canadian who lived in the US for a couple years I may be way off and please educate me if I am I always thought states were like provinces in other countries but it seems more like each state is closer to being its own country and counties are more closely compared to provinces the amount of power each state has within itself is quite a bit and the federal government is something unlike any other when I saw this the name of your country the United States of America became more of a description in a country itself of course I know that in reality the u.s. is a country and the states are not but the amount of diversity and autonomy between each state is nothing like I imagined anywhere else I've seen to be fair almost nothing in the u.s. is grape flavored it's purple flavored driving above the speed limit constantly not so much weird but I was actually really surprised at how big of a subject food is in your general conversations maybe it was just a people I met but seriously every time someone mentions they're going to a specific town oh you got to try that pizza place there people talking about new burger joints that open door how they're going to this restaurant that serves pancakes with bananas or whatever the image about Americans and food in France is that you guys don't really care you always eat at fast food restaurants or just microwave everything because you don't ker quantity over quality but that is so untrue Oh God how much you care about food we definitely have differing standards of quality and food and drinks compared to you guys but damn it if you guys are passionate about it people not from the USA what American food are you most interested in trying I came to Louisiana from Scotland so my introduction to Cajun food started with a chicken and andouille sausage gumbo then a crawfish boil I stayed for the food the women I married one and the weather one hugely overlooked soul food is red beans and rice I work for a British company at the American office and we frequently have visitors to 20-somethings in the office requested the following Taco Bell chick-fil-a White Castle sorry just got crystals good American barbecue they've also gone to a shooting range played their first game of softball will be attending their first Braves game tomorrow and went to Dan and Buster's good American barbecue all 30-plus regional varieties I've always felt like I needed Cajun in my life I have no idea what it is or what's in it but it looks so good in movies I don't even know if you can get any of the ingredients or spices where I live but I know I want it it is good as a Canadian I hear about po-boys some sort of sandwich from the South definitely would like to give it a try someday specifically from Louisiana always served on French bread usually fried shrimp fried oysters or roast beef with gravy often offered dressed with lettuce tomato pickles and mayonnaise they're good if you're ever in New Orleans give them a shot chicken and waffles with maple syrup sounds so wrong but still I need to try this I want to go to an American State Fair and eat everything in sight you would die biscuits and gravy I've seen pictures of it before it's not at all what I imagined when I hear biscuits and gravy and I want to know what that is supposed to taste like root beer because my friend just goes on and on about it technically a drink not a food but hopefully I get to pass on that oh god I have a list tater tots crawfish Maryland crab cake apple pie made by a small white-haired grandma are from Georgia pecan pie key lime pie smoked brisket Maine lobster roll chocolate chip cookies Chicago hot dog Tex and chili sloppy joe onion rings beef jerky peach cobbler biscuits and gravy Philly cheesesteak not that my country doesn't have crawfish but we don't have those crawfish boils those look like a lot of fun they're basically an excuse to get drunk and gorge yourself on spicy vegetables and crawdads it's fantastic I've been to some with so much food in the boil that they spread a tarp over a flat hay wagon and served it off of that a homemade complete Thanksgiving dinner I've been to the States around that time and ate a Thanksgiving dinner but it was a catering company serving food to over 1,000 people while it was not terrible it was mostly bland and made off pre-prepared food but it made me want to try a home made one with roasted and stuffed turkey gravy real cranberry sauce and that weird sweet potato with marshmallow thing visit the u.s. in November and just bring up this desire to literally anyone and everyone you talk to I guarantee someone will invite you over really keen for some good old traditional Louisiana gumbo recipe sounds so difficult though and I haven't come across it on menus here in oz would love to go to New York have a pizza go to Chicago and have a pizza just so I can join the discussion of who has better pizza look what you've done you tearing my country apart sweet potato and pumpkin pie only thing is the stores only sell pumpkins around Halloween and canned pumpkin is only imported from the US and hence expensive for your information pumpkin pie is made from smaller sweeter pie pumpkins and not a larger jack-o'-lantern carving pumpkins also like butternut squash is often used in pumpkin products so you might be able to Google up a recipe with substitutions or if you're looking for a gardening project grow your own squash I'm basically a bottomless pit that can and will try to eat anything so I've sampled quite a bit of the stuff that is common across the US but what about state dishes I want to try seafood gumbo you got a try some jambalaya it's easier to make to worth the acid reflux I've been lucky to travel to the States loads and eating a crap-ton when in Rome and all that jazz anyway I'd probably like to try buffalo wings actually in Buffalo don't know if that makes them better but I imagine there's lots of places claiming they were the original creators so I just go round stuff in me face there's like 3-4 places that say they're the home of the original corn dogs we've all seen them on TV or in movies but I'm still not sure I know what one even is I work at an American restaurant in Germany and right now our summer menu is corn dogs the direct translation is hot dogs in corn jackets corned beef Reuben thinly sliced layers of delicious corned beef topped with slightly melting Swiss cheese that hugs into a layer of sauerkraut all flavored with a decent spoonful of either russian dressing or Thousand Island on marbled rye bread I would love to try it because I've tried it again and again and again I miss the Reuben I want a corn dog and I want chicken and waffles and I want sweet potato pie and I want more fried chicken and I want gumbo and I want jambalaya and didn't I like food : three you want to live in the south I only recently discovered there was more than one type of barbecue sauce for example Kansas Alabama white sauce Carolina mustard barbecue sauce etc this blew my mind and I was so excited I tracked down a bottle of South Carolina mustard barbecue sauce I am now absolutely hooked on the stuff so are a couple of friends and my dad I feel like my barbecue food has been a lie until now as a result I'm now excited to try loads more different u.s. style barbecue foods and sauces heading out there for a few weeks later this year fully intend to gorge myself any particular recommendations also in and out burger I hear nothing but good things and can't wait to see how good they really are there are multiple Carolina bbq's sources we argue about it a lot they are sorted by the base source ketchup mustard or vinegar Texan barbecue especially brisket Louisiana Creole and Cajun cuisine lobster roll here in Australia those M they're expensive so putting it on white bread roll is kind of a waste men are here some Maine lobster rolled lightly in mayonnaise put on to a roll that's being buttered and toasted on a grill ultimate summer food biscuits as in biscuits and gravy we have nothing in comparison in the UK Hobnobs and Bisto just isn't the same friend of mine came here from the UK and must have bought 20 different cereals and ten flavors of pop-tarts he was upset that he was just scratching the surface of the breakfast Isle should have taken him to her old-school diner for breakfasts grits what in the world are grapes as a Canadian I always thought that grits were the leftovers you have after eating at a restaurant the stuff you take home in a doggie bag apparently I'm wrong you need to watch my Cousin Vinny full of the barbecue food it's delicious seriously pulled pork is a staple and so simple ribs are great when cooked properly good old barbecue is my go-to for comfort food had friends visiting from Nice France once and when they left they took a gallon jug of maple syrup they were sooo excited corn dogs until about four days ago I thought it was deep friend corn flour dough on a stick for some reason I never exempted it to contain a hot dog that stuff you only see at county fairs the stuff that looks like it might actually kill you that stuff watch carnival eats on Food Network or YouTube real genuine BB Q barbecue in the UK is a sad affair of burnt sausages and seasoned chicken and miserable cheap beef burgers that taste of nothing it's not a meal or even a social event it's a stubborn determination to enjoy the summer in fierce defiance of the fact that it is in fact overcast and possibly raining there will be beer it will be warm and have a dead wasp in it at some point someone will suggest swingball or possibly badminton without a net everyone pretends to be having a good time because it's a barbecue it's a bleeding ritual of uniquely British misery is what it is maybe I've just built up real American barbecues in my head too much but they sound delicious they sound fun so Louisiana food makes waves around the world Brit here I've tried your candy marshmallow fluff and the such from American sections of supermarkets but freak me do I wish I could get root beer at fast-food places and cheetah's whenever I want plus shack soda is so good I am American but I'd just like to point out the life-changing wonder food known as the chili dog add it to your list when you come to the u.s. sloppy joes cartoons and movies made it look really tasty bagels I tried it once in NY but var are so many varieties and combinations to try as well drools also no one gets it right anywhere else Long Island are here I take quality bagels for granted far too often a real egg bagel toasted with veggie cream cheese that's how you start the day green bean casserole I've heard this exists but I've never seen it on a menu green bean casserole is more of a family gathering meal we'll eat it at family reunions and holidays I'm from Canada and I've never seen a white castle and always wanted to go Harold and Kumar hyped it up and I just wanted try it Australian here I want to try frickin everything in Walmart or Costco or whatever the heck it is you guys have so many different versions of Doritos chocolate bars chewing gum snacks and soft drinks and it's in ridiculously fricking huge portions and it's cheap and I want it all I saw these frozen cheesy burrito bites things in the background of one of ihubs his videos months ago and I still think about them often I want to move to America eat so much I become morbidly obese and I between swigs of my two-liter bottle and Diet Mountain Dew that's the dream I'm in the US and have never heard of frozen Doritos beef jerky seems really interesting crawfish boil will happily settle for anything that's Cajun Creole here it is July and no one asking about s moles yet forget carnival food s mores are amazing the in GD answer available in the US and Canada and a fake nowhere else this s'mores are awesome and are hard to replicate no s'mores flavored item or s'mores like thing does the real thing justice I was watching a baseball game on TV I think Blue Jays vs. Rangers and during a stoppage they were showing a concession stand making this giant hotdog like three feet long covered in chili cheese onions and all kinds of other delicious things to my god he looked so good I wonder how many people it would take to finish that thing grits authentic Louisiana gumbo and jambalaya those french dip sandwiches a proper Chicago style pizza traditional Thanksgiving dinner now I am hungry a traditional American Thanksgiving meal is amazing it's by far my favorite holiday for that reason juicy turkey mashed potatoes and gravy green bean casserole homemade rolls with lots of butter all throughout my life I had been interested in what a Twinkie tasted like since there was so much hype about them in America I thought that they must be pretty good then one day I went to a shop that sold American treats and of course I bought a Twinkie and I thought it tasted disgusting Mexican here.your versions of Mexican food just to compare what's an American issue you are to European to understand obligatory I am an American but work remotely for a European country my European colleagues cannot wrap their heads around the fact that I most Americans do not have employment contracts recently I had a conversation with a colleague and I could see how visibly glitch after she made a comment about something being in my employment contract and I told her that I don't have one I was originally hired by a u.s. office I interviewed and was eventually offered the job verbally the company then sent me an offer letter that outlined starting salary number of vacation days ten days another thing that surprised my EU colleagues and basic benefits we negotiated finalized numbers salary and I got a revised letter through a number of circumstances I was transferred to our home office in Europe my manager is there my team is there etc and I work remotely from the US over the years I've negotiated raises and more vacation time through my managers and our CEO but don't have a contract the offer letter is not a contract in the u.s. most officer employees at will which means that we can be terminated at any time as long as it's not a discriminatory reason on the flipside we can quit whenever we want though it's traditional to give at least a 2 weeks notice why pay five hundred bucks just arrival we would car one thousand dollars fi source road in one before the McDonald's ice cream machine being broken dude we don't get it either I've lived in the US for thirty plus years and I still don't understand the fraternity sorority system I was in one and I still don't understand one where are the streetlights in mostly part of the neighborhoods at least here in SD have a walk after sunset is risky cause is pretty dark two cars passing you and highway by the right line three driving with 16 y/o voting with 18 yo but not being able to drink until 21 yo crazy if cars are passing you on the right it's cuz you're slow why pay for the bigger soda cup if there are free refills for the small McDonald's actually charges the same price for any size so you might as well get a big one for when you leave Fife's actually having data caps on wire connections in 2019 why are you incapable of building bathroom stalls without a 5 centimeter gap in it for everyone asking what 5 centimeters is it is roughly 2 inches or 0.1 6 6 6 6 7 feet in your fantastic way of measuring things I'll be honest I didn't even realize that other countries didn't have a gap in the stall I don't know why we do sticking stuff into laws that have nothing to do with law itself you'd have law on traffic safety and somebody would stick in passage writer I believe they are called that prohibits abortion without consent F the Father I mean how can you even stick a clause that has nothing to do with actual topic it makes your opposition look bad you can run a campaign that against them saying they're against the traffic safety law without giving details your bathrooms what idiot thought it was okay to have very small doors with gaps on all sides in every stall how are you supposed to quietly poop and stinking fart without everyone seeing you I can understand why you are so afraid of gender-neutral bathrooms I'm still baffled by it to Black Friday every time I see a video about it I cringe the behavior depicted is always utterly disgusting and so unbelievably primal over here we have a prolonged period where extreme sales are allowed and even though there's more shoppers than normal I can't recall people being desperate for a stupid discounted item I've been to several Black Friday's in a ton of big stores and I've never seen anything close to what videos show I also live in the Midwest and people are really antisocial here I went to Walmart last time and I saw max of maybe 20 people lunch date why is that a thing why are the children being held accountable and unable graduates it's a goddamn lunch I once had a letter sent home because I was $20 in lunch debt pretty crazy how that is but whatever Asian here but why wear shoes inside your homes I live in Arizona scorpions is why why do you pay the taxes yourself it's way easier to have it done for you by your state country since you have to pay anyway showing prices before tax like my dudes it looks cheaper but I T ain't I G mang i G anything that happens in high school really if you're going by our films those are full of exaggerated stereotypes real high schools rarely resemble the movies the lack of paid maternity leave the thought of having to hand my children to strangers and go back to work weeks after giving birth nobody seems enraged about what that must do to babies and mothers I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the prison population school debts a lot of this had to do with the federal government getting into the student loan business they will basically give a loan to anyone with a pulse regardless of what they're majoring in or how long they're going to school for in turn colleges raise their tuition costs because they knew that the government would foot the bill before the government got involved college was actually affordable drinking at age 21 I mean for real I live in Austria and the legal drinking age here is 16 why do you only have two political parties and power that alternate each other looks nervously in UK having to register for voting what why don't you just get a letter at home stating you only need that letter in the Nate show up here or there on that day and that's it the double moral when it comes to sex and sexuality a lot of us Americans don't understand this situation either why does Ross the largest friend not simply eat the other friends it is true what they say Americans are from our Makran Percy seven Europeans are from Omicron Persei nine drinking tap water I'm used to drinking tap water all day I never buy water since it's the same as tap water American here I grew up on well water I love water out of the faucet I don't buy water bottles either everyone does seem to have a betta filter or some sorts or filter water from their fridge American here I have a British friend who didn't understand why most Americans prefer coffee as opposed to tea I kind of feel England is the oddball there though the top coffee consuming nations are in Europe not rioting or demonstrating I mean I'm French so the bias is big here American work culture euro here I have direct experience of working in high-tech office environment u.s. folk arrived and early and leave late but productivity is rubbish people seem to spend so much time wandering the corridors in our 37.5 hours we easily I did as much as the u.s. 5060 hours we figured it was all about being seen to be a hard worker as job security was so flimsy can someone in Europe or Germany specifically tell me how David Hasselhoff became so famous there after a so-so run in the States he had a concert in Germany at the time the war fell and now Hasselhoff brought down the wall is used as a joke 50k for a university while average American earns around 40k bucks why the Kardashians are even placed too popular at all don't worry that confuses us Americans also why they use other measuring units instead of the international ones a holdover from the British spreading imperial measurements and their empire days so really it's because you all gave them to us in Norway we pay a deposit every time we buy soft drinks beer et Cie and get that money refunded when we return the empty bottles back to the store why don't you have that I don't get it it's good for the environment and prevents people from just tossing them around everywhere why the health care system hasn't caused little riots yet people literally dying because they cannot afford to pay for their insulin anymore true story I'm insulin dependent and if I didn't have insurance I definitely wouldn't be able to pay $400 for 15 days worth of insulin that whole pledging allegiance to the flag thing that's just so weird to us if Germany started doing it everyone would be crapping their pants the fact that a town with 30,000 inhabitants is small I mean when you have cities across the country with well over one millimeter people 30k seems pretty small my bet is at a ton of these differences can be explained by the percentage of Americans who live in rural areas relative to the percentage of Europeans living in rural areas in any given country there are twice as many people in Europe in a land area that's about the same size as the u.s. people live in closer proximity to other people huge portions of the American population live in rural areas celebrate that fact and have more conservative values and opinions associated with living in rural areas rural Europeans aren't less conservative and rural Americans they just make up a smaller portion of the population and are relatively less isolated this might be a point anything rural where I live probably still isn't going to be more than half an hour drive from a city these king-sized drinks in fast-food joints who can drink that much the obsession women worship of your military how is the death penalty justified when one it's been proven that innocent people have been executed - it doesn't make even a dent in the prison population not even 0.01 percent 3 it doesn't save money because of the necessary see point 1 lengthy trial and appeals process for it doesn't act as a deterrent because criminal psychology and basic common sense says that people who commit serious crimes do not believe they will be caught and do not wear life sentences against capital punishment murder suicide is quite popular 5 most of the world has abolished or is in the process of abolishing it leaving pretty much only the worst names like North Korea Saudi Arabia and China how only 36 percent of Americans have a passport worrying about medical bills I mean I cannot comprehend how simple operations will end up costing five six budgets it literally makes no sense everyone must have their own vehicle for a leading first world country how can it be that public transport isn't getting the attention it deserves police brutality every day I see here another innocent person being killed by police why aren't Americans putting these cops to jail for murder in Europe even firing a warning shot is taken super seriously how the public opinion can be so turned against things that are actually beneficial to the people and to you because they are not in line with your political ideology because they are not proposed by somebody you voted for or because you were told to hated by your clearly biased news broadcasting network glorification of authority and institutions just because they exist lobbyism how come that some rich [ __ ] can literally buy politicians and have some serious influence on their duty imagine thinking European politicians and board this is the goodest flyboy he will bring you ten years of happiness in exchange for a like on this video I hope you enjoyed the video if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 202,771
Rating: 4.8071933 out of 5
Keywords: reddit 1 hour, 1 hour, compilation, american, murica, muricans, america, usa, americans only, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: bzQxD_Hobbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 20sec (5000 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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