What's The Best Way Someone Can Rebel Against School Rules? (r/Askreddit)

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what's the best way you've seen someone rebel against school rules kid puts in the trash can when the substitutes wouldn't let him leave to use the restroom I'll never understand Bulls rules about not being able to use the restroom for 10 minutes or whatever the Frick arbitrary time is set we had a French teacher who was really bad and most people barely tolerated it happened a few times that whoever arrived first would stand outside her door as if waiting for her to show up and unlock it and the rest of the class would just queue up behind them pretending to believe them I mean while the teacher would just be sitting inside wondering where her class was late eighties my high school band tank tops but they were allowed with something over them they also banned mesh or shear shirts only allowed with something under them guy I knew pretty much everyday wore a tank top with a mesh shirt over it I went to a Catholic grade school growing up that had a strict boys hair length policy it couldn't touch the collar of your shirt and I wanted long hair so the principal came in one day to talk to the class when she was leaving the room she called me out for my long hair in front of my classmates my response was to point of the cross hanging above the door and said Jesus had long hair she didn't know what to say right away and seemed embarrassed but then pulled me outside and yelled at me to get it cut don't mess with Catholic nuns you can almost call it a Hail Mary tactic back in the 1980s there was one kid in my school was hardcore into the punk scene had a bright blue six inches high razor thin stand up straight Mohawk the principal gave him detention for being a distraction etc and his parting words that day were in tomorrow no more blue mohawk the next day the kid came in with the same mohawk only bright pink he should have seen this one coming senior year my school band jackets a friend was cold while his jacket to lunch and the VP told him to take it off friend pulls out the student handbook and asked where it said he couldn't wear it VP flips for a while and ends up showing Himba or anything the administration seems disruptive friend rolls his eyes but takes off his coat the next day friend comes in with the same tweed sport coat the VP wore every day not me but my friend's dad so a good 50 years ago his teacher told him his tie was the most important part of the uniform and he had to wear it no matter what that lunchtime he gathered half his school year in the next day about 100 people turned up wearing nothing but underwear and a tie in third grade early 90s my brother did not want to participate in some sort of multiple class activity he just hung around the edges until a teacher approached him and told him now dear you can't be here without participating brother took one she said to heart and waited for a chance to slip away he made it about three miles before a family friend noticed him and drove him the rest of the way home I remember mom being upset at him but even more angry at the school for taking four hours to notice he was gone when they took a headcount after lunch one day my friends and I had gotten to school early for an extracurricular event after the event we decided we weren't really feeling school that day and decided to do the three-hour walk home one of my friend's mother saw us about 2.5 hours into the walk a guy I know ran a campaign to lift my old high school strict policy on facial hair which is to have none unless religiously exempt which they gave you a card for that eye and probably others called the beard badge he refused to shave and had a banner and shirts made that said where the great beard comes great responsibility someone stole a key from the janitor he just left them on his desk it happened to be a universal key to Olga locks except for the server room the server room although had a second hidden door which they found they came in after school and stole the service from the school all the grades and data for the students were on those servers the teachers had to figure out how to recreate all the students grades which honestly they did poorly pretty much everyone passed every class you could just argue for a better grade my brother missed enough school during the year that the school required he attend summer school the penalty for not attending summer school you'll be kicked out of summer school so he never went and they didn't hold him back because he knew all the material blistering heat to the point of people passing out were all forced to wear black trousers were dying of the heart and a guy comes in in shorts get sent home only to return after reading the school rules on uniform he is in a school colors plaid skirt freaking legendary I was in a Christian high school at the time the day before winter break rolls around and I had packed a few table and chocolate bars and some notes for the teachers I most appreciated with the intention of leaving them as a Christmas gift before school the principal made a public announcement that students were not to give any teachers any gifts unless we were going to give all teachers the same gift this was obviously a bit of a problem since I couldn't exactly come back the next day with additional candy bars so I marched into her office to address this issue upon entering the office I made a show of opening a chocolate bar and breaking off exactly one piece and placing it on her desk I told her that I was going to give her a full candy bar but I now had to share her chocolate bar with other teachers that I didn't really care so much about anyways that rule was quietly lifted now share I T when I was in grade seven our last class of the day students would always bring in snacks our lunch it was way too early in the day so by the end of the school day we'd all be feeling hungry and we were all told by our teacher that if we didn't have enough to share we couldn't eat in the classroom one day almost all of us brought in enough food to share even with the students that didn't bring anything in we even synchronized the times that we pulled all our food out our teacher was clueless she had no idea what to tell us there wasn't any school-wide no food in classrooms rule so she couldn't run to the principal finally she gave in to our malicious compliance and allowed us to share food for the rest of the period Soviet anthem plays in my private school boys were required to wear a collared shirt it really wasn't enforced until one day it was I was wearing a sweater without a collared shirt underneath and I had to go back to the dorm and change I argued that I didn't look ratty or underdressed at all but they said rules were rules the next day I wore a white t-shirt with a collar cut off from one of my old asserts stapled to it it looked terrible but rules are rules DIY bills okay so we need to have clear backpacks right this kid puts quite the vulgar image depicting the counselor on one of his notebooks and packs it against the edges of the pack guns and drugs the kind of thing that kids aren't supposed to have so they just toss them into their backpack loose like a knot wrapped up or stuck into a book or something after nine stroke 11 my school made a rule where we had to whereas clubs they went overboard quick handing out detention to anyone who didn't wear one one kid had his head blown up and put on a shirt on the back it said yes I'm wearing my f king it he got detention for not wearing it with the shirt we had to do that too but then everyone started using them as weapons and whipping the crap out of each other in the hallway or Indiana Jones snapping it at some Peters it lasted less than a year before they took them away a kid was passing notes and the teacher caught him and insisted he had to give the note so she could read it out loud he ate the note I can only imagine what it said that he felt the need to eat at law I was at a private school that had rules about the length of boys hair one guy in particular always ignored the rule and the administration would tell him to get a haircut every so often but he never did eventually when his hair got about down to his shoulders the principal pulled him aside and told him his hair was twice the allowed lengthened by next week it needed to be shortened by half Monday rolls around and he comes in with half his head shaved and the other side as long as ever we were impressed by literal interpretation of the principal's request but it still ended up with him getting a suspension for a weekend he had to shave the other side before he could come back he should have just combed the half over when I was in high school there was a rule implemented that if you showed up late to school you had to go to the front office to get a detention slip you would then have to give it to the teacher for that period who would then mark it down and you were required to go to lunch detention for that day I figured out by the third slip that literally no one cared teachers security or students so when I was subsequently late for the rest of the year I would take out an old slip that I had from a previous detention walk through school give it to my teacher to mark down then take it back to give to the lunch detention supervisor but I never went to detention because the front office didn't have record of me being late I was late no less than fifty times my senior year only having been reprimanded the initial three times I even told my parents about it after I had graduated and even they agreed it was dumb and funny there was a presentation on vaping last year by some poor woman from an advocacy group or something after every sentence or whenever she paused the whole assembly all 300 kids in my grade would give a massive standing ovation we weren't stopped until we had done it like 15 times during my senior year of high school 2008 my school got super strict about cell phones it got to the point that we weren't allowed to have them out during any points in the day not even during our lunch period they claimed that we would send each other tests answers or something like that anyway a friend of mine who was a year below me was tired of the rule and how rude teaches well when enforcing it he literally looked at his phone to check the time and God had taken from him for the rest of the day that next week he comes to lunch with two older non-functioning flip phones he takes the first out and pretends that he's talking to someone on it a teacher was instantly on him they walk over and hold their hand out for him to give it up he looks at the teacher and then proceeds to break the flip phone in half and puts it in their hand and the teacher was speechless she just walked away without saying anything he takes the second phone out and does the same thing again the second teacher thought it was pretty funny flash forward to 2015 and I start working at the school as a student mentor and now everyone is allowed to have their phones out pretty much at any time how things change my school had the same rules we would play on our calculators in class and make it look like we were on our phones so when the teacher came to take it away they were rather embarrassed they realized they fell right into our trap likewise some kids would purposefully get their phones taken away only to have a friend spam call the phone that got taken away to cause even more other distraction guy was wearing shoes against the uniform policy and was asked to put on shoes from lost property he went around school barefoot all day after the Columbine shooting our school banned black trench coats for the most part nobody cared except the mysteriously gothic trench coat kid he had won a trademark black trench coat every single day because it made him different and then all of a sudden the school tells him he can't do that anymore so the kid went out of his way to find or make different colored trench coats and wore those instead that my favorite one was covered in duct tape TLDR Gothic Joseph and the Technicolor trench coat reminds me of a guy who came to school every day dressed in old-fashioned formal clothing suits top hats cravats fake fur coats I bumped into him the other day and he still dresses like that I'm glad he does my daughter's both went to a Catholic high school my younger one had a bit of a wild streak the girls were required to wear a skirt every day to school my daughter did not care for this rule and wore her skirt around her head one day since the dress code required the students to wear a skirt just not where I was told that she was wearing spandex underneath that's how my daughter got a new rule in her high school dress code it wasn't a big defiant act or anything but I loved it and it always stuck with me one day in high school we had a particularly hard snow we were certain school would be canceled but one wonk no dice no one was allowed to leave the building during lunch but a bunch of kids said Frick it that day and ran outside to have a big old snowball fight we all watched as they had an awesome time and a couple of roundest joined in I was too chicken crap they all got detention but I know it was worth it it was so simple and harmless and I remember it almost 15 years later that sucks that they gave detention for having a snowball fight I swear high schools treat their students like prisoners we weren't allowed to wear sweaters that weren't from school this rule was never really enforced but they had just come out with a new sweater design after like 20 years of not having one and they wanted to get all the money from the students a good I like a good student started going to school with the school sweater one from 20 years ago that I found in my dad's closet there were many confused faces and the principal's office that day but ultimately me and my sweater lost I had a teacher who got into a power struggle with every reasonably smart kid so we tended not to try in her class as a result she began to grade the progress monitoring tool we used this proved to me that a tool didn't matter if it did she would have graded it from the start instead of waiting until she realized she looked bad so I began to fail every test I took on the platform she was really angry at me and told me to call my parents but my parents backed me because choosing to fail is not a violation of any rule I should have used that with my parents Elementary School had a ban on extreme hair colors my brother shows up with firetruck red hair principal stops us both as we're entering the school and she's going off on my brother she's berating him saying who do you know that has red hair like that without skipping a beat Ronald McDonald principal just grabbed him drugged him into the office my fourth-grade brain was in shock that he just won up to grown-up like that she called my dad he promptly didn't give a fricken months later bro went from red to green to purple which she called my dad and he promptly didn't give a Frick this is a delightful turn of phrase in high school during the student body president election my friend started a campaign that was kind of a meme at the time it was a poster that featured a green faceless figure in a suit that said vote for nobody nobody tells the truth nobody will fight for you nobody cares with nobody being personified as this faceless figure we put up posters for it with all the others and even started a Facebook page for jokes my buddy even had a green full-body morph suit and planned on running onstage during the other speeches and dancing around eventually the admins got word what he wanted to do and called him in and told him if he so much as even went to the assembly in costume or not he would be suspended so he didn't go to the assembly and all the posters were taken down instead he just showed up to school in the suit and just walked around waving at people and giving finger guns at passers-by he was suspended anyway and went down as a legend for it no one recognizes the green faceless figure in a suit as old anonymous I am saddened in 11th grade now thirty years ago we were told to use Memorial Day as a whether makeup day from Hurricane Hugo US students and many teachers felt this was disrespectful and suggested to just add the date of the end of the school year the state insisted very few people showed up for school including me my brother and most of the faculty but same but ours was on a Saturday almost no one came to school a buddy of mine was caught messing with his phone during class back then the school rules were that if you were caught your phone was confiscated for an entire day and you couldn't get it back until the next day this was before smart phones and the rules have changes since the 10 years that I graduated there so buddy hands in his phone but doesn't seem to worries about it he waits a couple of classes until lunch break and asks me to come with him he's gonna get his phone back we go to the staff room where the confiscated phones were held and asks a teacher there if he could copy down a phone number into my phone so he could call his dad later that day teacher agrees and gives him the phone I hand him mine and we wait for him to copy the number when he's done he gives me mine back and sticks his own phone in his pocket he was known as a bit of a joker so when he jokingly said well thanks a lot CR the teacher immediately laughs tells him to stop messing about and to give the phone back laughing and joking about being caught he does but not really see he had a second phone exact same model except this one was broken wouldn't charge anymore he said so when he stuck his good phone in his pocket it was right next to the broken one when the teacher made him give back the phone he just gave back the broken one it was the best switcheroo I have ever seen in my time at that school he was so fluent so nonchalant about the whole thing it was amazing to see yet that rule is a terrible rule thank goodness I've never been in a school with that rule my phones my only alarm and without it I'd sleep in an extra five hours true story our school had a rule that boys couldn't wear shorts girls could wear skirts though in the deep south it gets hot shoes were not in the dress code I didn't wear shoes for two weeks other folks followed suit school amended their dress code that year added shorts and shoes I'll never understand the southern dress code I've live in the north Midwest and south you could wear whatever length shorts you want in the north and Midwest but heaven forbid you wear a tank top complete opposite in the south everyone at my high school had to wear jeans but could wear tank tops ridiculous teachers said boys neither shirts tucked in never said how much needs to be tucked in so when one of my friends got told to tuck in his shirt he stood still used one finger and tucked in a tiny portion of the back of his shirt into his pants then walked off it was later called to the office because they thought he was acting out and not obeying rules but the kids parents said that he followed the rule it never said the whole shirt needs to be tucked in so the principal three and teacher all have to let a kid off the next day the principal makes an announcement to the whole school that boys need to have their entire shirt tucked in the entire way we laughed about it someone should have taken off their entire shirt and put it in their pants this was prior to smartphones circa 2002 one of my classmates was a regular class clown he would buy brownies in the cafeteria and roll them up in his hand so they looked like a convincing piece of poo he would then do all sorts of antics with this poo put it on seats throw it at people what-have-you obviously the school staff caught on and he got in trouble this guy didn't go quietly though he was required to sit alone at lunch for the entire school year there were months left before summer the one teacher who made sure his punishment was severe made regular rounds of the lunchroom to maintain order she would pass his lone seat during her rounds one day he made another very convincing pastry sourced poo and had it ready for her when she passed the entire lunchroom was watching out of the corner of their eyes while maintaining an alibi conversation with the people close to them when she passed he stood up and snuck behind her and slipped the pastry poo in her purse that she was carrying on her shoulder and he quickly ran back to his seat the lunchroom burst into laughter and the teacher had no idea why until later on course the dude was an artist at rebellion you really have to be a psychopath to do this and by this I mean forcing a kid to eat alone for a whole year the canteen stopped selling sachets of red sauce due to the mess some kids were making my friend carried a huge bottle of red sauce in his bag for at least a month and provided a legal red sauce for the cost of five people were to for tuned I transferred to a high school in the deep south my junior year from an American school for serviceman's Families in Germany they had just introduced a dress code and so everyone was rebelling against it one of my male friends wore a dress which adhered to the dress code he got suspended for creating a disturbance by rollerblade it's a school and I realized that rollerblades met with the dress code shoes will be worn at all times and cover the heel and toes so I or them to school my homeroom teacher thought it was hilarious the principal did not he pulled me into his office and told I had to change because of insurance liability I explained that I had been skating since I was two I had more experience on skates than some of the freshmen had walking he agreed but sawed-off pleaded I told him I saw his point but the dress code stated that shoes had to be worn at all times and I'd forgotten them in homeroom so he grabbed a random freshman out of the hall to fetch them for me I also did the rollerblades hunt against the dress code play one day I think the principal found it more amusing than harmful and gave me no punishment when I agreed to not do it again friend was told in high school by his guidance counselor not to waste his time applying to his dream school because he wouldn't get in he got P off and went to the principal who told him it was the counselors job to give her best opinion so he trusts whatever she says he applied anyways and got in he took the acceptance letter made a copy and taped them to both the principal and counselors door with thanks for nothing written on both he didn't even go to that school he couldn't afford it but it was the principle of the matter the I trust what my counselors say thing is such a lazy attempt for for the principal to essentially say I don't want to deal with trouble from my staff so I won't even address the problem at vending machines outside the buildings the do two summers shatter vandalizing them this understandably P the school board off the machines were put off limits but could not be powered down due to some kind of contractual obligation of constant availability in an effort to combat that faculty were posted at the machines during class changes to prevent purchases but thankfully no one was posted at the machines during class time mind you this is 1997 to 1999 era we weren't happy as it was our sole source of caffeine on campus we decided to heck with that and made purchases during class me being the life tiny guy I was was conscripted to be the buyer while the teacher was either out of the room or indisposed or less be honest intentionally distracted I would collect cash requests four at a time and hop out the emergency escape window that they had opted to not have an Elan on and walk 20 feet to the soda machine and make my purchase this went on for some time until the drink company's lambasted the school board for not restocking their dwindling supplies allegedly as per contract they put two and two together and realized that purchases were still being made apparently I was not the only gopher and lifted the ban on my last year my high school was always issuing new dress code rules for the girls miniskirts had to be longer than your arm no tube tops etc one day all the boys dressed in drag breaking all the rules no violation because the dress code specified only girls that's bulls if you got long a bombs you gotta wear stuff down to your knees if you got short but t-rex arms you can just walk around in your underwear it's not really a rebellion against the rules but a good friend of mine had a special talents to make teachers like him despite having no respect for the actual school system he used to study on his own to ace the tests rarely showed up to classes he didn't like and still got perfect report cards with high praises from all the teachers the height of it was where he convinced his homeroom teacher to come pick him up from the beach before an important test he eventually went on to have a great military career but if he ever gets into politics I wouldn't be surprised if he somehow managed to convince everyone that world domination under his rule was their idea I think I like this guy sounds like the type of dude who could led us to world peace without anybody realizing what he's doing or alternatively led us all to world anihilation so let's hope he uses his powers for good one of my classmates got sent to the office for wearing gang colors because he has a red Marine Corp bandanna tied to his backpack the rest of the year he wore a pinstripe suite with vest and carried a fedora funny how the Mafia isn't considered a gang at my middle school you weren't allowed to use phones on campus including after school a lot of my friends and I had no choice but to stay late after a school so we asked our security guards if we could use our phones and his answer was as long as your bus is on this campus you can't use your phones until after 4:00 we also had a rule saying that once you left campus you can't come back without a reason like an extracurricular activity bit lucky for us there was a sidewalk right outside the school that we could sit on while still having our feet on the campus so we would sit our asses down on the sidewalk and still be on campus we could use our phones and we could still stay at school no hats in school in high school junior year there was this one kid in my grade that was allowed to due to him having alopecia universalis which is basically having rapid baldness a new teacher wasn't aware that he was allowed to and asked him to take it off the kid explained why he was able to give the sub didn't believe him forced him to take it off and it was being very cruel to him for wearing the hat his lack of hair the next day everyone wore hats to school as a sort of rebellion against the teacher she got really mad and started yelling at the students and said some nasty things she got fired I went to a tiny Baptist high school I had band stickers on the back of my car including one for Beneke ladies this was deemed inappropriate and I had to remove it or I wasn't allowed to drive anymore so I just started parking in the Community College parking lot right next door up against the school's parking lot with my bumper facing the school they couldn't do a damn thing about it I went to a very Christian school where on Halloween we were allowed to dress up for that day that we couldn't wear any unholy outfits like ghosts demons or basically anything scary or witches now my friend had an idea to screw over the teachers so the next day she showed up in a witch costume it was a 17th century Salem witch trials which she's wearing a Puritan dress and holding a Bible the teacher asked who she was she would say I'm a witch the teachers were put in a situation where she was technically a witch but it was historical blah blah blah she did end up into the principal's office for breaking the rules she got to wear it though should have shown up a San Sebastian bloodied with arrows all over you have been visited by the romantic dog ow comment lovers maggots so you never fall in the friendzone like and subscribe you magnificent person [Music]
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 463,850
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Keywords: school, school stories, rebel, school rules, rebel against school, worst rules in school, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: gbPucwaVlbk
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Length: 28min 26sec (1706 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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