What Did You Have to Give Up Because You're Too Old to Use It?

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what's the most favorite thing you had to give up because you grew too old for it roller coasters i can't ride them anymore because i have a bad back and last time i went to busch gardens i got whiplash from riding all of the coasters throughout my back at disney when i rode the mummy returns shame too coasters are one of the only things that make me feel truly alive the mummy ride is at universal if you're ever at disney but are thinking of trying their slightly less intense coasters do not ride the seven dwarfs mine train i don't have back problems i'm only five feet three inches but that ride banged me up so bad it's like it's size four children so if you're over five feet tall you don't fit right and the ride attacks you for it i used to love sleeping in my closet as a kid nestled in there under a bunch of hanging clothes in a pile of pillows blankets and stuffed animals with the most comfy secure cave-like feeling ever so dark too and those were the days sounds peaceful not being in pain i worked hard manual labor through my twenties and i bought into a lot of the toxic he-man crap about not showing weakness so i didn't use the back braces that were readily available i also did do a ton of overhead reaching with heavy materials and i regularly lift and twisted with more weight than was proper because i was stupid my back shoulder and neck are in poor shape but not yet far gone enough for surgery it doesn't ruin my life but it is a regular reminder that what i did when i was younger and thought i was immortal really really matted i'm 30 and officially have started making noises every time i stretch or bend over to pick something up i lift weights and maintain a good weight so it's not even like i'm out of shape i'm just getting old always having a close friend around the older you get the less and less time people have to be around you with families and work people want to destress during the week not entertain company probably was the hardest thing to come to terms with especially since i live alone but i got a dog he's my best friend i wouldn't trade him for the world roller coasters i used to go with my dad and we would ride all of them at the park back to back these days it just hurts my bones and gives me a headache that takes hours to get rid of similar for me with other amusement park rides i get motion sickness pretty easily now swinging i used to swing every day i would listen to music and go out in the backyard and swing for hours just thinking and reflecting and enjoying the repetitive motion i used to love to swing on the swings or even just lightly move back and forth now when i do it i get sick trick or treating last time i went i was 15 i did dress up but still the looks on people's faces when they opened the door told me it was time to stop i've had kids that look 16 stroke 17 trick or treating in my neighborhood since they usually come by late they end up with whatever i got left which is usually a lot since i overbuy binge eating candy it was fun as a kid but buying my own to binge eat is kind of depressing also if i kept doing it i would eventually develop serious health issues yeah as a kid i felt like a king nowadays i'll probably just feel like crying polly pockets i had a massive collection when i was 12 mum said i was too old for dolls and made me give them to my niece i didn't want to but thought i'd get them back for my own kids one day when my niece was told to pass them on to another one of my nieces she did but not before destroying the lot i know they're just dolls but i was devastated now i have a daughter who would have loved them i'm sorry that happened i packed my son's well-loved toys away so they can pass them on to their kids if they have any or to anyone they want when they're older they are 14 and 12 now their favorite teddies stay and if they don't have kids they come back to me lol my 12 you still sleeps with his no one's ever too old for their harmless favorite comforts and happiness i'm not too old yet but i love and respect skateboarding with all my heart and life i may have to stop when i physically can't move anymore people still skate into their 70s but the range of tricks you can do drop significantly when you can't risk slamming into the ground without breaking something i'm 53 and i skate every day no intention of stopping you don't stop skating because you get old you get old because you stop skating skate or die my dude a cardboard box i'd sit in and had drawn in my mind the controls of a rocket ship inside it i'd sneak food from the kitchen to eat because i was sure i'd get hungry on my journey and being so far away it wasn't an option to shout down to mum for food i used to sit in it and my imagination did the rest oh if you could only see the places i've been the journeys i've taken and the adventures i've had 50 plus is old now and i still remember back to those places i've been and seen i miss not hearing myself stand up all my joints pop and i have no clue when i started doing the same dad grunt my father does the playing on playground equipment why is this only for kids why are there not playgrounds for adults and i don't mean gyms or places that you have to pay to get into i mean adult-sized play structures that are free to use at public parks because most of us will fall and hurt ourselves lol rusty f the joy of daydreaming about my future and where life would take me and the amazing things i could do i remember being 16 and realizing that i didn't so much of a future anymore mostly just crap i had to do until i died i could also dream amazing details vividly with my eyes wide open did mostly that during the entire childhood partially carried that habit into my 20s now i realize that is one of the reasons that held me back career-wise eating whatever i wanted never having to consider calories or fat grams i miss being able to eat anything i wanted and never gaining a pound i took it for granted me too it's like eating anything you like has become a maths test calculate your course of action of digesting it first then proceed exhausting water balloons water balloons were at the core of some of my favorite summer moments growing up as i've transitioned from a summer camp counselor to mental health counsellor though water balloons have lost a lot of their utility oh i think throwing water balloons would be great for stress release video games i have less time each year the games require more knowledge and input than they ever did and a lot of games have so much bulls attached that logging in and playing for 30 minutes you might have is a waste of time i still play some but it's getting less but to be fair i am 50 this year so maybe i am winning still 36 years old here and same it also seems that games are geared more and more toward online play which i really don't have any interest in i bought one of the snares classics which is great for just playing for 45 minutes or so here and there candy and soda i still eat sugar but at much lower doses and i'm way more picky with it candy and soda just makes me crash hard now playing with action figures i had giant storylines for all my action figures i'd spend hours and hours fighting them and writing down statistics when i was a kid i swore i would never grow out of peter pan i wasn't going to be a grown-up that forgot about netherland or believed it was just a story that would happen to other people but not to me now it's just nostalgia if this is the first thing that has come to your mind you haven't given up entirely you just probably don't have the time for it easily it's eating anything at any time and not have to worry about it physically also gaming it's not because of the lack of time or lack of interest but it's because of vertigo i'm not sure why it's happened or exactly when but at some point in my early 30s i started getting vertigo while gaming i got vertigo from playing anything from tekken to cod so i put down the sticks i do miss it sometimes but if a brian fury wall combo makes me want to puke then it's best for me to call it today barbie dolls my best friend and i secretly played with them all the way up to 7th grade until my 12th grade sister shamed me for it i'm in my 40s now and to this day when i see a barbie doll i still have the urge to dress her or brush her hair consider buying the ones that need some attention at the thrift store sorting them out and donating them back all the fun but it's for a good cause should anyone ask as a kid it was things like pokemon as an example that you had to act like you didn't like anymore once you hit a certain age now it's back in trend and we're adults so who cares like what you like learning i didn't realize it at the time but i really thrived during high school and college when i was constantly pushing myself with fun and challenging classes learning new things every day that i might not have otherwise been interested in now i'm out in the adult world and with my full-time job my freelancing work on the side the grocery shopping and the cooking and the cleaning and whatever else i have to do there's just no time to learn for the sake of learning if i ever come across that time it's best spent taking an online class that will keep my skills for my freelance workshop and up to date with changing technology i feel like my brain has suffered for it too because most days i feel incredibly dumb despite being at the top of my class in college i could relate to many of the things you just said i quit my job to start learning new things again but the pandemic ate into my savings like crazy and now i need to get a job again in such tough times the children's dentist they were so patient and just an amazing staff but when i turned 18 they couldn't treat me anymore i've struggled with going to the dentist ever since not yet but soon i feel like i'll have to give up on reddit it feels like a lot of people here weren't even born when i created my account these days i delete read it a lot if i start seeing duplicative posts or similar posts then it's time for a break fair writes i used to think they were fun last time i went on a fairly tame roller coaster i felt so sick i didn't do anything else for the rest of the time there personally when i was little for years i would sit on my back porch swing with my music and just sing my lungs out it really allowed me to escape my home life sometimes i would sit there and imagine different scenarios to different songs think anime amvs eventually i got too old and started having more and more responsibilities definitely miss the escape dancing hip hop but i'm not american it's much smaller here started at 18 was always the oldest or the odd one out cause i started late and wasn't incredibly talented still enjoyed it but as health issues hit i couldn't keep up anymore kind of answers your question i love lego and of course any adult can play with by them but i live in florida a few years ago legoland opened up not that close to me but certainly a half day drive i was initially so excited but then i realized i can't go i know me and i don't trust me and i know for that once the gate started to close i would be so engrossed in the legos playing and i would scoff at any notion i had to leave then i'd be on the news as a 30-something old man was arrested for refusing to leave legoland and was dragged out kicking and screaming i have the same feeling about a few things rc toys legos nerf guns and stuff like that didn't have a normal childhood craved a lot seeing others doing these grew up to realize it's frowned for an adult to do these totally freaked out scenario size reading books that revolve around people in late high school or early college i'm a big romance novel fan and coming of age is a huge subgenre of books it used to be my favorite and 90 of what i read now it feels distant i don't connect to it anymore it feels a key to read about their physical relationships unless something is particularly good or has some sort of social relevance i'm buying fewer and fewer of them every year gaming not only do i have way less time nowadays even when i do it like i can't put in the effort anymore to do something that active there are so many games i have been planning on playing but probably never will at this rate roller coasters rode my last one at 58 the week before my youngest son left for the marines we had one last dude trip together i remember getting off the roller coaster in the dark as we closed down the amusement park with him and hugging him cherishing my last moments with him and realizing that would be the last time i rode a roller coaster thankfully i didn't puke that day but i might have cried a little the sad thing is many of the comments here are about things people gave up because of other people's expectations not because they actually grew too old for it i'm 49 me and my best mate often buy each other lego sets star wars toys board games etc for birthday christmas we never stopped reading superhero comics or playing video games those things seem to be deemed more acceptable now but a couple decades ago were seen as kids things would it really be better if we celebrated birthdays with alcohol a trip to a strip club a drunken fight in the car park at the end of the night like real men do some adults make themselves boring because they worry too much about what they are supposed to do and supposed to like as a grown up you can buy all the cool lego sets toys etc that you want you won't play with them in the same way so might not want the same ones that you used to but just do whatever makes you happy playing on a trampoline my favorite thing to do as a kid now a homeowner i buy one for my backyard and now my neighbor's kids just stare at me while i use it and i get super uncomfortable and go inside try to get a privacy fence it's your trampoline you should enjoy it tigger their tops are made of rubber their bottoms are made of springs so bounty bounty bouncy fun but the most wonderful thing about tiggers is i'm the only one i never out screwed tigger 28 years old and he's still my favorite disney character i just remember having such a vivid imagination as a child i didn't even need toys to play for hours i would use my hands as puppets and i could come up with stories and games for hours on end i think the last time i played with toys like a child i was probably 14 or 15 i got these ninja turtles as a joke gift but i took them into the tub with me to play it just didn't feel the same so i stopped and never did it again i didn't give it up percent it just feels like i lost it the ability to play with my toys i remember pulling out my toy cars and just not being able to reach that state of mind where you are spontaneously making up a story while manipulating the toys it was around the time i became a voracious reader probably sixth grade swinging on swing sets especially after school with no one around as a goody goody teacher's kid who always followed the rules the playground during after school hours was our was our kingdom to rule and run free from supervision we had the freedom and space to break the rules like doing backflips or jumping off mid-air from the swings god it felt so good to just be a kid and not be afraid to scrape a knee or fall down trying something new mistakes and risks were not something to fear but something to laugh or brag about on those swing sets it felt like i could touch the sky or fly away used to spend hours swinging it was one of my favorite things to do to pass time as a kiddo went to her park recently as an adult and felt too self-conscious and too old to be swinging on the swing sets missing that sensation but i guess a hammock is close enough for me now shrug spending hours playing in the creek in the woods on our backyard i could spend an entire day in 0.5 square mile just pretending i cross that creek into other worlds i would never have time now but maybe when i'm older how would you all feel about an eccentrically dressed old lady hopping along rock and down trees in your nearby creeks i am 15 and i made a mistake reading these comments i've realized that life won't always be the happy place i see now i soon won't be able to do the things i do now i know it seems stupid but i am really scared to grow up and be alone i the world i need a big swing in my yard or a big slide i miss playing games in gym class once in a while i'll look up cartoons i watched growing up in the late 90s early 2000s like dang i miss dexter's laboratory how did that even end well let me go see and boy meets world barbies and now there are so many cool ones and my brothers wouldn't explode their heads with firecrackers anymore but no i had to grow up and be a dumb adult hanging out with friends first you had to go to school where you were forced to hang out with people then you came home and hung out with the kids who you wanted to hang out with at some point the night spent playing street football and hide-and-go-seek came to a halt one guy went to a different school and never came around anymore another got way into drugs another got a girlfriend another got a car cell phones came into being in those left spent their entire life texting old school hit the number one three times to type a c six to type a c all that was left was the sound of a lone basketball being bounced in the far distance once the dinner bell to come out to play was then just an annoying reminder of dying youth bike riding i used to love cycling around the neighborhood on nice days but by the time i was 12 i had to give it up as my parents were concerned about me being open to ridicule for still having training stability wheels i have balance equilibrium issues due to being deaf and the extra wheels helped me immensely but nowadays as a 33 year old adult my only option to get back cycling is to buy an adult trike ngl they look awesome and i'd love to get one but i don't have the space and the folding models are pretty dang expensive school i really took it for granted that i spent most of my time learning things now i do the same thing all day every day i feel like i'm losing my ability to think deeply also summer break i never realized how necessary that was it's been two years since i've had energy if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 14,910
Rating: 4.9425836 out of 5
Keywords: too old for this, i'm too old for that stuff, too old, have to give up, pass it on, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2021, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: ObRlLuf1IVY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 14sec (1214 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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