Was Your Roommate Really That Bad?

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how bad was your run mate the worst roommate I had was sophomore year of college he was randomly assigned after I had been given a double with no run mate at first he seemed fine but it got worse and creepier throughout the year the first problem was that he was afraid of showering in our sweet shower he would wait until he went home on the weekends to shower couple this with the fact that he wasn't the smallest person and that he wore the same black sweet prints and black sweatshirt every day and you can see why this would be a problem the same thing with shoes and no socks which he stored in the common living room beneath the couch the second problem developed about halfway through the semester he wore a black robe in the morning while he was getting ready for class when he went to PT would drape the robe off of himself onto the floor and then pee this resulted in P splatter combined with whatever was already on the floor all over his robe again coupled with the lack of washing the robe received you can see why this would be an issue as if the P soaked sweat covered stench of clothing was not enough the third problem developed near the end of the semester I had recently started seeing a suit Ahmed's friend and she routinely stayed over with me when I could get her to have a look the smell on no less than three separate occasions I woke up to find him standing in the middle of the room staring at us and breathing heavily it took until the third incident before the raw who was also my suitor Mert called for an intervention for the person's hygiene and overall creepiness of masturbating to my girlfriend and I sleeping needless to say he was placed into another suite the next semester and I once again had the room to myself shudder my roommate borrowed my car for eight months it was supposed to be two months but she never saved for her own car if I took my car back she said she'd lose her job and run out on the lease and possibly lose custody of her kid leaving me with 1100 bucks a month I still haven't gotten my car back because it was impounded when she was arrested for coke possession while driving my car to work apparently her boyfriend's house she spent the weekend in jail I spent the weekend watching her kid wondering what the heck happened because my car is evidence I'm not getting it back and maybe charged for it's towing disposal she of course lost her job after that and is now sitting at home smoking pot and not doing a dang thing we also have roaches because she doesn't do her dishes I can't wait for this lease to be up you can get out of your lease now if you describe what happened to your landlord they can't legally hold you on the lease with a person who is a danger to you I had a roommate who would leave enema packages on the bathroom sink that we shared and they used enemas just sitting on the very top of the trash can not only that but he decided he also never once needed to flush the toilet I wish I was making this up when I was 19 I moved out of my parents house with my 18 year old girlfriend long story short her sister gets kicked out of her house and moves in with us the sister has a boyfriend who lives 45 minutes away so when he was in town he stayed with her us eventually he was there all the time I break up with my girl and she moves out soon after her sister breaks up with the other guy and the sister moves out so this dude just sorta ended up being my roommate he didn't have a car or a job and told me that everyone was getting evicted out of the house he lived in that was 45 minutes away and he kinda hung out with my friends and I so I figured he could stay til he figured something out so I got him a job where I worked he came with me to work for the first week or so but then after that he basically quit he has literally no money so he's eating my food while I'm at work he can't pay to do his laundry so he's stealing my dirty socks and underwear of my bedroom after his got too nasty after nearly a month I told him he had to go after he moved I went into the bedroom he stayed in and it smelled like a homeless person took a crap on the floor he had smear deodorant on the walls to try and mask the smell there were dirty socks on the floor that were so yellow and crusty and they could stand up by themselves the sad part is that he had two different girls in there after his girl dumped him in my senior year I made the mistake of agreeing to room with two farmer [ __ ] they partied literally every night my third roommate good friend of mine bailed after a couple weeks of living with them to be in robbed because he couldn't take waking up in the morning to an absolutely trashed apartment they liked to make bacon every single morning every day that I went to class I absolutely wreaked of it that might sound cool but it gets old fast trust me my best story they like to do the Power Hour you know 60 shots of beer in 60 minutes they tried once with whiskey at 10:00 in the morning I came home from class and the oven glass was shattered and they were passed out on the living room floor and apparently they got through 34 minutes got into a fight and one of them put the other one's head through the oven good times I once lived with a roommate who liked potato pancakes she made a big batch of potato pancakes once and left them out for three months we were in a stalemate over who would clean the kitchen first bastard turned purple and started growing tendrils towards the electrical outlets to take over the world I caved you missed out free potatoes man which one the one who quit his main source of income with no plan on replacing his job and to this day still owes me 3k in back rent the one who acted like a jealous spouse anytime I hung out with my girlfriend or any other friends I literally came home late one night to him cross-armed on the couch angrily watching TV and when I walked up he said and where have you been all night no joke the one who became a Jehovah's Witness and would constantly trying to preach to me it was that or he'd get s faced and try to fight me the one who insisted on having his ferrets there at the house however he was rarely home and the cage would go weeks without being cleaned and has anyone who has been in a house with ferrets will tell you the smell is only slightly more pleasing than a burnt corpse I was woken up at 5:30 a.m. one morning to find my flat being raided by the police and my roommate being arrested turns out he was a pol ding-ding-ding tell him what he's won Johnny I had a roommate that was too lazy to get toilet paper out of the hall closet so he just proceeded to wipe his butt on the shower curtain for a few weeks when my wife was a freshman in college she shared a suite with a girl who had some difficulties adjusting to life on her own the day after moving in the girl raised her bed up to the highest level intended to allow more space for dresses storage and made a fort of some sorts she lived under her bed for two whole semesters only leaving for class food bathroom et Cie she would also routinely wash her clothing in the dorm washing machines but take the load off wet clothes back up to her room to dry them she hung them around the walls with clothespins and turned the heat up on high her college was in Florida and as a result that heat moisture turned the room into a swamp I have no idea how people like that make it to adulthood come on the fourth thing sounds awesome except the never leaving apart is obviously weird but I would want a bed fought to sleep in my old roommate would Febres himself instead of showering he wouldn't clean his room so the floor was covered in tissues and he did laundry once in the six months he lived with me he would be about not getting the parking pass and when I would give it to him he would go out of town for four or five days and the icing on the cake was when he moved out he called the power company to say he was leaving and got the power shut off on me I had to pay 75 bucks to get it turned back on at one point I had two roommates one owned a bird and the other one hated the bird at one point the first roommate noticed this birds feathers didn't look healthy we were suspicious but never knew for sure finally we decided to install a motion camera and recalled his bird for a full day after reviewing the recording we noticed the run mate who hated the bird was spraying it with a kitchen cleaner and was trying to poison the bird to death as soon as we saw it we called him to come pick up his stuff and that he would find it on the front lawn we changed the locks and never spoke to him again the bird made a full recovery yay for the full recovery of the bird I had a roommate who developed an addiction to age while I was living with him some of my crap went missing so I put a lock on my door one day I came home only to realize I didn't have the key with me so I set about trying to pick the lock he sees me trying to get into my room and offers to help me out by showing me how he can open the door by slipping his butterfly knife in between the trim and the door jamb popping open the lock but so here I am having just watched my junkie roommate break into my room with a knife that he's still holding but thanks so I called up a buddy who does MMA and doesn't afraid of anybody to stay the night the whole night my roommate was pacing in his room having realized his mistake and flipping his butterfly knife around the next day I went to get a u-haul while MNA stayed behind to watch my crap and I moved all of my valuable crap out Computers clothes stereo CDs etc then I told the landlord what happened we still have three months to go on the lease which she released me from as long as I promise not to call the cops but fair trade but I still had a bunch of my crap in there I made an arrangement with my roommate for him to be gone while I got the rest of my stuff which he thankfully Honnold however when I got there he completely trashed the apartment not just my stuff but his stuff too he dumped the litter box into the tub and ran to faucet the clay-based litter completely clogged the drain I later heard from the landlord that I had to replace the whole trap which involved taking the tub out it was his cat BTW he also wrote on the walls in permanent marker not just in our apartment but also on all the stair landings it was either Nine Inch Nails or Marilyn Manson lyrics or messages written in binary zero zero zero zero zero zero zero one equals a zero zero zero zero zero zero 1 zero equals B etc this was around the time the first matrix came out so I don't know if he thought he was neo or what the one thing I'll always freakin hate this kid for though is that as I was rushing to get my important crap out I forgot one hard drive I had moved it as I was taking everything apart and just forgot it that hard drive had a bunch of original music on it this freaking butthole took it out of the enclosure took one of the speakers out of his subwoofer that he trashed and put it on top of that hard drive freakin degauss tit it was my own fault for not backing it up before CD ours were everywhere and cheap and leaving it behind but man anyway TL DR my junkie roommate broke into my locked room in front of me confirming my suspicions that he had been stealing I moved out the next day and when I came back to get the rest of my crap I found he had trashed the apartment I live with four other guys all of them are allergic to house work of any kind pots and pans sit for weeks on ends in the kitchen despite the fact that we have a dishwasher when I do a load of dishes they are immediately used up by my lazy butt room mates who what course failed to reload the washer garbage bags do not go in the garbage they sit in the common area attracting masses of black flies on the floor until I freak out enough to get then moved to the garage they sit in there until I take out the garbage one roommate as a mom who comes by once every few months and attempts to put a dent in the mess at his/her house but this poor woman scrapes the crust off of our kitchen counter unclog the sinks only for it all to return to the unhygenic entropy that classifies our house in the space of three days the downstairs toilet has been plugged for six months the guilty party is too lazy to do anything about it and one else gives a crap TL DR I used to think myself a tolerant person until I found the exact quantity of spoiled food splitting garbage bags and molded took to turn me into a simmering bull of rage with a quadruple homicide in my near future my roommate dumped cow blood into the bathtub and flicked his girlfriend in it he told me it was fake blood in that it was for a photo shoot he was doing for class my roommate used to take dumps with the door open so he could play Madden with the wireless controller he was a multitasker would let dirty dishes pile up in the kitchen but here's the punchline when I finally had enough of em and decided to do them myself I found multiple used condoms between the layers of dishes Tourette's syndrome easily the ugliest human being I had ever seen but would regularly bring home girls that were easily out of my league it was like watching The Elephant Man shack up with Milo Kunis totally depressing and I still to this day have no idea how he did it crashed a party I was throwing for a bunch of foreign exchange students saw two hot French girls sitting on the floor kissing each other and promptly ran upstairs only to return shortly thereafter wearing nothing but sweet pants and a string of condoms as a loincloth pelvic thrusts were made beer was thrown everything ended in tears oh my god I just realized all those women he was bringing home were H this is ten years later Jesus frickin Christ turns out they were in your league my freshman year of college I had a Russian rumor named Boris he had moved here with his family two years prior now he filled just about every stereotype that you have heard he was an alcoholic that would more often than not be a vodka bottle next to our toilet he would drink it with his cereal it was incredible he also was quite into drugs you name it he did it he never cleaned anything his coffee mugs would sit out so long with liquid in them that they would get dusty dusty coffee and he spoke in broken English with that accent he had only one class which he never attended and failed out after one semester he smelled like an unwiped anus he had a Frick buddy don't know who would find him attractive who was polished so I could never understand a word they would say but she would leave her clothes everywhere one time they were both showering together when I came home and they had apparently Bo thrown up in the shower I thought that they had been taking a bath because the tub was full of water turns out it was just their puke clogging the drain we had quite the discussion after that stunt , he would drink it with his cereal frat Louie wops was settling into my first real job and moved into a three-bedroom house with a couple others didn't know them that well but thought they were okay and it was cheap so you know whatever I had a well-paying job for a 21y Oh so I thought it would be cool to cover some expenses on my own I paid for Internet cable which was not a ton but I thought it would be nice anyway I have one roommate who doesn't work sits around all day watching Netflix on my xbox watched it so much that he overheated the thing and the Xbox died he then borrowed another Xbox from a friend of his didn't tell me mine had died then killed his friends Xbox as well on top of that he was disgusting his girlfriend was always over wearing a cute off t-shirt letting her underarm forest get some fresh air they'd freak all the time and leave condoms all over our shared bathroom dude would never clean anything and I refused to do it the result was a bathroom turned black and me taking daily trips to my parents to shower also and I don't have any problem with people that take advantages of these programs responsibly if this guy was on food stamps and housing assistance he wasn't even looking for work my living experience with him made me give some credits to Republicans remembered roommates were in bands band practice all the freaking time Wednesday night at 11:30 you need to work tomorrow oh well we have a gig that was planned two months ago that we haven't rehearsed for frick that then sometimes they would be on the road for a show or whatever and some other band would be practicing in the freakin living room because my roommate gave out more keys than he did STD s the more I think about that guy the more I can't believe I didn't stab his frickin eyes out you should have called me back in 1996 I lived in Palm Beach County and had a roommate I'd met at work because I needed a room at quickly after returning from school he never paid his rent never cleaned basically never did jack crap he did get a dog although we weren't allowed to have one and he ignored the property managers demands to get rid of it so the property manager served us an eviction notice I think we had a month to get out but due to my lack of funds I headed straight into West Palm Beach and tried to get the manager of the hotel Lavernia to rent me a room and let me pay later it was literally that or the street later that week I got a call from my father stating that the sheriff's depth had been by looking for me WTF apparently they were trying to serve me a notice to appear for a civil case because someone had returned to the apartment and completely destroyed it the same day that I'd been out finding a new place to live literally everything in the apartment had been destroyed classy crap like Frick my pee till it bleeds had been spray-painted on walls my awesome roommate sat in court denying everything despite witnesses and saw him and 2-3 other people that he apt after the eviction but not me none of them could say that they'd seen me or my vehicle utimately we were found equally responsible for over $4 K in damages FML my dad paid my half and he died wrongly thinking that I'm a real piece of crap because of that incident I got my room at the hotel Ivania where I learned all kinds of new and interesting lessons from the local C cabs it comforts me to know I'll never see this guy again because I harbor a lot of anger toward him and don't know what I do the money and the time lost because of him are one thing what it did to my relationship with my dad before he died is another matter entirely TL DR one roommate was rach that brought clients home another was a crazed Mormon that used her own crap for art and the last was at unhygenic lazy Vietnamese girl it may be a little late for this to get noticed it's my freshman year before I transferred it wasn't one roommate it was all of them I lived in an apartment style with three others two bedrooms with two roommates each I'll start off with the other bedroom one of them was straight from Vietnam and the other was a hardcore Mormon let's start with the Mormon although relatively sane but highly religiously judgmental she was an art major her projects were always a little off the wall from them and he used Kleenexes one fateful day a very nice warm early spring day I decided to study out on our mini balcony lo and behold there is a plate piled with crap no joke it was her crap she crap on a plate and left it on the balcony to dry off to use it in one of her projects the one from Vietnam did similar to what you described except she'd throw her crap stained blood-drenched teepee in the trash can you can imagine the smell however the worst thing that she did was use one of my face washcloth to wipe yes wiping after she used the bathroom I go to grab my washcloth and I could see a weird residue as well as an author fetid vagina smell yet she used my washcloth because the teepee roll was out and she didn't want to squeeze it in while traveling the short distance of three feet to grab some more out of the cabinet I saved the best for last my very own roommate first night after moving everyone is getting ready to go to some party I find out she's a dominatrix I thought weird okay shouldn't be too bad as time went on however crap did in facts get very weird she would bring clients home and lock me out of the bedroom reason for this is that after her sessions she would sleep with them for a bonus making her a mage there were several times where she'd steal my pillows to use as leverage for her clients because her bed wasn't firm enough she'd use kitchen tools as adult eyes when the rest weren't at home and I kid you not no surface was left unframed she would often admit these things to us while drinking because seriously guys it's just freaking you will have to what so you should be used to it the last straw came when she brought one of her Cleveland clients home she recommended that I should go down the hall long story short took a dump on his chest wiped it off with one of my towels and flicked him afterwards using one of my pillows I transferred have never spoken to them again one of my roommates used to have his girlfriend over constantly I didn't mind it so much because I really liked her but she'd always stay overnight sleeping with him in his single bed it was a bit odd for me at first sharing a room like that but I got over it eventually in a hoe they used to have danger frickin which was basically any time I left the room they'd have a quick ride and try to be finished before I got back so maybe two or three times a week I'd walk in to catch them in the act Brad be no stopping them at that stage so I'd go for a walk one morning I only went to the toilet and was gone no more than 60 seconds when I came back in he was flustered and she looked annoyed yup he started and finished in less than 60 seconds I never let him live it down you are probably the nicest roommate I've heard about I dunno if I could live in constant fear of seeing my roommates junk a former roommate became the disciple of a homeless man who claimed to be a really master and spiritual healer and hid him in his room for several months he was stealing our food and was basically a waste of a human being next I moved into a new room and the woman living there failed to inform me that the apartment was infested with bedbugs she tried to stick me with the lease while she moved to Michigan a month later nope then there was a kleptomaniac suicidal pathological liar whose blood I had to clean up from our bathroom and the one who claimed she was going Atilla for a weekend only to call us from PA saying she was locked up in a mental hospital against her will happened the roommate who would sneak out to the living room and open all the windows in the middle of the night in the middle of winter because it was stuffy the run mate who became insistent that I should release my cat into the wild because he was feeling trapped and on and on and on I live alone now I nearly forgot how one roommate woke me up when he got in a knife fight with his boyfriend a true story police and everything ahh I remember my first gay knife fight good times my roommate was mad I went to a party without him as I left the party that evening a car comes flying through the parking lot and I literally had to jump out of the way it was my roommate later back at the apartment I attempted to explain how idiotic and drunk he was he said that I was the bad roommate because I always leave otter pop plastic on the coffee table he then proceeded to throw a box of otter pops followed by everything else in the freezer at me breaking many things in the process I eventually moved out last I talked to him was years ago he was in rehab I asked for what he said you name it TL DR pick up your otter pop plastic my housemate L the kitchen knife against my throat after we got into an argument about him smoking inside the house props for delivering such a freak top story in a single succinctness my first roommate in college not first roommate ever was a poultry science major from West Virginia I was a comp see business admin GL major the first night I brought my boyfriend around we curled up on the couch to watch TV the first words out of her mouth when she walked in were what the Frick is this ant doing in our room my first dorm a experience I was paired with someone who had the exact opposite sleep schedule of me this wouldn't have been a problem if she hadn't demanded that I avoid the dorm room when she was sleeping during the day and then stayed up all night trying to do homework with the light on and sometimes music she soon began using her nights to party leaving me alone but only for a short while eventually she brought men back to the but instead of asking me to leave since this was a night and I was sleeping she would just freak them on the bunk bed above me for some reason my Arcade College had bunk beds she requested that I learned the faces of these men and keep their names straight because I couldn't slip up and have one man find out about the other once I messed up and called one by the wrong name and to punish me she waited until I went to shower then invited a bunch of guy friends over to sit in the room and wait for me when I returned in only a towel I hightailed it out of there it was like a bad porno waiting to happen happy ending though she ended up moving out of the dorm and in with a friend of hers down the hall who also kept up the same a regular sleep schedule and man mongering my roommate broke into my dad's office and stole all his computers a few years before we started living together I moved in and after a few months realized that the computers had some strange item cards that were really expensive and that my dad had I checked the serial numbers and sure enough the computers were my dad's called the cops had might be run mate arrested the worst part was he knew as before was my friend had been to our house for dinner and my dad had even offered to pay for some medical issues he had sucker my roommates never did the dishes at least not as far as I could tell I always hand washed my own dishes and put them away immediately after one day I noticed that a bowl that had been sitting on the counter for some time was filled with water and had plenty of mold floating in it that was just an indicator of their cleanliness when one of their mothers came to move out some of her son's stuff she flipped her crap and emailed all of the other parents to let them know how unsanitary our living conditions were I moved in January of 2010 and by April of that year all three of my roommates had either dropped out of school or left their jobs and moved back home I had three months remaining on my lease and lived basically without any contact from them also all of the utilities were in their name and they hardly collected any from me I lived with my roommate for a year first of all he lost his toothbrush about four months ago and since then had been using bottles of Listerine alone to wash out his mouth which still was frickin disgusting he also biked everywhere and would come home smelling like a construction worker and then he would lay on my couch or even my frickin bed until he finally if he did that night shard his clothes never got washed until he was completely out of them and would sit piled up in the corner of his room and some by his desk in the living room including underwear he washed his socks in the bathtub with our shampoo and hung them up to dry on the rail he leave those mildew ridden articles there until they were crusty and he also left the black literally black bathwater he had washes them in sitting in the tub until I am did it so I could freakin shower and that water smelled like foul bo next he never did dishes and left them sittin around the house he lost a few of my dishes despite me telling him not to use them many times he also cooked bacon constantly in a pan and never washed it out it would sit there at the one time I did clean it for him he yelled unto me and said he hadn't been washing it so it could build up the aroma he also cooked eggs and chicken in it which crusted all over the stove he rarely very frickin rarely helped pay for things like toilet paper and paper towels if we were out even things like lightbulbs or dish soap he would say I'm not buying it because my tolerance is higher and I can go longer in the conditions than you he also never bought soap or shampoo and used mine he never vacuumed mopped did dishes or wanted to take out trash that's a job for women he had said I am female I want to punch the bastard I had a roommate my freshman year of college who was one of the worst people I've ever met he left how 9 X 12 feet room only to go to class and would order Domino's every night at day and night he would sit at his suite custom computer with a window and blue LEDs and watch South Park while cackling like a hyena he met a 14-year old girl on some website or chatroom and would talk to her on his Bluetooth headsets for hours at a time trying to convince her to meet up with him and let him take her virginity reassuring that it would only hurt at the beginning kid was freaking awful he drank two times all semester once during parents weekend when he ended up making and bath of himself in front of everyone that lived in the dorm and their families and the other time was right before one of his final exams the night before this drunken exam he spent at least five hours hours attaching the fuses from a brick of firecrackers together so that he could set it off at 3:00 a.m. and pee off everyone that was trying to sleep it did look cool though the worst part of all was that he was a chronic fapper he would fat while he thought I was asleep when I went to the bathroom for a minute at a time all the time constant fapping however this story ended well as he was asked to leave school at the beginning of the next semester as his GPA was a 0.49 him moving out was one of the best days of my freshman year my roommate was a really awesome Chinese guy who bought and cooked anything that was on sale dinner's on his night of cooking were weird my favorite is the time he bought a whole two kilograms of corn flour because he thought it was going to be delicious it went something like this me what are you going to do with it him euhh mixes it with water me you have goo I'm not sure that's really edible him I will cook in the what cooks the dough into a giant dome shaped crust me we cannot eat that for dinner really man I'll cook tonight him no problem no problem I have idea chops the dome into strips with my scissors me well at least it will fit into our mouths him in my hometown if you do not like the food you must eat anyway I will actually actually this goes on for a while with various improvements to the meal in the end it was chili flavored strips of corn flour crust cucumber chunks seasoned with vanilla protein powder then fried in sesame oil in a bowl with milk and crushed corn flakes it was okay but he was a funny guy so I didn't mind it really doesn't bother me to be the one that has to do all the extra stuff I want a clean place the roommate doesn't care so it's kind of on me so I'd take out all over garbage recycling do all the common room cleaning etc I just figured if I didn't keep doing it I'd wind up having to do it all anyway but nastier the one thing that really got me though was when I got home one day and he was all excited hey Admiral failed bow I know how you like to keep the place clean so I cleaned my room see see he had cleaned his room all right and left six months of accumulated trash in the kitchen for me to take out at least I got some of my dishes back at the worst point of my borderline homeless post high school years I was living in a two-bedroom apartment with four other guys three of us were sleeping on couches in the living room the two bigger guys in one bedroom and the other bedroom housed all our staff I knew all of the guys from a local business group and this was only for about two months for the tail end of the lease so my assumption was that the place was dirty only because we were all so cramped we then all moved into the upstairs of a three-bedroom with a den house one of the guys Carl was the son of the lady that owned the house he ended up taking the den and renovating it into his own room fast forward a few months all of a sudden he has an ant infestation and can't sleep in there anymore in the interim he decided to sleep in the main living room on one of the couches thought-process areas fine he'll get it fixed and he'll go back in no time pulse this goes on for the next two years it wouldn't have been so bad if he weren't incredibly lazy slightly overweight in his mid-30s and sleeping in just his underwear imagine trying to bring anyone let alone a potential lady friend over and explaining the large mostly nude amorphous blob on the couch in the first room you walk into to make things worse he would never clean up after himself and at random times would kick his blanket off and randomly be nude we attempted several times to bring the issue up with the landlady Cole's mom but being that he was the baby of the family she would blame us for what was going on and leave it at that we tried looking into his room once on the rare occasion he wasn't home and it was like an episode of Hoarders useless junk piled 5-6 featuring high with plates and bowls half filled with food just rotting and creating its own ecosystem it was at that point that we decided we needed to move out a couple of the guys were smart and got out sooner so Carl eventually just took over one of their rooms and replaced his couch with an inflatable mattress I was able to leave a few months later and last I heard Carl was still sleeping on his mattress and his mom was about to lose the house no one else wanted to move in to pay rent surprise I could go into more detail but in essence of keeping it short that's my Horror Story TL DR lived with a replica of Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force had a roommate who moved into my spare bedroom after she separated from her husband she got caught banging a guy at work red flag but I was desperate to fill the extra room fast forward four weeks and she is soliciting on Craigslist and our apartment was a revolving door of random hookups full swaps threesomes etc she would seldom host the hookup events but the creepy dudes would still come over to hang out and meet up there was a 24-hour period where she banged four people had a guy over for brunch different one for an early dinner and a threesome that same night I ended up getting a dog German Shepherd just to feel like I had backup in the event of a rogue guest my freshman year roommate was on a host of antipsychotic medications one day he said he was running low on his meds and was having delusions of killing us he then described the order in which he would kill me and my other two roommates and why lochley I convinced him to kill me last I have always looked here but figure I might as well post on this one I have a couple stories nothing too epic but sucky or awkward one our dorm rooms were just one big square with two desk beds in it where the bed is raised above the desk I came back from my morning class around 11 a.m. and promptly decided it was nap time I woke up about an hour and a half later rolled over and my roommate was jacking off I was stoned and just rolled back over tried to tell myself I imagined it I never brought it up but inquired about transferring rooms later that afternoon I transferred into a room with a friend from high school which was a good bad idea which leads me to my next to the next room mate definitely had some issues I walked in on him once holding a razor to his wrist which I then had to convince him it was a bad idea I had to take care of him twice when he got sick from smoking pot drinking pot brownies one time with another friend from high school so double the fun for me he also had a problem with farting a lot he did it more than anyone I know one night he woke both of us up because it was so loud three I moved into an apartment with three friends I had known for a while one pretty well the other two just acquaintances the second day I was living there I came back from work and there was no power I asked the one guy who was in charge of paying the electric bill what was going on he gave me a BS story that later conflicted with a story he told one of my other roommates long story short he hadn't paid the bill for the last six months and had been spending the money the prior run mates had given him he also never cleaned up food when he cooked to the point out kitchen eventually turned into a swarm of flies I moved out in less than two months thank goodness I wasn't on the lease those are my crappy stories I let my friend stay at my apartment for free after she got kicked out of her boyfriend's house and had nowhere to go I even bought her food let her use my school supplies shampoo laundry detergent etc I didn't expect her to be there for more than a month but she ended up staying for eight months once summer rolled around she started complaining that it was too hot in the apartment I was struggling with money so I told her to start paying half of the utilities if she wanted the a/c on all the time she said that she always sees me leave lights on so she refused to pay half of the utilities she would only pay one stroke five she said she was my guest and I was being disrespectful by not keeping my apartment at the temperature she wanted and it was even more disrespectful to ask her for money because I initially said she could stay there for free and she threw such a huge fit that I told her to forget it and bought her a fan for her room but my electric bill was $100 more than it was the previous year when I was living alone so I figured she was secretly running the esc while I was at work I went home in the middle of the day to find my apps at 62 degrees when it was 100 degrees outside I finally told her I wasn't expecting her to live there for so long and to start paying rent I asked her for $300 a month for her own bedroom in a two-bedroom app that cost me $1,200 a month more than fair she was so angry that I would even think of asking for rent that stopped being my friend blocked me on Facebook and moved in with her new boyfriend the Frick top part is that she made twice as much money as me and didn't even work she got $1,700 a month from the Gulf for going to school plus $1,200 that her parents gave her a month she could buy a new iPad new iPhone get hundreds of dollars in new clothes every month and go out to bars every other night but if I asked her for $300 in rent money then I'm a Frick TUPP friend and disrespecting her TL DR I let my friend stay in my spare bedroom when she unexpectedly got kicked out of her old place I started asking her for rent after eight months and she said I was a fricked up friend the good thing about dumb boss friends like yours is that they often decide to go away forever like this let her ruin someone else's life a previous roommate immediately after moving and starting putting food in the recycling bin along with cigarettes and the diapers of a friend's baby sidenote went pretty sure the friend's baby is really the roommates baby she gave up after telling us she didn't drink started going through 50 beers a week announced she was a new decent we'll be naked unannounced giving us no chance to plan bringing guests over ate our food and drank $50 plus dollars of my booze she had a new guy over every night were pretty sure these men were paying her because she had no job that was buying drugs cigarettes and some food she would let his men use our bathroom I even caught her and her guests using my deodorant and she denied it even though I saw it she stole $400 in cash she lost her key and started climbing in through the windows instead of just asking for a new key and when we started locking the downstairs window she stole a ladder to get into her second-story window she filed a false report to the police claiming she was violated and mugged and claimed she had hundreds in cash in her purse to claim insurance money she was also on heroin she got kicked out after one month from not paying rental utilities she also kept asking to borrow my and the other roommates clothes and shoes even though she weighed 100 pounds more than us also the most frequent guy she had over who was one of her baby daddies we found out later was and probably still is wanted by the police for theft I need a place to stay so a good buddy of mine lets me have an extra room he is not using he is getting rent dirt cheap $300 for a three-bedroom within walking distance of downtown about a year later he just happened quits his fairly high paying job he tells me a bit before this that rent went up because the landlord found out I was there fair enough I am still only paying $300 for a decent apartment I am working nights at the time and confront him a few times about the loud music he plays when I am trying to sleep he corners me one night about this saying I am being a bad roommate shortly after quitting his job he got caught for DUI more honest later he starts going to the bar more and more frequently till he is there from open to closed every night after about six months of this he finally gets his sentence and goes to jail his mother and I agree that I will continue to pay my half of the rent and she would take care of the other half however two days later I get to summons rent has not been paid for seven months turns out he has been taking the money both I and his mother had been giving him for rent and spending it nightly at the bar rent had never been increased and I now have one week to find a new place to live and get out of this apartment my male roommate had a fascination for my underwear and shoes I had my suspicions but I found out for sure after coming home early one day and I found him out on the balcony with most of my bras panties falls into my favorite pair of high heels he was just rolling around in them licking the crotch took a while for him to even notice I was there he was so ashamed such a bad dog I can't tell if you actually had a dog or just a really weird guy for a roommate I had a couple bad ones the worst was a construction worker from Lithuania who was in England to work for a few months we shared an apartment eight people including two other of hi colleagues and it was sort of messy so much that he would often say how he missed his wife's care and tightness one evening I had just finished heating and was smoking a cigarette he came to the kitchen and started throwing the unwashed pans around sweating in Lithuanian I understood what was going on and got a bit upset so I just basically told him to chill the Frick out and that I would wash them as usual right after the cigarette at this point he freaked out flipped the coffee table and all the plates cuts on it with a kick and came at me in fury with the loaded fist I should mention that he was 5 minutes and 10 seconds for about 250 pounds of muscle and quite under the influence of Martel they downed a bottle each night at the last moment he decided not to hit me which I shat my pants not literally and was a bit shaky for an hour or two afterwards had he not somehow restrained himself he would have made dog food out of me honorable mention for my current roommates boyfriend who makes the whole house stink like a junkyard whenever he takes a crap but that man's rotten inside not my roommate but in my dorm freshman year this one kid went through three - four other roomies because he would repeatedly get caught masturbating sometimes his room mates would walk in on him beating it multiple times a day and he apparently never had the foresight to lock the door he also played a lot aquahama but I'm not sure if it's related I had a male roommate I am female that I found on Craigslist he seemed okay until his girlfriend dumped him then he got into some crazy crap one night I was studying for a midterm with my parrot on my shoulder I walk out of my room to get some water and saw that he is walking into his bedroom with a H you could tell this lady was a rach from a mile away very overweight teeth missing barely any clothing strong cheap perfume onion okay not cool but I'll just keep going out my business so I come out later for something and she is running from his bedroom he is running after her naked but turns around to put something on when he sees me meanwhile my parrot gets startled and freaks and flies to the highest thing around her head she freaks about that and falls to the floor thrashing about I'm screaming hold still so I can untangle my parents feet from her hair before she gets crushed I get the bird out and go to put her somewhere safe in my room my room mate at this point has returned and is physically assaulting the H in the hallway I react instantly by running out and screaming at him to stop he acquiesces and returns to his bedroom I lock the front door he starts texting me that I need to put out now bla bla bla his creepiness scale heavily increased after that eventually I had to just move out to get away from him TLDR my roommate brought her H home and beat her my college roommate Mike and I slowly entered into a prank war with each other he printed picture odd got sent up general and left them under my sheets to find at bedtime I retaliated by taking all his boxers putting them in a bag adding water and freezing them I wake up one night and realize I'm being duct-taped to my bed I retaliate by password locking his computer the war dies down but then a mutual friend of ours visits Mike is taking a shower and we fill a trash can full of ice water and douse Mike in it his scream reminded me of the Lich rap guy from Jabba's palace in Return of the Jedi if that rat guy had died a painful death and then Mike gets me back I wake up for my 8:00 a.m. class and shower I go to blow-dry my hair and this billow of smoke hits me in the face holy crap my hairdryer caught fire it was early in the morning at that point I realize it is not smoke but powder Gold Bond Mike had re-engineered the back of it to have a container and he filed it with Gold Bond it's in my mouth it's in my eyes I cough I cry he wakes up he laughs his butt off I run fully clothed to the shower and turn it on to wipe my eyes out I swore revenge about a year later I stole all his frizzy pops TL DR roommate and I entered a prank worth attending with me crying this is more of a horror story from the dorms but run mates are run mates there were three of us to a room and each room was divided into two sections it really was just a closet between the two the two girls were 18 fresh out of high school best friends and cheerleaders I think their most common phrase was oMG they were incredibly passive-aggressive at that time I was really struggling with my weight and depression they knew this each room segment had a mirror and their favorite activity was to come to my side look in the mirror pinch their skin and whine oMG I am so fat I swear if I were any fatter I would just kill myself oMG so grotesque at this point I was 22 or 23 and really didn't feel the need to yell at them I had better plans they would go home every weekend and during that time I would take their jeans and remove the buttons then each week I would move the buttons slightly to the side so that the fit became smaller and smaller eventually they began to freak out and spend all their free time at the gym I think I won TL Dr skinny B got what was coming to them you should be ashamed of how awesome you are you have been visited by the romantic girl 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Channel: Updoot Everything
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Keywords: worst roommate ever, worst roommate, worst room ever, roommates, roommate horror story, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: QqPWfKer4w8
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Length: 48min 59sec (2939 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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