Some Rules Are Meant To Be Broken (1 Hour Reddit Compilation)

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what's the most idiotic rule you've ever been expected to abide by I'll start no Linux in high school because it was classified as a hacking tool in fifth grade my friend and I were walking through the mostly empty school to get to our bus at the end of the day a teacher was walking in the opposite direction towards us and he yelled at us to walk in a line so we made a line just the two of us and walked like that to our bus but a line can be drawn from any two points you had already formed a line I once took a part-time job from a temp agency at a Toys R Us distribution warehouse where my job was to cut open boxes place it on all on a pallet and put the pallet in the bottom of the stacks large shelves we were all just extra people they needed for the extra Christmas workload met all kinds of interesting people including an elderly husband and wife who were farmers trying to make ends meet well anyway the one person in charge of this was an absolute C she was a permanent Toys R Us employee we were treated like crap oftentimes we didn't have any boxes to cut open and were made to stand still at our tables large but low metal tables with four people to stand around and do nothing if we moved around or heaven forbid we sat down on the table we were screamed at I guess they thought if we were going to be paid for doing nothing that we should suffer for it standing in one spot for up to four hours straight would absolutely kill my back I have run into a lot of jobs where the rules seem to be just made to punish employees oftentimes because of what some bad employee did in the past and now all future employees have to pay for it I worked at a Toys R Us store for Christmases extra help stacking the empty shelves overnight we had a rule that if there was nothing to do you'd go to the warehouse in the back and drive around like a maniac and those little electric toy cars I don't think this was official policy though fireman M's helicopter pilot ëifí with night-vision goggles problem the FAA rules for using NV G's state that the aircraft must also be equipped with a working radar altimeter so if I am flying over the Sierra Nevada mountains on a pitch-black night and the radar outta me fales I have to take the night-vision goggles off fixed-wing pilot here your first job is ensuring the safe arrival of your aircraft screw the rules if you have to just land safely I went to a semi boarding high school about 10 percent of students boarded and new dorms were constructed while I was there we had a big meeting and the principal said no students of the opposite sex in your dorm room we don't want anyone having sex a bit paraphrased one of the students stood up and said what about the gay kids they get to have sex so for about a month the rule was no students of the opposite or same-sex in your dorm room with the exception of your roommate one time at my high school some kid got busted dealing pot from a bathroom near the auditorium as a result students were barred from using that bathroom for the rest of the semester I'm sure that completely solved the problem my high school closed a bathroom because someone got caught having sex in it it lasted about two weeks before there too many lates caused by kids having to sprint across campus just to pee elementary school in Canada we were not allowed to form circles during recess and such as you get older you kind of get into that hole oh look at me I am getting older and cooler and I just stand around and talk with people instead of freaking around in the snow type of thing and apparently as forming circles are a safety hazard because supervising teachers couldn't see anything going on in the middle of the circle I mean god forbid what if we were making a circle inside of that circle you guys should have made a square - Frick with them at a previous job I was instructed not to keep any document or email for longer than six months and that my computer would be audited to ensure compliance this included program source code I was a programmer giving up my nail clippers at airport security ëifí the planes clearly you're trying to take contr wait would as a lifeguard at a resort I was not allowed to drink water in front of the guests and ended up getting fired for it can't drink water in 100 plus F weather pretty idiotic if you ask me I own a system admin for a company that had a proposal to do some work for a large bank they told us we needed to comply with their security procedures for data storage and mentioned the name of the document in an email when we asked for a copy of the document so we could make sure we were compliant we were told that we couldn't see it as it was an internal bank document and not allowed to be transmitted outside their network that's also how US law works now I worked at Pizza Hut for a while we got an order for five pepperoni pizzas so I laid out five discs of dough stretched them all then source them all you know the most efficient way to do it the manager came over and said I was doing it wrong that I had to make each pizza start to finish place it in the oven then make the next one I told him he was an idiot and kept doing it the efficient way GM came in later and totally had my back Christ that's a pathetic victory I worked in daycare we had classroom ratios say one teacher must be in the room for every five children they're my new boss wanted us to call her when we needed to go to the bathroom and wait for her to come and cover us for the time it took us to go pee okay so this doesn't sound so bad except we'd call her and she'd tell us to hold it or she'd say that she was busy with something and would be there in a second and then a half an hour later when we're slinking down the hall to the bathroom she'd yell at us for being in the hall if she also wrote me up for being too loud in a daycare I was singing songs to infants during circle time and they were all sitting quietly and clapping she was crazy didn't happen to me personally but my sister is severely mentally and physically handicapped a wheelchair-bound and frequently has health issues or doctor's appointments which inevitably led to many missed classes despite this we've gotten countless phone calls and messages on the machine informing us that my sister has earned an in-school suspension for her missed classes dang that's a good way to get your school sued I wasn't allowed to watch pg-13 or higher movies author book comic gang act equivalent until I moved out of my parents house 19 additionally I was not allowed to have my computer in my room not entirely unreasonable the weird thing about that is it kept being true after I got married and was just visiting see in that case what you say is okay we're going to stay at a hotel then not me but I went to high school with a guy who had very overprotective stereotypical Asian parents he then went to college a five hour drive away from his folks and lived at college so when he was away for all his parents knew he could have been doing drugs and going to strip clubs five nights a week but when he came home for holidays he had to be in before it got dark out even when he was over 21 when Batman Begins came out his parents only let him go see it with me and some friends because we lied to him for his own good and said my mom was driving us to the theater we were old 21 plus in schools if someone tries to fight you and you don't want to you can't even defend yourself the rule is if you throw a punch or preform any other violent acts you've consented to the fight are you a 140 pounds freshmen about to get killed by a senior did you hit them once in self-defense it got sent to the hospital well guess what kiddo you've got five days out of school suspension we actually have an hour rule book the penalties for setting off a bomb is that necessary it was even worse at my high school your butt was suspended even if you sat there and did nothing I worked at a zoo and we weren't allowed to use a word evolution in high school I left campus after class and got some ice cream I came back 20 minutes later to meet with my teacher for help on calculus when I walked into campus I was stopped by one of the ladies on yard duty who informed me that I'm not allowed to come back on campus after leaving I explained to her that I was coming back for tutoring but she didn't care long story short she took me to the admin office and turned me in and they gave her weird looks and told her what I was doing was completely fine had to wear an aerial harness to climb a six feet ladder when I was in primary school about 7:00 or so I remember that we were not permitted to eat mother nature lunch bars because they promoted paganism I ate them everyday back in high school our then Dean of Students a woman who literally carried around a ruler to see if Girl skirts were too short tried to bring about a rule where girls had to have sleeve dresses at school dances that rule didn't last long as in before the next school dance one of the female teachers 35 told her that after spending the weekend going to different stores there was not a single sleeve dress that either she or a 16 year old would want to buy half the school would have been in detention if they hadn't taken out that role as a guy I would have deeply considered purchasing and wearing a sleeveless dress to the dance before chickening out and not going at all the company I used to work at told us that our emails didn't work externally and that we could only email each other it was total rubbish and everyone knew it we could email our friends and families anytime but we had to pretend like nobody actually knew that's 200 people in the office hiding a secret because the IT guys weren't actually IT guys and had no idea how to set up an internal messaging system the IT guys knew they also thought it was a dumb rule and just let email through rather than block it and have to listen to users be at a private school I went to it was mandatory for all boys to wear ties on Wednesdays if you didn't wear one you were sent to home to get one well one day I forgot luckily I was blessed with the ingenuity of MacGyver that day and made a tie out of a long piece of paper towel it worked for a couple hours until some butt holes in my class pointed it out apparently paper is not an acceptable material for ties I was sent home once worked at a Chinese restaurant where if you forgot to put the rice on the tables order white or brown rice which were free the owner expected you to buy the entire tables meal out of your paycheck it happened to me once in the six months I was there and they told me to pay the fifty Dola tab for the table I told them if they enforce that rule I'd walk out in the middle of service they didn't enforce the rule in my elementary school a few times a week they would take the brightest students and put them in a class one or two grade levels higher to help teach maturity I was finished my work grade four I was put into a grade 6 class and didn't have anything to do so I started doing the other classwork after I finished I went to the teacher and asked if I had done it correctly and proceeded to be chastised for the next 30 minutes apparently there's some taboo on challenging yourself when I was in high school there was a rule that students were not allowed to grow facial hair in any form if a student tried to grow facial hair or just plain didn't have the time to shave before getting to class which started at 7 a.m. he was sent to the Disciplinary office scolded by the vice-principal and forced to shave with a single bladed disposable razor and no shaving cream multiple of my friends face this punishment I asked several teachers why this rule was in effect and most of them simply stated that they didn't know I got one answer out of the dozen teachers I asked and that was it so that the students don't look like they're older and get mistaken as faculty this would allow them to roam the halls and not get sent back to class to which I could only respond why don't you just learn what your co-workers look like the football coach was not happy with me after that I was home-schooled through high school and when I was applying to schools I had this conversation with the local colleges admissions folks admissions ok and we all need a copy of your high school transcript me oh I don't have one I was home-schooled admissions okay we'll still need a transcript me right but I don't actually have one admissions well we need a transcript to let you in so you will have to send us one me you realize that no such thing actually exists so I'm going to have to make something up admissions that's fine so I did and was promptly accepted this will be a metaphor for life take note not mine but at my friend's work not allowed to download Firefox because it's not secure main browser was ie6 to show school support when the school song was played students would link arms and sway side to side we got a new principal who immediately banned swaying due to its suggestive nature any student caught swaying will be suspended and we were this was 1972 he was fired in 1973 in 2002 my eldest child had this weird substitute teacher in one of her high school classes she commented about strange rules and his bad attitude when she said his name all I could do was laugh it was my old principal no holding hands or hugging rule in high school in junior high during our school dances whenever two people danced their naughty parts had to be a basketball apart made for some real awkward looking slow dancing we weren't allowed to talk at lunch in the cafeteria grade six eight yes seven eleven in the Academy I go to bed I'm in year twelve now so don't have to wear a uniform have to wear thick black Blazers year-round and you're not allowed take them off for any reason except science experiments and art in oh nine there was a mini heatwave and we still weren't allowed to take off our Blazers many detentions were given over that week for taking off the Blazers so we wouldn't get too hot my high school's cafeteria was too small to legally hold all of the students file code reasons for this reason I would eat lunch in the band room my senior year they cracked down on this the principal called and assembly and announced that all students would be required to spend the lunch period in the cafeteria at this point I stood up and said do you realize that that would require exceeding the legal capacity of the cafeteria breaking the law and putting students safety at risk the principal responded with well sometimes you have to make do with what you have I don't think far marshals play that game fine stall people's computers and remove old ones because it's a union building I can't carry a flat panel monitor ten pounds 90 feet down way we had the same sort issues when I worked at Kennedy Space Center couldn't move desks computers or any type of equipment people have read it what are some of the guy code and girl code unwritten rules that you always follow guy code when greeting someone and you're not sure if they're a hugger always shake their hand first it allows them to throw up the other arm for a hug if they're down for it if your friends help you move you are expected to her butt packs already and B provides pizza and beer Mayo I hate how many times I've showed up to help friends move and they have nothing packed and not enough boxes what should take a couple hours turns into an all-day marathon as a guy that lifts weights and has brought some of his other male and two female friends into the fold you never ever slander another person's weight on any lifts if your friend is 250 pounds and only benches 135 that is trying his butt off then you never make a sound other than howling intense encouragement at them the rule in my basement is everything is heavy to somebody as long as you're giving it your full but then the number is irrelevant exactly brought a few friends into the gym to show them the ropes and they always regardless of gender mentioned being nervous weak that it's the journey like I didn't start lifting the weight I did now and I'm proud and supportive of anybody trying to make progress in any pursuit but especially ones that I'm also into the person who buys the shots makes the toast too many times I've seen someone buy a round off shots and someone else jumps in with a toast if you want to make a toast by around see something compliment something if you're a stranger particularly if you're a guy only compliment the things you wouldn't get slapped for touching hair clothing great facial feature tattoo maybe bar boobs shut the Frick up dude if there's like eight open urinals don't take the one next to any if I offer someone a beer or other alcoholic beverage and they turn it down I never push it sometimes I don't want to drink and I hate being pressured never pressure a drink on someone if someone offers to pay you should ask them if they are sure if they are then it is rude to further rejects what is supposed to be a kindness on their part I got the bill are you sure yet don't worry about it thank you but just thanks next one's on me don't have to reject or feel like you're taking advantage that way lightly picking on each other is a sign of endearment but you should always be trying to build each other up don't put someone else down just to make yourself look feel better everyone wants to feel important in the center of attention sometimes don't bang someone that your friends are deeply invested in even if it's not going to go anywhere I wish I had friends who followed any of these I will win than any man I don't even have to know you heck I'll win than any woman too if you are trying to make an impression on someone you think you'll hit it off with call me I love love and I'm always willing to help make it happen Terry loves love if their bedroom door open be careful to sound your approach before popping in never know what he's up to that's why I always whip open doors to catch people in the act if somebody loans me money it's my job to remember to pay back not theirs to collect I lost a few friends this way girlcode if something is fixable within five minutes make up something stuck in teeth small things on appearance you tell her and help her if needed if it isn't fixable on the spot you keep your mouth shut and especially don't point it out to others I assume this doesn't apply to period stains those aren't usually fixable in five minutes but you can't let a person walk around like that either if I hear a girl say she needs a hair tie I will immediately hand one over even if I'll only have one left for myself treat your friend's girl as if she's a guy if a guy needs a tampon you give it to him no questions asked as a former rugby coach I've seen so many busted nose is fixed with a tampon still carry them all the time have your boys back in an altercation fight argument I'm not saying 100% of the time step up for them sometimes people do dumb crap and deserve the consequences but if the need arises you should have their back even if it just means stepping up beside them to look intimidating if you see another girl in an uncomfortable situation you try to get her out off there or at least let her know that you got her back I've done it for everyone from my sister to my friends to my friends mom's one time at a school event my best friend's mom somehow ended getting an unsolicited massage from another parent with boundary issues and I quickly made an excuse up that I needed help at the concession stand no one is too old or too young to do this on the more lighthearted side in my experience when you hug another girl you always try to slot the boobs by going slightly to the side so that you don't just mash your chests together and hurt someone I call the boob slotting thing Tetris you can have the last beer you can have the last slice of pizza you can't have both female here one if you see another girl crying in the bathroom of the bar club venue you're at you ask what's wrong and try to help too if you have a tampon or pad to spare and someone needs it even if it's someone you hate offer it to them three if a girl looks distressed or uncomfortable with the guy who is hitting on her at the bar club than you you're at she's now going to be a new member of your crew this one is a little tricky but it's usually pretty obvious when someone needs an out but can't manage it Taurus frozen or intimidated if you see it happening try to catch her eye because she'll be looking around once you make eye contact it's pretty easy to figure out if she needs him out then swoop in and do the whole hey girl where the crap have you been we're all waiting over at the table for you and then you hook your elbow through hers and walk her back to your table of friends for if you see you'll know that of friends boyfriend fiance husband doing shady skeezy crap you tell that friend right away if you sell a buddy a car or anything of value cheaper than normal because they are a friend that friend must offer to sell it back to you before offering it to the general public my grandpa gave me a car and when my brother needed a car I gave it to him when my sister needed a car he gave it to her when it needed brakes and exhaust work she took it to the junkyard and kept the money I'm still bitter that car had enormous sentimental value it was a 1990 Oldsmobile 98 it was so freakin cool ugh when guys fight we never hit the groin it's against the Geneva Convention s thou shalt never hold a bros wingman duties against him when you're chatting up a girl I don't care how unattractive the friend he's flirting with is or how bad his flirting technique is when he's distracting the air defenses to give you a clearer on at the target you do not insult his flying you always review combat once everyone is safely on the ground you absolutely never share a glass of milk with another man this is odd I've never seen such a foreign concept brought to my doorstep that I immediately agreed with if you see a girl with her skirt tucked into her tights tissue stuck to her shoe or lipstick on her teeth tell her this happened once in college when I was working retail I was leaving the stores restroom and one of my co-workers who was always a nasty B to me for whatever reason had tucked her skirt into her underwear I debated whether or not to say anything and then went with my gut and alerted her of the situation she was always super nice to me after that guy code if you're drunk bro is about to cheat on his girlfriend you must follow through with one intervention if he says he doesn't ker you did your part and are free from any responsibility girlcode when another girl asks how she looks if you have something negative to point out do it gently and follow up with at least one or more positive you got a user sandwich compliment insult compliment at urinal dung in hand don't talk to me man look straight ahead don't make eye contact never pick a urinal next to someone if you can help it farting is acceptable but don't make a big deal about it last slice of pizza or last pop beer always goes to who paid for it if you all chipped in you don't have to ask but you have to tell and never take both in the same hangout no matter what the earlier rules say never mess with the music in another person's car don't care how crap you think their taste is if you know someone else had a regrettable hookup no you don't not even if you fall out and become enemies you don't remember the music and car thing is so true I've driven long drives for people on terrible roads and paid for gas and no matter how much I pick my music to be inoffensive I get people reaching for the orcs when I politely decline their music they get mad more people should respect the orcs never steal or browse large fry or the accidental curly fry if another lady walks past and you notice a blood stain on the back of their pants skirt tell them but do it discreetly recently noticed a passenger had a spot on her parents wrote her a note and slipped it to her as I was collecting trash from the carriage half hour later I see her again and she has a different change of pants on she was super thankful the guy code rules for eating a banana one never make direct eye contact with another man while eating a banana to never close your eyes while biting the banana 3 never take a bike longer than 1 inches in length 4 never take more than one second to bite the banana 5 never let your lips touch the banana common never let your lips touch the banana when Squidward tries the krabby patty for the first time in his home you always call another man's dog a good boy I only had one chance to exercise this girl code rule but once I was passing a girl in the lobby of a building and she told me that she had just gotten a strait permit was waiting for the rain to pass before she went outside so I let her share my umbrella for four five blocks while we walk to a bus stop together I would do that for any woman if it happened again firms are $200 plus can take up to three hours and are ruined if you get them wet within 48 hours of having the procedure done I know this from watchin Legally Blonde if you are fighting no matter what don't touch the balls exceptions are made in a fight for your life situation bros before hos but not before wives sure it sucks when a buddy has to stay home for a weekend camping trip but if his wife's sick and they have a three-month-old it's probably best that he keeps his family's interests above your own hammer I'm from the south so some of mine are probably southern type of things one don't kill an animal unless you are going to eat it too unless he starts it you must defend your friend in a fight regardless of the odds if he started it you intervened before he gets freaked up too bad but only enough to extricate him from the situation 3 if you go fishing and it's not your boat you buy the beer ice and bait for for close friends show up to funerals weddings and birthdays even if you don't want to 5 pay for the bachelor at his bachelor party 6 if a friend is going through a bad breakup it is the responsibility of the bro tribe to keep him out of the house as much as possible for the first few months 7 if your friend is generally a hardworking industrious guy and they hit a financial rough spot and you can help you help 8 in the event of a hurricane or other disaster assemble the bras grab the chainsaws shovels coolers and beer and go house to house fixing crap don't wait for freaking FEMA do the crap yourself 9 if a bro is in jail and you can afford to post bail then you post bail 10 if a bro is stranded somewhere you go get him regardless of what time it is 11 don't let your boss drive drunk period 12 if a bro seems genuinely down ask them for a beer and ask them if they are ok sometimes they just want someone to listen and usually their dad will listen or care 13 if a bro wants to learn to hunt or fish and you know how teach them and don't talk too much crap about their ineptitude once they have learned a bit you can talk crap about how crappy of a shot they or how they always backlash the reals 14 if you have a professional service that you provide and your bro needs it it's okay to do it for free the first time 15 if a bro is working on his house or truck and needs help and you know how to use tools then help his butt out 16 if you have a truck and bro needs to move something big like a BB Cupit or a cornhole set you loan him the truck or go with him a 17 if a bro is having a BB Q you bring some kind of meat and beer 18 never touch another man's grill without his permission 19 if you see your gross girlfriend or wife getting harassed by a dude and your bro isn't there you are the surrogate bro and must intervene you are the surrogate bro this one is so true had this a few times with my mates wife this is going to sound weird as a guy code thing as it's actually a bro thing to do for women if I happen to be walking somewhere at night think grocery store parking lot and I'm behind a woman I always scuff my feet or something so that she doesn't get freaked out by a man popping out of nowhere as a fast Walker I will usually also slow my pace so she doesn't think I'm trying to gain on her or anything women's lives are filled with these safety related mini panic attacks and as a guy I try to do my best to not cause them I heard this dilemma discussed in and only plays video recently and I'm more of the sentiment that if it's a long path that says just walking down a road at night with a girl ahead of you you should walk straight past her around rather quickly because those couple seconds of unease and slight panic are better than whole minutes of discomfort and paranoia be generous with your closest friends buy them an occasional beer or their favorite soft drink without keeping score of whose turn it is to pay a buddy and I always run under the assumption that we owe each other some general amount of money not a dollar by dollar log but just money so if we need a bit of help buying food we're just like hey get this for me which perpetuates the I probably are you something around this price mentality and keeps it going what was the weirdest rule you had to follow in school in elementary school we were not allowed to stand in circles because standing in circles leads to the gang life little did they know that as real thugs prefer gangbanging and octagons no high-fives in fact no contact with one another whatsoever this was in middle school the staff was tired of watching kids groping each other I imagine no high-fives groping I must have been giving high fives wrong my whole life we had a hallway only for sixth graders in middle school it was really strange because it was in the middle of the entire school but if any teachers found you there you were sent to the principal's office that reminds me of my middle school it was sixth eighth grade and the school was three floors top for sixth grades middle for eighth graders bottom for seventh you had to stick to your level besides the cafeteria and gym off course which were all on the middle floor no same-gender hugging really weird rule apparently some kid got sick and their parent blamed same-gender hugging my high school went the other way no I'm gay hugging they were scared shitless to say anything to the known gay couples though as a teacher I had to make this rule underwear must be worn on Halloween this was for college students in my old primary school their solution to every playground accident was to put a fence up a child tripped on a tree root put a fence around the tree child slipped on some mulch in the garden better set up a six-foot high perimeter around the entire garden Oh Ward's that someone pushed another student off of a bench I allege let's put up spiked stockade style poles to prevent that from happening again it got so out of hand with so many playground restrictions the parents started insisting the removal of most of them bonus the children's name for the principal was mr. Penn son in secondary school high school we were forced to leave the school in full uniform at the end of the school meaning no jackets unless you were out of the main gaits which are very far outdoors so if it was raining you were freaked thank God that rule only lasted two weeks it always amazes me how little foresight rule makers have with things like dress code in middle school we weren't allowed to clap during assemblies because the vice-principal thought it was too disruptive we could only do jazz hands this seems like a rule that was made up just because it was secretly hilarious to watch a roomful of teenagers do simultaneous jazz ins with deadpan face expressions the six-inch rule we weren't allowed within six inches of another person one we aren't American we don't use inches - how could you stop hundreds of students from being close proximity to each other three you're making a rule for adolescent teenagers called the six-inch rule Alera t ensues it only takes one girl to stand a couple of inches from someone and when question say mid miss he told me this was six inches forced to use a hair straightener for naturally curly hair in Japan curly hair was not allowed how dare you be the way that you are no stomping on soda cans laying on their side and walking around with them attached to your shoes given how specific this is I feel like it might be justified no running in the schoolyard or playground during recess or lunch how TF do you expect to stop 500 children from running while they're out there playing they didn't allow the boys to have door on the bathroom stalls in high school they let teachers use those bathrooms nothing like walking in on your 300 pounds history teacher dropping a deuce the same rule was enacted in my high school for two weeks it had to stop after a large group of boys would get together during class and wander from bathroom to bathroom finding people who were taking a poop and then yell clap cheer them on for pooping because of gang affiliations we were banned from wearing three items of red or blue things got a bit hairy on school spirit days where they encouraged us to wear our school colors red white and blue just turned spirit days into KKK rallies not really a rule more other if this isn't illegal then it should be sort of think someone emptied all the soap in the boys bathroom onto the floor my freshman year and the school retaliated by leaving the dispensers empty for the next four years it was disgusting travels soap kept in my bag through high school way back in elementary school we weren't allowed to walk around the school in groups larger than three because it intimidated the primary grades like frickin what I picture a bunch of fourth graders and jeans and leather jackets snapping while swaying side to side looking for some trouble my school dates back to the 13th century so we had some archaic rules still floating around my personal favorite was that the head boy gained the right to grow facial hair and graze his sheep on the Headmaster's lawn row that's pretty generous that the headmaster shares his lawn I had severe kidney problems when I was in secondary school the rule was that one we were in the yard you couldn't leave the yard until break lunch was over like they literally locked the gates to stop you from leaving once in the yard I had multiple arguments with teachers fought not letting me out of the toilet then getting bitched at in classes for asking to go or being late in high school skirts were to be no shorter than 12 inches off the floor people wandered through the halls measuring bad for tall people good for short people we had a lesson about how far needed oxygen to continue burning so they said a fire would eventually go out if in a contained room with no extra oxygen our teacher then assigned a different student every other week to be in charge of making sure all the windows were closed before leaving if there was a fire thankfully we never had an actual fire no playing with kids in another division if one was grades 1-3 live 2 was grades 4-6 live 3 was grades 7-9 people in depth 3 and most of div 2 didn't pay attention to div 1 but when I was in grade 4 all my friends were in grade 2 nobody was a jerk to a younger kid just because they were younger some of us had siblings in another division I ignored the rule since it wasn't enforced much my high school started to do a school shooter drill twice a semester my senior year they had a dude come in the front door during lunch blow an air horn and shout this is a shooter drill run he had a water gun and would shoot kids with it and then tell them they had been killed me and my friends casually finished our lunches he shot us then left out the kitchen side door to leave the building half the senior class ended up leaving as they had this guy go through half the school and through the freshman Center over the course of half an hour it was pretty ridiculous and happened several times usually during lunch this actually kinda sounds like fun imagine it breaking out into a whole water gun fight between the dude and the seniors when I was in elementary school we had a rule that kids were strictly not allowed to touch rocks no rocks not pebbles not big rocks no rocks I got put in timeout a few times for touching rocks the problem was our playground was built on a pebble pit if you fell or wanted to sit on the ground to play you could very well be singled out and punished for touching rocks it a huge tattle fest two kids would catch others touching the rocks and run to tell the pay coaches who would immediately interrogate you Did you touch rocks tell me the truth I found a really cool rock in first grade and decided to show it to my coach I told her it looked like an alligator skull she smiled at me took the rock and chucked it as far as she could then bitterly told me don't touch rocks if you kept touching rocks you'll be made to walk around the playground in circles sometimes until you had sufficiently learned your lesson I once walked in circles with a few other kids until playground time was over it felt like forever but it was probably like 15 minutes TL DR my school had a don't touch any rocks rule this reads like some weird ain't Rand and dr. Seuss collaborative work like a dystopian society story in little golden book form I dig it I used to go to a k-12 charter school and you weren't allowed to take left turns is your next class to your left nope sorry you have to walk right all the way down to the end of the hallway before you start back towards your next class that whole school was backwards couldn't you just turn right and circle too you face the class door no band shirts at my Christian school but the only ones that would be recognized were Christian bands so you could get away with almost anything else red hot chili peppers a that into cooking would love to see how a Bad Religion shirt got handled when I was in high school the phrase epic fail was a thing one of my teachers became sick of it and abandoned it was quickly replaced with catastrophic error in seventh grade my Lang and lit teacher tried to get us to stop saying shut up and somebody came up with an alternative required with a passion it quickly became a very popular thing to say couldn't dance show our shoulders or play games on school campus school dances were six down meals instead as we were not allowed to dance God is against dancing apparently there was silent time in the lunchroom in Catholic elementary school at the beginning of lunch ostensibly for prayers grace I remember sneezing due to allergies and having to miss recess never forgave those frickin nuns all the girls have to keep their hair short which was nothing new in an Asian school strangest variation on the fact was that the dance club girls could all have long hair but as soon as they finish their last dance competition they are required to cut their hair short to no hugging all of the girls in elementary including myself would hug each other if we were friends we would also hug certain teachers because some were really amazing people and helped out less fortunate students like me we were only allowed to fist bump both the teachers and students did it anyway despite the principal monitoring the hallways all the time to try to stop it trick you miss McRae we had an assembly in middle school one time that was interrupted by a teacher apparently a parent was there to pick up their child who was currently sitting in the auditorium watching the assembly the teacher grabbed the mic from the stage and said Dale Smith I don't remember his last name will you please exit the auditorium nobody stepped forward nobody stood up we soon all realized that Dale wasn't there before the staff could comprehend what was happening the entire auditorium was yelling Dale's name lifting up seats and causing a ruckus looking for him it lasted for a good 20 minutes we never found Dale and we never gave up every assembly we had at that school from that point forward started off by every single person in attendance shouting Dale's name and making sure he was there Dale went from an unknown nerdy kid to a king everyone knew Dale everyone had to make sure Dale was there as a result of this I know more Dale campaign began and anyone who started looking for Dale during an assembly was punished we had to ask to remove our jackets in class not overly weird but I went to a language school and in our French German classes we were only allowed to take our jackets off if we asked in that language kinda hard for an 11 year old who was still using Matilda to spell the word difficulty mrs. D mrs. I mrs. FFI mrs. C miss you missus lty that spells difficulty how do I still remember this I remember my school had an autism test once a year as if someone could just suddenly develop autism over the course of a year or it could get any worse in college we had a professor who assigned seats she claims she did it to remember our names but she never remembered our names I went to a private school ran by seventh-day adventists from a religious context the rule wasn't that dumb but they banned students from bringing any food that isn't kosher for lunch I got around that by bringing tofu bacon and pepperoni high school no backpacks no leggings girls must only wear minimal makeup no lipstick no colored hair as if anyone listened nothing with a skull weapon or illusion to death may be worn no plain colored shirts shoes bandanas et Cie for fear of color gangs god forbid the green gang gets us women must adhere to a strict dress code fingertip length garments no tank tops of any kind no vests no backless garments no visible bra straps if the edges of your bra could be detected from the outside of your shirt you've got detention no sweatpants or any kind of pant with an elastic waistband men may not sag pants sweatpants were permitted no bandanas or do-rags no physical contact of any kind no hugs hand-holding kisses high-fives fist bumps or anything including physical contact pants may not have more than four pockets this goes for both genders no chain wallets no purses no wandering the halls before school began no cell phones may be permitted on the property at any time bringing a cell phone at all resulted in phone being taken and not returned to you or your parents phones were smashed or tossed into the pond once in the lunchroom leaving the lunchroom at any time until lunch was over resulted in detention this included no bathroom breaks middle school all of the above but also had assigned seating in lunch there were more but this is just what I remember off the top of my head our middle school picked a yearly motto to symbolize the spirit of the year one year it was just because you can doesn't mean you should they translated it into Latin and everything and printed it on flyers all over the school not exactly a role but it was both weird and completely useless it was entirely unclear what it meant to both staff and students was it in reference to drugs homework going into an AP versus regular class having physical intimacy it was a bita reference to itself in elementary school we had a stoplight in the cafeteria that was linked to a decibel meter allegedly if it got to now during lunch it would go from green to yellow to red red meant silence for alike five minutes any noise would cause you to miss recess we had one two and if it went to red we had to be silent for like five minutes or something like that it only lasted a few days because my friends and I would purposely sit under it and scream the cafeteria ladies who had nothing to do with the light in the first place ended up turning it off and it was never turned back on nobody likes a tattle-tale well nobody likes a bully either I had a substitute teacher tell me this in first grade so I just had to sit at my desk in defeat with my pencil at the kid next to me broke no putting clothes or food and lockers know using lockers in the morning or between classes no wearing glasses with frames thicker than one centimeter you must wear black leather shoes and the soles must be thicker than 1.5 centimeters yes they really enforced this lunch was from 1140 to 1240 so you had to stay in the classroom for the first 20 minutes then you could either stay in the classroom or go to the playground for the next 20 minutes but after 12 20 you must go down to the playground and must not eat in the classroom or else you'll get punished the school was afraid of us falling down the corridor as the barriers aren't strong enough so they drew a line on the side of the corridor which you can't cross Catholic girl school Hong Kong I could go on I've told this story before and 20 years after the fact I'm still not happy about this in any case when I started high school the entire school was open campus for lunch that year however some of the sophomores were acting up off campus so our principal in his infinite wisdom decided that starting the next school year it would be open campus only for juniors and seniors think about this the sophomores who caused the trouble who then became juniors and therefore this rule didn't apply to weren't punished beat us freshmen who became sophomores and weren't the ones causing the problems were punished for what they did it so I had open campus my freshman junior and senior years it was closed my sophomore year still think that was unfair in my middle school students weren't allowed to wear any clothing with a logo symbol or image and I have no idea why no cracking your knuckles for a while in elementary school we couldn't run on the playground the teachers were probably worried that the older kids would play over the younger kids these see-through backpacks tucked and shirts and stupid name badges that could only be worn with a clear lanyard because God forbid somebody show up to school with the Raiders lanyard my senior year of high school the kids used to skip class by going to use a bathroom and never come back in hopes the teacher didn't notice they left at a try and stop this they made a silent timeout log not that weird right well when that eventually did nothing to stop kids skipping they started to make us carry around trackers to monitor our locations they even would come and check on us if we were standing still anywhere outside of class for more than five minutes eventually the kids rejected Big Brother and just smashed them all at the same time cost too much to replace and they couldn't punish us all what rules were created just because of you not me but my high school required that all valedictorians give a copy of their speech to the school board for approval my class wrote a satirical one about how American prisons were a better option than going in debt for college and getting a job school board hated it and told him to write a traditional one he writes that she ceased most stereotypical speech he could think of he was also an ESL student and his parents spoke an Arabic language don't remember specifically which one at home he gets up at graduation and reads the entire speech three times in Arabic now my brother tells me they say all speeches must be approved in the language they will be spoken in I used to ride a unicycle around my school's gym all the time because while they specifically banned skateboards bikes rollerskates and even those Healy's things they never mentioned unicycles they had to go through the whole official rule changing process to add unicycles to the rulebook not me but the intro to engineering class at UCF has a competition where groups must create a self-powered boat to race an orange around the circumference of the reflection pond the pond is maybe 100 feet and do mater one year one group used a lawnmower engine to power their boat and the same year of group used bottle rockets upon starting the race the lawnmower groups boat tips over in the middle and poured gasoline into the pond at the same time the other group Alif their bottle rockets which promptly ignited the spilt gasoline and set the pond on fire they created a new rule after that year no gasoline powered boats at some summer thing Texas A&M did to try and attract students I didn't end up going there there was little mini engineering contests where you had to construct a four-wheel vehicle that would go the farthest using an assortment of McGeever ish materials including a balloon some tape a mousetrap paperclips tacks things like that and like for Lego wheels and two axles my group argued for a while and honestly we wouldn't have had anywhere near the best contraption if not for my last-minute inspiration of rule loophole exploitation which apparently I better at than actual engineering no one said all four wheels couldn't be on the same axle and there was no strict definition of vehicle for Lego wheels and one axle flunked by the mousetrap 25 feet beat second-place by almost devil I think on our team one ti-89 each that's not ruler breaking that's just dang good engineering my sister got a pair of toy airings at the doctor's office and promptly stuck them up her nose so deep that they were lost forever after that the doctor's office only gave out stickers when I was in middle school the dress code stated that every boy must wear a shirt with a collar I decided to buy a really cheap collar shirt and cut the collar off and then wear t-shirts to school with it clipped on soon the school made one-piece collar shirts mandatory no marine in the company is allowed to perform marriage ceremonies for other Marines in high school the student council was sponsoring a food drive to boost donations some teachers offered extra credit for every item a student brought in being the smartass I am I decided to buy $40 worth of ramen noodles at zero dollars and 12 cents apiece that's about 300 packages I did minimal work for the rest of the semester and ended up with a 125 percent in the class the principal was not pleased and banned extra credit forever that's why at my high school any teacher who offered extra credit like that had a cap you could bring in as many tissue boxes canned items et Cie as you wanted but you'd only get up to ten extra credit points my friends and I played a round off poker and lunch in high school naturally we didn't have much cash so we started betting things like the future virginity of the hot chicks and one stroke two of our soul fast forward to the guy who won one stroke two of the soul he decided to put it on eBay two days later CNN did a piece on eBay selling intangible goods and they featured our point-five soul in the promo the next day eBay announced that souls were no longer acceptable items I remember that story I was 14 at a time 25 now back the night pirated movies via hotline I decided to set up my own server access was not entirely free however you had to go to my Mach website click on a banner for an adult Revenue Service sign up and on the final Cigna page look for these two words would show the login and password each time someone did this I got $20 I got a check from the company for about 400 dollars before they caught on and banned removed my account after that they changed their - so that a person had to be an active member for a month before they gave the referral the $20 my mom was very confused when I got a $400 check with dozens of P websites all over the envelope after I explained she thought it was amazing and hilarious and we cashed the check a retail store I worked will change the call in sick policy because I cut my foot and they made me come to work the stitches split and I left a blood trail wherever I went for a solid five minutes now stitches are an acceptable reason not to come to work when I was seven nine years old my friend and I did nothing but play outside all day and build all sorts of wooden forts and tree houses we got pretty handy with our tools and our projects got bigger and bigger one day we found four good-sized trees about six feet apart from each other in a rough square just a stone's throw from the neighborhood park we decided to build the mother of all forts by making a platform in the middle of those trees about six feet off the ground it has two feet walls around the sides and a sturdy ladder and eventually a second level above the first this was a fairly small neighborhood and everyone knew everyone else so all the grown-ups with kids came to check it out and after a few modifications it was deemed safe enough and for a few weeks all the neighborhood kids would play in and around it we felt like kings then one day we came home from school and it was absolutely destroyed apparently the county somehow got wind of it and its proximity to the playground and sent some guys out with chainsaws to demolish it we were heartbroken they told our parents that from then on we weren't allowed to build anything anymore because the county could maybe be held la in case someone got hurt we gathered up our scraps said Frick the police and moved further into the woods and out of sight and built an even better one in several backups just in case in hindsight I'm 30 now I can understand why it needed to be done but all those years ago it seemed like the greatest tragedy ever I've always wanted to build a tree house but living in India makes it rather hard to do since none knows what a tree houses in my high school we had a German language competition that was hosted at different hotels over the years one of them had balconies for every room and my friends and I discovered the wonder of hopping between them in order to get to someone's room because you know opening the door and walking was very difficult for us rowdy teenagers well some of my friends decided to remove all the smaller furniture in one room thinking it was one of ours it wasn't those people were not happy needless to say the hotel ended up posting a bunch of signs and the security waivers you have to sign for the competition added no jumping between balconies ever a year after we were stupid kids I don't consider it to be my fault that I actually got the indie band at my school after some less than intelligent person saw one of our lunchtime games in the library and complained about Satanism I had to go through three weeks of counselor sessions just because I made my voice deep and booming when I D end my freshman year in college I lived in a dorm with a large courtyard in the center we collectively had a large water balloon fight one of the girls slipped and cut her arm open pretty deep and we had to call 9-1-1 the new rule my dorm maid was no water balloon fights indoors I go to a private school with a dress code and because of me chainmail is no longer an acceptable form of undershirt at my old high school now in uni math class tests now start with the disclaimer all answers must be written in Arabic numerals but they didn't say you have to give them in base 10 time to answer in painful my story is not one of badassery but rather an example of thinking outside the box in my high school physics class we had fun doing the physics Oh limbic saft er AP tests were done and our lesson plan was complete one of the events was seen how many paper clips you could remove from a bin using two AAA batteries copper wire two nails and tape the logic was to make an electromagnet but after reading the rules and talking with the teacher nowhere did it explicitly say that you had to make an electromagnet I proceeded to make a shovel using the batteries as the handle the nails are supports for the wire and tape bucket and reinforced it all with tape my group got the all-time record for that event with around 1150 paper clips picked up in 30 seconds we picked up over 900 more than the closest competitor needless to say the rules explicitly state to make an electromagnet now but no one will touch my group's record I play the tuba I'm Mexican and back in high school my mostly Caucasian school was playing the mostly ethnic school on the other side of town from where I resided I was bussed to the rich school on the better side of town I and my other Mexican friend who played the trumpet decided it would be a good idea to play the Mexican Hat dance needless to say we had many letters and parents to respond to rules have been changed on our district games on what's acceptable sportsmanship and pep band songs to be played not so much a rule it's my senior year of high school I had completed the minimum requirements to graduate that we were only allowed to have one free period instead of taking a class I didn't want to I created my own Bulls child development class where I volunteered at the preschool next door three days a week and had the other two off seven years later the class still exists but has a legit curriculum associated with it now I'm sure I am not the only reason but when I was about seven or so I was in the Miami and Claire Court and back then the emergency stop button for escalators was at the bottom right by the entrance I was young saw the button and couldn't resist the urge to kick it while it was very packed well it was full of senior citizens that kept telling each other to stand still because it could come back on at any second that was that for about 15 minutes blocking the only entrance to the airport next year all the buttons had a plastic cover with or without a lifejacket no one is to sleep in the hot tub when I was in elementary school I got two bunch of kids to wear shorts in the winter with me I live in Canada most of us got mild frostbite on our legs now no one can wear shorts in the winter first year of uni my friend bought a sofa an armchair from eBay $4.99 P until delivery best purchase ever he managed to fit both of them in his tiny room once the university found out they didn't like it so they told him to get rid of them he said no he managed to keep them till the end of the year he put them in storage in the following September he brought them to his new even smaller room only the sofa fit so I got the objet again the university didn't like it they sent us both very official letters giving us 30 days to remove the furniture we printed off the entire residency agreement and read it page by page every word to see if there was anything forbidding us from having them there wasn't they had their fire tags they didn't block any exits the only possible problem was if it interfered with the cleaners job we asked her she was fine with it our rooms were the last on the rotor so she'd sometimes sit and talk with us after she was finished anyway so after 30 days we got another letter saying that they knew we still had the furniture and we would be fined we printed off all the documentation we needed suited up and went to the office to argue our case after several months they managed to converse the cleaner to say the furniture into referred so we actually had to get rid of them our friend took them to his house the following year we weren't in university halls anymore but we checked the residency documentation on their website where we noticed the guidelines for furniture were now much more specific about what you could and couldn't have your room four years later he still has those sofas I don't know for certain but I feel pretty confident that I had the flow of traffic at a certain intersection in town changed there was a very wide shoulder on the road that I used as a right turning lane only to be immediately pulled over by policemen for passing about five cars on the shoulder while they waited for the traffic signal I counted the idea to him that the shoulder there actually was a lane there was a dividing line and it was nicely paved no reason for us not to use this space for making right turns although no one used it I really was passing traffic on the shoulder but being very cautious about three months later the intersection is repainted with the shoulder as a right turn only lane it felt great seeing as it does help the traffic flow better at that crowded intersection if you must bite the plaster in the art room please at least have a justified reason for doing so in case you're wondering it tasted delicious sounds like a justified reason if I ever heard one my German teacher banned us from say the mayonnaise in German because every question she would ask us that's what we would reply with in German class every answer regardless of question freshman year itch spiel get er serious what was a rule in your household growing up that was actually totally ridiculous one of the foster homes I lived in had a rule where nobody was allowed in the house unless the adults were home so sometimes I'd have to sit on the porch from the time school got out around 2:30 p.m. until like 8:00 p.m. when the foster parents got home from work sometimes even later even during winter my stepmother had a similar rule which only applied to me I wasn't allowed to be in the house if my father wasn't home my brother and stepbrothers didn't have to follow any such rule it really sucked during extreme weather we were not allowed to talk during dinner my dad just wanted to focus on eating if you farted out loud you were grounded to the bathroom until you could poop I thought thus was pretty normal until a friend of mine was over and questioned it my dad's big rule was don't bleed on the rug it was obviously just a way to disconnect the bangs and bumps off kids horsing around he would hear a smash from the other room then silence then call out just don't bleed on the rug one time my brother cut himself he was pretty young maybe seven or eight and my dad came in with wide eyes and said you bleed on the rug bleeding brother didn't get the dat joke and thought his life was completely over started crying hysterically desk elation backfired after years of buildup no drinks at the dinner table my mom would make gigantic portions that says four times the size of a regular meal and force us to eat every bite we often feel sick afterwards which was great because that's when we had to do our chores later found out that she had an eating disorder and gave us quadruple portions so she didn't feel bad for eating a regular sized meal not our house it's in my grandma's house no whistling if you whistled you were calling for the devil to come got to add a whistle to my shopping list along with nightshade bat bones and pencil led we were never allowed to be alone we had to be in our parents eyeline at all times and we weren't allowed to go to the bathroom without asking permission even when I was 18 everyone had to go to bed when mom felt sleepy and she often felt sleepy at 7:00 p.m. also no TV cartoons my dad had the same rule that everyone had to go to bed before he did he and I both have bad problems sleeping so I can see his point that he wouldn't want me running around making noise no phone calls ever we could not call anyone and no one could call us not even another kids parent to say they would be late for carpool or whatever phone calls from your boss at work nope work wants you to come early no you cannot talk to them don't call again we weren't allowed to hang posters on the wall even with a nice poster tack stuff that doesn't leave any marks my parents were obsessed with preserving the resale value of the house I had the girl room and my brother had the boy room my room was painted pink a color I never liked as a kid even when I was very young and my brothers was baseball-themed brother could have framed baseball posters if my mom approved them I was only allowed Monet's water lilies also framed because it was the only art my mom liked that went with the pink color theme they've lived in that house for almost 30 years and have no intention of ever moving how strict and often I would get grounded grounded at my house meant something different than what others people's grounded meant when I got grounded I could do absolutely nothing wake up got sit at the kitchen table read a pre-chosen book all day that I had no interest in go to bed I was once grounded for six months because of a D also the insane amount of yard work I was made to do every weekend was yard work from morning until night then back to forced reading until bed my brother once got grounded and he had to write out the whole Bible he left the house before he ever finished also I once got grounded because my steadman thought I was worshipping Satan because she found my diary strategy guide I then had to throw away all of my CDs in the book and gang whenever my dad came home from work my sister and I had to go in our rooms for the rest of the day except for when we needed to use the bathroom or eat dinner because my dad would need to relax and couldn't do that with his children around even just sitting on the couch reading a book or playing quietly with toys bothered him too much and would make him yell at us to leave ah childhood we had to be quiet when we drove through Chicago because impro was filming there I'm guessing it was because I was being too noisy or my parents were trying to concentrate on the directions but I can't believe I bought into that for yours so you know how when you don't like the taste of something as a child you start gagging well my mom's rule was a few gagged and through you had to eat the throw-up I'll never forget her shoving thrown up boiled Brussels sprouts covered in stomach vile down my throat because I couldn't keep them down at dinner oh my god this is sick your mom is sick it wasn't the rule itself that was ridiculous it was the fact that it was the only rule don't set the house on fire that was it I could do whatever the Frick I wanted as long as the house wasn't a pile of ashes when my parents got home flood the sucker for me it was that Disney films were almost completely banned I was allowed to watch Mickey Mouse my mom felt that they were too saccharine and that I should not be lied to about the future we actually all sat down as a family when I was about five to watch Mulan then we'd the poem one my mom explained the differences joke's on her though I watched Pocahontas at a sleepover although this does mean that I have not seen the LAN King Cinderella etc there were crazier ones but the rule of no eating after 4 p.m. as it might ruin our dinner was the most annoying unfortunately we didn't get home from school until after 4:00 so whatever poultry some off food from the school cafeteria was going to have to be fine until 7 p.m. because that's when dad liked to have dinner I'd get headaches a lot when I was hungry so I usually had a headache most of the day what's really funny is that each other's three kids had mentioned to our mother independently as adults that it was a crazy rule not getting to eat after school and she denied having such a strict enforcement to each other's adults usually forget the little things that scar ass like how you forced your children to starve don't talk to dad and mom I always thought that TV shows were making it up that there were parents who talk to their kids without yelling and cussing they used to tell me there were no such families it was all just TV we weren't allowed to play video games during the school year so the nurse snez n64 were nicely boxed and stored nine months each year however we could watch TV all day long without a problem I can't play Mario but I can watch telenovelas awesome when my older brother was growing up until he turned about 14 he was never allowed to own wear black t-shirts that was probably when my mother was at her most super Christian stage and thought that the color black was satanic of course she doesn't care anymore she's honestly a wonderful mother and we all laugh about it now as adults I was the only one in the house not allowed to wear black I was really depressed at 13 and my parents said I could only weigh happy colors looking back I understand why they did it but I think my bro and sis should have had the same rule as well but this was also the mother who chained the fridge shut when my sister was overweight instead of you know talking to her and helping I had a 10:00 p.m. bedtime from age 16 until I moved out I turned 18 and july and moved out in august the only exception was if i had work i got grounded for a week because i was up reading five years later my then 13 year old sister came home falling down drunk around midnight my mom was mad but my dad just laughed no punishment being the eldest sucked sometimes everyone has to put an ornament on the tree or else the house will blow up I loved my father when I started to go through puberty my mom wouldn't let me out of the car to go to school until I cake day a lot of makeup on me I was also very tomboy nothing wrong with that and I also didn't like wearing makeup at the age of 12 totally nothing wrong with that many reasons why I was totally against it but if I did and she would start having screaming fits at me in the parking lot and that would be really embarrassing so I usually didn't put up a fight one day I went to the bathroom immediately after she dropped me off and washed all the makeup and went to sit in the gym where everyone waited for school to start that's when I realized the degree of how messed up she made me look every day a friend of mine immediately pointed out how great I look without and how I usually wear too much may they never mentioned it before I told them how my mom was making we're insane amounts of makeup and they didn't believe me this is so strange to me because I was never allowed to wear any makeup at all when I lived at home for religious reasons I would sneak mascara to school and put it on then take it off before going home I also wasn't allowed to wear my hair down had to be braided in a ponytail any jewelry or pants father gave my mother a cordless phone for Christmas when using it we had to sit next to the wall socket not walk around because it's cordless advantages were her gift and her benefit only that sounds like dad trolling we weren't allowed to watch Spongebob because apparently spongebob was the devil my parents were ridiculously strict Catholics I still don't see how they could think negatively about the charm striped sweater song and Gary the snail we had to ask before we started playing with a new toy and we didn't usually get to play with more than one type of toy at a time for example we couldn't play with legis and Barbies at the same time I wasn't allowed to bring my boyfriend upstairs when I was in high school but I was allowed to bring him to our fully finished basement with a relatively soundproof door including a bedroom maybe my parents figured we were going to Frick anyways so send us to the part of the house where they couldn't hear it I got grounded one time and my punishment was I had to wear the neck shirts to school I didn't understand why I was about 10 years old and my dad said you'll see why which I now understand to mean that his intent was for me to be ostracized by appearing gay joke's on him because 16 years later v-necks are in and being gay is totally cool there was a kid at my high school that always wore v-necks he was totally straight but he rocked that look I was always a bit jealous of his fashion sense I wasn't allowed to trick-or-treat I wasn't either because of Satan you can't have a friend spend the night because you're a lesbian and you la pay them and then their parents will sue me my grandmother is a see we weren't allowed to say what I'm not joking my mother would lash out if we said it she was pretty weird my mum had a book called turmoil in the toy box written by this utter nutcase Christian guy who saw Satan and practically every toy of the 80s so not allowed to own troll dolls because there's no such thing as luck and wishing not allowed to watch or read the x-men cartoons comics or watch TMNT because no such thing as mutants they're not of God was allowed to own Barbie dolls but not Cabbage Patch dolls or Care Bears I don't even know why Barbie was a K but the others weren't Rainbow Brite was bad because the rainbow should be reserved for the nailers Ark story boy did she have her eyes opened when we accidentally stopped to watch Mardi Gras in Nick back in 1995 not realizing what it was till topless ladies were walking right past us she's fine now she just grew up in a super religious family in a small town so she had some really weird ideas she relaxed a ton as we got older but from ages 1-8 dish for me those were the rules but not really a rule but when I was about 10 we moved to some barn house in the backwoods of Maine my parents had just divorced and my new stepmom was a real B she convinced my dad to put my bedroom into the Attic so that she could have a computer room inside the actual house where it was air conditioned and heated unlike the Attic and I'm not talking about some nice attic a book writer might use as their office I'm talking like the Attic from the movie sinister it was big with nothing in it but my bed and alone dresser toy box the attic had holes in the ceiling windows and cobwebs everywhere which they didn't clean poor insulation so cold as heck in the winter also before this I had been sharing a bunker with my sister so when I moved to the Attic instead of buying me a new bed they got me a camping cot to sleep on at that age I had trouble sleeping without a light on so I was ten on the only source of light in the Attic a hanging bulb with one of those pull switches she find out and took the lightbulb away I wish I could make this up but sadly my imagination isn't that good she was just really evil and had my dad totally wrapped around her finger because some might consider her decent-looking my parents were very strict about chocolate what makes it seem ridiculous now is the amount of non chocolate sweets we would eat that are just as bad for you as chocolate but my parents didn't see it that way one thing in particular that stands out is that if they got Dunkin Donuts coffee in the morning we all got donuts but no chocolate as if a glazed or vanilla cream donuts is somehow better for you my mom made me take off my shirt to eat at the table until I was like 14 I am a girl we had to say grace before each meal I found out later on that my parents were both atheists does that make any freaking sense washing your hands and the kitchen sink was a cardinal sin hand-washing should happen in the bathroom only I still can't figure that one out my dad said this one all the time but no one ever Honnold that rule today even he washes his hands in the kitchen sink now single male child and I was never allowed to have a door of my bedroom closed day or night freak that for so many reasons had to go to bed at 8:00 p.m. until I was 16 no exceptions after 16 I had to be in bed if I could stay up and watch TV just couldn't leave my room it was so my dad could smoke pot and not be caught I had to take my pills I'll explain my mother took me to doctors starting at about age six and told them I had symptoms I didn't have things like acting out not being able to focus etcetera I'll cut it way short but I will say it escalated quite a bit and by the time I was 18 I took 22 pills each day and had more than a handful of psychiatric hospital visits under my belt moved in with my dad when I was 18 and immediately stopped taking the pills I'm a normal functioning guy with no mental illness seems hard to believe it was so long ago but I kinda regard coming off the pills as the start of my life and I don't remember much before then haven't spoken with my mother since and have no contact with my siblings it's kinda sad but I'm quite literally not the person they grew up with we were only allowed to shower bathe every other day at the most according to my husband and his siblings they were only allotted one shower a week growing up he used to get up in the middle of the night and sneak showers he also grew up to be a major obsessive clean freak the remaining siblings are all dirt balls no noise while eating dinner if our fork or knife scraped the plate or our spoon clanked on the bowl they took it away eating peas or soup was especially rough no eating after 9:00 even if you were starving or sick we would sneak up at night and wait for our parents to fall asleep and try to eat them that if we got caught they took everything that didn't require cooking into their bedroom and we never saw it again can't be on the phone longer than five minutes or they would unplug the cord from the wall also we had to use the phone into the same room with our parents present no alone time on the phone of not being allowed to make a mess with the wrapping paper on presents or ripping too much or else we got yelled at open it from the corners there is no need to tear it one present at a time one person at a time took over two hours to open gifts at Christmas we had to find someplace to go every single weekend we were not allowed to be at home because it was my parents break time we spent a lot of time at our grandparents and had friends if we stayed at home and couldn't find anywhere to go or were sick home from school even we had to spend the entire day s in our room and were only allowed out for bathroom and meals we couldn't walk around in our nightgowns or pajama pants neither me my sister or my brother because it was inappropriate and indecent in the summer we would even get in trouble for sleeping in our rooms when it was like 90 degrees in our underwear like in our own bed only no hall light on or night lights of any kind even as young children my stepfather was the only one allowed in the recliner and if my mom was sitting on the couch the kids had to sit on the floor and give her the entire thing to herself absolutely no talking in the car period like even on six hours car rides not even to ask a question no noise whatsoever no laughing like ever if my siblings or even my mother were caught laughing by my stepdad he told us to knock it off and stop acting up if we kept it up we got sent in our rooms we were not allowed to eat any of my stepdads junk food or cereal he would flip crap if we even had say one out of an entire box of Twinkies yet he never bought us any and would purposely bait us to get in trouble by leaving a box of them on the table or counter for weeks and counted them every time he came home from work only one box of cereal was allowed open at any given time my stepdad would inspect the cereal boxes daily and if more than two were open he would take the second one into his room and we would never see it again at my grandmother's house if a bottle of alcohol was opened it was to be finished it's apparently a Russian thing children of strict parents what was as the most ridiculous rule your parents gave you my dad was very strict one of my close friends had an older brother and one had an older sister both of whom had cars and drivers licenses so it was no uncommon for us to ask one of the older kids to drive us somewhere them all a park etc I had several conversations with my dad that went like this me hey Dad me and the guys are going to the mall Joe his brother is gonna drive us dad when me in like 30 minutes he's gonna drop us off at the mall and go to his basketball practice and then he'll pick us back up on the way home from basketball practice dad when his basketball practice over me he said it's done at 4:30 and he'll pick us up at 5:00 so we should be home by 5:30 at the latest dad I want you home by 4:30 me um dad that doesn't make any sense I just said dad interrupts if you're not home by 4:30 then I'm calling the police me pulls friends I can't go with you guys to the mall I bought my first car with my own money of seventeen and I wasn't allowed to drive it to school or work or anywhere even though I had had my driver's license for a full year prior my mom would drive me in my own car places it was pretty embarrassing and absolutely stupid she had no rights over your car if it's in your name my parents read an article in some stupid magazine that you cannot sit in front of the computer for longer than 45 minutes so they said a rule that I cannot use the computer every hour from say 7:45 to 8 o'clock every hour even if I turned it on at 7:35 I still had to leave the room so they know I am not using the computer at 7:45 holy crap how did I survive I had no privacy my parents read through my phone whenever they wanted which is acceptable to a point I guess they were paying for it look through my laptop and even went through my drawers and read any journal or diary that I had if I got in any trouble they took my bedroom door I didn't have a bedroom door from the time I was 15 until I moved out at 18 I didn't have a bedroom door from the time I was 15 until I moved out at 18 that's a lot of trouble not being allowed to wear tie-dye multicolored clothes because it was representing the gays hit me with that gay crap for children of strict parents know this you should socialize more you are always in your room on your computer can I go out with friends then no definitely this my mom is exactly that I wasn't allowed to cross the street without an adult until I was 15 if I was going to hang out with friends my mom would call their parents to make sure that we wouldn't be walking anywhere so that I wouldn't be crossing streets at the time I thought it was weird but cute that she worried for me so much now it's just incomprehensible to me curfew at 4 in high school but also they wanted me to join all the clubs which ended at 4 got grounded a lot sounds like entrapment if I said a word too much and it started to annoy my mom she would consider it a curse word if I said it I'd be punished as if I'd said one too I remember I picked up the word nasty from watch that so raven particularly hard to not say that one we were not allowed to speak in the car at the dinner table or anywhere near her really I wasn't allowed to swallow too loud but because I couldn't learn how to not swallow without sound I just never drank around her haters and school projects were not allowed she never praised me only told me I could do better come home I remember crying when I got to high eighty in my world history class in eighth grade it had been the highest in the class but what really takes the cake for this one is in elementary school I was up for getting an award at school but the longer the award ceremony went on the more irritated I saw my mom get I remember thinking I was going to get into so much trouble because she was here but I wasn't getting an award I was so relieved when I was finally called up that I didn't even care that I got the freakin gold Presidential Award I have a lot more stories like this my mom really messed me up oh my gosh to be anxious and afraid of getting in trouble when you're getting a prestigious award geez I'm sorry we were allowed to have Diaries but we had to let our parents read them if they asked as a result we did not keep Diaries because they would always ask to read them I kept a force diary full of boring crap they also have a very selective view of privacy locking doors meant we were up to no good and they would routinely barge into us in places like the bathroom when we told them to get out they could not understand why we were upset FTR mine and my sisters bathroom does not have a lock on it they also would selectively enforce the rules telling was when they were doing something bad or malicious tattling was when you told to get them in trouble naturally my sister would do something mean to me I II made an opening night play with very mean things being said about me and when I told him I got in trouble for tattling but when I wrote in my diary the mean things my sister said she read it and told it was telling because writing those things is very mean crazy ro man that's abuse kinda my boyfriend's parents didn't allow us to be alone together in a house for a couple years into our relationship we were adults and they had this rule however we were both away from college so they didn't have full control so what did they do they tracked my boyfriend's phone last night and thus they'd catch him for spending the night at my dorm that didn't go over too well so he started leaving his phone at his dorm at night although not the strictest ruled by far the one that affected me the most socially was not being allowed a TV or media until 16 strokes 17 and even then it was very basic cable and Disney Channel I was fascinated by good luck charlie at 18 because it was the first show I'd ever watched this really affected my relationships and and estranged me from the other kids at 23 I'm still learning about basic a list celebrities and movies like Godfather and Titanic the entire entertainment industry feels like Pandora's box probably not that strict but my mum would never let me have those candy stick things because they encourage smoking if anything seen her go into the back garden for a cigarette a couple of times a day encouraged me to smoke not some sugar stick also if anyone's from the UK and remembers the children's TV program Tracy Beaker I wasn't allowed to watch that because it was a bad image of what foster homes were really like yet idk either no going outside unless given permission for my own yard no eating anything unless given permission no watching WWE because it does not depict real wrestling no cut in hair above chin because it looks gay no dyeing hair on natural colors because it looks gay for me specifically no dyeing hair at all because I have red hair and your hair is breast so don't ruin it of all the reasons a parent would tell you not to watch WWE not being true to the athletic competition of wrestling is a strange one she didn't let me hang out or associate with anyone who I went to school with only people from church who I didn't get along with my mom once yelled at me in the car in front of my friends for not wanting to use a blanket when I slept at night it was summer she said I had to because it was her job as a mother to raise me to be civilized that doesn't actually make you civilized you're just going undercover I don't remember what I did but I had to look at my opened Christmas presents for six months and wasn't allowed to actually open their packaging we weren't allowed to watch any new cartoons because they had a vulgar art style because it was supposedly corrupt our brains I don't know too many examples because I couldn't really watch them all so any show with a couple dating or anybody having a boyfriend or girlfriend was alone no probably so we didn't get the idea to one a date someone at school we were basically stuck watching Nick jr. the old hanna-barbera cartoons on boomerang rip and a few Disney sitcoms like good luck charlie no Pokemon because it teaches evolution and because the Pokemon are supposed to be metaphorical demons the same went for Skylanders oh you have money you want to buy something well you can't because it's like five months before Christmas and you'll be getting stuff in wouldn't wanna spoil those presents do you my parents locked the fridge with a chain I was not allowed to ask for a certain present my parents decided what I received for Christmas Easter birthday you know how you are supposed to write a letter to Santa all the Easter Bunny or whatever with whatever toy book sweets et Cie you would really like to get I wasn't allowed to do those my parents forbid me to ask for anything because they know better what I need so I should be grateful for whatever gift they thought was good for me it was usually clothes school stuff sweets and a few cheap toys one time we had to write Santa a letter as an assignment in class and the teacher promised us she'll pass it on to Santa I was really excited because I thought I could cheat my parents and tell Santa what I really wanted to get I asked for some stupid game that was really popular back then Barbie and a lot of chocolate turns out that the teacher gave the cards to our parents Christmas morning I woke up to find absolutely nothing under the tree I spent all morning until my parents woke up searching for my present until they said that greedy children don't receive any gifts I haven't asked for crap since then I'd rather receive clothes and books than nothing at all your parents have got holes and don't deserve any relationship with you we had a paid trip to Disneyland with a band but we weren't allowed to go because Disney supports homosexuality that we Colton drink out of bottles with a spigot thing coming out of the bottle because it could set us up for later I couldn't go to the football dinners every Thursday before the game because there were girls there I invited a girl to church and was told to make up an excuse why we couldn't get her the idea was that I would be thinking about the girl more than God we weren't allowed to have sugar because apparently we went to brain-dead after we ate it girls couldn't bring in wood for the wood stove because it could hurt their baby makers can't go to Disneyland because anti-gay but God forbid you goes someplace where girls are present fathom spanking was an acceptable punishment until I left for college I'm 26 and my mom has threatened to spank me a couple times in the last year no pants allowed good girls only wear dresses or skirts I wasn't allowed to go to the bathroom by myself till I was teenagers I wasn't allowed to talk to boys my age but how the creepy pastor could have as much one-on-one time with me as he wanted because Jesus that is creepy I wasn't allowed to use the word hate imagine the peril when I had to spell it in kindergarten same I was left yelling I strongly dislike you at my brother my father had a strict rule of no girlfriends until you're 18 annoying because I was a team like I was still going to go like people and his barely present self wasn't going to stop me dunno what his problem was with that joke's on him get a boyfriend instead improvise adapt overcome a friend of mine wasn't allowed to see are we there yet at the movies with us because it was rated PG we were 12 as a 17 year old I wasn't allowed to have anyone besides them in the car with me I'm not sure what they thought that would accomplish but I broke the heck out of that rule my mom took away my cell phone and house keys throughout all of high school with the logic that since I didn't have a means of communication I would come home straight off to school instead I would either have to wait at my friend's house for like three hours till they came home and they would freak out when they found out I was at a friend's place I wasn't allowed to sit on my bed it would crease the covers I was supposed to make my friend sit on the mattress after I'd pull the covers back but kids are dirty so I just let them crease my covers and took the aftermath off shouting after they'd left my late Stedman wouldn't allow me to sit on my bed either I would sit on the floor to do homework to be fair the comforter was custom-made and very expensive not allowed to go trick-or-treating never went trick-or-treating in my whole life yup same Halloween was evil fart was ass we're watching some film with my parents in the living room my mom held potato chips over my eyes to stop me from seeing boobies I was 13 I was also not entrusted my then father physically pushed me around because our left wet cutlery to dry next to the sink instead of drying it with a towel later on he started labeling the milk cartons in the fridge to enforce a quota system I was paid one whole shiny Canadian dollar that's loony there was a rule where I had to get up two hours before school it only took me all of 10 minutes to get ready and then another ten to walk to school this rule ended getting me kicked out of my house my stepmom came in to wake me up I said I wanted to sleep a little longer she went and told my dad that I was refusing to go to school and that I was being disrespectful dad came in with a belt beat my butt awake threw me outside middle of a Midwestern winter and told me to walk to school I had on a sports bra shorts no shoes or backpack I didn't even have my glasses so I cooled off for a minute and knocked on the door to see if I could get ready for real now we got into a heated argument after he wouldn't let me in and I ended up getting choked out on my front lawn I had to bite the everliving flick out of his shoulder to get him off my dad was an abusive butthole and the public school did not give a Frick I had gone to the cops before with bruises a fat lip from Stedman breaking a hair brush on my face etc nothing ever happened I had a black eye bruises around my neck and scratched from the branches on the ground from when I was being choked I went to the resource officer again and they went to my dad's house and he claimed the attacked him and they believed him for whatever frickin reason probably less paperwork for them I was kicked out of the house when I got home I was 16 ish and on my own thank freakin God not me but I had a friend whose dad was so strict and anytime a child broke a rule one thing of theirs would get broken or thrown away my friend high schooler 17 at the time had a laptop he bought with his own money he was past curfew one night and his dad broke his laptop with a hammer I still feel sad about it to this day I hate parents like that I had a friend whose dad made us come pick him up if he was to stay at a friend's house for the night despite him being able to drive at 16 once he turned 18 even though he didn't legally have a curfew his car had a curfew so again we had to follow him home so he could drop off his car kind of annoying married couples what is the unspoken rules of a successful marriage respectfulness is often more important than the old saying about communication respecting your partner being mindful of things they're doing etc learn when your partner is focused on something and avoid interrupting them etc respect each other's need for free time away from each other respect your partner enough to not trash the house or force your partner to do all the household chores I agree with this I'm pretty terrible at communication we both know this what I won't do is blame him for my lack of clarity I won't let things boil over to the point where I would say mean things to him but because I respect him and our relationship too much if we are a team in this life sometimes you're wrong and sometimes they're wrong don't keep score and don't use well last time as an excuse to keep going when you're the one who is wrong also talk things through can't stress this enough not married but this is one of the bigger reasons my last relationship didn't work out I've tried to talk things out but it could only get so far don't keep score forgive and forget or if anything move the freak on love your partner the way they need to be loved not the way you need to be loved everybody always says to be honest and to communicate with each other the extra step that is left out is to not punish your spouse for being honest sometimes you might hear things you don't like but if you punish this honesty the communication line will close there's no winning an argument when you're married you either come to an agreement somehow or you've both lost a situation where one person walks away feeling discouraged unhurt and disrespected is not a victory when you're married yep when I go to a shower and they ask for advice for the newlyweds - always don't forget you are both on the same team if you are fighting against each other instead of working towards the goal it goes bad really fast the worst time in my marriage is when we stopped rooting for each other and forgot that we were supposed to work together and it almost ended us sometimes you'll be helping each other poop or puke or both and cleaning it up don't ever bring this back up to humiliate the other my wife is pregnant and kind of emotional we have an agreement that I can't laugh at her thoughts unless she lasts first this is going to be the hardest thing I've ever done I'm a divorce attorney and I be married for almost 20 years here's a secret be the kind of spouse that you would like to have by your side forgive the things you would like to be forgiven for and fight for the things that you would like someone to fight for on your behalf and the best way to have a good spouse is to be one well put don't correct the other person unless it's important otherwise it'll just raise a level of irritation more generally pick your battles yup my wife miss speaks all the time tonight she asked me to put ice on the front step I know she meant salt what good would pointing it out make I realize you're talking about bigger things but if it doesn't matter it doesn't matter I'm not married but my dad once told me to never make a big purchase without taking to your spouse about it and to never hold money against each other my friend told me it's two blankets on the bed one for each of you no matter what happens we're on the same side and working towards the same goals from work to family members the rest of the world can be a butt but at the end of the day we chose each other and we remember why making all the rules spoken and spoken rules are basically landmines agreed nothing ruins a Nye relationship faster than taking something for granted which never has been communicated if one person voluntarily cleans something the other person is expected to not complain about how the job was done they might not load the dishwasher the way you do but they did load it that is a win it sounds trite but honest communication never disrespect your partner not in public or in conversations to your friends or in front of the kids etc friend of my brother does this she is such a nice educated and successful women he always braids her and puts her down in front of others it is so sad to treat your soul like that really makes me want to say something but I know it's just going to make it more awkward for everyone especially her so ugly of a person to do that if you're so drops the pot off dinner on the floor or the garbage bag bursts and makes a mess you step in and say go sit down and watch TV I will clean this there is nothing more frustrating than making the effort to keep your family clean and fed and having to fight against the universe at the same time if your cell has your back at exactly that moment it's instant love if your partner is in a bad mood leave him her alone for a while why people pick out someone who's in a bad mood is beyond me cuz the same person later says that you didn't care last time he/she were in bad mood 50-50 doesn't exist in fact it's harmful what you're looking for is 60-40 sometimes you get 60 sometimes you get 40 remember that the last words you have spoken to her may be the last words she ever hears from you beautiful advice poo fling a monkey one rule I've followed for the last decade is that I never ignore calls from my wife if she's calling or texting me I answer no matter what if you're going to buy one piece of really expensive nice furniture get a quality bed with the best mattress you are going to spend up to one stroke three of your life in this spot with this person no need to pay each other off because you are sleeping in a bad bed have separate interests and also shared interests and friends never use the D word divorce assume it's not an option assume it's never an option every fight we work through the best you can you won't always agree but at the end of the day neither of you is going anywhere it allows you to be vulnerable and honest about things without worrying your spouse will dip out on you depending on what you say I'm not saying divorce is never the option I truly believe being cheated on and similar issues are hard not impossible but incredibly difficult to work through but once Trust is gone it can be irreparable but if you live life assuming divorce is off the table and focus on trying to strengthen your relationship in the difficult times it will change your marriage drastically absolutely we even have a no joking about divorce rule it's net a light thing and no laughing matter love is a decision some days that decision is harder than others some days they carry you some days you carry them it should balance out eventually but the timescale is yours do something together so you have something to talk about it's okay to do things apart too important even my husband loves art films I don't he goes without me I love running he doesn't I go without him you still get to be an individual you don't have to do everything together don't expect the other person to deeply change learn to compromise and work around problems together your husband hates laundry and won't do it okay he does dishes instead if you have kids it's okay to put your so first a healthy marriage is better for kids in the long run than a mom or dad that waits on their kids hand and foot mutual hatred of the same things we like the what the Frick is wrong with those people hey at least were not like that mentality I'm divorced but I feel this applies when my husband and I were on the verge of divorce he tried to make me give up my cat I told him I'd divorce him before I gave up my cat he couldn't believe I'd choose my cat over him my cat didn't sleep with another woman while I was pregnant he packed up and left the next day three lessons one don't marry someone if you choose your cat over then two don't marry someone who'd make you give up your cat three if they cheat while you're dating a wedding ring isn't magically going to make them loyal I mean I hope this is not a real thing because I think I would choose my cat over anyone not because the cat is genuinely more important but because there is no legitimate reason why anyone would need to make me give up my cat and therefore anyone who tries is a butthole and my cat is better than them even though he's a butthole too it's not you versus them it's you two versus the problem saying something before it becomes a problem putting your spouse before your children seriously figure out what a big deal and what's a little deal or irritation let the small stuff go every time it's almost all small stuff you will rarely get upset at each other after you both master it respecting their personal space completely know the person for a long time before getting married less of a rule and more of a tip for young couples there are two apps that have been critical to my happy marriage together almost 11 years married for seven a shared Google Calendar and a grocery list app called our groceries that lets you add things to the list no more what do you mean we have plans this weekend I just said we could do this other thing no more hey I'm at the store right this minute what do we need texts I can't speak for my wife but for me tolerance and acceptance most days she love me some other days she hates me I know it's not about me it's about all of the other stresses in her life even on her worst day I still say I love you how can I help this is honestly key my husband and I have been together seven years and married five people always ask us how we're doing it so young and how we're so content in our relationship and my husband always says by tolerance and acceptance my grandpa shared this advice with me he's been married to my grandma our for 67 years when you feel like you're going to get into an argument go into the bedroom take all of your clothes off and argue you just might end up with more children than you anticipated mutual respect and amusement both of you should respect each other and find each other's flaws and foibles amusing everything else just comes down to putting in the work and it doesn't have to be hard work all the time either sometimes it's just putting in the time my wife ABS assumed good intentions your partner loves you he's no trying to be inconsiderate for or a dong and she's not trying to be a bee or a nag one never use the D word divorce unless you're really prepared to go there to laugh like a lot three learn to know when you freaked up and genuinely apologize without using the word but at for date nights always make time for date nights five pick your battles wisely six get a dog it's fun to obsess equally over something insanely sweet and adorable if she stops nagging that's when the problem has transcended from small issue to big freakin problem it means she's beginning to give up on you marriage is a lot like being in business together you must do your part and make good on your half of the bargain it is extremely arrogance to expect someone to love you unconditionally not saying it doesn't happen but don't expect it don't get lazy a marriages work keep putting in an effort there are inevitably going to be people who are better looking than your spouse there may also be people better suited to be your partner than your spouse and if you hadn't met your spouse first things could be different but you made a commitment and it is your job to stick with it go on dates get an active hobby together my husband and I run and play squash absence makes the heart grow fonder inside jokes are a must unless you want some genuine advice don't air your dirty laundry in public keep serious arguments private and lastly never ever go to our relationships remember to work when listening imagine with empathy that what your partner is saying is true to the best of his her ability and share in the work to meet him her halfway you need to change feel partner as much as they do for you you are both growing grow together always make her [ __ ] don't get lazy about it always making her [ __ ] seems both lazy and disrespectful you should sometimes just stand up and go over to her put all the restaurants name in your area in a hat agree that you will decide where to eat based on the name you pulled out of the Hat I got a spin the wheel of choices up and put all the restaurants we frequent on it I would just use that to answer when she asked what I want acknowledge anything that mildly annoys you immediately and when you fight fight fair no name-calling or bringing up crap from the past texting us Phil grocery lists and logistics only no arguments or fighting of any kind of via text none if you have something contentious to say you say it in person a voice call may be used as a last resort or if we are in different states or something but when we are in the same city every single argument or heavy-duty discussion happens face-to-face no exceptions this has saved us so much drama compared to other couples we know particularly because I was a writer by trade so when somebody is fighting with me in written form I am NOT always trying to communicate I am trying to win winning is not a smart married man's strategy understanding should be the goal marriage requires strong cooperative game theory it is about as far from zero-sum as possible friendship if you treat your spouse is your best friend or even better that person is your best friend you won't be going to someone else with your problems you will respect that person be honest and care very much for them you won't be afraid to show your feelings and the sexual relations are a large benefit but not a necessity to a healthy relationship with that person there is no unspoken rule a successful marriage requires you to speak talk often talk about your day talk about the little annoyances that happen from cohabitation it's the best way to stop them before they become big and talk about the big things most of them can be solved but they can never be solved by silence leave nothing and spoken and say I love you a lot as well it's a nice pick me up during the day unsolicited affection and by affection I do not mean sexual advances they each have their place counseling if you're struggling you have been visited by the IT lizard upvote or experienced bad internet for months thanks for watching if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 459,113
Rating: 4.7136512 out of 5
Keywords: reddit 1 hour, 1 hour, compilation, rules, worst rules, worst rules in school, worst rulers in history, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: A1wsoOfIxe0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 30sec (6810 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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