Daily Swole #1172 - Michelle McDaniel

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[Music] foreign [Music] testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testicles a test echols uh testicles welcome everyone to episode 1172 of the daily mother swole the most muscular swell cast beard cast broadcast gank has manchester cast sleeves cast and slay cast in the realm because when i flex you flex we all flex our biceps but without further ado you don't you don't want to see me you don't want to see this bearded guy you're not here for papa swollio you're not here for me you're not here for me i know i'm beautiful i know my hair is gorgeous i brushed it today just for you and i actually took care of the beard a little bit but let's bring on our special guest i wonder i wonder who it is i wonder who it is um why don't you introduce yourself for anyone that doesn't know who you are enjoy everyone you look awesome i love it i love it so actually actually i have something and i show you already but it's heavy so i brought my hammer because i had a feeling i had a feeling that she would be uh that she would be marvel related so i'll just kind of keep this on my shoulder just in case just in case [ __ ] gets out of hand just in case any [ __ ] snowflakes show up i can just smash okay that's really heavy so anyway so for those that don't know you um why don't you just kind of give my people um oh my goodness that's my fault they can't hear you they can now they can hear you my fault my fault sorry sorry sorry that's my fault my goodness sorry sorry so what we were talking about just to catch everyone up because i screwed up because i hit a button we were talking about smashing snowflakes with thor hammers and she's obviously uh looking gorgeous as she-hulk so for anyone that doesn't know her why don't you introduce yourself and give them a little bit of a background on you and we'll just jump into it hi guys my name is michelle mcdaniel i am a personal trainer and a cosplayer uh past finch eater i was i wasn't i feel like i was obese i'm not too sure i was 180 i'm 5'2 so that's pretty thick for a hobbit but i just talk about really anything my channels my thoughts will probably offend you so it's really anything i think of we obviously focus a lot on weight loss because that is my life um but we do talk about other things like anime cartoons uh popular things that are going on any really anything anything that goes on in this brain which is psychotic i i understand i feel you i feel on that one because my brain is all over the place too so we both kind of have a different style a similar style although you go you go hard i get i get cosplayed by default people say oh you look like thor so i don't have a choice so apparently i didn't i didn't dress up because i'm yeah you don't have to put a wig on or anything i'm kind of like yeah i'm kind of always in cosplay so um yeah but we both have this kind of different approach i mean people have been telling me this and people keep on you know sending messages like you have to have michelle on you gotta you guys gotta get together and of course we've been having you know conversations back and forth but i'm sure you've been kind of seeing my videos pop up and like suggested i've been seeing your videos so i've been tuning in a lot more because i don't consume a lot of people's content but i love your videos what about what about because obviously you're a very creative person obviously i don't know what gave it away but i'm not sure how you found that out because so how did you kind of get into addressing all these social issues like how did that evolve because we were just talking before the podcast my videos were garbage and i didn't really find my voice and it kind of came with practice but how did you kind of develop this whole like thing you got going on and uh congratulations on 100k by the way thank you yeah i've always been very vocal that's why i would get in trouble when i was younger because i'm just very vocal about everything and i like to express my opinion i was in i was very into like speech and debate so i loved that kind of stuff um and then i was very much into theater as well so now i just kind of like mask the two together but my channel started out as relationship things because i was a single woman and i was muscular at the same time so i would just kind of talk about my experiences with that and then people started noticing that i was very muscular because i was competing and i would just start talking about you know weight loss and eventually the fat acceptance movement started and i was like huh i'll talk about that it's kind of weird and it's that's kind of when it started really picking up for my channel what do you think about because and again we touched upon this briefly but there is this kind of like a layer over the entire world and it's the social media layer so we have actual real world where the real hobbits live we have middle earth and i'm not a hobbit but i mean you know but yeah are you sure we have this together no well mama is a hobbit too we got his like little like hairy feet walker now i'm kidding sorry babe um but um we have this little like veil over the entire world we have this kind of like layer society on top of society and what i find interesting is we have this actual boundaries cultures it's different if you go to another country it's gonna be completely different completely different but then when you go online it's just chaos because everyone is just in this massive just i don't know what it is it's like everyone's in a like the coliseum in rome just fighting it's like everyone's just in like a mess in the middle um what are your thoughts about that because i don't see a lot of fat acceptance but of course the internet people don't really separate their social media from their real life internally outside they don't see it so there's like this disconnect where you're walking down the street you're not getting likes likes followers you're not getting feedback so the concepts and the the things the social issues we're talking about are kind of existent but they're not existent but they're not existing yeah what are your thoughts on that in regular situations i've never had anyone say to me the things that tess holliday says out in the open on her instinct i've never i mean maybe because i i work with people that want to lose weight so maybe not but like even when i go out in normal you know when i'm like this and i attract a lot of people i've never heard anyone say anything about you know fat acceptance or anything like that um so there's definitely like just i call like my online world literally just an online world it's a whole different world than my real life technically because in real life i mean i do do this kind of stuff but i mean i'm a normal person there's no way i'm going to start this conversation with some random people that i never met you know yeah so i mean you haven't you obviously started as a do you still do personal training or are you kind of like i mean i recently moved i've moved everything online which is nicer for me especially with my um because i have endometriosis so it's a little harder to like occasionally like get to places and whatnot because i do get sick sometimes so can you explain that for someone that doesn't like yeah for all the boys in here endometriosis is the one you have very explain it explain it to me explain it to me please yeah so endometriosis is when you have basically when you have very severe periods to the point where like i've blacked out before from the pain um i throw up sometimes it's like i i can't eat for like three days otherwise i'm gonna throw up um uh it's basically i don't want to get like too deep into it but it's just very painful period but you've talked about this on your channel like have you you've had this right because i've seen some stuff like in the titles and discussions and to be honest i didn't really know much about it but i mean i have a large female audience myself and i have a lot of people and i think you've seen some of these some of my content little clips where i'll get asked a question that's not only very medical but it's specific to women and like you know what i can this is what i've heard this is what it might be i don't have a vagina like how the how the [ __ ] am i gonna know i mean of course some male doctors would you know i know that but it's um it's flattering like how do you feel when someone asks you because i'm sure you get really like high level questions when you're like i actually yeah i usually say you might want to ask a doctor just maybe just maybe yeah yeah like the trainer but it's interesting because personal trainers are both highly respected and also it's kind of like bartending i've always looked at personal training and bartending the same like you're a bartender oh cool but it's also oh you're just a bartender and then you have oh your personal trainer like wow can i ask you about my pregnancy and then it's like oh you're just a trainer at a gym yeah so i was like what are your thoughts on that because you have this huge not to mention anyone could be a trainer so it's it's kind of like how you carry yourself oh yeah she is maybe maybe maybe next week maybe she will be next week i don't know what are your what are your thoughts on that because it's crazy i do run into situations at least when i was younger now i'm a lot more uh better to voice my opinion voice you know in a smart way before i didn't really know how but i would get people asking my opinion on something you know with weight loss when i was a lot younger and i would give them you know something that they probably didn't want to hear as in you need to reduce your calories and they were like well you don't you don't really know anything you're just a trainer i'll just go see a nutritionist and i'm like why did you ask me you know so i i i don't because i keep getting a lot of and i see a lot of people in the comments um someone just said that they're now attracted to green women uh captain kirk loved green women so yeah here wait wait i got you gotta do that again i can catch the flex cause there you go look at the guns but you're not gonna you're not competing anymore are you no no i won't compete how come you were what did you compete in what division i did well first i did bikini and i got last place and then i because i'm just naturally just muscular and i do like to lips i don't like the fact that i have to reduce my weights to to do bikini um and i did figure so i got a lot of first places and overalls and i was one point away from getting my pro card when i was around like 22 or 23 or something like that um but with the competing like i said i didn't feel healthy and i could tell that from my period got really really really bad and so i kind of just was like i can't do that anymore recently last year i got asked to be sponsored to do a show in arizona and they said they wanted me to do a bikini and i'm like are you you sure because i don't do well come up like that come on like the hulk come out green i i mean i didn't do well by the way i did very bad but um because i was too muscular but i had no offense to anyone that competes i just i find it like i feel i'm very cheesy as in like if i'm on stage i feel it's just so cheesy for someone to tell me about my body yeah it's very it's very interesting with bodybuilding how that still has a lot of i feel like now in the culture today it still has so much credibility and people still do it but it's literally i mean how many other things are literally completely 100 000 subjective now like there's it's just subjective like i think that person looks better and people get robbed all the time like bad like really bad at top shows and um i don't know it seems like you're literally just it's like beauty pageants it's like anything else and i it was great to win but i mean it didn't last all my trophies i got tons of trophies i think they're still on my parents house i haven't do you think it gave you more confidence or less confidence from competing it definitely made me feel powerful in the gym to see how much i could push myself it made my binge eating disorder worse after shows and that was a whole different mental thing i had to get through to be normal because it's either you know balls to the wall i'm eating like [ __ ] or i'm going to be completely clean and keep myself in my room away from people so i don't eat any type of you know bad thing that's not on my food list so i even recently i'm still learning how to be normal and eat generally mostly healthy and occasionally go out you know with drinks with my friends or out to eat or whatnot yeah there's there's a lot of there's a lot of that being discussed lately about like all the eating disorders and the extremes and actually because i'm not sure if you've touched upon this have you touched upon like the binge eating the 10 000 calorie challenges i made a video i know allen made we can talk about um what's her name uh butterfly no butter butter butter girl oh that's stephanie i always call her butter girl or you know i know it's like that's such a compliment but if you have butter in your last name then you know you're afraid i'm like i love butter um yeah what are your thoughts on because that's i mean but it's such a literal yin and yang with like health health and then obviously the outcome is not necessarily health health and fitness is not about health and fitness and it hasn't been for a while uh so you're talking about like the 10 000 calorie anything just just what what it actually represents yeah like the 10 because people are doing that and obviously they're in shape they're lean because if you did it you wouldn't lose your physique in a day you would look right i really liked what alan was saying i watched one of his videos or the thing on i think stephanie buttered something and he said well 10 000 calories is really just a day like a thanksgiving day and that's completely true like i i mean i can easily like ten thousand calories is not a lot if you're eating crappy food uh in a lot of my videos i told my subscribers that i ate a whole cheesecake and it was nothing to me like that's way more than a thousand calories yeah and i i a cheesecake plus thanksgiving dinner and whatever else my hands could get on you know it's nothing um it's not something that i like to do because of my past because i find it very fun so it would just make me want to keep doing it so i try not to binge i think it just depends on the person like if someone like me if i start doing ten thousand calorie challenges that's not the healthiest thing for me someone else you like their ten thousand calorie challenges to do it and they go back to being normal i mean is it really gonna affect them all that much yeah well it's also because when you have the ability and we both know this because when we upload a youtube video except for this this is live streaming so what up [ __ ] um yeah um yeah i i love that by the way tell before we before we get into that tell everyone about because if you saw her video the last one that was about the bang that was the the king koopa one or the uh and then um when you recorded that part that was funny i love that part because i i discovered your videos when i was when we were moving and we were cleaning out the apartment and i that's when i discovered you i was like i need something to just listen to while i clean everything out and then i just hear the like who is this guy i see i'm like this is exactly what i would think he would look like this is awesome and so now i always sing that song so i was like i gotta fit in if i'm gonna talk about over my pocket i'm gonna i'm gonna make um i'm gonna make a ringtone everyone everyone's everyone says that i um i have the ability to create these little jingles that people can't get out of their heads so i'll download it yeah so it's coming so what were we talking about talk about the ten thousand we're talking about the the binge eating because i use two and if you go back deep in my channel i used to it's amazing from someone else you know from fitness person to fitness person the the justification you can make to yourself about okay this is good enough for me like oh i can get away with this i used to eat i went from having you know i used to do the sour patch kids oh i need sugar like you know sour patch kids before a workout because it's going to go into my muscles and help my pump and i would eat them during and then after and then i went from a little bag of sour patch kids to getting a bigger one and i a couple of workout sessions i would go through one of those like longer bags like that's not that's not good that's probably a thousand calories of just not just sugar but just chemicals and this kind of stuff and i was lean i was working out but obviously inside who the [ __ ] knows what was going on in there but it's amazing what you can justify to yourself like oh this is good and then you see other people doing it but with now i remember with social media we both film youtube videos and then we edit them and we upload them so you can post whatever you want if there's a part you don't like you cut it out of course you might do another take and you know maybe you have a video where you do it one shot and oh it's pretty much good to go and you add a couple overlays and stuff like that but you show what you want to show yeah and that's what's that's what's dangerous because you might be strict and on point you have a 10 000 calorie day you go back to normal your body it's like a it's like driving on the highway you hit a pebble it's not going to do jack [ __ ] exactly yeah well i think that's the issue with that i think people take it as an oshie they must do this all the time when it's it's not it's just like a one-time thing like when when i post um because i have a thing for hot cheetos which i i want to see your opinion on because i see you talking about like artificial stuff and everything like that but that is like my thing that i like i will eat tons i can eat tons of like if i really could i could just live off of them so um i'll have them about have them about like once or twice a year just because they really like hurt my stomach but it's worth it but i put it in my instagram and people are like how do you stay like that and eat like that all the time like i eat it once or twice a year so i have to clarify with them i only like it's not an every single day thing it's like a once in a while literally like once in a while thing well people cycle through posts too i mean i repost videos all the time on instagram because we have new followers i mean yeah youtube's not really the same people don't really repost on youtube yeah um maybe that's a thing maybe that's a little hack that you start doing through like post like throwback videos but on instagram you post something from the archives that you know because people aren't going to scroll for hours maybe a couple you know stalkers will but you know you're going through and you're reposting something so you can repost other cheat meals that you've done in the past and some people you could take 20 pictures and then you post them it seems like all at once oh my god this guy's eating junk because it that kind of dichotomy attracts a lot of attention you see someone who's shredded and eating junk you're like what is going on here i want to be a part i [ __ ] i'll have what she's having i'll have what he's having and you have all these fitness i have to say with a lisp influencers that that you know that are posting this kind of [ __ ] all the time and it makes the job of someone like yourself or myself i'm about challenging it's just part of the part of the environment but it makes it more challenging to actually provide real information which is not complicated and it's hard to get that point across that's simple no one wants to i don't think i don't know do people want to hear that it's simple do people want a complicated solution people always i feel like want complicated solutions i feel like they always go like when i say just when i'm working with someone who has never counted calories or never diet no nothing and i say well let's just keep a food journal and slightly reduce calories they want to do the juice cleanse or they want to do the lemonade thing or they want to do be vegan all of a sudden when most of their diet is meat you know what i mean like they want to do the most extreme thing i had someone message me something i'm sure you get a ton of messages check this person now check this person out yeah i got one uh from some girl who's pushing like a a melon cleanse and she's like what do you think about this [ __ ] and it was like a four day melon cleanse i'm like it's not a cleanse she just ate melon for four days like that's not a diet that's not a weight loss like can you lose weight well you're drink you're consuming highly you know watermelon is 92 water or something so you're gonna get full you're also getting in very limited nutrients yeah you're getting in a lot of sugar but i mean you might eat less calories i mean you can eat 3 000 calories of watermelon that's like two watermelon maybe yeah so it's like i i don't understand the point of going through all of that when you all you have to do is just do some slight changes you know here and there and then eventually they're going to turn into bigger changes once i figure that out like i mean i did every single diet when i was trying to lose weight and took every single fat burner and then once i like something dinged in my head and i was like myself how about we just slowly change things instead of freaking out and changing everything yeah what's your what's your experience with like with so hot cheetos you said you have them like once or twice a year it's like your little your little thing does that does it mess you up i think you said it it it screws up your stomach or do you feel it yeah i mean it definitely depends like what time of the month i'm eating them yeah but um so but it does it definitely hurts no matter what time of month just depends like the degree of pain right so how so when you have someone let's say that's coming to you and like all right i'm tired of seeing all this stuff i want [ __ ] actionable results like i want results i don't care what it is if it's simple like how do you bring someone into let's say losing weight i'm not sure what your normal client base is what your what your audience is exactly do you find you're dealing more with weight loss do you find it's more with eating issues or with like female issues because because of your experience like what do people come to you generally for because i talk about a lot of mental health and a lot of binge eating disorder i have a lot of people who are mostly binging i do have a couple people um who need to eat more but not that much because i think of just like what i talk about the people that have the same issues as i had um with losing weight are going to kind of gear towards me rather than people trying to put on weight but i do have a couple people who want to be more muscular or at least want to eat more who don't eat enough yeah when i get this weight loss and people who if they get mentally frustrated like i used to get very like if i get upset then it's time for me to eat so those kind of people what do you find is like a good a good balance between that for people that are maybe when they get stressed like what do you find as a as an effective fix for someone who let's say okay when i get stressed out i eat so stress eating but yeah i had to find i had to distract myself so i got into like i love being creative so i got into guitar got into singing and got into i went to back into college at the community college i went to went back to theater i started drawing um and then making videos as well so i kind of just have to distract myself yeah i think that's to have something to do having a purpose or having a passion or like maybe changing the trigger so if you have something okay when i'm stressed i go here instead i go meditate instead i go for a walk like when i feel stressed i just put it down go outside and go for a walk um yeah cause i've i found because when i my when i got into training i think we kind of like a similar pathway you were lifting you were big you're maybe more you grow muscle i guess at a faster rate or more naturally or more muscular as a as a standard so i got into it just training hard hard hard hard and how long you've been training for would you say since you started like really taking it seriously not the first time in the gym but like you know yeah probably when i was about like 19. so how long has it been you have to say your age you don't give a [ __ ] you don't give a [ __ ] i know i'm kidding so 10 years so i've been doing this for about yeah i would say 2 000 i usually say about 20 years because i was kind of you know transitioning 99 2000 it's been about 18 19 years i just say 20 because in a year it'll be that and when i started it was just crush it was workouts that i couldn't touch my quads for a week now my my training has gone more towards mental towards psychological towards longevity i just don't want to be crippled sore as much i like being so i like working hard like have you gone through a similar transition where you're just not training as hard or you're training differently like how do you train now as opposed to like what's your mindset now as opposed to like 21 when you were crushing it well so like it's interesting that you brought it up because i was just talking to my boyfriend about that because i used to train so like just until like you said like until i was like crippled in the gym like i had to be just like being like that's what would be a good workout and that's what i would think would give me like the best results as like i just i didn't want to be able to walk out of the gym and i still like i love that feeling of being sore but i also think i was overworking quite a bit because i would do um at least when i was younger i was going through all the relationships stuff so anytime anything would fall out uh i would start running like 10 miles a day i would bike like 40 miles a day plus then i would go back at the gym and then go lift for about two hours so i mean my body was just constantly moving and i think that took a toll um now i try to work out a lot like for longevity i just want to be able to move my body i want to be able to be flexible i want to have good core stabilization like i want to be able to just move and function as i age how do you find that that conflicts with what people come to you for because people are going to come to you at kind of like where they want to be or where you were at the beginning because i have a lot of people that come into my community and they want to they want to get huge or they want to they want all these results and what i've been thinking a lot about lately is this progressive habit forming because it seems like with social media with all the information we're seeing all these experts or people that have because when they look at your profile or mine 10 years 20 years people that have amazing results have been going at it for years no one's like big and shredded and has never lifted for a few years at least so people are trying to copy and emulate experts at expert level it's kind of like going on i guess guitar hero and turning on expert you've never played before you're going to maybe hit a button now and again you know so like what are your like the way i think about it is but it's hard to push okay the basics and i always talk about the basics i'm trying to beat that into so even if they don't want to take the advice at least for me i feel better about it at least i'm coming across and i know i'm providing the value how do you get how do you get through to people that are just they want to jump in the deep end of the pool which is great but obviously they're going to get hurt they're not going to you know they're not going to stick to it they can't maintain six days a week if they've never trained before i usually like if someone's paying me like say i get like a newbie and they they just want to go balls of the wall six days a week workout plan for me to make and i tell them you know i'll do that for you but just keep in mind that you're going to get burned out pretty quickly most likely it doesn't mean that you will but most people get burned out and i really want you to stick to it so i'd rather us like if you're coming from someone who doesn't work out at all why don't we just do a two to three day workout program for the first few months and then we'll see where you are from there and we can always increase you don't have to start with this six day a week program i always try to like push that you don't have to do that just so at least they know and if they still want this six day week program it's all on them i used to actually have a lot of my clients sign like this thing that said that this is exactly what they wanted and this is what michelle told me what would happen so then they can't come back and say that you know it's my fault that's what's crazy when i started doing the math so let's say i'm not going to do it right now but let's say someone i guess the average person that goes to a trainer let's say three days a week for an hour okay how many hours in a week 168. so you take 165 divided by 168 and pretty much like 97 98 of the time they're not with you yet when they don't get results it's your fault yeah it's your fault i i had a trainer but i didn't get results yo the workouts were solid for the hours you were with me trust me you need you you didn't eat any cheetos you didn't have any [ __ ] cake in the gym when you left if you gain weight that's because you can't keep your mouth shut exactly what are your thoughts what are your thoughts when you hear me say even hear me tell people to keep their [ __ ] mouth shut like stop eating stop eating food it's what everyone wants it's what everyone wants to say it's so true though people just don't like to hear it it's so true you know like i mean i had to do that to myself but i would get so because my addiction was also peanut butter you know like if i would overeat unhealthy food and so i would just literally take i don't know what it was i would just take a spoon and just i could make on some peanut butter i could eat the whole thing and i was like michelle why can't i keep your mouth [ __ ] shut like why don't you keep putting it in your mouth that'd be a new thing in seven instead of one of those instead of one of those um those oxygen masks where you suck through a straw just create like a muzzle like sub-zero and just put it yeah so i should have it have like my logo on it maybe maybe we'll have one together we'll have like logos on the side like sponsored by brought to you by [ __ ] mouth yeah just like a [ __ ] zipper someone said yeah it's completely sure i love it i like you and alan really go deep on that stuff and i love it um because it's completely true it's all the stuff i say to myself when i'm having a day where i keep eating junky food when i know it's gonna one hurt me and two i don't need it you know for sure i i find it really i find it flattering that i can rage and say the things that i do and get a positive response but i think and same thing with you like when i see the titles of your videos and i see alan's and myself and it's always i mean humbling and flattering when you see like the like to dislike ratio because on youtube it's standard to have 50 50. you know people there's a big time hate culture on youtube but i think it speaks a lot to your uh your intent and how you come across and your audience like they know where you've come from they understand the message so when you say things that are that will probably offend you obviously obviously you're warning people it does that if you're coming here you're pr my thoughts will probably that was actually really smart like my thoughts will probably offend you so if you get offended it's like you it's kind of on you you clicked on it you literally saw the name that you're going to be offended but i think it's great i think it's great that you can say those things that and people respond to it because it's important that the message with the fat acceptance and with all this oh you're okay you're healthy i and i just filmed another video and i find like i almost part of me is okay you're picking on people but at the same time like okay if you feel like that no you have to keep on going because it's if they're putting a message out you have to counterbalance it and it's not that i want to be part of the problem but how do you feel about that because voices it creates more noise but i think this it's important because it cuts through all that [ __ ] because it's getting a little bit it's getting a little bit too much momentum yeah i can see what you're saying you um because i'm not someone who i never want to hurt anybody's feelings i never want to make anyone feel like complete [ __ ] or they're ugly or this man i hope i have never made anyone feel that way but at the same time you know people are putting out this information that is one hurting people you know like obesity is not anything to just like love that's not that's not a good thing um so i do get occasionally at the beginning when i was still like fresh to this i would get people saying i'm a bully and i'm like like me i'm a bully like i got bullied and i'm not bullying anyone you know so it's like i i definitely don't want to be part of the problem where people you know i make a video and they go fully said person but at the same time those people are putting out information i'm able to put out my information as long as i can say it in a very tasteful and respectful way as long as you're authentic to yourself yeah i think that intent comes through and it must because people respond uh brittany don left the chat by the way i just got i just got an alert so to test test just i'm blocked anyway um yeah so let's let's get into let's get into the in into the into the mire a little bit because obviously people want people are people are dying they want they want she-hulk and well i can't even be thor anymore because apparently it's going oh we can talk about that stuff too but i didn't follow so i don't i'm sure you followed comic books and you were into that since you were little was that like your i wasn't too much into like hero comic books when i was younger actually oh yeah i read archie for some reason i don't know why i did that but i was i was i was into far side talk about like i like talk about like high brow for like a 10 year old yeah that was funny i was stoked i loved far side um you know calvin and hobbes and i was actually really into see everyone was into spider-man and you know superman in this i was into tintin i remember so they made a movie i never saw it because it looked like it was gonna be horrible but i literally read every single one of those books and my mom was my mom raised me on black and white movies so i've seen all the old gangster movies like i mean i love all those movies so i guess that kind of like type of cartoon um she got me tinting i'm like you know everyone's reading spider-man i get tin tin i'm like cool so then i got into that but you know anyway so yeah now so okay what are we talking about we're talking about with the superhero comics i forgot where i was going to go with that but um i don't know i forgot i don't come back to you authenticity intent we're talking about these different people we're talking about people being offended oh i guess i guess having people that are um playing the victim because it's very easy to play the victim now and with the hashtag culture oh we're talking about movies we're talking about oh female thor that's what i said yeah so i have the hammer here for those that i'm just trying to break any of my equipment because it's actually like probably 30 or 40 pounds right maybe it's like 22 pounds empty so i'll just hold this here there we go so everyone's like there we go okay it's [ __ ] heavy i gotta start lifting again so now and i was saying because people were complaining i saw of course people complain about everything i do too about the female thor but that was part of the comics i was told that it was originally a female yeah so i and i never read that because i never followed uh the comics so of course people are gonna have that debate and that segues into everything else because disney owns marvel and then you have disney doing all the these companies everyone even gillette all those things with picking on guys picking on women picking on all these different things getting really involved with the whole social culture which is i guess standard what are your thoughts on all the dif all the shifts and maybe i find it a little bit i find it patronizing personally even with um the little mermaid i know you made a video i actually didn't watch it so i'm honest about it but i saw that and it's not that i don't want equality i think it's great i just think it's so such a money grab it's so [ __ ] obvious i'm like that's i'm surprised that that black people aren't offended by that it's like you're literally saying hey come to my movie and give us money because we're going to put this it's like make a new movie make a new [ __ ] movie so we touched on that a little bit in the video and i said i wish they would just create you know maybe a different character instead of making a classic character black so then people can now go watch it um i'm not gonna say i'm upset about it like i i mean i'm down to see a little black girl on screen like i'm excited but um at the same time it'd be cool if they actually like got creative and came out with something different and you can i mean it's completely obvious that they're doing it because it is now the age to be all inclusive and they know that this is going to get people talking which it did um so they know that it's gonna probably do well because of this whole thing you know same with fat thor i think they did that to try and you know do the body whole body positive thing but i guess the body positive people didn't like that door too much that's a that's actually a good a good segue or a good a good point that um i wanted to bring up there's no have you seen any guys that are fat acceptance body from men saying where are they in the there's no men and there's no muscular women huh that's true there's no one saying like they're getting like outcast from that i got outcast all the time when i was getting like well even now and not not so much now my personal i just i don't really care what people think i like being bus but um when i first started at least when i was younger when i started getting more muscular people always said things to me all the time i think it's just so much more rare to have someone or a little bit less of a i guess a population of muscular women i mean more so now because fitness has exploded but with fitness going through the roof and everything's more popular because social so is obesity it's not getting better so i find that these topics that we cover with fat acceptance is even more appropriate okay i understand your feelings might be hurt you understand my thoughts will probably offend you but [ __ ] your feelings like these are facts if you have diabetes it's not a it's not an emotion diabetes is not an opinion type 2 by the way because everyone always says but type 1 is different you should specify i'm like i think we all know what you're like [ __ ] i mean it's like it's not like you went down to the store and just picked up diabetes one day it's like you know you acquire this it's like a skill diabetes is a skill you acquire it over years and years of effort and lack of effort so i mean with having that kind of just like massive issue billions and billions and billions hundreds of billions of dollars um to have this fat acceptance thing take hold and take root because it is in like the old school social media magazine covers test holiday and stuff like that how does that even get traction is this because people want to see more woke as it were you know people don't want to have eyelids anymore they just want to be like oh my god everything come on in we're so accepting it's now cool to be all accepting to every single thing anything except for anorexia and it has to be obesity why is that i mean fatigue body positivity of course started with amputees and people that literally like maybe burn victims like that's what real body positivity should be people that really have things that they can't control uh when it comes to the uh the weight issue you have fat acceptance but where's the you don't see people saying emaciated or anorexic acceptance that's a disease but being obese is not a disease i think it's because like you said it's more common to see obese people so people it's not a shock like if you see someone fat walking down the street it's not going to shock you if you see someone that's anorexic walking down the street it's going to shock people i guess kind of like the the shift between having someone who's more muscular like yourself in the past like it's a smaller population so it stands out more but then of course obesity just becomes background noise and i was traveling the other like last week in the airport and i posted a video on instagram it's like people can't shut their mouths for a couple hours in the airport they're stuffing their face with chips you're on a plane i was on a flight to ohio it's two hours or something like close your eyes take a nap watch a watch an episode of law and order you're there and all of a sudden people are just passing around chips oh can i take two and they're looking through and i'm like no i'm good i can i can i can breathe for just a couple moments you know i'll be a breather i'll be a breatharian for two hours like i can handle that girl that he talks about oh yeah he just perfectly explained me on a plane when i was fat what just like grabbing like can i take three of these do you have actually can i have all of them since they're free yeah the flavor is addicting that salty sweet it is i mean they literally they literally make these to things in a lab i don't know in school i did a little report about how i mean there's a ton of scientists behind it that want to make sure that they get the crunch perfect the the salt perfect they want that specific thing to trigger your brain to think that this is amazing yeah so they really uh make people addicted i don't think people realize that i don't know if they just don't never took chemistry in school or they never saw behind the scenes in the labs but aside from the studies that can be skewed and biased there are literal they do everything from the marketing you think the you think where the food on the shelf is an accident you think the color of the package is an accident you think any nothing's an accident it's tested test groups they'll say do you like the yellow package or the red what's what are you more likely to grab they tested on the third shelf on the top shelf had an end cap on the bottom right by the checkout counter and like you said everything is orchestrated to have that um it's called a bliss point where that salty sweet where you just because oreos for example a lot of people love oreos but they're sweet you don't think of oreos as salty but you look on the back there's a lot of sodium because they put it in there so your brain so you're the feeling makes you want more if it's all sweet you'll be like oh it's too sweet so they balance it out you just don't taste the salt because the artificial so they literally test every last thing so you can't put it down you want another bag so it's all about choices it's all about choices all about making the right decisions but choices are just just having that information just saying that making a youtube video some people it works for some people it doesn't what do you find is the most important thing for actual like actionable change like to reverse this whole trend of okay it's okay to be fat it's okay to be if you could snap your fingers if you could i guess implement something like what would it be to to change that what what's actually the what's the pinpoint like the key the keystone i think it's just think more about realizing the reality of the situation because i went through like when i was bigger of course all my friends were like oh you look great this isn't that and i mean i didn't feel great but i was like well let's look at the reality of it and i stripped off all my clothes and i looked in the mirror without posing or anything and that was the reality when i was like whoa i mean what clothes and like waist trainers and whatnot can do to make you look so much better you know once you i mean i make a lot of my clients do it too they have to bring their little short shorts and a sports bra and i stick them in front of the mirror and we look at their body and that's the reality of the situation and it really opens your eyes and makes you think back to all of your unhealthy behavior yeah and it's also something that doesn't happen overnight and that goes back to the 10 000 calorie challenges that goes back to all those little snippets that you see from someone's life you're not going to get obese in one day and when you have calories it's not necessarily about eating more in one day eating less another day i mean your body doesn't know necessarily it doesn't reset there's no reset button it's rolling so over the course of seven days are you eating more than you need over the course of a week it's not a hard 24 hours and that's where i kind of find these over calculating can be a problem so it brings us we talked about a little bit about fat acceptance and that there's a lot about um there's a lot about calorie counting and intuitive eating now just to preface this for a long time i even had webinars and trainings called stop counting calories um you know the anti-diet workshop and i've done all these different things yet the message is not that calories don't matter like intuitive eating when you tell an addict to intuitively eat that's not going to end well they don't they're great they don't understand what the whole point is their body has changed they don't have their cravings and their signals are not what they're supposed to be so like what's i don't know like what are your well what's your take on that good um thought process of like me being an ex binger for like years most of my life and like where i am now like i'm still learning how to intuitively eat so if someone who has never dieted or never you know counted calories never looked at the back of a nutrition label and then they're going to intuitively eat it's probably not going to go too well because i've been doing it for years and i'm still learning because i still have i still like i can eat a lot right now but really i'm not hungry you know i could go eat anything i'm always down to eat you know but um i think intuitive eating it just depends on the person right now like i'm mentally able to be like hey wait michelle let me am i hungry or am i just bored and bound to just eat shitty food true you also have more muscle mass and when you have most people don't realize when you have more muscle mass and you're gonna you can get a quote get away with more you can you're gonna feel more hungry naturally but it's important to eat better food so your body has those signals when you're putting in a lot of a lot of crap all the time you're gonna have signals for that crap and some of the videos i've been making lately are these instagram nutritionists quote unquote and you have all these people dietitians nutritionists that are either anorexic vegans or just brain dead people take advantage or don't take enough thought to who's watching and looking at these posts most people don't read a blog underneath the the caption some do but most people are like scrolling seeing moving on or they're not going to look at it people are selective they're going to read and see what they want to see if you're saying it's okay to eat donuts they're going to think oh cool i can intuitively eat and everyone from like madeline georgetta to all these other nutritionists people have massive followings millions of followers i think it's completely reckless and dangerous however people have the right to to say that stuff and there are parts that are correct but it's masked in all this social equality nonsense and it's even the nutritionists the thing is too is that they know that people are going to listen to the parts that are more fun you know they're going to listen to the parts oh no you can eat pizza and that's where they're going to stop like that's what they want to hear and everything else they don't want to hear so they really beef up this um i think i saw a postdoc medal i made that she went to the store and got like tons of uh canadian chocolate or whatever it was and she was like i can eat all of this but i highly doubt with her body she's eating that all the time but of course she's not she'd be uh she'd be huge yeah in the comments section is the girl's like oh i didn't know we could eat chocolate i know we could you know what i mean very impressionable people and you have everyone from like young girls on instagram you know these these things aren't age restricted you could be 13 14 years old on instagram your parents don't let you use a phone you can go to instagram.com and look on the website so there's there's never a shortage of acquiring this information but you're sending your message out so it's all about you can't and you also can't protect everyone you can't send out and make a comment and be like okay everyone's gonna get take this the right way you're always gonna have a couple thumbs down you're always gonna have a troll or a quote a hater or someone with a varying opinion which is fine it's like okay you don't like this you can move on but it's very tribal it's very okay i like this team i'm gonna believe everything that they say like i'm on team georgetta i'm gonna believe everything like everything that she puts out and what really pissed me off the first one the first video or two that i made was when she changed her whole thing with her facebook group she including this fat phobia nonsense and this whole concept which i actually made a video that's coming out soon uh she also was talking about white privilege and then she went into all these other issues i'm like whoa you're talking about obesity you're talking about like this that's a completely different thing you can't tack that on and it has to be called out because like politics if you're a democrat or republican all those other things are attached on to it's like no you can believe different things that people don't have that individuality anymore people have to learn how to learn and have to learn how to have opinions so i think like the content that you make and that i try to make and alan does the same thing is kind of shaking people up out of this just zombie state and realizing hey you can have your own opinion you can you can have your own like nutrition plan like what are your thoughts of like the labels you know paleo vegan fat except like what are your thoughts on the labeling aspect of it you know like i'm just not like a like i don't i feel like a lot of people just need a certain group to feel like they're included in something you know like i talked about the test holiday and pansexual thing like i think that she just needs to be part of something to get her you know to get her ratings i don't know to give her more traffic to her uh page i just think people just need something what because what is that i mean i i think i learned what it means that means you just you don't notice gender yeah you're in love with just the person how the [ __ ] like what do you mean you you don't like look my gay friends try to like they a lot of my gay friends don't even really know what it is but as i got from the comments they don't even know like what are you talking about like they asked me and i'm like i don't know i'll make a video and we'll see what the comments say yeah but um i think it's just more that they're attracted to just the person like they don't see gender you can be trans you can be anything i mean which is fine but when you say something when she says something like okay i'm a pansexual now it's a grab for attention because the dust settled and she's kind of addicted to it just like she's addicted to food and addicted to lacking common sense but it's also this kind of gray area that people play in so when you say fat acceptance what does that mean when you say body positivity what does that mean it means something different to every person it means something different so your version of body positivity might be look if you have more muscle like it's fine and someone else might be well if i don't have arms it's fine and to love yourself which is that's completely separate again it's diabetes is not an emotion it's not a choice you can make like i'm going to be a diabetic today i'm going to be a male a female like these are different concepts and if you take emotion you take feeling out of it what are the facts are you hurting yourself and hurting those around you and i think the impact of actions especially those that have massive followings are understated and the the chain reaction because i know your content helps a lot more people than you're aware of not everyone's going to send you and be like oh i watched this video and i changed my life and i want to thank you you'll get a lot of those messages but then you also won't hear about the ones that you've helped because not everyone will give you that feedback but also that negative effect that these people are having they're putting into their brains that you're not only beautiful the way you are but that the health and that kind of stuff is also a great area mirage and it's not yeah well it's funny because um in one of my videos tess holiday actually reposted in her stories and i was reading some of the comments or like the her people came to like my page and was saying you know how does she uh influence people to be fat and i'm like well if she didn't have a big influence she wouldn't have all these people trying to get her to wear certain clothes to influence people to buy it you know and she has a huge influence on people and i might not she might not be influencing people to be fat like no i don't think any girl is going to be like oh i want to be her side but i think it says influence people to stay the way that they are and cover up any health issues that they have with their weight it's a it's an excuse for sure i guess it's an excuse people can make an excuse and say well i'm just intuitively eating today or i'm beautiful the way i am self-love which is i think it's great there's nothing wrong with that you're supposed to love yourself but i always say if you're going to love yourself why don't you like you only like yolo you only live once don't you want to live well you love yourself don't you want to give yourself better food and exercise but i think it's also hard because not everyone is going to look like you not everyone is going to look like me because there's only one of you there's only one of me and the bio individuality dna genetics i also think in terms of that people don't realize how little we know i think humans especially on the internet because people live in a bubble they're always looking down i think we have the stuff figured out if you just look up once in a while and i do that you look up in the sky you're like we don't know anything yeah we don't we just don't know we don't have all the answers especially with what food style or way of eating is best what are your thoughts about that type of um that type of range because you have those extremes but then you also have the diet you have the vegan carnivore i know some people are going to want to you know go into the nutrition aspect of it like what are your thoughts of those types of extremes is it people that just want attention is it people that are just trying to overcomplicate an answer or i think it's just them trying to get people to like like i said people love extremes people love like oh this juice cleanse like this is the sure thing you know they want something to attach themselves to so that it makes them more important you know um because when i saw people people always want to know my diet i say well i eat you know mostly protein carbs and healthy fats and they want to know like is it keto is it uh like a you know low fat like no it's like a pretty wide range of foods i try to keep everything in there and at a healthy rate and i think people just want that one thing that they can attach themselves on and do it's that is that tribal mentality and it's that type of it's that it's having a community yeah and i think that's what it really is i think that's how like the body positive people are they like that little uh community and i never was any like i was always the new girl at school every single year so i didn't have like that huge group of friends so as i aged i kind of just became more of a lone wolf type person and i don't really need you know to be accepted by a huge group yeah i agree with that i never did um my i had friends like in college i had friends and all the fraternities but i never wanted to be i never wanted to be labeled i never wanted to be oh you're this fraternity or you're this person because then you get associated with all the people there i'm like no i'm gonna be independent like i don't like choosing political parties i don't like paying attention to politics because then you can't make accurate decisions if you're if your brain and i think that's where like for me personally i rarely follow anyone's content because i don't want my opinions getting biased by other people's stuff because things get in your brain and they get deep in there and they just gestate and they fester and then you your thoughts aren't even your own anymore i mean i said in my videos before that i cut out because then when i was like probably early 20s i was watching a lot of reality television a lot of music videos i was following a lot of people models and stuff like that i could i felt like i was getting very my brain was just changing about what was truly important to me so when i cut all that out i felt more like myself and i didn't i had my own opinion you know again but most people don't most people follow the news they'll watch everything they'll follow every little thing because for example instagram i don't know if you can unfollow people and not see what they what they post but obviously on facebook you can customize your feed but on instagram you just get it's that scroll that scroll feature which is easy it's like oh cool a thumb but then every time you see a picture of a [ __ ] baby or someone's dog dog's cute by the way your dog's cute by the way i was going to go get her a thor outfit actually yeah my mine's out there on the on the porch getting some getting some sun but i love the the princess thing with the little head i love how i look it's so was it is it a pug is that yeah yeah so i love how pugs always look pissed like they're they're only like they always look not impressed they're always just like yeah she's on medication yeah she's uh she's a what she's uh she's in the acceptance movement she's yeah she's like your thoughts offend me mom let me get my charger really quick okay yeah sure so what's up fam wise how we doing let's see some comments pugs always look pissed pug life well when it comes to you're either a man or a woman i'm getting some good comments anyway i look there's there are a lot of opinions i think what's great about everything that's going on in the world is we have access to all this information we have access to a lot of different opinions but what i find is a challenge personally or one of the issues is because people don't know how to learn people don't know how to formulate their own opinions people just jump on a bandwagon and it's okay to have an idea it's okay to have these different it's okay to have different things that's how we communicate it's okay to have a name for different things but at the same time it's important to understand that you can have the power to make these analytical adjustments in your own brain you don't have to just follow the leader so we get a lot of people that just follow the leader jump on a train okay fat acceptance okay i'm part of this group and you change the rules now i'm just in it and that actually happened with that actually happened with one of those things with um with madeline georgetta's she had a group her little private facebook group and stuff and then she literally just changed the rules and said if you don't like it get the [ __ ] out and when you say that to someone when you tell someone to get out it uses compassion as a weapon which is one of those dangers and this is where all those issues with socialism and communism that's where that kind of stuff comes from it comes from it comes from fighting people and from i guess that kind of um that kind of clash out of out of compassion so i was just kind of catching people up you could hear me right yeah right so i was just kind of getting everyone up to speed just kind of talking about how everyone you know they want to join it people want support people want a community because everyone's kind of online or in their own bubbles because in real life like how many people would you say just a preface i'm a private person i don't like being around massive crowds all the time i'm not afraid i'm very social but i prefer to be and do my own thing i like my peace and quiet i love my alone time i am such a hardcore loner however people don't notice that because i'm like in front of thousands of people i'm like look at me i'm a psychopath but i like to be i am very similar to that and my my boyfriend had to understand that because he thinks i'm like i am very social i love being around people i love talking to people but i also feel like i get my energy like drained out of me when i'm around people totally yeah i just i feel so much happier by myself i can think better i can get stuff done you know it's just my thing especially um i don't know if you train people in person but when you're at least when i worked at la fitness a long time ago and you're just like client after client up the client for you know six hours and i want to get home and just not see any type of human so i don't know i've heard that a lot with other trainers just because you're constantly giving your energy to people and once you get home you just kind of want to just you're giving you're giving a part of yourself and you're giving and a lot of trainers we were talking yesterday on the podcast it was yesterday in the podcast about fat trainers like who do you trust a fat trainer honestly some of these trainers get fat because they're just so drained they don't want to be in the gym they don't want to train i used to train uh it's convenient to go from a client and then do a quick workout but then there's a huge along period where i just i left and went to a different gym i didn't want to be in the same i don't want people to talk to me i you know i get my workout in first then i would do that after i don't train one-on-one anymore because i burned out i burned out from doing in-person training i just and plus uh you know obviously with the internet it's more you can get more done with the same effort so for me and you know members of my private community and solenormus x and all that it's like you do your thing you do one thing and then everyone benefits and you can help more people you can do more so it's actually really effective i mean one-on-one might be great for i guess rehab or someone who are really ob like really need hands-on some people really need it you know other people it's a luxury but i think part of me is kind of i saw a personal trainer or one-on-one just become more and more of a why am i here why am i counting like why am i just spotting you good good squeeze breathe it's like bro you know how to do a bench press right get a partner spot save yourself some money save me time security blanket for some people i mean you have to think about it your trainer is not going to be around you all the time you have to do it yourself that's really what it comes to you some is going to be there to guide you but for all the other hours of the day you kind of have to do it you have to do it yourself for sure if you can't do it yourself then you're not going to get results anyway it's like seeing you three times a week okay well you're gonna have a great workout on those days but what are you doing outside so then the trainer has to provide you with all these different things anyway so that kind of leads me into another thought what about um nutrition how do you think here here's what i have an issue with with uh social media and also i've had this issue with trainers a long time so for me i like to guide people this is just just a little background for some of your members or your uh your audience i always talk about the elimination diet i talk about getting rid maybe one at a time doesn't have to be a big thing but start cutting out foods that could be causing you issues so focus on quality with the quantity in mind you know some people some people love to go after calorie counting first they're very analytical math people they just want to see numbers cool they want to check something off and see the pie chart on myfitnesspal some people they're not like that they're they'll always forget to enter which is a huge problem if you forget to enter something you're overeating your calories so it's better to teach them better habits get better food where they're unlikely or less likely to overeat so you go from that and then you progress slowly into it the having clients that are or people that need to be self-starting there's always that kind of like give and take there's always you have to care but you also have to compartmentalize it because as trainers as essentially givers and service providers it's very draining and to have someone not put in their kind of effort i don't think the clients and the members oftentimes like you said you have someone write something down this is our agreement but they don't understand that it's their responsibility that their effort and their part of the bargain has to be held up right and people and people lose that fact that you're you're the one that has to you're the one making the commitment not me you're bringing me in but you have to be ready to really [ __ ] dig in but you have these high expectations from what you see online oh cool i'm going to start a fitness program you've been lifting for 10 years i've been doing it for 18 19 it's what do you think is going to happen overnight and people don't want to hear that and um yeah you you get you get fried out but what's your what's your take on like food quality with your with your clients or or your people like how do you address the counting versus because that's what we're getting with like the latest content with um the intuitive eating we're bringing it back around because we didn't dig into that this aspect of it but what are your thoughts on that with your people well it kind of just depends on who i'm working with myself um i was all into calorie counting like it and and the problem with that was i was counting calories and i was losing weight but i was eating very shitty processed um lots of food coloring type foods you know a lot of protein shakes which i know a lot of people love but it's still not real food it's still you know made by a human and you want to try to eat as much natural food as you can at least i i try to um so i was losing weight but my food quality wasn't the best so like i had to take the whole a whole another step to change the food quality now and that was just i could have done that all at once but it did work for me some people hate counting calories and so we try to just it's kind of hard it just depends on the person some people hate counting calories they have to do the elimination diet that you were talking about so it just depends on who it is usually my thing is counting calories and looking at the food quality because then we know that you're below you know you're eating a reasonable amount of calories and you're still having like really good food quality if it's someone like say test holiday who obviously doesn't eat the best food we do very small changes because there's no way in hell they're gonna eat how i eat now when they're just starting for sure do once again your thing elimination diet and slowly reduce things out of their diet until you know and what's interesting about uh like test holidays or like obesity like that i think there's this concept of this idea that they're eating 5 000 calories a day it's like well if you're obese you don't have a lot of muscle mass in general you're not exercising properly so you're not utilizing a lot of it doesn't take that much extra to pack on more like you look like wow they're huge well just don't eat ten thousand like they're not eating ten 000 calories a day a lot of times i mean sometimes they are yeah but it might only take 2500 to even add on to a three or four hundred pound frame because you're not utilizing that much you're not exercising you're not getting up you don't have a lot of lean tissue you're just have a lot of extra yeah so you're just not people lose track they don't think they're it doesn't it's not hard to eat 2 500 calories especially when you're eating processed foods and there's this illusion i think that you have to eat the bigger you are the more you eat no no it's about your lean mass and your metabolism which obviously gets affected uh do you think what's your take on someone that okay you do a lot a lot of this stuff is environmental a lot of the issues are environmental in terms of okay how you're eating obesity but then you have people that blame okay my thyroid or other types of issues and of course there's like all these like xenoestrogens and things and shampoo products and you can really get into the weeds but it all makes sense we're putting tons of chemicals and things that might be you know natural somewhere in the world but maybe not on our bodies or on our beards and on our faces 24 hours a day so you're putting shampoo on and then you're smelling it and all these different things have triggers and there's so many variables that we can't track all of them not to mention pollution i mean water quality who knows and most people are not really most people aren't doing the best or even aware of half of this stuff so do you think it's do you think a lot of this stuff with the issues it's hard to tell someone that has a thyroid issue that well probably eating bad when you were 8 9 10 when you're having this that's probably that probably caused it and then blaming that the fact you can't lose weight on your thyroid is like you know you're blaming you're you're blaming the wrong thing like you're forgetting the fact that this caused that i mean i mean when people come to me and my clients don't do this anymore because i've proved them wrong tons of times but usually when i get a new client they say oh i have thyroid issue or pcos which i also have two and they blame the pcos um i say okay i'll hold on for one second sure can you still see me yeah but you froze really funny you have your mouth open your eyes closed so i'll take you off this i'll take you off the screen but it's pretty funny oh yeah i i thought i put you took you off the screen but then i put you on the screen so you're still frozen on my end oh yeah you're back there we go here we go yeah i don't know why it doesn't people call me but um so usually if i get someone who's like well i have this condition and i it's not possible for me to lose weight and i'm like okay i completely understand but how about we try it my way we stay at a calorie deficit we get our our uh exercise in and we stay consistent for about three months and if there's absolutely no change then you know fine it's it's the thyroid but usually it's them not being able to stay consistent they overeat they don't get their workouts in and they're filming this you know what i mean so of course you can't after that fine you can blame it but if you're not sticking to something you can't blame the thyroid anymore you have to blame yourself yeah and most people that use things like uh i don't know if you ever use fitbits and stuff like that i'm not a fan of any of those things i don't really don't yeah i don't buy that [ __ ] you gotta tell me how many calories i burned based on what i don't know i mean it's an approximation but people take that and it's gold and it's like i burned this many calories how come not losing weight well you're consuming too many like yeah you didn't pay attention in high school when we did like arithmetic um yeah so let me see um all right people i i know we didn't really talk about talk about this concept too much but let's talk about let's talk about our girl let's talk about brittany a little bit because i know everyone's i love grace i know you do i love her too did you see me cosplay no i didn't was that in a video oh god i missed that one it was it's all my instagram you know that little uh picture she held out saying uh it said something like i belong to myself before i belong to anyone else oh i think i i think i might have i think i'm so i took that and i i put on like the short little wig and a pink outfit and i was like i scammed 500 people and took all their money over to hawaii oh god yeah there's i mean you you find these little you found these little aspects of it that i didn't even pick up like all these little nuances and i'm watching i mean allen did one on like the sponsorship issues and it seems like there's just so many different layers i am shocked well first off i thought it was i thought it was flattering and funny when in her i guess calling out the haters video that she she had a whole segment in there she didn't say that she didn't say my name i'm like first off you you yelled over you say it say it um and the fact that i was always transparent is like this this is a social media is a game it is but it isn't the attention game is you try to get people's attention so you can provide your message yeah right so i mean you do things and you find trending topics it's called newsjacking that's what the news is they do it it's like oh you're just trying to people are saying you're just trying to get views yeah of course everybody does why would i post on youtube why would you not want to get views why would i post a video if i didn't want anyone to see it i'll keep it private i have a youtube channel but no one knows right like i love when people say you just want attention duh that's why i keep myself green that's why i dressed up my dog what the [ __ ] yeah what do you mean of course i want it i love it so yeah so you have a message and you want to get it apart you want to get it across and it's the creative like humor of it like i love comedy i love roast comedy obviously you love the same thing so like i'm the type of person and i'm sure you are too that if we were on stage and when those comedy central roasts and someone's making fun of you be laughing your ass off funny it's so much fun it's so much fun i got that from my mom because when i make fun of her she's dying laughing like well my whole family like we've i've grown up like i'll go back home and i just get roasted straight when i walk like so used to it my boyfriend's so opposite like he's fine with it with me like i'll all roast sam hill rest of me but his his family's just so different than mine and i like say one tiny joke and his sister looks like she's about to cry and i'm like oh dude i forgot chill out snowflakes are melting turn up the ac right yeah so i'm just like some but sometimes people get like like i called uh god sky daddy i saw i saw that it was so funny and she was so offended and i'm like i mean i didn't say anything bad that's a yeah people are so people are so sensitive and social media gives them a platform to i guess they feel like they're right but this is kind of human nature like you said that was in person that wasn't over social media that was in person they were offended right or like when you're in person and you said something like these are the same people that maybe don't say anything keep it inside but they'll have a conversation and they they voice it it's the human nature of having a conversation behind someone's back only you're posting it online now yeah so i didn't like what they said i didn't tell them to their face but now that they're gone and they they go on twitter and they just you know blow it up yeah people are like i'm people like i'm religious and i can laugh at that it's funny humor is humor and i think uh i think humor is one of the last it's literally the last it's always been it's always been the place where you could say the truth and get away with it in the sense that people accept it as a realm and i find it a little bit dangerous when you see like these comedians that say things that tweet things and they get in trouble it's like yeah that's really dangerous when comedians can't have an opinion or say something so it's almost like say ridiculous stuff to keep that kind of like i guess that gauntlet open like with me with like driving while gaining and stuff like when i started and it kind of like grew i have my straightforward content where i'm providing value and i have the ones where i'm just like a psychopath because it gives me but i love those ones i have another one i have two more you know i wanted to go crazy i i i have two i have two more coming so for those of you now i'm gonna post i'll post the next one probably tomorrow then um now that i have a brand new fan there's a yeah but it gives you the range when you since we're on the topic of like comedy outside european because i no one has talked about her in a while but um i'm ready uh what's her name nicole arbor says that she's a comedian do you remember her no i'll look her up right now she's the girl that did uh what is it something to fat people i can't remember what it's been nicole arbour her most her biggest one will come up it's fat people responding to fat people is it on youtube yeah what was it about well she just pretty much you know complains about fat people and says all these jokes and people went ape [ __ ] like there were death threats she was on the news her channel got taken down i think if i remember correctly i haven't heard her so she's a comedian comedian she she claims to be a comedian i'm not i'm not sure he says so well i was curious like is with that being said like is it bad do you think what she did was like too out there oh i don't know i'm gonna have to watch this i see i see a bunch of these i see the most the most offensive video ever yeah why depressed i mean i can see where people are coming from with that but at the same time i was like i've heard worse things you know on like actual comedians i'm gonna have to look at this it's probably i mean just without i mean obviously i'm talking out my ass i don't really but it seems like just from her thumbnails and maybe her approach it's got to be the delivery or maybe i think it was the delivery i was always curious gotta be like someone else who's into fitness like what did you think like i when i thought i was like ooh she's probably gonna get you know torn to shreds but at the same time i was like wait i've heard like some really bad things from like you know stand up i'm just looking here i'm saying dear black people that's a good title that's nice that that's a that's a that's a hard opener right there it is a heart opener but it got it got people's attention you gotta come out the gate with that one so i can't i can't i can't see her like and dislike i wonder why yeah yeah that's the other kind of shitty thing about her is that she takes off all the comments so i'm like okay we should at least if you're gonna dish it out at least take the comments so i i just i just loaded this up the second comment the second top comment says whether she's right or not the delivery was seriously cringy yeah so that's um it's some people can get i mean obviously she's getting attention but what kind of attention i mean you'll see okay let's say kanye you say oh there's no bad attention i mean he's he's very brilliant in the way that he goes about it because he knows how to hack like the social uh you know culture but it's i guess depends again it comes back to the intent it's like that sixth sense people can figure it out people can sense they know what you're because there are a lot of people like us that talk about these issues and they get either flack for it but i mean i'm not soft in my delivery neither are you and neither is alan but there's this overwhelming support so i think it depends on like the message you're sending you're not making fun of like i'm not making fun of overweight people i'm not making fun of them i'm trying to shake people up out of this zombie state and be like you have [ __ ] control you can make that change if you actually just do something stop listening to this snowflake [ __ ] you're not a victim take responsibility i think what's different with all of us is that when we deliver something we talk about obesity um we also try to give a solution at least and i think with hers she was just just raging on him i can't wait to watch these videos i can't wait to watch these videos yeah i'm curious to know what you think about it i want to watch the dear black people on that because i'm because i'm probably like i might be half a percent african so i can oh there you go i i i can say no it's the one drop rule if you have one drop you're a brother one hat apart as a whole i haven't my mom sent me um i guess it was like some kind of thing uh like a special from amazon around christmas i still haven't done an ancestry test i haven't done it yet are you gonna do that i know i'm going to yeah is it like is it like is it i can't think of the word accurate accurate or is it are they just like logging you so they can track you the government is a conspiracy conspiracy theory you are yeah i mean look at conspiracies things are there are real ones and there are fake ones and the thing is because there's so many voices and so many opinions no one knows anymore you just you can hide a real conspiracy in a conspiracy yeah and then be like no it's true you're like you're lying to me it's like no one believes the truth even when it's not the the truth but yeah it could be it could be but i say look i posted so much content right people know where i am they can they know where i am like right now like this guy's streaming from his like office like they can find me if if you don't want to use any technology no power live off the grid in the woods like in montana then you're off the grid but yeah you mean like was her face that vegan girl banana girl oh where was she when she was like posting i made a video on her that well how is she off the grid if she's still able to post i thought that myself i was like how are you where's where'd you get wi-fi from like in the jungle was she like a satellite thing she's like how's he doing she's got a lot of she's like she's she's literally vlogging all day with her phone you're so naturally in nature you're literally she's filming herself showering and picking picking up fruit uh it goes back yeah that that thing i made a video on her about her hating human beings that's right i don't think she likes humans at all i'll read some of her stuff and i'm like i mean you can be a vegan i don't care if you're a vegan that's fine i don't care either the way that she approaches topics and delivers her opinion is just like she uses that she has a very like hitler-esque like hand thing going on there it's just a little bit it's below the shoulder so she can get away with it it's it's very it's very i find a lot of this like the militant vegans are very a very anti but when i made that video in the comments it was just tons because i i took the vegan side like vegans this is like this is some this is giving vegans a bad name and all the vegans in the comments were like we hate her so it's like no matter who you are if you're a shitty person you're a shitty person but exactly yeah i don't mind vegans i just don't like when people tell other people what to do because that's a very vegan is a very specific unique belief it's not okay i want to be if you're pursuing that for health yeah however you got there fine if you're healthy and you like it you can stick to it but uh this kind of brings you up to another thing i wanted to get your your take on it fitting like a square peg into a round hole and vice versa people are trying to they believe okay vegan i want to protect the animals i don't want to kill animals i want you know healthy environment cool but they for they just force vegan in every different way and they literally look like they're dying like they're sick they're not well i saw a part of your video on that woman people asked me to do a video on her but i i just didn't but which one really small woman christina glows what's her name there's two christina christina glows yeah the first one i did because i didn't i did another one i think it was the first one yeah there's no shortage of them yeah there's a i mean if you're looking like that and no no offense to her anything but she looks very unhealthy you know it's like me uh i don't know if it's like the same thing but me like getting like super like bodybuilding status muscular and telling people do do this it's healthy it's fine you know what i mean it's not healthy yeah i think i think the problem with or the problem that i had with her and with all these other people look if you're vegan and you're emaciated and you're like on instagram i'm not gonna come after you and [ __ ] make i'm not gonna make a video about that but when these people have health coach and counselor or nutritionist dietitian i help people lose you're gonna take advice it's like a fat personal trainer it's like get your own life in order right you know you're gonna take business advice from someone who's never had a business you're gonna take financial advice from someone who's bankrupt and never actually it's like it doesn't make sense you're not gonna take never take nutrition advice from someone who's fatter than you are yeah like it's like you do it yourself you know it depends on what the context is but that's what really gets under my skin is people that are saying that like they're helping other people and you need to help yourself first well i mean all of it's i mean it's fair game when you're trying to tell other people what to do you know what i mean like if you're giving advice because then i'm able to give advice about your advice you know yeah well i think this reminds me because i'm all this is how my brain works everyone so if i'm asking a question i go over here and i go over here like my this is literally all the time they're just thoughts like it's it's like super smash brothers upstairs like just [ __ ] things i i have it for 64. i love it we play that all the time everybody we want to like try to uh what's it called twitch game together yeah so if anyone knows how to do that well i just don't know if we can do it well you know what there probably is a way with emulators now that everything's on like because those games are taken up they used to be you need a whole system now you just download it so if we can do that i'll totally play super smash online i'm sure there's some type of like website where they stream it amazon i don't know if it was amazon but there was another company that was oh google did that google as google stadio stadio have you heard of it no um it's like 4k it's like full hd gaming but it's all on the cloud there's no system it's all through like the tv i don't know if they released it but i remember hearing about it so that could be something cool but i mean all those little emulators like those games are not that large compared to the ones now in terms of file sizes so that'd be super cool but it reminded me about the vegans and for oh [ __ ] did i forget again super smash i guess i died i fell off the edge uh get on steam anyway so people are like yes you can well i don't know in the comments i don't know i don't game i don't think the only rage is in his car yeah that's all i do that's all i do originally car and i turn off it it multiplies because i'm in south florida so it's hot and to get the audio i have like no air on so i'm like sweating and raging and i'm drank some coffee and i'm on the way on the way to the gym literally so i'm like i'm like amping myself up i'm usually like sweating afterwards and it's like it's intense um damn what were we just talking about we talked about 64. it's all about video gaming talk about something with nutrition i was gonna talk something about yeah elimination i was going to talk about something i had something that i wanted your opinion on your take anyway so is there anything you're working on who when it comes to i don't know anyone anyways anyone that stands out that you haven't made a video on i know you want to give away maybe like upcoming content but who's like the worst offender do you think who do you think like the worst offender i mean they're all different i know yeah they're all different i mean i mean test holiday is really just anyone from the body positive community but tess is like the biggest one you know not not physically that's the biggest one that's why i think i did my video i'm like this is a massive massive problem you look inside like i don't like anyone bueller bueller you got that got that got that in the back i see i see you like i feel like that's not the most influence is because she's part of mainstream media in my opinion so i mean she's the one that i enjoy talking about the most because i really enjoy i don't find test holiday that exciting to talk about like i don't find her life all that exciting or i'm not entertained when i watch her stuff it's just entertaining to see the way that she thinks and how she's trying to perpetuate this lie that she's healthy but it but if i was just a normal person looking at her her feet i wouldn't be entertained yeah but she's the the main person that i like to talk about because she spreads so much misinformation yeah it's a lot of misinformation it's a lot of this just um i guess the how you feel inside but i do i do get it when someone is internalizing other people's opinions internalizing other people's emotions like if you if you stop worrying about if other people are body positive that's on the other and you focus on not giving a [ __ ] about what anyone thinks you don't need to join a movement you just don't give a [ __ ] what they think like uh if someone like how do you how do you deal with because i mean of course you can get you're gonna get negativity and push back on your videos i mean i i literally it doesn't even affect me that's why i don't watch a lot of content i answer comments on instagram youtube there's just too many to go through so i like i address a couple of them give a couple hearts and stuff like that but i mean any kind of negativity it's like you can't even let that in your life and i think that's the only way you can create content is and a lot of people don't because oh i'm afraid i'm nervous it's like you're gonna get ripped apart like someone's gonna someone's gonna not like your video someone's not gonna like you just because you're you yeah and then you're saying your opinion at the same time so they're you know it's just how it is so i do think it's very funny how tess holliday says that she doesn't care people think but she's constantly addressing you know hate comments or you know what what not when it's like all of us me you alan and james always get hate comments not like tons but we do get our occasional you know roasting in the comments section but do we really are we really going to have that affect us no to the point that we start on movements and force people to like us right yeah that's a sort of movement i mean it's i've had people call myself like oh the swole movement i'm like don't label it don't label it because that's kind of like part of the problem and it's like i don't know but i mean it's yeah the same thing with like madeleine georgette and her camel toe thing that's what actually that was one of the things that started me and i didn't even realize until after i made all these other videos i'm like that video i think is like my most watched video like has the most views and it was like in the background i didn't even look at it and all of a sudden i'm like oh my god because i guess after all the other stuff kicked up then that one kind of got gained steam but she posted that picture of her or the video with her the cameltoe i guess had deleted it but then reposted it to complain about people noticing it and saying stop talking like then why'd you it's this weird like cry for attention but what is sad about her content is that i thought it was probably garbage from the beginning but she's taking tons of sponsorships i don't know if you have any kind of like sponsorships or ads or anyone like that nobody sponsored me yeah i mean i don't i don't do it either but i think that's part of the authenticity behind it because there's no other hands in the cookie jar and anytime you take a sponsor or write or wear or gym shark or any of these things or people and i'm sure you've had people message you or email you like hey we love to run this or we love to send you this and it's like cool but like you know people don't send free [ __ ] i know what you want like i don't really i don't really want you i mean i love i never got like i've gotten once but did you see the one um i talked about kim kardashian and a i actually messaged the company and i was like hey i have a video idea um and they're like oh we'll sponsor your video and so it was like a free tattoo thing that i got of my dog on my chest to go with my video and um that's about it so i usually try to get like if i ever get a sponsorship it'll be connected to the video or something that i really believe in i mean a sponsorship i think is different than like hey let me send you a product yeah it's like cool like this like okay like for example like this hammer that i have like i didn't buy it someone sent it to me they're like hey man like we love your content you wanna uh thor hammer i'm like [ __ ] yeah it's not gonna say no to that and it's a cool it's a cool company and it's like fitness stuff it's like strong man company um and that's up your alley like that's you yeah so it was cool but i wasn't like you know it was i want to voluntarily offer like my recommendations so for example let's say you love let's say you come across a supplement or a food or a clothing line when you say it's because you purchased it you liked it or you really enjoyed it you're not getting anyone to tell you to say that if someone sponsors it then you have to say oh this is this and the other and then it devalues your own opinions because then well is this because of someone that's giving her money is she giving it takes away the from the authenticity of your of your own opinions and for someone that makes highly opinionated videos that's extremely that's a high risk situation i've had quite a bit of people like message me and then i'm like okay well what is it about and it's usually about like it's clothing and i'm like okay i can do clothes but what do i have to actually say and they always want me to do like a two-minute like talk about their clothing and then three pen i'm just like okay i have to say exactly what like i want to say what i want to say about it you know like if they send you something and they say we just want your honest opinion review if you don't like it then you can you say what you want or like what it should be is you don't have to you don't say anything there's no obligation if they send you like cool i like it but you don't say anything that's cool and i've had that i've had people send me like hey i have a beard bomb or beard oil like what do you use for this i'm like i put x y and z like you want to send me something but i just say there's no guarantee them i don't do sponsorships so if i like it maybe i will but you know don't take don't take it personally but i might not say anything but if i do like it i want it to be from me and that's why i like buying things if i try something then it's like okay it's my dime it's my money here i like this or hear this sucks then it's just like anyone else it's like a an open boxing so in terms of i don't know if i asked you this already what's your diet like like what are you what are you kind of like focus on in terms like what um well with the endometriosis i don't know if any other girl feels like it gets this i get very nauseous nauseous sometimes so i kind of have to go with whatever i'm able to eat but it's normally just like a lean protein some kind of rice or potato and fruits and vegetables that's usually what i eat i do love i like camo i came across so i didn't buy the hot cheetos i bought white cheddar cheetos and those are like my new like thing that i try not to buy but i do i have some downstairs hey well you know and then again it goes back to like well if you're training all the time you have this whole history your body is like those kind of things are like little your body doesn't notice them but yeah usually it's just like lean protein um i do like i don't like a lot of uh seafood but i do like salmon and then we'll do like steak usually it's like a fatty or meat at night i love i love it i love it there's i guess because you've been doing how long you making youtube videos when do you think i know you you said you used to do a relationship stuff at the beginning but when was like your first video about like it had to be like four or five years ago and i actually talked about the time where my wig almost flew off in front of the guy that i like and was that that wasn't cosplay was it no it wasn't cosplaying that's awesome were you like how did that fall off were you in a car or was it like a no it was another situation well you know like us both people have to like get all of the grocery things all over our arms oh effort to effort to be lazy yeah one trip yes absolutely like he worked at trader joe's and i wanted to look real i mean i don't know what guy thinks this is cool a girl putting all these grocery things around her arms in my head that's very cool but um so i put it like all the way all around my arm and it my hair got in between the bag and it started like i felt it like nudging and then i feel my hair slowly shifting and i'm like oh [ __ ] i think it's gonna come off and then it did and i just kind of just moms really i still got a date though this is before this was before the this is before like this is like first date type thing this is like before he even talked to me oh so like you're having oh my oh so you're having a conversation yeah that's awesome that's awesome and he's like damn i guess that's gross she's fast she's super active yeah well he was a track star so like he saw me run i guess that kind of sold him and you're like [ __ ] yeah you text me you're like [ __ ] [ __ ] that's awesome someone asked someone's asking uh what'd you use for the green body paint snazaroo okay i'm not sure someone someone knows what yeah did you just like sneeze or was that like was that okay i'll take it um that's a cool story i'm trying to think if i have any other stories mama swolyo likes to do that too she's like i can handle it i'm like i know but there it's bigger than you are it's like it's like it's like an ant that has it can carry like 200 times its body weight it just doesn't doesn't affect something about short short people we have tourist syndrome short people syndrome that's what my boyfriend calls it yeah yeah you have even when he's there to help me i'm like no yeah i compensate like i can do this yeah like he's like what i i try to do i try to do it now and again and she's like do we have any of this or i can't reach that and i'm like how do you not it's literally like the top shelf and i go like this and i reach so i like squat down i'm like oh you can't even see what's on it like you can't even see what's on the shelf like you really can't even see up there so like for a whole like for i couldn't do it because my quads started burning so i'm like squatting down like walking around like this is the way you live like it's so much harder to breathe down here i'm getting more i'm getting so much more oxygen it's like oh my god i yeah it's actually in here because i was trying to tweak my camera settings and stuff so i had to go and grab the uh the standard stool i didn't know that's awesome oh yeah she's i think she's like i don't know five five yeah i think she's like five foot i think maybe when she really when it's sunny out yeah i'm trying to think which is that which ironic my sister's name is sunny but yeah so let me see um we're getting they're getting to the weeds in the comments no doubt but what are your i guess what are you looking f i don't know what's on the menu like what's on what do you uh where do you see yourself in five years no none of that [ __ ] because you came from i know what i want to ask you i was asking about when you started making videos because i started making i started posting in like the early like spring of 2016 so it's just been over three years on youtube that i started posting videos and i've learned i'm sure as you just like about culture society your own thoughts because when you're speaking on video and you're listening to yourself talk over i mean i'd literally do the podcast every day plus videos so i'm just so used to looking at my own face i get tired of hearing my voice but you you kind of you find your own voice and you just doing so many videos you learn your own opinions like you kind of work through all these thoughts in your brain you don't keep them inside you kind of get them out and you learn how to articulate them how would you think you've changed in terms like of how because if i'll have people that mention okay well you said this in one episode i'm like this is episode 117 like i mean yeah i don't remember what happened in episode 1170 like i i don't know i thought i was the only person that like something i'll forget and it's been so long and i could i mean people changed their opinion i think in a long a long time ago i was on this like i wasn't doing fat burners anymore i was doing uh l-carnitine and cla like the natural fat burner oh yeah but and someone asked me about it recently i was like she was like what's that stuff i was like i don't i don't remember i don't take anything now like i don't i don't recommend any supplement really um she was like but you said like cla and something else and i was like oh there's you know i feel like it just doesn't do really my diet's clean that's what's really gave me the results you know that i wanted i stayed consistent um so i changed my mind you know about that but i get a lot of people saying what about this then i'm like well that was about four years ago i'm not i'm completely different yeah because a lot of the stuff that i've said personally i go for i go for the shock value so like one of my one of my viral videos that got tons of was called and this is kind of funny it was called the truth hurts and it opens up with saying you're not gonna like what i have to say but you're fat oh i watched that one i love that one and then so here's here's a funny story about that so i was promoting it and then i started running it because i was like okay you know download my ebook and then people can learn how to get started it was like completely free and facebook started blocking it after a while so it was running for you know millions of views no problem and then it got stopped so then i put it back and i blurred out a couple words and it worked for a little bit and then they cut it off and then i don't know if people were complaining i don't know if an algorithm caught it but i stopped being able to promote the video and put it out there because and but this is like 2016 but it's funny how this got away i think this was 2017 like in may it's amazing like how much in a year society and social because these issues with fat acceptance like two years ago i i didn't hear anything about this i don't know how long this has been going on but two years ago i was saying all sorts of stuff and no one was this was not even a consideration now i'm thinking damn if i made a video the truth hurts you're fat like that's almost that's like a sensitive issue now now probably get flagged right away and like it stopped getting uh promoting getting around there but if you're not changing if you're not a completely different person from when you started making your videos yeah then you're not living you're not you're not doing your job as a human being to like develop so like my a lot of the content that we both make and i know myself personally is to grab attention to be shock value but then i'm trying to get a little bit more into like breaking down what that means so when i say stop counting calories i don't mean that calories don't exist i mean it's science so and then it's like okay you have to contextualize that for me i don't track my calories my macros and probably for the same reason you probably don't because you did it for so long you're you know you know and you don't want to you're like kind of like kind of like training like i'm i don't want to get a scale out like i don't [ __ ] care i'm not trying to bulk or cut for anything like you're not competing so it's like why do it so there's like all this context around nutrition okay don't do supplements or don't eat that [ __ ] you don't need that [ __ ] drink do i mean you can't have a drink ever no it's not gonna give you diabetes if you have a beer it's not but if you've learned what works best for you and you know that having a beer is going to put you on the toilet and give you a migraine you might want to make a different decision but at least you have the information to make that decision and what do you think you've changed about the most like what have you learned in terms of just being a different person when you started like your social media quote career until now oh my social media at least like i was way more i used to post videos on facebook a lot more and like my opinion on facebook and that was during my competing days so i was really like for like a female jabroni you know walking around like a jab brunette yeah yeah talking about protein and you know gotta work out for two hours and you know this and that what supplement gives you a good pump talking about my veins and uh that's embarrassing but um so i've did a whole like i'm completely different than what i used to be uh so with that and i was definitely just that i was a girly yeah my first video on youtube was how bacon saved my life was it was still on there i i leave every single video not one i think i think a couple playlists that i had like for like my channel customization i think i made private but i wouldn't delete a video ever uh that's the first one because i started a show the first video i put it was called bacon matters zero zero one you're in you're in florida right yeah so i know you don't eat like um horrible foods but well what i wanted to talk to you about you went to uh universal studios was that is that in florida yeah it's in orlando and you're talking [ __ ] about that pink donut and you're like who would eat this and i was like yeah hey like i would eat that i had to eat it yeah a lot of a lot of people were like they have that they have bacon on a stick over there and i'm like oh i want that so bad at places like disney and universal they have foods that literally you couldn't even like i don't know where they come up with these ideas of course i think that was from the simpsons that was like one of those things that they had in the symptoms yeah the pink because they have a whole simpsons land and all this stuff yeah but i mean yeah it's not so much that it's the people that are buying it shouldn't be buying it true that's what it is i mean it's i i it's of course all those kind of comments are like extremes like look at this [ __ ] well if i went and i actually ate it is that going to crush me i mean maybe i would feel like crap but i mean at the same time it's like how much is that going to affect someone again it's like driving on the highway and hitting a pebble you're not going to feel it or a little rock hitting your windshield like oh is that a rock and you keep on driving it's not like someone t-boned you yeah but for people that are that already have like their [ __ ] all jacked up just amazingly obese people with just like harry potter land because um mama solio's family they're big into like disney and wearing the same shirts when they go and like going as like a team and i'm like i'm not doing that like that's like my boyfriend's family and i'm just like the outcast like i'm not wearing [ __ ] ears don't even think about it no ears so cute yeah no no ears actually i did wear my harry squatter shirt or my imo i have like i am lord swoldemort so i'll wear that but i'm not gonna wear like you know team hogwarts like that's not my that's my that's not my thing oh that's cute though i've always had a thing about forced fun like no no don't tell me like oh it's an amusement park no no i'll let you know if i'm gonna have a good time don't don't don't like if i want to have fun i'll have fun it's an amusement park if i say so so it's like i i just feel like you have to go there and like and have fun it's like we happy yeah it's like well i mean i'll let you know i'll let you know if it's good enough it's good enough it's up to my standards but people are just of all the places i mean you have people in wheelchairs like the motorized carts that are spilling out the sides and they have a big whatever soda and it's just like oh it's pretty sad when you really look around and look at the reality like we went we went to disneyland and in l.a um there was i mean like you said there's tons of people in the motor motorized scooters and i was in line to get an ice cream and this lady in a scooter literally like crushes my feet to get in front of me to get the ice cream just like first of all you don't need it that bad you know i'll let you go first you can uh yeah i mean if you if you can't move yourself but that's what i that's what i want people to avoid if you go after but that's where i think obviously you've built your audience and i built my audience and alan's built his audience and james is that there are people are afraid to speak opinions which is weird um there's a and that's human nature human nature and since posting videos and getting more into getting out of myself i think has been a big part of it and like start like listening to what everyone's saying and listen to what like the pain points are with the audience like how can i bring value to everyone how can i help you what people really need like how can i because affecting someone to change or to give them information when you're not in person as opposed to being a personal trainer and talking to them it's a whole different message because this podcast thousands of people will listen to it but it's not directed to any specific one person like i don't know who can listen to it so anytime i make a video or make a post it's like a shotgun blast so you have to understand like the context and a lot of these influencers don't understand the context and can cause a lot of damage but one thing that i've seen is just this when you're listening when you're getting out of yourself you start being able to i guess feel like the pulse of where i guess where you can make the most difference so like your message message shifts the message shifts when you get someone's attention like you're fat but then again like the context like but then here's how to help like you're fat but that's not a bad thing you have to take responsibility and a lot of people don't want that and i think it's a responsibility the eighth place trophy like all these different things that are kind of like trying to coddle people and make everyone happy that is fundamentally what life isn't about no one's yeah i mean i think people always think they're entitled to something they're entitled to get something out of something when they didn't put any effort you know into it the eighth place trophy thing you got eighth place you shouldn't be getting a trophy you showed up everybody wants attention you know back to test holiday again like she wants attention just because what because you have a pretty face you know like not everybody gets attention yeah but then when you have attention and then how you use that attention but the the intent comes across the intent comes across and the ability to the ability to lay the uh proverbial smackdown i think it's important and i think that's why your content stands out it's because you're not afraid to you can't be afraid to offend people and comedians and those that are truly funny are the ones that and a lot of them are the most successful ones are the ones that go against the grain the ones that forge their own audience so it's kind of like look this is who i am and take it or leave it but when you're making so much content it's kind of hard like it'd be can imagine like putting on a show can you imagine trying to be someone that you weren't or talk about things that you weren't really interested in or voicing other people's opinions like sponsorships or trying to fit the mold that's why people can't be or stop creating content or don't start is that they just if you're yourself you don't have to put on an act you can just you literally just make the videos and you voice your opinion a lot of people are afraid to do that i just think it's admirable that you are well someone was saying was how you me and alan are able to come up with so much content and i was like well it's because we aren't really putting on i mean i'm kind of putting on a show with the whole this thing but just a little bit a little bit but um but we literally just say our opinion about things we don't have to be somebody else yeah we don't have to create what people are creating it for us you know it's it's out there already so yeah voicing your opinion matters but it's also the message that you send me a lot of people have their opinion they post it but then a lot of people don't get any traction what's that they don't have a resolution they don't have like a solution yeah or they don't have they don't really have the purpose they just want to be a quote youtuber and get a following and then they do a couple of videos but it's that consistency because i mean how long do you how long was it when you first started till you got traction i mean you're obviously like you know the momentum builds that's for damn sure for sure i feel like it's only been like i mean i've been hosting for like i had to be like four to five years yeah and it's i feel like in the last year like last year's when it started to actually get traction um i was gonna say yeah like my first view it was like two views one for me obviously and then i saw like i got a second view and i was like i'm a youtuber i'm a youtuber here i am everyone [ __ ] got a view i was so excited how it feels to be famous yeah right someone's looking at me it was probably just a view for myself again so i'm sure i re-watched the video yeah right that was that was so far before that they didn't like track like unique views it was just like every time you clicked it's like i have 10 views you're like reload reload you're like you're just you're it's just you i had that i had that for the longest time because i started the podcast and i remember because like when you go live you have a little eyeball on the top and it'll say that and you know it depends on where you're watching from and you know podcasts and things like that get a lot more downloads and usually uh live views and stuff like that but i remember always having it was either zero or one and a lot of times it was like my mother she was like she like tuned in it was like one two one i remember like if i go back on facebook like old school if i can even search for it like you dig them up and still it has like 16 views like still today like no one went back on facebook like so it's amazing where you look back and like those analytics on youtube are always fun to look at and i see you know lifetime stats of like views and just or just like like a little bit like there like when i talked about the olympics in 2016 i'm like oh i got views i'm like oh it's working and then it went down like nope it's not working and then different things and then all of a sudden it's like so it's like three years of just ghost town it took me like it took me like three years so like they want to do it so bad but they get so um just not motivated when they're not getting the traction and they compare themselves to other people who like you and maybe been doing it for a long time similar to like weight loss or muscle gain they compared themselves to us who've been doing it for years and they think they're gonna get it like that when it took us a long time it's a nice comparison to actual training and fitness like you're gonna you might see results from the beginning but then you're gonna plateau or you might see a little spurt and then you get injured or something happens and you know things come come up like that but it's just like this it was two and a half years up until literally it took me until just before i think the britney dawn thing where i just started to get my flow with like okay this is the type of video people like i was broadcasting live on the main channel every day and was killing the views like i look back and i'm like oh my god i would have like the algae like youtube doesn't really like live streaming that much they don't really so it was i realized once i created a second channel then everything really kicked up i'm like oh i could have done this a long time ago and i was kicking myself for it but ten thousand followers took me like two and a half years and then all of a sudden like now it's like 60 and it just but it it grows because then when youtube is like oh people want to see this here look at this person and then it kind of snowballs but again it's just very it's very i guess exciting to see like other people like yourself and you know the group allen everyone that has a voice and it just gives me more it just it gives a lot of hope like every time i see the positive feedback i'm like man you don't see that much positivity anywhere online it's so rare when we're talking about opinions yes every video every video our delivery is what really like makes our uh subscribers you know what i mean like i think they really like the way that we deliberate so i'm looking at i'm looking at the i just load up a different video of that chick right so this one dear transgender people again a tough opening like that's like you're coming out you're just coming out of the gate so she has 25 000 likes and 44 000 dislikes so it's a one to two like never in my i don't i can't wait to watch these i actually don't really want to but tons of hate she has tons of but it's probably like hate subscribers people subscribe so they can like rage on her videos and yeah you know dislike before they watch it but yeah it's literally like it's literally the message and it's the intent behind the message but a lot of times when you voice your opinion hard it resonates but i don't think it's something that both either of us always articulate there's something like underlying and i'm not saying not saying to fluff our pillows or anything but i i think a lot of times and i mean i i feel this personally when i get tons of positive feedback and i think i'm like how come there's no like i'm surprised i'm like someone's gonna dislike this i think when you put that comedic twist on it and people realize when you dress up that all right you know you're not taking yourself that seriously it's like look at you dress up like the hulk and for me i'm raging i'm a psychopath and nuts on your chin which is funny and that's my sense of humor but it's like you're gonna take this you're gonna take this personally like for real like you're gonna take this video seriously like you're gonna you're gonna help you this is gonna affect your emotional state so i love these people well first of all you brought up nuts on your channel oh like you brought it up i brought it up so i i was ready with nothing pistachio i just had to get that out there but i do find it funny when people get offended i'm like i remember i talked about trisha paytas and i was dressed up as a clown because because people said i was a clown so i was like i'll just dress up like one then yeah and someone like got really offended i'm like you're really mad at a clown like you're really taking the stars yeah i mean i've i've rarely gotten a lot of like feedback or negative on i guess you know maybe stuff people would be like oh you this guy's annoying it's like okay i totally get that we do driving while gaining yes i annoy myself i'm like this is annoying as [ __ ] it's supposed to be it's supposed to be it's way too much caffeine but everyone likes to have there's always that us against it's a it's a survival mechanism and i think because of social media we think we're so evolved but this is social media has been like 20 years and we've had electricity for like a hundred [ __ ] years yeah electricity power for like 120 years or whatever it was i mean it's crazy everything's pretty new you know which is super scary i mean we're i don't think people a lot of people realize how beginning this is how this is just like the beginning of it and i think no one knows how to handle it and it's important to separate it and i think you do a wonderful job with i don't create a costume per se i have like my exaggerated personalities and my videos but for me i know that just looking at from what you do from the outside that would be that's a great way to separate yourself from it a little bit more like inside so you don't take it personally you don't take it as it doesn't affect your personal life to that extent like you can unplug is what i'm saying like do you find that the same way yeah i mean i love i love social media like i love talking to people but i definitely like to separate myself and like stay away from it sometimes and just be a normal person and not you know just be on there it's a whole different world on online what do you think about people that say social media is bad do you feel like it's an overall good or an overall negative and not necessarily from your personal like success with it but just as like a general like thing i feel like it depends on the person like if you take uh if you take the internet extremely seriously you're probably gonna have a bad time you know if you just take it as it it's the internet it's not exactly like super real life you'll be fine like there's a different my boyfriend's sister like i said she's very sensitive and she takes she just got on social media which is why i don't know why she did because she's just so sensitive to everything and someone left her a hate comment and it wasn't even it wasn't bad it was like it was not bad at all and i was like if you're gonna cry about this you should see the things people say personally like i'm a guy with a beard and like a man bun half the time it's like you think you think i don't get i get some i used to a lot more or maybe i just don't notice as much but yeah get some like like violently like offensive stuff but i don't take it as offensive i'm like look at this look at this person leaving this comment publicly with their name attached to it especially oh my gosh especially on facebook on facebook and then once i learned i can make money you know on youtube and i switched over to youtube but i my one of my videos that went viral on facebook were i just took all the hate comments that i got with people who had open profiles and just read their name and read their comments um victor damn that's that's good that's savage that's good like why do people leave these comments and they completely put their name their pro profile right here literally like hardcore racist sexist offensive just like and i'm like dude your name like i click on it and i can see you with a picture of your kid and your wife it's the weirdest thing the weirdest thing and a lot of times i would leave like sarcastic things i'm like well uh i can see her profile picture so nuff said like i'm not even going to go there they'll make fun of like my hair in this i'm like oh you're an overweight bald guy like i wonder like see allen allen doesn't get offended by it it's acceptance and taking responsibility yeah so if you're watching alan i doubt you're watching this far but yeah i'm calling you out no kidding bald acceptance i made that video after him and uh james and stuff were making it bald acceptance didn't it didn't do as well as i hoped but maybe maybe it's a good one it'll rear its head again we'll see we'll see so i won't keep you too much longer i know we can talk for a long time but i hope to do it again especially like to promote upcoming videos or maybe drop something maybe we'll have to i don't know we'll have to arrange a certain topic maybe in the future that we could talk about you can go to your your rage your rage correspondent papa swoleo and just cutting me and yeah depends if you want to monetize and talk about the video you're going to watch oh that's right i should do like a reaction video before i watch it i think um and that's another funny thing with a dragon ball game like this guy is annoying and someone said something about like making money off my channel i'm like have you watched my videos like you think that i'm like you think i'm monitored like i'm really getting anything from these like monetizations how do you think i don't understand like you have to get a lot of views to make like a good amount of money a lot and if nowadays especially like the topics that we cover you know with the tags you put body positivity nope you're going to put like this or you put like anorexia nope like you have to worry about what happens is that why i get like that little yellow check mark it depends you can also appeal it i don't know if you noticed that have you seen it so you can it won't always do it it can be because you can swear a lot in videos and i've had videos i've had videos get monetized and like a driving while gaining you're serious someone's getting monetized yeah but i think it's either it's either keywords it's certain names like the description like it'll pick up on certain things i've had i've had it have the yellow where it's like limited monetization and i've deleted a keyword and then it went green so and i've looked at i'm like because some sometimes things like um if you have fat acceptance or body positivity or obesity like there are certain things like diabetes there's certain key words that sometimes i just don't care as much anymore yeah but um yeah there's a lot of uh little subtle things like that maybe a certain name will trigger test holiday or like the algorithm will be like well a lot of these videos with this in it don't get monetized so demonetized and i was wondering it's like sometimes i'll put it out there and like it's immediately demonetized so i'm like how did anyone check it right now it's weird because there's um and i think it's certain like acronyms i think they don't allow certain acronyms in the title because when i upload you know when you upload it has like the default title and then you change the title when you're uploading the video like the file name so for ask papa soul you'll be like okay aps 096 and it won't be my it'll have a yellow thing it's like limited monetization but i'll change the title and then i'll have like maybe aps is like some kind of like slur or offensive like acronym so i don't know like there's certain things like that that are weird and then again it's not perfect so yeah but yeah if people think that you know you're you're banking like if you get millions of followers and you're getting tons and tons and you're doing like pg rated content or gaming there's so many things that are that and the the ai is getting more hardcore with music there's a lot more things that are getting caught now than were before like i used to be able to go live on instagram you know go live at the gym i'm warming up doing like some cardio 5-10 minutes now it picks up the audio and kicks you offline because it picks up the radio station stuff but it's intense it's intense but i mean you know as long as you make good content as long as you you know get the views and you have limited monetization like it'll be enough but it's fun like i have a good time i like it yeah i like i've always loved making videos so now that i have like a little bit of a following it's nice to see what people think of it yeah it's great to get feedback and it's great to get your creativity out i mean people used to like painting and then you like sculpting it's like well videos is an art form and it's fun to edit it's fun to like find a good overlay or like an intro like oh my god that's so good and i usually know like when i'm laughing my ass off at my own video i'm like it's good it's good like i feel like good genuine laughter yeah if i'm like i'll watch the replay i'm like oh my god i'm just dying this is awesome and then i'll post it so if i'm not laughing i don't post it so it's like you have to you have to enjoy what you do and there's no way that you're gonna post you know a few videos a week and be consistent if you're not enjoying it so uh you know a lot of people are still watching is there anything you want to uh follow up with in in closing like um just to i mean i want to say thank you especially for all of your people for coming over and watching and enjoying and i hope to have you on again i'm sure we'll do this again soon i would love to especially i would love to get you and alan and do like a little round table here because um my streaming we can do like three or four um at the same time which would be awesome and uh yeah is there anything you want to follow up like any kind of closing statement in terms of everyone's watching about the movement about any of these things about it if anybody has questions in the comment section totally take some questions yeah let's see if you got we'll stay for a couple more minutes if you have any questions for uh for michelle drop them in the comments right now and i'll bring them up and i'll read them to you because i don't think you're gonna see it on your end uh but where can they where can they find you for those of you for those that are watching or watching this later or listening to this where can they find your content where do you post um just tell them where they can find your stuff on instagram i'm michelle underscore mcdaniel and then of course on youtube it's my thoughts will probably offend you and that's no lie what oh yeah they they can't see it yet hold on let me switch screens offended yet yeah you know you are you know you are all right so we got a couple here let's see um whoo mukbangs do you receive uh this name is from jack hager story the gibberish do you do you receive a lot of hate comments it depends i really oh me or you no no i was just i was clarifying like i mean it depends on what you define as hate like racial hate or just hate comments i i don't really not really if you go to like if i if i it depends on what i titled it like i i don't know if you heard about the um the girl who opened the salon for like 500 plus pound people i thought about making a video on it but i didn't yeah and everybody know there were so many youtubers that made videos and they were all calling for a fat whale so i was like okay i'm gonna put that right in my thumbnail but like the content was obviously i wasn't calling her fat well and in the right of the beginning i was like i know you guys are probably pissed about the thumbnail but i'm not calling her that so calm down you know what i mean but people were like pissed that i even like did that to the thumbnail yeah my answer for that question would be um one of my vegan videos but it's funny i think the video that got the most like in terms of thumbs down or like dislikes was one i made on crossfit oh really more than the vegans of all the videos i've made all the videos the crossfit one but that was one of the first ones i made and it was more for fun because i don't you know i i go after crossfit now and again i don't care if people do it is there a safer way to do it sure i mean we have to go down the road on that one but it's like i thought it was funny when people were like this isn't true you obviously don't know anything about i'm like obviously if you watch this video for like a few seconds you think i'm like i don't know let's see here alan is thanos thanos thanos sorry uh michelle saunders i know you're probably impressed that i pronounced that because it's spelled m-y-s-c-a-g-l so i'm assuming it's michelle uh what has been your favorite cosplay uh probably my bowser one that i did for bang so the most recent one yeah i had like things and everything's that i love that one have you ever oh i hope this doesn't mean physically but have you ever been attacked in person because of your channel like maybe approached like do people do people recognize you no because you're always like because you're always dressed like a like no one would know i mean like at events yeah they they all recognize me and i have ran into like a couple times when i would be filming down at the beach and i'm in cosplay then i'll see like a couple people like oh i follow you on instagram like oh that's cool it's crazy right because when you get to the point where you're like oh my god someone someone recognized me once and this is when it's usually when like one of your videos is going around yeah when when the your fat video was going around i had someone you know mention it at the gym and i was in a parking lot because mama solo was at the dentist and she had to be like today whatever so i drove and i was waiting for like an hour and a half so i was sitting in the parking lot with my shirt off as i usually don't have a shirt on and i'm on the phone like talking in this and some guy like walks by and goes hey man are you so enormous i'm like in a random parking lot some guy he was like he was like an ac repair guy like on lunch really nice guy and i'm like oh my god this is a that was crazy that was my first isn't that weird i was like i'm a celebrity i'm famous for calling people fat to their face yeah let's see what are your thoughts on i think we covered this a little bit but what are your thoughts on supplements protein creatine and glutamine not needed or just eat and lift right eating left right there you go we talked about that yeah yeah we talked about that earlier where are you from san diego but i've lived everywhere i moved about 12 times when i was growing up i have someone asking and ruby michelle when is the 100k special coming is there a hundred cases uh how is that what you said you know talk about a workout so it's gonna be like a homework out you do need three things i'm gonna put in the video that i uh recorded today i'm telling you guys you're gonna need like your battle ropes your kettlebell and a band and we're gonna do a little like completely off just shoulders i did the other day and my my arms were falling off so hot hot cheetos for a post workout oh yeah it'd be amazing how was that for you since that was like your that's been like your favorite for a long time yeah i haven't like some like i thought i like cut it out during my whole like competition years for sure someone was like oh you're not gonna like you'll never want it again and then i was like the [ __ ] you talking about and i had like a little bit i had some of my friends and the next thing i know i was at walmart getting hot cheetos how how was that for you and like britney the whole thing with like the cheeto thing where you just like well she's so stupid i mean she's so special because she said she's a hot cheeto and in the freaking car she has the nasty puff sheet like those aren't hot cheetos no doesn't it yeah right where she no she was in the cart right in the car with a bunch of like puff cheaters scam scam scam scam oh my god i had so much i remember that whole i still don't know how i did like daily videos on that i don't know how i did i was up i was like literally um i was having something how long did it take you to get blocked to get blocked from her yeah oh you mean on instagram yeah you know what's funny is like i didn't even realize because i never really went over there too much and then that's a good question that was that whole time frame was a blur like i wasn't sleeping much i was just making videos yeah um probably pretty quick but i mean i go on like you know you have a second account you just go on right are you going she recently blocked me i was like i mean my dog has an account i don't think actually i don't know if i'm blocked i don't know if she ever blocked me to be honest i always think i'm confusing that with someone else uh what's her name oh uh madeline uh instant block oh instant block yeah she never blocked me oh i was blocked i was blocked right away uh oh she's fast yeah no no super fast but then i think britney i think that that was actually one part that i was impressed about i'm like because for a long time even after she never blocked me i'm like smart that was like the one smart thing that she did that she didn't block me or she didn't say my [ __ ] name what about a hand what about a handsome squidward at 200k um well i'll do i mean for you are you gonna be scared me oh yeah i didn't no i wasn't i wasn't putting myself out there i'll be like i don't know i'll do aquaman or something maybe anything with long hair i don't know hey if you all hey shameless plug if you get me to 100k i'll dress up as something i'll give a [ __ ] i'll sell out oh my god wait i would do it well maybe tell them 100k what are you going to be i don't know what should i be i'll let everyone drop that nick drop that in the comments squidward yes well i have a beard and i have long hair there's ways to cover that up make it make it easy for me tell me tell me i should be thor and i could just like bring the hammer i was like you should dress up i'm like sweet i'll just put this over here and then we'll go live that's a silly question do you work out while you're in cosplay get out of here get out of here i mean all the time i know he's asking me to do like the workout video and cosplay how am i actually gonna be able to how long it takes you to do that how long did it take you to do that see that's effort i appreciate i appreciate that i appreciate that for the podcast i mean you you should do it you should just do a video now and just do like a hulk video and then post it i am i was like it took me two hours to get ready i'm gonna i have to do something awesome awesome or like post it like in two weeks and be like oh i just did it again change your shirt and be like i'm already here um michelle would you cosplay scar that's a good one oh yeah that's coming up that's a good one that's in halloween i'm like okay because i'm a past theater kid so my goal i found this company that can do what are those things when you when you're like at the mall and then like group of people start doing like dancing and singing and whatnot oh the flashback yeah so my goal is to be like dressed like scar and like flash mob to have like all like that well you want to be careful with the hyenas like goose stepping you don't want that like scene like they're like the original one that's a little bit have you seen the new lion king i haven't seen it have you no no i'm not okay yeah i haven't seen the new one yet i like i am not going to see it i'm not going to see it i i didn't go for all those like carbon copy remakes i heard like they took all like the best parts of the first one out because of a lot because of the live action like the whole dancing sequence and the songs like they just i don't know i i don't like those money grabs i'm never as good as the original i mean i i i normally just wait until it comes out on netflix yeah i just i see too much like since being behind the scenes and doing like my own business and stuff online i just my whole mentality about those kinds of things just as the money grab is like yeah i'm not gonna i'm not gonna fall for it but i but i i get it so i think ooh 100k should be aquaman or big lebowski that's a good one i can just freaking put on a bathrobe i like that anything easy do gimli the [ __ ] do i look like do gimli from lord of the rings oh you could be him i will not yes that was that was more like trivia but the same guy same the same voice my sis my sister's hardcore i've seen each one probably like 20 times she's hardcore like she was posters drawings on the wall elves everywhere like all the figurines like hardcore obsessed with lord of the rings so i know you don't really like labels but do you label yourself as like nerdy [Music] like what for just like how you are in everyday life like do you like near nerdy or like a gamer no i took a question i'm pop a [ __ ] swoleo okay i guess so you know you know what's funny is like i don't the i don't the only thing i spend money on is my food that's the only thing that i'll buy like oh i'll buy new pans or i'll buy like a new thing to cook this or i'll just i'll spend money on the food that i want like i and equipment for what i do but i don't wear clothing often like i'm wearing shorts i'm wearing shorts everyone it's okay should flash like i thought about doing like a dual cam having like a nutcam like under the table and just kind of switch yeah so i thought about that just having like a pair like like maybe like a stuffed animal like peanuts and just like a nut can like in the corner just like just just patch it in but yeah i don't i don't wear jewelry like i used to have like some bracelets i just have like a thor hammer and stuff but then yeah i don't know i don't really necessarily i think i'm kind of subconsciously trying to be like unique by not doing any one thing i i i go to the gym i just like i don't know i'm trying to think question it's like what do you like to do it's like i don't know yeah i'm me i'm [ __ ] me i do my i do my [ __ ] but no i i used to game i used to love it i stopped after i stopped after like ps2 was like the last system i had which is now that i say that i'm like wow you're dating yourself bro but um yeah after that i never i got an xbox i had an xbox i actually had an xbox 360 for like a couple months i tried getting into like black ops in those games because all where i was working at the time like four or five years ago everyone was playing it i just couldn't stick to it i just couldn't do it no but because i like to play and be competitive but online it's like unless you're playing for a living yeah it's like it takes a lot of time a lot of time a lot of times so i see all these gamers and stuff and i tried doing that a little bit um when i first started when i started i stream on twitch too and there's one person watching on twitch now so i have like my twitch follower what's up dude so i have like a couple hundred but because i can stream to multiple i'm like yeah i put my stuff on twitch what the hell but i tried doing like fortnight and stuff when it came out and i just i did it for like i bought like the keyboard and i bought the mouse and stuff i did it for like a week and that was it i just got i never got into whatever that whatever you just said i tried i i tried to i tried to do it for trending and i was gonna like you know i was gonna be like i had a the thing on my twitch was called gaming while gaining i was just gonna rage and play and it was fun but i just it's a lot of time to do that and i i don't i didn't enjoy the game enough i don't enjoy it enough to but i love the old school ones i like to play mario kart but 64 mario kart that's like i've lost friendships over that like i love it uh twitch or my friend had it on on switch i guess it is the and that was fun yeah it's mario kart's like the best game they can remake that over and over again like i can't wait for vr vr mario kart you know what's coming oh i like i've only like i played a couple of the new ones but not not a lot of the not like completely like i'm not good basically yeah but you you know eventually gonna put on some glasses and be like in the cart and you're gonna have like you're gonna have like a haptic feedback suit you'll be like you know leaning like i'm i'm waiting for it i can't wait sometime i'm assuming i'm assuming three of them as greek gods oh you could be a greek goddess you could be uh what what's that what i think it was in her i don't know but i'm planning on cosplaying this one nice nice i mean i was big into like mythology in college that was the only class i really liked was like western civilization greek mythology and stuff because i liked it when you could actually like the gods would actually do [ __ ] yeah it wasn't like you know whatever you believe but it wasn't like sky daddy saying like you know like i hope no one no like it was like you know [ __ ] lightning would come down and hit you and thor would like come down and beat your ass and like zeus would come down pretend to be a woman or like a guy and like bang your wife and it's like oh [ __ ] like these gods are getting these guys are going after it like they're really they're really going after it uh someone asks and i guess is a good place to close um where is it any thoughts on any quote my thoughts may offend you apparel you don't have apparel you don't have you know gear yet no i do i just don't push it that's good well one of them that was i'll get it right now hold on you gotta get it [Music] i'll i'll just grunty get back so one of them was just my catchphrase whenever i don't like someone like a [ __ ] off ooh i like that one because of the word they wouldn't let me like push it too much on the on the platform that i was using to sell them who uh what is it called i think it's like it's been so long it was something chick like they had cute ones like this but everyone else just had t-shirts go on t go on teespring well i think teespring didn't have like oh it's rise i think they do now i don't know what the quality i would check it out they they yeah they've added they wouldn't let me put it on like my store so it's like no one could really get to it unless like i send it directly to them yeah you can do i mean they also have like another option um that i might be shifting over to was like shopify you can get like one of those apps that it's pretty much like you can install essentially like a teespring type like printful into your store so you customize like a web page and then it's still handled but you just have to do a little bit more yeah work up front but um yeah they added i think they have dresses and leggings but a lot of them are white so who who why why would you make white leggings who's going to wear what woman do you ever see wearing white like yoga pants white to the gym like anywhere at home like who buys white leggings it's like if you do anything i couldn't i couldn't believe that they would make white ones yeah yeah and then i had one more and it says daddy issues because i've got a lot of those going on i love this [ __ ] yeah check it out there you can swear you can do all sorts of stuff i mean hopefully i'll take it out a lot of people hate on teespring because there's just like you can get past like a lot of like copyrights and stuff people like make fake things and like you know spin-offs on different things and it's so loose like some i remember one time i did uh because i have a shirt it says uh gains as old as time with the rose from from beauty and the beast but i had um a great image made and it was belle and the beast was like you know when they're holding each other looking at each other and the beast was freaking jacked and bell was all ripped and it was awesome but then i uploaded it and it got like blocked right away because this disney is hardcore oh they are they're watching everything in every site yeah there there's you can't slip anything past like a disney copyright um they're listening right now for sure oh totally they're on the podcast yeah but anyway like oh my god like my thoughts will offend you is going live make sure make sure she doesn't touch like she's wearing thor like all right but she's a girl but thor's gonna be a girl we'll let it slide we'll let it slide checkmate i'm waiting for you to get like a copyright strike against disney they'll be like you're too awesome you look like you know nintendo's very like like that too and i had a picture of the little yoshi the little yoshi dinosaur yeah and uh that's this is one this is on facebook and i like i i couldn't upload it yeah i wonder yeah it's definitely one of those sometimes i've had where it's a word in like a caption and you just don't notice it because it doesn't bother you or bother me but then the algorithm picks it up but yeah like that's the the hard thing with i guess artificial intelligence being like you know the algorithms and stuff like they're scanning so much better now with like music and copyrights and [ __ ] like that it's like come on people just want to use your [ __ ] it's a compliment like i've had some people i see i'm like oh they're using my logo not my logo but like the beard phase part i'm like yeah it's like flattering it's like you know what what am i going to do like i mean they're so rich it's like okay i mean they're so rich yeah they're it's not going to make a big difference but you know they have whole divisions for that but anyway i've had you here for a while and it's been my absolute pleasure thank you so much for being on the podcast and thank you for having me yeah anything you wanna you wanna shout out to everyone anything like you want to push any video oh go see your um tell them about your latest video just like that oh yeah go check out my bang video we talked about uh davey what's the guy's last name davey i don't remember davey jones no i thought it was davey jones i know you said that i'm like i'm like pirates it's davey michael he was pretty pissed at me for not thinking he was funny so go to my youtube channel and see if you think he's funny who's he michael he's um i didn't watch the whole video i know shane he's a bang model and he they have male bang models oh i'm making a new video about like because there was more content that it's just they literally just hire anybody oh i can't wait to be a big model so um you you have a great chance to become a big model but you have to do some pretty cringy [ __ ] if you're like down with like twerking spilling bang all over your body um licking bang off the floor if you're cool with that kind of stuff then say that one again the last one licking bang off the floor this happened yeah i have a new video coming up fam how to be a how to be a bang model and i'm gonna do it i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna put bang everywhere yep i'm recording it today so no i'll let you have at it you can um you can get first dibs that's [ __ ] up he's just he just thinks he's funny and i i was someone that i looked at his content i didn't think it was funny and he got a little is he an owner or something is he like uh no no he's just one of those people that they hired to dance around [ __ ] that guy davey [ __ ] your couch bro i think it's i think that's based out of like south florida yeah i think they're down here i i see a lot of like pictures of bang girls like up like like little universities and they're all cause like literally it's just uh that guy's so cringy yeah yeah everyone's uh everyone's going after in the comments yeah i didn't know about bang male bang models i mean but there's female there's female bang models so i guess guys in the picture i never put it together like oh these are guys like i guess that makes sense no they hire anyone i saw comedians i saw underage women now hired by bang nice nice yeah the caffeine the crazy [ __ ] about bang is not to mention like the five cups of coffee but also the creatine for people that don't need creatine people aren't exercising people just drinking bang there's drinking creatine and it's like super creatine which is nuts i love the super creatine i'm not too sure what that is super creatine it's super it's like god i mean for creatine has like 19 different types it's like the regular [ __ ] works eat a piece of beef you'll be fine but anyway um you can stay for a second after after we sign off but thank you so much for being here michelle thank you for being here and thank you everyone for watching and joining in for episode 1172 of the most muscular spellcast beer cast broadcast gamecast mancast pimcast sleazecast and slaycast in zarellum because on applexuflex we all flex our biceps thanks for joining both of us oh that's good flex yeah that's a good flex good good flex look at that oh i got a good angle good oh good shadow i love it i love it i'll see you all tomorrow for 11 73 say goodbye michelle bye peace out fam later
Channel: The Daily Swole
Views: 49,330
Rating: 4.926724 out of 5
Keywords: my thoughts will probably offend you, michelle mcdaniel, body positivity, fat acceptance, brittany dawn, tess holliday, vegan, carnivore, macros, nutrition, strength, bodybuilding, fitness, swolenormous, cosplay, thor, hulk, fitness podcast, daily swole
Id: kIRCZaBp8pE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 148min 52sec (8932 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 22 2019
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