Diet Ice Cream EMBRACES Fat Positivity (Halo Top Ice Cream What you Doin??)

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hello youtube welcome back to the channel my name is michelle mcdaniel i'm a personal trainer a proud mother of a pug theater nerd gone grown-up cosplayer and this is my channel my thoughts will probably offend you where i share my thoughts that will probably offend at least one person or two or maybe three but usually at least one so if there is anything offending you today let us know in that comment section tell the world what is offending you this is the place to do it and while you're down there you might as well hit that subscribe button because i post one to two times a week sometimes three and more than normally dressed in cosplay um yoshi what are you doing sweetie oh you're hungry okay well dinner time is at 6 00 p.m and it is 5 50. so after i get done talking to our special friends here then i'll get you your dinner okay bye bye so today we're talking about a diet ice cream called halo top being that's positive okay this is a new one and i like the ice cream so let's let's see what's going on here you see the dripping i'm fitting up in my car in the [Music] this video is sponsored by me and my lifetime support group where you get a 12 week gym program a at home workout program and group zoom boot camps almost every saturday where my clients look at me like this as i constantly say we're almost done guys i promise along with staying in a very active facebook support group full of nerds with a tad bit of disney villain for life link is below please follow directions to make sure you get added to the group sometimes you guys send emails to my youtube email so make sure to follow the directions so you contact the correct email halo top ice cream is a very popular diet friendly ice cream i have personally really enjoyed my binging sees that i can have a whole tub for a pretty reasonable amount of calories and the little fat demon inside of me gets very happy yes the demon inside of me is fat if me using the word fat is the thing that's offending you today well you must be having a really good day i am jealous sky daddy bless you halo top has a variety of flavors but a few of my favorites are the peanut butter cup one and the mochi bowl and like i said if i plan accordingly i can eat the whole tub on the couch while watching anime but recently halo top has found themselves in a bit of controversy and have angered the fitness clan they have woken us up and offended the fitness individual yes as you can see i am fitness the veins are bulging protein shakes are being crushed with our impressively strong grip from back then and we're ready to cancel the ice cream treat all because of a fat positive commercial but before we cancel them let's actually watch the very offensive commercial hit so far already a huge mood no pun intended toward the girl or is it i don't know you guys are going to take that comment however you want to take it but if you want to know what i look forward to doing on the weekend this is it ice cream underwear throw in some anime and other cartoons perfect weekend [Music] okay i should lose weight [Music] i should work out more i should eat more salad [Music] i see what this is this is a whole like oh things that i shouldn't skip because i definitely don't believe in skipping desserts i will find a way to fit in anything sweet into my mouth [Music] tell yo she looks at me the resemblance is uncanny stop [ __ ] yourself [Music] [Applause] and that was it so before i share my opinion let's look at the comment section my favorite section your favorite section everyone's favorite section let's get other people's opinion [Music] i quote unquote should live past 30. here before commas get disabled well this is a terrible ad see this is why we get to the comments section early before they decide to disable it i'm fat being fat is not cool nobody should be encouraged to be fat and then someone responded being fat is simply one way bodies come like being tall or short or thin that's actually negative that's not how it works at all should i be offended because i'm pretty sure right now my five foot two hobbit ass can't sprout out to be a six foot amazon woman you guys all think that i am okay i've told you guys plenty of times that i'm short stop when you meet me in person say wow michelle you're really short me and other ankle bladders know we're short i'm just kidding but i can't just sprout myself up most people who are obese can lose weight it's just the fact that they don't have the education to know what foods to to eat they don't know how to count calories from what i've seen it's a lot of lack of edu i'm just going to say edumacation that's something that i lacked and i always thought that well this is just how my body is i look at my family members i wasn't as big as them but i was definitely on my way okay back to the comment [Music] being fat is simply one way bodies come like being tall or short or thin it's not better or worse than any other body however how a person inhabits a body makes a difference if one can embrace their size feel power in abundance and jiggles one is very cool yeah if one lets themself give in to self-hate believes that the media tells them without researching for themselves all sides of the issue or whines about not having a fashionable body then yes one is lame i guess i was super lame back then because i didn't feel good about myself i didn't feel good after eight half of a whole cake and my self-confidence was at the absolute lowest so yep that comment would have made me feel great thanks for calling me elaine s sanders anyway that comment took way longer than it needed to take but halo responded to the original comments hey there thanks for the comment at halo top we believe everyone deserves to feel good about themselves for who they are rather than stress out about who they think they should be with our great tasting low calorie ice cream we try to take away some of that stress around eating dessert so people can feel good about enjoying their favorite treat she will never get to be as old as the woman watching from the window debatable but yeah obese people usually don't live as long as a healthy thin person because we all know thin people can be not healthy just came for the comments and you didn't disappoint see we all have the same idea don't improve yourself don't care for yourself don't listen to your doctor don't have hobbies just consume edit dang this is getting crazy even the company responded to me lol hey there we're all about celebrating each person for who they are and what makes them uniquely feel their best we make low calorie ice cream after all but we are against the stress that comes with constant pressure that brings us down i've never wanted ice cream less question does this ad make you not once eat ice cream i know when it comes to marketing you always want everything perfect to make people want what's in the ad so what when you see this ad does it make you want ice cream or does it make you not want to eat ice cream i personally can go for ice cream uh 100 any time of day don't worry about high blood pressure high cholesterol diabetes future knee replacement stroke and eventually emobility if nothing changes that ice cream is good i like ice cream too moderation is not a dirty word consume product don't ask questions i get you're trying to target a market with a dieting ice cream but you could have literally put enjoy the pleasure of ice cream without the guilt of worrying about your weight instead of basically pushing for haze health at every size obesity is a bigger killer than smoking and drinking combined if you had an alcoholic dancing around a low calorie alcoholic drink do you think that would be tasteful good idea for a product terrible message halo top pretending their main demographic isn't people with eating disorders because in the health at every size community or body positive community they think that if you're going for lower calorie treats you have an eating disorder but plot twist little does she know people in the health that every size movement have eating disorders too this is the worst way to advertise your ice cream funny how a diet ice cream is trying to cater to a demographic that complains the most about diet culture being so toxic and we will end with that because i agree and i agree with the other one too that it said it was just bad marketing as a fit woman we're doing a lot of flexing today i am so sorry but as a fit woman i wasn't offended at all i actually didn't even cringe but i don't understand why this company made this commercial because this is a company whose target market are people wanting a healthier lower calorie alternative the calories are smacked out on the front of the container and that according to the fat positive or body positive community is fat phobic the fact that they're saying that you shouldn't worry about how many calories you're taking in never have i ever said i'm going to pay five dollars for this tiny little case of ice cream because i'm not worried about calories i pay more because i am worried about calories so i just find it very odd that they're trying to speak and communicate to the very odd and scary women of the fat positive movement they actively say that diet is the devil literally i mean imagine thinking that lower calorie food is evil they must live a very frightening and stressful life constantly living in fear can't relate anyway halo top what are you guys doing it just doesn't make sense it was a very weird way to go but it also kind of proves to me that that positivity is becoming more of a trend and it seems that many companies are trying to dabble their little money toes into it so who knows i can't speak for halo maybe they're just trying to be more inclusive do i think as fitness enthusiasts we need to slap on the war paint under our eyes band together and demand that this company get cancelled for insulting us via commercial no it's not that serious and cancel culture is just so odd we're canceling everything for the most minuscule thing literally every video i see is now this person's cancelled that person's cancelled this person's cancelled i'd follow this person they're canceled mother i'm making a video about cancel culture because it is getting out of hand i need to calm down because i'm hot right now but you know what's perfect for being too hot and angry halo top 330 calories for this whole thing it's i'm not going to say the word because i'll get demonetized but it's very good but no i don't think they should be canceled that's very weird and i will continue to purchase this ice cream when i'm looking for a lower calorie snack plus with my company proto i like to pair it not specifically with this flavor but i love to pair my protein donuts with this ice cream when i'm looking for a lower calorie snack so halo top you will still be getting my money i love your ice cream the commercial was kind of weird but i don't care i want a lower calorie ice cream for when i don't want a higher calorie ice cream i swear to sky daddy if you guys take halo top away from me me and the fat little devil inside of me are gonna have issues with you yep that face right there don't cancel them so go out try halo top they have a vegan version if you are vegan it wasn't my favorite like at all but they have the option for you guys out there this is not sponsored by the way they don't know who the hell i am and stop cancelling people for weird and enjoy your ice cream enjoy enjoy your day just enjoy life this is not a serious issue just a little weird one anyway you guys know my thoughts now what are your thoughts remember you don't have to be a size 2. having big biceps is great to have to scare away all the boys but not needed to be healthy but health and moderation is very important and i want all my watchers even the people that cannot stand me to be as healthy as possible and i will see you guys next time okay it is 601 i'm only a minute late to feed yoshi let's go feed my precious little baby [Music] what the heck a note it's disappointing our relationship must end like this but i think it's time i find a new mommy that you know fills my food bowl up once in a while have a nice life making videos with your friends bye yoshi yoshi i'm sorry i neglected you oh i never expected you to run away and leave me feeling this empty your meow right now would sound like music to me please come home cause i miss you yoshi [Music] you see the dripping i'm fitting up in my car in the video [Music] neighborhoods
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 197,794
Rating: 4.9568157 out of 5
Keywords: halo ice cream, healthy ice cream, fit shaming, fat shaming, halo top ice cream commercial, halo top ice cream, halo top commercial, stop shoulding yourself, halo top, 30, michelle mcdaniel, my thoughts will probably offend you
Id: lFgsyNlRK7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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